Spy Shadow

Chapter 427 Urgent shortage of supplies

I really didn't pay much attention to New Year greetings before, he was a bit careless.

Unexpectedly, Chu Lingyun was promoted to colonel so quickly and performed so well now. He really felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

But unlike Ning Wancai, he was willing to give up his position if Virgo really wanted to promote Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun is indeed better than him as the operations section chief.

It's just that when Xu Yi says these words, it always makes people feel sour. Damn Xu Yi, even if he doesn't make himself feel better, he has to give Xu Yi eye drops.

He Nian chased after Xu Yi: "Old Xu, haven't you always said that Chu Lingyun is an intelligence genius? He is a bit inferior in the operations department. It is most suitable for him to join your intelligence department. Don't forget, he is now a member of the wartime intelligence team The leader of the intelligence team, the level of this intelligence team is no lower than that of your intelligence department."

After saying New Year's greetings, he walked away without waiting for Xu Yi's reply. Xu Yi was stunned, what did he mean by New Year greetings?

Is Chu Lingyun also a threat to him?

Thinking about it, it is true that the abilities shown by Chu Lingyun are indeed more suitable for the Intelligence Department. He has made such a big difference in the Operations Department, what will happen in the Intelligence Department?

It seemed that the Intelligence Department was more suitable for Chu Lingyun.

Xu Yi felt like he had shot himself in the foot. He wanted to stimulate and stimulate the New Year greetings, but now it was better. Even he couldn't sleep peacefully.

But after returning, he still slept soundly.

The Intelligence Department is not doing much right now. If Virgo really wants him to give up his position to Chu Lingyun, then he will admit it.

At least this is better than being assigned by Virgo. If Virgo really wants to change him, at least he will be settled well, and it is not his fault.

What's more, there are also many people in the Intelligence Department who have made meritorious services this time. Although Chu Lingyun is leading them, these people are from the Intelligence Department after all, and they share his leadership contribution.

After thinking about it, Xu Yi no longer thought about whether Chu Lingyun would threaten him.

But he was right about one thing. After the news of the award reached Nanjing, Ning Wancai really didn't sleep all night.

Chu Lingyun was promoted to the rank of colonel. Not only did the chief minister favor him, but the committee members also knew him and gave him a very high evaluation. He even asked the chief minister to send a special message to him after his promotion.

Who is treated like this is not a general, and there are very few school officers.

What made him even more helpless was that this time it was jointly proposed by four military bosses. People in the military never interfered with the affairs of the Military Intelligence Department. After all, one of the responsibilities of the Military Intelligence Department was to supervise them.

If the military and the Military Intelligence Office have close contacts, it will violate the taboo of commissioning.

This time, the four big bosses ignored taboos. Instead of being angry, the Chairman was praised a lot. What on earth did Chu Lingyun do to get so many people to defend him?

He couldn't figure it out, but he understood that if Chu Lingyun wanted his position, he would have almost no power to fight back.

Even if Chu Lingyun doesn't mention it himself, if Virgo wants to give him a suitable position, he is the most likely to give up the position, who has the shallowest foundation.

After working as a deputy for several years, I finally became a full-time employee. However, I didn’t last long before I resigned in despair. It’s not a pleasant feeling no matter how much I think about it.

If it were anyone else, he would still have some means of counterattack.

Although he is not that close to Virgo, he is a Virgo after all, and he is also from Zhejiang Province, so he has some connections.

But Chu Lingyun's relationship made him unable to resist.

There is no comparison between the two sides. Everyone from the chairman to everyone supports Chu Lingyun, and there are several military bosses in the middle. What can he fight for?

In this regard, he is not as open-minded as He Nian and Xu Yi.

He Nian and Xu Yi were equally stressed, but not as worried about gains and losses as Ning Wancai.

After the awards ceremony, Chu Lingyun held a celebration banquet in the wartime intelligence team. This time, many people were promoted and awarded, which is worthy of celebration.

If it weren't for war, they would book a restaurant and have a good drink.

Now we can only ask the canteen to prepare a few more dishes and prepare some wine. No one should drink too much, and they must be on standby at any time.


After the banquet, He Nian took the initiative to find him.

"It's New Year's Eve."

Virgo rubbed his head. Others didn't drink much, but he drank a lot today, especially He Nian and Xu Yi, who drank it together.

However, he controlled the amount and did not get drunk in the end.

"Virgin, let Chu Lingyun be the operations section chief. I'll be the Rangers. Just give me a detachment leader."

He Nian said that he was originally a soldier, and he even had the nickname He Laohu back then.

He is equally good at leading troops in battle.

Virgo immediately had a headache after hearing this, and couldn't help scolding: "Why did you imitate Yuan Shouwang and do this?"

After Chu Lingyun was promoted to lieutenant colonel, Yuan Shouwang took the initiative to resign. Today Chu Lingyun was promoted to colonel, but New Year greetings also came.

This also indirectly proves that Chu Lingyun is indeed excellent. Once he reaches a higher level, others realize that they are no match for him and take the initiative to give up their position.

"Virgo, to be honest, the Operations Department is the same with or without me, but it cannot be without Chu Lingyun. He is very suitable to be the chief of the Operations Department.

He Nian quickly said that although he stimulated Xu Yi, he didn't really want Chu Lingyun to be transferred to the Intelligence Department.

He single-handedly brought up the Operations Department, and he has great affection for the Operations Department.

The operations department with Chu Lingyun is the number one department in the department.

If Chu Lingyun goes to the Intelligence Department, it won't be long before this number one position will be taken away by the Intelligence Department again.

Chu Lingyun decided that he could not leave. He might as well resign and let Chu Lingyun take over in exchange for better development of the Operations Department in the future.

"Don't think too much, keep working hard, the Rangers don't need you."

The New Year greetings are a good intention, Virgo cannot scold him, patiently persuade him, Virgo has indeed not thought about how to arrange Chu Lingyun, but he will not take away the New Year greetings and promote Chu Lingyun.

Besides, Chu Lingyun has an important task now and it is impossible to be promoted to section chief.

"Then I'll do it first. Whenever you want to promote Chu Lingyun, I will

Give way to the wise. "

He Nian grinned and said that he was naturally unwilling to give up his position as section chief, but he was willing to do so to make the operations section develop better.

The quality of military commanders at this time was indeed much better than later.

If something like this happens later, it will definitely be a life-and-death bite.

"Go back, the Rangers are about to leave. You continue to recruit new members and train them as soon as possible.

He Nian's current identity is the chief instructor, and the entire task of training new recruits rests on his head.

Xu Yi is the logistics manager of the Rangers. The two have followed Virgo for many years, and Virgo has great trust in them. All these important positions have been handed over to his own people.

Only in this way can he ensure his control over this army.


He left in the New Year and said that he was relieved of his worries. He had thought long ago that Chu Lingyun was the best successor to the operations section chief.

But he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

On October 18th, the Gui army arrived in Shanghai and came to Yunzaobang, taking over the protection of part of the army. With reinforcements, the sluggish morale improved a bit.

The Gui army requested to take the initiative to drive the Japanese army out of Yunzaobang and reduce the Japanese army's living space.

The Chairman agreed to the plan. On the 21st, the Guangxi Army launched a counterattack. The soldiers were not afraid of death and fought bravely, and all armies cooperated to fight.

As the war rages on, life is devastated.

In SH urban area, Chu Lingyun led people to the urban hospital. The Rangers participated in the battle this time, but in just half a day, nearly half of the two detachments were killed and injured, and they were forced to withdraw.

There are not enough hospitals and there are not enough doctors. Chu Lingyun came to coordinate under the order of the chief minister, hoping to send some doctors to help them treat the wounded soldiers.

These wounded soldiers are precious seeds. Veterans who have experienced the battlefield are completely different from recruits who have not been on the battlefield. Only a considerable number of veterans in an army can ensure the combat effectiveness of the army.

If they were all new soldiers, it would be okay to deal with some bandits, but against such a powerful army as the Japanese army, they would almost collapse at the first touch.

At the entrance of the hospital, countless wounded soldiers were lying densely packed, some

There wasn't even a bandage on the body, just a simple bandage with shabby clothes.

Such people are extremely susceptible to infection.

There were more people in the hospital, and people were lying everywhere. From time to time, people would come over to test the breathing of the unconscious person. Once they were found dead, they would be taken away immediately.

The whole hospital felt like it was the end of the world.

"Section Chief, it's so tragic."

Loach's eyes were red, and it was easy to imagine that there were so many wounded soldiers who had no time to treat them and were waiting for their orders.

Some wounded soldiers may not have suffered serious injuries, but it is a pity that they eventually died because they could not receive medical treatment.

"Is there still a doctor?"

Chu Lingyun came to the dean's office, and there was someone busy inside.

"No more, not a single doctor left."

The people inside raised their heads, noticed Chu Lingyun's rank of colonel, and softened their tone.

He is not very old, only about twenty-three or four years old.

"Who are you?" Chu Lingyun asked

"I am the secretary to the dean, and the dean is busy. There are really no idle doctors in the hospital now. Many doctors can only sleep for two hours a day. They are human beings and can't bear it."

The young man replied that if someone didn't come to the dean every day, he would go out to help. Although he was just a secretary and had no medical skills, he still had the ability to clean and bandage patients' wounds.

As the fighting continues to this day, not only are there a shortage of doctors, but all medical resources have been exhausted.

Even the most basic gauze is in urgent demand.

At present, half of the hospital's supplies are waiting for support from above, and the other half are donations from Chinese people from all over the country. Chinese people from the French Concession, the Public Concession, and even Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and other places have all enthusiastically donated money and materials.

It's a pity that the gap is too big, and they are now struggling to use these things for people who need them more.

Not everyone is in need. Priority should be given to treating officers. After all, the cost of training an officer is not the same as that of training a soldier.

"I don't need many doctors, just ten doctors and twenty nurses.

Chu Lingyun came to the largest hospital in SH city. There were a lot of doctors and nurses here. There were not enough doctors in the Rangers, but they didn't need that many. Thirty people could barely make up the gap.

"No, there is not a single doctor or nurse. Sir, please don't embarrass me and stop talking about you. Many generals have come here in the past two days, and there is nothing we can do."

The young man immediately complained and his voice became hoarse, which showed that he had really explained it many times.

"Whatever you need, I'll trade with you, your doctors and nurses."

Chu Lingyun understood that there was really nothing the hospital could do. If there was any way, it would not let so many wounded soldiers wait outside.

The same is true for the Rangers, but with his support, the Rangers are at least not so short on supplies, they just lack doctors.

The situation of some wounded soldiers there is not optimistic. There are many seriously injured soldiers who are in urgent need of medical treatment.

"Exchange, what do you want to exchange for? We need gauze, alcohol, fluids, surgical materials, etc. Now the hospital warehouse allows rats to run amok in it. We want everything, but do you have it?"

The young man seemed to be angry, and his tone improved a lot.

He didn't know Chu Lingyun, but Chu Lingyun looked younger than him, but he was a colonel. A colonel at this age must have a prominent family background, and he had such an identity because of the protection of his father's generation.

He has seen many such people, all of them arrogant and unaware of the heights of the world. On the battlefield, they are not even as good as ordinary soldiers.

"I have it. Tell me how much you need and I'll give it to you tonight."

Chu Lingyun really knows that Smith's cargo arrived in Shanghai yesterday, but there is currently a war and there is no way to unload the cargo.

In the end, it was Thomas who helped and personally led people to help him unload the goods.

This was the cargo that Chu Lingyun asked Smith to send when he arrived in Shanghai. Because of the war and the fact that the things on the ship could not be discovered by the Japanese, the cargo had to wait for a long time before he found the opportunity to send it to Shanghai.

Except sulfa, all kinds of medicine

Smith started his business by providing medical supplies. He knew what was needed most.

There was no tobacco, tobacco or coffee in this cargo. Chu Lingyun had no intention of making money. It was sent just to deal with the situation at hand.

The goods were useless in his hands, so he handed them over to the person who needed them most, and he took this opportunity to send some doctors over to help.

"Don't be ridiculous, you can't have it."

The young man waved his hand, and the phone on the table rang. He immediately picked up the phone, and there was another call for supplies. He explained helplessly that the hospital really had nothing.

It’s hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice. The hospital has no medical supplies. Doctors, like chefs without food, are limited in what they can do.

"One hundred boxes of gauze, one hundred boxes of alcohol, and ten boxes of trauma medicine, in exchange for the thirty people I asked for just now."

Chu Lingyun said suddenly, and the young man suddenly raised his head: "Do you have so many?"

Everything Chu Lingyun mentioned was the most urgently needed medicine in their hospital. If the person in front of him was not a colonel, he would even suspect that he was deliberately teasing him.

"Really, send a doctor over immediately. Since you don't have anything, it's useless for the doctor to stay here. I'll bring the things to you before twelve o'clock tonight."

Chu Lingyun nodded, this ship had more goods than this, but this was not the only hospital.

There are also field hospitals and so on. One shipment of goods is simply not enough. It’s just a drop in the bucket.


However, these things can save a lot of people, and now they can save as many people as they can. Chu Lingyun has tried his best. He bought this cargo with his own money.

"Follow me, let's go see the dean."

The young man looked at Chu Lingyun for half a minute, then suddenly came out and hurried out.

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