Spy Shadow

Chapter 467 Do you want to be promoted?

At the Shanghai pier, Lin Shi disembarked with everyone from the National Defense Department.

The car that picked them up was heard outside the pier. Everyone got in the car and left quickly.

Sitting in the car, Lin Shi stared out the window silently. Shanghai, the most populous and prosperous city, has suffered various hardships in modern times. In the past, China could only be half the master in this city, but now it has completely fallen to the great powers. hands.

What is ridiculous is that the existence of the concession actually protected their safety and prevented the Japanese from attacking them at will.

This is actually not protection, but sadness.

After checking into the hotel, Lin Shi quickly went out, and he was not the only one who went out.

There was nothing serious to do today. Many people went out to see the bustling Shanghai Beach.

The ten-mile foreign market on the Bund has various multinational buildings and a dazzling array of products from all over the world. Behind the bustle, there are the blood-red tears of the Chinese people.

Here, the Chinese are enslaved, and in some places it is even clearly written that the Chinese are not allowed to enter.

Our own country is in the lowest position, which is a true portrayal of being beaten if we fall behind.

After finding Heqing Lane, Lin Shi posted a missing person notice.

According to Secretary Liang's instructions, after posting the signal, he had to wait in a place where he could see it in the distance. If he saw someone using a pen to draw a horizontal line on his missing person notice, he would leave with that person.

If you don't wait, come back on the second and third days.

If he is not around, the person who drew the horizontal line will be watching and waiting for him from a distance. If he fails to catch the head for three consecutive days, he will give up.

There is an open-air teahouse at the corner of this street, where many people play cards and chess.

Lin Shi sat here and ordered some melon seeds. While eating, he watched others play chess and paid attention to the situation at the entrance of the alley.

More than an hour later, he noticed someone coming to the advertising column, took out a pen, and drew on it.

Lin Shi immediately stood up and walked over.

"Xiao Wang."

Lin Shi's eyes widened when he saw the person coming. The person who came to meet him turned out to be Mr. Ke's secretary, whom he had met before.

"Come with me."

Seeing Lin Shi, Xiao Wang whispered, the two of them walked in front of each other, not together.

Xiao Wang's anti-tracking skills are very strong. He took Lin Shi to a safe place. After making sure that no one was following him, he took him into a shopping mall with many people, and then left through the back door, where there was a car.

Driving the car, the two quickly arrived at Ke Gong's residence.


I was very happy to see Ke Gong Linshi. Although he didn't study for a long time last time, he gained a lot. After this period of time, he has grown a lot.

The more he grows up, the more he realizes that there is a big gap between himself and the truly powerful agents. On the contrary, when he didn't understand anything at first, he thought he was very powerful.

At that time, I always felt that I was doing a good job, but looking back now, it is really funny.

"Not bad, it's strong again."

I was also very happy to see Lin Shi and Mr. Ke. The last special training was very short, but Lin Shi showed extremely high talent. It was a pity that he could not be brought with him to teach him all the time.

If given enough time, he believed that Lin Shi could also grow into an excellent agent.

"Ke Gong, can I continue to study with you this time?"

He didn't have enough time to study last time. After Ke Gong left, he found an opportunity to finish learning radio. He was in the Department of National Defense, so it was not difficult to find opportunities to learn radio.

Although he doesn't have a radio station, it's not a bad thing to learn first.

Yiduo is not overly pressurized, but he has a special identity.

"Besides studying, you also have a mission."

Ke Gong smiled and said that Lin Shi's task was to set up a trading company by himself. Lin Shi followed Chu Lingyun in doing business and made a lot of money, so he was fully qualified for this.

This trading house will be established in Wuhan, not Shanghai, but there will be a branch in Shanghai.

Lin Shi's trading house will become a stronghold of the Red Party, and it is a very important stronghold.

The person in charge in Wuhan, Ke Gong, had already selected Xiao Su for Lin Shi. Xiao Su was dormant now, and the two had collaborated before.

After Lin Shi returns to Wuhan, the two will find an opportunity to meet again, and Lin Shi hires Xiao Su as his manager.

Lin Shi's stronghold is not responsible for intelligence, only funds and security.

They don't need to collect any intelligence, but when important figures from our party come to Shanghai or Wuhan, they need to make arrangements. They have a business background and can be more prepared.

You can't trouble local organizations every time something happens. Each local organization has limited funds. If trouble occurs too often, it will put a lot of pressure on them.

For example, this time, Ke Gong's arrival cost Shanghai a lot of money. Fortunately, they had the support from Comrade Kuangbiao No. 1, otherwise they would have been under even greater pressure.

Ke Gong used Lin Shi to establish a separate safe house channel.

Lin Shi is his disciple, and he has no task of collecting intelligence. He is also in a dormant state, so it is most suitable for him to do this.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it."

After hearing what Ke Gong said, Lin Shi immediately promised.

He now earns a lot of money, and actually gives a lot of it to the organization, but he cannot give it all and must keep some of it.

There was nowhere to use the money, so he was anxious to keep saving it.

This time, the money finally came into use.

"Please help me analyze something."

Ke Gong suddenly thought of Shiyuan Trading Company, took Lin Shi to the study, and told him about Shiyuan Trading Company.

But I didn't tell him about Fang Shiyi. Fang Shiyi and Lin Shi were not on the same page. There was no need and Lin Shi couldn't know.

"You want me to do business with this Ishihara Trading Company?"

Lin Shi asked doubtfully. It would be no problem to cooperate with Ishihara Trading Company, but this was a Japanese trading company, and he felt a little uncomfortable thinking about it.

But he understood that, let alone doing business, even if he was asked to marry a Japanese woman, as long as it was for work, he would have to carry it out.

Your own mentality must not affect the mission. This is the basic rule of an agent.

"You can consider it, but just do business, don't use them to collect any intelligence."

It is enough for Shiyuan Trading Company to have Alchemist Yi, and Lin Shi's Trading Company only needs to do business with them.

Through business, you can also learn more about Ishihara Trading Company.

"I understand, don't worry, I'll do it right away."

Lin Shi nodded, do you want to cooperate? It's very simple. He is a buyer and has money. No matter who he finds, he will be happy to do so.

Regardless of the fact that the two sides are at war, there are quite a few people doing business with the Japanese today.

He knew several people in the Department of National Defense.

"Be careful. Hiroshi Ishihara is not a simple person. Don't let him see any flaws."

Ke Gong warned, and Lin Shi smiled: "I am your disciple, you should have confidence in me."

"Yes, but it's not wrong to be careful."

Mr. Ke chuckled and said that he knew Lin Shi's ability very well, and there was no problem at all in doing such a thing. Through Lin Shi, he could gain another understanding of Shiyuan Trading Company, which would be a double win.

"Master, I don't have that much time today. I'll come back tomorrow."

Lin Shi looked at his watch. He had been out long enough and needed to go back. Moreover, he had nothing to do after he returned.

There are many things required to establish a business, such as registering the company, finding a location and warehouse, recruiting manpower, etc. In addition, since this is a stronghold, Mr. Ke needs to arrange for him to have reliable people to guard it.

In addition, he also wanted to continue studying with Ke Gong. Everything took time, and he had no time to waste.

There is a Japanese restaurant in the Japanese Concession, which is very famous. Many Japanese officers like to come here to taste the authentic cuisine of their hometown.

Chu Lingyun is now the owner of a wealthy trading company. Today he is hosting a banquet for Inoue's boss and fellow townsman, so he chose this place.

Chishang arrived at Shiyuan Trading Company early and headed to the hotel with Chu Lingyun.

"Ishihara-kun, do you want to use Takemoto's connections to expand your business?"

There were only two people in the car, Chishang asked with a smile.

"Ikegami-kun is indeed smart. Doing business requires connections. The more connections there are, the bigger the business will be."

Chu Lingyun made no secret of it, and Chi Shang gave him an admiring look. No wonder Shi Yuan has such a big business at such a young age. He is not only bold and careful, but also good at maintaining relationships.

During the war, Ishihara Hiroshi dared to sell goods at the battle site, which proved his courage. Now that Shanghai has become their territory, Ishihara Hiroshi is even more at home.

The car arrived at the place quickly. Chu Lingyun had made a reservation in advance, and the hotel had prepared a room for them.

The room is not big but very cozy.

Ikegami looked around curiously. He knew this place, but had never been there. Mainly because the cost here was too high. It was said that a meal here would cost at least a hundred yen.

He had money, but he was reluctant to give it.

After looking at the private room, Chu Lingyun was very satisfied. In fact, he had an impression of this place. Tomotaka Hosokawa had been here before, but this was his first time here.

"We'll wait at the door."

Chu Lingyun said something, and Chishang stood with him at the door. After a while, a military vehicle drove over.

"Master Ikegami, Mr. Ishihara, are you here so early?"

Inoue got out of the car and asked immediately. Another man in his thirties got out of the car, wearing a military police uniform and the rank of major.

"Major Takemoto, I'm Ishihara Hiroshi. This is Captain Ikejoji. It's an honor for you to honor me."

Chu Lingyun immediately stepped forward and said respectfully. Shusaku Takemoto glanced at him curiously. Is this the powerful businessman Inoue said?

Ishihara Toru and Hosokawa Tomotaka are classmates. Hosokawa is not very old, and Ishihara Toru is not much older either. He is too young.

"Hello, Ishihara-kun."

Takemoto Shusaku replied that Inoue said a lot to him after he returned.

Basically, everything he said with Chu Lingyun and Ikegami was told to Shusaku Takemoto.

For businessmen, Shusaku Takemoto is not that cold.

But this businessman is different. He is a classmate of Hosokawa Tomotaka, and Ikejuji is a retainer of the Hosokawa family.

Shusaku Takemoto doesn't have much background, so it would be good if he could get into the Hosokawa family through them.

"Takemoto-kun, please come inside."

Chu Lingyun made a gesture and asked Shusaku Takemoto to walk in front. The four of them entered the box. Inoue immediately looked around.

It was also his first time here, and the decoration was too luxurious.

He had never eaten in such a nice place.

I thought the tea room at Ishihara Trading Company was very good, but I didn't expect it to be even better here.

"Inoue is the younger brother of my good friend. I know you have all taken care of him. Thank you very much."

After ordering the food, Takemoto Shusaku said softly that his relationship with Inoue was not only from the same hometown, but Inoue's brother was also his comrade-in-arms.

However, Inoue's brother had died in the war, so he took great care of Inoue.

"Takemoto-kun, Inoue is my friend and has helped me before. We should help each other."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Chishang also nodded: "Inoue is a good kid. He has worked hard before. I believe that he will develop better in the future with your care in the military police."

After renewing their friendship, everyone ate and drank. The reason why this restaurant is famous among the Japanese is because all the ingredients here are shipped from Japan.

You can enjoy the authentic taste of hometown here.

The cost is high and the price is naturally high.

"Takemoto-kun, are you thirty this year?"

After drinking for three rounds, Chu Lingyun asked casually. After chatting for so long, the four of them were already familiar with each other. Takemoto smiled and shook his head: "I am already thirty-three this year."

The thirty-three-year-old Major is neither too high nor too low.

If you go step by step, you can be promoted to lieutenant colonel before the age of forty, and there is great hope to reach colonel in the future, but it will be difficult to advance to the next step.

This is true in every country. It is not easy to be a general.

However, there are many opportunities to perform meritorious service during wartime, and you can be promoted quickly. It depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

"Thirty-three is not too young. Takemoto-kun, how long have you been promoted to major?"

Chu Lingyun asked again. Takemoto Shusaku's eyebrows twitched slightly. What did you mean by saying he was not young?

"Three years."

Takemoto Shusaku's tone was a little lighter. The two parties were not that familiar. Chu Lingyun's words made him a little unhappy.

"Three years is enough time. Takemoto-kun, do you want to go further?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile. He knew that it was a bit anxious to ask this question. It was not the right time to say this when they met for the first time.

However, Inoue is going to study soon. There is not enough reason for him to ask Takemoto out alone in the future. Now that they have met, it would be better to make it clear earlier.

The earlier, the better it will be later.

"Ishihara-kun, what do you mean?"

Takemoto was a little confused. Chu Lingyun poured him a glass of wine and said slowly: "You also know that Hosokawa Tomotaka is my classmate. He knows your commander, General Matsumoto. If he is willing to speak for you, you, Major , I’m afraid he will become a lieutenant colonel soon.”

Before Chu Lingyun finished speaking, Takemoto Shusaku's heartbeat began to speed up.

"But Master Hosokawa and I don't know each other."

Takemoto pretended to be embarrassed and said that some time ago, the Hosokawa family was frantically looking for this young master. He knew about it. Even he led people to search for it for a long time, but unfortunately he could not find it.

If you can establish a relationship with Master Hosokawa, as long as he is willing to speak for you, it will not be difficult to get promoted.

"You forgot again, Jihyo and I have a very good relationship, both before and now."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly: "And I just met Jixiao not long ago."

"Do you know where Master Hosokawa is?"

Takemoto suppressed his excitement and asked carefully.

"have no idea."

Just as Takemoto showed disappointment, Chu Lingyun's next words made his heart beat faster again.

First update

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