Spy Shadow

Chapter 443 Zhu Qing fell into the trap

What Hasegawa didn't know was that as soon as they moved, the people from the Loach faction who were watching at the intersection spotted them.

"Go and report to the captain. The traitor has appeared. Confirm that it is them. It looks like they are taking action today."

The team member said to his companion, who immediately left.

Shanghai is not their territory now. Unlike before, when they were conducting surveillance, they could set up a dedicated telephone line and notify them at the surveillance point.

Now behind enemy lines, be careful in everything you do.

"Confirmed, great?"

Loach was very happy to receive the report. After watching them for a few days, he got results. After they appeared, he could then make a plan to impose sanctions on them.

"Captain, they probably have some mission. In addition to the five of them, there is also a small group of Japanese soldiers and a few people from the special high school class following them.

It's easy to identify the people in the special high school, they are plainclothes.

Especially Hasegawa, who was photographed before he appeared. With his photo, it will be easier to target him in the future.


The corners of Loach's brows twitched. This was definitely possible. Why were so many people going out?

Did they get any clues?

"You wait, I'll report to the team leader."

This matter was very important. Niliu did not dare to delay and went to Chu Ling immediately.

Cloud reporting.

"Have our people followed?"

After listening to what Ni Loach said, Chu Lingyun asked, while Ni Loach shook his head: "No, I didn't dare to arrange too many people at the intersection. I don't have enough manpower to follow."

There are many people on the other side, and if they follow them, one or two people will definitely not be able to do it.

If there are too few people, not only will it be difficult to follow, but the other party may also detect it.

"Which direction are they going?"

Chu Lingyun was a little worried and walked to the map and asked.

"This is Zhenhua Street."

Loach immediately pointed to a crossroads, where his men were deployed.

"Which direction did they go?"


North? Chu Lingyun looked up along the map.

Just because of them, all the members of the intelligence team are currently either evacuated or dormant. Fortunately, after confirming where they are, as long as they are killed, the normal work of the intelligence team can be started.

However, when the five of them went out together, Chu Lingyun felt something was wrong.

The extra-high-level class took the soldiers with them. It was definitely not just wandering out. It was very likely that someone who was dormant was discovered. Chu Lingyun looked up and immediately had three lists in his mind.

In that area, only three of their team members were dormant.

Who was exposed?

"Loach, immediately send people to search these places to see if they are there. Pay attention to protect yourself and make sure not to be discovered.

Time was running out, so Chu Lingyun pointed out all three places. If one of his own was really arrested, he must respond as soon as possible.

If they don't move, they may be fishing for big fish, hoping to find more people.

If that's the case, Chu Lingyun is sure that their efforts will be in vain.


Loach took the order and left. This time he personally led people to investigate.

He was somewhat dangerous in the past, but he was able to adapt to various situations.

Today's Loach's business ability is absolutely top-notch. Except for his lack of mobility, he has grown into a real agent in all other aspects.

And he is among the top agents.

When they were in Xi'an, Ma Benchao was fooled by him. After catching Ma Benchao's people, Niyi found out that Ma Benchao had been looking for him and even wanted to get rid of him.

Fortunately, he was alert at the time and did not stay in one place for too long, otherwise he might have been killed in Xi'an.

As the name suggests, the Loach Man is very slippery, so it's not easy to catch him.

Zhang Yile took the lead and caught the 'Chinese agent'. Two Japanese soldiers escorted the 'Chinese agent' towards the car on the roadside. Zhang

Yi Le was very happy, and several others were also in high spirits.

Only Liao Wu remained silent. He had not discovered Deng Shen yet.

But he understood that since it was a show, Deng Shen must be nearby.

Deng Shen was indeed there, setting up a stall. When they passed by just now, Deng Shen noticed it and hurriedly lowered his head to cover himself.

He lowered his head, making it even more impossible for Liao Wu to spot him.

When they came back, Deng Shen noticed them again.

Seeing someone being arrested, Deng Shen's heart skipped a beat. There was indeed one of their colleagues nearby, but he didn't know where he lived. He was a security officer and would only observe the situation when he received a signal.

Observers do not know where sleeper agents live, for insurance purposes.

Otherwise, once the observer is exposed, the latent agent will be doomed.

It's a pity that the man's head was covered, so he couldn't see his appearance and didn't know if he was one of his own.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, since you have seen it, you must report it.

Deng Shen was a little hesitant when he thought of reporting the situation. His current task was to stay dormant, and his superiors did not allow him to report the situation, so he could not contact his superior at the moment and could only return to the concession to find the team leader.

His team leader is Zhu Qing, who is currently in the public concession.

Zhang Yile and the others had already walked away. After hesitating for more than half an hour, Deng Shen finally stood up and put away the stall.

The person in the dark noticed that he closed the stall in advance and immediately reported it to Hasegawa.

"Great, the fish is hooked, keep an eye on him and see where he goes."

Hasegawa laughed and said that the show was very successful this time. Zhang Yile and the others performed well and deserved praise.

After packing his things, Deng Shen did not go out immediately. He first changed his clothes and walked around casually. After carefully observing himself and making sure that no one was around, he called a car and headed for the public concession.

"Went to the concession?"

Hasegawa frowned after receiving the report. The concession was not their territory, and there would be many inconveniences in moving around the concession.

It's even possible that the fish could have escaped.

But thinking that he was going to report the situation, it was very likely that he would be able to transfer to bigger fish and even find Chu Lingyun. Hasegawa endured his temper and ordered his men to continue following him.

He brought a small group of soldiers, but they were not allowed to enter the concession while wearing military uniforms.

Hasegawa urgently mobilized his men. It was not time for Deng Shen to close the net yet, and he would wait until he was confirmed to be online before making a decision.

A total of more than 20 agents were urgently transferred. Even without the help of soldiers, elite agents like him can deal with various situations.

It's inconvenient to be in the concession, but even if they commit crimes, the patrols usually won't embarrass them.

With adequate security, Hasegawa is not afraid of anything.

He personally took the five Zhang Yile and others. If he really found a big fish, he would let Zhang Yile and the others take part in the operation.

Once they take action, don’t ever think about returning to the Chinese camp again.

Deng Shen was very careful all the way. When he arrived at the public concession, he left a signal in a corner.

This is an emergency contact signal. He doesn't know where Zhu Qing is.

But after leaving a signal, the team leader will come over to contact him when he sees it.

All he has to do now is wait peacefully and report the situation.

On the Loach side, the people sent out sent back news. According to their inquiries, the Japanese soldiers who had just arrested people had returned, but those in plain clothes had not. They drove to other places.

According to the direction, Loach chased them all the way and finally determined that these people went to the public concession.

Without soldiers, what are the people from the extra-high school going to the concession for?

Could it be possible that they really discovered something?

Loach did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent people to investigate when he arrived in the concession. The people from the Special High School drove several cars, and it was easy to find their traces.

Loach's men have been with him for a long time and have learned his tact.

No matter who you approach to inquire about the situation, first hand them a cigarette before talking. Once the cigarette is given, no matter who it is, they will greet them with a smile and answer their questions.


If you are happy, give them a pack of cigarettes or a few cents, and they will be willing to go out of their way to treat you.

In this way, Loach finally found someone from the extra-high school class.

This was a concession, so Loach wasn't that scared. He sent someone closer and stared at them carefully.

"Are those five people there too?"

Soon, Loach received a report that the five traitors were actually with the people from the Extra-High School. This was definitely a God-given opportunity.

However, he didn't bring many people with him. According to reports from his subordinates, there were quite a few plainclothes people in the extra-high school class, including more than a dozen people.

Including those five people, there were almost twenty people on the other side. Because Loach came out to inquire about the situation, it was not suitable to bring too many people, so there were only six people.

"I'm going to call the team leader."

Loach let others continue to stare at him, while he used the phone to report. What he said on the phone was a code word, and they had already arranged a set of code words.

"Boss Shen, the cotton cloth has arrived, do you want it?"

Loach asked into the phone. Chu Lingyun immediately understood that Qianbu was the traitor, and asking him if he wanted it was an opportunity to punish the traitor.

"Yes, how many are there?"

"Five hundred horses, but we don't have a car. You have to get it yourself."

Ni Loach replied that five hundred meant those five traitors. They didn't have a car because they were short of manpower. They asked Chu Lingyun to get it because they wanted support.

Chu Lingyun pondered for a moment and then said immediately: "I will send someone to pick it up. Where is the goods?"

Ni Loach reported his address. After Chu Lingyun hung up the phone, he immediately informed Shen Hanwen and asked him to lead a team to support Ni Loach.

The traitor went to the public concession, which was indeed a good opportunity.

They are not afraid in the public concession. If a patrolman does show up, they will be fine.

"Team leader, Pigeon No. 3 is requesting an urgent meeting."

In an office in the public concession, his subordinates came to report to Zhu Qing. This is a small company, and Zhu Qingming's identity is the boss here.

Pigeon No. 3 is Deng Shen.

"Isn't he hibernating? Why do we need to meet him?"

The corner of Zhu Qing's eyebrows twitched, and his subordinate replied: "The symbols he drew are for reporting important situations.

Important situation, what important situation?

After thinking about it, Zhu Qing decided to go see him. Maybe there was something really important, but he still had to make the necessary safety arrangements.

Zhu Qing had thirty people here, and he brought twenty with him this time.

There were only three people following Zhu Qing, and the rest were hidden around, ready to provide support and protection if there was any problem.

This is a concession, not Japanese territory.

If there is a real trap, these people can handle it, at least until the patrol arrives.

"Team leader, do you want to report to Team Leader Chu?"

When they arrived at the place, the subordinate asked in a low voice, and Zhu Qing shook his head: "No need for the moment, let's see what information the No. 3 carrier pigeon provides, and then report back.

From a distance, Zhu Qing saw Deng Shen in the park, sitting on a chair and waiting.

The people around observed carefully and found nothing unusual.

Zhu Qing led people over, and as soon as he appeared, Hasegawa spotted them.

"This is Zhu Qing, deputy leader of the wartime intelligence team."

Hasegawa's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Deng Shen, the bait, could actually bring out such a big fish for him. Zhu Qing was a lieutenant colonel officer in the Military Intelligence Department, and his rank was no less than him.

Catching Zhu Qing is a great achievement.

Moreover, Zhu Qing only brought a few people with him, so it was easy to catch them.

The most important thing is that Zhu Qing definitely knows where Chu Lingyun is. If he catches him, he will have the opportunity to find out Chu Lingyun's whereabouts and catch this scourge of the empire.

Hasegawa's hands were shaking with excitement, but Liao Wu's heart sank to the bottom.

Zhu Qing is his old boss. He was his team leader when he was in the Operations Department. He is an ordinary team member.

He had followed Zhu Qing for several years, and the officer was very kind to them.

Zhu Qing would always take the initiative to help them if there was an opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

In order to get the opportunity, Zhu Qing, the team leader, did not care about face at all and tried to please Chu Lingyun, who was also the team leader at the time.

In the end, most of the Action Group Three were promoted to officers because of Zhu Qing, including him.

Liao Wu's military rank is second lieutenant.

Zhang Yile and the others were also stunned. This time the show actually attracted Zhu Qing.

The reward offered by the Special High School to Zhu Qing is twenty gold bars.

In other words, if they catch him, they will be rewarded with twenty gold bars. Even if five people share it, each of them will have four gold bars.

There are other people around Zhu Qing. If they are all captured alive, the number of gold bars will be five.

Five gold bars is definitely a huge sum of money to them.

"Be careful, wait for them to contact you and arrest them immediately."

Hasegawa ordered, he found Zhu Qing, he would not wait, and there was no need to wait any longer.

If you are still waiting for such a big fish, be careful if the net breaks and all the fish run away.

He brought more than twenty agents this time, and the other party only had a few people, so he could definitely catch them.

You don’t need to ask for anyone else, as long as you catch Zhu Qing.

"Deng Shen."

Zhu Qing sat next to Deng Shen, while the people around Zhu Qing were on guard.

"Team leader, you are here."

Deng Shen wanted to stand up, but Zhu Qing held him back.

"What's the important situation?" Zhu Qing asked quickly.

"Two hours ago, I saw the Japanese and the five traitors passing by me. They arrested someone. I didn't see his appearance clearly. I don't know who it was. I suspect that one of our people was captured by them."

"Caught someone? Where?"

Zhu Qing frowned. There were not many people dormant now, so how could someone be exposed and arrested? Deng Shen immediately replied: "It should be over at Dehua Hutong. I calculated the time they passed by, and that's where the possibility is highest.

Dehua Hutong?

Zhu Qing knew where it was. As the deputy team leader, he personally arranged many of his subordinates, and that area was also the area he was responsible for.

There are no people like them in Dehua Hutong.

"Oops, that's false, you were exposed."

Zhu Qing's eyes tightened slightly, and he immediately reached out and held the pistol. The team members next to him heard his words and took out their guns at the same time.

There was no one of them there, someone was arrested, and by chance, Deng Shen saw him.

After all, Zhu Qing had been a team leader, so he was not that stupid. He immediately guessed that they had probably discovered Deng Shen long ago, but Deng Shen was dormant. They had no results after watching, so they deliberately lured Deng Shen into taking the bait.

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