Spy Shadow

Chapter 317: Identity

Chapter 317: Identity


Chu Lingyun snorted coldly. If Zhao Tianxi was really just greedy or using his power to do some business, Chu Lingyun could turn a blind eye as long as he had nothing to do with the Japanese.

In this era, no one in office is greedy and should follow the example of others. Not to mention Virgo, even the chairman of the committee cannot ask all officials to be clear-minded and serve the people wholeheartedly.

But in order to make money, Zhao Tianxi was so frantic that he framed and committed all kinds of crimes. This crossed the bottom line. You can imagine how bad his reputation was in the Changsha Military Intelligence Office at this time.

"Team leader, I found several merchants who are willing to accuse Zhao Tianxi. I also found three merchants who were framed by Zhao Tianxi and had their families destroyed. I have sent people to find their families. The results will be available soon."

"Yes, we have collected evidence and found out how many people in Changsha Station are colluding with Zhao Tianxi."

As soon as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, she understood that the team leader was not going to let Zhao Tianxi go, and Zhao Tianxi had gone too far.

"Yes, team leader, don't worry, I will collect irrefutable evidence as soon as possible."

Ni Loach replied, this is the reason why Chu Lingyun brought Ni Loach instead of Shen Hanwen this time.

The loach is nimble and good at gathering information. He can become brothers and mingle with anyone.

It would not work if it were Shen Hanwen. This time when he came out for inspection, the director had high expectations for him. He hoped that he could find the hidden loopholes in each branch and avoid being caught by Old Ghost Xu of the Party Affairs Investigation Department again.

If Virgo knew about someone like Zhao Tianxi, he would never let him go.

If someone brought this kind of thing to the Chairman, the Chairman would suspect that many people in the Military Intelligence Department were using their power to make money for themselves, which would be very detrimental to them.

You can make the money you need, but you have to pay attention to the method. Zhao Tianxi will ruin the reputation of the Military Intelligence Department to the end by doing this. Over time, people will be angry, and something big will definitely happen.

In two days, Director Huang's review of the Changsha Station was completed, and there were no problems.

Zhao Tianxi set up another banquet for Chu Lingyun.

"Inspector Chu, please."

Zhao Tianxi asked Chu Lingyun to sit at the main seat and offered a toast first. The banquet was very sumptuous, and the gold watch in his hand was even more conspicuous.

"Stationmaster Zhao is too polite."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Ni Loach has found several witnesses and is investigating the people involved in Changsha Station. The operations team leader is definitely involved, and the intelligence team leader is also involved.

Changsha Station was created by Zhao Tianxi, and a group of people did not do business. They spent all day thinking about framing others, and falsely accusing others of being collaborators with the Japanese, or even traitors, in order to extract money.

It can be said that the entire Changsha Station is in ruins.

"That's right. We are in this remote place and we don't usually see Virgo. After Inspector Chu returns, please speak kindly to Virgo."

Zhao Tianxi smiled happily and kept his attitude low.

Halfway through the banquet, Zhao Tianxi had a test and asked Chu Lingyun when he would leave.

After all, Chu Lingyun is the inspector. He knows that his butt is not clean. He is very worried about Chu Lingyun here, especially these days. I heard that the deputy team leader who follows Chu Lingyun rarely goes to the station. Where does he go? No one knew, which always made him a little worried.

"Stationmaster Zhao, don't worry. I will leave after I have some more personal matters to attend to. I won't be in your way here."

Chu Lingyun chuckled, while Zhao Tianxi hurriedly asked: "Looking at what you said, I hope you can stay in Changsha for a few more days, but what personal matters are you doing? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"It's true. Station Commander Zhao, do you know Staff Chen Zizhou of the 27th Regiment?"

When Chu Lingyun asked for a name, Zhao Tianxi was startled and asked carefully: "Chen Zizhou of the 27th Regiment, I know, I really know him, what do you want to see him for?"

Zhao Tianxi knew Chen Zizhou, but they had nothing to do with each other. Chen Zizhou was just a staff officer in the regiment, not the chief of staff.

If Chen Zizhou didn't have a powerful uncle, Zhao Tianxi would not know such a person.

"I'm looking for him to handle some personal matters. If Station Master Zhao knows him, can you help introduce him tomorrow?"

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, this was not a lie, Chen Zizhou was his target for cooperation.

Chen Zizhou's military rank is only a major, which is not a high level, but he has an uncle who is very powerful. He is a high-ranking member of the party army and will be known as the little president in the future.

There is no possibility of cooperation with such a big boss in Chu Lingyun's business, but the people around them can take advantage of it.

"No problem, what time will it be tomorrow?" Zhao Tianxi agreed.

"Tomorrow night, just help me make an appointment and I'll meet him alone."

"Okay, we'll stay here tomorrow and I'll help you bring people here."

Zhao Tianxi agreed again. After the banquet, he went to Chu Lingyun's room in person and delivered a box.

Inside the box were ten gold bars, neither more nor less. The inspectors at the headquarters and sub-stations would definitely pay tribute. Zhao Tianxi thought about it for a long time and finally gave this number.

"Thank you, Station Master Zhao."

Chu Lingyun accepted the box without being polite, which made Zhao Tianxi feel relieved.

As long as he collected the money, he just wanted to send Chu Lingyun away as soon as possible, and then continue to make his own money without any worries.

"Team leader, Zhao Tianxi is too shady. Changsha has suffered a lot from him. I have found more than 20 merchants who have been extorted by him. I have also found three businesses where people were beaten to death. Two of these three businesses went to the countryside. , I sent people to find them, and the other family agreed to accuse Zhao Tianxi."

The next afternoon Ni Loach came over to report that Zhao Tianxi must have blackmailed more than 20 merchants. Some of them were timid and fearful, thinking that it would be enough to spend money and eliminate disasters, so they did not dare to admit it.

According to Ni Loach's investigation, each merchant was charged at least a thousand legal currency, and as many as five or six thousand. From these merchants alone, Zhao Tianxi had an income of seventy or eighty thousand.

These are still found. If we add those that have not been found, I am afraid there are hundreds of thousands.

"Where is Changsha Station?" Chu Lingyun asked directly with a cold face.

"It has also been verified that only the intelligence team leader and the action team leader are complicit with Zhao Tianxi, and no one else is involved. Zhao Tianxi is unwilling to give money to so many people. Among them, the action team leader contributes the most, and he is the one who arrests people every time. "

"Very well, keep an eye on them and be ready to arrest them at any time."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Loach hesitated, then asked in a low voice: "Do you want to ask the garrison for help? We only have a few dozen people, and there are quite a few at Changsha Station."

"No need, we will do it tonight when Zhao Tianxi brings Chen Zizhou. As long as we catch them, the rest will not be able to make trouble."

Chu Lingyun did not agree to use the garrison. When he came out, Virgo gave him the right to act expediently and ask for help from the garrison in critical moments.

But to deal with corrupt officials like Zhao Tianxi, there is no need to garrison troops. The thirty team members he brought are enough. It is not to attack Changsha Station, but to arrest people.

After catching the leader, the rest naturally did not dare to resist.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

Loach took the order. The people they brought were the most knowledgeable and loyal. They didn't need the help of the garrison, so they could avoid leaks of information. If they were not prepared, it would still be easy to arrest people.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, several cars came to the door of the hotel.

Zhao Tianxi got out of the car first, and a young man in military uniform and the rank of major got out of the car behind him.

"Commander Chen, please."

Zhao Tianxi said to Chen Zizhou. Chen Zizhou glanced at him, nodded reluctantly, and strode into the hotel.

"Inspector Chu, Staff Chen is here, so I won't disturb your private matters."

Zhao Tianxi smiled and said to Chu Lingyun who came out to greet him. Chu Lingyun was wearing casual clothes today. Chen Zizhou was looking at this man who looked younger than himself in surprise.

Just looking at his face, Chu Lingyun could be in his mid-twenties at most, and some people would believe him even if he said he was eighteen or nineteen.

Such a young man is already a lieutenant colonel or an inspector of the Military Intelligence Department?

Although Chen Zizhou had a strong background, his uncle did not pay much attention to him. After graduating from the military academy, he worked his way up the ranks step by step.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that there was no influence from his uncle. After all, he had never made any great achievements. He was indispensable every time there was a chance for promotion, so he was promoted to major at the age of twenty-five.

"Stationmaster Zhao, thank you very much."

Chu Lingyun winked at Ni Loach, who had already been prepared. After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, several people suddenly stepped forward and held Zhao Tianxi down.

Other team members had already arranged outside the door to capture all the people following Zhao Tianxi.

Zhao Tianxi went out with not many people. There were only five people except the operation team leader. Chu Lingyun was ready again and dispatched twenty people. With so many people acting together, Zhao Tianxi had no room to resist.

"Inspector Chu, what are you doing?"

Zhao Tianxi, who was pinned to the ground, screamed in horror. Chu Lingyun hugged Chen Zizhou and said, "Counsel Chen, I'm sorry. Please wait a moment. I'll do some business first."

Chen Zizhou was even more surprised. He didn't want to come today. Chen Zizhou was young, high-spirited, and had a good family background. He wanted to make a career.

Zhao Tianxi asked him out today, but he refused directly.

Zhao Tianxi gave Chu Lingyun a guarantee, but had no choice but to find Chen Zizhou's boss, their chief of staff. At the request of the chief of staff, he came over to socialize.

He knew that the person he was going to see today was an inspector from the Military Intelligence Service.

Not to mention an inspector, even if he is the director of the Military Intelligence Department, he does not need to fawn over him. His uncle is much higher than the director of the Military Intelligence Department.

If it hadn't been for the good words from the chief of staff, he wouldn't have come at all.

But he never expected that as soon as he got here, the people who wanted to see him arrested the stationmaster Zhao who invited him here, and they arrested him in front of him.


After being stunned, Chen Zizhou hurriedly replied that he was not interested in Zhao Tianxi because he knew the dirty things Zhao Tianxi had done.

It's just that these things have nothing to do with him, so he doesn't interfere.

Zhao Tianxi thought that few people knew about the things he did, but he didn't know that the people among the people had long been scolded. The urban population in this era was large, but it was far less than the tens of millions in later generations. Big cities with millions.

There are only a few hundred thousand people in the CS urban area, most of whom have lived here for generations, and there are many relatives and friends. Zhao Tianxi's actions have long been spread among the people.

Many people are afraid of being targeted by Zhao Tianxi and are usually very careful.

As long as they are targeted and framed by Zhao Tianxi, they will have to spend at least half of their family wealth to save their lives. At best, they will only lose money, and at worst, they will not be able to keep their business and will go bankrupt.

Chu Lingyun walked up to Zhao Tianxi and said calmly: "Zhao Tianxi, if you want to make money, you can, but your methods are too shameless and what you do is outrageous. You should know what kind of people Virgo hates the most."

"Chu Lingyun, I haven't done anything, please don't accuse me unjustly."

Zhao Tianxi yelled, now he didn't even call the inspector, his eyes were filled with anger.

Chu Lingyun had just received his money yesterday and thought everything would be fine. Unexpectedly, they suddenly took action today and he didn't even have a chance to resist.


Chu Lingyun shook his head and told Nili next to him: "Watch them, go and catch the other people involved immediately, take control of Changsha Station, and wait for me inside the station."

"Yes, team leader, don't worry, I will definitely control the situation."

Ni Loach loudly accepted the order, Chu Lingyun turned around and said to Chen Zizhou: "Counsel Chen, I'm sorry, please come this way."

Chen Zizhou was taken directly to the room by Chu Lingyun without going to the restaurant to eat.

"Counsel Chen, I have a business here and would like to find some partners. I think you are a good fit?"

Chu Lingyun got straight to the point. He would go to Changsha Station to take charge of the overall situation soon.

"Business, what business?"

Chen Zizhou was confused. First he invited him, but then he arrested him in front of him, and now he said he would do business with him. What on earth was this inspector from the Military Intelligence Department doing?

"The sulfonamide business."

"Sulfonamide? You have sulfonamide?"

Chen Zizhou's eyes widened instantly. As a staff officer, he knew the role and value of sulfa. The military had the greatest demand for sulfa, but there were not many sources. Most of them were in hospitals, and their military medical offices didn't have much.

"Yes, I do, and there are many." Chu Lingyun nodded.

Chen Zizhou looked at him and said nothing. He was young, but not stupid. He had never had any interaction with the person in front of him before, and suddenly he came to him and wanted to cooperate with him in the sulfonamide business. He knew very well why.

"If you want to partner with me, it's not me you're interested in, but my uncle."

Chen Zizhou said softly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Many people have approached him over the years, and he knew their purpose very well. What everyone valued was his background.

Without this background, these people would not pay attention to him.

"Brother Chen is a straightforward person, and I won't hide it. You are right. If Brother Chen didn't have this identity, I would not cooperate with you."

Chu Lingyun nodded and admitted generously.

His admission left Chen Zizhou at a loss as to how to reply. Everyone who had approached him before had always complimented or praised him, but none of them were as direct as Chu Lingyun.

"What if I don't agree?" Chen Zizhou said after a while.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree. Let's treat it as acquaintance today and we will cooperate again if we have the opportunity in the future."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He didn't know Chen Zizhou, and he couldn't stay in Changsha for too long. If Chen Zizhou really didn't agree, he would find the next partner.

This business is for him to make money for others, which is equivalent to giving money. Not many people can refuse.

The second update yesterday. The epidemic situation has recurred today. Our community was closed down and many people were taken away. Yesterday, we went to grab food until past ten o'clock. This chapter is updated a bit late. Please forgive me.

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