Spy Shadow

Chapter 44 Give away some specialties

Chapter 44 Give away some specialties

As for the benefits they received privately during the house confiscation, Loach also took the initiative to confess to Chu Lingyun that this was a normal phenomenon. The few of them did not dare to take more, and everyone only shared more than 5,000 yuan.

"so much?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised. He knew that Loach had confiscated a lot of money from his house, but he didn't expect it to be as much as 80,000 yuan. This is not the 80,000 yuan of later generations. In this period, you can buy a cow for more than 100 yuan. The purchasing power of 10,000 yuan is still quite considerable.

"The main reason is that there are a lot of people. Even though these people don't have big officials, they have made a lot of money."

Loach said with a smile, on average each family of fifteen families only has a few thousand yuan, but this is money to buy a life, and it cannot buy the life of the principal criminal.

The richest among them was the Huang family. All the Huang family were arrested, their land and houses were confiscated and sold by Nilu. The entire Huang family made more than 20,000 yuan in cash.

Chu Lingyun looked at the box and asked after a while: "Is it done cleanly?"

"Don't worry, team leader. I guarantee it will be clean. There are also some fixed assets that are difficult to deal with. I have put them on the bright side and can bring them to the station for communication. These are all private and no one can check them." come out."

Ni Loach patted his chest and assured him that Chu Lingyun was very clear about Ni Loach's abilities. He might not be able to do other things, but he could do this kind of thing best.

"You take another ten thousand, keep some for yourself, and divide the rest among everyone in our squadron."

Chu Lingyun opened the box, and there were neatly placed gold bars and cash. There were a hundred gold bars. No wonder it was so difficult for Loach to move them.

It is full of gold bars worth ten taels, but the ten taels in this period are not one pound in later generations. Now one pound is sixteen taels. When converted, one gold bar weighs about three hundred grams.

One hundred gold bars weigh more than 30,000 grams and more than 60 kilograms. No wonder it is so heavy.

"Thank you, team leader."

When he heard that he still had his own share, Niluo grinned. The team leader was really generous, and he gave out only 10,000 yuan.

And according to the team leader, there are also new members who have joined. These people are really lucky. They didn't do anything when they joined, but they got a sum of money first.

"Go back and tell everyone to keep their mouths shut and stop talking nonsense."

"I understand, team leader, don't worry, I will explain it to them."

Loach happily left with 10,000 in cash. After being taken away by Loach, more than 30,000 in cash were left. At this time, the legal currency was still strong, and the money was equivalent to seventy or eighty gold bars.

Chu Lingyun knew the social conditions of this era very well. Things like what Loach did were very common. It could be said that everyone was doing it. If you didn't follow suit, you would be out of tune.

After accepting these gold bars, Chu Lingyun put the box away without any psychological burden, and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun came to Wang Yuemin's office carrying a small suitcase.

"Webmaster, the team has collected some local specialties recently, and I would like to express my gratitude to you." Chu Lingyun put the box on Wang Yuemin's desk and said with a smile.

"Our team also has souvenirs, I want to see what they are?"

Wang Yuemin laughed. He was in a good mood every time he saw Chu Lingyun, mainly because Chu Lingyun always brought him good news.

Wang Yuemin reached out to open the suitcase, and after just one glance, he closed the lid.

The suitcase is full of golden gold bars, neatly arranged to the brim.

"Your local specialties are pretty good, Lingyun. I have already contacted Mr. Wang, the president of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce. He is very willing to help us with this. Here is his address and phone number. You can visit him in person when you have time. "

Wang Yuemin took out a piece of paper with an address and phone number written on it. Chu Lingyun took the paper respectfully and said happily: "If someone like President Wang comes forward to help, we will definitely lead to Yoichi Yamada."

"President Wang is very supportive of our work. He agreed as soon as I told him yesterday. Ling Yun, don't let me down this time, let alone President Wang."

"Stationmaster, don't worry. I promise to complete the task. You go ahead and I'll go find President Wang now."

Chu Lingyun carefully wrote down the address and phone number on the paper, then put the note into his pocket and walked out of Wang Yuemin's office.

After Chu Lingyun went out, Wang Yuemin immediately locked the door, reopened the suitcase, and counted the gold bars inside.

Counting and humming a tune.

Fifty 10-tael gold bars were quite heavy in his hand. He liked this souvenir sent by Chu Lingyun very much. This time he went to the headquarters to deliver the code book, and he did not go empty-handed.

Everything in the headquarters needs to be taken care of, and Virgo has given the most. What Chu Lingyun has given just makes up for the shortfall.

"Thanks to my having a keen eye, a subordinate who is capable and has good looks. It's so rare."

Wang Yuemin happily put the suitcase into the safe in the office. Compared with Wang Jialiang, Chu Lingyun didn't know how many times better. Wang Jialiang had been with him for so long and only gave away some local products during the holidays.

The ones he gave were real specialties, far less lovable than these yellow cuties.

President Wang lives in a villa area by the river. The top wealthy businessmen and dignitaries in the city live here. A separate police station is also set up here to prevent accidents.

"You are Chu Lingyun. You are really young. I heard about you and you captured several Japanese spies. A hero comes from a young man."

President Wang was in his fifties and looked very energetic. After Chu Lingyun proposed to visit, he immediately received him.

"President Wang, you are very grateful. Thank you very much, President Wang, for lending a helping hand this time. Ling Yun is grateful."

Chu Lingyun clasped his fists. Most people were unwilling to get involved in such matters as luring spies, for fear of causing trouble for themselves. It was not easy for President Wang to agree.

"What are you talking about? When the country is in trouble, every man has a responsibility. I have five sons, three of whom are serving the country in the army. I am very happy to help you with what I can."

President Wang is a cheerful person and laughs loudly. Chu Lingyun did not expect that he is still a member of the military, with as many as three sons in the military.

No wonder the webmaster came to him and he agreed so readily.

"This time I just need you to ask Yamada Yoichi to leave the Japanese Concession on the grounds of cooperation. You don't have to rush to ask him out just once. It doesn't matter if you ask him out several times. But everything must put your safety first. Don't take any chances."

Chu Lingyun slowly told President Wang his plan. President Wang listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

"No problem. I know how to handle business matters. I guarantee that he won't have any suspicion."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, President Wang immediately thought of an idea. When it came to how to negotiate business, none of the ten Chu Lingyuns were as good as President Wang. Being able to become the president of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce here naturally has his own advantages.

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