Spy Shadow

Chapter 50 Finding a Woman

Chapter 50 Finding a Woman

Yang Jian was sent back with disappointment. He had been detained for so long, and what he longed for most was freedom.

Chu Lingyun had no time to take care of Yang Jian. After sending Zhao Baishan's wife away, he immediately ordered Shen Hanwen: "Zhao Baishan, Liu Cheng and Gao Yi are detained separately. The others are temporarily detained together and they are prohibited from communicating at will."

"Yes, team leader."

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Hanwen still asked: "Gao Yi hasn't interrogated him yet, will he stop interrogating him?"

Chu Lingyun asked everyone else individually, including Zhu Zhiqing, but did not ask Gao Yi. Shen Hanwen was very puzzled.

"No trial, wait until I come back."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Gao Yi was the biggest suspect, but Chu Lingyun currently did not have any evidence to prove that Gao Yi was responsible.

Next, he will look for more favorable evidence to confirm his speculation.

There is no point in asking Gao Yi. If you ask him, Chu Lingyun knows very well what he will say. It is better not to ask, and it can create a tense atmosphere for him.

"Team leader, can you take me with you?"

Shen Hanwen asked hurriedly. If Chu Lingyun wants to go out, he must be investigating a case. It is most comfortable to follow the team leader to investigate the case. Many times, the team leader has already found clues before he knows what is going on. They are only responsible for arresting people.

"You stay here honestly, I don't need you this time."

Chu Lingyun rejected Shen Hanwen. The interrogation team cannot be left alone. Among the three team captains, Ni Loach is the most suitable for this job. But now Ni Loach has other tasks and can only hand them over to Shen Hanwen.

Chu Lingyun took Zhong Hui and several team members out, and the first place they went to was Zhao Baishan's home.

Zhao Baishan does not live in a slum. After all, he is also a civil servant. The salary at the station is not high, but it is not low either. Moreover, he only has one son. With his parents and a family of five, his salary is enough for food and drink.

Zhao Baishan only had his parents at home. His wife was sent back to the hospital directly after she left the station. His son was seriously hit and had a broken leg bone and had to be observed in the hospital for a day.

His home is at the corner of the street. There are many shops at this street corner, and there is a lot of traffic, and various car accidents often occur.

"Auntie, a child was hit here this morning. Did you see it?"

Chu Lingyun noticed a woman selling fruit on the street corner. She looked like she was in her fifties or sixties, so she walked over and asked.

The fruit seller glanced at them, nodded and replied, "You are talking about the Baishan family's daughter-in-law, or the Baishan wife I called her. His daughter-in-law was hit."

"Did you see clearly how it hit?"

"Of course I saw him. The man was riding so fast that even the Baishan gangsters dodged. However, he turned around and hit the gangster. His conscience was definitely broken. He didn't even look at the gangster when he hit him and helped him up. The car ran away after riding on.”

Zhao Baishan's child noticed the car and deliberately dodged it. Still getting hit in this way only meant that the cyclist was coming towards him with the purpose of hitting him.

"Auntie, have you seen this woman?"

Chu Lingyun took out the portrait painted by Yang Jian, and took out two dollars and gave it to the fruit seller.

The aunt immediately smiled and took the money and said, "See, she bought some apples from me. She is a good person. It was she who helped Yazi first and asked me to call Baishan's wife." , and sent Baishan’s wife and Yazi to the rickshaw.”

The fruit seller's words confirmed Chu Lingyun's guess that all this was not an accident, but man-made.

The children dodged, and the cyclist went out of his way just to hit someone.

"Thank you, aunt."

Chu Lingyun thanked her, returned to the car and directly ordered: "Zhong Hui, go check all the famous barber shops in the city and find them all that offer perm services."

In fact, in this era, the government promoted frugality and banned people from perming their hair.

But the more forbidden something is, the more people like it. The government's ban has become a piece of paper. Women who can perm their hair are either rich or noble and will not care about these bans at all.

Zhong Hui quickly found out that there were only nine high-end barber shops in the city, eight of which were in the urban area and one in the French Concession.

I soon found out again that there were only six barbershops that could provide perming and curling services, all of which were in the city.

"Guys, do you want to have your hair done?"

Chu Lingyun soon arrived at the first high-end barber shop. This shop was not small and the decoration was OK, but it was incomparable with future high-end barber shops.

The service was pretty good, the young man who greeted them had a nice attitude and bent over to ask.

"No haircut, have you ever seen this person?" Zhong Hui received Chu Lingyun's signal and stepped forward with the portrait in hand to ask.

"Never seen it."

The young man shook his head blankly. When Zhong Hui asked, Chu Lingyun had been observing. Micro-expressions could sometimes reveal many people's true inner thoughts.

"Call the rest of you out."

Zhong Hui only asked him if he would give up. After everyone in the store was questioned, Chu Lingyun took them away.

The people in this store have indeed never seen the woman in the portrait.

The second store, the third store, until almost five o'clock in the afternoon, when Chu Lingyun arrived at the fourth store, he finally got the result he wanted.

"I've seen it before. I curled her hair, and she even praised my skills."

A barber in his thirties in the shop proudly spoke to Zhong Hui. Zhong Hui felt happy and continued to ask calmly: "Do you know her?"

"do not know."

The barber shook his head. Zhong Hui looked at Chu Lingyun disappointedly. Before he could speak, the barber continued: "But I know where she lives."

Zhong Hui was overjoyed and couldn't hold it in any longer. He asked hurriedly: "Where does she live? Tell me quickly."

"She lives at Huo Xiao's house nearby. I passed by there once and saw her getting off the bus there."

"Just getting out of the car, how are you sure she lives there? Also, how do you know that is Huo Xiao's home?"

Chu Lingyun suddenly asked, it is very important where this woman lives, she must say hello, and Chu Lingyun has heard that this Huo Xiao is a wealthy local businessman in Hankou.

Huo Xiao is in his fifties and a disciple of the Hong Gang. He was a gangster in his early years. Later, he made a fortune by opening a casino and brothel. He is quite famous in the local area. The Hong Gang has a large number of people, but they are not united internally and are divided into "Muddy Waters" and 'clear water' two categories.

The so-called muddy water refers to those gang disciples who burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of evil. They are the real ruffians, and these are the people that the common people are most afraid of.

As for Qingshui, he relies on his own ability to make a living, does not steal or rob, does not take ill-gotten gains, and pays attention to the morality of the world.

Qingshui is actually a group of poor people staying together for warmth, so most of them are workers, vendors, craftsmen, etc.

And Huo Xiao is one of the representatives of the Hong Gang Mingshui. He runs casinos, brothels, and opium dens, makes loan sharks, forces good people into prostitution, and defrauds others to the point of ruining their families. It can be said that he does all kinds of evil and is extremely evil.

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