Spy Shadow

Chapter 529 The real Ishihara

Chapter 529 The real Ishihara

Ruan Zhengting was a traitor. He had not been able to withstand the punishment before. Ishida Xiaoshan intended to use severe punishment on him. It was strange that he could withstand the punishment.

Most people really can't bear the feeling of being worse than death caused by punishment.

"Let him sign it."

Ruan Zhengting pressed his fingerprint tremblingly. He knew that once he pressed this fingerprint, his life would be completely over.

But the pain of punishment made him rather die than try again.

"Section Chief, according to Ruan Zhengting's account, he took advantage of the opportunity to run out alone and secretly leaked the news."

"Is it really him? Who did he leak it to?"

Mitsui asked immediately, and Ishida Koyama shook his head and said: "I asked, and he said he didn't know the other party's true identity. This person has contacted him before and wants to instigate him to rebel again, so that he can hide with us and provide them with intelligence."

"He didn't agree at first. This time he wanted to use this person to prevent Huang Shiqi from making meritorious service, so he took the initiative to contact him with a code. They met in a crowded place. He didn't know where this person lived. .”

Ruan Zhengting did not give such a detailed explanation at first.

He did not leak the information, and what he told was purely a lie. He could not bear the punishment, so in desperation, he could only make up such a person.

If a person cannot be traced, at least he will not be tortured to force him to reveal his whereabouts.

"So, the clue is broken?"

Mitsui frowned, and Ishida Koyama tried to ask: "Should we let him recover from his injuries before sending a signal to contact this person?"

"It's late, but you can try. You don't need to recover from his injuries. Let him send the signal now. If someone comes to contact him, he will be arrested immediately."

Mitsui sighed, this time Ruan Zhengting leaked information. As long as the Chinese are not stupid, they must know that he will be suspected.

It is unlikely to use Ruan Zhengting to attract this person.

But anyway, this is a direction of investigation, and it doesn’t cost much to try.


Ishida Xiaoshan bowed his head and accepted the order. He knew best that Ruan Zhengting had to surrender and he would not be able to show up without him.

Mitsui decided that it was not easy to lure the Chinese people to take the bait, and it was not his responsibility to wait for them.

In the war situation team, Chu Lingyun received the latest message from Catfish.

"Ji Qing?"

His guess was correct. It was not Hu Guoren that Huang Shiqi found, but Ji Qing, the leader of the Youth Gang.

Virgo attaches great importance to these Green Gang bosses and has been trying to win over them to prevent them from defecting to the Japanese and at the same time work for the Fruit Party.

Just support it secretly.

Ji Qing, an old fellow, dared to leak their people to the Japanese. He was just looking for death.

Ji Qing is the leader of the Qing Gang. If you want to sanction him, you must get the consent of the leader.

Chu Lingyun personally wrote down the situation and asked Chu Yuan to send a report to the headquarters.

Because of the unequal information, Chu Lingyun's previous inferences could not be carried out. Now with Catfish's report, everything this time is finally clear.

Li Zhiqun was suppressed by Ruan Zhengting. He wanted to turn around and needed foreign support.

He knew very well that as long as he could perform meritorious service and be useful to the Japanese, the Japanese would continue to reuse him.

He couldn't go out himself, so he asked Huang Shiqi to help him deliver the letter, but he didn't expect that Huang Shiqi was detained by his master for two days and could not come back to explain.

Huang Shiqi was not stupid, so he had the idea of ​​​​taking credit for Li Zhiqun's work.

"Chu Yuan, let Loach come back tomorrow."

Ni Loach was not in the war situation team and was sent out by Chu Lingyun to investigate all hidden dangers in the safe houses.

From the current point of view, this is the right thing to do. This time, due to a little negligence, Hu Guoren and the others were exposed. The Youth Gang disciples are different from agents. They do not have the professional abilities of agents, but because they are local snakes, they know everything about everything.

It is indeed easier for people like them to find lurkers than agents.

Now that we know the reason, what needs to be done is to remedy it in time. With Loach's cleverness, he will definitely be able to think of this and calling him back is just a reminder.

Chu Lingyun was still relieved when Ni Loach was doing things.

Wuhan, Military Intelligence Division.

After reading Chu Lingyun's report, Virgo's brows suddenly knitted together.

Ji Qing knows that the Shanghai Qing Gang is a senior member of the Tongzi generation. The Shanghai Qinggang ranks its seniority according to the four characters of "Da Tong Wu Xue". The famous three big guys are all Tongzi senior. Ji Qing can compete with them regardless of strength or qualifications. Sit on equal footing.

As early as the Battle of Shanghai, Virgo had approached Ji Qing.

Although Ji Qing did not send anyone, he secretly donated a sum of money. In Virgo's view, Ji Qing was considered a member of the anti-Japanese camp. Unexpectedly, he got confused this time and actually helped his traitor disciples.

However, Ji Qing did not arrest the person directly, letting Virgo understand that he did not really defect to the Japanese, but was still hedging his bets. This kind of thing is very common among the Youth Gang.

"Call back to the war situation team. Ji Qing does not need sanctions. Tell them to be careful. All lurking personnel must ensure safety. There can be no such negligence again."

After the meeting, Virgo made a decision and did not agree to Chu Lingyun’s request for sanctions.

Since Ji Qing did not openly support the Japanese, there was still room for redemption. If Ji Qing defected to the Japanese, whether it was the Shanghai Station or the war team, life would not be easy in the future.


Secretary Qi took the order, and he was the first to see this message.

After reading it, he understood that Virgo would not agree to Chu Lingyun's request. People like Ji Qing were still useful. Unless he made it clear that he had surrendered to the Japanese, Virgo would not attack him.

Once the action fails, it is easy to push the opponent completely into the Japanese camp.

What's more, Ji Qing has many disciples and grandchildren. Even if he kills Ji Qing, it will be useless. If those people take revenge on them in the name of avenging Ji Qing, Virgo will also have a headache.

Early the next morning, Loach returned to the battle group.

"Team leader, are you looking for me?"

Summoned by the team leader, Ni Loach has always been the most active. Chu Lingyun nodded lightly: "The reason why Hu Guoren was exposed was found. It was people from the Qing Gang who discovered them and told Huang Shiqi. Huang Shiqi wanted to take all the credit and reported it directly to the Extra High School. "

"Qinggang, who?" Nili asked.

"Ji Qing."

"That old guy, do you want to get rid of him to avoid future troubles?"

Ni Loach knew that Ji Qing was indeed a prominent figure in the Qing Gang. Ji Qing had many subordinates and was not weak in strength. It was not easy to attack him in the concession.

But as long as you focus on one person, you only need one bullet to get rid of him.

There are many action experts in the war team, and Ni Loach is confident of killing Ji Qing.

"No, Virgo doesn't agree."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. In fact, he was not surprised by Virgo's reply. He knew Virgo's temperament very well. Since this person did not dare to help openly and purely acted in secret, Virgo would not sanction such a person.


Ni Loach's eyes widened. The person who betrayed them did not punish them. This was already a traitor.

"Why don't you go to Wuhan and ask the minister why we are not allowed to impose sanctions?"

Chu Lingyun glared at Ni Loach, who chuckled: "How dare I? It's up to you to go, but I don't have the courage or qualifications."

"Don't be such a bastard. How's the review of the safe house going?"

Chu Lingyun asked, safety issues concern each of them, and there cannot be any sloppiness.

"Many problems were found, including not having a job, not going out for a long time, some people being unconscious, and some having conflicts and fights with neighbors."

Chu Lingyun's eyes widened. The lurker actually fought with someone?

If someone was dissatisfied and deliberately framed him, once he was caught, it would be a sure thing. How could such a mistake be made?

"The one who was fighting was our man. I have transferred him out and abandoned the safe house."

Loach continued: "I asked about his fight, and it's understandable. His neighbor likes to take advantage of him. His latent job is to sell snacks. His neighbor often lets his children steal his goods. He knows this. , because the other party didn’t steal much, he tolerated it, but one time his child was so hungry that he came to ask for compensation. He couldn’t bear it anymore and argued for a while, and the other party beat him first.”

After investigating the incident, Ni Loach couldn't believe that there was such a villain.

But this hidden danger existed after all, so he made a prompt decision and asked the potential team member to move to avoid them as a neighbor.

From Loach's point of view, this team member was not wrong. Even in a fight, he did not dare to show off his skills, let alone use a gun.

Otherwise, the two neighbors wouldn't be enough for him to fight alone.

"The world is big and there are people of all kinds. You did the right thing. Is there anything else?"

Chu Lingyun was speechless. Such people have existed in all dynasties and can never be extinct.

"There are no others at the moment. I haven't completed the investigation yet. I will report to you after the investigation is completed."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. Let's get this done as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun nodded. The time was very short. It was not easy for Ni Loach to find out the problem. Chu Lingyun would not force others to do anything. In such a short time, Ni Loach could find out everything clearly.

"Don't worry, team leader, I will eliminate all hidden dangers as quickly as possible."

Ni Loach responded that he didn't care so much about this mission at first. He was the team leader, and he also worked as the intelligence team leader at the Shanghai Station.

Because he is in a different position, the issues he considers are also different. He does not have the overall view of Wang Yuemin and Chu Lingyun.

On June 11, Japanese troops suddenly landed 20 kilometers outside Anqing, and naval warships appeared on the river at the same time.

The next day, Yi Sen, who was stationed in Anqing, led all soldiers and some people to withdraw from Anqing. The Japanese army seized important places such as the airport and entered the city in the afternoon.

Without any difficulty, the Japanese army captured the important city of Anqing.

When the old man received the report, he cursed angrily.

Anqing couldn't hold it, but he didn't want to give it to the Japanese army in vain. He might as well have delayed the Japanese army for a while, but in the end, he gave up the strong city to the Japanese army without firing a single shot.

If Anqing falls, Wuhan will be even more dangerous.

"Chairman, don't be angry. Although Yi Sen gave up Anqing, he at least retained his troops. He brought out many people. What the Japanese army got was an empty city."

In the old man's office, Chen Mutu softly advised him that he did not like Yi Sen's behavior of abandoning the city, but the most important thing right now was the war of resistance.

After all, Yi Sen brought out all the soldiers of the 20th Army, increasing Wuhan's defense strength.

"Is it possible that I should praise him and reward him?"

The old man glared. The order he gave Yi Sen was to hold on, but everyone knew that Anqing couldn't hold on.

It's okay to stay for a few days and let him have a way to get down. What's the difference between withdrawing like this and fleeing without a fight?

"When Yi Sen was in Shanghai, he was very brave in battle and made many meritorious deeds."

Chen Mutu was helpless. He was the only one here, so the task of persuasion naturally fell on him.

"That was before, this time it's his shame."

The old man said bitterly, while Chen Mutu breathed a sigh of relief. The old man finally did not intend to hold Yi Sen responsible.

What Yi Sen did was unreasonable, but no matter who it was, facing the elite divisions of the Japanese army and having no reinforcements, I'm afraid they wouldn't be very determined to fight to the death.

"The Military Intelligence Department came to report two days ago and has found out that there is only the Sixth Division on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Mu Tu, what do you think of this matter?"

The old man asked proactively, and Chen Mutu immediately sat up straight: "The Japanese army is arrogant. There is only the Sixth Division on the north bank of the Yangtze River. They want to raid Wuhan with this division. They are dreaming. We can take the opportunity to set up defenses along the road and make their dumplings." "The key issue now is that we must keep an eye on them and understand their movements at all times."

"You are right, if you can eat the Sixth Division, Anqing will be worth it."

The old man nodded. It was not a loss to exchange Anqing for an ace division of the Japanese army.

He only has interests in his eyes and does not really care about the life and death of the people in Anqing.

If they really cared, many of them would not be left alone at the beginning of the month.

"That's what I mean, who are you going to leave this matter to?"

Chen Mutu asked softly. He was a direct descendant of the old man, and the old man would not leave the hard-core battle to him easily.

"Let Jiansheng go."

Jiansheng is the name of General Bai. This mission is equivalent to being handed over to Gui Jun.

"General Bai is very stable. It is indeed appropriate for him to go."

Chen Mutu responded softly, the fall of Anqing was over, and Yi Sen escaped.

In Shanghai, Hayakawa Ping was taken to the teahouse early in the morning.

He was in the box, slowly sipping tea. Business was doing well recently, and he also used his connections to get in touch with some people in the army.

Among them, the one with the deepest connection is Colonel Sekiya of the Osaka Division.

Colonel Sekiya took a lot of goods from him. After the Xuzhou battle, he came to see him in person and asked for a lot of goods back.

Hayakawa Ping was not surprised by this.

He is an Osaka native and knows the temperament of these fellow villagers very well.

They can fight for the emperor, but they must ensure their own safety.

If your life is gone, there is nothing.

No matter where the Osaka Division goes, their business will be carried out, not just the officers, but also the ordinary soldiers.

They have small financial resources and the scale of business they can do is not large. Most of them help their officers sell goods and make a small profit from the price difference.

These soldiers can be more open-minded and don't care about the so-called face.

It ranges from needlework and cloth to weapons and ammunition.

As long as they could afford it, there was nothing they dared to sell. However, they still sold relatively few contraband items. Most of them purchased the goods from the superiors and sold them themselves.

Colonel Sekiya is now a famous wholesaler in the Fourth Division.

"sit down."

Chu Lingyun was sitting inside, with delicious breakfast in front of her.

Hayakawa Hei was not polite, he sat down, grabbed a fried dough stick, and ate it warmly with the soy milk in front of him, filling his stomach in no time.

"How are you doing lately?"

Chu Lingyun asked. When Hayakawa Ping first arrived, Chu Lingyun gave Li a difficult task as a test, asking him to find a way to get the five aircraft left by the Navy in Shanghai.

Hayakawa Ping did a good job. Not only did he get the plane, but he also delivered the goods to his door. Chu Lingyun was very satisfied.

Afterwards, Chu Lingyun did not give him a new task and kept letting him develop on his own. During this time, he developed some people and established many relationships.

"There is progress in all aspects. It depends on what you want. I can get it if it's simple."

Hayakawa Hei didn't talk nonsense. He understood his own value. He came to Shanghai not just for business, but to provide Chu Lingyun with useful information.

It was good that Chu Lingyun could give him such a long time.

"I want all the details of the Japanese attack on Wuhan."

Chu Lingyun stared at him and said slowly.

Hayakawa Hei was startled, then smiled bitterly: "You think too highly of me, and you can't even kill me. However, I have a good relationship with some soldiers in the Central China Expeditionary Army, and I can still get hold of one-sided trends."

"It's okay to be one-sided. I want as much as I want."

"No problem, the base camp established the 106th Division in China last month. The officers are mainly composed of retired soldiers and officers of the 6th Division. They were recruited from Kumamoto, Oita, Kagoshima and other places. These soldiers have completed their training and are ready to go China, they should go to the battlefield in Wuhan."

Hayakawa Taira quickly said that the 106th Division has high hopes from the Japanese military headquarters, hoping that they can become the second Kumamoto Division.

"How many people are there in the 106th Division?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"There are more than 20,000 people. The base camp wants to be built according to the Type A division, but there are really not enough people. Currently, there are about 22,000 people. There are two brigades, four infantry regiments, in addition to artillery, cavalry, engineers and The baggage regiment, the division commander is General Matsuura."

The four regiments, as well as the artillery regiment, are indeed intended to be built according to the Type A division.

But for now, this division is at most a B division.

"How do you know so much?"

"I have a good relationship with their baggage officer and have done some business."

Hayakawa Hei smiled, picked up the teapot on the table, poured tea and drank it himself.

Hayakawa Hei could talk to anyone. He was a businessman himself. Chu Lingyun knew the purpose of meeting the baggage officer without asking.

"Pay attention to the 106th Division and try to collect all their intelligence."

Chu Lingyun ordered, Hayakawa Ping nodded and accepted the order. This is his mission and the basis for his survival.

"You should find a way to get in touch with this man. He is the father-in-law of Ohashi Takufumi, a squadron leader in the Sixth Division. He is engaged in the silk and satin business."

Chu Lingyun handed Yang Qizhen's information to Hayakawa Ping.

He originally wanted to use Ishihara Hiroshi's identity to contact Yang Qizhen, but gave up in the end.

He doesn't have that much time to spend on the father-in-law of a squadron leader, so it's appropriate to leave this matter to Heinori Hayakawa, who can do a better job than him.

"no problem."

Hayakawa Ping accepted Yang Qizhen's information and started reading it in front of Chu Lingyun.

He has a very good memory. After reading it once, he remembers most of it.

For a person who did business in Northeast China and later came to Shanghai, it is not difficult to deal with people like him. When it comes to business, Hayakawa Hei is not afraid of anyone.

"what do you need?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative and asked, Hayakawa Hei is a good knife. Since it is a good knife, it must be sharpened frequently.

Don't let him do things all the time, give him the benefits that should be given.

"Check someone out for me."

Hayakawa replied calmly, while Chu Lingyun looked at him.

"There is a Japanese-owned trading firm in the public concession called Ishihara Trading Company. Help me find out about his boss, Ishihara Hiroshi."

"Ishihara Hiroshi?"

Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the person Hayakawa Ping wanted to investigate was himself.

"Yes, this person has risen too fast. I know that the connection behind him is Hosokawa Tomotaka. According to my investigation, this person is extremely ambitious and has gathered a group of officers to work for him. If I can establish a relationship with him, Maybe we can get more information in the future.”

Hayakawa Ping nodded slightly. He is Japanese and deals in various goods.

His business conflicts with Ishihara Trading Company, and Ishihara Trading Company's prices are indeed cheaper than his.

He became curious about Ishihara Trading Company and asked about it.

It turned out that Hiroshi Ishihara was a very special person. Although he was young, he was extremely skillful. Hayakawa Hei had never met a businessman as powerful as him.

There are many businessmen in Osaka, but there may not be many compared to Hiroshi Ishihara.

"Okay, I will check it for you."

Chu Lingyun nodded, Hayakawa Ping was sent back, and there were still people around him monitoring him at all times.

Chu Lingyun did not return to the war situation team, but went to a safe house with a radio station.

"Ran Wu, take everyone in your team and help me perform a mission."

"Boss, tell me."

Ran Wu immediately replied that the eight of them were divided into two groups, with Ran Wu and Feng Yong each leading one.

The people in his group are all in the public concession, so they are all sent out.

"Go to Brownjiagou in Wuqi Mountain in Rehe and find this man. His current name is Shi Cheng. He has a Chinese wife and a child."

Chu Lingyun took out a photo, and it looked like Ishihara Hiroshi.

"What about after you find him?"

Ran Wu looked at the photo and asked softly.

Chu Lingyun's lips trembled, but in the end he said nothing.

Ran Wu didn't move and kept waiting.

The real Ishihara Hiroshi is in China. Chu Lingyun knows this very well. He was called to China by Hosokawa Tomotaka, and he arrived only half a month later than Hosokawa Tomotaka.

At first, the two traveled together. After half a year together, Ishihara Hiroshi fell in love with a Chinese girl in Rehe, the daughter of an Orion, and stayed there.

He married the girl and gave birth to a child three years ago. Tomohiro Hosokawa went to see the child.

Ishihara Hiroshi enjoys this kind of life, but his existence is always a hidden danger to Chu Lingyun. Before, Ishihara Hiroshi's identity was not that important and he could be kept. Now that Shi Yuanheng's identity has a very high and important status, once he is discovered, Chu Lingyun himself will face great danger.

The best way is to kill people and silence them.

But there is not just one person to kill, but a whole family, especially Hiroshi Ishihara has a child.

Ishihara Hiroshi’s wife is a Chinese girl. How could he issue the order to silence her?

Chu Lingyun has always had a bottom line in his heart. He can do anything to his enemies, no matter how despicable the method is. For the sake of the overall situation, even if it really sacrifices the interests of a small number of people, it is still feasible.

But you must never attack innocent people, especially your own compatriots.

This time it would be okay if it was for the sake of the overall situation, but the real core was still for his own safety.

Instead of killing them, it would be fine to send their family far abroad. But as long as Ishihara Heng exists, he is the biggest danger to Chu Lingyun. He is actually fine in the mountains, but when he goes abroad, the possibility of being exposed is even higher. .

Chu Lingyun knew the real Hiroshi Ishihara very well.

Although he is married to a Chinese woman, he is influenced by the spirit of Bushido. Once the Japanese need him, he will not hesitate to join them.

Hiroshi Ishihara must not stay.

"Boss, I understand what to do. I'm leaving first."

Ran Wu suddenly bent down and hurried away with the photo.

Ran Wu was not stupid. In the past, he was dedicated to serving the country in the army, and he was not targeted for the dirty things done by his superiors.

The boss took out this photo and asked them to travel thousands of miles to find someone. It was neither a gift nor a letter. For a person like his boss, why would he find such a person?

Ran Wu just saw that the boss was struggling in his heart.

This is a Japanese man. He is wearing a kimono in the photo. Killing a Japanese Ran Wu does not have any psychological burden. The reason why the boss is hesitant to speak is probably because of his wife and children.

He will do whatever the boss is unwilling or unable to do.

He is the boss's gun, and when it is time to help the boss, he must not show any mercy.

He can be regarded as a person who has died once. If his eldest brother hadn't begged the boss, he would have been executed long ago.


Chu Lingyun suddenly called him, and Ran Wu turned around immediately.

"The person in the photo will be removed and his wife and children will be sent to Chongqing. I will make arrangements for them."

In the end, Chu Lingyun failed to break through the bottom line in his heart. It didn't matter if Ishihara Hiroshi killed him, but his wife and children couldn't be killed.

His wife didn't know who was responsible for the murder, so she was sent to Chongqing and put under house arrest, and his children were used as threats to prevent his wife from speaking nonsense.

As for the child, he will find someone to raise him well. Although he has a Japanese father, as long as no one tells it, no one will know.

The child has half Chinese blood.

Ishihara Hiroshi spoke Chinese very well. At first, he was afraid that his wife would be suspicious, so he did not reveal his Japanese identity. After not seeing him for several years, Chu Lingyun didn't know whether Ishihara Hiroshi had confessed to his wife.

Based on what Tomotaka Hosokawa remembers about Toru Ishihara, the possibility of him confessing is not high.

He really liked that girl, so he stayed in the mountains and became a hunter. The people in Rehe were not very fond of Japan. He had not exposed his identity before, so the possibility of exposure after having a child was not high.

As a precaution, Chu Lingyun will go to Chongqing in the future to ask this woman in person.


Ran Wu breathed a sigh of relief. The boss was indeed entangled with women and children.

The fact that the boss did not kill this woman and child shows that the boss is still a good person in essence, and he does not use any means to do things.

He is lucky to work for such a boss.

Ran Wu left, but Chu Lingyun was there and didn't get up for a long time.

This is not the best plan. He understands that he is not a qualified agent. A real agent must be cold-blooded and ruthless. He must give up what he needs to give up, let alone a woman and a child.

This might be a flaw for him, but at this time, Chu Lingyun really couldn't break through this restriction.

Two days later, Chu Lingyun made an appointment with Hayakawa Hei again.

"This is Ishihara Hiroshi's information."

Chu Lingyun gave the information to Hayakawa Hei. It was very easy to prepare his own information.

Hayakawa Ping still opened it in front of him and looked at it.

Tomohiro Hosokawa is very clear about Ishihara Hiroshi's situation in the country, but Chu Lingyun did not go into details here.

It mainly talks about Ishihara Hiroshi doing business in Shanghai.

During the Shanghai War, in order to avoid conscription, Ishihara Hiroshi ran around doing small businesses. When the war was about to end, he made a fortune by using the Chinese warehouses, and then founded Ishihara Trading Company.

After that, he helped several military officers, and then founded the Yuzhai Literary Society, and invited Hosokawa Tomotaka to be the president and General Matsumoto to be the honorary president.

Some members of the literary club are included in the information.

"Very detailed, thank you."

After reading it, Hayakawa Hei put away the information, and without waiting for Chu Lingyun to ask, he took the initiative and said: "I got in touch with Yang Qizhen. His business scale is not very large and he is very willing to cooperate with me. His son-in-law is in the Sixth Division." , He doesn’t have much contact with his family. In addition to the Sixth Division, Yang Qizhen also knows some officers from the Ninth Division.”

"He has so many connections in the military?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised, Loach didn't find out about this.

However, Hayakawa Hei has his advantage. He can talk directly to Yang Qizhen, so it is not difficult to ask these questions.

"Yang Qizhen is very good at sneaking around. If it weren't for the support of these Japanese people, he would have been finished long ago. He acted very domineeringly in the Northeast, offended powerful people, and finally hid in Shanghai."

Hayakawa Ping's investigation of Yang Qizhen was very detailed, much more detailed than Loach's.

"Who did he offend?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"The puppet emperor in the Northeast actually sold him fake goods and made a lot of money out of him."

Chu Lingyun was stunned that Yang Qizhen still had such a thing.

No wonder he wants to move to Shanghai. Even if he is a puppet, it is not something that a small businessman like him can resist.

"You continue to contact him, use him to get to know more people in the army, and try to detect their movements." Chu Lingyun ordered.

"Don't worry, as long as I can find it, I will definitely check it. I have something else to do today. I need sulfa. Can you give me some sulfa?"

Hei Hayakawa asked. He didn't mention it yesterday because he hadn't finished the matter yet.

Now that half of the tasks given to him have been completed, he can make such a condition.

"Okay, but I can only find you goods at regular prices."

"Just the regular price."

Hayakawa Hei smiled. Chu Lingyun could indeed get sulfa. With sulfa, his business could go further.

Colonel Sekiya came up and wanted sulfa.

Sulfonamide is also in short supply in the Japanese military. With wars going on everywhere, no one can have too much of this life-saving drug.

Colonel Sekiya had no choice. As for the Japanese sulfonamides, they were all in the hands of those high-level officials. Even if they could distribute them for use, they would be distributed directly to military and local hospitals instead of making money for them.

They won't touch these sulfonamides randomly, and they are prone to accidents.

But for the sulfonamides I got, others had nothing to say.

"I'll give you a notice in two days, and then you can pick up the goods."

There is no shortage of sulfonamides now. Chu Lingyun has two pharmaceutical factories supplying them, and he has shipped a large amount of sulfonamides to China.

A batch was given to Wuhan last time, and this batch has arrived again.

When the pharmaceutical factory in Chongqing is launched, the price of sulfa will really come down and it will become a life-saving drug that ordinary people can afford.

A large chapter of 8,000 words, including an additional chapter 20 with a monthly pass.

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