Spy Shadow

Chapter 333 Be Clean

Chu Lingyun's original purpose of setting up this school was to allow parents to avoid future wars and to better protect them.

The reason why I chose this place is that it is relatively safe and I know that the Japanese have not bombed me. Chu Lingyun deliberately controlled the size of the school to prevent it from attracting the attention of the Japanese. In addition, it was far away from the urban area, so the Japanese would not waste artillery bombs on such a school.

But if there are many students in the school, it may attract the attention of Japanese people.

Chu Lingyun knew very well how vicious the Japanese were.

The so-called humanitarianism does not exist for them. Places with large numbers of people will definitely become their key targets.

Chu Lingyun originally spent 20,000 US dollars to build the school, but not all of the money was used for students.

It takes money to build a school, money to recruit teachers, and money to do all the preliminary work.

The remaining money is used for three years, so as to maintain the maximum number of 200 students so as not to attract the Japanese.

Smith took the initiative without authorization and directly donated 20,000 yuan.

If all the $20,000 is spent on students, the scale can be expanded five times to 1,000 students.

Chu Lingyun can guarantee that a school with so many students will definitely attract Japanese bombers.

By then, not only parents will be in danger, but many students will most likely die in the war.

Even if the $20,000 is not used up at once but divided into several years, there will be no problem in doubling the number of students. A school with 400 students will be equally unsafe.

This was not Chu Lingyun's original intention.

"Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Smith finally noticed Chu Lingyun's expression and asked in confusion.

"You've made money, haven't you? Donate 20,000 yuan at a time. Since you are so rich, you can deduct all the previous expenses for your villa."

Chu Lingyun gritted his teeth and said, Smith can't stay here anymore, let him go back as soon as possible, not to Shanghai, but to the United States.

He can do whatever he wants in the United States, and don't stay in China and cause trouble.

Now that there's Chloe, she's closer to Thomas, and Smith is no longer needed here.

As for his partners, Chloe can be allowed to be Smith's nominal agent when the time comes, and they will also do business with Americans.

Besides, Smith has nothing to do in Shanghai and has no rights. It is better to send him back to the United States and let him help expand the scale of the business there.

During the war, not only did sulfa make money, many drugs made money, and there were also many daily necessities.

Now their goods are transported by passenger ships. In the future, if there is more goods, they can use their own cargo ships to transport them faster.

"No, I donated it in the name of the company, not my money."

Smith replied seriously that he made a lot of money from this shipment, but he also had a lot of expenses. If the $20,000 was deducted from his dividends, he would have no money.

Chu Lingyun laughed angrily, but felt relieved. There is still room for maneuver in making donations in the name of the company. "Who gave you the right to donate so much money on behalf of the company?"

Chu Lingyun asked coldly, and Smith sensed something was wrong. In his understanding, Chu Lingyun was very supportive of his parents running schools.

They made so much money, and it was completely reasonable and normal behavior for them to donate some of it to expand the school. Chu Lingyun should be happy, but he didn't expect this attitude at all.

"Chu, isn't this what you've always wanted to do?" Smith asked doubtfully.

"this is not."

Chu Lingyun glared at him fiercely: "Since you donated the money, now listen to me and explain it clearly immediately. Just like last time, this money will be used in three years, and it will be used to build a new campus. It cannot be used in If you don't do well in this school, I will deduct the money from your dividends."

Smith took the initiative to donate money and could not regret it, otherwise his parents would be very disappointed.

But this money must not be used to expand the school and enroll more students.

We can only find a safe place to build a branch school.

It cannot be placed too far away. He must carefully recall whether there is a safe place nearby for his parents to build a school.

"Why? Isn't it nice to be here?"

Smith breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was not asked to pay. He only had a 10% dividend, and the company paid 10%. Two thousand dollars was no problem for him, and he was willing to use the money to help others.

But if all the money he has now is taken away, he will definitely not be happy.

"You don't have to ask why, just do it honestly as I ask. If you don't do it well, not only will you have to pay for it yourself, but don't even think about adding bonuses in the future."

Chu Lingyun threatened again. Dividends are Smith's lifeblood, but he is afraid of the poor life he had before.

After finally becoming wealthy again, he never wanted to go back to the past.

At this time, no matter how stupid Smith was, he understood that he had messed up the matter. Chu Lingyun was not willing to give his parents so much money to run a school. As for why, he still doesn't understand.

"Okay, I'll go tell you."

Smith didn't dare to argue. After all, Chu Lingyun was the big boss.

Although he registered the company, Liu Chengzhu found a barrister in the United States and set many rules for him when the company was founded. Chu Lingyun could take the company away at any time.

He didn't dare to offend Chu Lingyun, otherwise he would lose everything.

In fact, Chu Lingyun really had the idea of ​​kicking him out. Although he could do it, it would be very troublesome. Besides, if he kicked Smith away, he would not be able to be the boss of the company by himself and would have to find another American agent.

Smith still has certain abilities, let him return to the United States

Well, after I go back, no one will know where my parents are.

Fortunately, this time Smith brought those foreign bodyguards, paid more money for these foreign devils, and sent them to the United States together.

As for such foreign employees, there are as many as he wants, but in the public concession, as long as he puts the word out, a large number of people will come looking for jobs.

"Mr. Allen, you are here, Ling Yun, have you arrived in Chongqing?"

Chu Yuanchen is in the office. With Smith's promise, he is very happy and is making plans to recruit students on a large scale.

They are a welfare school that provides food for free and can recruit many students.

If you are not really poor and have no other choice, who wouldn’t want your children to go to school? Ordinary people know that the only way to get high is through education.

How many students can 20,000 US dollars help? Chu Yuanchen is very motivated these days.

Smith came in while he was making plans. Soon he saw his son behind him and was even more surprised.

"Dad, where is my mother?"

Chu Lingyun glanced at the office and asked casually what almost all children had asked.

"Your mother is in class. Are you finished with things in Chengdu?"

Chu Yuanchen was even more happy to see his son again. His son was their lucky star. It was his son's acquaintance with Smith, a kind man, that led to the establishment of this school.

Thinking of being able to help more students in the future, Chu Yuanchen was very happy

Satisfied, I feel that my life is very meaningful.

"I'm done." After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he looked at Smith.

Smith immediately went over and said seriously: "Mr. Chu, I am leaving today. There is something I need to explain before I leave."

According to Chu Lingyun's request, Smith put forward the conditions for this donation.

Twenty thousand US dollars is the funding for three years of running the school, and the site must be re-selected to build a new campus. The new school is defined as a dedicated girls' school.

This reason is easy to explain. At present, more than 99% of the students in the school are boys, and there are very few girls.

This is mainly caused by the preference for boys over girls in rural areas. Girls from poor families rarely go to school and start helping the family at an early age, waiting to get married.

Smith hated this phenomenon so much that he wanted to establish a special school for girls.

Girls' schools are not limited to middle school students, but are also open to primary school students. All girls' schools are for girls, so parents can feel free to send their children there. When the time comes, Chu Lingyun's mother will be the principal of the girls' school, and each parent will be responsible for a school.

Chu Yuanchen's eyes widened, he didn't expect Smith to have such a request.

With the experience of Smith's request last time, he was not too surprised. However, recruiting female students in rural areas is not that easy. Even if it is free, many parents are not willing to send their girls to school.

"Dad, you also know that foreign countries pay attention to this and believe that women and men are equal, so Smith saw that there are only male students in the school.

Student, very dissatisfied. "

Chu Lingyun helped explain that Chu Yuanchen was an intellectual after all and could understand.

"I understand, but Mr. Allen doesn't know our national conditions. If we only recruit girls, let alone two hundred, it would be good to recruit twenty."

Chu Yuanchen was in a dilemma. He was happy to establish the same girls' school. He had the same attitude towards his son and daughter, and he established a girls' school so that his daughter could study there.

The key problem is that ordinary people will not understand it, and it will be very difficult to recruit students.

"Dad, don't worry about this. I'll talk to Smith."

Chu Lingyun took Smith out and gave him a few words, and soon the two came back.

"Don't worry about recruiting students. I will add another two thousand dollars for scholarships every year. As long as students meet the standards, they can receive two legal currency rewards every month."

Smith followed Chu Lingyun's request and told him the solution to the problem.

Two yuan a month is not much, but it is definitely a lot for rural areas. These girls cannot generate an income of two yuan a month. If they can still make money by going to school, many parents will compete to send their children to school.

Even if two hundred students received full scholarships, it would only be four hundred French currency per month, or four thousand eighty per year.

At today's exchange rate, that's less than two thousand dollars. Chu Yuanchen was startled, and his expression instantly turned into one of surprise: "Really, thank you so much, Mr. Allen, if there is such an extra

Scholarship, I am confident that I will be able to recruit enough students. "

Money makes it easy to do things, but Chu Lingyun has no choice but to keep throwing money at her parents.

However, this money is not thrown away in vain, it can indeed help many people.

If the number of students was not limited, Chu Lingyun would be willing to increase investment and open a larger school.

"Ling Yun, go call your mother and tell her the good news. Let's treat Mr. Allen to dinner together at noon."

Chu Yuanchen told his son that when he came out this time, it was Chu Lingyun who always ordered others to do things, and there were not many people who could order him.

He could only obey his father's orders.

He Wanrong had just finished class and was brought back to the office by Chu Lingyun. She was also very happy when she heard Chu Yuanchen talk about Smith's conditions.

This time, the money donated by Smith can be used to build a girls' school, which is definitely an opportunity to change the fate of many girls.

In particular, in order to motivate parents to send their children, an annual incentive of two thousand dollars has been added, making it easier to recruit students.

The obstacles to building a girls' school were lifted. As for the location, Chu Lingyun only knew this safe place. There was no way to help them for the time being, so she could only go back and do research.

This time they were allowed to choose the site for the school, but they had to send a telegram after choosing it and wait for Smith's approval.

The family had a happy lunch. If Smith hadn't been there, Chu Lingyun would have been even happier.

My younger sister Chuya has grown a little taller and is about to become a big girl.

The mountains and rivers in Chongqing are very nurturing. Chu Lingyun found that her skin was better than before. The family was safe and happy here, which was Chu Lingyun's greatest satisfaction.

Without worries, he can do more things with peace of mind.

His parents repeatedly asked him to stay, but after lunch, Chu Lingyun still left. Smith could not be allowed to stay here, and he did not have that much time to spend with his parents.

"Team leader, you are back."

Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen, who had been waiting, finally felt relieved after seeing Chu Lingyun's figure. The team leader went out by himself and did not let any of them follow. They always felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, the team leader returned safely.


You take a few people to send Smith and others to Shanghai, and send them all to me on the ship back to the United States. You are not allowed to come back until the ship leaves. "

Chu Lingyun's face was not very good along the way. After meeting his men, he immediately gave the order.

"Chu, why, why did you suddenly send me back to the United States?"

Smith still didn't know the mistake he had made. He asked doubtfully that the United States was better, but he hadn't had enough time in China and didn't want to go back now.

"Smith, you have to go back. We will sell more sulfonamides next, but our business cannot be just sulfonamides. Sooner or later, the market for sulfonamides will be saturated. When the price drops, there will no longer be such high profits."

The price of sulfonamide will not fall, but will only rise. Chu Lingyun knows this very well, but will not tell Smith.

"After you arrive in the United States, learn more about other drugs, sugar, cigarettes, drugs, etc. These items are in short supply. We can make a lot of money after shipping them here."

Smith likes to make money, so Chu Lingyun uses benefits to seduce him. All in all, he cannot be allowed to stay in the country.

If he doesn't listen, he will be sent away by force.

"You're right, but can you let Chloe go back?"

Hearing more and bigger plans, Smith rolled his eyes, but he still didn't want to go back.

"No, can you trust her with so much money from the company?"

Chloe can't leave, and she is still needed to maintain Thomas' relationship and replace Smith as the company's foreign representative.

While Smith has to go, it's a risk if he stays.

"Okay, but these new goods will be included in my performance and increase my dividends."

After thinking for a while, Smith finally chose business. If he wanted to have a better life, he could only make more money.

"no problem."

Chu Lingyun agreed, and Shen Hanwen didn't want to leave, but he had no room to resist Chu Lingyun's order, so he could only take Smith and his party to the dock.

Shen Hanwen took away Smith and the twenty people who came with him.

With so many people watching, it was impossible for Smith to escape. Besides, he would not run away to make money. By taking a boat all the way, they could reach Shanghai directly.

After Shen Hanwen sends Smith and others aboard, he will return to Chu Lingyun.

Xi'an, the famous ancient capital.

The towering city walls are very impressive. Chu Lingyun walked from Chongqing to Xi'an for several days. It was already early December, and the weather was much colder than when Chu Lingyun left Nanjing.

Xi'an Station Director Ma Benchao led everyone to greet Chu Lingyun and his party at the city gate.

"Welcome inspector to Xi'an."

After Chu Lingyun got out of the car, Ma Benchao came up with someone and said with a smile.

Ma Benchao is not too old, in his thirties, but he has very senior qualifications. He is a student in the first batch of Huangpu and is a senior in Virgo.

He has a good relationship with Virgo, and was invited by Virgo to serve as the webmaster. He is also one of the two old foxes who specially warned him during the New Year.

Another old fox, Xie Zhenyuan, had already been dealt with by Chu Lingyun. After careful investigation, he did not expect that Xie Zhenyuan took advantage of him and managed to escape.

Chu Lingyun didn't have any contempt for Ma Benchao. "Thank you, Station Master Ma."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to salute, but Ma Benchao was higher than him and senior, so he would not take the initiative to salute him.


Ma Benchao returned the greeting and led Chu Lingyun and his party into the city.

In addition to soldiers, there were police guards at the city gate, and two police trucks escorted them all the way to the hotel.

In addition to being the station chief, Ma Benchao also has another identity, the chief of the police station. He has no problem mobilizing the police.

Xi'an Station is not small, but the number of people is not as large as that of Guangzhou. Ma Benchao did not arrange for Chu Lingyun to stay in Xi'an Station, but sent them to the best hotel.

After settling down Chu Lingyun and his party, Ma Benzhao returned to Xi'an Station, but he would come over to entertain Chu Lingyun in the evening, and the real review would begin tomorrow.

Ma Benchao has been very busy with work recently, and Chu Lingyun can understand.

"Team leader, I'm going out first."

Ni Loach came to say goodbye to Chu Lingyun. Before coming, Chu Lingyun had given him his mission. After arriving in Xi'an, he immediately investigated everyone at Xi'an station, focusing on investigating Ma Benchao.

"Go ahead and be safe."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Loach hurried away with the people. Inquiring about information was his strength. He could hang out with anyone from all three religions, and it was easy to find out what he wanted.

Ma Benzao didn't come back until evening and received Chu Lingyun with a sumptuous dinner.

"Brother Chu, although we are located in the northwest and cannot be as prosperous as you in the south of the Yangtze River, our food here is outstanding. You can try it today."

Ma Benchao laughed and said, Xi'an's food is indeed good, and the chefs here do a good job. Chu Lingyun tasted a few bites and whetted her appetite.

"Thank you, Station Master Ma, for your warm hospitality."

Chu Lingyun raised his glass and took the initiative to propose a toast. Ma Benchao picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

He drinks more freely, does not have so many connections, and he is a familiar person. In other places, others call Chu Lingyun inspector. Not long after arriving in Xi'an, he changed his name to brother.

The change of names makes people mistakenly think that the two of them have a close relationship.

"Brother Chu, you're welcome. Come on, have another drink."

Ma Benchao took the initiative to propose a toast and took Chu Lingyun to drink a lot, more than he drank at the previous stations.

Even when he was with Fang Yihu, Chu Lingyun didn't drink that much.

But no matter how much he drank, Chu Lingyun remained sober, and he would not let himself get really drunk.

In Nanjing, Director Yang routinely came to Secretary Liang’s home to report on work.

The main report was about sulfonamides. With Lin Shi, they were able to steadily obtain a large amount of sulfonamides, which not only solved the problem of difficult medication in their hometown, but also increased their income a lot.

In order to buy a shipment of medicine, Director Yang was so worried that he had to send his subordinates to raise money. Even Secretary Liang borrowed 1,000 yuan.

Until now, the thousand yuan has been paid off.

Now the situation has changed greatly. Lin Shi brought the fourth batch of goods. This time it was not 5,000 US dollars, but 10,000 US dollars. However, this time Lin Shi got news in Shanghai that the supply of sulfa in Shanghai was no longer available. Many, you need to wait a month before you can continue to pick up the goods.

Within a month, they only had these ten boxes of sulfa.

"Since the supply is insufficient, we don't have to rush to sell. Whoever bids the highest price will sell to whomever. If we make more money, we can provide more life-saving medicines for our hometown."

Secretary Liang said slowly, while Director Yang nodded: "Secretary Liang, we thought of it together. I asked Xiao Su to go to several surrounding cities to try to get a higher price."

They ship in Nanjing, and although the price is not low, it is difficult to raise the price.

But there are not many places around, and the price can be higher there.

"Okay, be sure to pay attention to safety. Also, tell Comrade Dragonfly that in view of his recent major contributions, his hometown has affirmed and praised him. Find a time after the year for him to return to his hometown to participate in a study."

This was Ke Gong's request. Lin Shi had not received professional training and was not considered a qualified agent.

Especially when he has an intelligence genius like Chu Lingyun beside him, he can easily be exposed if he is not careful, so it is urgent to enhance his abilities.

But Lin Shi has his own job, and it's not easy to find time to go out.

Fortunately, now that he has been promoted to section chief, he can find an opportunity to get himself a long-term assignment away from home.

"Okay, I will tell Comrade Dragonfly this good news. He yearns for his hometown very much."

Director Yang said happily that neither he nor Secretary Liang knew that Mr. Ke had other motives for doing this.

Mr. Ke's suspicion of Chu Lingyun has not been lifted. Regardless of whether Chu Lingyun did it intentionally or not, Lin Shi was very cautious when dealing with Chu Lingyun.


Enhanced Lin Shi's ability will allow him to better observe Chu Lingyun to verify Ke Gong's judgment.

But it must be small

Heart, if Lin Shi's ability is not up to standard, Ke Gong will not do this.

Otherwise, if his guess is wrong, Lin Shi will be beyond redemption.

He would not risk the lives of his comrades, but training Lin Shi and enhancing his professional abilities was not a bad thing, so he made such a decision.

Chu Lingyun, along with Director Huang and others, finally entered Xi'an Station.

The formal review began. Director Huang took the people to work, while Ma Benchao arranged a separate office for Chu Lingyun, where Chu Lingyun could temporarily handle official duties.

After giving the packaged tea leaves and chatting for a while, Ma Benchao took the initiative to say goodbye.

"Have you found out where Chu Lingyun's men went, especially the one named Zhao San? You must find them for me."

Back in the office, Ma Benchao immediately called his confidants, and Chu Lingyun patrolled all the way. On the surface, he was reviewing the situation in the station, but in fact, he was investigating all possible hidden dangers.

Including corruption, bending the law, colluding with Japanese spies, etc.

Chu Lingyun inspected many stations, and his methods had long been known. He investigated openly and covertly, and Zhao Tianxi from Changsha was the first to fail because he did not understand.

Xie Zhenyuan from Guangzhou was forced to follow the path of Virgo, and finally escaped, otherwise he would be finished this time too.

Fang Yihu at Chengdu Station is fine, but his intelligence team leader

On that day, he was found out by Chu Lingyun and sentenced to death. The director asked Fang Yihu to deal with Xu Yueping by himself. Fang Yihu did not take care of his old feelings and shot him directly.

Although Chu Lingyun is young, his methods are very vicious. Many people have fallen into his hands along the way, and Ma Benchao will not take it lightly.

What's more, his butt is not clean to begin with, so how dare he let Chu Lingyun check it.

"Not yet, we are investigating. Don't worry, I will definitely find them. But what should I do after I find them? Do you want them?"

The subordinate made a gesture of wiping his neck, which meant that he would kill him and silence him after finding him.

"Are you an idiot? Attack the people in the inspection team? Are you afraid of attracting Chu Lingyun's counterattack?"

Ma Benchao raised his head and cursed, his subordinates shrank their heads, and just as he was about to speak, Ma Benchao suddenly said: "After you find the person, pay attention to what they are checking and what they find. If it is not good for us, be sure to do it cleanly."

"Yes, Station Master, I understand."

His subordinates hurriedly accepted the order. He understood what the stationmaster meant. People could not be killed casually, but if something extremely harmful to them was found, they would have no choice but to take action in order to protect themselves.

Dead people irritate the inspectors, but at least they can stay alive for a while.

If they are really found out, they will be dismissed from their posts or killed in the worst case, then there will be nothing.

Rights represent interests, and for the sake of interests, many people are willing to take risks and do extremely crazy things.

Ma Benchao is not a kind person to begin with, no matter who threatens him

If you kill him, he won't sit still and wait for death.

Ni Loach didn't know that Ma Benchao was eyeing him. At this moment, Ni Loach was sleeping in a temporarily rented house. When he got up in the afternoon, he took people to the casino where he came yesterday.

Teahouses, restaurants, casinos and men's paradise are all places where it is easy to find out information, especially casinos, where there are many gangsters who are very well-informed.

Loach is not good at gambling, but he understands the psychology of gamblers.

He came here yesterday and lost some money, but the most important thing is not losing money, but finding the target and finding the right person to start with.

Yesterday, two people were targeted by him, and he continued to observe them today.

Not long after, the two people who were targeted yesterday came to the casino and started gambling.

One person was lucky and won a bit, while the other was unlucky and lost everything.

"It's bad luck, no more gambling."

The gambler who lost money cursed, staggered out of the casino, lit a cigarette outside, and took a deep puff.

I'm unlucky today and I've lost all my money. What will happen to my family's life?

"Brother, lend me a fire and light a cigarette."

Loach came out and came to the gambler's side. He held a cigarette in his hand and said to the gambler with a smile.

Gamblers are not in a good mood

Well, I was very troubled and refused without thinking: "I won't borrow it."

"Don't be so angry, man, you look like you just lost money

Come on, do you want to make a copy? "

Loach was not angry. He smiled and stretched out his hand to slowly take the cigarette from his mouth.

"My capital is gone, how can I get it back?"

Reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling man, Loach comforted him again. This time he did not refuse. The most important thing was that Loach asked him if he wanted to make a fortune.

Of course he wanted to, but it was a pity that he had no capital. "You don't, I do."

Loach lit the cigarette in his hand with his cigarette and puffed out his eyes lightly.

"Will you lend me money?" the gambler asked doubtfully.

There was something talking in the loach, and he took out three dollars from his pocket. When he saw the money, the gambler's eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached out to take it.

"Don't worry, we agreed in advance that if you win, each of us will have half."

Loach raised his hand, and the gambler saw that the money was not about anything else, so he kept nodding and responded: "No problem, don't worry, you will definitely win, just wait and divide the money."

After saying that he grabbed the money, he immediately turned around and entered the casino. Ni Loach did not go in. There were people inside who would keep an eye on him.

What's more, he knows exactly what the final outcome of such a gambler will be.

The three dollars did make him win a little bit, and soon it turned into eight dollars. But he felt that the win was too little, so he continued to gamble, and soon lost everything and walked out of the casino again.

Loach looked at the time, twenty minutes.

"Did you win?" Loach asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm not lucky today. I'll split it with you next time if I win."

The gambler said sadly, his hands were short, Loach had just given him money, and no matter how bad his mood was now, he would not be able to speak harshly. "You don't have to wait for next time. I believe in your luck. Continue." Loach took out another three dollars. The gambler's eyes suddenly brightened. Without saying a word, he took the money and ran into the casino again. This time he came out faster, ten dollars. All was lost in two minutes.

The third time, the fourth time.

Ni Loach gave him money five times in a row, and each time he lost it all. Then he came out to get money from Ni Loach. When he came out for the sixth time, he hurriedly said: "Give me more, I don't believe in this evil. I almost missed it just now." I won a big one.”

"Brother, don't worry, it's so late, are you hungry? Let's go eat something, drink some wine, change our luck and then gamble."

Loach chuckled and didn't give him any more money this time. After saying that, without waiting for his answer, he put his arm around his shoulders and walked to a nearby restaurant.

There is a simple disguise on Loach's face.

He doesn't know how to make up, but after following Chu Lingyun for a long time, he can still change his appearance slightly. He understands the risks of his secret investigation and will not ignore his own safety.

Ma Benchao's men searched for him in the city for a day but could not find him.

These people would not have thought that Ni Loach was in the casino. Ni Loach was here to investigate the case. The investigation must go to the places involved in the case, such as the police station and other places.

Ma Benchao did not dare to search Loach in a big way. He only told some close police officers to pay attention to Loach.

Especially within each police station, keep an eye on all strangers and report them immediately if you find them.

But none of them expected that Loach did not do any investigation, but instead gambled in the casino and changed his appearance.

"Dude, why are you helping me?"

Loach ordered the dishes, and the gambler finally realized that no one in this world would be nice to you for no reason except your parents. You gave him a full fifteen yuan, which is not a small amount.

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