Spy Shadow

Chapter 301 Let’s Fish

Chapter 301 Let’s Fish

Students like Yu Liang have already checked out four.

It's just that Yu Liang is the most serious, and the others are not as explicit as him.

At the end of the first round of surveys, after more than 200 students who often attended classes were selected, about 50 people had some problems with their thinking.

This survey result shocked Wen Jitao. So many students were influenced by Shinoda Matsubara, almost a quarter of them.

"It's a horrible way to go."

Wen Jitao whispered, using his status as a university teacher to subtly influence his students, making these students become pro-Japanese and even proud of Japan.

Japan's invasion of China can be said to have gone all out and used everything.

"Team Leader Wen, you are right, so you have made a great contribution to finding Liu Yuanwei this time."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Liu Yuanwei was just a person who came to deliver things. He was not important. On the third day after delivering these books, Liu Yuanwei left by train.

Ni Loach sent someone to follow him to Shanghai to continue investigating his identity.

At this time in Shanghai, the weather was hot, the autumn tiger was raging, and Nakano Shixiong was lying in the hospital in the Japanese Concession.

The last time the young master appeared, he mobilized all his strength, but in the end he couldn't find anyone. If it weren't for the fact that many people saw the young master, he would even doubt what the patrol leader, Major Oishi, said.

Worried and depressed, Nakano Shixiong fell ill.

He was not young to begin with, and after coming to China and running around for so long, his biggest hope turned into disappointment. After the anger vented, his body could no longer hold on.

Fortunately, according to the doctor's diagnosis, the problem is not too big, but the doctor still recommended that he return to China for treatment after his body recovers, as the medical conditions in China are better.

Nakano Mizuo sent a telegram to the country, and Marquis Hosokawa asked him to return home, leaving the task of finding Hosokawa Tomotaka to other retainers.

Mizuo Nakano’s visit to China this time was not without gains.

At least it was confirmed that Tomotaka Hosokawa was still alive and nothing had happened. Maybe the young master knew that he was looking for him and was unwilling to go home, so he deliberately avoided it.

With this result, he can report to the Marquis when he returns home.

NJ Municipal Committee.

Secretary Liang is presiding over a meeting, and all the attendees are senior officials from the Nanjing organization. Just last night, urgent news came from his hometown, and the underground organization in Peiping suffered a major blow.

There was a traitor within the organization. A senior member of the Peking Municipal Party Committee and more than a dozen comrades on three lines were arrested by the Party Affairs Investigation Division, causing great losses.

The hometown immediately sent a report to remind all localities to check their own internal affairs to prevent further sabotage by traitors.

"This time in Peiping, we have learned a great lesson. Five comrades died and 13 comrades were arrested. Our hometown first asked us to conduct strict investigations ourselves, and the second was to verify whether anyone had interacted with the comrades arrested in Peiping. If so, If so, make arrangements as soon as possible.”

Secretary Liang said sadly that in Nanjing, because of Miss Qiu's timely warning, they had repeatedly thwarted the actions of the Party Affairs Investigation Office and saved the day from danger several times.

But I didn't expect that there would be a traitor among the comrades in another city, and the losses would be so great.

"Secretary Liang, I worked in Peking. Two of the comrades arrested this time met with me."

Team leader Lu whispered that he had indeed worked in Peiping for several years before, but was later transferred to Nanjing for other reasons and served as the leader of the anti-rape team.

"You should hibernate during this period of time and don't go out."

Secretary Liang took notes and took notes. According to the working habits of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, after catching their people, they will torture them to extract confessions. If any comrades cannot bear the punishment and confess, they will squeeze the surrendered comrades to the extreme.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office has been having a hard time recently. Secretary Liang is not that well-informed, but he also knows that the Party Affairs Investigation Office has suffered setbacks one after another, and important figures like Lin Peilun have run away. Old Ghost Xu must be very anxious.

They were eager to make achievements to prove themselves, but they didn't expect that they failed to achieve it in Nanjing. Instead, they went to Peking and killed so many comrades.


Team Leader Lu replied in a deep voice. Being dormant meant that he could not participate in any work. In addition, the comrades he knew in Peking were being persecuted, and Team Leader Lu was in a very low mood.

"Secretary Liang, the crazy dogs in the Party Affairs Investigation Department are getting anxious. We have to be careful recently. After all, we are right under their noses."

Lao Peng, who took over Lao Hu's job, said softly that Lao Deng had been sent out of Nanjing. After his injury was almost recovered, Secretary Liang immediately asked someone to send him out of the city.

Lao Deng was arrested by the Party Affairs Investigation Department. He could not stay in the city, otherwise he would be in danger.

Secretary Liang nodded: "The purpose of this meeting is to inform everyone that you must pay attention to your recent work. Safety is the first priority in everything, and you can't be impatient in anything. We are in the heart of the enemy. As long as we stabilize ourselves, the enemy can't do anything to us. .”

There were not many people in the meeting, including Secretary Liang, there were only four people.

It's not that there are only four of them at the top of the NJ Municipal Committee. They don't dare to hold a meeting with all members at will now, and they hold it in batches. Even if something happens, the entire organization will not be completely paralyzed.

The reason why so many people were arrested in Peiping was not only due to the presence of traitors, but also because they held frequent meetings.

The traitor attended many meetings and learned information about many people, ultimately causing huge losses.

After the meeting, the leaders of each line went back and continued to ask the comrades on their lines whether they had any contact with the comrades in Peiping.

If so, pay attention to them all.

Working behind enemy lines, they could never be too careful.

If you are not careful, you may pay the price with your life.

Lao Deng is a lesson. The Party Investigation Office is not that incompetent. They have arrested many comrades over the years and have a good understanding of the organization's operations.

If Miss Qiu hadn't warned him before, Director Yang might have suffered.

Once something happens to Director Yang, their organization's funding will be immediately cut off and a lot of work will not be carried out.

There are three comrades who come to teach the radio station. Not only will they be arrested, but the radio station will also fall into the hands of the enemy, causing huge losses.

In the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Old Ghost Xu finally felt a little better.

These days were full of bad news, and he himself was almost not brought to justice by the Chairman of the Generalissimo. In addition, his sworn enemy in the Military Intelligence Department kept targeting him and filing lawsuits against him, which made him very passive.

Peiping made a wonderful comeback, allowing him to answer to the chairman of the committee. Erchen was also very satisfied with his gains this time, and his crisis was temporarily relieved.


Jiang Wan stood in front of Old Ghost Xu, and Old Ghost Xu smiled. Jiang Wan did a good job this time and did a great job in Peking.

In order to keep it secret, Jiang Wan only took a few of his confidants with him to Peking Station. He secretly met with the director of Peking Station, and the two discussed the action plan together.

It wasn't until the arrests were made that other people at the Peiping Station knew something was going on.

The operation went very smoothly. Several resisting Red Party members were killed and most of the remaining ones were captured. They also pried open the mouths of a few people and expanded the harvest.

These people caught have provided many important clues, including from all over the country.

There are also those in Nanjing. Jiang Wan came back in a hurry just to catch some more red parties in Nanjing and help Old Ghost Xu tide over the difficulties.

"Protect him well and don't let anyone know where he lives. What happened to Shi Haiyang will never happen again."

Old ghost Xu ordered that among the people captured in Peking, some confessed that they knew there was a lurking red party member in Nanjing. This person was very skilled. He was probably in the anti-rape team and was the team leader.

The Red Party's anti-rape team is their armed force. If they can destroy their anti-rape team, it would be of great significance.

If the man surnamed Lu is really the team leader, he is a high-level member of the Red Party. Through him, it is possible to find other Red Party members and wipe out all the Red Party organizations in Nanjing.

If he can really do this, the old man will no longer have any objections to him.

"Yes, don't worry, I will arrange it myself this time and I will make sure nothing goes wrong."

Jiang Wan responded immediately, and Old Ghost Xu nodded again: "How is the plan going?"

"It's almost done. It can be implemented soon." Jiang Wan hurriedly replied.

After Lin Peilun was caught by the Military Intelligence Department, he admitted that he was a red party member, which dealt a painful blow to Mr. Xu.

But Old Ghost Xu knew that Lin Peilun could never be a red party member.

It is said that Lin Peilun helped the Red Party do things for Thaksin for money, but Lin Peilun himself is definitely not a Red Party. If he was, he would not arrest so many people personally.

The Red Party's discipline is very strict. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not harm your own people.

What is hateful is that Lin Peilun actually helped the Military Intelligence Agency to frame him.

When the old man questioned him, he had made a distinction, but the old man had personally interrogated Lin Peilun and did not believe what he said at all. When he later tried to get Lin Peilun back, Lin Peilun had been quickly executed by the Military Intelligence Service.

There was no proof, and he had no way to prove that this was a conspiracy by the Military Intelligence Service.

Old ghost Xu could only swallow this bad breath first. The plan he just told Jiang Wan was his revenge against his mortal enemy.

"Very well, go ahead."

Old ghost Xu nodded with satisfaction. Jiang Wan was still capable. Lin Peilun was too strong before and suppressed him. He was also blind, and he actually trusted Lin Peilun, a white-eyed wolf.

Jinling University, more than a dozen people are busy at the surveillance point.

There are more than one surveillance points, one near Shinoda Matsubara's residence and his office, and bugs have been successfully installed. Now Shinoda Matsubara's every move is under their surveillance.

"Team leader, Team Leader Chu."

Chu Lingyun and Wen Jitao walked into a surveillance point, and the people inside stood up immediately.

This surveillance point is in charge of Wen Jitao's men. Loach is currently investigating several students whose information is not detailed. The surveillance task temporarily falls on Wen Jitao's side.

"Play the recording of the conversation between Yu Liang and Shinoda Matsubara."

Chu Lingyun said softly, and the team members immediately took out the tape and played the recording for them.

Yu Liang came to visit Shinda Matsubara's home at noon today. During the conversation between the two, they made important discoveries. After Chu Lingyun received the notice, he immediately rushed over with Wen Jitao.

In front of it were Yu Liang's kind words, which were full of all kinds of flattery.

"Yu Liang, my recommendation for you to study at Tongwen Academy has been approved. The time limit is seven days. This is a rare opportunity. You must seize it."

The voice of Shinoda Matsubara was played in the recording, and Yu Liang's excited voice immediately sounded: "Thank you so much, sir. It is a great honor for the students to meet many seniors from the college."


Wen Jitao sighed, Yu Liang was hopeless.

"You are excellent and my most proud disciple. Don't worry, they will not look down upon you because of your Chinese identity. There are many people like you there."

Shinoda Matsubara said with satisfaction, Yu Liang was still very excited: "Sir, I am very satisfied to be able to go to the academy. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to meet Dean Ouchi, even if I can take a look from a distance."

"Don't worry, there is definitely such a chance."

Shinoda Matsubara's voice came. During the conversation, he did not tell Yu Liang that when he arrived at the academy, Dean Ouchi would personally receive him.

It might as well be a surprise for him, as this will make him even more devoted to Japan.

"Thank you, thank you sir."

The conversation ended quickly. During their conversation, Shinoda Matsubara was named.

"Nobuda Matsubara turns out to be from Doubun Academy."

Wen Jitao said softly that their military intelligence department is currently mainly dealing with the Japanese, so they naturally have some understanding of Japan's intelligence agencies.

Although I am not very familiar with Tongwen Academy, I am at least aware of the existence of this department.

Tongwen Yuan is said to be an academy, but in fact it is an intelligence organization.

It's just that they don't belong to the military, and the agents inside are not soldiers, but they are indeed engaged in intelligence work, and they have stolen a lot of intelligence in China very early.

"There are many intellectuals in Tongwen Academy, and it is even more terrifying if they infiltrate."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Yu Liang could confirm that there was a problem. It was still unknown whether he had helped Japan steal intelligence.

If so, severe punishment awaits him, and he will pay a heavy price for it.

Even if not, Chu Lingyun would not keep people like Yu Liang. Once a capable person does something bad, the damage will be even greater.

He will be treated like the die-hards of the Neon Club, and they will be dealt with after the full-scale war of resistance begins.

"Team Leader Chu, what if they just infiltrated and didn't detect any intelligence?"

Wen Jitao frowned and asked, "Shinoda Matsubara has a special status. He is a university teacher and a Japanese. If we cannot get evidence that he is engaged in intelligence work, we cannot arrest him."

Now that he knew Shinoda Matsubara's identity and understood his sinister intentions, but was unable to severely punish him, Wen Jitao felt aggrieved.

"It doesn't matter. If they don't take the initiative, then we will fish."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Wen Jitao was stunned, fishing?

What he is asking now is Shinoda Matsubara, a Japanese spy. Did Team Leader Chu mishear what he said about fishing? How can they be in the mood to go fishing now?

"Team Leader Wen, when you get back, make a report saying that the Military Intelligence Office is planning to recruit two special talents, mainly to translate uncovered spy information. They are required to be clean, have a university degree, and be proficient in Japanese. Spread the news first. "

Chu Lingyun did not explain. There are too many fishing methods in later generations. If you don't spy on the information, I will lure you to do it.

Targeted fishing is a tried and true method.

"Recruiting special talents is not about treating them...I understand, Team Leader Chu, Gao."

Wen Jitao was puzzled. His eyes suddenly lit up in the middle of the sentence. He finally understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

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