Spy Shadow

Chapter 439 Another message

The squad leader stopped shooting, but the gunfire did not stop. The patrol was fighting with the Japanese.

"Okay, let them eat dog."

The squad leader said happily that whether it was a patrolman or a Japanese, he would be happy if anyone was killed, especially the Japanese. If they could kill all the Japanese today, their death would be worth it.

"stop fighting.

A Japanese officer shouted that this was the French Concession after all, and they were being unreasonable, and the number of patrols was much greater than theirs. If they continued to fight, they might be annihilated.

"Everyone put down their weapons."

Huang Baixing, the chief inspector of Xiafei Road, shouted, knowing that such a big thing happened here, he, the chief inspector, did not dare to sit in the office and rushed over in person.

The scene was really bad, with more than a dozen Japanese military police and three Red Party members.

"Please make it easier for us to arrest the red party again."

The Japanese officer continued to shout, and Huang Baixing's face darkened. These Japanese were so arrogant. He shouted in person, but they didn't listen.

"I'll give you one more minute to put down your weapons, otherwise I'll kill you without mercy.

Huang Baixing was not willing to offend the Japanese, but most people in the patrol room were there at this time, and he had to maintain his authority.

This is the French Concession, the territory of the French.

If he softened, the French would immediately remove him.

The proud French, who have always looked down on Japan, could not stand being threatened by the Japanese on their own territory.

The Japanese officer hesitated.

He was very annoyed with these concessions. How could such a situation happen in the empire's territory.

But he knew very well that there was no possibility of the empire going to war with France, let alone such plans.

At present, the most important thing for the empire is to deal with China, and it will not open a second battlefield. Moreover, he only has a dozen people, but seventy or eighty patrolmen came. If there is a real fight, even if they can kill some of the patrolmen, they will not be able to escape.

Even he himself will die fighting.

"lay down your weapon."

Before time expired, the Japanese officer finally compromised, and Feng Yong immediately rushed over with his men and arrested all the Japanese plainclothes military police.

Both groups of Japanese were all captured.

"People inside, listen, I don't care who you are, put down your weapons and surrender immediately."

Huang Baixing knew that there was still a red party hiding here, so he shouted again, and the squad leader picked up his gun. He was too happy just now.

The fight between the Japanese and the patrol did not last long at all, and no one was killed.

Both sides had their own concerns. The patrol was unwilling to kill the Japanese, and the Japanese did not dare to offend the patrol too harshly.

The crackling gunfire sounded intense, but in fact it was useless.


The Red Party members opened fire, and the patrolman immediately fired back. The three Red Party members were suppressed and unable to come forward. At this moment, the squad leader was very depressed.

It is better to die together with the Japanese just now, at least to kill a few Japanese, and not die in vain.

Killing patrolmen is useful, and most of these patrolmen are Chinese.

What a loss, this big loss.

"Heroes inside, stop shooting. It's better to die than live. We are French Concession patrol officers, not Japanese. As long as you come out, I guarantee your safety."

Feng Yong shouted hurriedly, while Huang Baixing nodded approvingly.

Feng Yong was promoted after receiving money from him. He gave him a lot of money and through the help of a big shot in the Qinggang.

He didn't know before that he had such a capable person among his men.

Now it seems that Feng Yong is indeed good. He asked when he first arrived. Feng Yong's handling just now was very decisive and correct. He immediately stopped the gunfight between the two sides when he arrived at the scene. He ignored the Japanese's request and used the whistle to force them to cease fighting.

Courageous and resourceful, he is a talented person.


The two Red Party members looked at their squad leader, who said angrily: "Don't trust them. If you fall into their hands, you will either be beaten to death by them or handed over to the Japanese. Either way, you will die. It's better to fight."

"Heroes inside, if you are worried, I can come over and talk to you. You can see clearly that I am not armed.

Feng Yong put the gun on the ground and walked over with his hands raised.

Although Feng Yong was a coolie before, he was very warm-hearted, otherwise he would not have given up such a high salary just to save Ran Wu's life.

He didn't want the three Red Party members to be shot to death indiscriminately. Once they entered the patrol room, they wouldn't be taken away by the Japanese, and there was still a chance to rescue them.

But he couldn't say this clearly, so he could only risk going to them and tell them secretly.

He doesn't know whether the boss will save people, but he will beg the boss to save people. He is not a fruit party, and has no concept of a fruit party or a red party. As long as he is fighting against Japan, he is a good man and a hero.

Huang Baixing frowned. It was too risky for Feng Yong to do this.

It's just three Red Party members. If they really don't listen to advice, they can just be beaten to death, and they can still give an explanation to the Japanese.

But he didn't stop him. Feng Yong was his man. He wanted to see if Feng Yong could capture these three people alive.

"Don't be nervous, I really didn't bring anything, you can see clearly."

Under the bright street lights, Feng Yong turned around again to let the people inside see his appearance clearly, and then slowly approached the alley where the Red Party was hiding.

"Monitor, what should I do?"

The squad leader was also hesitating at this time. He noticed Feng Yong and knew that he was the first patrolman to come here.

If it weren't for his shouting, they would have been killed by the Japanese just now.

It was he who stopped the Japanese in time and forced the Japanese not to continue to besiege them.

At this time, he really didn't want to hurt this person. But if he wants them to be prisoners, the squad leader will definitely not want to.

"Heroes, I'm here, and there's really nothing."

Feng Yong slowly approached them and finally saw the shadows of the three people in the darkness. He raised his hands high and walked forward step by step.

Feng Yong was courageous. When fighting bandits, he was always at the front and was not afraid of death.

The three Red Party members had some admiration for him, but they did not expect that there would be such a bloody person on patrol.

"Surrender first, and I will find a way to save you. You are all Chinese, and I will not let you fall into the hands of the Japanese.

When he came to the three of them, Feng Yong immediately whispered, and the squad leader showed a hint of astonishment. He did not expect that the patrol officer risked his life to come to them to deliver such a message.

They were all Chinese. Just five words made his heart feel warm.

Yes, they are all Chinese. As long as the patrolman still recognizes his Chinese identity, it will be fine.

"Everyone is surrounded outside. You can't escape. There's no point in resisting. Surrender. I just said that I will ensure your safety. You can see that I am here, which is enough to prove my sincerity."

After Feng Yong finished speaking, he shouted loudly, this was for people outside.

"You swear you won't hand us over to the Japanese."

The squad leader immediately replied that he didn't say to let him go, that would make no sense, and it was impossible for the patrol to let him go.

"Okay, I swear, I will never hand you over to the Japanese.

Feng Yong immediately swore, and this oath was sincere. As long as there was a slight possibility, he would not let these three people fall into the hands of the Japanese.

He would ask his boss to help save people.

As long as the boss is willing, he can definitely rescue three people. He knows that the boss has huge network resources and a lot of money.

The French are very greedy, and they can save people even if they give them enough money. He will work hard for his boss, kill people, and kill more people to repay this debt.

Feng Yong is such a person. Even if the three Red Party members are strangers to him, he is willing to help them just because they are fighting against the Japanese.

Fortunately, China has never lacked such people.

"Put the gun down."

The squad leader finally agreed. He was willing to take a gamble and believed in the people in front of him.

Feng Yong came here alone, and he was willing to believe that if it was just a lie, he would not risk his own life.

The other party trusts him, and he also trusts the other party.

The three people followed Feng Yong out and were immediately tied up and taken away by the patrolman on the side. Feng Yong came to the chief inspector and saluted.

He had never been a soldier, but he had been specially trained by Wang Sheng. His training was much better than that of the new recruits, and military etiquette was very standard.

"Good job, close the team."

Huang Baixing smiled and nodded, and Feng Yong said hurriedly: "I swore to them that I would not hand them over to the Japanese. I also asked Mr. Huang to do this for me and not to hand them over to the Japanese.

"Don't worry, I won't hand anyone over."

Huang Baixing smiled and nodded. What he said was that he would not hand over people, but if there was an order from above, it would not be considered as breaking his promise.

He plays this word game very well.

There were many people locked up in the cells of the patrol room on Xiafei Road. The three Red Party members were not separated but were locked together, and no one tortured or interrogated them.

A dispute that might have killed many people was suppressed, and Huang Baixing appeared at the scene in person. When the French found out, they praised him.

Feng Yong's promotion celebration party was interrupted, and he had no interest in going back to continue eating and drinking.

When it was very late, he immediately went out quietly and called Liu Chengzhu.

Under normal circumstances, he would deliver information through the mailbox. Unless there was a special emergency, no phone calls were allowed.

Even if he could make a phone call, he was not allowed to say too much.

"What's so urgent?"

Not long after, a car came over and Liu Chengzhu came in person. Feng Yong called. It must be an emergency.

"I want to see the boss."

Feng Yong said immediately, and Liu Chengzhu refused without thinking: "No, none of you can see the boss, just tell me if you have anything.

The boss's job is very important and dangerous.

It was a risk for him to come out this time, and he could not bring any threat to the boss because of him.

"We captured three red gangsters today. I promised them that I would not let them fall into the hands of the Japanese, but I can't do it myself. I want to ask my boss for help and rescue them as soon as possible."

Feng Yong quickly said that since he couldn't see his boss, he could only tell Liu Chengzhu.

"Okay, I get it."

Liu Chengzhu looked at him deeply and then said: "This is the first time and the last time. From now on, please use the dead mailbox to contact me for this kind of matter. As long as it is not something that endangers your life, never call again."

After Liu Chengzhu left, Feng Yong was too anxious this time and had to give him a warning.

After returning, Liu Chengzhu immediately sent a report.

He didn't know where the boss was, but he knew that he had a radio station and could often receive it. It was a bit late now, but Feng Yong was in a hurry today, so he still sent it first.

I will send it again tomorrow morning. If there is no reply, I will send it again in the evening.

"Team leader, just received the message."

Loach came to Chu Lingyun. Their radio station had been on recently. Chu Lingyun was using a legal commercial radio station in the concession.

Such radio stations are not afraid of being censored.

Noticing that the message was from Liu Chengzhu, Chu Lingyun asked Ni Loach to go out.

Loach knew that the team leader had business contacts and always translated by himself, so he didn't care and left quickly.

After translating the message, Chu Lingyun frowned.

Another member of the Red Party was arrested and made such a big fuss.

Feng Yong did a good job and saved the three people in time so that they would not die in vain.

It is too dangerous for these three people to stay in the patrol room, and they must be rescued as soon as possible.

He couldn't come forward, and neither could Liu Chengzhu. The Red Party had to come forward on its own. The French Concession had a clear price for recruiting people, as long as they were willing to spend money.

But this time things were a little troublesome. They used guns and got into a fight with the Japanese military police. In order to avoid angering the Japanese, the French Concession would probably not charge money.

This requires a powerful middleman to handle this matter.

Can the Red Party contact such a person?

Early the next morning,

Chu Lingyun came to the public concession, disguised herself in the safe house, and went out again carrying the box.

Gold bars are a good thing, especially those on the black market.

In order to avoid being traced, the gold bars on the black market are just gold bars without any writing or characteristics. There is no way to find out who owns the gold bars.

The price for recruiting people in the French Concession is not high.

The price varies depending on the crime. Ordinary ones may cost tens or hundreds of dollars, but more serious ones, such as capital crimes, are much more expensive.

No matter how expensive it is, a few thousand oceans can buy a life.

This time there were three people. Chu Lingyun prepared twenty gold bars in case there was insufficient funds.

After cutting the words out of the newspaper, Chu Lingyun came to Lao Zheng's grocery store again.

The business in the past two days has not been as good as in the beginning, and the grocery store has not been as good.

There were many people, Lao Zheng was sitting at the door, and he suddenly froze when he saw Chu Lingyun coming in.

"What do you want?"

After reacting, he said immediately, forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"Get a pack of cigarettes and a match."

Chu Lingyun walked in, looked out the window, and put the box in his hand in the corner when no one was around.

"My grocery store is moving to another location. I will be your sole liaison from now on. This is the address."

While he was looking for money, Lao Zheng put the note with the address of the new grocery store into Chu Lingyun's hand.

"Let me ask you if I can establish radio contact with you and your upline."

Old Zheng said again that this was the request that Mr. Ke sent last time. If Old Zheng sees Comrade Kuangbiao 1 again, he will ask this question.

Whether it was Miss Qiu or Kuangbiao No. 1, they contacted the organization alone. If the organization wanted to contact them for something, there was no way.

"Not for now, we'll talk about it later."

Chu Lingyun replied in a low voice, took the change and went out.

He also wanted to establish the most direct connection with the organization, so that he would not need to use this method to transmit intelligence in the future, and it would be more timely and safer.

But he is alone now, with no suitable helpers around him.

His radio station frequently receives messages from unknown stations, which will make people suspicious.

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