Spy Shadow

Chapter 650 Sympathy for Mitsui

This situation cannot be changed. Chu Lingyun made sense and allowed Catfish and Rose to cooperate.

Chu Lingyun did not repay Jiang Qihe, there was no need.

Boss Dai responded quickly, and Chu Lingyun asked Niyi to prepare and send a report to Catfish and Rose.

"Team leader, Tao Gao and two others are on board."

Zhu Qing came over to report in the evening. After working for so long, he finally got Tao Gao and his two men on board. Ying Zuo and Wang Chuhai also returned to Shanghai and announced the establishment of the new government in a high-profile manner.

"They gave me the information. It was shocking. I didn't expect Wang Quanhai to be so heartless and traitorous to the country so completely."

Zhu Qing sighed, Wang Chuanhai was considered a sensible person before, but he would actually agree to such a contract? This secret agreement is made public, and the so-called new government is a big joke.

"Wang Quanhai is crazy. He thought he had gained power, but he didn't expect that he was a puppet. If he doesn't admit that he is a traitor this time, who will believe him?"

Chu Lingyun sneered, Zhu Qing gave him the contents of the secret agreement, it was really shocking.

All Chinese people will not agree with the first point.

Wang Chunhai actually risked the disapproval of the world and promised the Japanese to support the puppet emperor in the Northeast. For this alone, Wang Chuanhai was a complete traitor and traitor.

As for the next few posts, I can't read them at all. It's just irritating.

Japan has the power to develop all resources. Finance, economy, industry and commerce, agriculture, transportation and other departments are all controlled by Japan.

The so-called new government, from top to bottom, must have Japanese advisers in every department.

The most egregious thing is that the Japanese troops are allowed to be stationed for a long time. What is the use of Wang Shuhai's new government?

It’s no wonder that Tao and Gao left when the new government was established. It’s okay not to be such a puppet.

"Send it to headquarters."

Chu Lingyun didn't want to see it anymore, and became angry after seeing it.

"Team leader, Tao Gao and I made a request."

Zhu Qing whispered that this matter was finally done and he had made a great contribution.

"What's the request?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"They want to expose Wang Chuanhai personally, and when they arrive in Hong Kong, they will publicize Wang Chuanhai's treasonous behavior."

"This is a good thing. It's better if they expose it. If you report it to the headquarters, they will agree."

Chu Lingyun immediately said that they were Wang Chunhai's confidants. This time they personally exposed Wang Chunhai's traitorous behavior, which proved how unpopular Wang Chunhai was.

"Yes, I will report right away."

Zhu Qing got up and Tao Gao was deceived by Wang Chuanhai and the Japanese. Now that they have returned from their lost ways, it is of greater significance for them to expose it themselves.

In Chongqing, Secretary Qi received the telegram and immediately came to Boss Dai's home.

This is a serious matter and must be reported as soon as possible.

"Pack up and go see the Chairman."

After reading the telegram, Boss Dai immediately ordered that the war situation team had obtained this secret telegram, but even if the war situation team did not provide it, he could still get it.

It's just a matter of time.

But the sooner the better. The old man will probably be very happy when he sees this information. Wang Quanhai is suicidal, and everyone is angry.

"Mother Xipi, the Japanese are so ambitious and Wang Chuanhai is not worthy of being Chinese."

After reading the intelligence, the old man cursed. Although he was scolding, he was in a good mood. Wang Qianhai was deceived. This new government has no credibility at all and is a complete puppet.

The so-called new government has minimized the threat to them, and their enemy is still the Japanese.

"You are right, but Tao and Gao made a request. They want to expose Wang Quanhai themselves, but they are still on the ship and have not arrived in Hong Kong."

"It doesn't matter, then wait until they get to Hong Kong. They will say it will be better than us."

The old man didn't pay attention. The matter was settled, and it would be done in the most advantageous way. He already knew the contents of their secret agreement, and it didn't matter who announced it.

They said that Wang Chuhai could refute or deny it, but if Tao and Gao were to come, it would be up to him how he would quibble.

It's useless to argue. Tao and Gao participated in the entire negotiation and were close confidants to Wang Chuanhai. Even they couldn't stand such a secret agreement and chose to leave. Others would not believe Wang Chuanhai.

"Is it Zhu Qingli's fault this time?"

On the way back in the car, Boss Dai asked with a smile, and Secretary Qi nodded hurriedly: "Yes, he secretly contacted Tao Gao two months ago. With his persuasion, Tao Gao finally made up his mind to leave Wang Reclamation. And helped Tao and Gao get on the boat."

"Very good, Zhu Qing did a good job."

Boss Dai nodded. He knew that Zhu Qing was originally the team leader of the intelligence department.

At that time, there were three team leaders in the Operations Section of the Military Intelligence Division, and Zhu Qing's performance had always been good. Later, Chu Lingyun became too evil, and the three of them lost their desire to compete.

But Zhu Qing knew the current affairs and hugged Chu Lingyun's lap very early.

After the war situation team was established, he followed Chu Lingyun and became the deputy team leader.

Until now, he has done very well. Being stable, he has become the most reliable person for Chu Lingyun. Zhu Qing is indispensable for the battle team to maintain the strongest combat effectiveness.

"It's been a long time since he was promoted to lieutenant colonel."

Secretary Qi took the opportunity to say that although Zhu Qing was not as generous as Chu Lingyun, he would still pay tribute to him every Chinese New Year.

It's normal to take advantage of others and help them to speak at critical moments.

"Indeed, this time Chu Lingyun asked for credit for him, that's right."

Boss Dai nodded. With his words, Zhu Qing's colonel basically had no problem.

In Shanghai, Rose came to the liaison office.

The liaison officer is still Tian Pei, but his rank has been upgraded, from major to lieutenant colonel.

The military command was upgraded, but the rebellion section remained unchanged. It was still at the section level.

Although he was not promoted to section chief, his military rank was improved and he had a good chance of becoming section chief when he returned.

Even if he is not in the rebellion section, he is still the section chief in other sections.

He is not thinking about leaving now. The more information Rose provides, the greater his contribution will be. When he is promoted to colonel and returns, he can even become the director of a small department.

Or the deputy director of the department.

No matter what happens, you can choose from all the subjects at will, and you will have greater initiative at that time.

"A secret message for you."

Tian Pei handed a telegram to Rose. Jiang Tengkong was stunned for a moment when he saw the content.

The Chinese said that they would send him an assistant, and if the two of them work together, there will be no more problems.

What's the use of sending him assistants at this time? What he wants is to retreat. Even if he doesn't withdraw now, he can withdraw if there is a chance in the future. Can multiple assistants make Nagyun stop attacking him?

And let them form a group, with you as the group leader?

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Tengkong asked, Tian Pei shook his head: "I don't know, it didn't say anything above."

"New guy?"

Jiang Tengkong is a little dissatisfied. He thinks that the Chinese only want information and don't care about his life or death. If a new person is Chinese, he can only help him from the outside. How can this help?

"Remember the meeting time and password."

Tian Pei also didn't understand the message, but he had to carry out the orders above.

Chu Lingyun has always been very protective of Rose, and Rose plays such an important role. Tian Pei believes that Chu Lingyun will help Rose solve this problem.

"take note of it."

After Jiang Tengkong read it carefully, Tian Pei burned the message.

The meeting time is tomorrow at noon. The location is not far from the Special High School. It is a park. He has been to that place before.

On the other side, Ishida Xiaoshan also received a message from Chu Lingyun.

"Send someone to assist me?"

Ishida Xiaoshan frowned. Like Jiang Tengkong, he suspected that the Chinese deliberately put him in danger for intelligence purposes, without any regard for his safety.

What he wants now is a way to deal with Nanyun, or an agreement to evacuate in an emergency, so that he can respond when danger arises.

The Chinese did not agree and instead sent people to help him.

It was useless to send anyone. Now he could only wait for the connection. After seeing the person, he must apply for the authority to evacuate independently in times of danger.

At noon the next day, Jiang Tengkong went out first.

According to Chinese requirements, he must wear a black suit, hold a copy of the day's newspaper in his hand, and have two pens on his chest.

Ishida Koyama also went out. He was wearing regular clothes and a black hat. He was holding a water glass with patterns on it.

Jiang Tengkong went to the park first and sat down on the third chair.

Ishida Koyama arrived five minutes after him and immediately paid attention to the person sitting in the chair.

Wearing a black suit and scarf, without a hat, he was looking down at the newspaper.

He was dressed exactly the same as the person who asked him to join him above, but somehow the figure from behind looked familiar.

Without thinking too much, Ishida Koyama walked over immediately.

"Friend, is there hot water?"

Walking to the chair, Ishida Koyama whispered. This was the first sentence of his joint code.

Jiang Tengkong immediately raised his head. When he saw Ishida Xiaoshan, his eyes almost fell down and he looked at him stupidly.

"Jiang Teng, why are you here?"

Ishida Xiaoshan opened his mouth. He never expected that Jiang Tengkong was sitting here. For a moment, he thought he was exposed and even wanted to run.

He quickly looked around, no one?

Jiang Teng reacted faster than him, and immediately understood that Ishida was the 'newcomer' sent by the Chinese. He wore gray uniforms and a black hat, which was not his usual dress at all.

The most important thing is the cup, the patterned water cup.

Adding the first contact code, he could be sure that Ishida Koyama was the contact person.

"I don't have hot water, do you want sugar water?"

Jiang Tengkong said suddenly, Ishida Xiaoshan froze and looked at him in disbelief.

This is the secret code for those who contact him.

"I don't eat sugar, except coffee."

Ishida Xiaoshan said slowly. At this time, he also understood that Jiang Tengkong was his connector.

He thought of many possibilities, but he never thought that Jiang Tengkong was actually sent by the Chinese to help him.

In other words, he never thought that Jiang Tengkong was a Chinese undercover agent like him.

Whether it was during Kitagawa's time or when Mitsui Amu was the section chief, Jiang Tengkong dealt with the Chinese many times and assassinated Chu Lingyun twice. He himself was also assassinated and injured by military commanders.

He helped Mitsui accomplish many things, such as the Hasegawa rebellion, which was the evidence he found.

Now the Chinese are telling him that Jiang Tengkong is one of their own?

I don’t know when he started working for the Chinese. If it was very early, then he hid it too deeply and even himself was completely deceived.

"I'm not used to drinking coffee. I prefer Maojian."

Jiang Tengkong said the last code word and immediately said to Ishida: "I really didn't expect that you, a top student of the Imperial Military Academy, would also rebel."

"You think I thought of that? When did you do things for the Chinese?"

Ishida Koyama said angrily that he was indeed a top student. In fact, many agents in the early days were elites, and ordinary people were not qualified to enter the secret service department.

"When I was demoted and first came to Shanghai Special Higher Education School, I went to Nanjing to perform a mission and was caught accidentally. What about you?"

Jiang Tengkong didn't say much. Being arrested was not an honorable thing and he didn't want to mention it.

Moreover, until now, he doesn't know how he was exposed, and it would be embarrassing to tell him.

"so early?"

Ishida Xiaoshan said blankly that Jiang Tengkong defected to the Chinese earlier than he thought. It was only 36 years since he first arrived at Shanghai Special Higher Education School.

It has been more than three years.

"What about you, after arriving in Shanghai?" Jiang Tengkong asked again.

Ishida Xiaoshan smiled bitterly: "I was arrested by Chu Lingyun when I was in Wuhan earlier than you."


Jiang Tengkong's eyes widened again. Ishida Xiaoshan had been his subordinate in Wuhan, and he was earlier than him. Doesn't it mean that Ishida Xiaoshan became a traitor when he was under his command? "

"Yes, Hei Hayakawa met me in Wuhan. After he was arrested, he confessed to me, and I was arrested. He helped the Chinese instigate rebellion and told me a secret. Tengzhong is my enemy. The Chinese If they are willing to help me get revenge, I will agree to them."

Ishida Xiaoshan felt a little embarrassed after saying that Jiang Tengkong was indeed his boss at that time.

Jiang Tengkong looked at Ishida Hill, and after a while, he said: "I'm lucky that you didn't kill me."

If he hadn't been transferred from the headquarters, demoted to Shanghai Special High School, and continued to stay in Wuhan, he might have been killed by Ishida. After all, Ishida was an undercover agent of the Chinese at that time.

"You hid it deeply enough, I never doubted you."

Ishida sighed, Jiang Tengkong turned out to be like him and had been working for the Chinese for a long time.

No wonder the Chinese said they would send someone to help him. If it was Jiang Tengkong, then there would be no problem.

The crack between the two people quickly disappeared.

Now they are the strongest allies.

And Ishida no longer has to worry about Na Yun pulling Jiang Tengkong over, because Jiang Tengkong cannot serve Nan Yun.

Like himself, he is doing things for the Chinese people.

"The same goes for you. I didn't expect that you would work for the Chinese earlier than me. When Mitsui transferred you here, I would never have dreamed that you would lead a wolf into the house."

Jiang Tengkong smiled and said, this is outside, there is no one near them, they don't speak loudly, and they are not afraid of being heard.

The contact person is Ishida, and there is no need to worry about being seen by people from the special high school class.

So what if I see it?

Who would dare to ask them except Nan Yun? Even if Na Yun asks, is it normal for two people to communicate secretly?

"To each other, Mitsui reused you, but in the end, he reused a traitor."

Ishida smiled, and Jiang Tengkong smiled even wider: "Speaking of it, Mitsui is quite unlucky. I wonder how he will react when he knows the truth."

Ishida was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "If he knew, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood. As long as we are here, there will be no secrets in the Shanghai Special Higher Education School in front of the Chinese."

"Too bad, he'll never know."

Jiang Tengkong said regretfully, unless they openly jumped to the Chinese side and admitted that they had done things for the Chinese very early on.

"What happened to Hasegawa and the others? They were indeed instigated by the Chinese to rebel. Did the Chinese do this deliberately?"

Ishida Koyama asked, Hase San and Ishizawa really surrendered to the Chinese, and Jiang Tengkong found their evidence.

Now that he knew that Jiang Tengkong was one of his own, Ishida understood that this must have been done intentionally by the Chinese.

It was precisely because of that incident that Mitsui increased his trust in Jiang Teng and left many things to him.

"They did surrender, but it was of little use. Now I understand that Chu Lingyun had no intention of using them from the beginning. He wanted to use their heads to put us in power."

Jiang Tengkong sighed, Chu Lingyun was really terrible, setting up such a big situation so early.

No wonder he asked himself to give in and join the action team instead of the intelligence team.

Because the intelligence team leader is also his, he is the same wherever he is.

Fortunately, he thought that Chu Lingyun was thinking about his safety and would rather not have the more important intelligence team, so he was completely moved.

"You are indeed courageous."

Ishida nodded. Hasegawa was the head of the intelligence team at that time, and there were more internal agents. These people gave up as soon as they said they would, just to let the two of them rise to the top.

Facts have proved that Chu Lingyun did the right thing. After they took over, Mitsui trusted them more, much more than Hasegawa and others.

"How many times you have performed meritorious services, were they all given to you by the Chinese?" Jiang Tengkong asked again.

"Yes, what about you?"


After Jiang Tengkong finished speaking, the two of them laughed together. Poor Mitsui really thought they were doing things with care, but they were tricked by the Chinese.

Those achievements were all rewarded to him by the Chinese.

No wonder they are all unimportant little people, or people who have little influence on Chinese agents.

"According to the requirements of the Chinese, the two of us formed a team, with me as the team leader. We will cooperate well in the future."

Jiang Tengkong's expression became serious as he conveyed Chu Lingyun's instructions.

"no problem."

Ishida agreed immediately, and he had no problem with Jiang Tengkong being the team leader, as Jiang Tengkong was his old superior.

"You don't have to worry now, do you?"

Jiang Tengkong smiled again. Nanyun's conspiracy was now self-defeating.

They are already on the same team, and no one has to worry about the other being attracted by Nayun.

"Don't worry anymore."

Ishida smiled and said that with Jiang Tengkong's help, they still had the capital to confront Nanyun. No wonder the Chinese did not agree to his emergency evacuation plan. It was indeed not time.

Now that Ezaki is fine and they have become the best alliance again, it is even harder for Nanyun to open up the situation in the super high class.

You can go to the sky by plane, but Nagyun can't do anything to them.

The two of them didn't know that they had a more solid backing, Ishihara Hiroshi and Takemoto.

Chu Lingyun would not let anything happen to them and would protect them secretly. Nan Yun had no hope of winning if he fought with them.

"Then let's see how Nagyun performs next."


Ishida smiled and nodded. Mitsui is a clown, and Nayun is no exception. If he wants to win over Jiang Tengkong, he is destined to be impossible to succeed.

In the city, there is a slum.

Fang Shiyi brought Jiang Qihe here. They brought a lot of food and made porridge and pancakes.

It's not fine grain, it's coarse grain.

The pancakes are very hard, so you have to eat them with water. They call them porridge, but in fact they are no different from clear soup.

It's not that they can't give the people here better, but it's not necessary.

For them, the most important thing is to have food to eat and not starve to death. The simpler the food, the more people they can help.


"Thank you, great benefactor."

Poor people in ragged clothes and skinny bones took pancakes and porridge without forgetting words of gratitude.

"Aren't you cold?"

Esaki He asked suddenly. The people in the queue were stunned for a moment. Some people shrank back timidly, but for the sake of the food in front of them, they did not retreat.

"Taijun, there's nothing I can do about the cold. I have no clothes to wear."

One person bravely replied, and as soon as Esaki He spoke, his identity was revealed.

He doesn't speak, so others can't tell that he is Japanese. He is shorter, but at least he has the same face as the Chinese.

But if he says it in blunt Chinese, anyone who is not stupid will know that he is Japanese.

"Secretary Fang, are there many people like this?"

Jiang Qihe asked Fang Shiyi next to him. They brought a thousand kilograms of pancakes today and kept cooking the porridge. Jiang Qihe was a little unhappy when it was cooked so thinly at first, but Fang Shiyi insisted on it.

"a lot of."

Fang Shiyi sighed. Today he brought Jiang Qihe to give alms. He used the three thousand yuan given to him by Jiang Qihe. If the money was used to buy food, it would be enough to feed many people.

But it cannot change the reality of poverty in China as a whole.

"a lot of?"

Esaki frowned. He knew some about the situation of the Chinese, but this was his first time in the slums, and the living scenes of the people here shocked him.

"My money won't last long, right?"

Esaki He asked, he is not stupid, there are so many people, how many people can three thousand yen help?

"It won't last long, but if you give them more food, you may be able to save many more people."

In fact, Toru Ishihara is also doing such a thing, but he does not use direct charity, but opens factories so that more people can come to work.

When these people work and earn money, they can support their families.

Fang Shiyi didn't understand before and even scolded him as a capitalist who exploited the Chinese people.

In fact, Hiroshi Ishihara does not make money in these businesses, and even loses money. He never uses the machines that can be used. He keeps working regardless of the off-peak and peak seasons, in order to provide more people with work. This is very costly, but it can help more people. .

Although it cannot change the fact that they are poor, it will not starve to death.

Nowadays, most slums are populated by lazy people who are elderly, unable to work, or unwilling to contribute.

"As long as we can save a lot of people."

Esaki He sighed. He only had these three thousand yen left, so he could do as much as he could.

Every day for the next day, he would go to various slums to give alms. Nayun didn't care about him, and the new logistics team leader Shizuka Yamauchi didn't want to see him. No one would care if he didn't go to work.

Ask him what he is doing to attract Takemoto again?

Takemoto is a person that even Nagyun dares to arrest. Which other person does he not dare to touch?

The more he saw, the more he couldn't bear it, and his three thousand yen was also declining rapidly.

"Fang Jun."

On this day, Esaki He came to the trading house again. He still couldn't see Ishihara Hiroshi, but he could see Fang Shiyi at any time.

"Esaki, didn't you go deliver pancakes today?"

"Give it away and let others look at it. I only have a thousand yen left now, so I can't help them for long. I'm looking for you today to ask you if there is any way to make money so that I can continue to help them. .”

Initially, Esaki was congratulated because the Chinese saved his life despite the danger and cold, which made him suddenly understand that there are actually many good people in China.

He realized his previous mistake and took out 3,000 yen to make amends.

At that time, he thought he would die.

Ishihara Hiroshi rescued him, but his attitude did not change. He took the initiative to find Fang Shiyi and accompanied him to help the Chinese in need.

Two thousand yen was spent in a few days.

He realized that this was not possible, and the number of people he could help was limited, but there were too many poor people, and he wanted to try his best to help them all.

He likes those who he helps to say thank you to him.

After a few days, people who were afraid of him at first are no longer afraid of him, and all praise him as a good person, a good person among Japanese.

Esaki He wanted them to know that there are also good people in Japan.

"make money?"

Fang Shiyi was very surprised that Ezaki He could take it seriously and spent all three thousand yen, which was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that he was still not satisfied and wanted to make money and continue to help people.

"Master Ishihara is the best at making money. If you follow him, you must know how to make money."

Ezaki He nodded seriously. He has nothing to do now in the extra-high school class. He can make money so that he can continue to help these people in need.

“There are many methods, but they require capital.”

Alchemist Yi smiled and Jiang Qihe lowered his head, he had no capital.

"You still have a thousand yen, which is quite enough. I'll think of something for you. Don't give away charity yet. The food they have saved can last them for a while."

Fang Shiyi replied that Esakiga's words reminded him that neither he nor Toru Ishihara would be able to help these poor people for a long time, otherwise it would attract the attention and suspicion of others.

Capitalists are greedy by nature and do good things just for fame. How can there be so many people who keep pouring real money into them without asking for anything in return?

But Ezakiga is different. He is also Japanese and comes from a special high school.

The most important thing is that he is not one of our own, even if he is stared at, it will be fine.

"Accumulation, what do you mean?" Ezaki He asked in surprise.

"Do you really think that they will eat all the food they receive every time? No, they will keep some of it to deal with famine. This is why I ask you to make food that can be stored for a long time."

Alchemist Yi knows more about the poor.

They definitely won't eat all the food, even ordinary pancakes that don't taste good.

They keep it, give it to family members, or eat it in emergencies.

They are all people who are scared of hunger, and it is their instinct to save food for emergencies.

Although Ezaki's family is ordinary, he is not that kind of poor. His parents have jobs and the family has enough food to eat. They have never experienced the hardship of being hungry for a long time.

In Japan, like China, it is difficult for ordinary families to go to school.

Ezaki He was able to attend military school and become an officer, and his family was not too bad.

"That's not enough for them to eat. It can only feed one person at most, so they still want to keep it?"

Esaki He was even more shocked. The food he distributed to everyone was not much. Do they still want to save this limited food and eat it later?

Such a thing was completely beyond his imagination.

"You will know when you look back. Now you wait while I report to the boss."

Fang Shiyi wanted Jiang Qihe to replace them and provide long-term relief to the poor, but he could not make the decision and had to report.

"Ezaki Kagaku really wants to do this for a long time?"

Chu Lingyun was very surprised. Is this still the Jiang Qihe he knew?

His whole person has completely changed.

"I don't think he is lying. Let's try. He shouldn't dare to lie to you."

Fang Shiyi replied, and Chu Lingyun thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, you can take back his thousand yen, give him some sulfa, and let him sell it, and then come back to get the goods after selling."

Ishihara Trading Company has sulfonamides, but not in large quantities.

Sulfa is mainly sold by Liu Chengzhu. He keeps some for emergencies and provides them to Hayakawa Taira.

"Okay, I'll give it to him right away."

Fang Shiyi nodded immediately. This was indeed the fastest way for Ezaki He to make money. The next step would be to see if he would really do it after making money.


Seeing the boxes of medicine brought by Fang Shiyi, Jiang Qihe immediately recognized that these were life-saving medicines that were very popular on the black market.

"That's right, you can sell it and you can make money. After you make money, you can come back and get the goods, so you can make more money."

Fang Shiyi nodded, and Jiang Qihe took the sulfa and bowed deeply to Fang Shiyi: "Thank you again."

Sulfonamide was indeed easy to sell. When it came to the black market, he easily sold it and sold it for 2,000 yen. One thousand becomes two thousand, directly doubled.

Two thousand turned into four thousand, and he soon had money again.

With some capital left, he continued to buy food to help those people, and hired a group of people for a long time to help him distribute it.

He once went to the homes where he had helped people, and it was just as he said. Every home had pancakes left over. They didn't eat much, not even 30%.

No matter how much he tried to persuade them, these people just refused to eat.

This made Ezaki He understand that if he wanted them to be truly full, they would not dare to eat more unless they saved enough food. They were worried that the food would go bad if they could not finish it.

It’s really not easy for these Chinese people.

Tao and Gao finally arrived in Hong Kong safely. They found the newspaper and issued a public statement.

This statement quickly spread throughout the world and caused an uproar.

The real contents of the negotiations between Wang Rehai and the Japanese are all in it.

The publishers were Tao Gao. They were involved in the entire negotiation process and were Wang Qianhai's confidants. Many people chose to believe their statement.

For a time, the media across the country were scolding Wang Qianhai, calling him a traitor and a traitor.

"What does Wang Qianhai do for food? You don't even know if his confidant has run away?"

Ying Zuo is angry. He is now the top military adviser of the new government. It can be said that whatever Wang Qianhai wants to do, it cannot be done without his consent.

Even the appointment of an official must be approved by him.

He is the overlord of the new government.

Moreover, now that he has been promoted to general, he is very ambitious and wants to do something big.

Tao Gao's statement instantly made him very passive, and voices of blame came from the country.

How could such a secret agreement be made public?

"Sir, Wang Chuanhai's phone number."

The phone rang, and the man went to answer it. Ying Zuo immediately stepped forward and took the phone.

"Wang Quanhai, what on earth do you want to do? Don't tell me that the two of them ran away. You don't know anything about it?"

Speaking into the microphone, Ying Zuo cursed unceremoniously that Wang Qianhai was the spokesperson of the new government, but he had no status at all in front of him.

100 monthly tickets for additional updates, and there will be additional updates today. Thanks to Pipitu and Fengyun Danmo for their 500 starting coin rewards again, and to book friends 20230313194247377 and Yu Tian for their 200 starting coin rewards.

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