Spy Shadow

Chapter 376 Torture to the End

The punishment was really painful. Ruan Yuquan kept howling miserably, using his screams to vent his pain.

After beating for more than an hour, Ruan Yuquan fell into coma twice.

"I'll do it."

Ruan Yuquan did not last three minutes in the electric chair before he finally relented and was willing to confess.

The record-keeper next to him immediately picked up his pen, and Chu Lingyun walked over and asked someone to put him down. He also called the medical staff to treat his injuries.

"Name, code name, position."

"Tagawa Junro, a captain agent of the Shanghai Special High School Division, codenamed Water Grass, leader of the Water Grass Team."

Ruan Yuquan lowered his head and said slowly, this kind of punishment is really unworthy of human beings. He could hold on even though he gritted his teeth in the front, but he really couldn't hold it in the back.

"What tasks have your team members performed?"

"There are only two members of my group, namely Koji Ogasa and Shigeru Akiyama. Koji Koji's pseudonym is Luo Zhonglun, and Shigeru Akiyama's pseudonym is Lin Qiushi. They live together, and their address is..."

Ruan Yuquan explained quickly, telling them all the information they provided and the mole in his hand.

In addition to Wei Zhiping who was exposed, Chen Junmao was found, and there was also an officer serving in the staff department, but he was not a high-ranking officer.

Lieutenant, his career is not high either.

Ruan Yuquan also talked about more than a dozen pieces of information they had provided. ugly

"You only have two team members?"

Chu Lingyun narrowed his eyes, Ruan Yuquan nodded and said: "Normally, there should be five people in an intelligence team including me, but we have just arrived, and the other two have not come yet.

What he said made sense. It was normal for the newly formed intelligence team to be dissatisfied.

But Chu Lingyun wasn't that easy to deceive. Although he couldn't see his expression, something felt wrong.

"Detention first, take Lin Qiushi with you."

Chu Lingyun did not continue the interrogation. He would verify Ruan Yuquan's explanation and make a final judgment after interrogating all three people.

Chu Lingyun was not polite to Lin Qiushi and directly executed him.

He beat Lin Qiu Shi until he fainted several times, and finally started asking questions. Lin Qiu Shi had been shouting to confess before, but he was still beaten half to death.

Lin Qiushi's explanation was the same as what Ruan Yuquan said. He only knew that he was under Ruan Yuquan's jurisdiction. The three of them were a group before. They were originally lurking in Suzhou. After the incident on Iijima, they all evacuated and hid. Hasegawa, the new Shanghai Special High School Intelligence Team, relocated them to Nanjing and continued to lurk under new identities, developing moles and spying on intelligence.

They were the fish that slipped through the net under Chen Shu.

"How many people were in your previous group?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Lin Qiushi raised his head: "I don't know.

Horizontal contact is prohibited. Koji Ogasawa and I were not together before. It was not until this mission that we were assigned to a group. "

"Are you being dishonest? Keep fighting."

Chu Lingyun replied calmly. Lin Qiushi was frightened and shouted hurriedly: "I'm not hiding it. I really don't know, but I guess there should be others in our group. When we evacuated this time, it was the Tagawa group The commander came to inform me that the five people in our previous group had to evacuate due to the arrest of Team Leader Iijima."

Five people?

Chu Lingyun narrowed his eyes, and Ruan Yuquan only gave two explanations. The reason he used was that the personnel were not present.

If the five of them belonged to a group before, then when they were sent to Nanjing, they should have come together. Even if there was a gap, it would not be a few months apart.

Ruan Yuquan was probably dishonest and did not tell the truth and wanted to protect the other two team members.

After asking about Lin Qiushi's situation, Luo Zhonglun was brought over.

Like Lin Qiushi, he was beaten first, and after learning that the team leader and companions had confessed, he could not hold on for long and quickly relaxed.

Lin Qiushi and the team leader knew what he had done. There was no point in talking about it. It was better to do it and suffer less.

However, his relationship with Junro Tagawa, also known as Ruan Yuquan, is closer. The two have been together since they entered the special high school class.

Kawajunro taught him a lot and can be considered his teacher.

This time when he came to Nanjing, when Junro Tagawa assigned him a task, he took the initiative to let him choose his teammates.

The identity of his teammates was not told to him, but he was told a bit about his character.


In the end, he chose Lin Qiushi. This person was easier to get along with and attentive. He felt more at ease when working together.

Ruan Yuquan told three people at that time.

"How dare you be dishonest."

A fierce light flashed in Chu Lingyun's eyes. Ruan Yuquan was the first person who dared to deceive him even after being put on the electric chair.

Since he lied, he must be punished.

Ruan Yuquan, who had just been half-treated, was pulled over again.

Looking at him, Chu Lingyun said coldly: "You are very brave, dare to lie to me, put him on the electric chair, start from the lowest level, and greet him well.

"I didn't, I didn't lie to you."

Ruan Yuquan, who was re-fixed on the electric chair, shouted in panic, but no matter what he said or how he begged for mercy, Chu Lingyun remained unmoved and had someone activate the electric chair.

The intense pain and torture made Ruan Yuquan feel worse than death. His body was shaking constantly, and soon he had to urinate and feces.

"Aren't you talking about those two subordinates? If not, I will continue to increase your voltage."

Chu Lingyun asked lightly, but this time it really scared him. His current physical condition could no longer support the electric chair. If he continued, he might really die.

"I, I said."

Ruan Yuquan struggled to utter a few words and then fell into coma.

"Chief Chu, the torture was too harsh. We can't revive him right now. It won't be until tomorrow morning at the earliest."

After the medical staff came forward to check, they replied to Chu Lingyun that at this time, Ruan Yuquan's body had reached the end of his strength and he fell into a deep coma.

"Give him the best medicine, including sulfa, and never let him die."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He couldn't continue asking now. He could wait. He would wake up tomorrow at the latest, and it would not be too late to ask again then.

As long as his two men didn't know he was caught, they wouldn't run away so quickly.

"Section Chief, it's already very late. You should go back and rest first."

Loach came over and interrogated three people. It was already midnight, and only the interrogation room was the only one in the whole department.

"Brothers who are left to guard, you should go and get some rest early."

Chu Lingyun nodded. The three Japanese spies were serious criminals and we must keep an eye on them. As well as the two men and women, it would not be too late to arrest them tomorrow morning.

It's harder for them to escape, and they don't know that something happened to the Japanese spy, so they won't escape at all.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun came to the interrogation room. Ruan Yuquan woke up, but his body was still very weak. Chu Lingyun went directly to the cell for interrogation.

"Who are those two men and where do they live?"

Ruan Yuquan raised his head with difficulty. To Chu Lingyun's surprise, he turned his head and said nothing.

He was indeed lying. He wanted to protect those two men, as long as

If they find out that something has happened to them, or that Shanghai cannot receive his message, they will definitely be notified to evacuate.

He has a fixed contact time with Shanghai, and he has to send a text report every week whether there is anything going on or not.

If no message is sent within the specified time, and if it is not sent the next day, they will send someone to release an emergency evacuation signal to reduce losses.

After being caught by the Military Intelligence Service, he knew that he was doomed this time.

Having shot so many Japanese spies before, the result would be the same if he was caught.

Ruan Ngoc Quan is a loyal believer in the Emperor. He is willing to dedicate everything to the Emperor and the empire.

Yesterday he couldn't hold it any longer, so he was willing to talk. Today, after he regained his composure, he shut up again.

He understood that it was impossible for the Military Intelligence Department to continue to torture him in his current state. Perhaps torture would have a better result for him. It would be a blessing for him to die at this time.

"If you don't tell me, do you think I can't find out if you don't tell me? Wait until I catch them both

Come out, and when the time comes, you will not be able to survive but die. "

Chu Lingyun laughed angrily. After catching so many spies, it was the first time he encountered a spy who went back on his word.

It is true that he cannot be tortured now, but that does not mean that he cannot be tortured.

If he cannot move physically, then he must be tortured mentally.

"From now on, take turns making noise for him, stopping every half hour.

Once, let him rest for ten minutes before continuing. "

Chu Lingyun ordered that noise punishment was a new method discovered when dealing with Japanese spies.

There are very few people who really don't care about this kind of sound. Normal people can't bear this kind of terrifying noise all the time, so they set an interval.

Back in the office, Chu Lingyun immediately called Ni Loach over.

"Find someone with a similar figure to Ruan Yuquan and live in his home. Don't let anyone know that he is gone. Also tell Wang Sheng to immediately find out the people who came to Nanjing in October and November last year, focusing on Suzhou, People from Shanghai."

"When checking, please note that these are two men who live together or often live together. One of them is a bit hot-tempered, while the other is gentle and gentle.

"Find a few more of Ruan Yuquan's neighbors, the ones who are always at the door. Once you find the suspect, ask them immediately to identify if there is anyone who has been in their alley in the past few months."

The temperament characteristics of the two people were explained by Luo Zhonglun. The two people must be in Nanjing and are likely to be together.

With so many clues, Chu Lingyun believed that it would not take long to find them.


Ni Loach took the order. He already knew that the section chief was going to interrogate Ruan Yuquan in the morning, but Ruan Yuquan didn't do anything. It was equivalent to deceiving them yesterday.

Ruan Yuquan will have a hard time in the future. They know very well how much the section chief hates the Japanese.

If he offends the section chief, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to die and he will have to live in pain every day.

Ni Loach went out to investigate the case, and Wang Sheng also took people into action. Even Feng Yong and Ran, who were still in the training period, were mobilized by him to help find people.

In less than two days, they screened out dozens of suspects. Loach took photos for identification and finally found the person who had been to Ruan Yuquan Alley.

"Section Chief, we have found someone, Zhang Mingzhen, 25 years old, from Shanghai. He often goes around the streets to help people write letters or send wedding invitations. The charge is not high. He has been to the alleys several times, and some people have seen him in contact with Ruan Yuquan. Living with him was his uncle, Ding Rongding, thirty-one years old. Ding Rongding was a shoemaker, but he only repaired shoes in front of his house, not outside.

"Are you watching someone?" Chu Lingyun asked. "They're all watching." Loach immediately replied. "Okay, let's go to the cell."

Chu Lingyun stood up. The lifestyle of these two people was very similar to that of Luo Zhonglun and others. One was outside and the other stayed at home.

There are usually people at home, and others cannot go in to investigate.

Zhang Mingzhen came here recently, had contact with Ruan Yuquan, and the two of them lived together. There was an 80% chance that he was a Japanese spy.

"Ruan Yuquan."

In the cell, Ruan Yuquan was resting his head with his eyes closed and was in low spirits.

Chu Lingyun didn't torture him physically in the past two days, but the harsh sound of scraping iron sheets really made him uncomfortable. He wished he was deaf and didn't want to continue to suffer such pain.

If he hadn't been tightly controlled, he would probably have scratched himself all over.

When he heard Chu Lingyun calling him, Ruan Yuquan turned his head and said nothing.

If he persists for two more days, he will be able to protect his men. Tonight is the scheduled time for him to send a message to Shanghai. If Shanghai cannot receive his message, he will make some preparations.

If they haven't received his message by tomorrow day, someone will immediately notify them to evacuate.

"Do you think they can run away if you don't tell them?"

Chu Lingyun looked at him coldly and continued: "Zhang Mingzhen, Ding Rongding, no matter how well they disguise themselves, as long as they come into contact with you, they will definitely show their flaws. If you didn't say you wanted to protect them, it's a pity that you failed.

Ruan Ngoc Quan's eyes

Pizi suddenly jumped, and his heart felt like a turbulent wave.

He said nothing and endured so much pain just to allow them to escape. How did the people from the Military Intelligence Service find them so quickly?

"When they are caught and see you, what do you think they will think?"

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Ruan Yuquan trembled slightly.

When the two were caught and saw that they had been tortured, they would inevitably suspect that they had betrayed them.

This is human nature. When he was arrested, he immediately thought that something happened to Lin Qiushi and the others. After all, he was the only one who knew where they were.

"Loach, let me know, get ready for action, we must catch them alive."

Chu Lingyun looked at him and knew that he had found the right person this time. These two people were members of his team, and they were also the people he had been hiding.


Ni Loach took the order and went out. Ruan Yuquan turned around and glared at Chu Lingyun fiercely.

"Don't worry, after I catch people, I will make them believe that your betrayal led to their arrest. I will torture them without asking for confessions until they can't bear it anymore and confess on their own initiative."

"Your torture has just begun. I want to see how hard you are and whether you regret what you did before.

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he left the cell and placed Ruan Yuquan under strict supervision. Two people from the Operations Department must keep an eye on him at all times to prevent him from having any contact with the outside world and to prevent him from having a chance to commit suicide.

Now even if he wants to die, he can't do it.

Even if he doesn't eat, he will be forced to drink water. From then on until he dies, he will live in hell every day.

Ruan Yuquan did not survive all the punishment. In the end, he wanted to say it, but because of his health, he could not say it out.

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