Spy Shadow

Chapter 34 Interrogation Results

Chapter 34 Interrogation Results

This is not in line with the norm, but now that Wang Yuemin is away, he explained before leaving that Chu Lingyun will make all the decisions on the case.

"Captain Chu, can you let him be recruited first and then tortured?"

Zhu Zhiqing still hesitated. Although they did not arrest the person, they were responsible for the interrogation, and it was their credit for getting the confession.

Chu Lingyun glanced at him and said calmly: "Team Leader Zhu, if the station chief is here, he will not object to my suggestion."

Zhu Zhiqing is the leader of the interrogation team, with the same rank as Wang Jialiang and higher than Chu Lingyun.

He was also Wang Yuemin's former secretary and could be regarded as Wang Yuemin's confidant.

But Chu Lingyun didn't care that much about Zhu Zhiqing.

The reason why Zhu Zhiqing was transferred to the interrogation team was not only because Wang Yuemin needed to use his own people, but also because of his ability. Zhu Zhiqing's ability was not outstanding.

And Zhu Zhiqing, like him, has Wang Yuemin in the background.

Now everyone knows that in the entire Wuhan Station, Wang Yuemin trusted Wang Jialiang and Chu Lingyun the most. During this period, Chu Lingyun's performance overshadowed Wang Jialiang and became the most important person in Wang Yuemin's heart.

Chu Lingyun was not afraid of Zhu Zhiqing, but there was no need to offend him, so he spoke more tactfully.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Zhu Zhiqing's heart trembled as Chu Lingyun carried out the stationmaster. He instantly remembered that he was no match for Chu Lingyun.

Even though Chu Lingyun is lower in rank than him, the webmaster has a different attitude towards him. Now he is getting angry again and has made continuous meritorious service. Everyone knows that he will definitely be promoted in the future and may not be worse than him.

Zhu Zhiqing returned to the torture room, where Qian Cang Ono's screams were heard again.

After half an hour of torture, Chu Lingyun returned to the torture room and sat at the interrogation table. Qian Cang Ono had long since lost his human shape, his face was swollen, and one of his eyes could not be opened.

The only eyes that can be opened are squinted.

Seeing Chu Lingyun, he trembled violently and said quickly: "I'll attack, I'll say anything, don't fight anymore."

"Tell me, if you let me know that you dare to hide anything or tell a lie, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Chu Lingyun's cold voice made Qian Cang's little ambition tremble violently.

He did not think that Chu Lingyun was intimidating him. On the contrary, he believed Chu Lingyun's words. If he really did this, the other party would definitely do this to him.

Even Zhu Zhiqing felt cold in his heart at this moment.

He found that he still underestimated the young team leader. Before, he only thought that Chu Lingyun was ruthless and would be electrocuted at every turn.

But today, Chu Lingyun's performance was not only ruthless, but also cruel, a kind of cruelty that could make people addicted.

"I am an agent trained by the North China Bureau of Japan's Special High School, codenamed Young Bird No. 7. I was trained for three months, and then I was sent here to collect information."

Without waiting for questions, Asakou Ono took the initiative to explain.

Training agents was the first time Chu Lingyun had heard of this position. His code name was also very interesting, Xiaoniao, or No. 7.

"What is your mission specifically? What is the real content of the information you gave me before?"

The business intelligence that deceived Wang Yuemin and Wang Jialiang was definitely not what it seemed. Before, Qian Cang Xiaoye was not caught and could not be deciphered. Now that Qian Cang Xiaoye has been recruited, these problems will soon be clarified.

"My mission is to lurk in the French Concession, Beixi Maison, and use the connections there to find out about military supplies in the army. The contents of that intelligence are actually some of the situations in the army that I found out."

Asakou Ono was very honest and did not dare to hide anything. He deciphered the contents of the previous business intelligence.

The so-called gasoline in the intelligence is actually the newly arrived rifles in the Wuhan garrison. One thousand gallons means one thousand rifles. For the price of three yuan and one dime, three and one must be added, and then multiplied by the previous quantity, equal to It's four thousand rifles.

Cigars correspond to bullets. The number of bullets needs to be multiplied by ten. Five thousand cigars multiplied by ten is fifty thousand. Multiplied by the number eight in the price, it is four hundred thousand bullets.

Chevrolet cars refer to military trucks, six cars, each car costs 3,300 yuan, which is the same as the previous gasoline. The sum of the prices is equal to six. The result of six times six is ​​thirty-six military trucks.

Before Asakou Ono explained it, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't have guessed that these seemingly simple business intelligence turned out to be new military supplies for the garrison here.

"There are only these three kinds of military supplies, and nothing else?" Chu Lingyun looked at Qian Cang Xiaoye and continued to ask.

"I only asked about these three types. There are others, but I don't know." Asakou Ono replied weakly.

"How did you get this military information?"

"There is a quartermaster in the munitions department named Zhou Lin, who is very familiar with Zheng Zhizhong, the Chinese manager of Bei Xi Yang Company. I often invite Zheng Zhizhong to drink, and I heard about it from him."

Beixi Foreign Company was involved again, and Chu Lingyun frowned. However, the most serious problem in this matter was not the Chinese manager Zheng Zhizhong, but the quartermaster Zhou Lin.

As a quartermaster, how could he casually leak information about items in the army to others? This was a serious dereliction of duty.

"What information have you inquired about before, and how many times have you taken over?"

Asakou Ono raised his head and said with a wry smile: "I just came here not long ago, and I haven't been engaged in intelligence work for a long time. I only found out this information, and I only answered this one, and I was caught by you."

Chu Lingyun frowned and asked again: "Who is your upline?"

"My supervisor is Endo Yuki. He is an official agent. Unlike me, he is still under observation. However, I don't know his true identity."

Asana Ono said weakly, Endo Yuki was Asana Ono's online, which Chu Lingyun was not surprised about.

An ordinary intelligence officer, after receiving the information, would definitely hand it over to his superior for processing. Yuki Endo was the one who contacted him to receive the information, so it was normal for him to be his superior.

"Besides the contact, do you have any other means of contact?"

"No more. I need to complete three missions and gather enough useful information before I can receive higher-level training and become an official agent. I only completed one mission before you caught me. My current level is still Not qualified enough to have other means of contact.”

Qian Cang Ono's explanation made Chu Lingyun understand that he was actually more like an intern and an agent who had not really graduated.

No wonder he confessed so quickly, he was not a real agent himself.

But even people like this can still obtain military information in such detail, which shows how terrifying these spies are.

"Let him explain all the code words he knows and other circumstances."

Chu Lingyun stood up and told the interrogator beside him that Asakou Ono was not a real agent and was of little value, but Endo Yuki, who had not yet been caught, was more important than him.

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