Spy Shadow

Chapter 488 Cheating Life

The secretary understood that Tomotaka Hosokawa had a different status and deserved to be picked up personally by the general.

Chu Lingyun stood at the gate of the Military Police Headquarters and soon saw several people walking out.

"Jihyo, you're back."

Matsumoto saw Chu Lingyun from afar and was sure it was Hosokawa Tomotaka, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"General, I have revised your manuscript. After thinking about it, it would be better to send it to you in person."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse. He mentioned in the letter he wrote before that he had a bad throat due to an accident, and now his voice is not pleasant.

"You're too polite. Let's go in and talk."

Matsumoto was very happy. He was very aware of the conflict between Hosokawa Tomotaka and Mr. Hosokawa. In order not to return home, Hosokawa Tomotaka had been hiding from the Hosokawa family.

This time Ji Hyo came to see him in person, which greatly satisfied his face.

The younger son had a conflict with his father, which was a big deal.

"Okay, I'll ask him to come see you later."

"How come what you said is different from what we know? You didn't make a meritorious deed, but you were framed for something wrong?"

Miraculously, Hiroshi Ishihara actually did it.

Shuicheng Shun was a little confused. Shimakura spoke in a hurry, as if something had happened.

"The Literary Club didn't have many people at the beginning, and you only have ten people now. There is a club member named Shimakura Toshiaki. He played an important role in the initial Battle of Shanghai, but was suppressed by his boss at the time. As a result, there has been no one in the past six years. Development, I want to know if what he said is the truth, can you check it for me."

"What about the major general? If you make a mistake, you must be punished. He is greedy for the credit of his subordinates and falsely accuses his subordinates. This kind of person deserves to die. Go ahead and capture him to bring justice to the law. I will report it to the military and tell the truth clearly."

Matsumoto agreed, and he was very satisfied that the honorary president would not have to do anything, and his status was high.

It's important to follow the right person. It doesn't matter that Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman. As long as he has energy and can bring benefits to himself, he is willing to accept Ishihara Hiroshi as his godfather.

The colonel came over and it wasn't him he wanted to investigate, but his former boss.

Chu Lingyun agreed. For him, the biggest disadvantage of the literary club was that he could not appear at the same time as Ishihara Hiroshi.

His attitude was bad last time and he wanted to apologize this time. It was not appropriate for him to go alone.

"Then you will be the honorary president."

It's generally not a good thing for people from the Gendarmerie to show up. It's like people from the Military Intelligence Service. No matter which department they go to, everyone will guess that someone has committed something.

"What do you mean?" Shimakura was stunned for a moment and asked carefully.

The colonel shook his head and said nothing nonsense. When asked about the Battle of Shanghai six years ago, Shimakura whined in his heart. It turned out to be this.

This time we are helping him redress his grievances. What if he doesn't cooperate?

"Shimakura-kun, what's wrong with you?"

He made up his mind to follow Ishihara Hiroshi. This was his life opportunity.

Fujitaka Hosokawa is Tomotaka Hosokawa's idol and a very important and legendary figure in the Hosokawa family.

"Shimakura-kun, am I right? You should trust Ishihara-kun. Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with your matter."

"Shimakura-kun, Ishihara-kun is not here. He left a message to talk about it after you finish your business. There is no need to meet now."

Matsumoto nodded lightly. Hosokawa Tomotaka had mentioned Ishihara Hiroshi last time, and he had also done some research. Ishihara Hiroshi was indeed Hosokawa Tomotaka's classmate, and he had a large business firm.

Colonel looked serious, Shimakura nodded hurriedly: "It's me, what did I commit?"

His experience was called a cheating life by later generations.

After hearing Colonel's report, General Matsumoto asked softly.

"So, Shimakura was really wronged?"

Shimakura was completely stunned. This incident was actually ordered by the commander of the military police himself, and it must be investigated?

His boss was promoted to general, but he was completely incomparable to General Matsumoto.

"Thank you for your support." Chu Lingyun thanked him.

But that's all. He didn't know much about Hiroshi Ishihara and didn't pay too much attention.

"It's what you asked for. If you come, the president can give it to you."

Didn't you notice that the more fierce Hosokawa Tomohashi made trouble, the more anxious Mr. Hosokawa became?

"Don't worry, your case was named by General Matsumoto himself and must be investigated thoroughly. If you are unjustly accused, we will give you an explanation."

"His boss is now a major general..."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, while General Matsumoto kept nodding: "Okay, you deserve to be the president of the club. I wonder if I can join?"

Shuicheng Jun was in a very happy mood. The stronger Ishihara Hiroshi's energy, the better it would be for him in the future.

"Is your work done?"

The matter was not complicated. He had made a meritorious service, but his superiors took it away and framed him for disobedience.

At that time, Hosokawa Fujitaka was born.

After two hours of chatting, Matsumoto still had a lot to say.

"No, but the Military Police Headquarters re-investigated my case and told me that this is a case that General Matsumoto is concerned about and wants to reverse my case."

Although he didn't know why this happened, the colonel explained the situation.

Seeing the leading military police officer, he was a little surprised and confused.

"Are you Toshiaki Shimakura?"

Chu Lingyun replied, Matsumoto laughed and shook his head: "How can I have that time? You are still the president, just give me any position."

The colonel nodded, and Shimakura's mind raced rapidly. It was a colonel who was coming, and he was obviously beyond the specifications. If we really wanted to deal with him, a major colonel would be enough.

His case has been re-investigated, and there is hope that he will be cleared of his grievances.

Colonel understood what was going on. Shimakura didn't know that his matter was being re-investigated, and thought he was causing trouble for him.

Chu Lingyun was stunned. General Matsumoto actually wanted to join this group?

But this is a good thing. General Matsumoto has great influence. If he joins, it will make this group stronger in the early stage. If ordinary people want to deal with them, they must first consider whether they can withstand General Matsumoto's anger.

If it were really Hosokawa Tomotaka, he would have been captured by the Chinese long ago.

Shuicheng Shun was shocked and asked immediately. He noticed that Shimakura used honorifics, which meant "greetings".

This time he really thought too much. Chu Lingyun didn't want to put on makeup anymore. This meeting was meaningless. It would be best to wait until things are settled.

Shimakura Toshiaki was in the headquarters' office when several military policemen came in. He was so frightened that he stood up immediately.

Hosokawa Fujitaka had served three generals of the Ashikaga clan and always made the right choice after every turmoil. After the break between the third general Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga, Hosokawa Fujitaka, who had served the Ashikaga clan for so long, , resolutely chose Oda Nobunaga.

Shimakura replied that since Ishihara Toru didn't see him, he couldn't come to the door rashly. The matter was indeed not finished yet. The military police would not accuse him unjustly, but they had to get evidence to help him identify him.

After leading Chu Lingyun into the office, Matsumoto couldn't wait to say: "It's too dangerous outside. Don't leave when you come back this time. If the Chinese know your identity, they will definitely not let you go."

"Ishihara Hiroshi will help me solve it."

His appearance brought glory to the Hosokawa family again, until now.


Chu Lingyun didn't leave until after dinner. He refused Matsumoto's request to stay and told Matsumoto that he had a place to live, so staying here would definitely not work. He had things to do when he returned.

Moreover, it is a case that General Matsumoto is personally concerned about.

"As you know, Hiroshi Ishihara is my best friend. I like the name Yuzhai Literature Society very much, so I agreed."

Shimakura thought carefully about it, and he didn't do much recently.

Shuicheng Jun only took him to see a businessman and told him something about himself. Could it be that the businessman reported him, or was his former boss aware of it and deliberately used the military police to deal with him?

At this time, he regretted very much, why did he say this to a businessman.

"Okay, I'll thank him properly later."

The colonel investigated quickly and found many people who participated in the battle.

"It's nothing, I want to find out some information from you."

It's not absolute. Loach is a bit short. Chu Yuan can dress up like Hiroshi Ishihara and accompany him to attend, but he can't speak, and his secret will be revealed when he speaks.

"I want to meet Ishihara-kun, can you take me there?"

"Let me meet your classmate if I have the chance."

Some were not in Shanghai, and some were. From the mouths of those in Shanghai, he gradually understood the truth.

"Don't worry, I'm living a good life. I've read a lot of books recently, and I feel like my literary talent has improved again."

After the death of Oda Nobunaga, the ministers rioted. Hosokawa Fujitaka once again made the right choice, following Toyotomi Hideyoshi and becoming Toyotomi's most trusted person.

If he hadn't fought bravely and had made many military exploits in the past, it might not have been as simple as being suppressed.

"I'm here this time to ask for something else."

We can't let Matsumoto handle this matter, so there's no need to rush, just take your time.

In that war-torn era, Hosokawa Fujitaka succeeded in taking sides every time and enjoyed his old age, which is indeed miraculous.

"My classmate Hiroshi Ishihara helped me a lot. He also wanted me to come back. He specially organized a Youzhai literary club and wanted me to be its president."

"What are you talking about? He is our club member, and I am the honorary president. I should find out the truth for him."

"Mizuki-kun, this is Shimakura, are you free now?"

They are father and son, and Hosokawa-sama feels that he owes his son. It would be foolish to really think that Hosokawa Tomotaka is an illegitimate son and not a member of the Hosokawa family.

Colonel replied softly. Matsumoto didn't care about the specific process and said directly: "Now that we are sure that he was wronged, what should we do?"

"Okay, Youzhai Literary Society, not bad, a good name."

Matsumoto's eyes suddenly lit up. Yusai was the nickname of Hosokawa Fujitaka, and Hosokawa Fujitaka was also called Hosokawa Yusai.

Chu Lingyun did not answer and pushed the question to Shi Yuanheng.

Like many families in Japan, the Hosokawa family has experienced decline. After Onin and civilized chaos, the Hosokawa family became puppets of the Miyoshi family and lost its former glory.

Tomotaka Hosokawa has regarded him as his idol since he was a child. This time when he founded the group, Chu Lingyun thought of him and chose Yuzhai as the name, and it was a literary club. It was not only low-key, but also appropriate.

"Where are you going to open the literary club?" Matsumoto asked again.

After listening for a while, Colonel felt something was wrong and immediately interrupted Shimakura.

This kind of visit can only come by Toru Ishihara alone.

After asking clearly, the captain left, and Shimakura sent them out. Until they were all gone, Shimakura still stood there.

Colonel listened very carefully, took note of everything, and asked many key people. He would personally verify and investigate these people to prove what Shimakura said.

"It seems so at the moment, but Shimakura himself did make a mistake. After he made a meritorious service, he was eager to make progress and attacked again, and then was repulsed because he was not at the scene and was taken advantage of by his superiors."

Chu Lingyun continued, while Matsumoto looked at him.

"General Matsumoto."

"That's right, don't worry, General Matsumoto will support you this time."

Later, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died of illness, and Hosokawa Fujitaka chose Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had been suppressed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi for a long time, to help Tokugawa Ieyasu establish his dominance and create the Tokugawa shogunate.

He suddenly understood that it was not what he thought. Ishihara Hiroshi, a businessman, was really capable. He could actually persuade the Military Police Headquarters, and he was the commander of the Military Police Headquarters.

He was once again impressed by Ishihara Hiroshi's abilities.

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. Speaking of literature, Matsumoto immediately praised: "Yes, I just looked at it. You did a good job revising it, and your writing style has been greatly improved."

Shimakura Toshiaki said excitedly that it would be much easier to go to the staff headquarters if the credit was returned to him and the punishment was removed.

Shuicheng Junze was stunned. Instead of being transferred to the staff department, he was asked to help him redress his grievances. This was much more difficult than being transferred.

Many people outside looked here. The gendarmerie was dispatched, and the one dispatched was the colonel. This is not a small matter.

"Very good. Thank you for your cooperation. Please don't go out recently. Come to the gendarmerie if you need anything."

Matsumoto laughed again and pulled Chu Lingyun to chat about literature. He really liked literature. Chu Lingyun understood his level and what he liked.

You shouldn't trust Shuicheng Jun, let alone that businessman.

Hosokawa Fujitaka's father adopted his mother's surname. When Hosokawa Fujitaka was young, his name was Mibuchi Fujitaka, and later he changed it back to the Hosokawa clan.

The next day, Matsumoto sent someone to investigate Shimakura Toshiaki, and the one he sent was Colonel.

Not long after Shun Chengjun called back, Shimakura was a little disappointed. He thought it was Ishihara Toru who had objections to his previous attitude, so he didn't agree to see him.

"I understand, please wait a moment, I will contact Mr. Ishihara."

Shimakura returned to the office and immediately made a phone call. He wanted to thank Ishihara Hiroshi. Regardless of whether he was transferred to the staff department or not, just helping him clear his grievances would be a great favor to him.

"No problem, it takes a while, but it's not impossible to check."


After understanding it, Shimakura gradually became excited. After calming down, he told everything about what happened before.

Matsumoto agreed immediately. This was the job of their military police. He felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that someone had made a meritorious service but was suppressed.

After Matsumoto's problem is solved, the next step is Shimakura's transfer to the staff department.

The colonel bowed his head and accepted the order. General Matsumoto was determined to deal with him. Unless the major general's background was very strong, no one could protect him this time.

Even if the background is strong, it is estimated that he will be removed from his post and it is impossible to stay on the front line.

The colonel was very happy to be able to handle this case.

His level is not low. If he can successfully capture a major general this time, it will be a great achievement for him.

Special thanks to Ling Shuang Y for the 100,000 starting point reward from the leader. Congratulations to Ling Shuang Y for becoming the fifth leader of this book. Updates for new leaders will start tomorrow. Thank you for the 500 starting coin reward for never forgetting your original intention and keeping your mission in mind, and thank you to book friend 20220313161636348 for the 100 starting coin reward. Xiaoyu has been a little tired recently and hasn't had enough rest, so this chapter is updated a little late. There will be an update after twelve o'clock.

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