Spy Shadow

Chapter 385: You guys are cruel

"I understand, okay."

Chen Shouquan's eyes lit up. It was indeed inconvenient for his people to take action, and it would be very troublesome for the other party to catch them, but these desperadoes did not have to worry.

"Send some of your people out and follow them. If they can't grab anything or something happens to them, you can take action again."

Chu Lingyun added, while Chen Shouquan kept nodding: "That's right, your brain is better. In this way, even if their action fails, our people can still grab the things."

These gangsters have not received training. They dare to fight and kill them, but there is no rules.

Far inferior to the elite brought by Chen Shouquan.

This arrangement is also for precaution. In addition, Chu Yuan has also brought people. He will be at the back and will not participate in the action.

His mission was that if Chen Shouquan participated in the operation and there were people who were injured and could not be taken away, the few of them with good marksmanship should immediately replenish their guns to ensure that they would not fall into the hands of the Japanese alive.

And it must be slapped on the head or face, so that the enemy cannot see clearly.

Stealing things is a helpless act. This is the last guarantee. If possible, Chu Lingyun does not want Chu Yuan to have a chance to take action.

He didn't tell Chen Shouquan this.

Chen Shouquan will trust his soldiers and those brothers, but Chu Lingyun still has to take the precautions that need to be taken.

There is only one day left and time is tight.

Loach got the terrain map that Chu Lingyun marked for him. The section chief was so good. He had such a big harvest as soon as he came here. With this map, it would be much easier for the gangsters to build the warehouse.

Chu Lingyun only wanted A Deping and nothing else. He gave an extra five thousand yuan to the gangster responsible for attacking the warehouse, asking them to burn the entire warehouse after they succeeded.

This is the reserve of the Japanese, and it will definitely be used in war in the future. By reducing their reserve, they can cause more damage to them.

There was no way to take them all away, there were too many things, and Chu Lingyun was not that greedy, so he just took away what he needed from Ah Deping.

"Section Chief, they are all ready and are very satisfied with the weapons we provided."

The next afternoon, Niyi came over to report that these gangsters had guns, but not many, and they were some old-fashioned guns. Chu Lingyun gave them the best weapons this time.

The guns were disguised so that they could not be traced through the guns. Even if they can't be found out, the Japanese will definitely know who did it, and this will not leave them any evidence.

"What's going on at the pier?"

Chu Lingyun nodded. Yamato Keisuke will go to the dock to pick up the goods today. When they come back from picking up the goods, it will be the best time to take action.

Chu Lingyun had already chosen the location for them. He would kill people to get the goods and leave after getting the goods. Chen Shouquan would wait for them outside the city to pick up the goods and pay them the balance.

"The German freighter is coming soon and will probably be unloaded in the evening."

Loach replied that he had sent people to keep an eye on the dock and would report any movement quickly.


Chu Lingyun nodded, closed his eyes and raised his head, going through the entire plan in his mind again.

Except for the destabilizing factors caused by the hands-on gangsters, there are no other problems.

After the action, the patrol will not be dispatched immediately. He will be given at least ten minutes. In addition, it will take a lot of time for them to get to the scene of the incident. After they take action, there will be almost half an hour of air travel.

If the gangsters cannot finish their work during this time, the people behind them will take action.

What they wanted to grab was Ah's Ping. Both groups recognized the outer packaging of Ah's Ping. After grabbing it, they loaded it into a car and took it away, and immediately left the city.

They will rush out directly at the concession checkpoint, and the people there will also say hello and will not block or set up obstacles.

After leaving the concession, the operation was more than half successful. When they arrived outside the city, they would hand over the money and deliver the goods, while Chen Shouquan would evacuate overnight with the medicines.

He wanted to return to Nanjing first, and then use Nanjing's airport to deliver the much-needed medicines to the military.

There is no problem. If there is a real problem, the only solution is to

Adapt to changes.

So this time Chu Lingyun will personally take command and make adjustments at any time.

The sky was getting dark, and news came from the dock. The freighter was entering the port.

He Keisuke has already appeared at the dock, waiting to pick up the goods.

Not all of the cargo belonged to Yamato Keisuke, he only received part of it, but because he was a major customer of Combau, he had priority in receiving the goods. He took their goods away first, and then Combau and other customers would pick up the goods.

"Section Chief, Yamato Keisuke has finished loading the goods and is preparing to leave."

Loach came over to report, and Chu Lingyun immediately opened his eyes: "Okay, inform them and prepare for action."

The attack on the warehouse and the interception of the truck must be carried out simultaneously. The two groups of gangsters have been preparing with guns in hand. After receiving the order of action, they immediately dispatched.

Loach had not been able to investigate the inside of the warehouse before, but he had already checked the outside clearly and knew where to avoid the outposts and lurk near the warehouse.

The group of more than thirty thieves who attacked the warehouse had a strategic location and was easy to defend but difficult to attack. More manpower was needed here.

"Boss, machine gun."

The men pointed at the tower and said that machine guns were the biggest threat to them. The boss who hired them before said that they must shoot down the machine guns first, otherwise he would not be able to watch the more than thirty people.

"Goudan, did you see the machine gun? Can you shoot him down first?"

Goudan was a hunter before, and his marksmanship was very good. He couldn't survive in his hometown, so he went to Shanghai to make a living, and later joined this gang.

He was holding a Sanba Gaigai in his hand, and he liked this gun very much. The boss who hired them said that if this operation was successful, all these weapons would be given to them, which made this group of gangsters very excited.

Even with weapons in their hands, Heavenly King and I are not afraid.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely kill him."

Goudan vowed that the distance was a bit far and it was night, but his eyesight was very good and it did not affect his performance.

"Okay, after Goudan shoots off the machine gun, the others will rush in with me. Whether we can be successful in the rest of our lives depends on this deal."

The boss encouraged them before the war, and they offered a price of 30,000 yuan. Later, the boss gave them an additional 5,000 yuan, letting them grab the items and then set fire to the warehouse.

It was just a matter of setting fire, and he was very satisfied with the fact that he could get an extra five thousand yuan for his easy work.


There was a gunshot. Goudan's marksmanship was indeed good. The machine gunner on the tower fell to the ground. The boss roared and rushed inside with his men.

After the gunshots were fired, the lights in the warehouse came on. Fortunately, they knew the terrain in advance and had enough weapons in their hands. They kept firing for cover and rushed into the warehouse not long after.

There were only ten guards in the warehouse at this time, and Goudan killed one more, leaving nine people left.

More than thirty against nine, even a random punch can kill the old master.

Behind them, Liang Yu personally led people to watch, and beside him were Chen Shouquan's people.

Thirty people from Chen Shouquan came. If the gangsters couldn't take down the warehouse, they would do it themselves.

The same goes for the other place. After taking action at the warehouse, Yamato Kei

Jie then led the convoy to the ambush point, and more than 20 desperadoes immediately opened fire.

Their marksmanship may have been average, but at such a close range, it was an ambush and they hit several people in an instant.

The car at the front was blocked, and there were obstacles behind it.

"Quick, rush out."

Encountering an ambush, Yamato Keisuke was startled and hurriedly shouted that he was in the front car. As soon as the driver started the car, blood suddenly burst out, and the car crashed to the side uncontrollably.

"Bang bang bang.

The continuous gunshots made Yamato Keisuke afraid to raise his head, hiding in the car with a pistol and shivering.

He is either a soldier or a businessman. He has never encountered such a battle.

"Quick, move things.

After almost killing the resisting guards, the boss immediately ordered his men to move the medicine. They had already prepared the car, moved the things and rushed to the rental area.

Wan Dayang got it.

The patrol room received a call when the warehouse was attacked.

They had already received orders from above to take care of themselves. Those who should have weapons should take weapons, and those who should wear clothes should wear clothes.

Those patrolmen were also happy to do so. Those who dared to attack the Japanese tightly guarded warehouse were not ordinary people. They were just making a living and did not want to risk their own lives to help the Japanese.

After Yamato Keisuke was attacked, someone also called the police. The patrol over there

Fang is doing the same operation. In short, they will never arrive at the scene in a short time.

"Section Chief, we've all started."

Ni Loach reported, Chu Lingyun nodded, and then it was about whether the situation was progressing smoothly. He had done everything he needed to do in advance. As long as nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely be able to get this batch of life-saving medicine.

The people on the street were the smoothest. They took the Japanese by surprise and did not need any other cargo in the convoy, only carrying Ah's flat.

Not long after, Ah Diping was carried away by them, and more than 20 people retreated while shooting.

They ambushed the Japanese and had the right time and place, but five people were still injured. Fortunately, three of them were slightly injured and were able to move.

The injuries of the two were a bit serious. One of them was shot in the abdomen and it seemed that he would not survive. The boss was also a ruthless person, so he directly asked someone to re-shoot the gun to help his brother free himself.

The other brother who was injured and unable to move was carried away. Until they left, the patrol had not yet started.

The warehouse was not so smooth. The warehouse was large and the guards inside were scattered. Several people were shot when they rushed in. Fortunately, there were many of them and they kept firing back, killing several guards.

When they finally rushed to the medicine warehouse, there were seven or eight dead and wounded.

This made the old man angry, so he didn't rush to move things, so he asked his men to kill all the guards here, and went to find gasoline to burn the whole place down.

Even if his employer didn't give him more money, he wasn't going to let it go now.

Film warehouse.

Several guards in the warehouse died in succession, and the remaining ones did not dare to show up and hid carefully. The boss couldn't find anyone, so he had to have people move things and set fire to them, and left quickly.

Nothing happened to them, and they had already driven out before the police arrived.

"Section Chief, both operations were successful."

Loach came to report quickly, and Chu Lingyun's heart suddenly relaxed: "Okay, let them meet up with Chen Shouquan and send Chen Shouquan away as soon as possible. We will prepare for evacuation."

Chu Lingyun was not at the company, he rented a house outside.

The command this time required multiple phone calls. He could not stay in the company to avoid giving the Japanese an excuse.

Although Thomas is not afraid of the Japanese, and Chloe is not afraid of the Japanese, it is better to avoid the troubles that can be avoided.

It is true that the gangsters did it, but the Japanese are not stupid. They must know who did it. If they know that he is the commander, the finger will be pointed at him when the time comes.

If he is outside, he will not leave any evidence to the Japanese, and Guo Dang and Chen Mutu will not admit it.

For this kind of superficial lawsuit, just let the diplomats fight with them. Chu Lingyun didn't need to ask at all.

After confirming that all two groups of gangsters were out, Chu Lingyun immediately took the people away. There was no train at night, so they drove away directly and returned to Nanjing.

On the outskirts of Shanghai, Chen Shouquan waited anxiously.

Finally, a car came over, and the scouts he sent reported that two trucks had arrived, one of which was pulling many boxes, and many people were standing on the trucks.

After hearing the news, Chen Shouquan breathed a sigh of relief. It’s done.

The first ones to come were those who ambushed Yamato Keisuke. The boss didn't waste any words and asked Chen Shouquan to inspect the goods. After Chen Shouquan confirmed that the car was the one they urgently needed, he immediately paid the balance.

These people took the money and left. They were very decisive. They did not return to the city. The Japanese would definitely not forgive them for doing such a thing. With so much money and so many guns, there is no need to go back without being carefree. .

Twenty minutes later, the gang of gangsters from the warehouse arrived, and the boss's face was filled with anger.

"This time six of me died

Brothers, there are five more injured, you need to pay more.

After arriving, the boss yelled at Chen Shouquan, but Chen Shouquan ignored him. The people behind him directly put mortars on them and pointed four machine guns at them.

"You guys are cruel."

The boss said through gritted teeth, angrily accepted the balance, left the goods and evacuated with his people.

Behind them were the men sent by Chen Shouquan. After everyone gathered, Chen Shouquan thanked Liang Yu and Chu Yuan and immediately took the people away.

The patrol finally arrived, and before Yamato Keisuke had time to reprimand them, he received news that the warehouse was attacked and set on fire at the same time.

He didn't care about this and immediately led people to the warehouse.

Compared with the losses here, the warehouse is the most important. It contains their reserves for more than a year. These things will be of great use in the future. If they are all gone, Konoe Mingzhe will definitely dare to kill him.

Before he arrived, he saw a raging fire in the distance that lit up the sky.

Fortunately, the warehouse is remote, so no matter how severe the fire is, it won't affect other people around it.

"It's over, it's all over."

Finally arriving outside the warehouse, Yamato Keisuke knelt down on the ground, crying bitterly. Even though there was a river next to him, it was impossible to save such a fire.

With such a huge loss, he was doomed this time.

Mitsui Amu hurriedly took Hasegawa to the warehouse of Ruibing Company. Ruibing Company was not an ordinary Japanese company. They were actually making reserves for the army.

If something like this happens, the Special High School Department must intervene, and the Special High School Class will also be responsible after the accident. When Mitsui Amu arrived, the fire was still burning.

With such a fire, there was very little left in the warehouse.

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