Spy Shadow

Chapter 380 No grudge between father and son

The lack of female teachers is not a problem of salary.

Most women in this era are illiterate, and not many are knowledgeable and educated. Even if they are, they prefer to work in big cities, or to raise husbands and children, and not many are willing to go to mountainous areas.

Chu Yuanchen thought, this time he came to see if he could recruit some teachers at the normal school.

"Dad, I will find a solution for the teacher's problem, so you don't have to worry."

After listening to Chu Yuanchen's description of the school's difficulties, Chu Lingyun immediately said that he worked in the intelligence department and it was not difficult to find a few teachers with clean backgrounds.

"Okay, please help me keep an eye on it." Come forward.

Chu Yuanchen was not pretentious. He was not familiar with Nanjing and was far inferior to his son. At noon the next day, Chu Lingyun followed Virtuo to the airport. The eldest son was coming back today and the plane would land soon.

Virgo is dressed formally and is very happy.

As a confidant of the old man, he knew very well that the relationship between father and son was not so harmonious. Young Master Chang once publicly criticized his father.

But there is no overnight feud between father and son, let alone the old man’s only son.

If he could help and ease the relationship between father and son, he would definitely

Leaving a better impression on the old man will be more helpful for his future development.

The plane arrived, and Virgo eagerly looked over.

After a while, the plane landed slowly and finally stopped, and Virgo immediately ran over.

The first person to get off the plane was a young man, but he did not get off the plane immediately, but looked at the people below.

He was a little disappointed not to see the person he wanted to see.

A Russian woman followed quickly, holding a child who was just over one year old.

"My lord, you are back."

Virgo had been waiting at the foot of the stairs for a long time, and Chang Jianfeng immediately greeted him after he came down.

Chang Jianfeng nodded and said nothing, while Chu Lingyun and Secretary Qi stepped forward and helped them lift their luggage.

Compared with Virgo's excitement, Mr. Chang's mood was obviously a bit depressed.

Taking the family to a small villa, Virgo immediately said: "My eldest son, you have just come back, please have a good rest first."

"Where's Abba? Can I go see him?"

Chang Jianfeng turned around and asked immediately. He thought his father would come to pick him up in person. After all, he hadn't seen him for so many years. Although he had done something bad to his father, they were father and son after all.

"The Chairman is very busy right now. He will see you when he is free."

Virgo smiled and replied, the old man was busy, but he didn't even have time to see his son. He was deliberately hitting his son.

After being in power for a long time, the old man will use some tricks on everyone, even his own son.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Chang Jianfeng was in a low mood and thanked him softly. Virgo turned around and said, "Ling Yun, please stay and take care of the eldest son. If you need anything, please contact me at any time."

Virgo didn't say anything about Chu Yuanchen. It was not convenient for him to take the initiative to bring up such matters. He could just let Chu Lingyun talk about it himself.


Chu Lingyun accepted the order. He was very smart and understood that Virgo was creating opportunities for him to spend more time with the eldest son and take advantage of this opportunity to build a relationship.

Chu Lingyun, who is familiar with history, understands that this eldest son is not simple, and he also has many tricks.

Dare to fight and work hard. Although he doesn't accomplish much, he is really good at figuring out the old man's thoughts.

He had already guessed Virgo's thoughts. If the two of them followed the father and son, and supported each other in the future, their status would be more stable.

Chu Lingyun did not object to having an extra layer of protection.

"Mr. Chang, please tell me if you need anything. Tell me in advance where you want to go, and I will make arrangements for you."

Back in the room, Chu Lingyun took the initiative to find Chang Jianfeng. His current duty was to protect the eldest son, and he must know his trip in advance.

"Who are you?" Chang Jianfeng looked at Chu Lingyun.

"Military Intelligence Department, Deputy Chief of Operations Section Chu Lingyun."

"Are you the deputy section chief?"

Chang Jianfeng was a little surprised. Chu Lingyun was very young and looked a few years younger than him. He knew nothing about the country. He had learned about it in detail before coming back.

Not to mention, he knows Director Dai.

Although the Military Intelligence Department is only a division-level unit, it has great power. The section chief below is of high rank, and the deputy section chief is at least a lieutenant colonel, not to mention the deputy section chief of the operations section.

"Thanks to Virgo for your love and promotion."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Chang Jianfeng was a little curious about him and couldn't help but ask: "Who is your father?"

In his opinion, Chu Lingyun's father was either a general or a government official, but it was impossible for him to be a warlord. People from warlords could not enter the Military Intelligence Department, let alone become deputy section chiefs.

"Father Chu Yuanchen." Chu Lingyun replied softly.

"Chu Yuanchen?"

Chang Jianfeng was slightly startled. This name was not unfamiliar to him. When he was a child, he had a young and very serious teacher who was very kind to every student.

Regardless of origin or family, he treats everyone equally and often helps

He was a little naughty, but was severely criticized by Teacher Chu. But instead of having any resentment, he was very grateful to the teacher.

It was this teacher who reminded him that if he wanted to be a useful person, he must learn more knowledge and abilities.

Otherwise it's a waste.

But Chu Yuanchen is just an ordinary teacher, and his son will not progress so fast.

Without a certain background, it is not easy to become a deputy section chief at such a young age, and he knows this very well.

"My father is from Ningcheng and used to teach at Wushan Primary School."

Chu Lingyun added, and Chang Jianfeng was stunned again. The young man in front of him was really the son of Teacher Chu whom he knew.

He had some impression that there was indeed a child beside Teacher Chu, but he was too young and he couldn't remember what he looked like clearly.

In my impression, Mr. Chu and his wife were very busy, and sometimes they had to take their son to class. The child would play by himself at the door of the classroom, and from time to time he would look at the students who were studying with them.

A little one, now so big?

"You are Teacher Chu's son. How is he now?"

The son of an acquaintance and the son of a teacher he liked, Chang Jianfeng felt an instant intimacy with Chu Lingyun.

"He's okay and he's teaching more students now."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, and the Russian woman who followed the eldest son settled the child and walked out.

"Where is Teacher Chu? Is he also in Nanjing?"

Chang Jianfeng asked again. He was disappointed not to be able to see his father. Now that he heard the news about his childhood teacher, his depression was somewhat relieved.

"Here, he happened to come to Nanjing on business." Chu Lingyun nodded.

"Lewa, let me introduce to you. This is Chu Lingyun. He is the son of my elementary school teacher. He is the teacher Chu I told you before. Do you still remember?"

Chang Jianfeng took the Russian woman's hand and said happily. He was speaking in Russian, but Chu Lingyun couldn't understand a word.

Leva nodded to him as a greeting, and Chu Lingyun bent slightly to return the greeting.

"My wife, Leva, we were married in Russia and have a child."

Chang Jianfeng said with a smile that Director Dai was interested and specially found someone who was related to him to serve here. Knowing that Chu Lingyun was the son of his most beloved elementary school teacher, he felt a natural closeness in his heart.

"Your wife is beautiful."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, Chang Jianfeng immediately helped him translate, and Leva expressed her gratitude in a friendly way.

At this time, the eldest son was far from having the influence of future generations, and was not even considered a prince. He had just come back and had not even seen his father. Now he had the son of an acquaintance and someone of his own age accompanying him. It was easy for him to Then he opened the chat box.

Chang Jianfeng talked a lot about his time in Russia. His life there was not so satisfactory. Fortunately, he finally came back this time. After this time, he will not go to Russia again.

He wants to take his wife and children to live in the country.

The next day, Chu Ling

Yun took the couple to have a good tour of Nanjing City. The two were very happy, but the young master still longed to see his father and asked Chu Lingyun to help him inquire.

In front of him, Chu Lingyun called Virgo, and Virgo went to see the old man in person.

There was no surprise. The old man did not agree to meet. He just asked him to take care of himself and see their family again when he was free.

His father didn't want to meet him, so Chang Jianfeng had no choice but to wait honestly.

Chu Lingyun kept comforting him. There was no overnight feud between father and son. The chairman of the committee would definitely meet with him and told him not to worry.

In the evening, Virgo specially booked a restaurant to entertain the eldest son and Chu Yuanchen.

Chang Jianfeng was really happy to see his favorite teacher. He drank a lot and talked a lot. In the end, he got drunk and was carried back home by Chu Lingyun.

"Ling Yun, stay with the eldest son well, the chairman has him in his heart."

Virgo and Chu Lingyun sent Chang Jianfeng into the room together, and hinted to Chu Lingyun that a good relationship would be of great help to his future development.

The old man must have his son in his heart, and Chu Lingyun knows this better than Virgo.

This is the person who will succeed him later, the real prince. "Don't worry, Virgo, I know what to do." "I'm sure I'm not worried about you, I'll go back first."

Virgo nodded with satisfaction. Chu Lingyun was capable, and he had a lot of worldly connections. Sometimes he would even wonder why he didn't have a daughter. If he had a daughter, he would definitely recruit Chu Lingyun as his son-in-law.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely have a headache.

Being this son-in-law will not bring any good results.

Chu Lingyun asked Ni Loach to find out about the female teacher Chu Yuanchen wanted.

I quickly found a few female students whose hometowns were in Sichuan or Chongqing and hired them with high salaries.

Chu Lingyun promised them that as long as they work for three years, they will be arranged to work in government departments or the military.

In just three years, they can get a better job, with such a high salary during these three years, and teaching in a girls' school. In the end, they all agreed.

There are not many people, only five people, but it can greatly ease the mother's hard work.

He has always been attentive to his parents' affairs.

Not long after, the commendation order from the department came down, and Chu Lingyun went back specially to attend the commendation meeting.

Shen Hanwen got his wish and was promoted to major. After becoming a school officer, he was so excited that he almost cried. The former top soldier never thought that he would become a school officer so soon.

Moreover, he is not old, and it is not impossible for him to develop well in the future and become a general.

If you really become a general, it will be a great event for your ancestors.

The Shen family has never had an official in their entire lives, let alone a general.

Because of his outstanding performance, Liang Yu was promoted to captain. He finally had a military rank that matched his position. A group of people in the fourth operations group were promoted. Today, there are basically no top soldiers in the fourth operations group.

He failed to be promoted to lieutenant because he didn't work hard and couldn't hold his head up even when he went out.

In addition to the fourth action group, Zhu Qing’s third action group gained the most.

They captured two complete Japanese espionage intelligence teams in a row. Zhu Qing had already reached the rank of major. With this qualification, he was finally promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Even his Quanxu military rank was promoted to captain.

A group of people from the third operation team were promoted to military ranks and made a lot of money. Zhu Qing was very discerning and asked Ni Loach to help him raid his house, which was a way of repaying Chu Lingyun's support and Ni Loach's help.

This time, sixteen men and women were arrested, but the money stolen was not much. The Japanese spies instigated their rebellion relatively late, because of financial problems, they were all small people.

Such people naturally do not have much wealth.

Qian Chu Lingyun didn't care about this, but Zhu Qing's attitude made him very satisfied.

When the two were both team leaders, Zhu Qing never put on any airs of seniority in front of him. Chu Lingyun was later promoted to team leader, and was even just a captain when he was the team leader.

Regardless of qualifications or level, he is far inferior to Zhu Qing.

And Zhu Qing did not despise Chu Lingyun because of this.

He was not hostile to Chu Lingyun, who performed better. When he was in Hangzhou, he was the dignified team leader and personally went to be Chu Lingyun's bodyguard. His attitude could be said to be very low.

Smart people will always be rewarded, and he became the second team leader of the Operations Section to be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

"Virgo, Rose called and asked us to arrange an assassination for him and help him escape."

Secretary Qi walked into the Virgo's office and brought bad news.

The assassination failed. After Jiang Tengkong returned to Shanghai, Mitsui Ah

Mu didn't have any good feelings toward him.

He took the initiative to resign, but was rejected by Mitsui Amu.

This made Jiang Tengkong feel bad. He could still save his life by resigning as the leader of the operations team. At least Mitsui Amu would not attack him again.

But if he can't resign, he will die in the hands of Mitsui Amu sooner or later.

Mitsui Amu would never accept his resignation now. Jiang Tengkong made a mistake. Normally, he would have agreed directly.

But Hasegawa also made a big mistake. Jiang Tengkong failed in his assassination. This kind of mistake is not big. The assassination itself has many unstable factors.

What should I do if Hasegawa resigned after the assassination failed? He lost so many sleeper teams and destroyed twenty elite imperial agents?

If Jiang Tengkong really resigns, it would be unjustifiable if he does not severely punish Hasegawa.

Clear rewards and punishments are very important in any country's military organization.

Jiang Tengkong was stuck in this way and could not resign. He was afraid that Mitsui Amu would attack him again, so he took the initiative to find Tian Pei and asked him to seek help from the Military Intelligence Office.

The reason for arranging an assassination against him was very simple. He had just assassinated Chu Lingyun, an important figure in the Military Intelligence Department.

This was military intelligence retaliation.

It was just an assassination, not a real killing, just let him get a little injured. He was assassinated by the Chinese and injured and hospitalized. Mitsui Amu could not attack him again, at least he would be safe during this period.

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