Spy Shadow

Chapter 665 Wu is a traitor

Chapter 665 Wu is a traitor

"Is Chen Zhanli here? Not there? Find him and ask him to come to my office immediately."

Kubo picked up the phone and called the main office. Chen Zhanli was not there. His team members hurried back to the dormitory to call for help. Sure enough, Chen Zhanli hadn't gotten up yet.

"Sir, you are looking for me."

When he heard that Kubo was looking for him, Chen Zhanli got up in a hurry and ran over without washing his face.

"You said yesterday that Wu Shengcai had been eavesdropping at the door of my office for a while. Is that true?"

"Of course it's true. I saw him sneaking around at the door. After I called him, he hurriedly tried to run away, but I stopped him."

Chen Zhanli nodded immediately, and he would try his best to say anything bad to Wu Shengcai.

Besides, this was exactly what he saw, and he wasn't lying.

"Are you sure he heard our conversation inside?" Kubo asked again.

"Sure, he was like this at that time. What else could he be doing if he wasn't eavesdropping?"

Chen Zhanli made a sideways movement and purposely put his ear towards her. This was indeed a sign of eavesdropping. Kubo's expression turned even uglier.

It was Wu Shengcai, and he must have leaked the secret, which led to Lily being rescued and Li Zhiqun falling short.

Li Zhiqun's meritorious service is equivalent to his meritorious service, and this credit is more important to him.

Wu Shengcai deserves to die.

"You said last time that Wu Shengcai was a traitor to the military. Is there any new discovery?"

Jiubao asked suddenly, and Li Zhiqun was shocked. Wu Shengcai was a traitor to the military. How could this be possible?

Wu Shengcai is Ding Mo's most trusted person. If he is a traitor, wouldn't No. 76 have no secrets?

"Not yet, my lord, if you agree, I will check him and I will definitely find evidence."


Jiubao immediately shook his head. Chen Zhanli went to check on Wu Shengcai. What a joke. As soon as he started checking, Wu Shengcai would find out that if Wu Shengcai took the risk, Chen Zhanli would definitely die.

He is a traitor to the military, and Wu Shengcai is really a traitor to the military. If exposed, and with the conflicts between them, Wu Shengcai will definitely kill Chen Zhanli and escape.

"Sir, Wu Shengcai is a member of the military commander, is it possible?"

Li Zhiqun took the initiative to ask, saying that Wu Shengcai was trying to mess up Thaksin for him, but Li Zhiqun really didn't believe that Wu Shengcai was a traitor to the military.

"Let me ask you, has Wu Shengcai ever captured anyone from the military command?" Kubo asked.


When Li Zhiqun answered, he looked at Chen Zhanli again.

Wu Shengcai captured Chen Zhanli's company. He was the only one in the company to escape and then reported it to the regiment headquarters.

"I know, but that is the Loyalty and National Salvation Army. What if someone from the military commander deliberately gave Wu Shengcai credit?"

Jiubao asked, Li Zhiqun was stunned.

Deliberately giving credit to Wu Shengcai?

This possibility is real. Boss Dai, the military commander, is unscrupulous in doing things. In order to protect an important internal agent, losing a hundred people is nothing.

What was lost was the Loyalty and National Salvation Army, which were scattered soldiers. If you have money, you can replenish them. Wu Shengcai is really the commander of the army. He is much more important than these more than a hundred people.

"Don't forget, although Wu Shengcai arrested many people from the Zhongyi National Salvation Army, they were all rescued. You investigated so many people, but you did not investigate Wu Shengcai. He definitely had the opportunity to make plans with the people from the Zhongyi National Salvation Army. "

Kubo said again, while Li Zhiqun remained silent.

If you include those who were rescued, Wu Shengcai only gained thirty or forty people last time, and the military commander paid an even smaller price.

The most important thing is that Wu Shengcai's men lost a total of sixty or seventy people. Although it was his direct men who died, it was No. 76's strength that was weakened.

Those people are agents, not as easy to replace as the people from the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

"How did you escape in the first place?"

Li Zhiqun suddenly asked, asking about Chen Zhanli.

"I went out to eat, heard gunshots and went back to see the situation."

Chen Zhanli said honestly that this was the truth. Ying Zuo had asked him before, so had Kubo, and Ding Mo and Wu Shengcai had also asked.

"Do you go out often?"

"Often, otherwise why would I be stared at by that bitch Wu Shengcai."

Chen Zhanli cursed that the Zhongyi National Salvation Army was Ding Mo's case. Li Zhiqun had not intervened before. He only knew that Wu Shengcai was targeting people and found the Zhongyi National Salvation Army. Unexpectedly, the person he was targeting was Chen Zhanli.

"Why would he leave you alone?"

When Li Zhiqun asked again, Jiubo already understood that Li Zhiqun was also suspicious of Wu Shengcai, otherwise he would not have asked in such detail.

"Tell him the whole truth, in detail."

Jiubo suddenly interrupted, Li Zhiqun is still capable. From the first time he came to seek refuge alone, now he has become the deputy director, and his subordinates are stronger than Ding Mo.

After experiencing several internal fights in the special high school class, he was able to survive and develop, gaining Nayun's absolute trust, and even gaining a certain amount of trust from himself, which he couldn't do without ability.

"Yes, sir."

Chen Zhanli told everything he knew.

Wu Shengcai did keep an eye on him first, but he was the one who ran out in the end. It was indeed him who tipped off the news and made preparations for the regiment.

"Sir, Wu Shengcai is indeed suspicious."

Li Zhiqun lowered his head and said. Kubo looked at him and motioned for him to continue.

"If you don't tell me, I really ignored it. The main thing is that he is the person Ding Mo trusts the most. He comes from Zhongtong. He was the one who kept an eye on Zhongtong last time. But you also know that the military and Zhongtong are at odds. He People who target Zhongtong will not have any psychological burden. If he is really a traitor, reporting such a thing will actually be meritorious."

What Li Zhiqun was talking about was keeping an eye on the Central Unification Security Officer. Chen Zhanli knew full well that he was the one who really reported the matter.

"Go on." Kubo nodded.

"Okay, last time I was ambushed by the military commander in the concession. I have been wondering, how did the military commander know that I went there? How do they know my whereabouts so well?"

"If someone is really observing me on No. 76, my whereabouts cannot be hidden from those who are truly interested."

"Wu Shengcai is the director. It is not difficult for him to investigate my whereabouts. For example, through the car class, and through people who are out in the field, or this is Wu Shengcai's plan to deliberately expose two unimportant team members to me. Wu Sanbao is not here , if I wanted to go out, I would most likely go there.”

Kubo nodded slowly: "Then the military commander prepared in advance. In fact, they have been waiting for you?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I meant."

Chen Zhanli said nothing, he was a little dazed.

He deliberately said that Wu Shengcai was a traitor, but he was just giving him eye drops. Anyway, he just didn't want Wu Shengcai to have an easy time.

Unexpectedly, it really aroused Kubo's suspicion.

Not only that, but now even Li Zhiqun has doubts about him.

He knows best whether Wu Shengcai is a traitor. He is the only one on No. 76. If Wu Shengcai is a traitor, the team leader will not let him deal with Wu Shengcai like this.

"Wu Shengcai is the director of the intelligence department. He must have a way to secretly contact the people of the Loyalty and Salvation Army. Moreover, he was the one who caught those people. No one will doubt him."

Li Zhiqun continued: "If he was a traitor, he might have originally wanted to bring these people under his command and select a few smart ones to help him work together. However, Nan Yun disrupted his plan and gave them to me. He just wants to rescue people again, so that he can attack us and make meritorious service within the military system."

Kubo agreed with his words.

It seems that people from the loyal National Salvation Army were rescued, but in fact No. 76 suffered greater losses.

In the second of three rescues, no one died, but the garrison resented them, saying that they had caused the garrison to be caught by patrols, and these people were made prisoners.

The first and third time, many people died.

"That person named Wu wanted to give me people from the Loyalty and Salvation Army, and then planted an informant for me."

Chen Zhanli added very appropriately, yes, it was Ding Mo and Wu Shengcai's idea to transfer those die-hard loyalists to the National Salvation Army under Chen Zhanli.

It is possible that Ding Mo was deceived by Wu Shengcai.

Ding Mo couldn't be from the military commander. He was already at odds with the military commander. His status in the Guo Army was no less than that of Boss Dai, and the military commander didn't have the capital to let him help.

"Wu Shengcai must know his subordinates well. It's possible that he deliberately set up a trap last time and then pretended to be deceived. All the responsibilities were put on his subordinates."

Li Zhiqun analyzed that the more Kubo listened, the more suspicious he became of Wu Shengcai.

"Does Wu Shengcai know about your family's situation?"

Jiubo asked again. Li Zhiqun was startled for a moment and nodded immediately: "I must know that. He is the director of the intelligence department. It is not difficult for him to find out my situation."

"He has the closest relationship with Ding Mo. It's easy to get Ding Mo's voice."

Jiubo nodded slowly, and Li Zhiqun said affirmatively: "Yes, Ding Mo trusts him too much. If he is really a traitor to the military, it would be really scary. The military knows all our whereabouts."

"Damn it, only you and I know about Lily. He overheard our conversation, so knowing that Lily was exposed, the military commander immediately took Lily away."

Kubo hammered the table and said bitterly.

"What Lily?"

Chen Zhanli pretended to be stupid and asked. He really didn't know who Lily was. Li Zhiqun glanced at him and explained softly: "I found out who leaked He Mingjian's whereabouts. There was someone from the military command in the ballroom. She was a dancer named Lily. Yesterday When I came to report, I happened to be overheard by Wu Shengcai. If he was a traitor, it would not be surprising for the military commanders to know."

Yesterday, Chen Zhanli came at the right time and discovered Wu Shengcai in time.

Otherwise, he would not have suspected Wu Shengcai at all.

Moreover, Chen Zhanli called Wu Shengcai from a distance. It was impossible for him to hear his report. After that, he didn't say anything about Lily. The only ones who knew about Lily's existence were him, Kubo, and Wu Shengcai, who was eavesdropping.

This was a good opportunity to make great achievements, but it was ruined by Wu Shengcai, and Li Zhiqun's heart was bleeding.

Fortunately, the anomaly of Wu Shengcai was discovered. If it can be proven that he is a traitor, it will be a credit. Maybe Wu Shengcai can be used to lure out the military commander.

"Li Zhiqun, go investigate secretly and find a way to get the evidence."

Jiubao immediately ordered that Chen Zhanli would not be able to investigate because he would be tricked by Wu Shengcai, but Li Zhiqun was different.

Li Zhiqun is a professional agent, and Wu Shengcai is not easy to detect. He has the ability to find evidence of Wu Shengcai through many aspects.

"Yes, sir, don't worry, I will definitely find the evidence."

Li Zhiqun responded that Wu Shengcai was not an ordinary person. He was the director of the intelligence department. He was also the intelligence team leader at the Zhongtong Hangzhou Station and held a high position.

To win him down, proof is needed, otherwise Ding Mo would definitely not agree.

Without evidence, Ding Mo would take the case to Mr. Yingzuo. Even if he did not trust Wu Shengcai in the future, it would be impossible to use him to bring down Ding Mo.

Li Zhiqun was very determined. Not only did he want to take down Wu Shengcai, he also wanted to take the opportunity to bring down Ding Mo.

He has longed for the position of director for a long time.

"Go ahead and report anything to me at any time."

Jiubo nodded. Wu Shengcai's status in No. 76 was not low and he could not be touched easily. However, even if Li Zhiqun could not find any evidence, Jiubo would not keep this person anymore.

The three of them were the only ones who knew Lily. It was impossible for Li Zhiqun to leak the secret. He had found out the person, and there was only one source of the leak.

Wu Shengcai.

Kubo had identified Wu Shengcai's identity in his heart and issued a killing order for him.

"Director Li, do you need my help?"

Chen Zhanli asked immediately, and Li Zhiqun smiled and shook his head: "No, you have made a great contribution by discovering Wu Shengcai's little trick in time yesterday. If it weren't for you, we would still be in the dark if the news leaked, and we don't know what happened."

Chen Zhanli really helped him a lot this time.

Wu Shengcai left secretly after hearing the conversation. If no one saw it, Lily's departure would become an unsolved case. He would not think about Wu Shengcai even if he thought about it.

You may even suspect your own subordinates of leaking secrets.

Fortunately, Chen Zhanli came over yesterday and stopped Wu Shengcai.

It's true that Chen Zhanli is a villain, but villains are just as useful. If he can win over Wu Shengcai this time, Chen Zhanli will indeed have a great contribution.

"Li Zhiqun is right. You have made meritorious service. Don't worry, I will reward you in the future."

Kubo smiled, Chen Zhanli was his lucky general, and he was quite satisfied with Chen Zhanli.

Although he has little ability to handle cases and cannot keep track of people, he can discover all the hidden dangers inside No. 76 in time, which is enough.

Kubo clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments. Since Chen Zhanli has made meritorious service, he cannot but reward him.

His current level is still too low, he is just a captain. If he is promoted to team leader later, even if he does not increase his subordinates, at least his nominal position will be higher.

Salaries will also increase accordingly.

"All right."

After being rejected, Chen Zhanli was not very interested. Li Zhiqun shook his head and left. Chen Zhanli had no self-awareness and really wanted to help him investigate the case.

Li Zhiqun would not ask him to help. If he came, it would only be a disservice.

But this is good. Chen Zhanli is a sycophant. If you do what he likes and don't offend him, he can actually help himself, and he can help him a lot.

Kubo trusts Chen Zhanli very much and likes him. Such people can only be friends, not enemies.

So what if you coax him, Chen Zhanli poses no threat to him.

Even if Kubo was still partial to Chen Zhanli, he would not be able to give him the position of director.

Not to mention the director, it is impossible to be a division chief. Being a section chief is already the highest level.

Kubo would not joke about his future. He knew exactly what kind of person Chen Zhanli was.

"Sir, am I right? Wu Shengcai is a bastard and a spy. He deliberately let go of the military commander."

As soon as Li Zhiqun left, Chen Zhanli continued to apply eye drops to Wu Shengcai.

It was Wu Shengcai who found out about them and caused the death of so many of his brothers.

He has been thinking about revenge, and he definitely can't do it on his own, but if Kubo helps him, it becomes possible to get rid of Wu Shengcai.

And it's very possible.

"You're right, I wish I had listened to you earlier."

Kubo sighed. If Wu Shengcai's identity had been identified before, after discovering that he was eavesdropping yesterday, even if he did not admit it, he would have been taken into custody immediately, and Lily would not have run away.

This time the losses were too great and the lessons learned were heavy.

Next, let's see if Li Zhiqun can find evidence. It's best to have evidence, so that Ding Mo can't say anything and at the same time, Master Yingzuo can see his achievements.

Wu Shengcai was brought in by Ding Mo, who was brought in by Nan Yun to the secret service headquarters.

These people have nothing to do with him. If he finds out the deeply hidden traitor, it will not be a fault, but a merit, a great merit.

"It's a pity that I don't know how to investigate the case, otherwise the true face of Wu would have been exposed long ago."

Chen Zhanli said angrily, and Kubo was amused by him. Chen Zhanli's inability to investigate the case was indeed a problem, but it was not a big problem.

Li Zhiqun is investigating the case, and Chen Zhanli only needs to be loyal to him and help him keep an eye on the inside.

With Chen Zhanli inside and Li Zhiqun outside, this is Kubo's most ideal model.

"Don't be so talkative, how are your subordinates doing now?" Kubo asked.

"It's good. I finally gave you some feelings. You tell me everything you do recently, and you don't dare to be careless."

The last time Wu Shengcai ordered people to be arrested, he didn't tell him. It was Xiao Lu who came to report to him.

This is the benefit of his gourmet tactics. Although his subordinates are not really convinced by him, they at least tell him something and do not treat him as an outsider.

That's good. Take your time, and these people will become more and more committed to him in the future.

This way he won't have anyone available.

"Are they reliable?"

"Don't worry, it's absolutely reliable. That bitch Wu Shengcai is really going to develop offline, so he won't be sent to my side."

Chen Zhanli puffed out his chest and said, Kubo was stunned again and then laughed.

It seems that Chen Zhanli is self-aware and understands that Wu Shengcai will not put so much effort into him. If there is a real problem, he will not use it on him.

"As long as it's reliable, don't let them know about Wu Shengcai now."

Kubo warned that this was just a precaution and Wu Shengcai must not be allowed to know that he had been investigated, otherwise he might abscond like Lily.

Lily's lesson must never happen again.

Fortunately, only the three of them knew what happened this time, and no one dared to eavesdrop while they were talking.

Today, Kubo specially arranged for someone to be outside his office. If anyone comes over, he will report it to avoid Wu Shengcai's situation from happening again.

Kubo does not have a secretary, and he is now considering whether to ask Mr. Kagesa to assign him a full-time secretary.

In this way, he can renovate an office, where he can work while his secretary sits outside, thus preventing eavesdropping from happening.

The reason for Kubo's hesitation was that he was worried that this would be too high-profile. Currently, only Mr. Kagezuo had this kind of treatment. There were many people in the agency who were closer and higher-level than him.

They don't get such good treatment. If they do it themselves, it will easily attract criticism from others.

This matter can be mentioned later, there is no rush now.

In the special high school class, Jiang Tengkong came to Nanyun's office.

"Section Chief, according to my investigation, the tire marks belong to Dunlop. It is a British company, but it is produced in the Empire. There are many cars using this kind of tires, the most common one is Chevrolet."

Jiang Tengkong was investigating the tire tracks outside the dance hall, hoping to use this small clue to find the vehicle used by the military commander.

Nayun frowned: "Chevrolet, aren't there a lot of them?"

Chevrolet has a high sales volume and is a popular brand. There are not even 1,000 cars but 800 cars like this in Shanghai.

With so many cars, it is very difficult to find out which one is used by the military commander.

"Director, I only said that it is common in Chevrolet, but I did not say that they are the only ones using it. Citroën also uses this kind of tire on some models."

Jiang Tengkong replied, and Nanyun's brows furrowed even more.

As a result, it is even more difficult to find military commanders by car. No one knows what kind of car they are using.

"Jiang Tengjun, although it is difficult, I still ask you to work hard and verify all possible vehicles as soon as possible."

Nanyun looked at Jiang Tengkong, this task was not easy, not only difficult, but also tiring.

But He Mingjian's assassination had a great impact, and she had to investigate.

"Don't worry, Section Chief, I will investigate carefully."

Jiang Tengkong responded, "Do you want to investigate the case? It doesn't matter if you investigate more. If there are cases to investigate, it can keep him out and don't have to go back to the special high school."

Otherwise, Nagyun, this bitch, would always harass him, making him very sick.

"Okay, if the military commander's agent is found, I will take credit for you."

Nayun nodded and said that she was under greater pressure than Kubo. After all, the master forcibly removed Mitsui and replaced her with her.

If she doesn't do as well as Mitsui, it will be a disgrace to her master.

This case is her responsibility, but it is also an opportunity. She will rely on this case to turn a corner and arrest a wave of military commanders.

Jiang Tengkong is very experienced and has a very good idea for investigating the case.

Finding a car through tire tracks is not only more hidden, but also has a very high possibility of finding the person.

"Thank you, Section Chief."

Jiang Tengkong said goodbye and left. Looking at his back, Nanyun was a little annoyed.

She had shown true sincerity and truly trusted Jiang Teng, but Jiang Teng was always aloof from her and refused to talk to her.

She is a woman and can feel Jiang Teng's alienation from her.

Taking a deep breath, Nan Yun secretly cheered himself up.

The conflict was too deep before, and Jiang Tengkong was cunning and cunning. It was not easy to truly gain his trust. If Jiang Tengkong really trusted anyone, he would have been tortured to death a long time ago and would not be alive now.

"Taijun, the most I can tell is that the tire marks on this car are Dunlop, not new tires. I really can't tell anything else."

At a car repair shop, Jiang Tengkong found the most experienced master here and asked him what kind of car this kind of car mark was most likely to be on.

Jiang Tengkong wanted to know what Chu Lingyun would look like if he could really find Juntong's car?

This young man Chu Lingyun was so scary. It seemed that everything was under his control. Jiang Tengkong even felt a sense of fear when facing Chu Lingyun.

He wanted to prove himself and tell Chu Lingyun that he was not omnipotent.

As long as the car is found and the car is reported, Chu Lingyun naturally knows that he has the ability to find the combat team.

"It's not a new tire. Can you tell how old the tire is?"

Car tires are consumables. The age of the car cannot be accurately judged through the tires, but at least it has a reference value.

"More than a year, certainly less than two years."

The repairman said carefully that the markings on the tire did not belong to the new tire, but he didn't dare to say how long it would last.

If he makes a mistake and incurs the anger of the Japanese, he will be left with nothing to eat.

"After more than a year, you can see if these tires are the ones originally installed on the car."

Jiang Tengkong asked. The repairman felt distressed, so he looked at a few photos, and they were photos of car prints, and asked him to tell how old the car was. How could he tell?

"Taijun, I dare not lie to you. I really can't tell. But I know that I have a deep research on car tires. You can ask him."

The repairman was afraid of being asked, and had no choice but to divert the trouble to the east, and told Jiang Tengkong a person who really knew tires.

That person may not be good at other aspects of the car, but he puts tires first, and no one dares to put them second.

He just lives on tires.

According to the address given by the car repairman, Jiang Tengkong came to a house in the public concession.

The house is not too big, but there are two cars parked at the door.

Jiang Tengkong noticed that the tires on both cars were very average.

"Is Guo Xixiang here?"

Jiang Tengkong went to knock on the door in person, and soon a lazy man walked out: "Who is it?"

"My name is Jiang Kong, and you must be Mr. Guo. I need a favor from you."

Jiang Tengkong smiled and said that the man in front of him was the same as the car repairman described. Jiang Tengkong knew that he had found the right person.

"No time." After saying that, Guo Xixiang was about to close the door.


The men behind Jiang Tengkong suddenly stepped forward, blocked the door, and took out their pistols.


Guo Xixiang was stunned for a moment. Two of Jiang Tengkong's men took out their guns and pointed them at him.

"Save face and make friends."

Jiang Tengkong said lightly. Guo Xixiang was a little scared, but he still raised his head: "This is a concession, not your territory. Don't mess around. I have a very strong relationship with the patrol house. If you dare to mess around, you will never escape."

"Do you want this?"

Jiang Tengkong stopped talking nonsense with him and took out a gold bar worth ten taels. Guo Xixiang's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the gold bar.

"It wouldn't be good if you took it out earlier. Put the gun away quickly. Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Taking the gold bar, Guo Xixiang bit it with his teeth. It was genuine.

"Show me this tire mark. I want to know what car this is from. If you can help me find the car, I will give you two more gold bars."

Jiang Tengkong took out the photo and asked Guo Xixiang to see it.


Guo Xixiang looked happy and immediately picked up the photo and looked at it carefully.

Guo Xixiang is in the used tire business.

He is not buying and selling tires, but using them to blackmail people. Cars are very expensive, with a minimum price of several thousand dollars, and the accessories on the car are even more expensive.

Ordinary tires cost about fifty dollars each.

Tires are consumables. There are domestic tire manufacturers, but tires are still very expensive. Their production capacity is insufficient, and more tires need to be imported.

Imported tires are more expensive.

The quality of tires in this period was not as good as that of later generations, and they were easily damaged. Once damaged, new tires had to be replaced. Guo Xixiang's business was to replace the tires on the car with old tires, and then hit the road, deliberately colliding with others.

A casual rub can destroy a tire.

Then he was asked to pay for it, and a tire cost dozens of dollars. He made a good living from this business.

However, he needs to pay and manage most of the money. He is not lying when he says he has a good relationship with the patrol house. Without the support of the patrol, he cannot do this kind of business.

Over time, Guo Xixiang became really familiar with tires. He had seen all kinds of tires and understood them very well.

"This is the mark of a Dunlop tire. It should have been produced three years ago. That batch of tires had such a spiral pattern, but the later ones disappeared." After looking at it for a while, Guo Xixiang said.

"Produced three years ago, these tires are three years old?"

Jiang Tengkong asked immediately. The car repairman had said before that the tires were more than a year old. It seemed that he was wrong.

"No, just because it was produced three years ago does not mean it has been used for three years. This tire has been used for no more than a year and a half. It should have been left lying around or not used before."

Guo Xixiang shook his head, and Jiang Tengkong asked again: "What I want is to find the car with this tire mark. Can you do it?"

"This is too difficult, but you can give it a try. I have to check a lot of cars. Two gold bars are not enough. You have to add money."

Guo Xixiang nodded and said, there are tire marks, he can recognize it as long as he sees this tire.

"Okay, if you find the car, I'll add another one for you."

"Okay, now give me another one as a deposit."

Guo Xixiang stretched out his hand, and Jiang Tengkong took out another gold bar. He only had two gold bars with him today.

"In five days, I want to get the results."

"How is it possible? Shanghai is so big and there are so many cars. Five days is not enough. It will take at least half a month."

Guo Xixiang immediately shook his head. Five days was too short. Looking for a car based on tire marks was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Whether he could succeed or not was unknown. He would definitely not be able to do it in five days.

"No, half a month is too long. The longest is ten days. We must find it."

Jiang Tengkong wouldn't give him that long, and Nanyun wouldn't give him that long either.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

After taking so much money, he just wanted to find a car. He felt that it was unjustifiable for him to delay any longer. Although ten days was a bit tight, as long as he was lucky, he would have a chance to find it.


Jiang Tengkong took away his own people. As for whether Guo Xixiang would take the money and run away, he was not worried.

He just ran away, where could he go?

Except for the concession, the entire area around Shanghai is their territory. If he dares to run away, the Special High School will surely find him.

If you can't find an agent of the military command, you can find him a small gangster. If you still can't do it in the special high school, just cancel it.

"Team leader, there is news from Asuka. Kubo suspects that Wu Shengcai is one of ours and asked Li Zhiqun to investigate. He wants us to help confirm Wu Shengcai's identity so that he can avenge his dead brothers."

Loach came to Chu Lingyun's office and reported quickly.

This is the information Chen Zhanli just sent.

"Kubo suspects Wu Shengcai?"

Chu Lingyun's eyes widened. He knew that Feiniao had framed Wu Shengcai, but that accusation without evidence was useless.

Kubo would actually believe such a low-level accusation?

Thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible. A series of recent events led Kubo to believe that there was a traitor in No. 76. After Lily was exposed, there were very few insiders. Wu Shengcai happened to eavesdrop on Li Zhiqun's report, and ended up hitting the muzzle of the gun.

This is a good thing. The experience of the Special High School has fully proved that an internal enemy is the least threat to them.

During the Mitsui period of the Special High School, they were almost leading the way.

Jiubo focused his attention on Wu Shengcai and asked Li Zhiqun to investigate. The conflict between Li Zhiqun and Ding Mo would only become deeper.

Double monthly ticket plus chapter 2. Thanks to Pipitu and Kindergarten’s Most Handsome Ya for 500 starting coins each.

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