Spy Shadow

Chapter 360 Find out the truth

"Hello, Section Chief Xie, can you give me a copy of your investigation of the Party Affairs Investigation Department?"

After hanging up the phone, Chu Lingyun called Xie Ziqi again.

What Ni Loach knew was obtained from his own informants, and there was no detailed investigation by the Intelligence Department.

There must be spies within the Party Affairs Investigation Department who provide them with intelligence.

Chu Lingyun was not interested in this informant. What he wanted was to know as much as possible about what happened in the Party Affairs Investigation Department during this period.

"No problem, I'll arrange for someone to deliver it to you right away."

Xie Ziqi readily agreed. It was just a matter of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and it was not absolutely confidential.

They have already reported what should be reported, and it has long been of no use. Not long after, all the information from Loach and the Intelligence Department was sent to Chu Lingyun's office.

The Information Section has the most detailed information, including their results in the past two years. There is much less information on Loach's side, only part of the situation after they came to Nanjing.

Chu Lingyun first looked at the information from the Intelligence Department.

The Intelligence Section conducted a very detailed investigation into the entire Party Affairs Investigation Department. Chu Lingyun focused on those about Bao Shengqun.

As the former deputy chief of the Operations Section, Bao Shengqun was the focus of the Military Intelligence Department, so Xie Ziqi recognized him at a glance.

Zhao Zaili is the chief of the operations department, but his real relationship with Mr. Xu is

The closer one is Bao Shengqun.

In the past two years, Bao Shengqun has made many achievements and arrested many red party members.

The Military Intelligence Office's evaluation of Bao Shengqun is that he is relatively prudent. He always does what is most certain when taking action and does not act rashly.

As an action officer, this is very important.

The Intelligence Section did not conduct much investigation into Bao Shengqun, only his basic situation. The focus of the Intelligence Section was still Mr. Xu and the several section chiefs. The information provided by Niyi is sparse, but very detailed.

Chu Lingyun quickly noticed that not long after Bao Shengqun arrived at the General Affairs Department, a fire accident occurred while their Intelligence Department was monitoring the Red Party.

Then the Red Party traitors were killed.

The Red Party traitor, who had only joined the Intelligence Section for one day, was sanctioned that night.

Chu Lingyun learned about this from Ni Loach the next day, and specifically reminded Lao Wu to let his comrades pay attention to safety, but at that time he believed that it was the Red Party who had done it, and they took action to deal with the traitors.

Now that I think about it, there's something weird about it.

The Red Party was under surveillance and fled because of the fire, which shows that the Red Party did not know that a traitor had happened to them, otherwise they would have fled long ago and would not have known that they were being watched because of the fire.

And at night, the traitors were punished.

The Red Party's ability to act is not that strong. This incident happened in 1936, not 46.

Unless it was the work of the red party lurking in the Party Affairs Investigation Office, subsequent events confirmed that the Party Affairs Investigation Office did not identify this lurking person.

In one day, it would have been almost impossible for the Red Party to identify the traitor's residence and assassinate him if not for the help of lurkers. If it wasn’t the Red Party, who was it?

Chu Lingyun dug out the Intelligence Department's detailed investigation of the matter and found out that the team members who were out in the field had a fan fire and the Red Party discovered their existence.

There is no source of the fan in the data, but there are records that Mr. Xu ordered someone to conduct a technical appraisal of the fan from the General Affairs Department afterwards, and the result was that there was no quality problem.

Their general affairs department was very angry about this and deliberately made trouble to check various materials reported by the intelligence department.

At this time, Bao Shengqun was in the General Affairs Department and was the leader of the equipment team. He definitely had the opportunity to come into contact with these fans.

Seeing this, Chu Lingyun suddenly had a bold idea. Is Bao Shengqun taking revenge on Old Ghost Xu? Was he the one who tampered with the fan and killed the traitor?

The clues were limited, so Chu Lingyun just made bold suspicions without drawing any conclusions, and continued to read further.

Not many people know about the radio station case. The information provided by Xie Ziqi does not include this incident, but there is information on the subsequent rescue of the Red Party.

A member of the Red Party was arrested and sent to Jinling Hospital for treatment. They were rescued at night. Dr. Liang

He was born in Jinling Hospital. He should have received the news and the rescue operation was carried out by members of the Red Party.

After that, there was the case of eight red party members.

The eight red party members were exposed by the newspapers, and the public opinion and the public knew about it, including Chu Lingyun, who also learned about it from the newspapers.

When he first saw the newspaper, Chu Lingyun also thought that he was not the only smart person who knew how to use newspaper clippings to provide news and avoid

Someone found it on him.

But what he was thinking about at that time was how to rescue or how to help the Red Party.

As a result, before he could take any action, he received information from Niyi that eight Red Party members had escaped. He passed it to Lao Wu as quickly as possible and asked the Red Party members to pick them up.

Looking at this case now, there are many similarities with the case of punishing traitors.

For example, the speed was very fast. There was a fire the night before and the Red Party escaped, and the traitors were punished the next night, with only one day in between.

Eight Red Party members were exposed by newspapers on the first day and escaped from prison the next night.

If the same person did these two things, he must be in the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Only their own people could know such detailed information in advance and provide it to the media. Precisely because he was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department and worried about being traced to himself, he used newspaper clippings and provided it to reporters anonymously.

His purpose was to force the Party Affairs Investigation Department to transfer the Red Party internally, so as to give him a chance to rescue him.

Tan Wenbo's subsequent riots should be inseparable from this person.

Chu Lingyun didn't know the specific situation, but his analytical reasoning skills were very strong and he almost analyzed the truth.

However, these speculations must have a premise.

That was the motive for doing it. The purpose of doing it was to save people, which was not in line with what he had suspected about Bao Shengqun before.

Even if Bao Shengqun can do it, he is by no means a red party member. From the information of the Intelligence Section, it can be seen that Bao Shengqun has arrested and killed a lot of red party members before.

If the Red Party cooperated with his acting, they would not have killed their own comrades so many times.

The price is too high and not worth it.

This speculation made Chu Lingyun very confused. Bao Shengqun had no motive to save people. He would not take such a big risk to save people from the Red Party.

As for He Yadong found out by the Party Affairs Investigation Office, not even Xu Lin believed it, let alone Chu Lingyun.

How could someone who could do such a wonderful thing be detected so easily?

Not Bao Shengqun, he would not put himself in danger even if it was to take revenge on Old Ghost Xu. For him, whether it was saving people or killing people, it would have the same effect.


Chu Lingyun's eyes tightened suddenly.

It was much easier to kill people than to save people. Chu Lingyun immediately looked at the information given to him by the Intelligence Department and Loach and rummaged through it carefully.

Both the Intelligence Section and Nilu's information stated that this matter was the work of the Red Party lurking in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, but there was no evidence.

The only evidence is that after He Yadong was arrested, he admitted his identity as a Red Party member.

He is not a red party member, so it is impossible for him to do this.

Chu Lingyun closed her eyes, thought of herself as Bao Shengqun, and recognized

It was determined that he did this out of revenge.

Such people may be difficult to understand in this day and age.

But Chu Lingyun, who has experienced the rapid information age, knows very well that there are many wonders in the world, and some people really do things that others cannot imagine.

Doing this is harmful to others and not self-serving. Not to mention that the person being harmed has a grudge against you. Even if it has nothing to do with you, someone may do it just to see other people's jokes.

If he is Bao Shengqun and doesn't care whether he saves people or not, and it doesn't matter if they die, then it would be much easier to get to Wuhua Prison. As long as Tan Wenbo knows that Old Ghost Xu has the intention to kill him, Tan Wenbo will not be willing to die. , there will inevitably be riots.

During the riot, it didn't matter to Bao Shengqun whether the Red Party members escaped or died, because as long as there was trouble, Old Ghost Xu would definitely

However uncomfortable.

If the person is dead and cannot be tested, Old Ghost Xu will not be able to explain to his superiors.

It's better to escape, but Old Ghost Xu has a greater responsibility.

This inference is valid and easier to do. You don’t even need to have any contact with Tan Wenbo. You just need to find a way to make him understand that his situation is very dangerous.

He Yadong was just a scapegoat. He happened to deliver something to Wuhua Prison in advance. Bao Shengqun was the real culprit behind the scenes. He could easily include private goods in the delivered things.

At this point, another problem arises.

Through pressure from newspapers, Mr. Xu was able to transfer the person to Wuhua Prison where Tan Wenbo was located. But Bao Shengqun is just a team leader.

And he is the leader of the General Affairs Section. How can he be so sure that the person will be transferred to Wuhua Prison?

If the people were not sent to Wuhua Prison and there was only Tan Wenbo's riot, the effect would be greatly reduced.

These things were really done by Bao Shengqun. With his steady temperament, he would not fail to take some precautions.

Chu Lingyun continued to replace herself with Bao Shengqun.

Obviously, the incident involving the eight Red Party members had a greater impact on Old Ghost Xu. If he had not been transferred to Wuhua Prison or anywhere else, he would have had time to make arrangements in advance.

That’s right, arrange it in advance.

Chu Lingyun opened her eyes and picked up the phone.

"Loach, go and check immediately. If there are any bases and properties outside the Party Affairs Investigation Office that are suitable for detaining people, report to me immediately."

"Yes, section chief, this is easy to investigate. Just wait for my news and I will find out for you in a moment."

Loach immediately accepted the order. Whoever the section chief wanted to investigate had nothing to do with him, he would always just do it and never ask questions.

In less than an hour, Loach asked for the result.

"Section Chief, the Party Affairs Investigation Office has a lot of properties in Nanjing, but there are not many places suitable for detaining people. There is one place inside the city and three outside the city." "Give me the address."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Loach investigated in detail. The building in the city is located near the police headquarters. It is a separate building that can detain people, but there are many people around it, so it is not suitable for detaining these eight secret red party members.

The Red Party shouted a few times through the window and could be heard outside.

The most suitable place for transfer was outside the city. One of the places Ni Loach found was Wuhua Prison.

There is no need to investigate Wuhua Prison. Chu Lingyun wants to take a look at the other two places.

With Chu Yuan, Ni Loach and others, the group drove out. The first thing they came to was the nursing home.

It's winter now, and this place is mainly used to escape the heat in the summer. Old Ghost Xu comes occasionally in the summer, and there are other section chiefs and deputy section chiefs, but there are basically no people here in the winter.

Currently there is only one old man looking after the door.

If you want to make arrangements in advance here, it is very easy.

Chu Lingyun did not alarm the old man and led people to observe the surroundings, mainly along the yard. The people around him followed him. Chu Lingyun asked them to carefully observe everything around them and report any abnormalities immediately.

"Section Chief, there is something here."

Not long after, a team member shouted, and Chu Lingyun immediately walked over, eyes tightening again.

There is a box next to the wall. There is a length of wire in the box. Because of the rain, the wire has been soaked into shape. But after opening it, you can see that it is a length of lead wire.

Chu Lingyun checked nearby and found a cut lead in a corner of the wall.

"Chu Yuan, turn inside and take a look."

Chu Yuan didn't say anything. The high wall with barbed wire failed to stop him, and he quickly climbed in. On the wall, Chu Yuan found a piece of barbed wire that had obviously been cut and then simply tied.

Someone has climbed in here before.

"Section Chief, there are fuses inside, buried downstairs on the first floor. I dare not continue digging. There is probably a bomb buried underneath."

Chu Yuan came back to report that if there is a bomb, don't dig it randomly, otherwise it may explode.


Chu Lingyun led the people away. Everyone didn't know why he came here suddenly, and what's more, here

There were signs that someone had buried explosives.

There is no need to go to another place. The fuses and bombs here prove that someone has indeed considered this place and wanted to blow up the people inside.

No one is here when it's cold, except for the Red Party members who may be moved here.

The degree of moisture in the lead also showed that it had indeed been discarded here two or three months ago.

What a great Bao Shengqun, he is so courageous, he actually wants to take revenge on Old Ghost Xu.

If any of the things he did were found out, he would be in danger. Old ghost Xu could forgive him for raising a young wife and an illegitimate child, but there was no way that old ghost Xu would let him go if there was a conspiracy behind his back.

"Today's matter is kept confidential and no one is allowed to mention it again." On the way back, Chu Lingyun suddenly ordered. "yes."

Ni Loach and Chu Yuan took the order, and those who came were Chu Lingyun's confidants. After giving the order, they would not tell anyone.

Chu Lingyun guessed what Bao Shengqun did, but he had not yet decided how to deal with it.

Everything Bao Shengqun did had no impact on him. On the contrary, it benefited the Red Party. After all, he indirectly helped the Red Party.

But his motives are too terrible. He is not trying to save people, but pure destruction.

It was luck that the eight Red Party members were rescued this time. There may not be such good luck next time. It is possible that the comrades who had the chance to rescue were killed by him.

Bao Shengqun had no psychological burden for killing the Red Party members.

Back in the office, Chu Lingyun was still thinking about how to deal with Bao Shengqun.

It's very easy to get rid of him. As long as he sends an anonymous letter to Old Ghost Xu, Bao Shengqun will definitely die.

As long as Old Ghost Xu sees the fuse outside the sanatorium and finds traces of buried explosives, with his suspicious temperament, even if there is no evidence, he will definitely deal with the person who threatens his safety.

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