Spy Shadow

Chapter 628 Was it me?

Chapter 628 Was it me?

Chen Zhanli lived alone in a safe house, and no one came to check on him for two days.

Niyi left money for him, and he took some with him. He was not prohibited from going out. There was a restaurant next to it, and he had been very happy these past two days.

Eating meat every day, he also thought that if the superior did not come for a long time, he would go outside to buy some small items and sell them nearby.

We can't just sit back and have nothing, otherwise what will we do in the future?

Before the Japanese came, he was unwilling to work in the fields, so he worked as a small businessman, selling some things to make money to supplement his family's income.

At noon, he came to the restaurant to eat noodles. There was a pig's trotter in front of him. The shredded pork noodles were paired with pig's trotters, not to mention how fragrant it was.

What he didn't know was that Ran Wu was heading towards him with several plainclothes patrol officers.

Outside the restaurant, Ran Wu stopped and quickly noticed Chen Zhanli eating inside.

This is his goal, the person the boss told him to catch.

Chen Zhanli didn't know the danger was approaching, so he finished eating, paid the bill, and left burping.

His house is not far next door. You can get home just by turning a corner. After you go back and have a good sleep, your life will be more comfortable than the emperor's.


As soon as he turned around, he was hit with a sap, and he was knocked unconscious instantly without any reaction. When he woke up, he found that he was tied up and lying in the car, with two people watching him.

He was caught.

Who is the other party and how did you discover him?

Chen Zhanli felt great fear in his heart, and at the same time he thought quickly, was the other party Japanese? If so, I am afraid that I will be doomed this time.


His mouth was blocked and he couldn't speak, he could only make whining sounds.

The people in the car ignored him, went all the way back to the patrol room, and then put him in a cell.

Noticing that it was a patrol room, he felt a little more at ease, as long as he was not Japanese. He didn't know why the patrol would arrest him, but they would definitely come and ask after a while, and he would understand then.

After catching the person, Ran Wu did not interrogate him immediately, but ordered his confidants to watch him secretly.

After he came from Xinzha Road, he immediately transferred several confidants here. He was promoted, and these confidants benefited from it. One of them was appointed as deputy inspector.

No matter where you are, you can't do it without your own capable subordinates.

Throughout the whole day, no one asked Chen Zhanli, but many people in the cell asked him why he was arrested. Chen Zhanli only said that he did not know, and did not reveal a confidential word.

He also mingled with the people around him and asked many questions.


After receiving the report from his subordinates, Ran Wu smiled. The boss ordered him to test this person. At present, the first level has been passed.

When you enter the cell without talking nonsense, you pass the test.

His performance was even better, and he actually asked a lot of other people's secrets.

However, the next second and third levels were not so easy. Only after he passed the level did the boss reuse him. The key was that he did not know that this was a test and really thought that he was exposed and caught.

At night, Ran Wu came to the cell with a confidant.

"Bring him over here."

Ran Wu is the deputy chief inspector. In this patrol room, only the chief inspector has a higher position than him. He can be said to be a real big shot.

The jailer did not dare to object at all to his words and immediately escorted Chen Zhanli out.

"Sir, have you arrested the wrong person? I didn't commit anything."

Chen Zhanli kept complaining, but Ran Wu ignored him and took him to the torture room.

Entering the torture room, Chen Zhanli's heart sank suddenly.

If he committed a minor crime, why would the patrol bring him to a place like this?

"Go out and watch for me."

Ran Wu ordered his confidants, who stood outside the torture room guarding the door. Ran Wu closed the door and sat in front of the interrogation table.

"You are from the Fruit Party, right? Tell me, what is your mission and who is your upline?"

Ran Wu asked lightly, and Chen Zhanli's heart sank again.

"Sir, I am really unjust. I am not a member of the Fruit Party, I am just an ordinary citizen."

Chen Zhanli cried out again, but Ran Wu ignored him and stood up and said, "Stop denying it. Someone reported you. To be honest, I hate you Fruit Party agents and Japanese people who always cause trouble on my territory. But as long as you Tell me honestly and I can spare you and give you a sum of money so that you can eat and drink without worries in the future."

After Ran Wu finished speaking, he took out two gold bars from his clothes and placed them on the table.

Seeing the gold bar, Chen Zhanli's eyes shone, but he still shook his head: "Sir, you are mistaken. I really am not. If I were, I would tell you right away. Who doesn't want the money?"

Not taking the bait, Ran Wu raised the corner of his mouth, but he had not officially passed the test yet.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, nor will I kill your superiors. I just want to expel you to save you from causing trouble for me in the future."

Ran Wu said lightly, Chen Zhanli still shook his head.

"Two gold bars are a lot. You are not worth that much money. Now that I have captured you, I must be sure that you will not say anything until I torture you? Don't blame me for not warning you, you can't withstand the torture tools here."

Ran Wu walked up to Chen Zhanli and said coldly.

"Sir, I was really wronged..."

"Don't toast or eat as a penalty. I will give you another chance, or you can be my informant in the future and tell me your situation. From now on, I will give you another fifty yuan every month as your reward. "

Ran Wu increased his weight, and it was fifty yuan a month, which was enough for him to live a comfortable life and save a lot of money.

Chen Zhanli suddenly struggled in his heart.

Two gold bars, he had never seen so much money in his life.

There is still fifty yuan a month. Such a good thing cannot be found even with a lantern.

He knew Ran Wu's identity, the deputy chief inspector, the big shot in the patrol room.

Ran Wu deliberately appeared in the cell to let him know his identity so that he would not suspect that it was his boss who was testing him.

No matter how stupid Chen Zhanli is, he still understands that high-ranking officials like the deputy chief inspector will not obey their people.

However, there are exceptions to everything. He, the deputy chief inspector, was trained by his boss, and it is indeed difficult to truly bribe him.

"Sir, I really want your money, but I don't dare lie to you. If I lie, I'm afraid you will kill me. When the time comes, I have the life to take the money, but I have no life to spend it."

After struggling in his heart, Chen Zhanli refused again.

Ran Wu was overjoyed. He didn't expect that this inconspicuous little person had passed his second level and refused to accept such a temptation.

It's a pity that there is a third level that is even more cruel.

Ran Wu picked up the whip next to him and dipped it in the salt water.

Punishment is his third level.

If he is tortured here first, he will suffer a lot. Punishment is a part of agent training. It is better to endure hardship here than to endure hardship at the enemy's side.

If he cannot withstand the punishment, Ran Wu will not kill him, but Chu Lingyun will not let him perform such an important task in the future, and Ni Loach will not invest too much in and cultivate him.

This level is the most difficult and important part.

Seeing Ran Wu pick up the whip, Chen Zhanli was so frightened that his body couldn't help but tremble, and his face was full of fear.

When he was in the Loyalty and Salvation Army, he was punished corporally, but it was basically with a military stick. The whip like this one, with its tiny brown barbs, looked so terrifying.


Ran Wuyi whipped the whip, and Chen Zhanli immediately screamed in pain, and his body continued to tremble.

When the whip went down, the pain was piercing to the bones.

Ran Wu did not use all his strength, but held back a little. He was testing, not real torture. A whip like real torture could kill or maim someone.


After being whipped three times in a row, Chen Zhanli finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried out: "I said, I said."

Ran Wu sighed in his heart, he really couldn't bear the punishment.

I passed the first two levels, but unfortunately failed at the third level.

It is actually not easy to achieve this step. How many people can withstand the pain of punishment?

Report it back to your boss and see how he handles it.


The test is not over yet. He wants to get the real confession, then arrange for someone to treat Chen Zhanli's injuries, and finally have him redeemed.

"Sir, I'm hungry. Can you let me eat something first? I'll tell you after I finish."

Chen Zhanli shed tears in pain, but still couldn't forget to eat.

Ran Wu was stunned, not expecting him to make such a request.

"Okay, remember, don't play tricks on me."

Ran Wu agreed and walked to the door, ready to let his men get food.

"I want sauced pig's trotters, braised pork and fragrant rice."

Chen Zhanli said suddenly. Ran Wu turned back and glanced at him. He was quite good at eating and asked for so much.

After instructing his men outside, Ran Wu closed the door and returned to the interrogation table to sit down.

"The food will be delivered shortly. Let me tell you first who your upline is and where he is."

Ran Wu asked quickly, Chen Zhanli's body was still shaking, and his body was stained with blood. The barb was not big and would not cause major bleeding, but it was really painful when it stabbed him.

"Sir, let me eat first. I don't have the strength now."

Chen Zhanli said weakly. Seeing that he insisted on eating, Ran Wu was not in a hurry and sat there waiting with peace of mind.

It didn't take long for my subordinates to deliver steaming, fragrant food as requested.

Ran Wu helped him untie one of his hands, and he immediately stretched out his hand, grabbed the pig's trotters and gnawed them, and then ate up a large bowl of braised pork with rice.

After eating, he smacked his lips, very satisfied.

"Can we talk now?"

Ran Wu asked again. Without a confession, this test would not be over. As for the confession, Chu Lingyun was not worried at all. After entering the city, he only had contact with people and did not even know the direction of the district.

He didn't even know Loach's full name.

Except for the Loyalty and Salvation Army outside the city, he could not reveal any secrets. The Loyalty and Salvation Army had no worries. They could protect themselves. The Japanese dared to go, but there were few people who went, and there was not enough food for them. If there were more people, they would go They burrowed into the reeds and killed as many as they came in.

I guess they are eager for the Japanese to go.

Many people felt very sorry that they failed to kill a Japanese last time.

"Sir, I really don't know. I don't have any online or offline information. If you ask me to tell you, I can't tell you."

Chen Zhanli cried and said, with runny nose and tears, he looked really innocent.

"How dare you lie to me."

Ran Wu showed an angry look, picked up the whip again, and started to whip hard.

"Ah, it hurts. Stop fighting, I said."

"My online name is Li Si, I don't know where I live..."

"Stop fighting, wuwu, I said, I'm online and live with me, he hasn't been here these days..."

Chen Zhanli accepted the offer, but he kept talking about it, talking about this and that. If Ran Wu didn't know his true situation, he might have been deceived by him.

His appearance was no different from that of an innocent person who had been beaten into submission.

Constantly crying, shouting for pain, and begging for mercy, Grandpa screamed and admitted his identity, but when he asked key questions, he told lies without telling the truth.


Ran Wu pulled away, and Chen Zhanli made a muffled cry, but he did not beg for mercy, nor did he cry, only a low cry.

Going forward to check, Ran Wu found that he had fainted.

You can't beat him again. This is a test, not a real punishment. If you beat him up, you will have a problem. He will not be able to deal with the boss.

What Ran Wu never expected was that he could actually hold on. This seemingly unreliable person not only had acting skills that were deceptive, he even withstood the caning.

However, the third level is not over yet, but it is not easy to continue the punishment.

Having someone treat Chen Zhanli's injuries and imprisoning him in a safe and hygienic cell, Ran Wu left in a hurry.

Preparations were made in the cell, and topical sulfonamides were used on him during treatment to prevent infection.


Arriving at the safe house, Ran Wu lowered his head and stood in front of Chu Lingyun.

"How is he doing?"

Chu Lingyun asked, Loach's test was too simple. If he wanted to recruit ordinary members, his test would be enough, but this time he wanted to delegate an important task, and a simple test would not work.

"This is his confession."

Ran Wu handed over a piece of paper. He would record what Chen Zhanli told him, whether it was true or false, and then report it to his boss.

After hearing the confession, Chu Lingyun sighed, but still picked it up and read it.

His eyes immediately widened: "What the hell is this?"

Li Si, on the line, is a tall man with a mole on his mouth. He is from Shandong. He likes to drink, smoke, and beat people. He is a mess. There is no such person in Shanghai or in the war team.

The description of the online is even more exaggerated.

She lived with him, treated him well, and would eat roast chicken for him, but she just liked women and often went to a man's paradise. He also mentioned the names of places.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that the person Chen Zhanli was talking about was someone he had bullied before and was killed by the Japanese.

As for the roast chicken, that was given to him by Loach.

He really didn't know where Loach was, and he wasn't familiar with the concession. If he hadn't heard the prisoners in other cells mention the name of Men's Paradise, he wouldn't even be able to name the place.

Loach is not named Li, let alone a man's paradise.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, but he has discipline when lurking, and Loach won't violate it.

"He didn't ask for money when I gave him money before. Then I tortured him and he immediately started to torture me. But that's all he said. Before I tortured him, he asked me to buy him food and then talk to him after eating. But he continued to play tricks on me after eating."

Ran Wu said helplessly that in his heart he did not intend to continue the torture and let Chen Zhanli pass the test. During the torture, Chen Zhanli cried so much that even he softened.

After all, he is one of our own, so how can he bear to really kill him.


Chu Lingyun smiled, and Loach actually didn't look away. If nothing else, his performance today was worthy of training.

It is indeed not easy to get to this point.

But still waiting for the report from Rose, Chu Lingyun asked Rose to investigate the details inside the agent headquarters.

"Boss, why don't you stop the test? I think there is nothing wrong with him."

Ran Wu immediately advised, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: "No, we can be soft-hearted to him, but the enemy will not. We must let him understand how cruel the enemy is, and what he wants to do is extraordinary. Continue to test."


Ran Wu reluctantly replied that he did not dare to disobey the boss's order.

Chen Zhanli woke up slowly, and the pain all over his body made him cry again. Fortunately, Ran Wu gave him some painkillers, otherwise he would be in even more pain.

He is in a separate cell and has no chance to interact with other prisoners. No one knows that he has been tortured.

Ran Wu did not continue to torture him, but the temptations did not stop. The gold bars gradually increased from two to five, and he deliberately held sweet and delicious food in front of him, but refused to let him eat.

These days have been like hell for Chen Zhanli.

His injuries were just getting better, so Ran Wu tortured him again. This time he didn't use a whip, but used other methods, such as the tiger bench, nail pricking, electric shocks, etc.

Electric shock is not an electric chair. The electric chair causes too much damage and can easily leave irreparable injuries. It is a test for him and cannot be used.

A low-power electric shock is not as painful as an electric chair, but it is still uncomfortable.

Chen Zhanli confessed again, but the confession was still nonsense. After he couldn't bear it and fell into coma, Ran Wu let out a heavy breath.

He passed the test and will not be tortured again.

Although he was the one who carried out the execution, he still felt uncomfortable doing this to his own people. Sometimes he even hoped that Chen Zhanli could truly confess and end these tortures.

Three days later, the jailer came to Chen Zhanli's cell.

"Put on your clothes and come out with me."

The jailer said coldly, and Chen Zhanli trembled fiercely. Was he about to be executed?

"Can you give me something to eat? I want to eat chicken legs and braised pork."

Chen Zhanli asked, "In general, prisoners will be given a good meal to be decapitated. Even if they die, he must be a well-fed man and have a good meal."

"What are you thinking about? I want you to pay back the chicken legs and braised pork. Someone is here to ransom you. Get out quickly."

The jailer snorted coldly. He wouldn't give him such food. No matter how good he was, he didn't get a penny of filial piety. If the deputy chief inspector hadn't specially ordered it, they would definitely peel off every piece of Chen Zhanli's skin. .

"Redemption me, can I go out?"

Chen Zhanli was startled and shouted in surprise.

"Yes, quickly change into your clothes and go out. What, you still want to stay here for New Year's Eve dinner?"

The jailer nodded and said sarcastically. Chen Zhanli quickly changed his clothes and shook his head: "No, no, I'm leaving now."

Who wants to stay here if he can go out? He doesn't want to stay here for a minute. This is not a place for people to stay.

After leaving the cell, Chen Zhanli narrowed his eyes.

He had been locked up and had not seen the sun these days. Seeing the sun again gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Life is better outside.

"Chen Xiaoer."

The person who came to pick him up called him. Chen Zhanli was stunned for a moment and looked at the stranger in front of him in confusion.

"Boss Zhao asked me to pick you up, come with me."

The visitor didn't talk nonsense, pulled him into the car, and then drove away. Soon the car arrived at the door of a single-family house. The house here was more exquisite and much better than the place where he lived before. It was a small building.

"Xiaoer, I've made you suffer."

Ni Loach was very happy to see Chen Zhanli again. He was not disappointed. After learning about the team leader's test, he was very worried, thinking that it would be difficult for Chen Zhanli to pass such a test.

Not to mention him, even he was not confident in passing such a test, and Chen Zhanli didn't know that this was a test, which was even harder.

"Captain Zhao, I thought I would never see you again."

Seeing the loach, Chen Zhanli burst into tears. He had suffered a lot these days and almost died several times.

"Stop crying, come in and eat first."

Loach patted him on the shoulder and took him into the house. The dining table was filled with delicious dishes, including wine and meat, which was very rich.

Seeing these delicacies, Chen Zhanli couldn't help but swallow his saliva.


Ni Loach smiled and said, Chen Zhanli passed the test, but it was not the end, but the beginning.

There will be more difficult and dangerous tasks waiting for him next. Even if the original plan was thought of by Loach, he still does not have full confidence in Chen Zhanli.

If you are in the enemy camp, one wrong step could lead to disaster.

Such a task is very difficult.

Chen Zhanli ate hungrily. There were a lot of dishes on the table, and he couldn't finish them all, but he also ate a lot. His belly was bulging, and he lay on the sofa with satisfaction.

This meal was so satisfying.

"I asked the policeman about it. They arrested you because someone reported you. You did a good job without confessing. If you did, I wouldn't be able to save you."

Loach said with a smile, not telling him the truth, just letting him think it was a real arrest.

This way he will be more vigilant in the future.

"Some bastard reported me and asked me to catch him. I picked off his eggs and cut him into pieces."

Chen Zhanli cursed loudly, and Loach's face froze slightly.

No one reported it, but it was the team leader who ran the matter. He was equivalent to scolding the team leader, and he scolded him so harshly.

Loach hurriedly changed the subject: "The team leader will come over to see you in a moment. Our team leader is the most amazing person in our military command."

"Yes, your team leader must be the most powerful."

Chen Zhanli dealt with it casually and did not mean what he said. He was just a team leader, how powerful could he be? Above the team leader was the section chief, above the section chief was the division chief, and above the division chief was the director.

A small team leader is nothing and can't scare him. He is an officer now and will have the opportunity to be promoted to the position of team leader in the future.

Loach saw that he was not sincere and did not remind him. When he saw the dangers of the team leader in the future, he would definitely be able to restrain him.

"Why didn't you confess first inside? Aren't you afraid that they would really beat you to death?"

After pouring him a glass of water to relieve his satiety, Loach asked casually.

"Can I recruit you casually?"

Chen Zhanli immediately asked back, with a look of disdain on his face: "If you recruit me, you will become a traitor. If you die, you will have no shame to see your parents. I am Chinese. I cannot do anything to disgrace my ancestors, and I cannot be recruited even if I die."

Chen Zhanli shook his head like a rattle, but his words were rough and rational. Ni Loach did not expect that a person like him could have such a high level of consciousness.

"I, Chen Xiaoer, will be an upright man and will never be a traitor. I am lazy, but I am not spineless."

Chen Zhanli held his head high and boasted. In fact, he almost confessed, but in the end he didn't. It was not because of his belief. He knew that confessing would also lead to death. Rather than die a cowardly death and be branded a traitor, he would rather be beaten to death. trick.

He was very clear about the military commander's attitude towards traitors.

His true thoughts will definitely not be told to Loach. This is a great opportunity for him to show off. He is not stupid. This kind of truth that no one knows can never be told.

Just as he was talking, the door was pushed open, and Chu Lingyun walked in with Chu Yuan holding a bag in his hand.

"Team leader."

Ni Loach immediately stood up. He had been in Shanghai during this period and was called back today by Chu Lingyun.

"Come inside and talk."

There is a study room in this house. Chu Lingyun walked into the study room directly and asked Chen Zhanli to stand in front of him while he sat down.

Chen Zhanli met Chu Lingyun for the first time. He was a very young man, but he felt a great sense of oppression.

"Chen Zhanli, you are literate, right?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Loach whispered to him: "This is our team leader, what do you say when he asks you?"

Chen Zhanli nodded immediately: "Replying to the team leader, I went to private school for three years when I was a child and know some words."

Chu Lingyun said no more, took out a handful of photos from the bag and threw them on the table: "Take a good look at what is written on it and whether it is correct."

Chen Zhanli was a little suspicious again, but still picked up a photo and looked at it.

Immediately, his eyes widened.

There were many photos, and Ni Loach also picked up one and looked at it. After a while, he understood that this was a surveillance record from the Secret Service Headquarters, and the person in the record was Wu Shengcai, the director of the Second Intelligence Division.

The target of surveillance is Chen Zhanli.

Including what time he went down the mountain, what he ate, what he bought, and what time he returned to the mountain, it was recorded clearly.

"Group, team leader, what, what does this mean?"

Chen Zhanli looked through all the photos, his hands and feet suddenly felt cold, and he asked at a loss.

"Your company headquarters was found by the Japanese entirely because of you. You were unorganized and undisciplined. You secretly went down the mountain to steal food. Then they stared at you and found your company headquarters. This was wartime. Although you didn't know, you What you did is enough to have you shot."

Chu Lingyun said coldly that these days, he asked Rose to investigate the cause of the incident of the Loyalty Salvation Army outside the city, and finally obtained the evidence.

Sure enough, Chen Zhanli's company headquarters was found by the Japanese because of him.

"Did I hurt them?" Chen Zhanli asked in a trembling voice with his hands trembling.

"That's right, it's you. Because of your greed and disobedience to discipline, you killed so many people. If you hadn't sneaked down the mountain, the Japanese wouldn't have found you."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Ni Yao hurriedly said: "Team leader, after all, he made a contribution afterwards..."

"Can I chop off your head and reattach it for you?"

Chu Lingyun scolded, and Loach immediately shut up. He had not been in the war situation team during this period. He did not know that the team leader had found out so much and determined that Chen Zhanli was responsible for the exposure of the Loyalty and National Salvation Army outside the city.


Chen Zhanli suddenly squatted down with his head in his hands and burst into tears.

Although he was beaten and imprisoned in the Loyalty and Salvation Army, the relationship with his comrades there was still very good, and no one disliked him very much.

Including his captain, he always wanted to lead him in a good direction.

He didn't expect that he was the one who harmed them and killed so many people.

Chu Lingyun didn't say anything, just looked at him.

"Team leader, please shoot me."

After crying for a long time, Chen Zhanli stood up, wiped the tears and snot from his face, and spoke slowly.

There was no glint in his eyes, and it could be seen that he did regret and blame himself.

"If I kill you, will the dead come back to life?"

Chu Lingyun asked, while Chen Zhanli shook his head. He was not a god, so how could he resurrect the dead.

"Now I'll give you a mission to make amends, avenge your brothers, and rescue those who were captured. Do you dare to go?"

The person who found their company headquarters was Wu Shengcai. He was the intelligence chief. Killing him was not easy.

The hardest thing is to save people.

There were a total of seventy-five people captured and injured, and one of the five seriously injured people did not survive. Nagyun would not use precious resources to save these people.

The remaining lightly wounded people survived, but two were disabled and useless, and were executed by Li Zhiqun's order.

There were still sixty-eight people left. Two of them refused to surrender and were unwilling to write a letter of allegiance, so they were both killed.

The remaining sixty-six people were assigned to Wu Sanbao's operations department by Li Zhiqun.

The number of Wu Sanbao's men instantly became the largest. He lost a lot last time, and this time he was replenished.

Because they had not yet made any meritorious service, Li Zhiqun did not fully trust them and was temporarily under semi-house arrest.

Also because their identities are not important and their supervision is not strict, except that they are not allowed to leave No. 76, everything else is free.

"I dare, but I can't save them by myself."

Chen Zhanli immediately raised his head, but fortunately he knew himself and did not say that he was going to save people now.

Loach breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the team leader still planned to use Chen Zhanli.

"From now on, you are only allowed to eat steamed buns every day. I will arrange for special training for you. When you have certain abilities, I will ask you to personally rescue those brothers to atone for your sins. If you cannot save them, I will shoot you at any time. "

Chu Lingyun stood up. If Chen Zhanli directly said that he could save people, he would send Chen Zhanli back to Chongqing and hand it over to the military court.

Work is work, mistakes are mistakes.

Will the merits outweigh the faults? Let the military court make a judgment when the time comes.

"Yes, team leader."

Chen Zhanli responded honestly and watched Chu Lingyun leave. Ni Loach hurriedly went to see Chu Lingyun off, but he did not go out, hiding in the corner and crying again.

Fortunately, the team leader gave him a chance to atone for his sins and asked him to avenge his dead brothers and rescue the brothers who were captured.

He didn't know what to do, so he had to ask Captain Zhao and the team leader for advice later.

"You don't have to go back these two days. Keep an eye on him and give him special training. We don't have that much time. We have to let him rescue people in seven days at most."

"Team leader, do you really want him to save people?"

Ni Loach was shocked. He thought the team leader deliberately used this mistake to stimulate Chen Zhanli so that he could work harder.

"Otherwise? Rescuing people is the beginning of his real action."

"However, those people are not that easy to save, and they have been at the secret service headquarters for a long time. Maybe they really rebelled and surrendered. If Chen Zhanli went to rescue people, he might get himself involved."

Loach explained that after such a long time, there would definitely be someone who would really rebel.

If Chen Zhanli revealed his identity to them, he would definitely die in that place.

One hundred monthly votes will add more updates. There will be an update today, and the update time will be later.

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