Spy Shadow

Chapter 367 Execution Shock

Public executions can definitely shock those who are lucky and let them know that there will be no good results in taking refuge in the Japanese and doing things for the Japanese.

The four of them took the order to leave and came to Zhu Qing's office to discuss where they should go for execution.

There are actually only a few places where executions can be carried out in Nanjing, and the four of them were quickly allocated.

After the chief signed off to agree to the execution, the interrogation department received the news and prepared the last meal for them today. No matter in any era, a decapitation meal is essential.

And it was very rich. The Military Intelligence Department did not treat them badly. They had wine and meat.

Carloads of hot and fragrant food were pushed into the prison. Many people lay down in front of the cell door and sniffed hard with their noses. They had been locked up for such a long time and ate steamed buns almost every day, and rarely saw any meat.

Even for the New Year's Eve dinner, they only had a few extra dumplings and were not full at all.

"It smells so good. There are chickens. I see chickens."

"Elbow, my favorite elbow."

Many people were shouting there, and the guards distributed the food to them one by one.

Each person has a roast chicken, a piece of elbow, a pot of wine and a bowl of rice.

Some people tore off the chicken legs and gnawed desperately before the food was put down.

"It's the fourth day of the Lunar New Year today, why don't you give us these for the New Year's Eve dinner?"

Qian Yi Zhengping, a Chinese woman, asked while eating. He was an engineer at a shipyard. He was serving the Japanese and was found out by comparing the remittance slips. For money, he frantically cheated on the patrol boat, which is an unforgivable crime.

"That is, today is a good day. Do you want to grant us amnesty?"

The people next to him asked. A lot of food was delivered, and most people had it. These people didn't think about the meal.

"I'm still thinking about the amnesty. Let's have a good meal. It's the last meal."

The guard snorted coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, there was silence all around.

Is this a deprivation meal?

No wonder they are so rich. Are they going to be executed? But how could anyone execute someone during the New Year? Because of this, they had never thought of it before.

"No way, no way."

Lai Zhengping shouted dumbly that it was not good to live here, but he was alive after all. Suddenly he heard that they were going to be executed, and the fear of death instinct made his body tremble continuously.


Someone vomited out the meat they had just eaten and lay in the corner, vomiting continuously.

Many people suddenly lost their appetite for food. After finishing this meal, there would be no next time.

"I was wrong. I never dare to do it again. Please, please spare me. I am a college student and can help you. You can do whatever you want."

Liu Jintang, who served Rimou, cried loudly that he graduated from Jinling University and was indeed a college student.

He was so brainwashed by Shinoda Akio that he was willing to work for the Japanese. Chu Lingyun used fishing methods to lure him to the Military Intelligence Agency.

He didn't leak any information, but what he did was still a capital crime.

There were constant cries and cries, but the guards didn't bother to pay attention to them and left after delivering the meal.

They can eat if they want to, and forget about it if they don't.

But even if they don't eat, the remaining guards won't touch it at all, and other things can be withheld or even taken for themselves.

They wouldn't dare to throw away the decapitated meal and feed it to the dogs. It was too unlucky.

But those real Japanese eat very well.

They had long understood that they would not survive, so it would be better to come earlier this day to avoid being worried.

"Fortunately, there is none for me."

Huo Xiao looked at the people in the other cells crying and howling, and patted his chest with lingering fear.

He originally had objections to not giving him delicious food just now, but now that he knew it was a meal without food, he wished they would move far away.

"I can't finish it, can you share some with me?"

Sima Lin next to him shouted, and Huo Xiao immediately shook his head: "I don't want it, you can eat it."

No matter how greedy he is, no matter how good the decapitated meal is, he can't eat it. If he eats the decapitated meal, he might be taken away with him.

to execute.

"Forget it if you don't want to eat."

Sima Lin sighed. After eating and drinking, he looked around the cell carefully.

There was nostalgia for life in his eyes.

He didn't want to die. He didn't commit suicide in the first place because he was afraid of death.

He originally thought that if the empire launched a war as soon as possible and invaded Nanjing, if it was fast enough, the Military Intelligence Department would not have time to execute them, and maybe there would be a chance of survival.

Now all this has become nothing. Four action team leaders led people to the cell.

Many people hadn't finished eating yet. When they saw the groups of people from the operations department coming in, they were so frightened that they hid in the innermost area.

Some people howled miserably, while others sat there stupidly in a daze. No matter who they were, there were people on the list who were all tied up, gagged and taken out.

"Chief Chu is indeed very resolute. He promised not to waste food, so he executed most of the people today."

"Yeah, it's a bit strange for the cell to be so empty."

"Come on, it's better to be free and save the time to serve these Japanese and their lackeys."

The guards in the interrogation department kept talking and watched as a car went out. Such a big movement alerted people in other departments.

Many people were secretly surprised to learn that it was Chu Lingyun from the Operations Section who reported that these conspirators were executed today.

No one expected that Chief Chu would be so murderous and kill them all at once.

This is not one person, nor a few people, but hundreds of people.

Chu Lingyun also stood in front of the window, staring outside.

They have to kill today, one day earlier or one day later. If they die today, their death will be somewhat effective. It can be regarded as their atonement before death.

Four groups went to various places.

There are only a few places in the city where the execution can be carried out publicly and where there are a lot of people. There is one over Xuanwu Lake and several places near temples.

Zhu Qing escorted the people to the Caishikou River near Jiming Temple.

The car stopped and ten people were escorted out and asked to kneel on the ground one by one while the team members posted execution announcements with their names and charges written on them.

Seeing that someone was about to be shot, many people came over.

Zhu Qing stood there and waited quietly. The time had not come yet. Execution time was very important, usually at three quarters of noon. The Yang Qi was at its strongest at this time, which made them unable to become ghosts.

The people kneeling on the ground were either crying or acting stupidly.

Many people clapped their hands when they saw the executions of Japanese spies and Han women. Some people went to the vegetable market to pick up rotten leaves, took them and threw them on the tied Japanese spies.

After a while, the bodies of the ten Japanese men and women were covered with all kinds of garbage. An hour later, Zhu Qing looked up at his watch.

"Read their charges."

Zhu Qing ordered, and a team member held a loudspeaker and read the contents of the posted notice loudly. Many people were illiterate, and shouting it out would let them know the specific situation.

After he finished reading, the ten team members immediately raised their guns, and the people around them immediately applauded. Everyone was killed, and their ancestors would not accept them after they died, and they would still be burdened with infamy after death. .


Zhu Qing waved his hand, and the action team members immediately opened fire. The man kneeling on the ground collapsed and his blood flowed along the ground and into the river.

"Okay, good kill."

There were cheers all around. Although the all-out war had not yet started, the Japanese's evil deeds in recent years, especially after they invaded Northeast China and occupied parts of Shanghai, had long been unpopular.

Jiang Wan, who was taking a nap in the office, was instantly awakened by the sound of gunfire. "Come on, come and check, where is the shooting place?"

Jiang Wan shouted and his team members immediately went out to investigate. He was worried and asked Zhao Zaili to bring more people to guard the cell.

The sound of gunshots was a little far away from them, but Jiang Wan had already taken offense and would be alert if there was any movement.

This was the city of Nanjing, and there were usually no gunshots. The appearance of gunshots made him immediately wonder if the Red Party had come to save people.

It didn't take long for his subordinates to come back and report: "Section Chief, we found out, it's

The Military Intelligence Service executed Japanese spies and Han women at Caishikou. "

"Military Intelligence Service?"

Jiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief, but then he wanted to curse. The Military Intelligence Department was executing Japanese conspirators. Why did they come here? Is there no place near the Military Intelligence Department?

The men only inquired about one place, and they didn't know that four places were going on at the same time today.

"Bang bang smash."

There were rapid gunshots again. This time, the subordinates did not go out and immediately said: "They want to execute many people, and they will execute them in batches. They also publicized their crimes before the execution."

"Forget it, watch the prisoner."

Jiang Wan waved his hand feebly. If the Military Intelligence Department wanted to kill people, let them kill them. Anyway, it was Rimou and Hannu who were killed, and these people deserved to die.

Zhu Qing killed twenty-eight people. After killing them, he took their corpses outside the city. These corpses would only be hastily buried. As for whether they would be picked out by wild dogs, Zhu Qing did not ask at all.

Many people were also killed in the other three places, and soon the whole city was alarmed. Everyone was talking about what the Military Intelligence Department had done today to shoot down Rizou and Hannu.

Wei Zhiping came to the unit in a hurry. He had just watched the execution, and now he was feeling panicked.

"Chief Wei, are you here so early?"

Lin Shi greeted him, and Wei Zhiping looked at Lin Shi and forced a smile: "Chief Lin, aren't you the same?"

"I'm a loner, so I came here first when I had nothing to do at home.

Lin Shi smiled. Wei Zhiping was the section chief of their bureau, at the same level as him, but Wei Zhiping's position was more important than his, and he had been in this position for many years.

"I have nothing to do today, so I came a little early."

After saying that, Wei Zhiping did not continue to be polite to Lin Shi and returned to his office.

After sitting down, Wei Zhiping realized that his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Wei Zhiping is responsible for the procurement supervision of some military supplies, as long as he tests whether the quality of the purchased supplies meets the standards.

This position is a bit oily. Without his consent, these materials cannot pass the customs.

He usually caught some, but only a small amount. What he could detect were some supplies from merchants with little background.

Materials in high demand are purchased by dedicated personnel, and the seller has a very good background, so he does not dare to do anything.

Not long ago, a person he hadn't contacted for a long time suddenly found him and asked him if he wanted to make money.

Of course he wanted to make money, so the man asked him to provide some unimportant information, saying that such information could also make money.

What he was asked to provide was something that many people in the bureau knew. In his opinion, it was not considered intelligence at all. Thinking that he could exchange money for such a simple matter, he agreed.

This information bought him thirty French coins, for which he was secretly proud.

He was really smart to be able to sell money for something he could just ask casually.

Then the person asked him to inquire about information again. This time it was a little more difficult. It was not something that many people knew, but it was also a long time ago.

This information was exchanged for fifty yuan.

But then, it became increasingly difficult for him to get information, and he started to be asked to provide the latest information. He was a little panicked. At this time, the other party showed his true face. If he didn't do it, he would be reported.

There was no other way, Wei Zhiping could only provide this information according to the other party's request.

Fortunately, the other party did not cheat him and gave him corresponding money based on the value of the information he provided. In just two months, he earned more than a thousand French currency by selling information, which was much higher than his salary.

But when he saw the execution today, he suddenly became afraid.

What these men and women do today is his tomorrow. Once what he does is exposed, he will be shot at Caishikou just like these people.

Not only will he die, he will also be stigmatized, and his wife and children will not be able to hold their heads high in the future.

He didn't want to do it anymore, but he shuddered when he thought of the other party's threat.

This ship can be boarded but cannot be disembarked, otherwise even if the Military Intelligence Office can spare him,

The Japanese will not let him go either.

Lin Shi returned to his office, frowning.

Wei Zhiping's state was very wrong. He seemed to be frightened. It's not a normal fright. His look is fear, and it's fear from the bottom of his heart.

What is it that makes him so afraid?

I just went to work. Nothing happened today, and the bureau didn't hear that anyone was going to be dealt with. After all, it was after the New Year and the new year had just begun. How could anyone deal with people at this time?

Even if you are dealt with, you won't be so frightened? Lin Shi sat on the chair and thought of something.

Just now, many conspirators were executed in Caishikou. He didn't go, but he heard about it.

Not to mention the gunshots.

And Wei Zhiping's home is over there.

Was he afraid of shooting Japanese conspirators and women?

If this is the case, then there must be something wrong with him. He is serving the Japanese, is it a Han woman?

Lin Shi could only speculate without any evidence. After picking up the phone, Lin Shi put it down again.

He couldn't make a call in the office, and he couldn't make a call now. He didn't have any good feelings about Han women having sex, but he couldn't let Wei Zhiping know that he was the one who reported it.

He also has a hidden identity and cannot be targeted by the Japanese.

Wanting to know if he was really a man and a woman, it was easy for Lin Shi, just tell Chu Lingyun the news, but Director Yang and Mr. Ke had both warned him to be careful when dealing with Chu Lingyun.

He couldn't tell Chu Lingyun openly, but there were many ways to inform Chu Lingyun secretly, and he could do it.

After thinking about it, Lin Shi was not in a hurry and continued to do his own work.

If Wei Zhiping was a Han woman, he would never be able to escape Chu Lingyun's investigation. If not, Chu Lingyun would not unjustly accuse him.

He has great trust in his old classmate and understands his abilities.

In the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Bao Shengqun was standing in front of the window. When the gunfire rang out just now, he thought it was the Red Party taking action and almost didn't detonate the bomb.

Fortunately, he inquired about it, and the sound of gunshots was not like the sirens that the Red Party notified him, so he did not act rashly.

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