Spy Shadow

Chapter 331 Letting the Smoked Dogs Go

"How do you know his identity?"

Among Japan's intelligence agencies, the Special High School is relatively rigorous. Lingyun has dealt with Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Department and the Naval Intelligence Department and the Special High School. In comparison, the special agents of the Special High School are the most professional.

They are numerous and spread over a wide area.

Hidden agents, except for his superiors and senior management, no one else will know of their existence. Zhu Lihua and Liu Dazhuang, who were previously lurking at the headquarters of the Nanjing Military Intelligence Division, except for Kitagawa Nao, even Nao Iijima, the head of the intelligence team, did not know about them. 's true identity.

Although Guan Yannai told by Aze was not lurking in the intelligence department, he was lurking in the secretariat of the city government. It was also an important department. How could he, a lieutenant, know about it?

Is it possible that like Hayakawa Hei, they knew each other before and saw each other occasionally when they were in Chengdu?

This is possible, but not likely.

"Kan Nona is Xiang Zhi's fiancé. Originally, my position should belong to him, but he accidentally saved someone when he came to Chengdu. The man was a senior government official. Seeing that Guan Nona was very capable and skilled, he treated him very much. I appreciated him and brought him to serve in the city government, so this position fell to me.

superior. "

"Shen Hanwen."

Chu Lingyun's expression changed, and Shen Hanwen immediately stood up: "Here, team leader."

"Go arrest them immediately, quickly."


Shen Hanwen left in a hurry and took several operatives from the Chengdu station with him. He understood the urgency of the matter.

Aze has already sent a telegram. Once verified by the Special High School, they will know that this is false information, and they will definitely understand that something happened to Gu Xiaoxuan and Aze.

And if they know Guan Yanna's identity, they will definitely give him an evacuation order.

"Hit me hard."

When Shen Hanwen went out, Chu Lingyun gave the order again, and Loach took it upon himself to greet him with a whip and a brazier. Asakawa Kaori's screams immediately sounded again.

Asakawa Kachi didn't confess such important information just now. It seems that she still cares a little about her fiancé, and even after she confessed, she was still protecting him.

If Aze hadn't revealed it, I'm afraid Chu Lingyun wouldn't have known about it.

"No, you devil, don't hurt Xiang Zhi. If anything happens, come at me, bastard."

Seeing Gu Xiaoxuan being punished and Aze wailing in pain, Chu Lingyun didn't waste any time and immediately had him hanged up and beaten together.

Gu Xiaoxuan was gagged and couldn't speak, otherwise she would scold Aze to death.

If she could move, she would bite Aze to death.

She knew that Aze was deeply devoted to her, but she didn't expect that he would betray Guan Ye Nai. She could commit herself to Xu Yueping for the mission, but the person she really loved in her heart was Guan Ye.

It's just that as agents, they have no right to pursue love. Even if they can get married after getting consent, it must be at the premise and price of completing the mission.

The miserable howls of the two people sounded together. Chu Lingyun was not interested in enjoying the music. Gu Xiaoxuan did not explain everything, she was hiding something.

If you can hide one thing, you can hide two. We can't let her die now. We need to dig out everything she knows.

As for Aze, Chu Lingyun didn't understand it.

Others have fiancés, and they implement honey traps for missions, but he is watching from the side. What kind of mentality is this?

At this time, Chu Lingyun finally understood why Gu Xiaoxuan asked about Aze's situation just now.

She is not concerned about A Ze, but wants to know if he is dead. If he is dead, Guan Ye Na's existence will become a secret that only she knows, so that she can protect this person.

The two were beaten until they were almost alive, and they were all taken to the cell.

Chu Lingyun was waiting in the office of Chengdu Station, and Fang Yihu ran over before she heard any news from Shen Hanwen.

"Inspector Chu, I heard that another Japanese spy was discovered?"

Fang Yihu asked quickly. After all, this was his territory and what happened here could not be hidden from him.

"Yes, but there is a time difference. I hope the Special High School class hasn't reacted yet."

Chu Lingyun nodded. They arrested them in the afternoon. After the interrogation, it was completely dark. Chu Lingyun went to the hospital again and brought Aze to Chengdu Station.

At that time, Aze had already sent the report, and there was a time difference of at least five hours.

After such a long time, Chu Lingyun didn't know whether the extra-high school class would be able to react, and whether Shen Hanwen's actions would be successful.

"Great, you are still the best."

Fang Yihu said happily without knowing the details, but Chu Lingyun was not so optimistic.

Although Aze and the others do not belong to the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, after their supervisor receives the information, they will definitely verify it with the superiors or the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

Their radio stations are on for a long time, so it's easy to figure out

The authenticity of Chu’s intelligence.

Five hours is enough for them to react and arrange.

Not long after, Shen Hanwen came back with a bit of frustration on his face: "Team leader, we are a step late. Guan Yena answered the phone more than an hour ago, and then he left. No one knows where he went. "

It's still a step too late, only one hour left. If this information could be known an hour in advance, Guan Nona wouldn't be able to escape.

"Stationmaster Fang, will the city gate be opened at night?"

Chu Lingyun looked at Fang Yihu. Fang Yihu had not left just now and was waiting for news with Chu Lingyun.

"It won't open, but if there is a city gate with orders, you can go out at night." Fang Yihu replied.

"Stationmaster Fang, please take me to that city gate in person, quickly."

Chu Lingyun immediately said that if Guan Yannai had not left the city, there would still be a chance to find him, but once he left the city, don't even think about finding him again.

"no problem."

Fang Yihu understood the urgency of the matter and immediately took Chu Lingyun out. The group quickly arrived at the city gate. After questioning, it was found that no one had left the city more than an hour ago.

The other city gates are closed. If so, Guan Yannai should still be in the city.

"Stationmaster Fang, time is running out. Contact someone immediately and don't open the city gate tomorrow morning. Also, I hope you can mobilize more people to find this Japanese spy."

Chu Lingyun said to Fang Yihu that although Guan Yonnai ran away, it was unlikely that he would leave the city now, but Chengdu was a big city after all and it was impossible to keep the city gates closed all the time.

Chu Lingyun estimated that the city gate could only be closed for half a day at most. If Guan Yena could not be found during the blockade period, he would have to send someone at the city gate to strictly examine Guan Yena's photo.

This is not Nanjing. Chu Lingyun has limited manpower and cannot send them all to guard the city gate. It will be a great regret if Guan Yena escapes.

Although Virgo won't blame him, every spy Chu Lingyun doesn't want to let go.

"Okay, I'll ask Xinhao Zhang to inform the people at the Ge Laohui and ask them to help find someone."

Fang Yihu nodded. Brother Laohui was the largest local gang organization with a large number of people from all walks of life. If they were willing to help find people, they would be much more efficient than Chu Lingyun and the others.

"Thank you, Station Chief Fang. In addition, the police will also be dispatched. We will develop more photos of Guan Nona and try to find him as quickly as possible."

"I understand. The Chengdu Station will fully cooperate with you. I will personally speak to the departments outside that need coordination."

Fang Yihu expressed his support. He hated the Japanese the most. He had regretted many times that he could not lead troops to fight the Japanese with real swords and guns. Now that a Japanese agent had escaped under his nose, he was even more unwilling to let it go.

With Fang Yihu's support, Chu Lingyun felt relieved.

Guan Ye Nai has not left the city, so he must have a safe house in the city, and he is hiding there now. Japanese spies will not fail to arrange a safe house for themselves, and Gu Xiaoxuan and the others also have one.

No matter where he is hiding, as long as he doesn't leave, he is just a mouse in a hole. Just find him.

There was no talking all night, and before dawn the next day, Niyi and the others developed 500 photos. Zhang Xinhao left in a hurry with the photos and distributed them to the elder brothers of the Ge Laohui.

The police station also started to move. According to Chu Lingyun's request, all tenants rented within one and a half years were investigated.

Get out of a house, especially one that has been vacant for a long time.

Guan Nona came here a year and a half ago, and it is very likely that he rented his safe house within a year and a half.

The safe house is a retreat for any latent agent and is very important. After Chu Lingyun came back, he interrogated Aze and Gu Xiaoxuan, and they did not know where Guan Yena's safe house was.

Aze really didn't know whether Gu Xiaoxuan didn't say that Chu Lingyun didn't know, but it was no longer possible to torture her, and she might not be able to hold on if he continued to torture her.

"Dandan noodles, eat Dandan noodles."

"Double dough sticks, steamed buns, warm ones, does anyone want them?"

In Chengdu in the early morning, many hard-working people sell breakfast at stalls. Especially in places where there is a lot of labor, there are many businessmen carrying burdens and shouting everywhere.

"Uncle Kang, come on, take note of this person and reward him with ten yuan if you find him."

"Okay, no problem."

Kang Bo, who was carrying the burden, took a closer look at the man in the photo. He was not a member of the Ge Lao Hui, but his son was. The whole family had a deep connection with the Ge Lao Hui.

The reward offered by Chu Lingyun was two hundred, but the reward was increased step by step, and finally in the hands of the people at the bottom, it became a reward of ten yuan.

Even if it is only ten yuan, these people are extremely active. Ten yuan is still a big expense for them.

This scene is happening everywhere on the streets and alleys.

People keep seeing the photos, and others are wandering around with the photos, hoping to find the person and get the reward.

Loach didn't sleep all night and went to the police station with Shen Hanwen early in the morning.

They want to search the rental house with the police and take the initiative to see if they can find Guan Yena.

The city gate was not opened, and many people gathered outside. The guard at the city gate patiently explained that they were looking for Guan Yena.

At golden time, half a day later, the city gate must be opened.

Being able to blockade Fangyi Lake for half a day is already Fangyi Lake’s greatest effort. In the safe house, Kanano was in a daze holding a photo.

His eye circles were very red, and he could tell that he had cried. In the photo, it was Gu Xiaoxuan, and she looked younger, smiling sweetly.

Something happened to Gu Xiaoxuan, and he was given an emergency evacuation notice from above. Gu Xiaoxuan knew his identity, so he was in danger.

Thinking that Gu Xiaoxuan might be caught or even suffer, he was heartbroken.

However, if Gu Xiaoxuan was thrown in front of him at this time, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize her. Gu Xiaoxuan concealed important information, and Chu Lingyun beat her beyond recognition in anger.

Even her mother probably wouldn't recognize her.

Something happened to his fiancée, and he wanted to save her, but he was alone and weak, and he would die if he went there.

He wants to escape back and have greater power and power in the future to avenge his beloved.

As the sky grew brighter, Guan Yanna looked at the time on her watch.

He sat there and waited patiently. It was time for the city gate to open, but he couldn't go at this time. If Gu Xiaoxuan really betrayed him, there would be heavy guards at the city gate to search for him.

After the meeting at the city gate, he went over to check the situation. If the supervision was not strict, it meant that his beloved did not tell his story.

existence, he still has a chance to leave safely.

If the guard is very strict, he will have to use a fake ID to sneak out of the city.

He works at the Municipal Government Secretariat and has secretly obtained several fake identity certificates for himself.

At half past eight, Guan Yannai got up, put on a windbreaker, a hat, a fake beard, and sunglasses.

Disguise yourself as much as possible so that no one will recognize you. He went out alone and walked slowly towards the city gate.

This house was not far from the new east gate, and he saw the city gate after a while.

After noticing that there were many people blocked at the city gate, he turned around and left immediately.

The city gate is not open.

Gu Xiaoxuan betrayed him and confessed to him. Fortunately, he was informed earlier yesterday, otherwise he might not even have a chance to escape this time.



Nona cursed angrily. Gu Xiaoxuan didn't know the existence of his safe house, but he knew about his other safe house. Fortunately, after the accident, he knew that something was wrong with Gu Xiaoxuan, so he didn't dare to go to the other safe house.

But the feeling of being betrayed was not pleasant, and his love instantly turned into hatred.

"Dandan noodles, let's eat Dandan noodles."

Walking on the path, I met an old man selling breakfast on a load. There were many such vendors, some fixed and some mobile.

"Bring me a bowl."

Guan Yannai stopped him and asked for a bowl of noodles. He hadn't figured out a way to escape yet, but no matter what method he used, he had to keep his body in the best condition so that he could have a greater chance of escaping.

Filling your stomach is very important.

"Okay, just wait a moment."

Kang Bo put down his burden and quickly cooked the noodles. Guan Yana sat on a small horse and waited patiently.

It didn't take long to meet. Guan Yannai ate with big mouthfuls and looked around carefully.

Kang Bo's heartbeat quickened and he tried not to let himself take care of Nona.

Just now, Guan Yannai was wearing sunglasses and a beard, but he didn't recognize it. When eating noodles, Guan Yannai took off his glasses. Although he still had a beard, his entire face was exposed.

He looks very much like the person in the photo, except for the beard.

Beards are easy to fake. When Guan Nona had eaten and paid, Kangbo secretly observed his beard. The beard stained with dough juice was indeed a bit unnatural.

Kang Bo was 70% sure that this was the person the reward was for. He didn't dare to say anything. Even though he was just an ordinary citizen selling breakfast, he was not stupid. The man who was wanted with a reward was a strong man, and he was not something he could deal with.

After Guan Yana left, Kang Bo picked up the burden and quickly walked out of the alley.

"Erwazi, go find Lao Liu and tell him that the person in the photo has been found and is nearby. Ask him to come quickly."

Kang Bo shouted to a young man sitting next to the rickshaw. When the young man heard it, he stood up immediately.

"Uncle Kang, look after the car for me, and remember to share the reward with me."

The young man can run very fast. Pulling a rickshaw is a labor of strength and requires speed. Speed ​​is equal to money. Usually they can run fast when pulling cars and people, not to mention that they are not pulling anything now.

Not long after, Zhang Xinhao ran to Fang Yihu's office.

"Stationmaster, we found someone. Guan Nona just ate a bowl of noodles and was discovered by the noodle seller."

"Great, notify Inspector Chu immediately, and bring your people with you to prepare to arrest people."

Fang Yihu stood up suddenly, and Zhang Xinhao responded immediately. The case belongs to the inspection team, but they cooperated in arresting people, so they can get some credit. Besides, he found the clues this time.

The credit cannot escape.

Zhang Xinhao and Ge Laohui have an unusual relationship, and Ge Laohui helped him make a contribution this time.

From the Chengdu Station of the Military Intelligence Service, a vehicle was dispatched, and many trucks were filled with team members carrying weapons.

Guan Nona is a Japanese spy, so he must have weapons on him, maybe even grenades, which is very dangerous.

This time Fang Yihu brought all the machine guns in the station, leaving Chu Lingyun speechless.

The best way to catch Japanese spies is to catch them alive. If you can't catch them alive, there will be so many people with guns, and a single salvo will have more bullets than a machine gun.

It's not a war, so bringing a machine gun is really useless.

In fact, this is Fang Yihu's habit. After all, he is a soldier. When he is in action, he likes to bring more weapons and equipment, so that he can feel like he was in the army.

The motorcade drove past in a mighty manner and arrived at the place not long after.

"Ah Hao, I'm here."

A bearded man with beards waved to Zhang Xinhao. He was a paoge from the Ge Lao Hui. The Ge Lao Hui was also called the Pao Ge Hui, and they also distinguished between clear water and muddy water.

Zhang Xinhao came into contact with Brother Qingshui Pao, a group of people with legitimate professions.

"Stationmaster, Inspector Chu, he is Ge Qi, and it was his people who discovered the target."

Zhang Xinhao immediately explained, Fang Yihu nodded, and Zhang Xinhao immediately went over and brought the person over.

More than one person was brought here, Kang Bo was also brought here. "Hello, stationmaster Fang, it was Kang Bo who found the person, and I asked Kang Bo to tell you."

Ge Qi had met Fang Yihu and knew his identity. Kang Bo was pushed over by him and immediately talked about what happened just now.

He found Guan Yannai and was basically sure it was him.

Guan Nona was wearing a gray-white windbreaker, a black hat on his head, and sunglasses, for fear that others would see him.

He ate noodles near Xindongmen half an hour ago and went southeast.

Half an hour ago, it was a bit long. Chu Lingyun couldn't blame Kang Bo. He was an ordinary citizen and it was good to report the person immediately after discovering him.

It would be too difficult for him to follow people.

"Stationmaster Fang, immediately set up a cordoned off area and conduct a detailed search within the cordoned off area. Also investigate all rickshaws and bicycles to see if there is any possibility of him leaving the cordoned off area."

Chu Lingyun said to Fang Yihu that Fang Yihu was not his subordinate and could not give orders.

"I said, you decide everything, you can arrange it

OK. "

Fang Yihu nodded. Chu Lingyun was a master in handling cases and had caught so many spies. She felt relieved to leave it to him.

This time I just wanted to see how Chu Lingyun solved the case.

Not long after, the walking range within half an hour was circled. This range was not accurate, so Chu Lingyun had to verify the rickshaws and bicycles.

If Guan Nona takes a rickshaw and runs away, then the blockade will be invalid.

As for the bicycle, in an emergency, he might steal a bicycle to help him escape. Just now Comber said that since he didn't ride a bicycle, if he wanted a bicycle, he would have to steal it.

If he buys it, let alone not mentioning that it is not that easy to buy and it is easy to be exposed, he will not do it.

Everyone was busy. The blockade was quite large and people needed to be guarded at each intersection. Chu Lingyun was short of manpower, so Fang Yihu sent all the people from Chengdu Station to him.

Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen searched the rental houses in the blockade. Guan Yanna came to the city gate and found that the city gate was blocked, so he left.

He ate noodles on the road, indicating that there was no food in his safe house.

People from the Ge Lao Hui were already looking for him on the streets. If he was not on the streets, there was a high possibility that he was hiding in a safe house at this time.

Chu Lingyun guessed correctly, Guan Yannai returned to the safe house.

His safe house was not far from the city gate, only ten minutes' walk away. At this time, he was hiding in the safe house and smoking.

He had worked in the municipal government secretariat and knew that the city gates would not be sealed for long.

It can take as long as a day or as long as half a day. As long as he can't be found, the city gate will definitely be opened.

On the way back, he bought some more food and decided to wait patiently in the safe house for a day before leaving the city tomorrow.

However, since the city is sealed, it will definitely be dangerous for him to leave the city. He must disguise himself better tomorrow and find the right time to try to get out.

If that didn't work, he would have no choice but to come back, stay well in the safe house, and wait until the search was over or relax before he could find a way out of the city.

Fang Yihu temporarily requisitioned a private house in the blockade as their headquarters.

There is a telephone in the house, so you can receive information from outside at any time.

Two hours later, Zhang Xinhao came to report that he had searched all the streets and alleys in the blockade but could not find Guan Yannai.

At the same time, no rickshaw driver pulled him over, and there was no report of the bike being lost.

In this case, Guan Yannai is very likely to return to the safe house, and the next step will be to see the search by Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen.

"There are eighteen houses in Chief Zhao's alley that have been rented out within a year and a half. Five of them have been rented out. Another ten houses have been occupied by people for a long time. There are only three houses that are unoccupied. However, among these three houses, there is one The sets are in a warehouse, and only two sets have been empty before."

A police sergeant came to report to Loach. The police were local snakes and could easily find out the situation.

"Those two empty houses, did anyone show up last night and today?"


Ask immediately, whether the house is rented or not lived in, the occasional owner, or the house that has been vacant for a long time is suspected. Every house must be verified clearly, and absolutely cannot be careless.

"I asked people around, but no one saw anyone living there, but one person said he smelled smoke coming from the unoccupied house next to him in the yard."

The Sheriff replied, and Loach was shocked.

The latent spy is hiding. He will not appear in front of many people, and no one will notice that he is normal.

But it is unusual for an unoccupied house to smell smoke. In the previous investigation, Guan Yannai did smoke. He was hiding in the safe house, nervous and scared. It was entirely possible that he smoked a lot.

The strong smell of smoke could be smelled by the surrounding neighbors. This is Loach's guess, it has not been confirmed yet, but there is this

The possibility is not small.

"Han Wen, lead your people to keep an eye on this place. I will report to the team leader immediately. Chief He, you continue to lead your people to check other rental houses."

Ni Loach immediately made arrangements. He had made a lot of progress with Chu Lingyun. The investigation of other areas would not stop until it was confirmed that Guan Ye Nai was hiding here.

After receiving Ni Loach's call, Chu Lingyun and Fang Yihu rushed over immediately.

People have already been arranged in front and behind the rental house. Loach just sent people to the neighbor's house to check carefully. The smell of smoke can indeed be smelled, which proves that there is someone inside.

It has not yet been determined whether it is Guan Nona or not. "Team leader, do you want the security guard to ask?"

Loach asked after reporting the situation. He didn't dare to act rashly just now. He would wait until the team leader arrived to talk about everything.


Chu Lingyun immediately shook his head. If Guan Ye Nai was here, he had gone out before, but no one saw him, and the land security guard's rash visit would definitely arouse his suspicion.

These spies are all desperadoes. Once the other party is alert, not only will they not be able to catch them alive, they may also cause the death or injury of their own brothers.

If you want to confirm whether there is Guan Nona inside, you can’t use this method

direct way.

"Team leader, whether it's him or not, let's just attack by force. If it's him, he's frightened right now. We can't lure him out. We can't force him out by setting fire to it."

Shen Hanwen said from the side that he likes a straightforward approach, and a strong attack is the best.

Chu Lingyun was stunned. Attacking by force was not a good idea, but Shen Hanwen's words inspired him. Setting fire would definitely not work. If it were someone else who would do whatever it takes to get credit, they would not care about the lives of the people.

But he wouldn't, and Fang Yihu also looked at him worriedly. Fang Yihu also disagreed with setting fire.

You can't set fire, but you can set off smoke.

As long as the fire is under control, no matter who is inside when there is smoke, they must come out. If they don't come out, they will be suffocated to death inside.

"Hanwen, you go find some firewood right away, wet firewood."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Fang Yihu tensed up and immediately stopped him: "Inspector Chu, we can use other methods. There are many wooden houses here, and if they catch fire, they may spread to a large area."

"Stationmaster Fang, you misunderstood. I didn't intend to set a fire, but to set off smoke."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Fang Yihu was startled, and immediately understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

Setting a fire is too dangerous and may not be controllable, but setting a smoke is different. Although the smoke is difficult to control, the fire that produces the smoke can be controlled.

"Inspector Chu, Gao, I didn't expect you to come up with such a good method so quickly."

Fang Yihu sincerely praised him. It sounds easy to let go of cigarettes, but at this moment everyone was thinking about how to verify whether the person they were looking for was in the house, and no one thought of this at all.

"Loach, go check and see if there are any suitable smoking spots around. It can affect this family without raising suspicion."

Chu Lingyun once again ordered Loach to let out smoke directly to drive out the people inside, but it could also shock people.

If there is a suitable reason to prevent the people inside from suspecting, it will be more beneficial to the operation. After the people inside come out and confirm that it is Guan Nona, they can catch him alive when he is not prepared.


Loach came back quickly: "Team leader, I just took a look. The second house on the left has a large yard. The current wind direction is this way. If we set a fire in that yard and blow the smoke over, we can The people inside were forced out."

Setting a fire in the yard does not need to burn down the house. At the same time, the light of the fire can create the illusion of a fire.

The sight of people pretending to put out fires after a while can paralyze the people inside to the maximum extent.

The plan is feasible. Chu Lingyun immediately agreed. Shen Hanwen will

He also led people to find a lot of wet firewood, and Loach personally led people to set a fire in the yard and prepare water at the same time.

This water can increase the concentration of smoke, and at the same time, if the fire cannot be controlled, it can extinguish the fire in time.

For safety reasons, Loach dug another pit and let the firewood burn in the pit.

More than a dozen bundles of wet firewood were thrown in, and thick smoke billowed out immediately after being lit. Loach and the others couldn't stand the strong smoke, so they had no choice but to run farther away.

Fang Yihu also recruited two electric fans from nearby to blow air on the firewood so that the smoke would be blown towards the target house.

When the fire first started, no one moved, only the smoke kept being blown to the side.

Many people around smelled the smoke and ran out.

Guan Yannai inside the house also smelled the smoke. He was a little confused. When he came to the window, he noticed that there was a lot of white smoke in the yard.

Looking to the side, he even saw the fire not far away.

"It's flooded, let's put out the fire."

A shrill howl sounded instantly, and the outside soon became chaotic. People shouting for fire protection were everywhere, and Guan Yannai heard a lot of footsteps.

He looked solemn, checked the pistol on his body, and then

The grenade was in his hand.

After thinking for a moment, he hid the grenade in his arms and the gun in his sleeve, and walked out of the house.

There was a fire nearby, and he couldn't help but come out, otherwise the thick smoke would kill him even if he wasn't burned to death. But the fire started so suddenly that he understood his situation and didn't dare to be careless.

He covered his mouth and came to the outer door. Through the crack in the door, he saw many people running away carrying buckets.

"Team leader, the person inside has come out, it's Guan Nona." Loach looked at it with a telescope from a high place and confirmed the identity of the target. He was very excited.

"Okay, Station Commander Fang, your people are ready to take action as soon as he comes out. Remember, he may have poisons and grenades on his body, so be sure to pay attention to safety."

Chu Lingyun said to Fang Yihu next to him that Fang Yihu was very cooperative in the investigation of the Japanese spy and reciprocated the favor. He gave up the opportunity to capture Guan Nona.

The person Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen found had already made a meritorious service, and the Chengdu Station had contributed a lot, so they couldn't live alone.

"Thank you Inspector, Nobuhao, get ready for action."

Fang Yihu hugged Chu Lingyun, understanding that this was the credit given to him by the other party.

He really needs this credit now. After all, Xu Yueping is a man in the station, and his responsibility is not small.

I have a share of credit, so I can make up for it somewhat.


Zhang Xinhao happily accepted the order. He was given the opportunity to arrest people, which meant that the credit would also go to him.

The Japanese spy is cunning, and Inspector Chu has ordered that he must be subdued with one blow, otherwise the operatives may be in danger.

He didn't dare to be careless, and he and his men pretended to be ordinary people putting out fires, and kept running back and forth with buckets.

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