Spy Shadow

Chapter 436 Heaven and Earth

He knew that Chen Shu wanted to let Shanghai Station take the lead last time, but he didn't expect to mention it again.

Fortunately, Virgo did not agree. If Chen Shu takes the dominant position, he will be very passive in the future.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone that they are in the same department and doing the same thing. This time, Shen Hanwen and the others acted quickly, did their job beautifully, and were one step ahead.

If Shanghai Station were to take action first, it would definitely cause them a lot of trouble, and now the trouble falls on Shanghai Station.

However, after taking action this time, the next sanctions will definitely be more difficult, but Chu Lingyun will not stop doing things because of difficulties. Do you want to be afraid of the difficulty? If you work harder, these men and women should be killed.

Chen Shu is still capable, but he is too temperamental and difficult to get along with.

Just report, just report. There are some things you can report. If there is an emergency, what should you do?

What Chu Lingyun didn't know was that this operation also brought trouble to Feng Yong and the others.

"Damn fruit party, you can't stop."

Mashanlou yawned and cursed constantly. At this time, he was smoking comfortably and enjoying the girl's massage.

In fact, smoking is not allowed in the public concessions. This rule was put in place twenty years ago. It was good in the first two years, but with the development of time and the corruption of the senior management of the concession, it has become a piece of paper now.

The Youth Gang in the concession all rely on smoking to make money, which is one of their most important points of profit.

The public concession was a little better, but the French Concession was even more serious, with opium dens everywhere.

Because of the shooting in the concession, Mashanlou had to go to the streets to investigate the case. He was not able to smoke, which made him very unhappy.

Fortunately, the investigation went very quickly. After work at nine o'clock in the evening, Mashanlou immediately called a rickshaw and headed to the opium den.

Ran Wu did not leave. He had a mission and had no way to notify Feng Yong.

They had made an agreement before that if the time was not right or no one was seen, they could evacuate first.

With Feng Yong's caution, nothing will happen.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Feng Yong and others were always paying attention to the intersection.

The concession is a paradise for the rich at night, while the poor rarely go out and fall asleep early.

This is not a poor area, but it is not a rich area either. Nowadays, the price of houses in the concession is very high, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Mashanlou, the deputy inspector, lives in an ordinary small house with a courtyard, which is pretty good.

"Brother, it's half past nine. Should we go back first and come back next time?"

Half an hour later, Huang Anming beside Feng Yong asked in a low voice. Among the eight, Feng Yong used his own efforts and strength to prove that he was the real boss.

The other seven people were very convinced of him.

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment, so many things happened today, Mashan

I'm on patrol, so I'll definitely be busy, so I'll probably be back a little late. "

Feng Yong shook his head. A lot of things happened today, but it was during the day.

Night is a good opportunity for them. These patrol officers have been busy for a day and are physically and mentally exhausted. Night is when they have no energy.

Moreover, this was a task assigned by the boss. It was their first official task after training. Feng Yongyong could not think of anything wrong.

The first task must be done well and beautifully.


Huang Anming stopped talking, it was nothing to wait, they were no longer the coolies they had been before, and besides, they had the spirit of hard work and adventure.

Those who were timid and fearful had been kicked out by Chu Lingyun before.

It was not until 10:30 that Ma Shanlou rode back staggeringly. The brother watching in front meowed, reminding Feng Yong that the target had returned.

"Get ready for action."

Feng Yong took out his pistol. He used a twenty-shot rifle. Among the many pistols, he liked this one the best.

It has a lot of ammunition and can shoot continuously to form a fire network. The most important thing is that it feels particularly comfortable to shoot diagonally.

The other two people also took out their pistols, and the brother outside was on guard. At the same time, questions appeared.

Questions will support them.

Ma Shanlou didn't expect that anyone would come to kill him, so he didn't ride very fast.

He was still a little dizzy after smoking too much, and the bike he was riding was shaking constantly.


After Mashanlou approached, Feng Yong saw his face clearly and shot first.

One shot hit his chest, and Ma Shanlou fell to the ground with a groan. Feng Yong fired several more shots in succession and ran over with his men.

Mashanlou had been shot five or six times and was lying there twitching.

After shooting him in the heart, Feng Yong immediately led the people to evacuate.

"problem occurs.

In the Xinzha Road patrol room, Tong Jiaxian ran in in a panic. Ran Wu was on duty. This was his best alibi.

"Tou, the head was killed."

Tong Jiaxian said in horror. He just received a call from the family of Mashanlou.

There were gunshots nearby. Someone who had the courage to go out to see the situation found that Mashanlou had been beaten to death and immediately told his family.

His family called the patrol room, and Tong Jiaxian learned that his patron was dead.

Death on patrol is no small matter.

The Xinzha Road patrol room was all alerted. The patrol officer and the chief patrol officer all arrived at the scene, their faces ashen.

Several people died during the day, and the noise was loud, but no matter how big the situation was, it had nothing to do with them. This time it was different. A deputy inspector died, and they had to give an explanation to their subordinates.

Otherwise, who will do things carefully in the future?

"Immediately block it and investigate, be sure to find out what's going on.

The chief inspector was very angry, but the most angry thing was that the deputy chief inspector next to him, Ma Shanlou, was one of his men and was assassinated.

Several shoe prints were quickly discovered at the scene, but no cigarette butts. Feng Yong and the others do not smoke. This is Chu Lingyun's request.

There is nothing wrong with smoking, it does not mean just smoking a lot, but in many cases smoking can cause bad things. The flames of cigarette butts, as well as cigarette butts and other objects, can become flaws.

They were originally coolies and had never smoked. It wasn't that they didn't smoke, but that they couldn't afford to smoke.

After following Chu Lingyun, they became rich, but they kept training. Even if they were addicted to cigarettes, they would quit smoking during the training process.

Ran Wu went to collect shoe prints, and he wasn't worried at all.

They had made a plan before taking action. In fact, these shoe marks were left on purpose and did not match their feet, and they would not normally wear such shoes.

As for the shoes this time, I will get rid of them when I get back.

In the past, they might not have been able to part with it, as it was just a pair of shoes after all, but the boss was generous to them, and now none of them lacked this pair of shoes, not to mention that all the expenses were paid for by the boss and they did not have to spend any money themselves.

And there are rewards for completing tasks. When they fought bandits before, they would be rewarded five oceans for killing a bandit. Everyone got the bounty.

There were no witnesses at the scene, and a few shoe prints became the only physical evidence.

The patrolmen carefully took photos and made rubbings. Only Ran Wu understood that everything they did was in vain, and even the direction of the investigation was wrong from the beginning.

It's good to be wrong. The more mistakes you make, the safer Big Brother and the others will be.

During the day, the eldest brother would return to the French Concession, and no one would be able to find out by then that it was them who came to kill.

Early the next morning, Liu Chengzhu received a reply from Ran Wu. The operation went well and the person was eliminated.

The boss's task is completed, and it's his turn to appear next. However, as a deputy inspector, he really doesn't need to show up in person. He only needs to give a hint, and there are people to help him.

Today's Liu Chengzhu has this ability.

"Boss Gao, are you busy?"

Liu Chengzhu picked up the phone and called a boss in the public concession. This boss Gao's business was not small and he had a good background.

Gao Songjie, the chief inspector of the Xinzha Road Patrol Room, is his biological brother. Relying on this relationship, his business is doing very well.

"Manager Liu, are you busy? What do you want?"

A hearty laugh came from the other side of the phone. Boss Gao was very happy.

With a wink, even if something really happened, he wouldn't say he was busy at the moment.

His relationship is good, but there is no comparison with Liu Chengzhu.

It's true that his brother is the chief inspector, but Liu Chengzhu's backer is Thomas, who is the Commissioner of Police and a big shot in the entire concession.

The Police Department is the most powerful and powerful department in the concession.

The person who can be the chief of police must be at least one of the top important figures in the concession.

"It's nothing. Didn't you say you wanted some goods last time? New ones have arrived.

Okay, do you want to mention it? "

Liu Chengzhu said with a smile. Boss Gao was surprised and hurriedly replied: "Really? That's great. Thank you, Manager Liu. I'll be there right away."

Boss Gao was very excited. Liu Chengzhu had a lot of goods, but there was only one kind he really needed.


Today's sulfonamides are at sky-high prices, and as long as there are goods, there is no need to worry about selling them. In the past, when Liu Chengzhu's company released goods, he would send people to line up every day and only take a few boxes.

Just those few boxes helped him make a lot of money. He didn't sell them at first. He only sold them during the war. The price was ridiculously high.

Now that Liu Chengzhu was willing to give him the goods, he came rushing over.

"Manager Liu."

After the report, Boss Gao met Liu Chengzhu. Liu Chengzhu's office was not big and not luxurious. People who didn't know would never think that he was the one who really called the shots in this huge company.

"Boss Gao, sit down.

Liu Chengzhu greeted him with a smile. After the two sat down, Boss Gao immediately asked, "Has the sulfa arrived?"

"No problem, but as you know, the price has gone up."

"I know, thirty-five dollars a box, I know."

"I heard that something happened to the patrol room on Xinzha Road yesterday. The deputy inspector died?"

When Liu Chengzhu's words changed, Boss Gao was a little confused, but he still nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't expect people today to be so crazy that even patrol officers would dare to assassinate.

"The distant relative I asked you to help introduce last time, I received a letter from home a few days ago asking, how is he now?"

Ran Wu was placed there with the help of Boss Gao. To place someone like him, Thomas didn't need to come forward at all.

It would be foolish to ask Thomas to come forward.

"That relative of yours did a great job and worked very hard. I think he should be one step ahead."

Boss Gao is a businessman and immediately understood what Liu Chengzhu meant and took advantage of the situation.

"This is a bill of goods for two boxes. Boss Gao can pick it up after paying the money."

Liu Chengzhu smiled slightly, and Ran Wu's promotion was settled.

He only asked about Ran Wu's situation and said nothing. Everything was Boss Gao's own understanding.

As for whether Boss Gao would take the goods and do nothing, he didn't have any worries.

Boss Gao didn't have the guts to offend him, Liu Chengzhu, and the consequences would be serious.

"Thank you, thank you, Manager Liu.

Boss Gao was overjoyed and got another box. He understood that the extra box would help Ran Wu rise to the top.

He is not afraid of Liu Chengzhu's conditions. The more he asks, the better, as long as he gives him the goods.

Nowadays, a box of sulfa has increased from US$1,500 to US$3,500, but the higher the price rises, the greater the profit.

Thirty-five hundred dollars, worth more than ten thousand oceans.

The war in Shanghai is over, and the price of sulfa has dropped a bit, but wars are still going on in other places. Today's sulfa costs on the black market between forty and fifty yuan per tube.

It’s simply a sky-high price.

In this way, many people still cannot buy life-saving medicine, no matter how expensive it is, there are still people who want it.

A box of 100 sulfonamides, that's 600 cigarettes. Sold slowly on the black market, Li Lan has a total of more than 10,000 yuan. With so much money, not to mention a deputy inspector, even the deputy chief inspector can give him Bought it.

This business is not a loss, it is very profitable.

Boss Gao left, but Liu Chengzhu didn't send it off. Boss Gao didn't have the qualifications.

As for high

He doesn't even care about how much money the boss can make.

No matter how much Boss Gao earns, he still doesn't earn as much as his boss. Now he admires his boss very much and never eats alone. The separation between Li and Lan means he has a lot more friends.

It's not impossible to sell everything yourself, but it's too tiring and more likely to cause pink eye to others.

It's different if they are separated. The more sellers they have, the greater the impact. Nowadays, they no longer sell bulk goods for takeout, and only related households can get the goods.

Through previous bulk buyers, they selected a group of partners.

Including Shanghai Youth Gang, local bosses, etc., Liu Chengzhu will supply them regularly.

The price of these people's goods is the same as that of Boss Gao. Only the big bosses in the military can now get cheap goods.

Military, local, plus military intelligence.

Unconsciously, the boss actually played such a big game of chess. Liu Chengzhu understood that ordinary people nowadays are no match for the boss, let alone dare to touch him.

Think about the time when he was eager to sell goods and collect funds. Now look at the boss's layout, one world and one underground.

Lao Hu came to Secretary Wang with two hundred dollars.

This was something he and Lao Deng put together. One thousand and two hundred dollars was too much. They had to pay off the debt slowly. Now there was only two hundred.

There are also more than one hundred oceans sent by the Rangers, otherwise there would not even be one hundred.

As for the emergency two hundred yuan, it didn't belong to Lao Hu, and he didn't dare to touch it from beginning to end.

"No, you can take it back."

Seeing the money, Secretary Wang understood what Lao Hu meant and shook his head gently.

"Secretary Wang, I know they were wrong this time. The two comrades have already accepted the punishment and been imprisoned. I reiterated the discipline of the guerrillas and promised not to do it again in the future. This time it was because there was no supply elsewhere. , that one store had a relatively complete range of medicines, and they were worried that they wouldn’t be able to buy them again, so they bought them all at once.”

Lao Hu explained in a low voice that the two comrades were inexperienced behind enemy lines, and they went to many pharmacies and failed to buy enough goods, so they did something stupid.

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