Spy Shadow

Chapter 387 Merger of Two Places

In Shanghai, another shipment of goods arrived, and Liu Chengzhu became even busier. Now their goods not only include sulfa, but also many other best-selling products. The company's business is developing rapidly, and the money in Chu Lingyun's account is also increasing.

Liu Chengzhu knows best how much money Chu Lingyun has.

It can be said that Chu Lingyun is definitely a rich man. Except for those top families, there are not many people who can compare with Chu Lingyun.

As Chu Lingyun's agent, his gains are not small. Chu Lingyun did not treat him badly and gave him a 1% dividend. Even though 1% was not much, their volume was huge. He could buy the previous rickshaw company just by relying on the dividends.

He is extremely satisfied with his current life and is very motivated every day.

"Put these all in the basement."

Liu Chengzhu led people to store the sulfa. According to Chu Lingyun's request, starting from last month, 20% of the sulfa arriving from each ship must be stored.

It's not good to put it in a warehouse, it has to be put in a basement.

For this reason, Liu Chengzhu specially built a very safe basement and arranged for many people to guard it. He already knew about Ruibing Company. The boss was worthy of being a boss and was very far-sighted.

Warehouses are nice, but if someone with ulterior motives is keeping an eye on them, they are likely to rob them.

After all, the value of sulfa is extremely high, and there are many people who are desperate for money.

Outside the basement, there were forty guards.

He recruited these guards slowly, and they all had good backgrounds. They had either served as soldiers or practiced martial arts, and many of them were foreigners.

The guards are divided into several groups, which are not so harmonious with each other, and it is difficult to guard against theft.

Every time I store 20%, a lot of sulfa has accumulated here.

Liu Chengzhu didn't know why Chu Lingyun was like this. Sulfa was obviously so easy to sell and so profitable, why did he still keep it in stock?

And because they put in a lot of sulfa before, the price of sulfa on the black market is no longer that high, probably only 70% of what it was at the peak.

Is it possible that the boss deliberately stocked less goods and waited for the price to rise before selling them?

That's not right. Their sulfonamides are only supplied to large customers, not many individual customers. They have never been sold on the black market, and the price on the black market has no impact on them.

After receiving Liu Chengzhu's telegram, Chu Lingyun burned the telegram.

He had stored a lot of sulfa, but at the same time he also understood that these were not enough. During the war, too many people needed sulfa to save their lives.

Save as much as you can, and what you sell can also be used for soldiers during the war.

His sulfonamides can save many lives, which can be considered a good deed.

It was early April, and the country was at peace.

No one knew that the eight-year catastrophe was coming. Big cities were still living a peaceful life, and ordinary people's lives were still so difficult.

"Section Chief, have you heard that we are merging with the Party Affairs Investigation Department?"

When Chu Lingyun came back to his house that day, Loach immediately slipped in. He was always well-informed and knew many things that others didn't know.

"Who told you?" Chu Lingyun looked up at him.

"A buddy has relatives in the Military Commission. Together with the Party Affairs Investigation Department, we merged into a new unit called the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation."

"Don't worry so much."

Chu Lingyun glared at him. Ni Loach's information was indeed well-informed, and their merger with the Party Affairs Investigation Department was also true.

However, this merger did not change anything. They will be separated again in more than a year, and then they will become the military commander of future generations.

"Section Chief, why am I worrying so much? I heard that the big boss of the Chen family is going to be the director. He is Old Ghost Xu's cousin. When the time comes, I can still have my virgin seat, okay?"

Loach said quickly, he was a little worried after receiving the news.

After all, there is an additional director above, and their job levels have not changed. However, there is a leader who is not on the same page as them. I'm afraid Virgo will have to wear a lot of shoes.

"Let me ask you, who does our Virgo rely on?"

Chu Lingyun asked coldly, Ni Loach was stunned.

He was startled, then smiled and said: "I

Got it, thank you, section chief. "

Who is behind their virginity? Of course he is the chairman.

All the rights of their military intelligence department come from the old man's trust. It doesn't matter whether they are merged or not.

Moreover, they have made so many achievements, but the Party Affairs Investigation Office next door has been frustrated. If they dare to wear small shoes for them, Virgo can complain to the old man.

There is really nothing to worry about. Their Virgos are not ordinary people and they can definitely handle this.

Loach is not the only one who knows the news.

Xu Yi, He Nian and other section chiefs and deputy section chiefs also received the news and rushed to the director to inquire about the situation. Except for Chu Lingyun, almost all the other department heads came, which made the director very dissatisfied.

"We haven't merged yet, but people are panicking. How can we expect them in the future?"

Virgo said angrily that Secretary Qi was the only one in the office, and he was telling Secretary Qi to listen to this.

"They don't understand the situation, and being a little worried is a normal reaction." Secretary Qi said with a smile.

"Chu Lingyun doesn't understand the situation either. Why didn't he come?"

Virgo was still angry. Not only did Chu Lingyun not come, but he also gave an order to the Operations Department, telling them not to discuss the matter and to do whatever they should do. The Military Intelligence Department just changed its name, nothing changed.

Chu Lingyun's approach was very appreciated by Virgo. Looking at other section chiefs, there is simply no comparison.

"Chu Lingyun has done really well. His relationship with the eldest son is getting closer and closer.

The better, Chairman, please relax now, right? "

Secretary Qi asked with a smile. Sure enough, Virgo's mood immediately improved when he mentioned this matter.

"It's coming soon. Isn't Wending's son getting married soon? The eldest son will attend on behalf of the Chairman. After the wedding, the Chairman should meet him."

Chu Lingyun and the eldest son now openly refer to each other as brothers and sisters. This relationship is quite close.

Whether in ancient times or now, classmates are a close relationship.

They have never been classmates, but Chu Yuanchen is the eldest son's real teacher and has taught him for many years.

There is nothing wrong with the relationship between the two as brothers.

"That's good. I heard that Wending personally called Chu Lingyun and invited him to attend his son's wedding."

Secretary Qi smiled slightly. Chu Lingyun was really capable. Unknowingly, he had established a relationship with two big guys, Chen Mutu and Wending.

This time, I helped Chen Mutu a lot and asked Chen Mutu to call the director personally to thank him.

Wending is a person who values ​​friendship. Chu Lingyun helped him in Xi'an. He will remember this favor. This can be seen by calling Chu Lingyun in person this time.

Among the school officials, few were contacted by Wending personally. Even among his old subordinates, it was the adjutant who informed them.

"I will also go to the wedding."

Virgo smiled and nodded, and he remembered the time two days ago when the old man called him over and asked him.

Chu Lingyun helped Chen Mutu solve the problem. The old man asked a lot about him. Knowing that Chu Lingyun and the eldest son now have a good relationship, the old man was very happy.

It can be seen from his attitude that he still has expectations for the eldest son.

The old man directly praised Chu Lingyun for his boldness and informality. This time Chen Mutu couldn't buy medicine. It was Chu Lingyun who helped him get the medicine and burned the Japanese war preparation warehouse. It was very good. If the country was grateful to capable young people like Chu Lingyun, why would the Japanese pirates never be exterminated?

The old man gave Chu Lingyun a high evaluation and supported him to be with the eldest son. Virgo's goal was finally achieved.

Nothing can be seen now. When the old man trains the eldest son in the future, or when the eldest son gains a certain amount of power, his layout will become more powerful.

If we really wait for the eldest son to confirm his status as the crown prince, then no one else will have a chance to get close to him.

"I'll make preparations for you." Secretary Qi leaned over and said.

Virgo nodded slightly and suddenly asked: "Have the people transferred from various places arrived?"

"Some have arrived, some

not yet. "Secretary Qi replied softly.

"Tell them to hurry up and come in before the merger. The provincial man named Xu will give me a stumbling block.

Virgo snorted coldly, he knew best about this merger.

The new unit is called the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and Mr. Xu and his Party Affairs Investigation Division will become a part of the new department.

His Military Intelligence Division was reorganized into two divisions.

Old Gui Xu was in one place, and he was in another place, which made him a little dissatisfied. The man named Chen became the director. He was Old Gui Xu's cousin. I am afraid that Old Gui Xu would be even more arrogant in the future.

Fortunately, the old man specifically explained that after the merger, each person would still be responsible for his or her own part, and the superiors could not interfere.

The intelligence department is a gun in the hands of the old man, and it will certainly not be handed over to anyone else.

At most, they will give him some obstacles in terms of personnel and property in the future. They dare not withhold the money that should be given. At most, they will delay it for a while. As long as they have made enough contributions, they will not dare to deduct it when the time comes.

So now is the time to expand the headquarters. Most departments have new people coming in, all of whom are transferred from various branches.

The Intelligence Section will add a separate team this time. In this case, the Intelligence Section, like the Operations Section, will have four teams.

"Zuo Xuan, here are your things, as well as the key to the dormitory." In the Personnel Department, Zuo Xuan completed the procedures and collected his things. Virgo asked various stations to recommend talents, including the police training school in Hangzhou, so Deputy Director Yu recommended Zuo Xuan.

Zuo Xuan is young, capable, and already a lieutenant. Staying in Hangzhou is a waste. Take this opportunity to give him a good future.

Deputy Director Yu was quite good to Zuo Xuan and used his connections to help him get placed in the Intelligence Department.

In the Intelligence Section, it would be easier for him to make meritorious deeds.

In fact, what Deputy Director Yu wants to arrange most is the operations department. Now everyone in the department knows that the operations department is the largest department, but the operations department has already been fully staffed, and the director has not added anyone to the operations department this time.

The next best thing is to go to the Information Section first.

During this expansion, additional positions were added to the office. Zuo Xuan was lucky enough to catch up and was assigned to serve as the deputy captain of the new Intelligence Group Four.

In the past, there was no position of deputy captain. Many teams did not have many people. Only the teams in the operations department had more people. There was no need to set up such a position.

This time is different. After the merger, in the future, you will need to address matters related to your position. It is better to do it in advance and clarify the position of the deputy captain. Even if the team is small, it can at least give it a nicer job title.

The Operations Section made the biggest profit this time, with four operations groups and twelve teams all having deputy captains.

"Thank you." Zuo Xuan thanked him. He was only the vice-captain and did not have a separate dormitory. He had to live in a group dormitory.

However, he lives in a dormitory for two people. He can live there if he wants to, or rent a room by himself if he doesn't want to. Zuo Xuan has just arrived in Nanjing and plans to move out in two days.

There are a lot of people in the department. Except for the operations department, all departments have added people. I am very happy.

Since it had nothing to do with the Action Department, Chu Lingyun didn't interfere and still went to Chang Jianfeng's place every day to chat with him.

The day of the merger finally arrived, and Virgo personally announced the appointment, but it had little impact on the others. They were not the listed unit, and their names were just changed in the internal letters.

Internally, everyone still habitually calls themselves the Military Intelligence Division, not the Second Division. Next door is still the Party Affairs Investigation Division, and they are never called the First Division.

After the merger, people in the Military Intelligence Division still did not have any recognition of the Party Affairs Investigation Division.

Lin Shi was promoted again, to deputy section chief.

However, their bureau is not big. His deputy section chief cannot be compared with Chu Lingyun's deputy section chief, but his name sounds better.

What's more, the section chief only cares about his own section, while the deputy section chief has much greater authority.

Being able to be promoted so quickly was purely based on money.

Without money, he would not have been promoted so quickly, especially in the past six months, he had taken a lot of sulfa from Chu Lingyun and made a lot of money.

If he does not buy an official position, he will only

I was afraid that it would arouse Chu Lingyun’s suspicion. After all, in the impression of outsiders, he is still a motivated young man, and if he spends more money, he can get more funds for the organization.

Now most of the organization's funds depend on Lin Shi. The more money Lin Shi spends, the better they can keep accounts.

For example, if you give money as a gift, you can calculate it in terms of gold bars if you give legal currency, and if you buy things, you can leak out a little bit, accumulate a little, and the money can be used for the organization.

But the blame still lies on Lin Shi. Chu Lingyun is an intelligence genius, and he cannot be allowed to suspect Lin Shi because of money issues.

"Lin Shi, congratulations, you have been promoted again."

When Chu Lingyun learned that Lin Shi was promoted, he took the initiative to call him. He became deputy section chief at a young age and Lin Shi was also very good.

"It's not like you don't know how you got here as an officer. Are you free tonight? I'll treat you to a drink.

Lin Shi smiled. His official position was purely bought. Anyone with money can do it.

I have to say that money is really a good thing. If he doesn't have money, he wants to be the deputy section chief. He doesn't know how many years it will take, and he may not even have this opportunity.

"Not tonight, let's go to another day and I'll make a date with you."

Chu Lingyun had to go to Chang Jianfeng's place in the evening and could not have dinner with Lin Shi.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Lin Shi hung up the phone. Even though he was promoted to deputy section chief, he didn't really have much to do. There was a section chief above him, and the section chief was wary of his deputy.

Lin Shi graduated from Huangpu and was rich. If he was promoted next, it would threaten his position.

It is estimated that few people can feel at ease with such subordinates.

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