Spy Shadow

Chapter 60 Sources of Income

Chapter 60 Sources of Income

Lao Litou is a loner, and his social connections are easy to investigate.

Loach found out this information without much effort. If he hadn't put in a lot of effort in spite of being unfamiliar, he could have obtained these results earlier.

"You continue to investigate Li Zheng, find out everything about Li Zheng, and keep an eye on Old Li."

Chu Lingyun ordered again. Ni Loach had sixteen people, more than his three teams at the time. It was just enough to conduct an investigation at the post office.

"Don't worry, team leader. Whether it's Old Li Tou or Li Zheng, I will keep a close eye on them. I will give you the results of Li Zheng's investigation this afternoon."

Ni Loach said confidently, and Chu Lingyun smiled. He had no doubts about Ni Loach. He would definitely not be able to fight a tough battle with Ni Loach, but when it came to doing these things, no one in the entire operations team could compare with him.

Old Li Tou, Li Zheng, was what he found out from the post office.

Although it was still foggy and unclear, Chu Lingyun believed that as long as he carefully peeled off the cocoon, this cuckoo would be exposed to him sooner or later.

Before four o'clock in the afternoon, Loach returned to the station.

"Li Zheng is thirty-six years old this year, twelve years younger than Lao Li Tou. He joined the post office through connections more than ten years ago. However, I learned that the relationship between the two was not good from the beginning. Three years ago, Lao Li Tou's mother After he died of illness, Li Zheng took the initiative to care for Lao Li Tou and helped him organize his funeral, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up."

Ni Loach sat next to Chu Lingyun and continued: "Li Zheng has a family, and there are quite a few of them. His parents, wife and three children are all here, and he also has a silly younger brother who has not yet married.

"Both his parents are in poor health. His father was disabled in an accident early in his life. Only he and his eldest son can earn money in the family. Life is not easy, but they have not been found to be hungry in the past few years."

"I specifically checked the job of his eldest son. He is working as an apprentice in a restaurant. He has just started working as an apprentice. His monthly salary is not high. His salary is more than six yuan per month. It is impossible to support such a big family with this little money. Reality."

"You mean, he has extra income?" Chu Lingyun raised his head.

"There must be. I'm checking how he earns his money. I'll find out soon."

Ni Loach said with certainty, if you pay six yuan in a rural area and have your own land, you will definitely have no problem eating and drinking, and you will still be wealthy. But this is a city. There are seven members of their family, two are in poor health, one is a fool, and there are children in school. This kind of money is impossible.

Not enough but never short of money, there is definitely something wrong here.

"Well done. Keep an eye on them. Maybe through these two people, we can find bigger fish."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Li Zheng had worked at the post office for more than ten years and had family members here. He could not be Japanese, but it was definitely possible that he was bribed by the Japanese.

People like him who live a hard life and have no way to get extra income are the easiest to bribe.

"I have already made arrangements to keep an eye on them 24 hours a day."

Loach grinned. It would be great if he could catch a big fish. The bigger the fish he caught, the greater his contribution would be. If his contribution far exceeded that of Shen Hanwen and Zhong Hui, it would be difficult for Chu Lingyun not to promote him in the future.

They are both direct subordinates of Chu Lingyun, but they are not without competition. Many people are eyeing the position of squadron leader after Chu Lingyun is promoted in the future.

Even the deputy leader is not impossible to fight for.

Chu Lingyun then ordered: "Check again what Li Zheng's normal monthly expenses are. You can't just rely on guesswork to judge that his salary is not enough to support the family. If it is really not enough, you need to investigate where his extra income comes from. Where it comes from, we must find out everything we can.”

"Yes, team leader, I'll do it right away. Just wait for my good news."

Ni Loach stood up immediately. Ni Loach was smooth but not lazy. When he was passionate, he worked harder than anyone else.

When Chu Lingyun first arrived at the Military Intelligence Office and others were still unconvinced with him, only Ni Loach served him tea and ran errands every day, never feeling tired.

This time Loach didn't come back until the evening and went directly to Chu Lingyun's residence to make a report.

When he went, he also brought a suitcase.

"Team leader, I asked clearly. Li Zheng's mother has lung disease, and the monthly medication cost is at least three yuan. His father's leg is disabled and cannot move, and he still needs his mother to take care of him. The couple used to rely on Li Zheng. Point out the salary.”

"There are also his three children and his wife. Based on the minimum food intake, five yuan a month is not enough at the price of food in recent years. In addition, although there are not many clothes, their family has them every year To buy new clothes and other needs, I estimate that they need at least ten yuan a month to survive."

"His eldest son has only been able to make money for a short time. He left his job as a teacher three months ago. Before, he could only take care of himself and could ignore it. I specifically asked people around Li Zheng and I never heard that he had borrowed money from anyone. "

Loach finished speaking in one breath and looked at the box he brought.

Chu Lingyun didn't pay attention, and was thinking with furrowed brows.

The minimum monthly expenditure is ten yuan, the salary is only more than six yuan, and the monthly gap is more than three yuan. Without other sources of income, it is impossible for their family to support it. Even if they borrow money, they will not only borrow a little, but accumulate it all year round. After coming down, other people would already know about his living situation.

Now it is completely certain that Li Zheng does have other sources of income, or it is a secret channel that no one else knows about.

"Did you find out where he filled the hole?"

Loach smiled and said: "No, I checked many people, and no one said that he has other ways to make money. Some people are still surprised that he has a low income and there are so many people in the family. How can he support it and laugh every day? Occasionally I can have a drink.”

"Li Zheng is suspected. We will continue to investigate his source of income. We will expand the investigation into him and check all the people he often comes into contact with."

Chu Lingyun has always been careful and will not let go of any doubts, not to mention that Li Zheng has such an obvious problem.

"Don't worry, I will find out these tomorrow."

Loach patted his chest and promised that he was the best at investigating these trivial matters.

After saying that, Loach opened the box: "Team leader, this was found from Gu Zhengyan and Ye Quan's house. These two people made a lot of money. There is a total of 32,000 yuan. I exchanged it for 60 gold bars. The rest is cash.”

Gu Zhengyan and Ye Quan are both corrupt officials, and they are sure that if Tongri enters the gate of the Military Intelligence Office, they will never get out.

Loach was not polite about the things that were searched from their house, and tried his best to intercept them. He did these things with ease.

"Have all the people involved in the operation been divided?" Chu Lingyun looked at the gold bars in the box and asked immediately.

"Split it, two thousand yuan together, and the rest is here."

Ni Loach hurriedly replied, and Chu Lingyun nodded and said: "Take another five thousand back, keep some for yourself, and share the rest with your brothers."

Xiaoyu wishes all my friends a happy new week.

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