Spy Shadow

Chapter 636 I really don’t want to

Chapter 636 I really don’t want to

"Sir, Li Zhiqun is from Nanyun. Last time I went back to report, Nanyun suffered such a huge loss. She must hate me to the bone. They have always made trouble for me before. If they wrongly accuse me, you have to make the decision for me. . If you don’t help me, I won’t even have anyone to rely on here.”

Chen Zhanli said pitifully, and Kubo smiled again: "Don't worry, they don't dare."

The person in front of him was not a high-ranking person, but he had offended all the senior officials at the secret service headquarters. The only one he could rely on was himself. This was the best. From now on, he could only be honest and listen to himself.

"Kubo-sama, are there still rewards you mentioned last time?"

Chen Zhanli suddenly asked, and Kubo was stunned for a moment. After a while, he remembered that before the training, he had been promised a reward of 100 yen for completing the training.

This training was abandoned halfway, and he was worried that the bonus would be lost.

"Yes, you can go to the finance office to get it tomorrow."

Kubo smiled and nodded. This was a reward for his performance some time ago, but he saved himself this time. How could he not give it to him?

Fortunately, Chen Zhanli doesn't waste anything, it's just delicious.

He could eat as much as he wanted, and the money would be enough for him to eat for a long time.

Although the Japanese yen has depreciated a bit, it is far less severe than the depreciation of the French currency. The purchasing power of one hundred yen is still very strong, which is enough for food.

"Thank you, Kubo-sama."

Chen Zhanli left happily and lay down on the bed to sleep beautifully.

Twenty-eight people were rescued. Although he did not rescue all of them, at least he completed a certain degree of self-salvation.

It's a pity that the platoon leader didn't go this time. It would be nice to rescue him together. I'm afraid it will be more difficult to rescue people next. The secret service headquarters will not take them out again. Even if they go out, they will be heavily guarded. It will never happen again. Good opportunity.

Early the next morning, Takemoto and Shucheng Shun came to Ishihara Trading Company.

"Ishihara-kun, let me ask you clearly. Yesterday, people from the secret service headquarters were training in the North District. People from the military command suddenly attacked them and rescued more than 20 people from the Loyalty and Salvation Army who had been captured by them before. The bombing of our warehouse must have been caused by the military command. Yes, attack from the east and west, contain the garrison at the dock, and then facilitate their rescue."

Takemoto said bitterly, Damn military commander, if you want to save people, just go there. Ishihara Trading Company has no grudges against you.

It ended up blowing up our warehouse, damn it.

"I have withdrawn the team leader from Jiangbian Wharf and asked Takemoto-kun to check him. He neglected his duties and even claimed that someone from Zhongtong did it when something happened. It is really unforgivable."

Shuicheng Jun was equally angry. Yesterday he was talking about the Central Commander-in-Chief, but today it was found out that it was someone from the Military Commander-in-Chief who did it.

He doesn't even know who did it, so what's the use of such a person?

"So, we are in an innocent disaster. The secret service headquarters lured people here?"

Chu Lingyun frowned and Takemoto nodded immediately: "Yes, it's them. Why are these damn Chinese people going to the north of the city? Don't they have enough training ground?"

"Forget it, they made an unintentional mistake. Since they caused it, Takemoto, you and Shuicheng go to the secret service headquarters together and get the money to repair the warehouse back."

Chu Lingyun said lightly that the funds for the Secret Service Headquarters came from the Mei Agency. Ying Zuo had money, but he would not fully support it. After all, Nan Yun was now in charge of the Secret Service Headquarters.

Going to them to ask for money will inevitably cause No. 76's funds to be tight.

In this world, nothing can be done without money.

Just give them a little trouble.


The two of them responded at the same time, very excited. With Ishihara Hiroshi's permission, they could openly go to the secret service headquarters to cause trouble.

As soon as he got to work in the morning, Chen Zhanli went to the finance office and asked the accountant for money.

"I didn't receive the notice, so I can't give you this money."

The accountant shook his head. Chen Zhanli, a lazy guy, what achievements has he made? Why should he be rewarded? And it was as much as 100 yen.

"How dare you disobey Kubo-sama's orders."

Chen Zhanli's eyes widened and he ran out immediately. The person next to him whispered to the accountant: "He is the best at complaining. Be careful."

The accountant's expression froze, and he hurriedly got up and walked outside the door. As a result, he couldn't even see Chen Zhanli's shadow.

Not long after, the phone in the finance office rang. The accountant answered the phone and kept saying yes. It was obvious from the look on his face that he was being scolded.

After hanging up the phone, the accountant shook his head helplessly, took out one hundred yen, and prepared to hand it to Chen Zhanli.

This Chen Zhanli just stuck him for a moment and immediately ran to complain. He is a pure villain.

"Here, take the money and sign."

Seeing Chen Zhanli come back, the accountant didn't talk nonsense. He counted the money to him and asked him to sign and take it away.

"Isn't it wrong to be like this earlier? Dogs look down on people."

Chen Zhanli snorted coldly, and the accountant was furious. He did not dare to talk back to Kubo. Chen Zhanli was just an ordinary team member, but he dared to scold him like this.

"Who are you calling a dog?"

"Whoever answers the call is the one who answers."

After Chen Zhanli signed the signature, he left proudly. The accountant was Ding Mo's person and was not on the right track with him.

"Forget it, he's a mad dog, why did you mess with him?"

The person next to him whispered advice, and the accountant gasped in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

With Kubo's support, Chen Zhanli is really unscrupulous.

He didn't even think about it. Chen Zhanli was someone who even dared to scold Ding Mo and Li Zhiqun. How would he care about a little accountant like him?

The finance office is on the second floor. After Chen Zhanli came out, he immediately looked towards the courtyard.

Several cars had just driven in, and two men in Japanese military uniforms got out of a small car, followed by Japanese soldiers wearing armbands.

This is the military police, and he knows that the Japanese military police have great power.

Why did the military police come to them? Who committed the crime?

The military police mainly monitor people in the army, mainly officers. Whether it is Nanyun, Ding Mo or Li Zhiqun, no matter who is caught, he will be happy to watch the show

Chen Zhanli ran all the way to Kubo's office.

"Sir, there are military police here. Judging from their direction, they should be looking for Nayun. Has Nayun committed something and will be caught by them?"

"military police?"

Kubo immediately stood up and came to the window. Sure enough, he saw the military police car in the yard, and the military police standing guard in front of the car.

Why did the military police come?

What are they doing with Nanyun?

Kubo frowned and thought hard, looked at Chen Zhanli, and immediately ordered: "Go over immediately and ask what the military police are doing?"


Chen Zhanli received the order and ran out to gather information openly.

Why did the military police come and what did they do with Nanyun? He needs to pay attention. If it is really important, he must report it to the team leader in time and let the team leader know everything that happens at the secret service headquarters.

This is his mission and his job.

"Major Nagumo, my dock was bombed by military commanders because of your training. Mr. Ishihara is very angry. The warehouse that was bombed was the warehouse he just bought. What do you think we should do?"

When they arrived at Nanyun's office, Shuicheng Jun was not polite at all. Nanyun invited them to sit down, but Shuicheng and Takemoto ignored her and stood there to directly attack.

"Mr. Ishihara's warehouse was bombed?"

Nanyun asked in surprise. She really didn't know about this. Yesterday, they ran back in despair. The garrison did not tell them that the riverside dock was bombed, and that the warehouse of Ishihara Trading Company was bombed.

"you do not know?"

Takemoto sarcastically said that in his opinion, Nayun was just pretending. They were the intelligence department, how could they not know about such a thing.

"Colonel Takemoto, I really don't know. I'm sorry about the bombing of Mr. Ishihara's warehouse."

Nayun immediately lowered his head. Not to mention Ishihara Hiroshi, whom she couldn't offend, she couldn't offend Takemoto in front of him either.

Takemoto is the intelligence chief of the military police force, and now he has the rank of colonel. Takemoto is really keeping an eye on her, and he is investigating her every day. Even if she is fine, he will be very annoyed.

"No need to apologize, just compensate. Ishihara Trading Company had ten warehouses destroyed by the bomb and needs to be rebuilt. This money needs to come from your special agent headquarters."

Shuicheng Jun shook his head and said, they are just here to ask for money.

People in Shanghai didn't know that Ishihara Hiroshi was Chu Lingyun. It was their own property. When they bombed it, they thought of blowing up more. It was a Japanese warehouse anyway, so the more bombs the better.

They used up all the explosives they brought.

"Shall we go out?"

Nayun was dumbfounded, and Takemoto's face tightened: "Who are you if you didn't cause this trouble? What, you want to default on your debt?"

"No, I mean, is there any evidence that they deliberately bombed the warehouse in order to attack us?"

Nayun shook his head hurriedly, and Shuicheng Jun's face fell: "Do you still need evidence? It's clear, Nayun Noriko, you just have to say it clearly. Do you want to pay the money? If you don't pay, we will leave now. , let’s go back to Mr. Yingzuo and ask for the money.”

"I'll compensate."

Nanyun said bitterly, Yingzuo will be back soon, and if they really come to visit him, Yingzuo will definitely give him the money.

She will be the passive one then.

"Here's the bill, take a good look at it."

Shuicheng Jun took out a piece of paper, which stated the damage to the warehouse and the cost of reconstruction.

"so much."

Nanyun was stunned for a moment. The total amount on the bill was thirty thousand yen.

"Those are ten large warehouses. I only calculated the cost price for you, and did not include the loss of being able to use them for these days and the loss of casualties."

Shuicheng Jun said coldly, he was really angry.

The people at the secret service headquarters have nothing to do, so why are they going north of the city? As a result, he suffered an unreasonable disaster.

If this incident affected his status in Ishihara Hiroshi's heart, he would even want to kill Nayun.

The cost of building a warehouse is indeed very high. A warehouse costs almost 3,000 yen, just to build it.

"We don't have that much money right now."

Nagumo said bitterly, not to mention the aggrieved feeling of being forced to pay debts. If the teacher were here, he could get the money, or Ishihara Hiroshi would give the teacher face and not ask them for the money.

Ishihara Trading Company has money, much more than theirs.

"It must be taken out. The reconstruction of the warehouse cannot be delayed. If you lose the business of Ishihara Trading Company because you don't have enough money, you will have to lose more money."

"I know, I'm going to find a way to collect money now."

Nayun did not dare to continue to object. She could see that these two people were here to embarrass her. It is estimated that the bombing of the warehouse made Ishihara Hiroshi very angry.

"Go quickly, I'll give you an hour."

Takemoto dropped these words and turned around to leave. They must take all the 30,000 yen today.

Nan Yun hurried to Kubo's office, where Chen Zhanli was dancing and saying something to him.

He had already asked the purpose of the gendarmerie's visit, but the gendarmerie ignored him, so he ran over to eavesdrop. There were gendarmerie guarding the door, but they didn't know who Chen Zhanli was, and since Chen Zhanli didn't go in, they didn't care.

Hearing that the people inside were asking for money, he ran back immediately.

During this time, he learned some Japanese at the secret service headquarters. He didn't learn much, but he could understand words like money, which he was most sensitive to.

Moreover, he memorized a few key words. When he heard the words Juntong, warehouse, blow up, and Ishihara Trading Company, Kubo immediately guessed what was going on. Nagumo was in bad luck this time. In order to save people, Juntong's people actually The warehouse of Ishihara Trading Company was blown up, and now they are coming to ask for money. Nanyun can get so much money from the financial monster.

He knows best how much money the secret service headquarters has.

Now that the Secret Service Headquarters wants funds, he, the liaison officer, must sign, otherwise Master Kage will not give it to them. There is not even 5,000 yen in the Secret Service Headquarters' books, and 30,000 yen cannot be obtained even if Nagumo is killed.

Let’s see how Nagyun passes this level.

"Mr. Kubo."

Nanyun entered the office and glanced at Chen Zhanli.

Chen Zhanli was expressionless and still stood there without leaving.

"You go out first."

Nanyun's face turned pale. She was looking for help from Kubo and she had to keep her head down. She couldn't let Chen Zhanli watch the joke here.

"Get out."

Kubo nodded lightly, and Chen Zhanli raised his head high and left the office.

"Yesterday, when the military commander rescued people, they first went to blow up the warehouses by the river. Those warehouses belonged to Ishihara Trading Company. Now they are coming to ask for money. We don't have that much money in our books. Can you tell Mr. Yingzuo and let him approve it first? Come with some money and let us pay the compensation to Ishihara Trading Company."

Nayun whispered, and when Kubo saw her coming in, he understood what she was doing.

The Secret Service headquarters couldn't afford the compensation, so she was asking for it on her own head.

"Nagyun, the agency director doesn't have much money, and we didn't blow up the warehouse. Why do we have to pay for it?"

Kubo shook his head with a smile. Nayun narrowed his eyes and explained patiently: "After all, the military command bombed the warehouse for their actions. We are indeed responsible. Now they are waiting to get the money to go back and rebuild the warehouse. We should compensate for this money. "

"It's your fault, not mine. Just go and compensate them."

Kubo still shook his head, and Nayun immediately nodded: "Okay, I will reply to them now. Mr. Kubo, you are not willing to lose money."

After saying that, Nanyun walked out.

"Come back to me, when did I say I won't pay compensation?"

Kubo was startled and hurriedly called out to Nayun. If Nayun couldn't pay, it was her fault, but she actually slandered him and said that she didn't want to pay.

If Hiroshi Ishihara knew about it, he might suffer.

Although Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman, he is a businessman that even Mr. Kagezu is afraid of. Mr. Kagezu said that Ishihara Hiroshi has full wings and great energy. He can only be a friend, not an enemy.

How dare he dare to offend someone who even Mr. Yingzuo doesn't want to offend.

"I said, the secret service headquarters doesn't have enough money. If you want to compensate, the agency must come up with it, and the agency will only approve the money if you agree. If you don't agree, doesn't it mean that you are unwilling to compensate?"

Nayun said coldly, ignoring Kubo this time and really walked out.

"Come back, I will report to Mr. Yingzuo."

Kubo immediately shouted that he couldn't bear this responsibility. Nayun set a trap for him, and he accidentally got in.

He really needs to get the funds for the secret service headquarters, otherwise he won't get a penny.

This is the power Ying Zuo specially gave him in order to make it easier for him to act in the secret service headquarters.

Nayun showed a proud smile, Shadow Zuo is currently in Qingdao, and Kubo sent an emergency telegram.

It didn't take long for Kubo to receive a reply.

Let him go back to the agency to get the money, pay it to Ishihara Trading Company first, and then deal with them when he comes back.

It was them, not him alone. Kubo breathed a sigh of relief.

Takemoto only gave them an hour, and it was too late to get the money, so he had to ask people over there to send it. However, there was not that much cash in the Mei Agency, so he sent 20,000.

The secret service headquarters could barely scrape together 5,000 on its books. For the remaining 5,000, Nagyun could only use all his hands to deal with the money.

As early as he knew that the amount of money was wrong, Chen Zhanli ran away.

He had just received one hundred yen, and he hadn't warmed up yet. He had no intention of taking it out at this time.

He was so clever that when he saw something was wrong, he ran away immediately.

Including Ding Mo, Wu Shengcai, Li Zhiqun, Wu Sanbao and others were forced to spend a lot of money, and finally collected 30,000 yen within the limited time.


Shuicheng Jun took the money, snorted coldly, and left with Takemoto.

"Director, your salary is about to be paid. What should you do if you don't have money?"

The accountant asked Xiang Ding Mo in a low voice, even if he had the right money, who dared not to take it, Nayun and Kubo would join forces to deal with him.

Once these two people join forces, no one can resist them.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Ding Mo cursed angrily, tossed his sleeves, and returned to his office.

He was forced to pay a thousand yen. No matter how much public money he spent, he wouldn't feel bad, but when he was asked to take out so much private money, his heart felt cold.

Nayun and Kubo promised to pay back their money when Master Kage comes back.

But is the money so easy to repay?

What he took out was only 30,000 yuan, and they also took 20,000 yuan from Mei's agency. If he couldn't get the money back by then, he wouldn't want the money back.

Fortunately, Li Zhiqun also paid one thousand, which made him feel better.

Damn Nagumo and Kubo, the two of them knew how to force them even if they had nothing to lose.

Ding Mo cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Zhanli came back after eating and drinking outside. The atmosphere in the secret service headquarters was very bad and everyone couldn't cheer up. Today, the water patrol team came to ask for the account. People from the gendarmerie even escorted them. They paid all the money. Got out.

Wages are due in a week and there is no money in the book. How can I pay them?

What do they eat and drink next?

Back in the office, Nagumo sighed heavily. This time it was Takemoto and Shun Mizuki who came to ask for the money. If Hiroshi Ishihara came in person, it might not be this amount of money.

When she was still in the Detective Division, she borrowed money from Toru Ishihara, a total of 30,000 yen.

She spent all the money and has not paid it back.

This was one of the reasons why she didn't have the confidence to refuse. She owed money to others, so they didn't ask her for a bill, they just wanted to pay for the warehouse, which was a face-saving gesture.

With the money, Shuicheng Jun hurried to the riverside dock. He wanted to personally supervise the construction of the warehouse. He had to find more workers to repair the warehouse as quickly as possible.

"Team leader."

In the evening, Chu Lingyun met Ni Loach and three others. They safely escorted the people of the Zhongyi National Salvation Army back to their regiment headquarters. Chu Lingyun had no right to interfere with how Commander Liu dealt with them.

But Ni Loach had told him that he could not use people, but he could not persecute them. After they had been carefully screened, even if they were allowed to go home, they would still be given enough settlement allowance. If not, Ni Loach would make them look good.

Ni Loach is Chu Lingyun's number one confidant, and he is extremely trusted by District Chief Wang. Captain Liu really dare not disobey him, otherwise he will not be able to wear out his little shoes.

Fortunately, they have money now, so it’s okay to pay them some settling-in allowance.

He really would not use these people again. After all, they had written letters of allegiance to the Japanese, and he felt disgusted just thinking about it.

But he really didn't expect that the war situation team would go out of their way to rescue them. People couldn't say anything about what the war situation team did, and even he had to give a thumbs up to praise them.

"Twenty-eight people were rescued. We briefly screened them on the way. No one really surrendered. The two who completely surrendered to the Japanese did not follow them back."

Shen Hanwen went on to say that those two people were real traitors and they did not dare to come back. They would definitely not survive if they came back.

"Thank you for your hard work, go back and rest."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan returned to their residence, while Ni Yao went to send a report, inform the headquarters about the successful rescue, and ask for credit for Feiniao.

Asuka was indispensable for rescuing them this time.

In Chongqing, Ke Gong successfully arrived at Zengjiayan.

"Hello Mr. Ke, welcome."

Lao Jin stretched out his hands and held them tightly with Mr. Ke. Now that the Guo Party was attacking them frequently, the situation was once again dangerous.

"Lao Jin, you have worked hard."

Mr. Ke smiled and said that Lao Jin arranged accommodation for them. Mr. Ke will stay in Chongqing for a while this time, mainly because of the current cruel fighting environment.

"Ke Gong, this is Xiao Gao, a top student at Yenching University."

Lao Jin introduced the people around him to Mr. Ke. Teacher Hu was also there, and he soon introduced him to Mr. Hu.

"Ke Gong, can I talk to you alone?"

Teacher Hu suddenly said, Lao Jin was startled, and immediately understood that Teacher Hu wanted to report about Chu Ya.

"Xiao Hu, Mr. Ke has just arrived, let him have a good rest."

Lao Jin scolded, Teacher Hu lowered his head, and Mr. Ke smiled and waved his hand.

"It's okay, we'll talk alone later."

Ke Gong didn't care and agreed to chat with Teacher Hu alone.

"Mr. Ke, Xiao Hu must have said something about Chu Ya again. She is very fond of that child, but the child is in a special situation. She has something to hide from the organization because she is not a party member. We can't say anything, but your identity is important and you must not Take risks easily.”

When the others went out, Lao Jin immediately said to Mr. Ke. When he heard Chu Ya's name, Mr. Ke immediately thought of Chu Lingyun.

"Tell me about her situation in detail."

Princess Ke asked excitedly, and Lao Jin told Gong Ke in detail the results of his investigation.

"I know what happened. The child did hide something, but she was forced to do it. Don't blame her."

After listening, Mr. Ke thought for a moment and said slowly.

"Forced, what do you mean?"

"Don't ask about this."

Mr. Ke smiled. Kuangbiao 1 was an absolute secret. He couldn't tell Lao Jin. Besides, he wasn't completely sure. It was just a guess.

In this case, he couldn't say anything.

Chu Ya should be Chu Lingyun's biological sister. As for the two bodyguards, Chu Lingyun specially arranged them to protect her.

It's normal to worry about something happening to your family and send someone to protect him. Lao Jin doesn't know that Chu Ya has a brother with a special status, so he doesn't know all this.

"So you know something about her?"

Lao Jin was thoughtful. Mr. Ke was responsible for intelligence. Since he said so, he probably really knew about Chu Ya's situation.

"So be it."

Mr. Ke continued to give ambiguous answers, and Lao Jin didn't ask any more questions. Since Mr. Ke knew Chu Ya's situation, it was up to him to make arrangements.

After a while, Xiao Hu entered the room. Facing Mr. Ke, she was a little nervous.

"Ke Gong, I want to tell you about Chu Ya."

"I know. You arrange a time for me to meet her and have a chat with her."

Ke Gong smiled and nodded, while Teacher Hu's eyes widened. She prepared a lot of words. First, she explained Chu Ya's situation. Chu Ya did hide something, but she couldn't go back to school now and couldn't ask Chu Ya in person.

Then he introduced to Mr. Ke how outstanding Chu Ya was, how talented he was, etc., but he didn't say anything and Mr. Ke agreed.

"Yes, okay, I'll find someone to inform her."

Teacher Hu answered hurriedly and left immediately. Her alone chat time was very short, less than a minute.

"Chu Ya, someone is looking for you."

Two days later, in the school dormitory, the teacher came to notify Chu Ya. Chu Ya tied her hair and quickly arrived at the door.

It was Comrade Gao who came to see him last time.

"Do you have time today? Can you go out with me? This is a letter written by Teacher Hu for you."

Xiao Gao asked in a low voice, today is the weekend and the school is not in session. He specially came to inform Chu Ya at this time.

In order to reassure Chu Ya, Teacher Hu specially wrote a letter, and Chu Ya recognized her handwriting.

"Okay, you tell me where the place is, and I'll find a way to get there myself."

After Chu Ya read the letter, she nodded immediately and looked behind Xiao Gao.

This time the bodyguard didn't come, but he came closer and stared at him from a distance.


Xiao Gao noticed her expression. Before coming, Mr. Ke had given instructions to cooperate with her in everything.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Chu Ya nodded quickly, said goodbye to him and returned to the dormitory.

She couldn't leave through the gate, otherwise the two bodyguards would definitely follow her. In addition to the bodyguards, there were also nearby police officers.

Her brother was very powerful and protected her too tightly.

She doesn't object to this kind of protection, and even likes it a little. She understands that her brother is doing it for her own good and is worried about something happening to her.

But it also restricted her freedom.

Fortunately, there is a small door in the school. She can leave through that small door and avoid the two bodyguards.

An hour later, Chu Ya came to the place where Xiao Gao said. She immediately noticed that there were many people nearby secretly staring at this place.

She didn't dare to get close and walked directly over to the other side of the road.

"Yes, it is indeed a good seedling."

In the darkness, Ke Zhengzheng was secretly observing, noticed that Chu Ya did not come in, smiled and nodded.

This place is full of spies and Chu Ya can't come in.

In fact, what Mr. Ke asked Xiao Gao to notify was another place, not where they were, and if Chu Ya went to that place, even if she was discovered by the agents, there would definitely be no problem.

"I'm right, Mr. Ke, when will you see her?"

Teacher Hu said happily, Ke Gong smiled and nodded: "Let's go over."

Ke Gong had a way to avoid these spies. Chu Ya was walking carefully on the road when a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.


"Teacher Hu."

Chu Ya turned around and shouted in surprise. This was the first time they met after they separated from Teacher Hu.

"Come with me."

Teacher Hu took her to another house, where a man was sitting drinking tea. When he saw them coming in, he immediately waved.

"Xiaoya, let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Ke Gong of our party."

"Hello Mr. Ke."

Chu Ya greeted him politely, and Mr. Ke seemed very dignified at first glance. Unfortunately, Chu Ya had never been exposed to intelligence, so she didn't know how famous Mr. Ke was.

She had no access to this information in school, and Teacher Hu had never told her about it.

"sit down."

Mr. Ke smiled, and Teacher Hu hurriedly poured tea for Chu Ya.

"Comrade Chu Ya, let me ask you a question first. Are you willing to join the Red Party?"

Ke Gong asked with a smile, Chu Ya nodded immediately: "I do."

She is indeed willing. She likes the idea of ​​the Red Party so much. It is exactly what she pursues, serving the people and allowing all the poor in the world to have enough to eat. There is no class and everyone is equal.

"I'm glad you recognized us. What do you think of the agents?"

Ke Gong continued to ask, Chu Ya was stunned, and looked back at Teacher Hu, who gave her an encouraging look.

"I don't know agents."

Chu Ya whispered, and Mr. Ke directly named him: "Xiao Hu said that you are very talented as an agent. I also observed you just now. It is true. If you join us and let you be an agent, will you be willing?"

Chu Ya looked at Teacher Hu again, and Teacher Hu nodded gently to her.

"I do not want to."

Chu Ya whispered back, her voice was very low, and she lowered her head after speaking.

Her answer made Teacher Hu startled. Chu Ya had such a good talent, but her answer was that she was unwilling.

Ke Gong was also a little surprised by this answer.

"Can you tell me why?"

Mr. Ke was not in a hurry and asked with a smile. Chu Ya shook her head again: "I'm sorry, I'm not suitable to be an agent, and I don't like being an agent."


"Xiao Hu, please go out first."

Just as Teacher Hu was about to persuade her, Mr. Ke suddenly interrupted her. At this time, Mr. Ke already understood why Chu Ya said that.

"The Red Party will not force anyone to do something they don't like. Don't worry. Since you don't like being an agent, you should study hard in the future. We need young and outstanding talents like you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely study hard."

Chu Ya breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly, as long as she was not allowed to be an agent. She really didn't want to.

Although she is talented, she will never be an agent, especially an agent of the Red Party.

Her brother is an agent. If she becomes an agent of the Red Party, she is worried that it will be detrimental to her brother in the future, and she is not willing to become a hostile relationship with her brother and embarrass him.

"Very good, you go back first, I'll ask Xiao Gao to see you off."

Mr. Ke nodded and the conversation ended. Chu Ya's answer was both unexpected and reasonable.

She knew her brother's identity and was worried that the two sides would become enemies, so she refused.

This is a good boy who values ​​friendship and is very calm.

Mr. Ke will not embarrass her, not to mention that if he wants to develop her, he must ask Kuangbiao No. 1. Today he is just testing. Even if Chu Ya agrees, he will not take her into the industry immediately.

"No, I can go back by myself, nothing will happen."

Chu Ya shook her head and refused. If someone sent her away, it would be better for her to go back by herself. She could protect herself alone and return to school safely.

It's not good to be around someone, even a man.

Guaranteed update, the monthly ticket is about 600, and at least two chapters will be updated today.

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