Spy Shadow

Chapter 588 Dirty Thoughts

Chapter 588 Dirty Thoughts

"You said he cares about the dock?"

After listening to the report, Bao Shengqun was thoughtful. If Yang Daliang was a spy, why would he pay attention to the dock?

This is a civilian pier, but there are patrol boats from the Marine Police Department on the river, and occasionally important people will disembark here.

"Yes, we can use the dock to release false information to him. If he comes online, he must report it."

Yang Yihong replied, now they are passively marking people, and they don't know when Yang Daliang will take action.

Without action, there would be no way to find more spies through him.

Regardless of whether he uses the radio to report or delivers intelligence, he must take action.

"Okay, I'll coordinate it for you and you go and do it."

Bao Shengqun nodded and agreed with his idea. Since Yang Daliang was paying attention to the dock, he should make a fuss on the dock so that he could obtain information and report it.

Bao Shengqun didn't go to the Marine Police Station. They only had a few patrol boats. If Yang Daliang had looked, he would have seen them.

He was looking for a terminal transportation company to create the illusion that a big shot had arrived in Chongqing.

The level of this character cannot be low, and he must be someone the spy is interested in.

Immediately he had the right man.

Chu Lingyun, the military commander, had captured so many Japanese spies, and the Japanese agents hated him. If there was any information about him, the Japanese spies would definitely report it.

Moreover, it is easy to impersonate Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun is a young man, so just find a young man to cover his face.

The Central Command, like the Military Command, has many agents. They don't even need to pretend to be, so people can see their identities.

The plan was laid out, and at noon the next day, a passenger ship slowly arrived at the port.

Many secret agents in plainclothes and the police cleared the pier to prevent people from approaching, waiting for people on the boat to disembark.

You can tell from this posture that someone big is coming.

Sure enough, Yang Daliang was attracted and took the initiative to come over and watch the excitement.

"Stay away, don't come close. Anyone who dares to come in will be killed without mercy."

Several agents held pistols and threatened people around them. A man stood nearby and asked directly: "Boss, where are you from? Who are you picking up?"

"Why ask so many questions?"

The agent glared, and the person asking the question shrank his neck.

"Everyone, cheer up and act like a military commander. Deputy Director Chu will get off the ship immediately. Don't let the Japanese take advantage of us. The Japanese hate our Deputy Director Chu the most."

An agent leader came over and warned the surrounding agents. Several agents said yes again and again, looking at the people around them more vigilantly.

They speak normally and can be heard by everyone around them.

Hearing their conversation, Yang Daliang's heart moved and he quietly retreated.

Yang Yihong, who had been keeping an eye on him, knew that the fish had taken the bait when he saw him closing up his stall and going home.

Military commander, New Year greetings are in the office.

"Lao He, Ling Yun is back?"

Xu Yi walked in from outside and asked, "He is the director of the intelligence department. The intelligence department has many informants outside."

He just received news that someone from the military command went to the dock to pick someone up, and they picked up Deputy Director Chu.

There are only a few people in the entire military command with the surname Chu, and since he is the deputy director, it must be Chu Lingyun.

"No, who did you listen to?"

He Nian looked up blankly. If Chu Lingyun came back, he would definitely greet him. There was no way he wouldn't know.


Xu Yi frowned: "The informant on the dock said that many people went to pick up Chu Lingyun today, but he didn't come back?"

"I didn't send anyone. Could it be that Ling Yun came back secretly? That's not right. How could there be so many people to pick him up if he came back secretly?"

He Nian frowned, he was very confused at this time.

"I'll ask again."

Xu Yi didn't even sit down, he just came to ask for New Year greetings and if Chu Lingyun was back.

If he really comes back, can we work on the case together? The Intelligence Department has not cracked down recently. After being upgraded for so long, Xu Yi is a little worried about the lack of effective results.

"Ling Yun is back? Who said that?"

Xu Yi came to Boss Dai's office, and Boss Dai was even more confused. Xu Yi was really stunned now. He Nian didn't know, and Boss Dai didn't know either. Could it be that the people on the dock had deceived him?

Do they have the guts?

"I'll go find out."

Xu Yi left in a hurry and soon found out that someone did go to the pier to pick someone up today. There were many people at the scene at that time, and the formation was huge.

Some people also heard that they were talking about the person who took over the deputy director Chu, and admitted that he was the military commander.

However, no one from the military command went out at all, and Chu Lingyun did not come back. Xu Yi immediately understood that someone was impersonating them.

This is not bad, they are the intelligence department, who is so bold to impersonate them, and specifically impersonate Chu Lingyun?

"Check, go and find out for me right away who took the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard and pretended to be us."

Xu Yi was furious in the office. He sent several section chiefs from the Intelligence Department to investigate. The entire Intelligence Department was dispatched and the truth was quickly found out.

The people pretending to be them turned out to be people from Zhongtong.

What is Zhongtong doing? Why impersonate them?

At this time, Bao Shengqun was at the surveillance point, which was a new surveillance point.

After Yang Daliang found out that 'Chu Lingyun' was back, he went to deliver the information, and his death mailbox was found.

Bao Shengqun is now staring at the dead mailbox, waiting for the person to pick up the letter.

The signal made by Yang Daliang was also discovered by them. Bao Shengqun went to the surveillance point in person to wait. Since there was a signal notification, the information in the dead mailbox would definitely be collected by tomorrow at the latest.

It was a coincidence that this dead mailbox was placed under a street lamp.

Chongqing is a mountain city. There is a mezzanine under this street lamp, which is covered with bricks. There is nothing abnormal on the outside, as long as it is waterproof.

Moreover, the location of the street lamp is very good. It is at the entrance of the stairs. After walking up, many people like to rest against the wall of the street lamp.

Leaning like this, you can take away the information with your hands behind your back.

Takeaki Ebe was walking up this long staircase. When he reached the top, he was panting and leaning against the wall.

In the distance, people with binoculars at the surveillance point immediately noticed him.

His hand was on his back and he left after a while. After he left, someone immediately came forward to check and found that the information in the dead mailbox had indeed been taken away.

"Director, we have found the person, and the brothers from the third team are following him."

The men came down to report to Bao Shengqun, who smiled: "Great, tell brothers, be careful when following people. It's better to lose him than to wake him up. With his photo, we will definitely be able to find him. Don't worry now."

Everyone who passes by takes photos, not to mention those who stop by.

This time, none of them can escape.

Back in the office, his subordinates immediately came over to report: "Director, Director Xu from the military command just called you and asked you to call him back."

"Xu Yi?"

Bao Shengqun was a little surprised as to why Xu Yi was looking for him, and he immediately figured out what was going on.

They pretended to be military commanders, and the noise was so big that they couldn't hide it.

It seems that Xu Yi is here to investigate.

"Director Xu, what do you want from me?"

Bao Shengqun called Xu Yi back and asked with a smile.

"What's going on? What are you doing? Why are you pretending to be us? Are you pretending to pick up Chu Lingyun?"

"No, when did we pretend to be you?"

Bao Shengqun deliberately pretended to be stupid. How could he admit such a thing, not to mention that the military commander would not have any evidence.

There are witnesses, but how many of them dare to help them identify themselves?

These people don't dare to offend the military commander, so do they dare to offend their central commander?

There is no recording. Even if someone is forced to do this, they can be said to be a deliberate threat from the military commander, who will not admit it anyway.

"Just yesterday, what were you doing on the dock?" Xu Yi asked.

"Yesterday, the dock? Chief Xu, please wait, I'll ask you clearly."

Bao Shengqun hung up the phone and turned to do other things. Poor Xu Yi kept waiting for his reply until he got off work and no call came.

An angry Xu Yi called Bao Shengqun again.

"Director Xu, look at my head. I forgot about it when I was busy. I asked clearly. Yesterday, we did have someone go to the dock to pick up someone. We picked up Deputy Director Zhu from the Inspectorate. Maybe your person heard it wrong. .”

The deputy director of the Zhongtong Inspection Office was indeed named Zhu, and Xu Yi knew it.

However, Bao Shengqun's answer did not satisfy Xu Yi. It was obvious that he was lying. There must be something fishy about what they did. Xu Yi didn't guess it yet, but he would not give up the investigation.

"Director, the person who took the information is named Jiang Han. He also came to Chongqing within half a year. His current job is as an accountant and works at Dekang Business Center."

Yang Yihong came to report to Bao Shengqun that they had successfully targeted the person. Although the target had made anti-tracking actions, they were well prepared and there were more than a dozen people being followed.

Crossing back and forth, he was not lost in the end, and the identity of this person was found out.

"Send a wireless surveillance vehicle over to see if he sent any reports today."

Bao Shengqun ordered that since this person had obtained the information, it was most likely Yang Daliang's contact. Normally, after the spy's intelligence agent dropped the information, the team leader would collect it and then send it back.

If it is detected that he is sending a message, it means that his status is not low and he has a radio station.

Next, you can arrest him, catch him, pry open his mouth, and ask him for all his connections, or you can continue to stare at him and find other connections.


Yang Yihong was very happy. He had made a meritorious service last time. This time he found a Japanese spy and was able to make a meritorious service again.

The Intelligence Division currently does not have a deputy director. He and the other two section chiefs are all thinking about the position of deputy director. If he makes a great contribution this time, he can throw the other two far away. The position of deputy director will next be It must be his.

However, Yang Yihong did not detect any radio signals that night.

"No report sent?"

"Continue to keep an eye on him, and investigate every place he goes and everyone he comes into contact with."

Jiang Han did not send the report, which was a bit unexpected by Bao Shengqun. They should send out this information as soon as possible. Did Jiang Han not have a radio station, or did he deliberately not send it out?

Bao Shengqun was not in a hurry. The other party did not send a report, so his specific identity could not be confirmed. Wait and see, the fish had already focused on him and could not escape him.

Military commander Xu Yi sent a large number of people and quickly discovered some abnormalities.

"Is the Zhongtong investigating people?"

According to reports from his subordinates, people from Zhongtong have been very active recently. They secretly investigated many people, using a similar method to the previous New Year greetings with Chu Lingyun.

Look into their resume and look into their past.

"Quickly, send more people, find their surveillance point or the person they are watching, and make sure you find out who they are watching."

Xu Yi was not stupid and realized immediately that Zhongtong might have really found someone.

Those who are traced in this way must be Japanese spies.

Red Party members are Chinese. As long as no one knows that they have joined the Red Party, there is no need to lie about their past lives.

Only spies, because they are Japanese, need to fake their past experiences.

Zhongtong suddenly impersonated them, and Xu Yi probably understood what Bao Shengqun was doing.

He did it deliberately for the spies to see. The spies must be interested in Chu Lingyun. This was to give them false information and ask them to report it.

If this is the case, then the Central Government must have found the spy and targeted the person.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi was a little excited. If the Zhongtong found the person, he would find the person through the Zhongtong and attack first, and the spy would fall into his hands.

Not only did Boss Dai not scold him for taking credit from Zhongtong, he would instead praise him.

"Director, Jiang Han has sent a report."

Yang Yihong came back to report in the morning. Jiang Han went out early this morning. He did not go directly to work. Instead, he went inside when passing by a private house and came out fifteen minutes later.

Yang Yihong took the monitoring vehicle and immediately detected the radio signal.

Before Jiang Han came out, the radio signal disappeared. It was obvious that his radio station was not at his residence, but here.

"Check to see if anyone lives where he went, and prepare to close the net."

Bao Shengqun suddenly stood up and Jiang Han sent a report. He had a radio station.

After his identity was confirmed, Bao Shengqun was unwilling to wait any longer. Xu Yi was an old fox. After discovering that they were impersonating, it was difficult to guarantee that he would not find out the truth.

The military commander was not on the same page as them. If he knew that he was targeting Japanese spies, he would definitely take action first.

It is impossible to give his flesh to others.

He will let go of the red party members and will not do meritorious service for Mr. Xu, but he will definitely catch the Japanese spies and avenge his son.

This is not a contradiction.


Yang Yihong accepted the order excitedly. Just close the net and you will get the credit.

Soon, he found out that there was a person living in the house named Jiang Yiling, who came to Chongqing around the same time as Jiang Han. The two knew each other personally and were from the same village.

There must be something wrong with Jiang Yiling, another spy.

Bao Shengqun personally led the team to the place where Jiang Han worked. The company was not small, and the boss was from Nanjing. The company was originally located in Nanjing, but later moved to Chongqing.

This boss is a native Chinese, but there is no guarantee that he has not been bribed by the Japanese.

Bao Shengqun was not in a hurry. He asked people to keep an eye on the boss and patiently waited for Jiang Han to get off work.

In the evening, Jiang Han came out of the company and walked home. At the intersections where he went home, Bao Shengqun deployed all his personnel. When he just passed by, several agents immediately took action and subdued him instantly.

At the same time, Yang Daliang and Jiang Yiling took action at the same time, and all three spies were arrested.

In Jiang Yiling's residence, a radio station and code book were found, as well as grenades and several long and short guns, which further confirmed their Japanese identities.

All three were taken back and interrogated separately.

"Sheng Qun, have you caught another spy?"

As soon as Bao Shengqun sat down, Old Ghost Xu hurried in from outside. Looking at Jiang Han who was hung up, he asked in surprise.

"Secretary, we just captured three of them. We seized the radio station, the code book, and a batch of weapons. This is the most important thing. We are about to interrogate him."

Bao Shengqun stood up and heard that the radio station and code book had been seized. Old Ghost Xu smiled from ear to ear.

It was right to promote Bao Shengqun. I gave him a surprise before and found the red party and the Japanese spy. If Zhao Zaili, a bastard, hadn't betrayed the information, the red party would have caught them.

However, he was satisfied with catching five Japanese spies that time and breaking up the entire Japanese spy team, which earned him praise from the old man.

This time there were three again, and Bao Shengqun did a good job.

"Okay, you take your time with the trial, and I will ask for credit for you after the case is concluded."

Old ghost Xu did not participate in the interrogation. This time it was Bao Shengqun's credit. If he had participated, he would be suspected of taking credit.

He didn't need it, not to mention that after being reported, he was equally meritorious. Bao Shengqun was not only his confidant, but also his relative. Bao Shengqun did well and his face was bright.


As soon as Old Ghost Xu left, Bao Shengqun ordered Jiang Han to be tortured without asking.

Regardless of whether Jiang Han takes action or not, he will still suffer.

Bao Shengqun would not let them die so easily.

While the beating was going on, Bao Shengqun went to the torture room next door.

Yang Yihong was stunned when he was interrogating Jiang Yiling. Jiang Yiling was young, 23 years old, and was married according to the information. However, the man died in an accident and could not survive in his hometown, so he came to Chongqing.

Twenty-three-year-old Jiang Yiling is quite good-looking and has a nice face.

"Why not use punishment?"

When Bao Shengqun saw Jiang Yiling intact, his expression immediately dropped.

"Director, I want her to confess on her own initiative."

Yang Yihong hurriedly explained that in fact, he saw Jiang Yiling's beauty and had evil thoughts in his heart, and did not want to beat her up too badly.

"Take the initiative? Did she take the initiative?"

Bao Shengqun glared, and Yang Yihong hurriedly replied: "No."

"Then beat me and torture me."

Bao Shengqun scolded Yang Yihong and said, "Yang Yihong didn't dare to have any more evil thoughts and let him be tortured immediately."

Even if he had evil thoughts, he could wait until she confessed before implementing them. Yang Yihong's idea was indeed very dirty. He suspected that Jiang Yiling was Japanese and wanted to try something he had never tried before.

On Yang Daliang's side, the torture had already begun.

When Bao Shengqun entered, Yang Daliang was already covered in whip marks and howling miserably.

Listening to the screams of the three people outside, Bao Shengqun was very satisfied.

"Director, Jiang Yiling has been recruited."

Half an hour later, Yang Yihong came to report that Jiang Yiling was the first to confess. She could not bear the pain of the punishment and finally confessed.

She is indeed Japanese, her real name is Ebe Misa, she is Jiang Han's biological sister, Jiang Han is their team leader, her real name is Ebe Takeaki.

Her identity is a telegraph operator. She was brought into the extra-high school course by her brother, who personally trained her.

Telegraph operators are very important and require absolute trust. After Jiang Han took over the task this time, he asked his sister to help him. The superiors agreed and sent them together.

It turned out to be a spy. Bao Shengqun narrowed his eyes.

"Don't think I don't know about your bad intentions. Just do whatever you want, but be careful and don't kill anyone."

Bao Shengqun smiled and cursed at Yang Yihong. Yang Yihong was stunned for a moment, and then showed ecstasy.

"Thank you, Director."

After saying that, he couldn't wait to return to the torture room. Jiang Yiling was beaten badly, but her face was not injured.

Being covered in blood makes it even more exciting.

Jiang Yiling only knew Jiang Han's true identity, but not Jiang Han's connections. If he wanted to catch another Japanese, he had to make Jiang Han confess.

Returning to Jiang Han's torture chamber, Bao Shengqun immediately had him put on the electric chair, using the lowest setting, every ten minutes.

Jiang Han's bones were much harder than his sister's. He had to hold on for five hours, but finally couldn't hold on and confessed.

As for Yang Daliang, he only lasted half an hour longer than Jiang Yiling and later confessed.

Jiang Han's team was newly sent, with only five people in total. He only had three intelligence officers under his command, not a full staff.

Three of the five people were arrested, and he confessed the other two.

"Yang Yihong."

Bao Shengqun shouted, and Yang Yihong ran over quickly holding up his pants.

"Go arrest them immediately. If you want to survive, don't let anything happen to me."

The last time we arrested people, one of them had an accident and died in the hospital, leaving him without a toy. This time there must be no mistakes.

"Yes, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Yang Yihong was overjoyed and asked him to arrest people, which would be another achievement for him.

The director is interesting enough, thinking of himself when he has good things to do.

Yang Yihong took the people away and arrested them according to the list. He did not arrest them separately, but arrested them one by one and concentrated on the work.

He successfully brought the two people back. Bao Shengqun had no interest in interrogating them and had them tortured directly.

Everyone in the Intelligence Department knows the methods of their director. If these Japanese fall into the hands of the director, they are completely finished. Like the previous Japanese spies, they will be tortured to death after confessing.

Military commander Xu Yi stood up fiercely.

"Have they caught someone?"

The subordinates came to report that the Central Commander suddenly arrested several people. Currently, their Central Commander's spies are investigating to see if they are Japanese spies.

"Yes, it is said that three were arrested, two men and one woman, and the radio station and code book were seized."

"And the radio and the code book?"

Xu Yi's eyes widened. Since there was a radio station and a code book, he must be an agent, either a red party member or a spy.

If it is the Red Party, it has nothing to do with them.

However, the possibility of the Red Party is unlikely. He is deceiving himself on this point. He has made speculations before. What's more, the Red Party now has an official office. If it really has information, it can be reported openly through the office. There is no need for individuals. Hidden radio station.

The Red Party is very poor, radio stations are very valuable items, and they lack radio stations and will not waste them like this.


The subordinate nodded again, and Xu Yi sat down with annoyance on his face.

It was a step too late. If only he had discovered their movements earlier. If he could find the Japanese spy, he would definitely take action in advance.

This time he was overtaken by Zhongtong, and he could imagine his own consequences.

It won't be long before Boss Dai calls him over and scolds him.

Catching Japanese spies is the job of their military commander, and they did the best job before. The central commander was not even qualified to carry their shoes.

In Chongqing, they were the first to catch a Japanese spy.

But that was done by He Nian and Chu Lingyun, not him. The Intelligence Department has never produced any results. It was suppressed by the Operations Department before and now it is suppressed by the Operations Department. It would be strange if Boss Dai didn't scold him.

Next, he had a hard time.

Xu Yi's guess was correct. In the afternoon of the next day, Boss Dai called him to the office and scolded him for half an hour.

That bitch, Mr. Xu, once again cracked down on a complete spy team. After getting the confession, he immediately went to claim credit. The Central Unification Company achieved results, and the old man gave them recognition and appreciation.

The old man didn't scold Boss Dai. The military commander did a good job. He made great achievements in the Wuhan War and also captured six Japanese spies in Chongqing.

It's just that Boss Dai himself is not feeling well. He has been overtaken by Old Ghost Xu in his strongest point. Xu Yi, the intelligence director, now doesn't even have any clues. Unfortunately, he has become Boss Dai's punching bag.


Xie Ziqi and the four section chiefs came to Xu Yi's office carefully. He had heard that the section chief had just been scolded by Boss Dai.

"What do you do for food? The Zhongtong has been following the Japanese spies for so long, but there is no news at all? After coming to Chongqing for so long, the Zhongtong can find clues about the spies, but you can't. Are you not even as good as the Zhongtong bunch of trash? ?”

Sure enough, Xu Yi yelled at them when he saw them. He was scolded badly by Boss Dai, and now he vented his anger on his subordinates.

The five of them did not dare to raise their heads and allowed Xu Yi to scold them.

But they feel aggrieved because we haven't found any clues. Aren't you the same?

It's not that easy to find clues about Japanese spies. The Central Commander didn't know what kind of bad luck he had to catch a Japanese spy again.

"Check, go out and check for me. Within ten days, you must find clues to the Japanese spies. If not, don't do it. I will send you all to special training classes as teachers."

After scolding them, Xu Yi kicked them out and gave them a deadline to find the spy.

After the five people came out, their faces turned bitter.

Not to mention ten days, even thirty days, they dare not make any guarantee.

There was no clue for so long, how could it be so easy to find.

"Director Xie, the director is making things difficult for us. How can we find a spy in ten days?"

After coming out, several section chiefs complained softly that they had no confidence at all in such a short period of time.

"If you can't find it, you have to look for it. To be honest, this time it is indeed our fault. Even people from the Central Government can catch Japanese spies. However, there is no movement in our intelligence department. It really doesn't make sense."

Xie Ziqi sighed, if there were no such thing as Zhongtong, it would be fine if they couldn't find it.

With the comparison of Zhongtong, it seems that they are a bit incompetent.

"Stop complaining and find it."

A section chief sighed and said that they were all newly promoted. The previous team leader was either dead or had gone to the war situation team.

Looking at it now, it is better to form a battle situation.

Although they were lurking in Shanghai, they were following Chu Lingyun, so they didn't have to worry about not having the chance to make meritorious deeds.

Not long ago, they punished a group of traitors and once again made meritorious service.

They seem to be safe at the headquarters, but they are also under great pressure. Even if the director does not get angry this time, they will definitely be scolded over time, and the Intelligence Department cannot fail to achieve anything.

Even though the Operations Division has made so many achievements, their Intelligence Division is still the first and most important department.

"Director, Director Xu was scolded by Boss Dai just now, and several of their section chiefs were scolded by Director Xu again."

Wen Jitao came to the New Year's Office to report that the military command was so big and it was not a secret. The story of Xu Yi being scolded had now spread to all departments.

"He deserves to be scolded. Who asked him to just take money and not work."

Happy New Year. He and Xu Yi have a good relationship, but there is also a competitive relationship. He is very happy now and takes pleasure in others' misfortunes.

"It's better for us. You have made great contributions before, and Boss Dai will not blame us."

Wen Jitao flattered him, but He Nian glared fiercely: "What's so good? That's Ling Yun's credit. Is it possible that no one in our operations department can do anything except Ling Yun? Take someone out immediately and let me check carefully. , the Intelligence Department is looking for Japanese spies, we can’t be idle, we must find the Japanese spies earlier than they do.”

Wen Jitao's eyes widened. Unexpectedly, the flattery slapped the horse's leg, making the director angry.

"Yes, Director, I'll go check it out right away."

Wen Jitao left in despair. The other three departments of the Operations Department received the same order, asking them to go out to investigate and must find clues to the Japanese spies.

There are definitely still Japanese spies in Chongqing. We cannot let these spies roam free and we must find them all.

Even without Chu Lingyun, the operations department is still stronger than the intelligence department.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun didn't know anything about Chongqing. He had many things to do here, including the war situation team, Shiyuan Trading Company, and literary society.

After the selection by the literary agency, Chu Lingyun selected three people.

Three of them, two majors and one lieutenant, one went to Nanjing, one to Anqing, and the other to Wuhan.

The Jiujiang side is not needed for the time being. His goods do not go through Jiujiang and there is no need to arrange so many people at one time.

The three of them were all overjoyed to get new positions. Their positions were all the same, and they were in charge of the water patrol brigade.

Chu Lingyun handed over all the transfers of these people to Abe for operation.

Working with three people at a time, Abe smiled from ear to ear. Look, this was the value of his two telegrams.

It didn't cost him a penny to send the telegram, and he gained a lot of rewards.

The water patrol brigade is a weak job. It will definitely cost a lot of money to run such a job, especially in Nanjing. Whether Kurosawa can agree is unknown.

These three people can bring him a considerable income.

Abe was very active. He put the operations first, and Anqing was the easiest. Although it was important, there were not many troops stationed there. The size of the water patrol brigade was not comparable to that of Nanjing and Shanghai, and the brigade leader had the rank of major.

Now that Abe is the deputy head of the Liaison Department, others have to give him face, not to mention that he has to spend money.

There is an advantage when Abe Gang operates.

He will not waste money that he can afford to spend. Although his commission is calculated based on the money spent, he will not let customers spend more money in order to make more money for himself.

This is his credibility, and he cares about it.

Wuhan is an important town, and the captain is the lieutenant commander. Operations are a little more difficult, but only just that difficult.

Abe personally came forward to arrange the relationship, and it didn’t take long for Wuhan to take over.

The hardest part was Nanjing, and Kurosawa really didn’t agree.

This is not a problem that can be solved with money, it is about Kurosawa's face.

At that time, Kurosawa conducted a detailed investigation of Ishihara Trading Company, and the results exceeded his expectations.

Ishihara Hiroshi was young, but very capable. He set up a literary club and gathered a large group of young officers. Takemoto, the intelligence chief of the Military Police Headquarters who arrested Hiden that day, was from the literary club.

He came specifically to handle this matter for Ishihara Hiroshi.

In addition, Ishihara Hiroshi has a very good relationship with Hosokawa Tomataka and General Matsumoto. These are not the key. The most important thing is that he is the new disciple of Tomitsu Otojiro.

With this relationship alone, he was helpless towards Ishihara Hiroshi.

As for General Kawabe, what he found out from General Yamada was that Hiroshi Ishihara asked Abe for help and helped Kawabe be promoted to lieutenant general.

No wonder Hebian came forward in person, it was a return of favor.

The guarantee is 8,000 words. This chapter is not an extra update, but will be updated tomorrow.

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