Spy Shadow

Chapter 506 Encounter

Chapter 506: Encountering each other

In Yanzhou, the correspondent sent the latest message.

"found it?"

Seeing the telegram from Wuhan, Ke Gong showed a smile on his face.

Following Miss Qiu's suggestion, they finally found Jian Zhifang's family in a deserted place forty miles outside the city.

Secretary Hao personally came forward and persuaded Jian Zhifang to take out the money that had been taken away.

The amount is about 900,000, and the money has been withdrawn and shipped to his hometown.

For the Fruit Party, this money cannot even equip a division, but it is definitely of great significance to the Red Party and can solve their urgent needs.

The Red Party has always been short of money, and Miss Qiu gave them another big gift this time.

Outside the city, Bao Shengqun was sitting in a car when one of his men came running quickly.

"Change the place and keep looking."

Secretary Hao shook his head and said, "It's definitely not possible to drive. The other party also has a car, and one car can't fit so many of them."

Bao Shengqun's mind was racing. He was attacked today. He had already wasted half a day asking for help and checking.

Secretary Hao put away his pistol. As for the car hidden by Jian Zhifang, he couldn't take it now. The car was too conspicuous and he couldn't take all of them with him.

Fortunately, the journey was safe and they were allowed to run out. Seeing that the bicycle was still there, they immediately got on the bicycle and chased Bao Shengqun.

Bao Shengqun didn't run too far and got out of the car to check the vehicle.

Not long after the car drove forward, Bao Shengqun suddenly stopped.

The team members who ran back for help found another search team and brought them over immediately.

As for the credit, he really didn't want it.

After Bao Shengqun checked around, he immediately ordered that the two unlucky team members were left here and the rest returned to the city.

Little did he know that his team leader had never thought about finding someone. The farther away he could not find him, the better. It would just be a waste of time.

"Team Leader Li, you came just in time. You are all from the Operations Department. Go to the front immediately to check whether the person who ambushed us just now is still there."

Bao Shengqun's face was expressionless. After meeting the people from the Military Intelligence Office two days ago, Old Ghost Xu sent him a lot more people. Now these people are all scattered outside the city.

Team Leader Li had no choice but to take people over. His team also consisted of eight people. Each person held a gun and walked carefully. It took another hour to complete the inspection.

"Team leader, I'm sure it's Jian Zhifang's children's clothes. Someone saw them wearing them."

Otherwise, no matter who comes, their family will be doomed this time.

Secretary Hao whispered, there were not many people on the other side, and they would be separated when they went up the mountain. These people mentioned Jian Zhifang, and they must be other people looking for Jian Zhifang.

"Ready to fight."

"Secretary Hao, what should I do?"

Secretary Hao and Jian Zhifang's family hid behind the bushes, Lao Bai followed them, and the others hid nearby.

This is very possible. Miss Qiu has known about him for a long time. The red party arranged it earlier than them. It is not surprising that they found Jian Zhifang in advance.

Who is the person next to Jian Zhifang? Could it be a red party member?

"There are people living on the mountain, many of them, and there are children's belongings."

The roof had been repaired, and there were also discarded bedding and children's torn clothes.

Xiao Hu was a little reluctant, so he just entered the village, but it was very tiring to go up the mountain and climb so high.

"Go and see that abandoned village too."

They won’t even bury them, but if they are killed, their bodies will be destroyed by wild beasts.

Bao Shengqun didn't talk nonsense to him. Old ghost Xu gave him a lot of power. He didn't need to use it in vain. Anyway, he wouldn't take risks himself.

His words made Secretary Hao's heart sink. There were traces of their lives on the mountain. These people would find it as long as they went up the mountain.

But it was obvious that there was more than one person who shot. Did Jian Zhifang find a helper, or did he develop subordinates?

"Such a height, team leader, Jian Zhifang won't be here."

"There was a car coming from a distance, and there were cyclists following behind the car."

Lao Bai was dumbfounded. Secretary Hao looked at the mountain and then at the shivering Jian Zhifang family beside him.

"Take the clothes back to have someone identify them. Don't touch other things here."

Old ghost Xu was gone and returned home. Bao Shengqun took Xiao Hu to his home to report to him.

Anyway, no matter what, just prevent Old Ghost Xu from catching Jian Zhifang.

Secretary Hao didn't take any chances and was counting the time.

This place is more than thirty miles away from the city of Wuhan. When he first came out, Xiao Hu was full of novelty. After searching for so many days without any results, he was also a little discouraged.

The person who came was a team leader from the Action Department, whom Bao Shengqun knew.

"Virgo, Xiao Hu found the place first and asked him to report to you."

"Team Leader Bao, we checked and found no one, but we found a lot of footprints."

"What's going on on the mountain?"

Team Leader Li was stunned, but he did not dare to disobey Bao Shengqun's order.

"Retreat immediately. We won't go to the dock. We will take the land route."

"Team leader, we checked, no one is there."

By the time they arrived the next day, more than half a day had passed, enough time for the Red Party to take Jian Zhifang to a far away place, but they didn't know where their money was or whether it had been transported away in advance.

Secretary Hao originally planned to take a boat at a dock near Wuhan. In addition to the large docks in the city, there are also many small docks in the river sections outside the city.

Xiao Hu did find traces of someone living on the top of the mountain.

"Xiao Hu, take people to the mountain to have a look."

He hid in this abandoned bandit den, thinking that he was very smart and would not be found by others. Unexpectedly, he was first found by the Red Party people, and now people came to search.

"Have you found Jian Zhifang?"

Driving is worse than walking, at least you can walk wherever you want.

This will go uphill and will definitely be discovered.

Secretary Hao didn't expect that the other party would run away as soon as he fired the gun. He was driving a car and he couldn't catch up now even if he wanted to.

As soon as Secretary Hao and others arrived at the foot of the mountain, Lao Bai ran over to report that Team Leader Huang was in the city and there were only six team members except Secretary Hao.

"Check, can't abandoned villages hide people?"

"Come on, follow me and report to the Virgo."

A man from the Intelligence Department got off the car and asked with lingering fear. Bao Shengqun looked at him like an idiot.

"It's too late to drive, so hide first."

"Team leader, are you also checking abandoned villages?"

Bao Shengqun ordered him. The person from the intelligence department hesitated, asked for a bicycle and left quickly.

Lao Bai hugged Jian Zhifang's youngest son, and the group left in a hurry, ignoring the few people who went up the mountain.

"Virgin, our team leader asked me to check an abandoned place. Today we arrived at an abandoned bandit den. As soon as we went up the mountain, the team leader was ambushed. Fortunately, there were not many people on the other side. They did not pursue the team leader after he escaped. After I came down from the mountain, the team leader asked Team Leader Li again..."

who are they? Why go up the mountain?

Is it really Jian Zhifang?

Although he is now demoted to the team leader of the General Affairs Section, Virgo's trust in others has not changed. The tasks that Zhao Zaili failed to complete were handed over to Bao Shengqun, the team leader, which is enough to prove Bao Shengqun's status in Virgo's heart.

When he heard that the people were gone, Bao Shengqun felt relieved. He didn't want to fight to the death with these people. Although he could tell from the gunfire just now that there were not many people on the other side, the bullets didn't have long holes and he would be killed if he wasn't careful.

As for Xiao Hu, he couldn't care less now.

Once the people who go up the mountain find traces on the mountain, they will definitely come down and report. He will take sudden action when the people who go up the mountain arrive on the mountain, kill the people in front of him as soon as possible, and then deal with the people on the mountain.

Jian Zhifang in the grass trembled, he was indeed the one looking for him.

"Go ahead."

Bao Shengqun drove the car, and Xiao Hu got out of the car to investigate.

Lao Bai was on guard. He was standing relatively high just now and had a clear view. The car would be here in a few minutes. There were many of them and they had children with them. It was already too late to go back to the mountain.

It's a pity that Bao Shengqun didn't have many people with him, so he was run away.

After waiting for more than an hour, Xiao Hu came running from a distance. Bao Shengqun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him. The fact that Xiao Hu came back safely meant that the person who ambushed them did not go up the mountain or stay where they were.

Jian Zhifang hurriedly pointed in another direction and said that he could walk, but the child was too young to walk fast or far. It was best to bring his car so he could run faster.

They not only protect Secretary Hao, but also escort Jian Zhifang's family to Yanzhou.

Bao Shengqun's group of eight people only had one car. Bao Shengqun drove the car himself, and four others followed behind on bicycles.

Bao Shengqun scolded, Xiao Hu had no choice but to lead people up the mountain.

"Go over and have a look."

He was a little lucky that the people from the Red Party found him first.

Not long after returning, Xiao Hu hurried into Bao Shengqun's office.

It's very dangerous here, so you might as well go back and report the news.

Bao Shengqun ordered, while Xiao Hu was astonished. Why should we look for a place that has been abandoned for so long?

"Leader Bao, have we encountered bandits?"

If he runs slower, it is very likely that he will be responsible for it today.

He didn't dare to stay on the mountain. If people from the bottom of the mountain went up the mountain, there would be no place for them to hide.

"Secretary Hao, there's a situation."


This is the first time the equipment team has received such a task in so many years, and everyone is very happy.

By the time Bao Shengqun arrived at the Party Affairs Investigation Office, it was almost dark.


He had a hunch that maybe Jian Zhifang was here.

Xiao Hu was very excited, but Old Ghost Xu's face darkened. Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted directly: "Tell me the important point."

This bandit den has been abandoned a long time ago. There is no one nearby and no merchants are passing by. Which bandit would come here?

He is a newly recruited member of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and his quality is not as high as that of the original members.

When we reached the top of the mountain, several rooms showed signs of having been lived in.

On the mountain, Secretary Hao took Jian Zhifang's family down the mountain.

"You go call someone, I'll wait here."

"How do you know it won't happen? If he is up there, can you afford it if something happens?"

Everyone, including Secretary Hao, took out their pistols.

Bao Shengqun pushed Xiao Hu out and found the person, but did not arrest him. This was a very satisfactory result for Bao Shengqun.

"Team Leader Bao."

"Team leader, I asked. There is no one in the first few miles. There is only one bandit den. The bandits have been eliminated. No one lives there now."

Bao Shengqun was also very decisive. When he saw gunshots coming from all directions, he immediately drove back and ran back like crazy.

It's dark now and it's impossible to go out of the city to look for him.

The bullet hit the car, but fortunately it did not hit the tire. Someone in the car was scratched and was not seriously injured.

But the plan failed to keep up with the change. The other party was obviously someone searching for Jian Zhifang. Their whereabouts were exposed, and it would be very dangerous to leave from the dock.

Bao Shengqun turned out to be the deputy section chief of the Operations Section, much higher than him.

He is an old man in the operations department. He was recently promoted to team leader. Before that, he was just the deputy team leader.

Seeing that Secretary Hao kept his promise and took them away, Jian Zhifang was relieved.

"Team leader."

As long as they are the Red Party, now that they have been exposed, they will definitely find a way to transfer.

Bao Shengqun asked immediately. Xiao Hu was still a little scared. He hid on the mountain for half an hour and did not hear subsequent gunfire before going down the mountain.

"Team leader, there isn't one here either."

Before he could find anyone, gunshots came from the bottom of the mountain, which startled him. Xiao Hu hid with his men and did not dare to show his head for a long time.


Xiao Hu came out quickly. Bao Shengqun didn't say anything and continued to lead the team forward.

As a last resort, he had to be careful.

Bao Shengqun's car finally arrived here and stopped at the foot of the mountain.


"Protect the footprints, Xiao Hu, and lead the way as we go up the mountain."

"My car is over there, get in it and run fast."

Xiao Hu was startled and said hurriedly: "We found the child's rotten clothes on the mountain. People around Jian Zhifang confirmed that they were worn by his child."

When the time was almost up, Secretary Hao immediately gave the order, and Lao Bai took the lead in shooting. The sound of the gunshot startled Bao Shengqun.

Xiao Hu was in the car. This time Bao Shengqun was in charge. He brought out all the people in the equipment team and asked them to lead the search.

Let Xiao Hu speak, give him a chance to show his face, and save himself from being remembered by Old Ghost Xu, who always wants to transfer him from the General Affairs Department.


Bao Shengqun stood up immediately. He guessed correctly that Jian Zhifang was hiding around Wuhan, but in a place where no one was around.

Bao Shengqun glared at him. Xiao Hu did not dare to speak and immediately led people into the village.

A car drove up in the distance, followed by several people on bicycles.

Since the Military Intelligence Office also thought of searching near Wuhan, it shows that the possibility of Jian Zhifang hiding here is not small.

The identity of the other party is not clear yet. If they are just passing by, they can miss it by hiding aside.

No matter who it is, they are their enemies now.

The Red Party is not someone who burns bridges when crossing rivers. Since Secretary Hao promised to keep Jian Zhifang's family safe, he will not give up on them and will send them to Yanzhou no matter what.

The money has been found and transported away. There is no need for Jian Zhifang's family to stay in this bandit den. After all, the environment on the mountain is simple, especially the two children, who have already had enough living here.

Bao Shengqun was startled. Jian Zhifang had two children. Most people living here would not take children with them. Could it be that it was really Jian Zhifang?

This is indeed a good thing for the Red Party. If it were anyone else, this bandit den would become the burial place of their family.

"what's the situation?"

It's Jian Zhifang, great, we finally found this beast.

But even so, Bao Shengqun's performance this time made him very satisfied. Zhao Zaili had been searching for so long, but there was no clue at all. Bao Shengqun found the person after just a few days of searching.

He regretted it very much. If he had given the task to Bao Shengqun in the first place, he might have caught the person and recovered the money.

Zhao Zaili, this idiot, wasted too much of his time.

The first update, there is a guaranteed update today.

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