Spy Shadow

Chapter 307 Increase Dividends

Chapter 307 Increase Dividends

Smith is doing a good job. His previous business failed because he didn't know how to manage things in China.

It seems that he learned a lesson this time. The recruitment of secretaries is not entirely based on his own preferences. He knows how to recruit someone with connections.

"Thank you, Miss Chloe."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, while Chloe was very serious: "This is what I should do, but according to the agreement between Smith and I, after I arrive in Shanghai, you have to pay me my first year's salary in advance."

Chloe knew who the real boss was. Smith was the general manager on the surface, but in fact it was the young Chinese who really called the shots.

In fact, she did not agree to Smith's employment at the beginning for the simple reason that her salary would not be paid in full until she arrived in China.

Smith relied on his sharp tongue to convince Chloe and finally coaxed her onto the boat.

"Mr. Chu, his salary is calculated on an annual basis. It costs two thousand US dollars a year, and it is only the first year. After doing well, the salary will be increased. Smith said that the company will pay this money, so you can pay her first." .”

Liu Chengzhu whispered that two thousand dollars was too high. He was thinking about negotiating the price. After all, Liu Chengzhu was a businessman and knowing that Chloe's relationship was very useful to them.

Unfortunately, Chu Yuan didn't agree, so Smith decided to cut the deal first and sign a contract with him directly.

In the United States, Smith is the nominal boss and there is nothing they can do about it.

Chu Yuan refused to give Smith money, so Liu Chengzhu could only help Smith to coax her and bring her to China first to see what Chu Lingyun arranged.

"No problem, Miss Chloe, I will pay you your salary later."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, two thousand dollars is indeed high. He hired those six foreign men with high salaries. Their monthly salary was only thirty dollars. The six of them together could not compare to Chloe alone.

But as long as Chloe can help them clear the relationship in the public concession, the money is still worth it, even very cheap.

"That's good."

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. After she was coaxed onto the ship, she realized that if she didn't give her money when she got to China, she wouldn't have the money to buy the ship ticket.

After being anxious all the way, after arriving in China, the situation she was most worried about finally didn't happen.

"Go pick up the goods, the car is ready."

Seeing that the people on the boat had almost disembarked, Chu Lingyun ordered Liu Chengzhu to bring five trucks over to haul the goods this time.

Liu Chengzhu went to pick up the goods, while Chloe looked at Chu Lingyun curiously.

She knew the size of Smith Company, which was mainly engaged in the business of sulfonamide drugs, and the volume was very large. It purchased at least US$500,000 worth of goods every year, and the first batch of goods was worth as much as US$200,000.

It does business worth hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. This kind of business scale is rare in the United States. It must be a business done by big shots and consortiums.

She has a certain understanding of China and knows that although this country is very poor, there are still rich people in the country, and it is a country with a large population and great market potential.

But she didn't expect that the person doing such a big business would be so young, looking several years younger than her.

Five trucks loaded up and left, all the way to the warehouse.

Chu Lingyun left ten of his men to guard here. This was his private matter. Chu Lingyun would give each of them a reward of three yuan a day to prevent them from working in vain.

Of the six hired foreigners, two were left outside the warehouse, and the rest were brought with them to act as facades. The four tall foreign devils who followed could intimidate many people.

"Two thousand dollars, Miss Chloe, please count."

Back at the hotel, Chu Lingyun immediately gave Chloe two thousand dollars in cash. There were a lot of things to do in Shanghai this time, and he brought a lot of money.

Chloe took the money and counted it carefully. There was no problem, and she was finally relieved.

"Chu, although you are the real boss, it was Smith who hired me, so I only obey Smith's arrangements."

After collecting the money, Chloe said to Chu Lingyun seriously. Liu Chengzhu was stunned. He knew that Chief Chu was the real boss, but he even said that he only listened to Smith. Is this woman stupid?

"No problem, I would like to ask, Miss Chloe, what is your uncle doing at the Ministry of Industry?"

Chloe is good-looking, big where she should be, and thin where she should be, but Chu Lingyun has no interest in her appearance. What he cares most about is Chloe's uncle.

In the future, his sulfonamide business will be done in the concession, and he must have a good relationship with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau.

Even without Chloe, Chu Lingyun would have given Smith a sum of money to bribe senior officials of the Ministry of Industry to facilitate their future business.

Sulfonamide is still inconspicuous now, but once a war breaks out, sulfonamide can be said to be as good as gold.

By then there will be many jealous people, and without enough strength and connections, it will be difficult to keep this business.

"No uncle, yes, cousin."

After thinking for a while, Chloe found the adjective. The person who worked in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce was not her uncle, but just her cousin. The relationship was further distant.

"My cousin is Thomas Lane. I only know that he was the deputy commissioner of the Ministry of Industry Police Department two years ago."

Chloe replied seriously, while Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment. Chloe's uncle turned out to be Ryan, an important figure he had followed in the public concession before.

Now Ryan is no longer the deputy director, but the director of the police department, a real big shot in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau.

Chloe actually had such a connection, the two thousand dollars were well spent, and Smith had made a great contribution again.

"I understand. Now that you are in China, go visit this cousin when you have time. The company can help you buy gifts."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. When Chloe heard that the company was helping to prepare gifts, she finally smiled: "Thank you boss, I will go."

"It's been a hard journey, Miss Chloe, please rest early."

Chu Lingyun asked Chloe to return to her room. After she and Liu Chengzhu came back, Chu Lingyun opened the room for them.

"Sir Chu..."

"Call me boss from now on."

Chu Lingyun interrupted Liu Chengzhu's words. Liu Chengzhu was stunned for a moment, and his heartbeat accelerated instantly: "Yes, boss."

Even though it was just a change of title, Liu Chengzhu understood that his status in Commander Chu's heart was different. In other words, at this time, he was Commander Chu's real friend, not Wang Sheng's uncle.

"Boss, there are two types of sulfonamides we brought this time. One is an injection, six pills in a box, and the other is a powder, which can be taken orally or externally. However, the injection has the best effect. This time, 70% of the sulfonamides are It’s an injection.”

"According to the pharmaceutical company, sulfonamides should not be used more than once. The first effect is best. If used too often, it may become ineffective. If the drug does not work as a result, the pharmaceutical company will not bear any responsibility."

Liu Chengzhu quickly reported that according to Liu Chengzhu, if sulfonamide cannot be used more, it means it has drug resistance. This is easy to understand. Chu Lingyun is the soul of future generations and understands what drug resistance is.

"It doesn't matter. Sulfa is a life-saving drug. No matter whether it works or not, there will be many people who want it."

"Boss, according to our agreement with the pharmaceutical company, we set the domestic pricing ourselves. How much do you think is appropriate?" Liu Chengzhu asked again.

He was called to the United States by Chu Lingyun in a hurry and did not know the price of sulfa in China. Smith knew the price of sulfa in the United States well, but he also did not know the price of drugs in China.

"There's no rush. We'll ship the goods when Smith arrives."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Only half of the goods came this time, and the other half would be floating on the sea.

With such a large amount of goods, Chu Lingyun would not go into retail by himself, as the payment would be too slow. He would find a group of partners, let them be his agents, give them the goods, and let them sell them.

He couldn't come forward to find an agent, Smith had to do it.

It would be best to get through the relationship with Ryan first. It would be much more convenient if we could ask Ryan, the police commissioner of the public concession, to help with the platform.

"Boss, Smith spends too much money."

After talking about business, Liu Chengzhu couldn't help but file a lawsuit against Smith. When he was in the United States, Smith spent money lavishly, which he and Chu Yuan could not stand.

"It's okay, as long as he can help me make money, I'm not afraid of him spending money." Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head.

He is very clear about Smith's urine nature. People who are about to live on the street still want to save face. Such people have a little money in their pockets, and they will definitely be thinking about how to maintain their face.

"Isn't it too much for you to give him a dividend?" Liu Chengzhu asked after hesitating.

For such a big business, one cent of the dividend is quite a lot. When Liu Chengzhu came back, he calculated the accounts and found that if the business went well, even if he only made half of the money, Smith's annual dividend would be at least fifty thousand US dollars.

If you give so much money to this prodigal son, he will lose it all sooner or later.

"You are wrong. One percent is not much. When he comes back, I will increase his dividends."

Chu Lingyun shook his head again, while Liu Chengzhu's eyes widened. Smith didn't invest a penny. With so many dividends every year, the boss didn't say much and still wanted to give him more?

"Don't worry, he is worth the price. Just wait until he comes back."

Chu Lingyun said softly that since the agency rights negotiated by Smith have performance requirements, the dividends given to him can also be based on performance requirements.

We will discuss how to motivate him specifically when he arrives. There is no rush now.

"Yes, boss."

Liu Chengzhu didn't understand, but he didn't dare to object to Chu Lingyun's words, but he just felt that Smith was getting an advantage.

In Nanjing, Yu Liang was like a frightened bird, hiding in a dilapidated house with no one around.

After seven days of study at Tongwen College, he met many Japanese young talents and a few Chinese students who supported Japan like him.

He had a very fulfilling week. When he came back, he wanted to report to his teacher Shinoda Matsubara immediately. However, when he arrived at school, he immediately learned that the teacher had not come to class for two days.

He went to the teacher's house and saw a seal on the door.

When he left, he found that he was being followed. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been caught. After that, he tried to find other teachers' students to inquire about the situation. As a result, many classmates who had a good relationship with him also disappeared.

This made him feel bad, especially when he found that someone was watching him near his home, so he didn't even dare to go back home, so he could only hide in this deserted place.

After carefully finishing the steamed bun in his hand, Yu Liang looked worried. He didn't know what happened, let alone what he should do.

He didn't bring much money with him when he went to Shanghai, and he didn't even enter his home after he came back. Now that he doesn't have a penny on him, it's very difficult for him to escape from Nanjing.

Moreover, something happened to his classmates. He didn't dare to go to these classmates. He was not a local and had no relatives here. He only had a small house he rented. There were people watching the house. He didn't dare to go back now.

After finally staying up all night, Yu Liang, who was covered in mosquito bites, opened his eyes and looked outside carefully.

Now the teacher and classmates don't know what happened. He has nowhere to go. If he leaves rashly, he might be caught. However, he understands that he can't hide here all the time, otherwise he will starve to death if he is not bitten by mosquitoes.

He had to find a safe place to stay as soon as possible.

"Brother Zhang."

Yu Liang quickly remembered a person who could help him, Zhang Yongjian, who saved him on the train and fell in love with him at first sight.

At this time in Nanjing, there was only one person he could rely on.

Zhang Yongjian said before that he was going to Shanghai to purchase goods and would return in three days. He should have returned to Nanjing earlier than himself. Fortunately, the two of them had exchanged addresses and he knew where Zhang Yongjian lived.

He carefully tidied himself up so as not to look too embarrassed and attract other people's attention. He quietly walked out of the dilapidated house and headed towards the address Zhang Yongjian gave him.

"The rookie came out of the cage and went to the five o'clock direction. Notify the brothers over there to keep an eye on him."

In the distance, Yuan Qingshu, the captain of a group, gave orders. Yu Liang was Chu Lingyun’s follow-up arrangement on the Shinda case. He had actually been under surveillance. He was able to escape because he deliberately let go.

Otherwise, with so many agents from the Military Intelligence Department guarding him, as long as he comes back, there is no possibility of escaping.

"The rookie went to the seven o'clock direction. It seems that he is planning to return to his nest."

The team members came to report and noticed Yu Liang's route. Yuan Qingshu immediately understood that he was going to find Zhang Acheng according to the predetermined plan.

Zhang Acheng is a member of the fourth operation team, but this case was jointly investigated by the two teams, and the subsequent Yu Liang case was also jointly handled by the two teams.

"Inform the brothers in the fourth group and let them prepare."

Yuan Qingshu asked someone to report to Zhang Acheng. The address Zhang Acheng left for Yu Liang was one of their safe houses. As long as he was sure that Yu Liang had gone there, Zhang Acheng would take the next step.

Arriving at the address mentioned by Zhang Acheng, Yu Liang's heart suddenly tightened.

The door is locked and no one is home.

He didn't know whether Brother Zhang had not returned from Shanghai or had gone out. Now he had no choice but to wait in the dark.

He waited all day. Being penniless, his stomach growled with hunger, but he did not dare to go anywhere. He kept praying in his heart that his brother Zhang would come back as soon as possible.

When it was getting dark, Yu Liang finally saw the figure he wanted to see most.

Noticing Zhang Acheng coming from a distance, Yu Liang's eyes turned red and he almost shed tears. He first looked around, and then quickly walked over when Zhang Acheng opened the door.

"Brother Zhang."

Yu Liang shouted softly from behind. Zhang Acheng knew he was there, but he still turned around deliberately and asked in surprise: "Yu Liang, why are you here?"

"Brother Zhang, it's not convenient to talk outside. Can you let me go in and talk?"

Yu Liang said quickly that after being chased, he felt that there might be someone catching him anywhere, so he was very careful.

In these two days, he had a profound understanding of what it meant to live like a year.

Second update, the next chapter will be updated tomorrow afternoon.

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