Spy Shadow

Chapter 556 Is Bao Qiu?

"Chief Bao, I went astray before..."

Chen Xinjiang quickly told all the things he had done when he joined the Red Party organization in school, and took the initiative to explain who his previous supervisor was and where he was currently.

And among his classmates, who were also influenced by the Red Party, who joined the Red Party, and where the people who joined went, all were clearly explained.

"Chief Bao, everything I said is true. I really want to serve the party and the country now."

In the end, Chen Xinjiang did not forget to express his loyalty and swore repeatedly.

"Who else knows about this?" Bao Shengqun asked.

"No, I didn't tell anyone else. I just came here to confess to you."

Bao Shengqun is a relative of the director. He used to be the deputy chief of the operations department, and now he is the most trusted person of the director.

They are about to be promoted. After the director is promoted to the director, Bao Shengqun will definitely be promoted to the director.

Now is a good opportunity to grab a big deal. As long as he can gain Bao Shengqun's trust, he will be promoted and make a fortune in the future.

"It's great that you can suddenly wake up. It proves that our training is still very effective."

Bao Shengqun withdrew his hand and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it was through this study that I understood Virgo's intentions. I understand the Red Party. We will definitely be able to catch many Red Party members in the future."

Chen Xinjiang nodded quickly, while Bao Shengqun sneered in his heart.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office has no shortage of people who understand the Red Party and does not need him.

Fortunately, he was the one who came to Chongqing to take charge of the headquarters this time. Chen Xinjiang came to him to make a confession. If it were someone else, he would definitely be reused.

Apart from anything else, this is a good example, very educational, and it can make Old Ghost Xu shine and let the old man see his achievements.

Unfortunately, Chen Xinjiang found the wrong person.

Bao Shengqun would not give Old Ghost Xu such a chance to grow up.

"You just said that they asked you to meet again."

"Yes, I didn't go."

Chen Xinjiang nodded hurriedly, and Bao Shengqun suddenly cursed: "Idiot, why didn't you see me? What a great opportunity to arrest someone?"

Chen Xinjiang was startled. Yes, it was indeed an opportunity to catch the Red Party, but it was a pity that he missed it.

"Chief Bao, I have a way to contact them urgently. I still have a chance."

"What is the method?" Bao Shengqun asked immediately.

"They told me before that if I have something important to do while I am studying, I should go to Zhaojiagou outside the city. There is a small restaurant there. I will send a signal at the door of the small restaurant and wait inside. Someone will come to see me. Zhao There must be their people in Jiagou, and we can attract them out."

Chen Xinjiang quickly replied that after Chongqing was listed as the wartime capital in November last year, Xu Laogui placed the training class here.

Zhaojiagou is not far from their training class. If something happens, you can get to Zhaojiagou soon.

According to the method described by Chen Xinjiang, it is really possible that there are red parties in Zhaojiagou.

"Let's go to Zhaojiagou."

Bao Shengqun thought for a moment and stood up immediately.

"Chief Bao, are it just the two of us?"

Chen Xinjiang asked in surprise in the car. Bao Shengqun asked him to drive to Zhaojiagou, and only Bao Shengqun.

"Go there first and take a look. You don't need to bring anyone with you. I have to report your affairs to Virgo. No one can know these things before."

Bao Shengqun explained, and Chen Xinjiang immediately nodded: "I understand, thank you, Chief Bao."

His confession worked, and Section Chief Bao wanted to report his situation to the director.

Taking him there now is not to arrest him, but to get to know him first.

After leaving the city and reaching a deserted place, Bao Shengqun suddenly asked: "Who knows that you came to see me?"

"No one knows, I didn't tell anyone."

Chen Xinjiang drove the car and quickly turned around to explain that he was an undercover agent of the Red Party. How could he dare to tell others casually? It was he who secretly ran away to confess to Bao Shengqun.

"Stop the car in the empty space in front. I'll get out and pee." Bao Shengqun nodded and pointed to the front.

Chen Xinjiang immediately drove over. Bao Shengqun got out of the car, stretched and looked around.

There is no one here. Chongqing is a mountain city, and there is a deep ravine in front of it.

The place is nice and the feng shui looks great.

Bao Shengqun was very courageous and capable of action. In order to kill the Red Party members, he dared to go and kill people alone, knowing that there were many people guarding the hospital.

Chen Xinjiang was a newcomer and was not taken seriously by him at all.

After solving the bladder problem, Bao Shengqun returned to the car.

Chen Xinjiang stayed with him, opened the car door for him respectfully, and started driving again.

Before the car started, Bao Shengqun suddenly took out his belt and strangled Chen Xinjiang's neck.

The belt was loosened by him when he peed just now, and he could pull it out with one pull.

Chen Xinjiang's neck was strangled and he could not speak. He kept struggling with his hands and reached for his gun. Bao Shengqun suddenly exerted force and the gun he just took out fell under the chair. He had no chance to take it again.

Bao Shengqun was very strong, and soon Chen Xinjiang stopped moving.

After confirming that Chen Xinjiang was dead, Bao Shengqun took back his belt.

After dragging Chen Xinjiang out of the cab, Bao Shengqun did not rush to throw him away. Instead, he found a stone and smashed his face.

Then he took off his clothes and kicked his naked body directly into the ravine.

With luck, someone would find the body, and maybe a kind person would dig a hole and bury him.

Unlucky, he was eaten directly by wild animals.

Burning all his belongings and putting away his pistol, Bao Shengqun drove back by himself.

He didn't see them when he came out, and no one knew that Chen Xinjiang had gone to find him, so he could be treated as a missing person.

Even if someone knew, Bao Shengqun didn't have any worries.

If he doesn't admit it, who dares to doubt him?

He is a relative of Old Ghost Xu and the person he trusts most now. He dares to identify him without evidence and is simply seeking death.

Back in the office, Bao Shengqun continued to do his own business, as if the murder just now did not exist at all.

Chen Xinjiang disappeared, and no one in the team noticed it at all.

It wasn't until the next morning when Chen Xinjiang didn't return all night that the people in the dormitory reported to the captain.

After that, the captain sent people to search, but they couldn't find anyone for a long time.

Still unable to find anyone at night, the captain became anxious and mobilized the police and asked all his subordinates to work overtime to look for the person all night long. They wanted to see the person alive and the body after death.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Bao Shengqun turned on the radio leisurely.

After establishing contact last time, the contact between him and Miss Qiu has never been broken again. They send text messages once a week, report when something happens, and send random messages when nothing happens.

"Chen Xinjiang is a traitor to the Red Party. He confessed to the following issues and has been executed."

Today's telegram is not a simple sentence, but a long telegram. Bao Shengqun sent all the things Chen Xinjiang explained in short sentences.

Chu Lingyun had no idea who Chen Xinjiang was, but this Red Party traitor actually went to Bao Shengqun to confess.

Bao Shengqun was bent on revenge against Old Ghost Xu. Even if he didn't find out what he had done, Bao Shengqun, a ruthless man who dared to cause a riot in the prison in order to cause havoc to Old Ghost Xu, would never let him go.

"well done."

Chu Lingyun replied with four words, and Bao Shengqun turned off the radio station with satisfaction.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong is still working late into the night. Since the Anti-Japanese War, his workload has become even greater. Various places need intelligence cooperation, especially those troops fighting guerrillas behind enemy lines, which need intelligence even more.

Their environment is even worse. Without the support of intelligence and their eyes dark, they can easily be found by the Japanese.

"Mr. Ke, secret message No. 11."

The correspondent walked into his office and handed over a message.

There was a lot of content. Ke Gong took out the code book and translated it word for word.

Chen Xinjiang really rebelled and was executed.

How did Cyclonus 1 know about this?

Kuangbiao 1 must be in Shanghai, not Chongqing. He just met Fang Shiyi.

What's more, Mr. Ke has already guessed the identity of Kuangbiao No. 1.

This was not done by Cyclonus 1, then who could it be?

A name immediately appeared in Ke Gong's mind.

Miss Qiu.

Miss Qiu was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department. He discovered Chen Xinjiang's rebellion, so he took action to sanction him.

Old Wu was still in Wuhan, and Miss Qiu had no way to contact the organization, so she told Kuangbiao 1 about the matter and let him convey it?

Mr. Ke picked up the telegram again and read it carefully.

The cable stated that Chen Xinjiang voluntarily admitted that he was an undercover agent of the Red Party and handed over some information, especially to Zhaojiagou.

Zhaojiagou did have their comrades, but they had withdrawn after suspecting Chen Xinjiang.

Since Chen Xinjiang confessed on his own initiative, how could he be executed secretly?

Ke Gong immediately took out the situation reported by previous comrades, which contained a detailed explanation of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

The current person in charge of the Chongqing headquarters is Bao Shengqun, who is a relative of Mr. Xu.

Like the Military Intelligence Division, the Party Affairs Investigation Division currently has not many people in its headquarters in Chongqing. There are only one team each in the Intelligence Section and the Operations Section.

Most of the remaining people are still in Wuhan.

Chen Xinjiang is a newcomer and is not assigned. A team leader will lead them.

This team leader had not been in Nanjing before, and he was definitely not Miss Qiu.

Did Chen Xinjiang surrender to the captain?

Ke Gong quickly denied that Captain Chen Xinjiang was their instructor. Although he was in Nanjing before, he was not at the headquarters of the Party Affairs Investigation Office. He was always in a school for training spies.

Miss Qiu will not be him.

Apart from the captain and team leader, who else would Chen Xinjiang explain this matter to?

Bao Shengqun?

Mr. Ke looked at this name. He had investigated it before and searched in the Party Affairs Investigation Office for a long time, but could not find anyone who met Miss Qiu's conditions.

As for Bao Shengqun, he was never suspected.

He is too close to Old Ghost Xu and cannot be Miss Qiu.

But intelligence work is like this. After eliminating all possible reasons, even the most impossible reasons may be the truth.

"Find out Bao Shengqun's information and give it to me."

Mr. Ke immediately ordered that he was an extremely perceptive person. If there were any clues in his hands, he could make countless inferences and then make supporting judgments.

Bao Shengqun is an old man in the Party Affairs Investigation Department. He has been in the Party Affairs Investigation Department for a long time.

He had personally arrested more than a dozen people from the Red Party before, and he was the deputy section chief on merit.

Later, he was imprisoned by Old Ghost Xu because he had a little wife.

His young wife and son were later killed by the Japanese.

Miss Qiu first appeared when Director Yang from Wuyang Lane was in danger.

However, Bao Shengqun's young wife and son had not been discovered at that time. He had no reason to help the Red Party, let alone claim to be a Red Party member.

As he continued to read, Ke Gong was shaken again.

Bao Shengqun was in the action team before. He had access to confidential information, and he had a deep understanding of the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Bao Shengqun had this condition for everything Miss Qiu did.

On the other hand, Bao Shengqun is rich and can provide a large amount of funds to the organization.

But Ms. Qiu is clearly a person of extremely high consciousness. Could it be that Bao Shengqun himself studied our Party’s theory, finally recognized our Party, and developed himself into a staunch Red Party fighter?

This may not be impossible, but it is minimal.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Ke picked up a pen and paper and wrote the message.

He wanted to call Kuangbiao No. 1 back and ask him if Bao Shengqun was Miss Qiu.

Not long after, the message was translated by Chu Lingyun.

It was a little late, but he received it in time.

The message is only four words, very simple.

"Is Bao Qiu?"

After seeing the content, Chu Lingyun was shocked. How could Mr. Ke associate Bao Shengqun and Miss Qiu together?

He immediately understood that it was the intelligence he reported that led Ke Gong to guess that the person who took action to punish Chen Xinjiang was Bao Shengqun.

As expected of Mr. Ke, he was so powerful that he guessed the truth just by relying on his report.

Mr. Ke guessed that it didn't matter. He would treat such information as top secret and might not even keep the message to protect the person he thought was Miss Qiu.

But it was a bit of fun for Mr. Ke to misunderstand that Bao Shengqun was Miss Qiu.

He knew very well that Mr. Ke had great trust in Miss Qiu.

Bao Shengqun is just a person who purely wants revenge. He has no credibility and his position is unreliable. If he is regarded as his true self, he will probably suffer a big loss.

This misunderstanding needs to be resolved.

After a while, Chu Lingyun's call back arrived at Ke Gong's desk.

"Bao's code name is Little Boy. He is not a comrade of our party. He can only use..."

The cable explained Bao Shengqun's situation in detail, and stated that the rebellion in Wuhua Prison was caused by Bao Shengqun, but his real purpose was not to save people, even if he could kill people.

Although Bao Shengqun is not one of them, he has a common purpose with them. He cannot be trusted, but he can be used to a limited extent.

He will not sacrifice himself for the organization, and even if it harms his interests, he will not help.

There is a prerequisite for using him, which is to attack Old Ghost Xu.

Once Old Ghost Xu collapses, Bao Shengqun will be useless and can only use threats to get him to do things.

If the organization needs it, Bao Shengqun can be asked to do some things, but he must not be trusted, let alone reused.

"I see."

After reading it, Mr. Ke kept nodding his head, so it was explained. Otherwise, Bao Shengqun would be Miss Qiu, and he would always feel weird.

People like Bao Shengqun completely did not fit the image of Miss Qiu in his mind.

Miss Qiu is really powerful, even Bao Shengqun was promoted to a downline by him, working for the organization.

Bao Shengqun was the person Xu Laogui trusted the most. He probably wouldn't have thought that if he killed Old Gui Xu, his relative and most trusted subordinate would always want to undermine him.

No wonder Miss Qiu asked Kuangbiao 1 to recognize them, and she never let Bao Shengqun contact the organization. Bao Shengqun is an unstable chess piece and can only be used with caution and not indiscriminately.

Chapter 33 will be added to the monthly pass. Thanks to Angang for another 500 starting coin reward.

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