Spy Shadow

Chapter 594 Something happened to a comrade

Lao Yu never said a word, not even a scream.

"Use the electric chair."

Li Zhiqun was in a irritable mood. It was not that he had never encountered a tough guy before, but this was the first time that he was as scary as Lao Yu. After the conventional punishment was ineffective, he knew that there was almost no possibility of getting Lao Yu to speak.

The final hope is all placed on the electric chair.


The men responded, and several people carried Lao Yu to the electric chair, starting with the smallest current.

The strong stimulation made Lao Yu's body tremble continuously. Just like before, he still did not speak or scream. However, due to the severe pain and stimulation of the electric current, he could not keep staring at Li Zhiqun.

"Increase the current."

Li Zhiqun ordered again that Lao Yu had no children and no one around him threatened him.

As for friends, they are all reticent.

Children in orphanages are an option, but the French will not sit idly by and catch those children. Once exposed, the French will never give up and will make everyone scream for beatings.

"More big."

Seeing that Lao Yu remained silent, Li Zhiqun ordered. Suddenly, the darkness in front of Lao Yu turned into light.

He saw figures one by one and looked carefully, finding that they were all his sacrificed comrades.

These companions walked towards him together. Lao Yu smiled, walked over on his own initiative, and followed them into the distance.

He saw more people, and saw them living happily and living a good life.

Seeing that everyone has enough to eat, they no longer have to worry about food.

Seeing the bright smiles on the children's faces as each child has the opportunity to read.

Most importantly, he saw the great Red Party flag flying everywhere in the world.

"Director, the person is dead."

The men suddenly stopped the electric chair, checked carefully and reported to Li Zhiqun.

Lao Yu's performance also shocked them.

Not a word was spoken, not a scream was made, as if there was no pain, and they were allowed to be tortured until death.

"Pry his mouth open."

Li Zhiqun suddenly thought of something, and his men did not dare to disobey the order, so they stepped forward and pried open Lao Yu's mouth.

Pieces of tiny red and white pieces flowed out of Lao Yu's mouth.

Everyone was astonished. It wasn't that Lao Yu couldn't feel pain, but that he endured it and actually bit all the teeth in his mouth to pieces.

How much perseverance does this require?

Can people really do it?

Everyone present was moved.

Even the enemy has great admiration for such people, especially those who surrendered, and they understand how unbearable the punishment is.

"Director, why don't you bury him?"

One of his men asked, and Li Zhiqun suddenly yelled: "Why bury him? Throw them in a mass grave."

He hates such people and hates why the Red Party has so many people with such hard bones. Some people are not afraid of death, but they absolutely cannot bear such a punishment.

These people are more terrifying than those who are not afraid of death.

Several people lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. Even Wu Sanbao was shocked at this moment. He was not an agent and had never thought that someone could endure such a punishment until death.

Li Zhiqun rolled up his sleeves and went out. Death was not his original intention. He had never met someone so tough-talking as Lao Yu. This was a real tough-tongued person. Apart from uncontrollable sounds, he never said anything else.

Such people are terrible. Fortunately, not all Red Party members are like this.

Otherwise, no one can defeat them.

"Miss Nayun, this red gangster was too tough-mouthed, so I accidentally beat him to death."

Li Zhiqun lowered his head and admitted his mistake to Nanyun Noriko.

"Is the person dead?" Nagumo Noriko did not participate in the interrogation and frowned.

Her teacher is coming soon. Now that the person is dead, how can she explain to the teacher?

"It's my fault." Li Zhiqun didn't dare to look up.

She had heard of the red party's harsh words, but she did not participate in the interrogation and did not know that Lao Yu was more terrifying than the others.

"Forget it, continue to keep an eye on Balst and Zhu Xinggong, hoping to gain something from them."

The person is dead, so blaming is useless. There are still people on Li Zhiqun's side who can be targeted, but he doesn't know when he will be able to find useful clues.

"Yes." Li Zhiqun hurriedly accepted the order.

At Ishihara Trading Company, Fang Shiyi was busy. After what happened last time, Ishihara Heng obviously trusted him more and handed over all the handling of simple goods to him.

He has now determined that Ishihara Trading Company is doing business with the Chinese and doing smuggling business.

Hiroshi Ishihara is indeed very courageous. In addition to arms, he dares to sell all kinds of contraband, including gasoline, grain, medicine, seeds, cotton cloth, and even some equipment.

These things can alleviate the dilemma of lack of supplies in Guotong District and help them better fight the war.

After Fang Shiyi reported these, Ke Gong instructed him to do his best to help Ishihara Hiroshi do all this, which would not only help him gain more trust from Ishihara Hiroshi, but also do things for the people of the country.

"Secretary Fang, the goods have arrived at the dock."

Ishihara Hiroshi is not here, and the general manager is mainly responsible for the business on the surface, while Alchemy Yi is responsible for all these secret goods.

Many people know that the boss trusts the secretary the most, not the general manager.

In the trading house, no one dared to offend Fang Shiyi.

"I know, I'll go pick up the goods."

Fang Shiyi stood up and said that this batch of goods was provided to Changsha and he wanted to handle it personally.

When he arrived at the dock, Fang Shiyi found many people waiting. Among these people, he saw two big spies, Mitsui and Nanyun.

The two agents also noticed him. Mitsui and Nanyun did not stand together. Mitsui led Jiang Tengkong and Ishida to stand nearby, while Nanyun led Li Zhiqun slightly further away.

They all met Fang Shiyi and knew that Fang Shiyi was Ishihara Hiroshi's secretary.

Mitsui and Nanyun moved at the same time. Seeing each other move, they both unnaturally quickened their pace.

After all, Mitsui is a man and is one step ahead of Nagumo.

Nan Yun snorted coldly, stopped temporarily, and continued to wait there.

"Secretary Fang."

Mitsui took the initiative to say hello. He had also heard about Nanjing. Ishihara Hiroshi's energy was so great that even Major General Kurosawa was suppressed by him.

In addition, he saw Ishihara Hiroshi being received by important people such as the river, and he did not dare to have any contempt for Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Section Chief Mitsui."

Fang Shiyi responded politely, but he was thinking quickly in his mind. These two spies appeared at the dock at the same time. What were they doing?

"What are you doing?"

Facing Fang Shiyi, Mitsui had a very good attitude. Esakiga specially inquired about the details of Ishihara Hiroshi, but what he could find out was limited, and many situations were unclear.

But even what he learned later made him very shocked. Youzhai Literary Society had developed so fast, and there were many senior officials like him in it.

And there are many powerful figures such as commanders and chiefs of staff.

"I'll pick up the goods, where are you?" Fang Shiyi hurriedly replied.

"I'll pick you up."

Mitsui smiled, said a few polite words and left without saying who he was picking up.

However, if he could wait at the dock, the level of the person coming would not be too low. Before Fang Shiyi could figure out who it was, Nanyun Noriko came over with Li Zhiqun.

"Secretary Fang."

Noriko Nagumo once wanted to deal with Ishihara Hiroshi, but her teacher stopped her. Later, she sacrificed her face and borrowed 30,000 yen from Ishihara Hiroshi, which solved her urgent need.

Nanyun no longer resents Ishihara Hiroshi. Apart from the teacher's instructions, Ishihara Hiroshi is not a master who can be manipulated at will. She no longer has the heart to deal with Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Miss Nagumo."

Fang Shiyi responded from the ground, Mitsui was there, and Nanyun was also there. Since he was here to pick up someone and he was a big shot, Fang Shiyi had already thought of who it was.

It seems that Wang Chuanhai is really coming to Shanghai, and the Japanese chief spy has arrived in advance.

"How are you, Ishihara-kun?" Nayun asked proactively.

"The boss is very nice."

Fang Shiyi immediately replied without saying anything else. In terms of his status, it was not suitable to talk too much to these people. Talking too much would easily arouse Ishihara Hiroshi's disgust and be detrimental to his potential.

After studying, Alchemist Yi grew up a lot more than before.

"That's good."

Noriko Nagumo didn't say much. She was indeed here to pick up her teacher today, and Keiji Tsuchhara came to Shanghai in advance.

Fang Shiyi went to pick up the goods, and when he was unloading them, he saw Mitsui and Nanyun coming forward together. One person stepped off the ship, followed by many people.

Fang Shiyi didn't dare to look more. He couldn't pay attention to the spy. If you pay attention to him, he will pay more attention to you.

Once he is targeted by agents, it will be an absolute disaster for him.

"Who's that over there?"

Tsuchhara Keiji suddenly stopped and looked at Fang Shiyi. Mitsui immediately answered: "They are people from Ishihara Trading Company. They are here to pick up the goods."

Nanyun was angry, but he was beaten by Mitsui, but there was nothing he could do.

Mitsui was a little proud. Fortunately, he had asked just now, otherwise he would not have known how to answer.

"Ishihara Trading Company?"

Tsuchihara Keiji looked again and saw that Ishihara Hiroshi was not there. He did not go over and followed Mitsui into the car. Nayun could only let Li Zhiqun drive and follow behind.

From the war situation team, Chu Lingyun has received the news.

Loach deployed manpower in many important places. The arrival of Keiji Tuhara was so grand that they had already noticed it. Mitsui and Nanyun came to pick them up at the same time. Chu Lingyun immediately knew who was coming.

"Tuyuan is here, Wang Chuhai is probably close, keep an eye on him."

Chu Lingyun ordered that when the spy leader Keiji Tuhara arrived in Shanghai, he must have something to do with Wang Chuhai, and I am afraid there will be more Japanese coming next.

In addition to the Japanese, there are also some important traitors who will come to Shanghai.

It is the task and responsibility of their combat team to find out the identity and situation of all important people in Shanghai.

"Yes, not many people can be sure at the moment, and we can't be sure when Wang Reichai will arrive."

Ni Loach was a little frustrated. After investigating for so long, what he wanted to know most was the specific time and method of Wang Chuhai's arrival in Shanghai.

If they could know in advance and make arrangements, such as planting explosives, etc., to blow up Wang Kehai in one fell swoop, their combat team would have made an unparalleled contribution.

This credit was even enough to separate them from the operations department and promote the team leader to the level of director.

"Don't be anxious about this. Remember, safety is the most important, followed by intelligence. You must ensure your own safety first."

Chu Lingyun shook his head and said, don't be impatient in intelligence work. Being impatient is the most likely to cause trouble. This is a taboo and a lesson learned through blood.

"Team leader, Chen Shu will arrive in Shanghai today."

Ni Loach suddenly said that Wang Qianhai was coming to Shanghai, and Chen Shu, the person responsible for sanctioning him, had to come in advance.

The Shanghai District received an order to pick up Chen Shu today and place them properly.

Chen Shu doesn't have many people in his hands. If he wants to succeed in Shanghai, he must have help from the Shanghai District.

"How did you know about Shanghai District so quickly?"

Chu Lingyun looked at Ni Loach, who chuckled: "I have a contact channel with Shanghai District, Liang Yu told me."

Liang Yu is the head of the Intelligence Section of Shanghai District and Wang Yuemin's most trusted person. He knows a lot of things.

"Reduce contact with them. Chen Shu is here to perform a mission. I warn you that no one is allowed to attack Chen Shu."

Chu Lingyun scolded, he knew Ni Loach's little thoughts, Ni Loach was not an open-minded person.

They have a grudge against Chen Shu, and Chen Shu wants to attack him again. Ni Loach definitely wants revenge.

Now is not the time for revenge. Whoever deals with Chen Shu at this time is equivalent to dealing with Boss Dai, and his task is very important. No matter whether it can be completed or not, it must be done.

"Yes, I understand, I won't deal with him."

Loach hurriedly replied. Chu Lingyun waved his hand and asked him to go out. Shiyuan Trading Company still had something to do. The latest batch of goods had to be shipped out as soon as possible. There would be many big shots coming to Shanghai next, so he had to keep a low profile.

"Boss, the goods have arrived. There is enough for one batch to be transported. When will we transport them?"

As soon as Chu Lingyun arrived, Fang Shiyi came over to report that eight ships of goods were all needed there.

Nowadays, whether in Changsha, Chongqing, or Yanzhou, they all rely on the goods of Shiyuan Trading Company. Once the goods of Shiyuan Trading Company are cut off, it will be even more difficult for them.

"Leave now, the sooner the better."

Chu Lingyun nodded and said, Fang Shiyi was responsible for guarding the goods. After receiving the order, he set off immediately without delay. The ship was already ready, loaded overnight, and set off tomorrow morning.

Nothing will happen on the road. Now the road is full of Ishihara Hiroshi's people.

Everywhere they go, let alone checking, there are no people even boarding the ship. If the alchemist stops, they have to serve him with delicious food and drinks.


Takemoto came to Ishihara Trading Company. He has been very busy recently. Wang Chuanhai is coming. He has a heavy responsibility and must not let anything happen to Wang Chuanhai in Shanghai.

Including General Matsumoto also made a lot of arrangements.

However, as soon as Ishihara Toru called, he rushed over immediately. The real master behind him was not General Matsumoto, but Ishihara Toru.

Without Ishihara Hiroshi, he is nothing, and General Matsumoto will not look at him differently. He knows this very well.

"Takemoto-kun, there have been a lot of people coming to Shanghai recently. Please tell all the members to keep a low profile and avoid getting into trouble. If they ruin the empire's affairs due to their own mistakes, I will not spare him."

Ishihara Hiroshi ordered that members of the literary club were everywhere. If Chen Shu wanted to take action, these people would most likely become resistance.

Warning them would save Chen Shu some trouble.

"Yes, don't worry, I will give instructions to everyone."

Takemoto understood that Wang Chuanhai was coming, and the people from Guojun would not let him live well. In addition, with the people who came to negotiate with Wang Chuanhai, Shanghai was indeed in troubled times recently.

If someone commits a crime at this time, the people above will definitely punish him severely.

Ishihara-kun has always had an empire in his heart, which makes Takemoto admire him very much. No wonder Ishihara Hiroshi can do so much. It is difficult for people like him not to succeed.

"Very good, how is Inoue doing now?"

Chu Lingyun asked, while Takemoto was stunned. He and Inoue had not been in contact for a long time, and Ishihara Hiroshi suddenly asked without thinking.

"I'm not sure. I should be graduating soon."

Takemoto lowered his head. He knew Ishihara Hiroshi because the kid Inoue set them up. As a result, he ignored Inoue for so long.

"Calculating that time is almost up, let him work under you after graduation. With someone watching, he will avoid detours. After he is promoted, send him back to China to study."

Chu Lingyun said that Master Inoue's rank was not high and he would only be a second lieutenant after graduation.

However, it was all thanks to Inoue that he could get to know Ikegami, Takemoto and Mizuki. This kid was a lucky star. Now that he was about to graduate, he had to help him.

"Yes, don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Takemoto was a little touched. He didn't expect that today's Ishihara Hiroshi would still remember that little person Inoue. This shows that Ishihara Hiroshi is very affectionate.

Inoue can't give Ishihara Hiroshi any help because his level is too low.

But Ishihara Hiroshi took the initiative to ask him and helped him make arrangements. In the future, if Inoue followed him, it would not be a detour, but a straight path.

His promotion must be much faster than his own.

Inoue is a blessed man.

"Go ahead."

Chu Lingyun waved his hand, Takemoto said goodbye and left. When he returned to the office, he immediately asked about Inoue.

Although Inoue went to study, his connections were with the Military Police Headquarters.

Inoue's studies are about to end, and he will graduate in a few days, and then be assigned. Now Inoue does not have to rush back to China to continue his further training as an officer. He can first make some military exploits and rise in rank.

If he can be promoted to captain and then return to China, he will be promoted to major immediately after graduation.

As a result, Inoue's promotion rate is much faster than any of them.

Takemoto drove to the Japanese Army School in Shanghai and quickly found out where Inoue was.

"Master Takemoto, you are here."

Inoue was very happy to see Takemoto. He was under Takemoto before, but unfortunately, Takemoto never asked about him in the one year since he came to school.

Not even a phone call or a letter.

Neither did Ikegami, and no one cared about him after Teacher Shuicheng left. He seemed like a forgotten child, which made him very sad.

"I heard that you are doing very well academically and you are third in the class."

Takemoto said with a smile, and Inoue scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "I always remember your adults' instructions and study hard in school."

"You're doing well. Ishihara-kun has told you that after you graduate, you will be transferred to the Intelligence Division of the Military Police. When you work under me, I will help you make meritorious service and be promoted as soon as possible."

Since Toru Ishihara remembers Inoue, he and Inoue must have established a relationship in advance.

If Ishihara Hiroshi hadn't mentioned it, he would have completely forgotten about Inoue, but he would definitely not say these words to Inoue.

"Thank you, sir."

Inoue was overjoyed and immediately bowed. As graduation approached, many classmates were discussing their future options.

Most of them are warrant officers, and they come here for further training in order to become officers in the future. However, there are pros and cons after becoming officers, depending on where their previous troops were.

It also depends on whether the previous troops want them.

If they don't want to, or the troops are broken up, they will have to find a way out again, and the school will make unified arrangements.

Going to a new place is definitely not as good as the old one. Inoue was also worried. He was in the military police before, which was a good department, but it was much more difficult to make meritorious service in the military police than on the front line.

If you want to be promoted, it's best to go to the front line, but the front line is too dangerous.

The previous entire annihilation of the 106th Division made these people understand that fighting the Chinese is not very safe, and they can also lose their lives if they are not careful.

The military police were safe, but there were few opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Inoue was very troubled. Now that Takemoto came, all his worries were gone.

With Takemoto's support, his meritorious service will definitely be no worse than those in the military. For him, this is the best result.

"Ishihara-kun still remembers you. After graduation, I will go to Ishihara-kun to say thank you."

Takemoto ordered again, and Inoue hurriedly agreed.

In the special high school class, Tsuchhara Keiji sat at the head, next to him was Mitsui, and on the other side was Nagumo.

Jiang Teng and Ishida sat next to Mitsui. Li Zhiqun was not qualified to come in. They were all Japanese and could only wait outside.

"Chief Section Chief, although we didn't arrest many people, we caught three. Moreover, I asked Ito to instigate many Youth Gang disciples who were willing to work for us. Their identities have not been disclosed and they are our secret pawns. They can play a role Bigger.”

Mitsui reported on the recent work of the Shanghai Special High School. Fortunately, three of them were arrested, otherwise he really didn't know how to report.

"Well done. The Qinggang disciples can dig more. They may be able to bring us unexpected surprises."

Tsuchhara Keiji nodded and Mitsui's heart dropped. He was really afraid that the chief section chief would blame him for what he had done before.

Since the chief section chief didn't mention it, there will be no more punishment.

"We instigated the rebellion of Hangzhou Zhongtong people. Now the total number of people in the Detective Division is close to 400, which is very powerful. We just arrested a red party a few days ago, but the red party had a tough mouth. We failed during the torture. We beat him to death, but we have already kept an eye on everyone he came into contact with."

"In addition, Li Zhiqun also recruited more than 20 Youth Gang disciples. They have now joined the Detective Division and are working for us."

Nanyun's report was a little inferior. He caught the person, but he still hadn't confessed, and he died.

Fortunately, Ding Mola and Li Zhiqun brought people here, so she would not have nothing to report.


Civilian Keiji didn't know about this. It was a good thing to catch the red party, who was also a serious concern for them.

But after death, it has no value.

"It's my fault. This red man's mouth is too tough. It is said that he didn't say a word during the torture. He would rather break all his teeth than let himself scream."

Nanyun asked about the torture process and found that Li Zhiqun did nothing wrong.

It's really rare to see someone with such a tough mouth.

"The Red Party is very dangerous. Even if we can defeat the Fruit Party, these Red Party may still cause us great harm. If you die, you will die. Investigate quickly and try to catch more Red Party."

Tsuchhara Keiji said, and Nayun nodded immediately: "Chief section chief, don't worry, I will definitely investigate and catch more red party members."

Mitsui sneered inwardly. He didn't expect that the Detective Department would catch the red party.

Fortunately, this red party member was very tough and did not allow them to expand their harvest.

It's nothing to recruit people from the Detective Division. If he wants, he can recruit many people. Besides, there are also Youth Gang disciples working for them.

This time, he finally suppressed the Detective Department.

In the evening, two pieces of information were placed on Chu Lingyun's desk. Keiji Tuhara did come, but he didn't say the purpose of coming. Rose and Catfish all concluded that he came for Wang Chuhai.

At this time, neither the Shanghai Special Higher Education School nor the Detective Division had any major issues.

But both of them reported one thing. The Detective Division caught a red gangster who had a tough mouth and was tortured to death. At the same time, they kept an eye on the people around the red gangster.

"Team leader, Keiji Tuhara must be here for Wang Chuanhai. As long as Rose and the others keep an eye on Tuyuan, we can find where Wang Chuanhai is."

Ni Loach didn't care about the Red Party's affairs in the intelligence, as long as he wasn't one of their people, as for the others, he didn't care whether it was the Central Government or the Red Party.

Besides, the person is already dead, and the Detective Office has not expanded the results.

"That's right, go ahead and do the work."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, but felt a little sad in his heart. He didn't know who was arrested, but after being arrested, he was beaten to death by people from the Detective Division, which showed that he had a strong reputation.

Not only that, Chu Lingyun knew the interrogation process very well.

If there was even the slightest hope of obtaining a confession, the person would not be beaten to death. The Detective Division directly beat the person to death, which shows that they have no possibility of obtaining information on this red party member.

He needs to report this matter, after all, the Detective Division is still keeping an eye on people.

Regardless of whether the person being targeted was a red party member or not, he had to remind them.

In the evening, Chu Lingyun sent a report to Mr. Ke. He did not convey this matter through Lao Zheng. After sending it to Mr. Ke, he could make arrangements faster.

The person being targeted was probably not a member of the Red Party, otherwise they would not have rashly arrested him and beaten him to death.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong got the latest secret message No. 11.

"A comrade was arrested and beaten to death?"

Mr. Ke looked solemn. The incident happened in Shanghai, and he needed comrades in Shanghai to verify it.

That night, the urgent information was sent to Secretary Wang.

"One of our comrades has been arrested."

Secretary Wang was shocked. The biggest fear in intelligence work is the unknown. Once a comrade is arrested, all other people will be in danger.

But don't worry this time, the arrested comrade did not betray his comrades, he has already died.

Secretary Wang blames himself very much. He didn't know that something happened to a comrade, and he didn't even know that a comrade died. He really shouldn't have known about it.

"Send a notice to each group and order them to investigate themselves immediately to find out which comrade is responsible for the accident. We must know who it is."

Secretary Wang gave Xiao Wu an order to notify each group. They could be notified without meeting. They had a way to contact them.

He will personally contact several important intelligence agents in Secretary Wang's hands.

Kunlun and Fang Shiyi are both intelligence agents directly under him, and their safety is equally important.

The next afternoon, Xiao Wu hurried into the study.

"Secretary Wang, we found out that something happened to Old Yu from the propaganda team."

"Lao Yu?"

Secretary Wang was startled. He had met Lao Yu. Lao Yu was not an intelligence officer and did not engage in intelligence work.

But his job is also very dangerous, and Secretary Wang understands why the people from the Detective Division are targeting him.

There were surrendered Red Party members in the Detective Department, including Li Zhiqun and Ding Mo. They noticed the article written by Lao Yu and thus determined Lao Yu's identity.

At the beginning, he had advised Lao Yu not to write behind enemy lines.

However, Lao Yu thought that there would be nothing wrong in the concession and he was unwilling to leave. There were many children in the concession that he cared about.

The last time I saw Lao Yu was two years ago.

He didn't expect that the last meeting would become a farewell forever.

However, Lao Yu was definitely an extremely loyal soldier to the party, and he did not surrender until his death.

"Xiao Wu, take someone secretly outside the city to see if you can find Lao Yu's bones."

After a while, Secretary Wang said slowly that most of the people in the Detective Division were ruthless and extremely greedy. They would not spend a penny more on people who were of no use to them.

It is very likely that they threw Lao Yu's body directly, most likely into a few random graves outside.

He could not sit back and watch his comrade's body being eaten by wild beasts, so he had to help Lao Yu recover his bones and bury him temporarily.

If there is a chance in the future, I will move him back to his hometown and let him return to his roots.

The person who contacted Lao Yu was Lao Dai, and he was also the one who confirmed that something happened to Lao Yu.

After being notified, he immediately went to check the situation. Lao Yu knew him, but did not know where he lived. He was safe.

It turned out that the fishmonger was not there. He did not dare to ask at the fish market. He walked around the area where the fishmonger lived and finally determined that the fishmonger and his family were missing, and they had been missing for several days.

It was a few days earlier than Lao Yu's accident.

The old man blamed himself very much. In the past, every time he sent a message, he would keep an eye on the fishmonger.

But this time he didn't keep an eye on something. If he had kept an eye on him, if something happened to the fishmonger, he would know that Lao Yu was exposed and would have the opportunity to notify him.

"Lao Dai, I am very sad about Lao Yu, but you understand that this is how we work behind enemy lines. If we are not careful, our lives may be in danger. Zhu Xinggong is in danger now, and we must find a way to remind him."

When Lao Dai came online, Guo, the head of the publicity team, said, Lao Dai sobbed slightly: "I understand. I will write an anonymous letter to Zhu Xinggong to remind him to pay attention to his safety."

"In addition to Zhu Xinggong, everyone else around Lao Yu must also remind him."

Lao Guo ordered that the other people here were all Chinese, and he did not think about foreigners. Those foreigners were not Red Party members, and the Japanese would not attack them.

"Okay, I'll inform everyone."

They didn't know how long the Detective Division had been investigating. They didn't dare to gamble and had to be fully prepared.

At Damei Times, Zhu Xinggong was busy, and his editor sent a few letters over.

As the editor-in-chief of "Nightlight", Zhu Xinggong receives various letters every day.

Most of them were submission letters. Zhu Xinggong didn't pay attention to them. After finishing his work, he opened the letters and read them one by one.

"Something happened to Lao Yu?"

Zhu Xinggong was startled when he saw the reminder from the anonymous letter. The traitor Wang Quanhai was about to come to Shanghai. At this time, something happened to Lao Yu, who had previously criticized him.

Lao Yu's article was published anonymously.

He thought about his subordinates. No one knew that it was Lao Yu's article and that it would not be betrayed by someone on his side.

Besides, only Lao Yu was in trouble. If it were one of his subordinates, more people might be in trouble.

Lao Yu was not the only one to anonymously criticize Wang Chuanhai in newspapers.

Lao Yu was killed by the Japanese for other reasons.

However, he never thought that Lao Yu was a Red Party member. The main reason was that Lao Yu usually did not interact with others and was a writer who wrote alone at home. Lao Yu never mentioned his identity or the theory of the Red Party to him.

For Lao Yu, people like Zhu Xinggong don't need to develop into one of his own. Once he becomes his own, he will be more dangerous.

Eight thousand words guaranteed, special thanks to Pipitu for the 10,000 starting coin reward, thanks to book friend 20230317194004126 for two 500 starting coin rewards, and thanks to Dark Night Star Morning and wcd163 for the 100 starting coin reward each. There are additional updates today.

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