Spy Shadow

Chapter 38 Not Qualified

Chapter 38 Not Qualified

Half an hour later, Chu Lingyun walked into the torture room.

Yuki Endo, like Asano Ono, was covered in blood, his hair was dripping with water, and he was hanging there with his head drooped.

Chu Lingyun had no good impression of these Japanese spies. He knew very well that when all-out war broke out, how many innocent people would suffer unreasonable disasters, and countless martyrs would be tortured to death by them.

What future generations often say is that we are not qualified to forgive these beasts on behalf of our ancestors.

Now that he is in this era, when he has the opportunity to help the martyrs take revenge, Chu Lingyun will never be soft-hearted. He did it to Asakou Ono last time, and he will do the same to Endo Yuki this time.

"Captain." Seeing Chu Lingyun come in, Shen Hanwen immediately stood up and gave up the interrogation position.

"Did you recruit?" Chu Lingyun asked after sitting down.

"Not yet, his mouth is a bit hard, but it won't last long."

The interrogators hurriedly replied that these interrogators have rich experience and they can tell who can really withstand the punishment and who is struggling.

"Continue." Chu Lingyun nodded. It was better if he didn't move. If he did, he would only be allowed to enjoy it for half an hour, which would be an advantage for him.

The punishment continued, and Yuki Endo's wails sounded again.

Within half an hour, Endo Yuki could no longer hold on and was willing to confess.

His performance was not as good as Ichiro Watanabe, at least Ichiro Watanabe persisted in the electrocution, and he was incomparable to Keiko Chishima.

But it was a good thing for Chu Lingyun that he could confess, and he opened the mouth of a Japanese spy.

"Name, position, code name."

Chu Lingyun asked slowly, and Yuki Endo lowered his head and whispered: "Yuki Endo, second lieutenant agent of the North China Bureau of Japan's Special High School, code name Suitang."

"What is your mission?"

"My task is to lead the training of agents and conduct assessments on them."

Endo Yuki's answer confirmed Asa Ono's confession. Asa Ono trained agents and accepted his leadership.

"How many training agents do you have?"

"Three, besides Asako Ono, there are two more."

After digging out two new spies, Shen Hanwen looked at Chu Lingyun with a happy face.

Endo Yuki is the fifth spy they have captured. If they capture two more, it will be seven. Of all the branches of the Military Intelligence Branch, who has captured more spies than they have?

"Do you have a radio station, and who is on the line?" Chu Lingyun asked another key question.

"There is no radio station. My online contact is Yamada Yoichi, the boss of Yamada Yoko Co., codenamed Dilong."

Endo Yuki answered honestly, there is indeed something wrong with Yamada Yoko. The boss is an agent of the Special High School, and the entire Yamada Yoko can be said to be a stronghold of the Special High School.

"Where is Yoichi Yamada currently? Is there anyone from Yamada Yoichi?"

"We are the only two agents of Yamada Yoko, and no one else is. Yamada Yoichi did not evacuate. He should be at his residence in the concession at this time." Yuki Endo answered again.

Yamada Yoichi received an urgent notice and knew that Asakou Ono and Endo Yuki were exposed again, he immediately launched a rescue and rescued Asakou Ono from the French Concession patrol room first.

Afterwards, he ordered Yuki Endo to inform Asako Ono, and both of them were hiding and waiting to be activated.

Endo Yuki conveyed the order to Asakou Ono and hid at the same time, but he had a bad habit and liked to drink a few sips, especially the old wine from Lao Li's Tavern.

Afterwards, he couldn't help it and secretly ran out to drink. When he drank for the second time, he was recognized by the rickshaw driver and reported to Chu Lingyun.

"Where are your two training agents, and what specific tasks are they performing?"

Chu Lingyun asked again. Endo Yuki did not hide anything and honestly told the hidden identities and missions of the two training agents. None of them were in the French Concession. One of them actually entered the police station and became a lurking agent. police.

"Han Wen, please continue the interrogation and ask him to tell you all the tasks he has performed and everything he knows."

Soldiers are very fast, especially because intelligence is highly time-sensitive. If the Japanese side knew that Endo Yuki was arrested, Yamada Yoichi and the three training agents would definitely be evacuated.

"Captain, I can also participate in the operation."

Shen Hanwen hurriedly shouted, interrogation is not as important as the arrest. Endo Yuki has already been recruited, and anyone can continue the interrogation. He wants to follow and participate in the operation.

"Hanwen, give other brothers a chance."

Shen Hanwen wanted to make a meritorious service, so Chu Lingyun had to persuade him. In this case, it was Shen Hanwen who led the team to follow Keiko Chishima and found their residence, and it was he who led the team to guard and capture Endo Yuki.

These credits are enough for him, any more credits would be a complete waste.

What's more, Chu Lingyun couldn't be fair to one and give all the credit to him. He had to give some opportunities to other team members. It happened that at least one of their people should be left in the torture room, so he kept Shen Hanwen.

"I understand, thank you, captain." Shen Hanwen was not stupid. As soon as Chu Lingyun said it, he understood what was going on and didn't insist anymore.

"Ling Yun, have you caught someone again?" Just as he was talking, Wang Jialiang suddenly rushed into the torture room.

"Team Leader Wang, you already know that I just caught someone, and the information is well-informed." Wang Jialiang came over again, giving Chu Lingyun a headache.

"Yuki Endo?"

When Wang Jialiang saw the appearance of the arrested man clearly, he immediately exclaimed.

Chu Lingyun just captured Asana Ono two days ago, and today he arrested Endo Yuki, which means that all the Japanese spies who escaped before were brought to justice.

There is still one employer of Yang Jian left, but no one has seen that person. There is only a portrait of Yang Jian. No one knows whether he is still in Wuhan.

Even Chu Lingyun didn't have high hopes for catching such a person, let alone Wang Jialiang.

Calculating this way, Chu Lingyun has captured all the people who should and can be captured.

"Team Leader Wang, I have an urgent mission, so I won't tell you anymore."

Chu Lingyun knew what Wang Jialiang wanted better than anyone, but he couldn't give it and couldn't give it. After saying that, he walked out of the torture room.

Wang Jialiang hesitated and immediately ran out with Chu Lingyun.

He really wanted to know the results of Endo Yuki's interrogation, but Chu Lingyun must have something more important when he ran out to perform a mission. He failed to participate in the arrest of Asa Ono and Endo Yuki. The entire intelligence team made no achievements. This time he must not miss it again.

"Ling Yun, why is the mission so urgent? Is there anything we can do for our intelligence team to help?" Wang Jialiang quickly followed Chu Lingyun and asked with a smile.

Wang Jialiang followed him like brown candy. Chu Lingyun had a headache, but he couldn't drive him away directly. He could only say: "It would be better if your intelligence team is willing to help in arresting the spy, but we must first make an agreement. Ours, if you catch someone, you must let us interrogate him first.”

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