Spy Shadow

Chapter 400 Meeting the old man

In Xu Rundong's heart, he looked down on Loach very much.

He is not a graduate of a military academy, nor has he received any systematic training. What he is best at is flattering others, hanging out with people from all walks of life, and making no progress.

If it weren't for Chu Lingyun, a person like Ni Loach would have failed in one operation and never would have had the chance to be promoted to a major team leader.

"Team Leader Xu, I'm going back first."

Ni Loach had not been at the surveillance point for long. This case did not belong to them, but to the Intelligence Department. He was just here to assist.

There is no need to stay here all the time and make a show of yourself.

Not to mention, there was little to gain from this case, and he didn't have much interest in it.

"Thank you, Team Leader Zhao."

Xu Rundong responded with a smile, waiting for Ni Loach to immediately leave, and soon he left, leaving the captain here to continue to stare.

He also paid little attention to this case.

Japan, Tokyo.

Two middle-aged men were sitting on their knees in a luxurious room, with exquisite snacks and sake on the table.

"Konoe-kun, Kobayashi Kuro cannot control the cabinet. This time the time is ripe. You don't have to wait any longer."

Hosokawa Akiyasu drank the wine in his glass and said with a smile.

Kuro Kobayashi is the current Prime Minister. He just took office this year. However, he inherited a mess. He has insufficient ability and prestige to coordinate today's huge and complex domestic relations.

It is generally acknowledged that he will not be prime minister for long.

"Hosokawa-kun, do you also think that I should stand up?"

Konoe Takemo asked softly, while Hosokawa Akiyasu nodded: "As expected."

At the beginning of last year, some people hoped that Konoe Takemo would come out to form a cabinet, but the situation was complicated at the time and Konoe Takemo rejected it. Now that so much time has passed, he has become more prepared, and the time is indeed ripe.

"Okay, I'll go meet the emperor in two days."

Facing Hosokawa Akiyasu, Konoe Takemo was not as pretentious as he was with other people. He was clearly willing in his heart, but said the opposite with his mouth.

Hosokawa Akiyasu is now his biggest supporter. The Hosokawa family has a good reputation. After the marriage between the two parties, they are even more powerful for Konoe Takemo.

And recently they just received good news that Konoe Takemo's daughter and Hosokawa Akiyasu's daughter-in-law is pregnant.

The relationship between the two families has become closer.

"I'll say hello to everyone else."

Hosokawa Akiyasu nodded with satisfaction. It was also of great significance to the Hosokawa family that his in-laws became prime minister. The Hosokawa family could have better development in the future.

Nanjing, Military Intelligence Division.

Chu Lingyun was looking through some recently collected intelligence. The Military Intelligence Department not only countered espionage, but also had the task of inquiring about enemy intelligence.

After seizing so many codebooks in succession, the telecommunications department's deciphering work finally made some progress.

Important passwords still cannot be deciphered, but some unimportant messages can now be partially deciphered.

This information is top secret, and some of it will be reported to the Intelligence Section. Except for Xu Yi and Xie Ziqi, the deputy section chiefs, ordinary people have no right to read it. Even Xie Ziqi cannot read some information.

However, after Chu Lingyun made the request, Virgo waved his hand and immediately handed over all the deciphered information to Chu Lingyun.

There is not much information, and what can be analyzed is limited.

But Chu Lingyun has the knowledge of later generations. Through this information, he has discovered that Japan is ready to attack China. What is missing now is a powder keg.

Although Japan has not yet reached a consensus on how to fight China, the countdown to all-out aggression has indeed entered.

Chu Lingyun took out a pen and wrote down his thoughts and analysis. Finally, he emphasized that Japan has long had the intention to annex China. Now that the situation is urgent, a decision must be made as soon as possible.

He knew very well that the things he wrote had no effect, and the decision-makers above would never change their strategies because of him as a lieutenant colonel.

He wrote these for himself.

Pave the way for some of your actions after the war and make those actions traceable.

"Virgo, these are some judgments I made based on intelligence analysis. Please take a look at them when you have time."

Chu Lingyun came to the director's office and handed in all the things he had written and the confidential information he had borrowed before.

"so much?"

Virgo was a little surprised when he saw the three pieces of paper written by Chu Lingyun.

There is a lot of content. Virgo knows very well what information they deciphered. He has seen it all before. There is not much important information, but a lot of trivial things.

He didn't care at that time. The deciphering book was created from scratch. Now being able to decipher some messages was a huge improvement. He was praised by the old man for this.

Next, give them time. Virgo believes that the deciphering team can crack more important Japanese messages.

"Virgo, I think Japan is likely to make big moves against us in the near future, so I wrote more."

"Big move?"

Virgo was startled, and immediately lowered his head to look at what Chu Lingyun had written: "Don't leave yet, sit there and wait for me to finish reading."

He is very aware of Chu Lingyun's ability, he is particularly keen and can find problems from places that others cannot see, so this time Chu Lingyun wanted to see the deciphered information, Virgo gave it to him without hesitation.

If Japan really makes big moves and their military intelligence office knows nothing about it, that would be a dereliction of duty.

Chu Lingyun sat down on the sofa, and Virgo looked at the report written by Chu Lingyun carefully.

The handwriting is very good, but Virgo is not in the mood to appreciate his handwriting at this moment, so he read every word carefully.

After more than ten minutes, he finished reading the three pages written by Chu Lingyun.

"Ling Yun, are you a little too careful?"

Virgo raised his head and asked. According to Chu Lingyun's report, Japan will not only make big moves, but also very likely launch a full-scale war.

This is definitely not a trivial matter, but the basis for Chu Lingyun's analysis is only some troop deployment and domestic preparations.

These things are not enough to show that Japan will really go to war with China.

"Virgo, I have written in it that public opinion in Japan is very important, especially the opinions of the military. Today, the voice of the Japanese military for war is not low, especially among the officers. Although there are not many senior officers, these middle and low-level officers We must not take it lightly, and the lessons from Northeast China must not be repeated.”

When Japan invaded Northeast China, it also did not make complete preparations.

In other words, many of their senior officials are still worried.

However, many mid-level officers and even low-level officers could not wait and acted rashly, which eventually led to the three northeastern provinces being occupied by Japan.

After the incident, Japan's top officials, including the emperor, said they did not support it, but secretly gave them great encouragement. In the end, the three eastern provinces were forcibly occupied by them.

After occupying the three northeastern provinces, it greatly stimulated the careerists in Japan. Even now, many people still call for the full occupation of China and the acquisition of this vast land.

"Just wait."

The Virgo looked serious. He lowered his head and read Chu Lingyun's report carefully. He hesitated and finally said, "Let's go, come with me to see the Chairman."

Chu Lingyun wrote in great detail. In addition to the analysis of deciphered intelligence, there was also the judgment of the situation in Japan and various situations that might occur.

This report is very important. Virgo is not an ordinary person. He can see that many of the contents in it are very reasonable and worthy of attention.

Without Chu Lingyun's analysis, Virgo would not do anything, but now that there is an analysis, it must be reported.

It didn't happen. It was because they worked hard and made a mistake in judgment. Chu Lingyun was just a lieutenant colonel, and no one would hold him accountable.

But once it happens, even if only one of the things speculated in it happens, or even something related, if they report it, it will be a great achievement.

This business was not a loss, Virgo was very decisive and immediately decided to report it with Chu Lingyun.


Chu Lingyun stood up. He understood the result. His report was not unique. Many insightful people in the country had put forward similar views before.

But the higher-ups have always had illusions and ignored these.

The results of his report this time will probably be the same, but if the superiors can really listen to it, a lot of losses may be saved.

It is now May 7th, exactly two months since the big change.

Before setting off, Virgo made a phone call, and then took Secretary Qi and Chu Lingyun to leave by car.

After arriving at the place, they waited for two hours before the old man met them.


In front of the old man, Virgo was very respectful. He stood bent over. The person in front of him was his biggest backer. Now all the power in his hands came from the person in front of him.

"The fishermen are here."

The old man responded with a smile, and Virgo immediately nodded: "He is Chu Lingyun."

This time only the two of them came in, and it was the first time that Chu Lingyun truly met this historical figure face to face.

"Student Chu Lingyun has met the principal."

Chu Lingyun stood and gave a straight military salute. Although the current principal is no longer the one in front of him, when Chu Lingyun entered school, he was the real principal.

There is nothing wrong with this title.

"You are Chu Lingyun, yes, you are a young and talented person."

The old man smiled and nodded. He had heard Chu Lingyun's name many times, and this time he met him.

It's not that he doesn't want to see him, but Chu Lingyun's level is too low, and he won't casually see such a person without any reason.

"Thank you principal for the compliment. Students don't deserve such praise."

Chu Lingyun said modestly, and the old man smiled even happier. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous, which was very rare.

No wonder his eldest son has such a good relationship with him. During this time, it was also thanks to him spending time with his eldest son.

"Chairman, Chu Lingyun is very keen on intelligence. We have deciphered some Japanese military and civilian messages. He immediately wrote a report after reading it. I think it is very important, so I brought him to see you."

The chief minister took out the report written by Chu Lingyun and presented it with both hands.

The old man took the report and started reading it.

His smile gradually solidified, and the further he looked back, the tighter his frown became.

As the top boss in the country, he knows a lot more than others. Japan is indeed advocating war. Many people even send their children to the military to let them serve the country and launch a war of aggression.

Many people have said similar things to him before, but not many people have written it in such detail and as well-founded as Chu Lingyun.

After reading it, the old man thought silently for a minute and suddenly asked: "You said that there is only one fuse left for them to launch a full-scale war. What is this fuse?"

"Cabinet support."

Chu Lingyun replied immediately without thinking.

"Tell me in detail." The old man looked at him.

"Yes, Japan's current Prime Minister Kuro Kobayashi is not strong enough to control the cabinet, so the current domestic situation is relatively chaotic. Kobayashi just took office this year, but he will not be able to stay in office for long if he continues like this. I believe he will step down soon. Next, the Japanese military The country will not tolerate an incompetent prime minister, and the new one must first have one thing: he can reconcile various conflicts and give great support to the military."

"Who do you think will be in charge of the cabinet next?" The old man fell silent again and then asked.

"Konoe Takemo, there is no one else except him. Last year, he was very popular in forming a cabinet, but he rejected it. He can see the situation clearly and was not tempted by forming a cabinet. But now it is different. He already has the conditions to form a cabinet. , if he is invited again this time, he will not refuse."

As an enemy, the old man knew a lot about Japan and knew that Chu Lingyun was right.

"Where's the time?"

"If it's quick, it will be this month, if it's slow, it will be three months at the latest."

This time Chu Lingyun didn't finish his words, leaving a big buffer.

"What do you think they would do if Takemo Konoe came to power?"

The old man asked again, but Virgo lowered his head and said nothing. The old man's attitude had already shown that he valued Chu Lingyun's report.

"Based on Konoe Takemo's temperament, it is estimated that he will be inclined to cannibalize, but the Japanese military is not so obedient. I am worried that they will not be able to control the situation and lead to an all-out war."

Chu Lingyun replied softly. The old man sat there, knocking on the sofa with his hand, and said no more.

"You should go back first. Don't let anyone else know about today's report."

After three full minutes, the old man spoke again.


Chu Lingyun and Virgo agreed together and stepped away.

After they left, the old man read Chu Lingyun's report again. It was indeed written in detail. Although the content was not much, it pointed to the key points.

If Japan really wants to go to full-scale war, what should he do next?

The old man has a headache. The current situation is not so favorable to him. He has not yet completed the unification of rights. He originally wanted to wait a few more years to eliminate the enemies in the country and then concentrate on dealing with the Japanese.

At the same time, he was lucky and believed that Japan would not dare to go to full-scale war.

In the end, he put the report aside and did not read it again.

"Ling Yun, you performed well today."

After coming out, Virgo praised Chu Lingyun and said that it was the first time he met the old man. He was neither humble nor silent. He was worthy of being someone whom he valued.

As for whether Chu Lingyun would threaten him, he had no worries.

Not to mention Chu Lingyun's qualifications and age, based on his current relationship with the eldest son, the old man would only leave him with the eldest son instead of keeping him by his side.

The two of them serve the father and son at the same time, and they may create a good story in the future.

"Thank you for your cultivation."

Chu Lingyun thanked him, and Virgo laughed with satisfaction. He handed in the report, and he didn't care whether the superiors would take it seriously.

As I said in advance, if the bad situation described in Chu Lingyun's report really happened, their Military Intelligence Department would not only have no fault, but also merit, because they had predicted this in advance.

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