Spy Shadow

Chapter 320 The boss invites the cloud

Chapter 320 The boss invites the cloud

"Master, what's going on?"

The housekeeper asked in confusion. Chen Zizhou looked at the big sign at the door. Yes, it was the American company that Chu Lingyun mentioned.

The company has a large appearance and luxurious decoration. The entire three floors of the building belong to this company.

"Second Young Master, let me go and ask."

Chen Shouquan said that he was the adjutant of Uncle Chen Zizhou and was sent to buy sulfa. He had 20,000 US dollars with him and was accompanied by several guards.

Chen Zizhou nodded, and Chen Shouquan walked over to ask a few people and came back soon.

"Second Young Master, this is where they want to buy sulfa. However, the sales of sulfa here are limited. Only five boxes are sold per day, and each person can only buy one box at most. There are too many people coming to buy, and the Americans use ranking In this way, five to seven number plates are issued every day, and only those who get the number plates are qualified to buy things."

"But you can't buy it just by getting the license plate. You have to have a clean identity and have never bought before. If they find that they don't meet the regulations, they will cancel the purchase qualification and defer it to the next person."

Chen Shouquan inquired about the situation, and Chen Zizhou felt more stable. It was exactly what Chu Lingyun said, not only the limit, but also the number of people.

Chen Zizhou suddenly felt a little proud when he thought that he could buy sulfa without queuing.

"Brother Shouquan, have you asked them about the price?"

Chen Shouquan was from their hometown and was somewhat related to them, so he always stayed with his uncle.

Chen Shouquan's rank is higher than his. Even though he is a nephew, Chen Shouquan's words may not be effective in front of his uncle. He respects Chen Shouquan very much and always calls him brother.

"I asked, and they said that a box of injections costs fifteen dollars, and a bottle of fifty tablets is also fifteen dollars, and if you want to buy things here, you can only use U.S. dollars."

"That's right, let's go in."

Chen Zizhou said happily that Chu Lingyun did not lie to him, and indeed gave him a favor, which was much cheaper than others.

It's a pity that the goods at a favor price were snatched away by his uncle. If he wanted to buy them again, he could only buy them at the normal price. Fortunately, Chu Lingyun helped him get a lot of supply, so he didn't have to buy one box at a time like others.

"Today's number plates have been distributed, and it's not time to sell the goods yet."

Two Western devils stopped them at the door and spoke to them in blunt Chinese.

"Hello, I was introduced by Chu Lingyun. Please help me contact your general manager. I'll talk to him on the phone."

Chen Zizhou said hurriedly that he had indeed called Smith before coming.


The foreign Japanese guarding the gate looked at him, one went in to report, and the other stared at them.

The foreigners Chu Lingyun hired with a monthly salary of thirty dollars could not do anything else. They were really good at looking after homes and nursing homes. The two foreign devils standing at the door were very intimidating.

After a while, the person who went in to report came out and nodded to his companion.

The companion signaled and said stiffly: "Go in, the general manager is in the office on the second floor."

Chen Zizhou led a group of people into the company. When he saw that they entered without a license plate, many people at the door rushed up and asked questions. The two foreigners just guarded the door and ignored them.

These people yelled for a while and then retreated. Even though the two of them had no weapons, their status as foreigners made many people worry.

What's more, many people now know that this is a place of special concern to Police Commissioner Thomas.

"Who is Chen Zizhou?"

When they arrived on the second floor, before they saw Smith, the blonde beauty and qualified secretary Chloe stopped them, and Chen Zizhou hurriedly stepped forward.

"I'm Chen Zizhou, hello."

Chen Zizhou stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chloe, but Chloe rolled her eyes and did not extend her hand.

Many people want to come to buy goods these days, let them know how in short supply sulfa is in China. Chloe is Thomas's niece. Recently, many wealthy ladies from abroad have approached her and want to curry favor with her.

How could the arrogant Chloe shake hands with others casually? But this is not impolite, but reserved.

Chloe is very good at doing as the Romans do, and finds a suitable reason for herself to show her arrogance.

"Smith has time, but he only sees you."

Chloe said slowly, Chen Zizhou looked at Chen Shouquan next to him, and Chen Shouquan nodded to him.

Chen Zizhou followed Chloe into a large and luxurious office.

There are many decorations in this office, many of which were added by Smith after he arrived in Shanghai. In his words, for a general manager of such a large company, his office should not be too shabby.

There were a lot of things and it was very grand. Chen Zizhou was frightened.

Sure enough, he was the big boss in the United States, and Chu Lingyun did not lie to him.

"Are you the Chen introduced by Chu?"

Smith sat on the office chair and did not get up, but he sat up straight and looked at Chen Zizhou carefully.

Smith is very concerned about his appearance. He wears designer suits and gold watches. In addition, he was once a successful businessman and has the air of a big boss.

"Hello Mr. Smith, I am Chu Lingyun's friend Chen Zizhou."

Chen Zizhou hurriedly replied, and Chloe on the side corrected: "Smith is the general manager's name, you should call him Mr. Allen."

"Yes, sorry, hello Mr. Allen."

Chen Zizhou hurriedly changed his name, but he was cursing in his heart that foreigners have so many rules.

"Chu has told me that you are very lucky. I promised Chu to give you a total of thirty thousand US dollars in goods. Have you brought the money?"

"I brought them, they are all outside." Chen Zizhou nodded hurriedly.

"Chloe, ask Deputy Manager Liu to take them to inspect the goods, and then collect the money and ship the goods."

Smith nodded slightly and did not get up at all during the whole process.

Chloe took Chen Zizhou out and arrived at Liu Chengzhu's place. Compared with Smith's office, Liu Chengzhu's office was much shabby.

Knowing that it was the boss's order, Liu Chengzhu immediately transferred goods from the warehouse and showed them to Chen Zizhou and others.

"Manager Liu, thank you very much."

After the people who came with him verified that they were indeed sulfonamides, Chen Zizhou thanked Liu Chengzhu. Whether it was Smith or Chloe, he felt very uncomfortable. Liu Chengzhu was easier to talk to, and he preferred to deal with Liu Chengzhu.

Little did he know that the real decision-maker here was Liu Chengzhu. Without his consent, the goods could not be shipped, and the money would be handed over to him and deposited into Chu Lingyun's account.

"You're welcome, Mr. Chen. Since there is no problem with the goods, you can take them away after you pay."

Chen Zizhou immediately paid the amount of US$30,000. Liu Chengzhu counted it several times and had a professional verify the authenticity of the banknotes.

After paying the money, Chen Shouquan called for more people and a truck, loaded dozens of boxes of goods into the truck, and left quickly.

Seeing someone taking away so many goods at once, the people outside the door suddenly became excited and kept shouting, why can someone take away so many goods, but only give them five quotas every day, and they can only buy one at a time? box.

Everyone was like this in the past few days, so no one came to express their opinions. Today, when they saw others taking away so many goods, these people couldn't sit still and came to the door to protest.


A rapid whistle sounded, and more than a dozen patrol officers rushed over, pointing their guns at everyone. Everyone immediately retreated, and no one dared to continue to block the door.

Thomas collected so much money, but it's not like he didn't do anything. He specially set up a patrol base here. There are more than a dozen patrolmen patrolling every day to prevent anyone from causing trouble.

Chen Zizhou and his car were not far away and saw what happened behind them.

"Second Young Master, this friend of yours has a lot of energy. He can make Americans give us so much goods."

Chen Shouquan turned around and said with a smile, Chen Zizhou's face was greatly satisfied: "That's because Chu Lingyun is the American's partner. He said hello, so we can get so many goods at a low price."

"The price is not expensive, but the ones you want are a bit higher."

Of the thirty thousand US dollars, twenty thousand US dollars was the low price and ten thousand US dollars was the normal price. Chen Shouquan didn't say it was okay, but Chen Zizhou's heart ached when he mentioned it.

He could have made a good fortune, but his uncle took away most of it.

"Chu Lingyun said that he could only get 20,000 yuan as a favor. He had to ask for my 10,000 yuan in favor, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get so much."

Chen Zizhou explained that the goods he took this time were divided into two pieces, one for him and one for his uncle.

"I'll make it clear to the commander when I get back."

Chen Shouquan understood that it was his boss who had robbed his nephew of his benefits, but he could not say this clearly.

"Thank you, Brother Shouquan."

Chen Zizhou was not in high spirits. The lot of money he was supposed to make was gone now, so it would be strange to be happy.

Fortunately, he got a lot. Although it was cheap, he could still make a profit by selling it. When he brought these goods back to Changsha, he could sell them quickly.

Friends in Changsha knew that he could get sulfonamides, so they all asked him for them.

Sulfanilamide has no worries about selling. He wants to go back and sell it as soon as possible, and then find a way to find Chu Lingyun to help him order some goods before selling them. Although it is a low price, as long as he can get the goods, he will still make a profit.

This is truly what you get and earn.

Nanjing, Secretary Liang’s home.

Looking at the large amounts of dollars and gold bars in front of them, Director Yang and Secretary Liang were very happy.

For five thousand dollars of sulfa, excluding one and a half boxes, they still sold it for more than ten thousand dollars.

The goods Lin Shi brought had been sold out, and his hometown's share was also sent on the ship. In the final settlement, not only did they get back all the money they gave to their hometown, they also made a lot of extra money.

Shipped on the black market, prices are higher.

"Send the money to Dragonfly as soon as possible and let him find a way to get more supplies. While there are not many sulfonamides on the market now, we can sell more and get more medicine for our hometown."

Secretary Liang said softly, while Director Yang nodded excitedly: "Okay, I'll ask Xiao Su to send the money over today."

It was Xiao Su who took the goods, and he had to deliver the money.

"Comrade Dragonfly's reserve fund must not be touched."

Secretary Liang warned again that Lin Shi had made a lot of money selling sulfonamides. If Chu Lingyun knew that he had no money on hand, he would definitely be suspicious.

And the more he sells in the future, the more money he will need to prepare for Lin Shi.

"Don't worry, I will never move."

Director Yang hurriedly assured that he understood the importance of this money, not only related to Lin Shi's safety, but also whether they could have this stable way to make money in the future.

The most important thing is that they have a way to continuously deliver life-saving medicine to their hometown.

Two days later, Chu Lingyun left Nanchang.

There are no big problems at Nanchang Station, there are definitely small problems, but this is not the goal of Chu Lingyun's attention. His arrival makes everyone in Nanchang very nervous, and the station master is by his side every day.

They heard about the Changsha Station, and Zhao Tianxi fell into the hands of this young man. Even though Chu Lingyun was young, he had extremely powerful skills.

Without hesitation, he captured Zhao Tianxi and reorganized Changsha Station.

None of the sub-stations are clean, but the problems vary from big to small. As long as they don't violate the bottom line and are unjustifiable, Chu Lingyun will not embarrass them.

He was here to fix the problem, not just looking for trouble like Inspector Lu.

In mid-October, Chu Lingyun arrived in Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is a big station, and the station manager Xie Zhenyuan is an old man who followed Virgo in his early years. He is deeply trusted by Virgo. He is not only the station manager, but also the director of the Guangdong Anti-Smuggling Department.

There are not many people who wear multiple hats in the Military Intelligence Service, but there are many.

Xie Zhenyuan did not wait in the car, but stood beside the car.

He is a third-year graduate of Huangpu. He is older than Virgo, but he is not very old. He is only thirty-four years old this year. He looks very energetic, and he only looks like he is thirty years old.

He has been in Guangdong for many years. Although he is not at the headquarters, he knows a lot about the headquarters.

Wu Yong, the chief of the general affairs section, is his classmate, and Xie Ziqi, the deputy chief of the intelligence section, is his fellow villager, and they often tell him about the situation at the headquarters.

Chu Lingyun was very young and debuted late. At the end of last year, he was valued by Wang Yuemin of Wuhan Station and was brought to the Military Intelligence Department.

Twenty-three-year-old Chu Lingyun arrived at Wuhan Station as a squad leader with the rank of second lieutenant.

But it didn't take long for him to show his talent.

He made many meritorious deeds at the Wuhan Station. He was the one who captured the first spy codebook of the Military Intelligence Office. After that, he arrested many spies one after another, severely damaging the intelligence organization of the spies in Wuhan.

He was promoted to lieutenant due to his meritorious service. Because his performance in Wuhan station was too dazzling, he was valued by the New Year greeter from the operations department. In the end, the director personally came forward and asked him to move from Wuhan to Nanjing.

Chu Lingyun, who had just arrived at the headquarters, discovered suspicious points through the files and found out the Japanese espionage agents lurking in the headquarters.

Later, the entire intelligence team of the Japanese spy was severely damaged.

He has not been at the headquarters for a long time, but he has made more meritorious deeds than anyone else, and even all the other people combined have surpassed him.

If Chen Shu hadn't captured Nao Iijima, the intelligence team leader of the Shanghai Special High School, in Shanghai, no one could compare with him in terms of meritorious service.

When he was transferred to the headquarters, his military rank was only a captain. He Nian made an exception and appointed him as the team leader, leading a brand new action team.

He was promoted to lieutenant colonel in just a few months, becoming the youngest lieutenant colonel in the Military Intelligence Department, the youngest section-level cadre, and the fastest person to be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

It can be said that every resume of Chu Lingyun is extremely dazzling, and it is truly based on strength.

When the Tianjin general affairs team leader Tongri's affairs were exposed, the chief was very angry and ordered Chu Lingyun to inspect various stations on his behalf. The first stop was Wuhan, and nothing would happen there. As the real first stop, Changsha almost didn't get blamed by him. All served.

Stationmaster Zhao Tianxi, intelligence team leader, and operations team leader all fell down, all because of this young man.

Xie Zhenyuan knew that Chu Lingyun was a powerful person and did not have any contempt for him because of his youth.

"Stationmaster, isn't this too grand? Chu Lingyun is just a lieutenant colonel. I heard that he was only a team leader before. He was promoted to the deputy section chief of the inspection department just for this inspection."

The speaker was Xie Zikai, leader of the intelligence team at the Guangzhou Station, and brother of Xie Ziqi, deputy chief of the intelligence section at the headquarters.

He is Xie Zhenyuan's confidant, and he has an older brother at the headquarters. Except for a few people such as Chu Zuo, Xu Yi, and He Nian, he has never paid attention to anyone else.

"What do you know?"

Xie Zhenyuan turned around and glared at him. Not to mention that Chu Lingyun came with Shang Fang's sword. The things they had done could easily cause great trouble once they were discovered.

Xie Zikai lowered his head after being scolded and did not dare to speak nonsense again.

The train stopped slowly, and Chu Lingyun quickly got out of the car. Seeing Chu Lingyun in military uniform, Xie Zhenyuan knew that the real owner had arrived, and walked over immediately.

"Inspector Chu, welcome to Guangzhou."

Xie Zhenyuan came over and extended his hand. He was of a higher rank than Chu Lingyun, so it was not appropriate to salute first. A handshake was the best way.

"My Excellency, Chu Lingyun, I have met Station Master Xie."

Chu Lingyun stretched out his hands. Xie Zhenyuan was not his superior. It was inappropriate to claim a humble position. He was older than him, so he claimed to be a subordinate.

"Inspector Chu, you're welcome. Please get in the car."

Xie Zhenyuan waved his hand. In order to pick up Chu Lingyun this time, they drove eight vehicles, four trucks, four cars, and two trucks were full of people.

The aura was so strong that many people watched and wondered which big shot was riding the same train as them.

Chu Lingyun glanced at Ni Loach, who greeted the team members behind him to get in the car, and he got into another car with Director Huang.

The motorcade left the station in a mighty manner and went directly to Guangzhou Station.

Guangzhou Station is a big station with a large area and its own guest house.

"Inspector Chu, the food in our station cafeteria is no worse than those in big hotels. The chef is a senior chef I recruited. His skills are very good. You can try it tonight."

Xie Zhenyuan said with a smile in the private room of the canteen at Guangzhou Station.

"Thank you, stationmaster. You're too kind. Just a simple meal."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly. Xie Zhenyuan was an old fox. He Nian had a close relationship with him before he came out this time. He was told to be careful of two people in the sub-station outside.

One is Ma Benchao from Xi'an Station, and the other is Xie Zhenyuan from Guangzhou Station.

In addition to being the station chief, these two people have other positions. Ma Benchao also serves as the chief of the Xi'an Police Department, and Xie Zhenyuan is the director of the Guangdong Anti-Smuggling Department.

He Nian's evaluation of Xie Zhenyuan is that he is very smart, good at maneuvering, and cunning.

When he was in Wuhan, Wang Yuemin also told him to be careful of Xie Zhenyuan at Guangzhou Station.

The person who can make both He Nian and Wang Yuemin fearful is definitely not a loser.

"It's just commonplace."

Xie Zhenyuan responded with a smile. There were not many people in the room. Only Chu Lingyun, Ni Loach and Director Huang were from Nanjing, and there were only five people from Guangzhou station.

Station chief, deputy station chief, intelligence team leader, operations team leader and general affairs team leader.

The eight of us didn't drink much, but we ate a lot of food. This chef was really good, and the food he made was delicious.

"Inspector Chu, there is an important meeting at the Anti-Smuggling Department tomorrow. I can't accompany you at the station. I'll let Deputy Station Chief Wang entertain you then."

After dinner and wine, Xie Zhenyuan apologized to Chu Lingyun. He had two jobs and was destined to be unable to stay in Guangzhou Station forever.

"Thank you, stationmaster, if you have anything to do, don't worry about me. I'm just going through the motions as an inspector."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He didn't know if Xie Zhenyuan had a meeting, but he went to the meeting as soon as he arrived. Whether it was true or not, it was always a bit of a test.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Xie Zhenyuan clasped his fists and asked someone to send Chu Lingyun and the others to rest, while he left in the car.

Chu Lingyun was just going through the motions, but he didn't believe a word he said.

Going through the motions will turn Changsha Station upside down, arresting so many people at once? Even though Chu Lingyun is young, he is very smooth and has experience and skills that are inconsistent with his actual age.

Xie Zhenyuan did not despise him at the beginning, but now he pays more attention to him.

As for the meeting he mentioned, it doesn't exist at all. It's just a temptation.

To test whether Chu Lingyun is targeting him, just watch what Chu Lingyun does when he doesn't show up.

In the room, Ni Yao led people to check carefully and found no bugs.

However, this was not a hotel room, but inside Guangzhou Station. Chu Lingyun did not speak in the room, but took Loach outside and pretended to take a walk.

"Tomorrow you send someone to check the situation of the anti-smuggling department. It's best to have people inquire among the people."

"Team leader, I will go there in person tomorrow."

Loach immediately responded, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: "No, you can't go this time. Send a report to Changsha Station and ask Shen Hanwen to bring the radio. When they come, they will come in batches. Don't look for us when they get to Guangzhou. You can do it yourself Hidden first, the radio is on 24 hours a day, waiting for instructions at any time."

"Team leader, does Xie Zhenyuan have a big problem?"

Ni Loach was startled. The team leader's arrangement was much more cautious than when he was in Changsha. Even Shen Hanwen and the others had to hide and not show up yet.

"It's unclear whether the problem is serious or not, but there is definitely a problem. He is not Zhao Tianxi, so we must be cautious with him."

Chu Lingyun nodded. If there were no problems, Xie Zhenyuan would not make any probing moves. There is a saying that a thief has a guilty conscience. If it was really magnanimous or there was a small problem, he would be generous and not afraid of himself as an inspector.

Only when you have something on your mind and are worried will you instinctively do something to protect yourself.

Guangzhou Station is a big station, Xie Zhenyuan is strong here, and Chu Lingyun has to guard against it.

"Yes, I will ask Liang Yu to go out to investigate tomorrow."

Ni Loach replied that he couldn't go out because he was the deputy team leader. If he was not at Guangzhou Station for a long time, he would definitely disturb the old fox Xie Zhenyuan.

Early the next morning, Director Huang led people to review the property and other conditions at Guangzhou Station.

This is a normal procedure, and everyone knows that nothing will happen during this process. However, at noon, Director Huang hurried to Chu Lingyun's side, with a bit of nervousness on his face.

"Chief Chu, we found a big problem during the review this morning."

"say clearly."

Chu Lingyun frowned. A big problem was found where there shouldn't be a problem. What did Xie Zhenyuan mean?

"When we checked the warehouse normally today, we found that the number of their military radio stations did not match their accounts."

Chu Lingyun suddenly turned around. Radio stations are very strictly controlled, especially military radio stations. The whereabouts of each radio station must be clearly recorded. If someone loses the radio station, they may lose their head.

"How many are missing?"

Chu Lingyun asked in a deep voice. Director Huang was startled and immediately shook his head: "Chief Chu, it's not less, it's more, two more."

Two more?

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised. It was less normal, how could it be more? If it is a radio station applied for by Guangzhou Station, there will definitely be records. These two radio stations will not come through normal channels.

What is the purpose of Xie Zhenyuan putting two more radio stations in the warehouse?

There is a difference between having more radio stations and less radio stations, but it is also a big trouble if the source is not clear. Knowing that they are coming to inspect, they will definitely check the warehouse. The cunning Xie Zhenyuan will never make such a low-level mistake.

But no matter what the reason is, once they find out, they will investigate.

"Take me there and invite Deputy Station Master Wang."

Xie Zhenyuan was away, so Chu Lingyun could only find Wang Yongyun, the deputy station manager. Wang Yongyun rushed over as soon as Chu Lingyun arrived at the warehouse.

"Deputy Station Manager Wang, the number of your radio stations is wrong?"

Chu Lingyun looked at him. Wang Yongyun was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "Inspector Chu, don't worry, I'll ask about the situation first."

Wang Yongyun called the general affairs section chief and said to Chu Lingyun after a while: "I'm sorry, it was an oversight in our work. There are indeed two more radio stations. These two radio stations are smuggled radio stations that the stationmaster found at the Anti-Smuggling Department. In order to check the radio station, I specially moved it to the station for people from the telecommunications department to test it, but it happened two days ago and I haven't had time to return it."

Xie Zhenyuan, who also serves as the director of the Anti-Smuggling Department, found the radio station there. There were no telecommunications experts in their Anti-Smuggling Department, so it was normal behavior to bring the radio station to Guangzhou Station for inspection and testing.

"So that's the case, but since there are so many things here, and they are controlled items, please bring the original information from the Anti-Smuggling Department, so that I can explain it to the superiors."

Chu Lingyun's eyes narrowed. It wasn't because he didn't have time to return the favor, but because it was intentional.

Xie Zhenyuan deliberately put two radio stations on the station. It must have been the same purpose as when he left the meeting, or to test him.

It's okay if he doesn't tempt him. The more he tempts him, the more it proves that there is something wrong with him.

"No problem, I'll report it when the station manager comes back."

Wang Yongyun agreed immediately and the radio station had an explanation. Chu Lingyun did not pursue the matter and let Director Huang continue the review.

Guangzhou, Military Headquarters.

Chen Shouquan stood in front of his desk and was reporting. In front of him sat a man wearing a general star, who was Chen Zizhou's uncle Chen Mutu.

"So, they do have a lot of sulfonamides?" Chen Mutu asked after listening to the report.

"I don't know exactly how many, but it's definitely a lot."

Chen Shouquan nodded and said, thirty thousand dollars of sulfa was given to them without blinking an eye, so they must still have it in their hands.

"We cooperated with the Americans and found Zizhou again."

Chen Mutu smiled, and Chen Shouquan took the opportunity to say: "This time, Chu Lingyun did only give the second young master a favor price of 20,000 US dollars. The second young master's 10,000 US dollars of goods were bought at the normal price, which was much more expensive."

"It's enough to lie to Liangzhou, but why do you even believe it?"

Chen Mutu raised his head, while Chen Shouquan showed surprise.

"This business has a lot to do with Chu Lingyun. Americans are not so easy to talk to. Infringing on their interests is almost like killing them. The price of favor? They don't need it."

Chen Mutu said slowly, Chen Shouquan was startled and said angrily: "Chu Lingyun is so courageous that he dares to play tricks on the second young master? Isn't he afraid that you will be angry?"

"Afraid, why should people be afraid?"

Chen Mutu stood up and continued: "Not only are we not afraid, even if we know, we must remember this favor. They actually gave us 20,000 US dollars worth of goods below the market price. As for the ones Zizhou bought, they are indeed normal. Price, why do you blame others?"

Chen Shouquan was speechless. The officer was right, but why did he say it was a lie just now?

"No matter what the price is, it is lower than others, and it can indeed make money. Why should we blame it?"

"Even if we know that he is raising the price on purpose, we still need favors. He is a smart man."

Chen Mutu came to sit on the sofa in the office and lit a cigarette.

"He sold expensive things to the Second Young Master, why should we still thank him?"

Chen Shouquan was indignant, and Chen Mutu shook his head at him: "Is it expensive? Didn't you just say that others are rushing to get the normal price, and even buy the platoon at a high price? Zizhou can get goods worth ten thousand US dollars, which is better than others outside. Much stronger, has he ever blamed Chu Lingyun?"

Chen Shouquan was silent. The second young master really had no objection to Chu Lingyun. On the contrary, he was full of gratitude.

"You have to know that no one will care if something comes to your door for free, but you will be grateful for something that is hard to get."

Chen Mutu knocked the ashes from his cigarette: "And we want to continue doing business with him in the future. Even if we understand this, we can't tell it."

"This person is too cunning."

"It's not cunning, it's wisdom."

Chen Mutu sighed. Even though it was a trivial matter, it made him see Chu Lingyun's methods.

It's very clever, and it's not like a young person can use it.

"He is in Guangzhou now. You go to the Guangzhou Station of the Military Intelligence Office in the afternoon and ask him to come out. Just tell him that I will meet him and treat him to dinner."

"You want to invite him? Just a lieutenant colonel?"

Chen Shouquan's eyes widened. Chu Lingyun was just a lieutenant colonel. Who was Chen Mutu? He was a well-known general of the Guo Party. He was awarded the title of middle school last year and was promoted to the top this year.

Sir, would you like to invite a lieutenant colonel to dinner?

"What's wrong with the lieutenant colonel? The fact that he can get so many sulfonamides proves his ability. Now he is a lieutenant colonel. Can you guarantee that he will always be a lieutenant colonel?"

Chen Mutu scolded that the people who followed him were used to having smooth sailing over the years and looked down upon the people below them.

Ability does not lie in military rank, not to mention how young Chu Lingyun is. He went from second lieutenant to lieutenant colonel in less than a year. Even he was not so fast back then.

The most important thing is that Chu Lingyun, like him, rose through the ranks by relying on his merits in battle, not on connections.

"Yes, boss."

Chen Shouquan did not dare to refute his words, so he lowered his head and responded. Chen Mutu pinched off the butt of his cigarette, stood up and said, "You go later and take him directly to the Cantonese Restaurant. I'll wait for you there."

"Boss, do you want to keep the matter of inviting him to dinner a secret?"

Chen Shouquan asked again, Chen Mutu is not an ordinary person. Since he put down the rebellion of the King of Guangdong with the same surname Chen not long ago, he has attracted the attention of the whole country, and many people are staring at him.

"Need not."

After thinking about it, Chen Mutu shook his head. Chu Lingyun was from the intelligence department. Even if they wanted to keep it secret, it would be difficult for them to hide it from the military intelligence department.

It’s an 8,000-word chapter. The monthly ticket cannot reach 1,900 today. I will take a day off and will update it tomorrow.

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