Spy Shadow

Chapter 339 Ke Gongdai

Chapter 339 Ke Bus Dai

"This is the purchase order. You should buy everything as soon as possible in the next two days. It is urgently needed."

Zhuo Yi gave him a list, which was only a piece of paper, not many things, and not many in quantity.

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Bao Shengqun left the office. The things on the list were very strange. There were voltage converters and some medical equipment, which were not common things.

These equipment can be used for surgery, but their clinic does not have the conditions for surgery. Is it possible that the department will have to build an operating room in the future?

After taking another look, Bao Shengqun shook his head. If he built an operating room, he wouldn't only have these things. There was a big difference. What on earth would the department need these things for?

As he was walking, Bao Shengqun suddenly stood there. He thought of the function of these things.

More than ten days ago, people in the team said that eight red party members who had refused to speak would be transferred and interrogated with the help of instruments being tested abroad.

The eight Red Party members had been transported here long ago, but because of this incident the equipment did not arrive on time and is still in Shanghai.

After the matter is over, the equipment will be delivered in a few days. Old Ghost Xu plans to test the foreign equipment to see if it is what they said and can really make the prisoner confess.

Bao Shengqun knew the eight Red Party members, even their names and identities.

The place was in chaos the past few days, so how could anyone think of keeping it secret? What's more, these red party members had been arrested for a long time, some for several years, and the shortest was more than half a year.

Their existence is no secret.

Bao Shengqun returned to the team with the purchase list, sat in the office, and thought carefully.

Old Ghost Xu couldn't get his wish, but he couldn't tamper with the equipment.

Otherwise, it would be too obvious. Once there is a problem with the equipment, all fools will know that the problem lies with their equipment group.

Rescue those eight Red Party members?

Less likely.

Not to mention rescuing, there is no chance to kill them. They are under strict supervision in the prison, and even the food must be checked to prevent them from having an accident.

What should we do to prevent these eight red party members from speaking?

Bao Shengqun frowned and thought hard, but in the end, he still felt that there was no way to start because they were too strict.

The identities of these eight red party members are all ordinary. They include university professors, newspaper reporters, technical experts, and even a foreigner. Without a certain identity, they will not be pulled over for this experiment.

Old Ghost Xu still wanted to get some useful information from them.

The eight people were transferred here in secret, and the Red Party did not know about it. If the Red Party knew about it, they would definitely find a way to rescue them, but how would they pass the news to the Red Party?

He had no channels before, and he has none now.


Bao Shengqun's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

He cannot inform the Red Party, but someone can. As long as everyone knows about it, the Red Party will not remain indifferent.

Even if they can't save anyone, they will put a lot of pressure on Old Ghost Xu.

If Old Ghost Xu transfers these people, it will give him a lot of room for manipulation.

The plan was set by him, and he could prepare it in advance. With his understanding of Old Ghost Xu, it was not difficult to guess Old Ghost Xu's next move.

After recalling it carefully, Bao Shengqun perfected the calculation.

He couldn't spread it everywhere, but media reporters could. He brought the news to newspapers and then added fuel to the fire, believing that the media would be interested in exposing such a thing.

For example, helping foreign countries test equipment, harming compatriots, etc.

No one knows whether those instruments will cause harm to people. Journalists like this kind of thing. They rely on attention-grabbing reports to enhance their reputation.

Write a letter to a reporter?

This was first rejected by Bao Shengqun. Writing letters would leave handwriting. He knew how powerful those handwriting experts were, not to mention that they had experienced massacres.

A public phone?

Not to mention, as long as he goes out and makes a phone call, he will definitely be found out. Even if he is wrapped tightly and lowers his voice, his body shape and other characteristics will be exposed.

As the former deputy section chief of the Operations Section, he couldn't help but inform others silently.

Soon he thought of a way to cut newspapers.

There are many newspapers, especially old newspapers, which are impossible to check.

He didn't use the old newspapers piled up in the team. It was too obvious. He happened to have a purchasing task and could go out openly.

I took people out to buy things, and took the opportunity of letting others carry things. I quickly bought some old newspapers at a newsstand.

After hiding the newspaper in the car and buying everything, Bao Shengqun returned to the office with his team members.

When buying newspapers, he deliberately changed his coat and disguised himself so that no one would find him.

A lot of information can be pasted using the words on the newspaper, including the names of the eight Red Party members, the prison they are in, and the time of transfer, etc.

He also found corresponding words that exaggerated the horrors of American instruments and the ulterior motives of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

Bao Shengqun praised his wit. I am afraid no one would have thought of delivering information in this way. However, letting the media report it was only the first step. The next step was to destroy Old Ghost Xu's interrogation.

If Old Ghost Xu was forced to transfer people from prison and hold them secretly, there were only a few places he could go.

He has time to make arrangements in advance, and bombs can even be installed in some places.

Without the test target and the pressure of public opinion, it would be strange if Old Ghost Xu didn't get scolded this time.

It's a pity that this matter can't make Old Ghost Xu step down, but as long as Old Ghost Xu has a hard time, he will be happy.

In the Military Intelligence Department, the sign of Chu Lingyun's office was changed. He did not go to Yuan Shouwang's previous office and continued to work in the original office.

He is the deputy section chief, and all four teams in the Operations Section are his nominal subordinates.

There are three and four groups here to make it more convenient no matter what you do.

"Chief Chu."

Less than ten minutes after the sign was changed, Zhu Qing was the first to come to the door.

He had been psychologically prepared for a long time, knowing that Chu Lingyun would become his boss sooner or later. Sure enough, this day would not come. Fortunately, he had not had any hostility towards Chu Lingyun. On the contrary, he had lowered his attitude before and interacted with Chu Lingyun. Ling Yun maintains a good relationship.

"Team Leader Zhu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Zhu Qing holding a gift box in his hand, Chu Lingyun recalled that when he was investigating the traitor case, it was Zhu Qing who came to the door first.

"Chief Chu, to congratulate you on your promotion, Wan Nian, Jitao, I, and I are going to throw a celebration banquet for you, and I hope you can enjoy it. As for these, a few local specialties are not disrespectful."

Zhu Qing laughed and said, what he gave last time was a real specialty, but this time it is definitely not.

At this time, he gave some ordinary food, which can only be said to be ignorant.

"There's no need to make such a big fanfare, and there's no need for the celebration banquet." Chu Lingyun refused with a smile.

"The section chief has agreed. He also invited Virgo. I heard that Virgo will go."

Zhu Qing said hurriedly that they had made preparations in advance and then came to invite Chu Lingyun.

Virgo also wanted to participate, and Chu Lingyun could no longer refuse: "Thank you for letting us spend money."

"Yes, yes, I should resign from my humble position."

Zhu Qing took the initiative to say goodbye, not forgetting to close the door gently when going out.

Chu Lingyun opened the gift box he sent, and sure enough, there was a gold bar on each cake, six cakes, and six gold bars.

The other groups didn't arrest as many people as the fourth group, and they had a lot of money. The six gold bars sent by Zhu Qing was already a lot.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Wannian knocked on the door. His statement was consistent with Zhu Qing's, and he left his things and left.

Wen Jitao came last and also left a gift box.

Three people, eighteen gold bars, Chu Lingyun would never believe it if they didn't discuss it.

After they left, Loach ran into Chu Lingyun's office.

Chu Lingyun didn't change the location, so Ni Loach didn't change and continued to work in his former deputy team leader's office. Shen Hanwen had no choice but to find a new office to work.

"Section Chief, when will we go on patrol again?"

Loach asked. He had gained a lot of credit during this inspection. Now that he was promoted to the team leader, he had to follow in the team leader's footsteps.

"I probably won't be patrolling recently, why do you ask this?" Chu Lingyun shook his head.

"Your deputy section chief of the inspection department is still working part-time. Why don't you go on inspection tours?"

Ni Loach asked in a daze. If he hadn't mentioned that Chu Lingyun had almost forgotten, he was now not the deputy chief of one department, but two.

Did Virgo do it intentionally or unintentionally, but he was not removed from his position as deputy section chief of the Inspection Section?

"I won't go for now, don't ask about these useless things, and do your work with peace of mind. I will leave the four operations groups to you. If you can't lead me well, I will replace them immediately."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of it."

Loach kept promising that Operation Four was the meritorious team in the department. It was established the latest but made the greatest contributions.

Many people were staring at him to see if he could continue to make meritorious deeds like Chu Lingyun.

However, Ni Loach is self-aware. He cannot achieve the same results as the section chief before. For him, the most important task is to help the section chief to take good care of the fourth group. He will attack wherever the section chief directs him. The fourth group is the direct descendant of the section chief. From now on, if you only obey orders, are you afraid that you will get no credit?

After Loach left, Chu Lingyun came to the window and looked outside.

It seems that the inspection will continue, but it has been postponed. There were so many problems during this inspection that the director was determined to carry out the inspection to the end, so he was not removed from his position as deputy chief of the inspection section.

It has not been removed, and at the same time, there is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of those sub-stations that have not been inspected.

If they dare to cause trouble, someone will take care of them at any time.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Chu Lingyun returned home. There was no danger of going out this time, but it took too long.

He hadn't seen Lin Shi for a long time and didn't know how he was doing now.

Liu Chengzhu reported that Lin Shi took sulfa four times in total, totaling $25,000 in goods. These were low-priced goods that could help him make a lot of money.

This money can also change the red party's predicament and give them a lot of funds.

But he still had to do what he had to do. After get off work, Chu Lingyun carefully disguised himself at home and turned into his previous inconspicuous appearance. He took twenty gold bars and went out carefully.

After buying the newspaper and cutting out the content, Chu Lingyun came to Lao Wu's residence.

Lao Wu is at home, lying on the bed.

He had been repairing the car for several months, and now his only task was to wait for Miss Qiu to deliver the information. Unexpectedly, the interval was so long, and Miss Qiu never came.

"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Old Wu was startled. He didn't even bother to put on his shoes and ran out quickly.

When he opened the door, there was no one outside and there was only one box.

Taking the box with him, Old Wu returned to the room. His heart beat rapidly and his hands trembled slightly when he opened the box.

Miss Qiu finally appeared again, and the wait for so many days was not in vain.

Opening the box, there was a note and a lot of gold bars inside.

Old Wu picked up the note, and it turned out to be cut from a newspaper. He looked at the signature and saw the three characters Miss Qiu.

After feeling relieved, he read the information carefully.

The content is not short, but it is not intelligence, but it tells them to be extra careful. Although the Guo Party has temporarily promised not to deal with the Red Party, they will never give up. Comrades working behind enemy lines must pay attention to safety during this time.

It wasn't information, but the words were filled with concern for them, which moved Old Wu very much.

Putting on his shoes, wrapping the note and putting it in his mouth, Old Wu went out carefully.

Director Yang was at home. When he saw Lao Wu's excitement, he immediately understood that Lao Wu had received a message from Miss Qiu.

Now he and Lao Wu no longer meet, unless Lao Wu has information that needs to be passed on, or there is danger and Lao Wu is notified to evacuate.

In addition to him, Secretary Liang also knew where Lao Wu lived. This was to prevent him from having an accident and notify Lao Wu to evacuate in time.

"Miss Qiu is here?" Director Yang asked quickly.

"Here we come, here are the gold bars and this."

Old Wu spit out the note and gave it to Director Yang to read. Director Yang quickly read the content and felt a little more relaxed.

It was a reminder, not a warning, so that was good. He was afraid that the information Miss Qiu sent would indicate which comrade had been arrested or something had happened.

"You go back first." Director Yang asked Lao Wu to go home, and he went to Secretary Liang's residence.

Looking at the gold bars and notes, Secretary Liang was very moved. Miss Qiu was worried about their safety and sent a reminder. He didn't know that his hometown had already reminded them that work safety during this period was the first priority.

"Miss Qiu, just be fine."

Secretary Liang breathed a long sigh of relief. There was no news about Miss Qiu during this period, which made him even suspect that Lin Peilun might be Miss Qiu.

After all, among the middle and high-level officials of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Lin Peilun was the only one who had trouble.

But Lin Peilun couldn't be one of theirs, there was too much Red Party blood on his hands.

Now that Miss Qiu had conveyed the information again, he was finally relieved.

"It's a pity that Lao Wu didn't see Miss Qiu, so he couldn't tell him that we are not short of money now, so there is no need to send any more money."

Director Yang said regretfully that Ms. Qiu sent so much money, so her life must be very tight.

"Keep it for now. This is Miss Qiu's party dues. We must record every money he pays clearly and then report it to our hometown."

Secretary Liang said softly that Miss Qiu is a good comrade who worries about them and often sends money.

The money they gave before really helped them a lot, but now they really don't need it. They can't contact Miss Qiu and can only keep it temporarily.

"I will report this matter to Mr. Ke tomorrow."

After Director Yang left, Secretary Liang called Feng Ruoxi, and Mr. Ke took over. There was information about Miss Qiu to be reported in the future, but it was not particularly urgent. There was no need to risk reporting at night.

Third update, additional update.

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