Spy Shadow

Chapter 52 Hanako Abe

Chapter 52 Hanako Abe

Yamada Yoichi is Endo Yuki's top line. Even Endo Yuki can lead and train agents. Not to mention his top line, he probably knows more.

Yamada Yoichi's sudden disappearance is definitely a huge loss for them.

Wang Yuemin suddenly said bitterly: "There must be an insider. Otherwise, how could Keiko Chishima commit suicide and Yoichi Yamada disappear together? Ling Yun, how is your investigation going?"

"Webmaster, the investigation has yielded some results. I am here to report this to you..."

Chu Lingyun gave Wang Yuemin a detailed report on the suspicions that arose after his interrogation, and then asked Yang Jian to take a portrait, as well as the results of the investigation just now.

"Have you locked down the suspect? And found the woman who is a major suspect?"

Wang Yuemin was stunned. What happened in the morning, and now it was only evening, Chu Lingyun had found out so many things, and had a specific target that could be arrested at any time.

Chu Lingyun had amazed him before, but he didn't expect it to be even more beautiful this time.

Traitors have always been the most difficult to investigate and deal with. The traitors are one of our own. We can neither investigate them with great fanfare and make everyone panic, nor can we arrest and interrogate them casually.

Moreover, traitors are good at hiding, and finding their evidence is more difficult than finding spies.

"Webmaster, without further ado, I'm going to arrest the woman who directed Zhao Baishan's wife to make a phone call right now."

"That's right, we need to act immediately. I'll go with you."

Wang Yuemin stood up. After Yamada Yoichi disappeared, the spy clues they had became very few. Only Yang Jian's employer was left, but there was only a portrait, and they had no idea where the person was.

There is also this woman. They may have helped Keiko Chishima commit suicide, which must be related to the Japanese spy. Even if this woman is not a Japanese spy, she must have close contact with the Japanese spy.

"With the station commander personally commanding, the arrests will be easy this time."

Chu Lingyun flattered him calmly. Wang Yuemin finally felt better and left quickly with Chu Lingyun.

The Loach team members are all back, plus Zhong Hui's team, there are nearly thirty people in total, all armed with weapons, not only pistols and rifles, but also a machine gun.

Although the person to be arrested this time is a woman, Huo Xiao is not simple and has the ability to resist. With this machine gun, Huo Xiao dares to resist and is enough to sweep them away.

"Stationmaster, team leader."

Zhong Hui did not expect Wang Yuemin to come in person and hurriedly came to salute. Wang Yuemin was not polite and asked directly: "Is the target still inside?"

"Yes, when we saw the target come back, we watched the front and back doors. She has not gone out, she must still be there."

Zhong Hui answered loudly. Wang Yuemin said nothing and looked at Chu Lingyun.

It was true that he was the station chief, but the mission belonged to Chu Lingyun. He just didn't feel relieved to come over and take a look. It was Chu Lingyun who was actually commanding the operation.

"Loach led a few people to block the back door. Zhong Huiqin led others to knock on the door and look for opportunities to arrest people. Huo Xiao and the woman must be taken away."

Women and Huo Xiao have a deep relationship. This arrest cannot just arrest women, Huo Xiao must also be arrested.

It is true that Huo Xiao is a gang leader, but he is not the leader after all. Chu Lingyun does not have so many worries. Huo Xiao has a close relationship with her and it is impossible to let him go.

"Yes, team leader."

Zhong Hui received the order and first led ten people to knock on the door. The remaining people stood in line outside, and the machine guns were set up in the most advantageous position. In the event of a conflict, strong fire support would be provided at any time.

Huo Xiao is fifty-two years old and has a very comfortable life.

He was lucky. He was just a small gangster in his early years. Taking advantage of the troubled times and his ruthlessness, he quickly turned around and eventually opened three casinos, two opium dens and a brothel.

He is also considered a figure in the Hankou Hong Gang.

When he got rich, he paid great attention to enjoyment. He married four concubines, but all of them were not as good as the little devil in front of him. Not only did he live a good life, but they also understood him very well.

For this little goblin, he drove his wife back to his hometown so that they could be together openly.

"Master, there is a man named Zhong coming to pay a visit outside."

Huo Xiao, who was talking with his arms around the little goblin, was suddenly interrupted. Huo Xiao was very unhappy and frowned: "I don't know anyone named Zhong, get rid of him."

Huo Xiao knew a lot of people, but none of them had the surname Zhong. After he became rich, many people tried to get close to him over the years, either to seek refuge with him or to seek benefits from him.

He has seen too many people like this and doesn't want to see them at all.

"Master, he brought a lot of people."

The butler who came to deliver the message warned carefully, and Huo Xiao stood up: "How many people did you bring?"

"At least a dozen."

There were more than ten people, which was indeed a lot. He had his own men at home, but there were only eight of them. If there was a conflict, there would definitely be casualties on his side, and even he would be in great danger.

"Let's go out and take a look." Huo Xiao thought for a moment and decided to go to the meeting to see who the other party was and what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

After saying that, he looked at the woman next to him lustfully: "Baby, wait for me, I'll be back in a minute."

"Go ahead and be careful."

The woman winked. After Huo Xiao left, the woman's expression immediately changed. She quickly changed into a pair of shoes and walked toward the back door.

The woman's name is Abe Hanako, Huo Xiao's pseudonym is Su Manxi. Her mission is to use Huo Xiao's connections to find opportunities to instigate Zhang Zhiliang, the leader of the Hankou garrison.

But a few days ago, she suddenly received an urgent mission, which asked her to quickly approach a person at the Wuhan Station of the Military Intelligence Department and inquire about something from him.

The main person to inquire about is Keiko Chishima. Keiko Chishima has a radio station and has a fixed time every week to contact her. After Keiko Chishima was arrested, the higher up did not receive her contact message. When she did not receive it the next time, she felt Something might have happened to her.

Only then did Hanako Abe, who was performing other tasks, arrange this urgent task.

In fact, Japanese spies have long been targeting Takayoshi, and lustful people are easier to instigate rebellion. Even without this incident, it won't be long before Hanako Abe will find a way to get close to Takayoshi.

After receiving the mission, Abe Hanako captured Takayoshi without much effort. In just two days, she obtained very important information from Takayoshi.

Not only was Chishima Keiko arrested by the Wuhan Station of the Military Intelligence Service, but Asano Ono, Endo Yuki and Aihara Masao were also arrested.

None of the latter three could withstand the punishment and confessed. Only Chishima Keiko gritted her teeth and was tortured into a human shape, but still did not surrender.

Next, she received a new task, asking Gaoyi to send a message to Keiko Chishima.

But this time Gaoyi did not agree, mainly because he was not responsible for guarding Keiko Chishima and could not talk to Keiko Chishima.

After Takayoshi refused, Abe Hanako told him that you had leaked confidential information and had committed a capital crime. If you don't cooperate with us, you will only die.

After hard things, there are soft things. Hanako Abe promised Takayoshi that after helping her this time, they would stay together forever.

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