Spy Shadow

Chapter 422 Subordinates Rebellion

Zozaobang will inevitably fall in the end. The gap between the Guo army and the Japanese army is a bit big now. Not only the personal qualities and weapons of the soldiers, but also the old man's poor command and indecisive temperament.

"Ling Yun, since you are back, take a good rest for a few days.

Chen Mutu said softly, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: "I don't have time to rest now. Next, I have to make arrangements in advance to do lurking work in Nanxiang, Dachang, Nanshi and other places, so that I can continue to provide intelligence once Rozaobang is lost. .”

There is no time to rest. The Japanese attack is coming soon. It is far better to make arrangements before the fruit army retreats than to arrange it after the Japanese occupy it.

"How about a day off?"

Chen Mutu frowned. In fact, he also knew that it was unrealistic to let Chu Lingyun rest for a few days.

The role of ace agents is more important than that of ordinary regiments or even divisions. The war is now intense, and Chu Lingyun really has no time to rest.

"Thank you, General Chen. I'll leave right away."

Chu Lingyun shook his head again. Let alone a day, not even half a day. It was not easy to meet Chen Mutu.

"All right."

Chen Tumu sighed heavily. He understood. In fact, he was very busy every day. He often slept for three or four hours a day. During the war, he could only sleep for a while during the temporary truce.

All the soldiers in this battle worked very hard and tried their best, but the result

But it made them extremely disappointed.

Farewell to Chen Mutu, Chu Lingyun took the people away.

In the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, Hasegawa had a smile on his face.

Chu Lingyun came out, and he was in an area controlled by the Japanese. Although he didn't know where he was currently, he believed that if he was given time, he would be able to find Chu Lingyun.

Seven days ago, the Japanese army discovered the suspicious person and reported it to them.

Mitsui Amu immediately asked him to lead the team there. After strict detection, he caught one person four days ago, and then pried open his mouth and confirmed that they were members of the wartime intelligence team.

It is also a newly established intelligence team of the Military Intelligence Department, and the team leader is Chu Lingyun.

This result made them ecstatic. Hasegawa led the action team to attack again. The remaining nine people successfully captured five, and the other four people could not escape. Instead, they fought after discovering it, and three of them were killed. , one person committed suicide by taking poison.

Now the Chinese are also learning from them, carrying poison on their collars ready to take it at any time.

However, six Chinese agents were captured, which was also the first time for the Special High School. Such a great achievement was enough to wash away some of the previous humiliation.

These six people are from the intelligence group. They have met many people from the intelligence group. As long as they are used well, they can catch more Chinese agents.

He could even catch Chu Lingyun and eliminate this scourge of the empire. He is very confident about this.

"Everyone, how are you recovering?"

Hasegawa came to a room and asked with a smile. There were six people in the room, the same six agents he caught.

Three of these six people are from the Intelligence Division and three are from the Operations Division.

From them, Hasegawa already knew a lot of secrets, and understood that the people he sent out last time were indeed captured by Chu Lingyun, and their exposure was not because someone leaked the secret, but because Chu Lingyun was too cunning.

He actually thought of using people who had just gone to Nanjing to conduct investigations, and then based on his arrangement, he focused on investigating two people who lived together.

In the end, all four of his lurking groups were wiped out.

But I have to say that Chu Lingyun is really powerful. Unfortunately, there are no people from the Action Group Four, but from them, we also know a lot of things that Chu Lingyun has done before.

The more he learned, the more shocked he became.

From this knowledge alone, we can see that Chu Lingyun is indeed very talented, and Ming Beichuan did not lose unjustly. Fortunately, this battle allowed him to catch the opponent's intelligence officer, and thus he had a comprehensive understanding of this person.

Although he looked down on Jiang Tengkong, at this time he very much recognized what Jiang Tengkong said.

All those who despise Chu Lingyun must pay a price. This person is a confidant of the empire within the intelligence system.


Mitsui Amu issued a death order to find Chu Lingyun no matter what and capture him alive as much as possible.

Capturing Chu Lingyun alive was of great significance to them.

If he could instigate Chu Lingyun to work for them, with his intelligence, the Chinese intelligence system would be vulnerable.

Hasegawa does not have any recognition of the Chinese people in his heart.

This is the first time I truly admire a Chinese person.

Seeing Hasegawa come in, the five people stood up, some of them still lowered their heads.

"Except for Liao Wu's serious injuries, everyone else is almost intact." The speaker was Wu Shengcai. He was the first to be discovered and caught by Hasegawa. He could not bear the torture and betrayed the country.

Because of his betrayal, the entire ten-man group was wiped out.

After the other five were captured, he came over and persuaded them hard, and finally made them all surrender. Liao Wu was the last one to surrender. He persisted the longest, and finally agreed after being unable to bear the electric chair.

He was the most seriously injured and is still lying down.

"Liao Sang, take good care of yourself. Don't worry, I will give you the best medicine.

Hasegawa smiled. Liao Wu's resistance was indeed strong and he had withstood all the previous punishments. He admired such people very much.

At the same time, making these people surrender to him gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Liao Wu said nothing and still had his eyes closed.

"Hasegawa-sama, do you have a mission for us when you come?"

Wu Shengcai asked hurriedly. Ever since he surrendered and betrayed his brother and led his men to arrest so many people, he understood that there was no way back for him.

Fortunately, in this war, it seems that the Japanese are very likely to win.

From now on, as long as he hugs the Japanese's thighs tightly, he can survive forever.

It's better to die than to live. He doesn't want to die, and he can't bear that kind of death.


"Yes, you have seen other people. Then you take people to identify them. If you find one person, you will be rewarded with a gold bar. Whoever can find Chu Lingyun will be rewarded with a hundred gold bars.

The Japanese also understand that a brave man must emerge from a serious injury.

If you find one person, you will be rewarded with a gold bar. This reward is definitely not low, it is twice as high as the spy reward offered by the Military Intelligence Department.

If he finds Chu Lingyun, he will definitely become rich overnight.

"Hasegawa-sama, don't worry, we will do our best."

Wu Shengcai responded hurriedly, and his attitude made Hasegawa very satisfied.

"Wu Sang, you are definitely a friend of the empire. Very good. Now I appoint you as the squad leader to temporarily command them."

Hasegawa said softly, Wu Shengcai was stunned, and then bent down: "Thank you, Lord Hasegawa, I will do my best to find the lurking person as soon as possible.

Some of the people around Wu Shengcai had disdain in their eyes. They had just surrendered, so they were so flattering to their new master?

But when I thought that I couldn't hold on, the contempt became much less. In essence, they were no different from Wu Shengcai. They all became the lackeys of the Japanese.

Hasegawa has left. The six people are of extremely high value. Make good use of them, and then it will be time for him to make meritorious deeds one after another.

"Section Chief, everyone has withdrawn."

On the way, Ni Yao reported in a low voice that Chu Lingyun had received the news that someone had been arrested.

Catfish and Rose both sent intelligence. Catfish's intelligence was more detailed and clearly told him that six people had been captured alive and had rebelled.

The action team participated in the operation and knew more details.

Chu Lingyun was not surprised that someone was caught. His lurking mode was not the best, but because it was wartime, he was not well prepared and he urgently needed information, so he had to do this.

All sleeper groups have been withdrawn under his order.

With the renegade six, the remaining men were too dangerous to remain where they were, and the Japanese understood their latent pattern, and a change had to be made.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Chu Lingyun sighed, this is just a joke

From the beginning, the next battle will be even more difficult.


Arriving at the rear, Chu Lingyun stood up straight and saluted. The Virgo was very happy and stepped forward to help Chu Lingyun tidy up her clothes.

"Just come back."

Chu Lingyun personally lurked and provided several pieces of important information in succession. In addition to Chu Lingyun, the other lurking groups also achieved their own results. During this period, they defeated three Japanese transport teams and a guerrilla group.

These are all brought by the intelligence team.

However, Chu Lingyun's contribution was greater. He notified Chen Mutu of the Japanese attack time and direction and troop deployment in advance, which finally allowed Chen Mutu to crush the enemy's conspiracy.

And defeating thousands of Japanese troops at once, such a great victory can greatly boost the morale of one's own side.

"All the intelligence teams have withdrawn. This time, I lost twenty-eight brothers because of my poor deployment.

Chu Lingyun's voice was low. There were too many accidents on the battlefield. Zhu Qing's ten-man group was wiped out, and the other groups were also damaged.

Including the team he personally led, two people died from stray bullets. In a war zone, any accident may happen.

"It's okay, just come back."

Virgo shook his head. There were no outsiders here, and he did not reserve his respect for Chu Lingyun.

The rest of the intelligence team are all dead. As long as Chu Lingyun is still alive, there will be no problem. The others can be supplemented if they die. If something happens to Chu Lingyun, it will be his biggest loss.

Chu Lingyun didn't speak anymore. After seeing Virgo, he returned to his dormitory.

A very simple room with a small bed, a table and chairs, and a phone on the table.

Compared to my residence and office in Nanjing, this place is just a doghouse.

When he was not enjoying himself in the war zone, he at least had a separate dormitory. Like loaches, they could only huddle together first. The better places were provided to the wounded, and the remaining people had to overcome difficulties.

The soldiers are better but no longer numerous. The next arrangement cannot be like before.

A large number of people were dispatched before, and great achievements were achieved, but the risk of exposure was also very high. For the next lurking, Chu Lingyun only planned to use 120 people.

These are all elites from the previous headquarters, and they have more experience.

The remaining people were organized into guerrillas. It was too late for training. They were first allowed to be firefighters and sent wherever needed.

One hundred and twenty people, divided into groups of four, were divided into thirty groups.

Only twenty of these thirty groups were used to spy on intelligence, while the remaining ten groups were arranged as observers.

They do not spy on any intelligence, but are only responsible for observing from the outside and ensuring the safety of the twenty intelligence teams.

The intelligence team was unaware of the observer group's existence. This way, if something happens to someone, the entire army will not be wiped out.

Japan's method of deploying security officers is indeed good, but Chu Lingyun did not copy it. They were more familiar with this model. Chu Lingyun adopted a mixed system, with all lurking personnel mixed and matched.

Some are alone, some are together, and some are even three together.

The offline person does not know the contact information of the upline person, and all information is delivered through a dead mailbox.

Observers do not appear directly at the scene, but only observe along the necessary routes.

Models are dead, but people are alive. No matter how good the model is, it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. Chu Lingyun did this to ensure safety as much as possible.

It is impossible for the Japanese to tell the difference by checking household registration as they did in Nanjing.

They had just occupied the territory and did not have this condition.

After making a plan, Chu Lingyun lay on the bed and fell asleep. This time he slept for a full eight hours. He had not slept so peacefully for a long time since coming to Shanghai.

Early the next morning, Zhang Acheng and Yu Liang left Tongwen Academy.

They were sent out by Ouchi Sanchang to the SH urban area to spy on the deployment of the fruit army.

The war was tense, and Japan's intelligence personnel were also insufficient. Tongwen Yuan got the order and took action, sending a large number of people to the Chinese territory to spy on intelligence.

There are many people in Tongwen Academy

If you can speak Chinese fluently, you will not be suspected.

"Brother Zhang, it's true that powerful people are powerful everywhere.

After coming out, Yu Liang looked at Zhang Acheng with admiration. Zhang Acheng had only joined Tongwen Academy not long ago, but Dean Ouchi obviously valued him more.

After the academy moved away, Zhang Acheng was appointed by Dean Ouchi to work in the logistics department and directly served as deputy section chief.

When I first came in, I was the deputy section chief, unlike him, who was still a student and temporary teacher.

When he came out to inquire about information this time, the dean made it clear that he should obey Zhang Acheng's orders. Yu Liang had no objection at all to this, and he felt an inexplicable sense of security by being with Zhang Acheng.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Acheng had saved him several times in a row, which made him subconsciously believe that nothing would happen to him if he was with Zhang Acheng.

"Xiao Liang, you are still young and your future will be better. After all, I am not as knowledgeable as you."

Zhang Acheng smiled, but glanced to the side.

His men had received his signal before and were waiting for him ahead.

"What's the use of being knowledgeable?"

Yu Liang said depressedly that his academic qualifications were indeed higher than Zhang Acheng's.

Graduated from Jinling University, a proud man of heaven.

But it is obvious that the dean trusts and values ​​people with practical abilities like Zhang Acheng more.


Yu Liang saw the two rickshaws in front and immediately waved.

"Brother Zhang, you go first."

Yu Liang let Zhang Acheng get into the car in front, while he sat in the back.

A rickshaw can seat two people at a time, but it is too crowded, and the driver will charge extra money. It is better to get two rickshaws, which are not only more comfortable, but also cost less.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the drivers of these two rickshaws were all disguised as Zhang Acheng's men.

"To the entrance of the concession."

Yu Liang ordered the two rickshaw drivers. Under Zhang Acheng's eyes, the rickshaw driver pulling Yu Liang quickly ran to the front.

"Send this information to the section chief as soon as possible."

After making sure that Yu Liang couldn't see him, Zhang Acheng immediately took out the information and stuffed it under the seat of the rickshaw, and whispered to the men in front of him.

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