Spy Shadow

Chapter 667 The credit for picking it up

"Captain, the man has escaped."

The men carefully went over to check where Chen Siting was just now, but there was no one inside.

After making sure it was safe, Chen Zhanli walked in. The reason why he made such a big fuss was to tell the Fruit Party agents here that they were coming.

He didn't want to arrest anyone, but if his men found him, he couldn't move.

Unless he silences all eight of his men.

This is impossible, he doesn't have the ability, and it is difficult to deceive them. The best way is to let the Fruit Party people leave on their own.

As for whether Kubo would be suspicious if he did this, he had no worries.

This is how he is usually. If he really does everything perfectly, that's not who he is.

"Captain, they just left not long ago, you see."

Xiao Lu brought a water cup, and the water inside was still warm, which meant that it didn't take much time to pour the water into the cup.


Xiao Lu said regretfully that if he kept a low profile, he might really be able to catch someone this time.

If it was just him, he would definitely not dare to arrest him and would go back to report it.

He would have to walk here, or at most take a ride on a carriage along the way. Even so, the day lilies would be cold by the time he came back, not to mention that Wu Shengcai would not give him a chance to truly make a contribution.

Following the captain, even if he didn't catch anyone, he wouldn't regret it, it was just a pity.

"If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Go out and offer a reward. If you can provide a fruit party agent, the reward will be fifty yuan. If you help us catch the person, the reward will be two hundred."

Chen Zhanli waved his hand and after issuing the reward, those Fruit Party agents did not dare to come back.


Xiao Lu ran out immediately. This was a good idea. The town was not big, with only a few hundred people in total. The agents of the Guo Party were definitely not familiar to the locals.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Maybe the people here can really help them find someone.

"Let's go find a place to sleep."

Chen Zhanli waved his hand and led the people away. There was a big car shop in the town. Although the conditions were not good, it was OK to live in.

I definitely won’t be able to go back today, so I’ll have some sleep first.

"No one is allowed to go out without my order. Take turns to stand guard. Please stay alert. There are bandits and Fruit Party agents here."

Chen Zhanli ordered that safety should not be careless. His subordinates understood this. Not only were there people guarding the car, but there were also people watching Chen Zhanli's door at all times.

Nothing can happen to the captain. Such a good captain can't be found even with a lantern. The director already has opinions on them. It will be difficult for them to gain the director's trust in the future.

If they want to survive well on No. 76, they can only rely on their captain.

There was nothing to say all night, until around ten o'clock the next day, Chen Zhanli got up to wash up, and then took people to the restaurant where they were yesterday to continue eating.

"Stop, don't come any closer."

While eating, the team member guarding the car outside suddenly shouted. The people inside were stunned. Xiao Lu immediately took out his gun and led the people to the door.

"Uncle, uncle, be careful, don't get angry."

Two people stood outside, nodding and bowing. The people in the car were pointing machine guns at them.

"What's going on?" Xiao Lu asked.

"These two people inquired about us and asked if we were from the secret service headquarters."

Upon hearing his companion's words, Xiao Lu immediately pointed his gun at the person in front and shouted into the restaurant.

"Captain, we have been exposed, please be careful."

After being exposed, Chen Zhanli lost the mood to eat and immediately stood up. The people around him protected him and walked out.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I was sent by Boss Zhu. I heard that the heroes from the Secret Service Headquarters have arrived in Dianhu Town. Our boss wants to meet him in person and give him a gift."

Chen Zhanli walked out just in time, his eyebrows twitching.

What do the bandits in Dianhu want to do with them, and why do they need to give them gifts?

"Go and search them."

Chen Zhanli did not dare to be careless. His men went over and the two of them raised their hands together and found two guns from them. After confirming that they had no weapons, the team members brought them to Chen Zhanli.

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

"Our boss, Zhu, has long wanted to serve the Japanese. Agents from the Central Unification Committee came here as lobbyists and wanted to pull us to join the Japanese. Our boss is not stupid. They want to use us as capital to establish themselves. It is not that easy. Yesterday they We went there again and lied to our boss that the Japanese agreed to our conditions, but they couldn’t produce any evidence and were detained by our boss.”

The visitor said quickly, Chen Zhanli, Xiao Lu and others all widened their eyes.

The bandits in Dianhu want to join the Japanese?

Agents of the Central Government were also detained.

According to what they said, the agents from the Central Government did not want to win over these bandits, but wanted to pull them to join the Japanese?

"Captain, what a great opportunity and great achievement."

Xiao Lu said anxiously, and Chen Zhanli frowned: "Aren't you afraid that they will deliberately set up a trap to lure us into the trap?"

"It's possible, but we can ask their boss to come in person. If it's true, ask them to hand over Zhongtong's agents and weapons, and then we can trust them again."

"Did you hear that? Let your boss come over in person."

Chen Zhanli shouted to the person in front of him, who immediately bent down: "It's okay for our boss to come in person, but our boss wants to know your true identity."


Chen Zhanli was furious. He was not stupid. Boss Zhu was worried that he was a small person and could not make the decision, so he sent someone to inquire first.

"Xiao Lu, tell him who I am."

Xiao Lu was in trouble. The position of captain was indeed not high. Since the people from Zhongtong were here, they must know something about No. 76. If he was just a captain, they might not take him seriously.

The captain is the lowest junior official. Not to mention the director and division chief, the section chief and team leader are all older than him.

However, this question could not stump him. Xiao Lu shouted: "Listen carefully, our Captain Chen is not an ordinary person. He is below one person and above ten thousand people in our special agent headquarters. In our place, even if he is The director can’t order us Captain Chen to do anything, our captain is Lord Kubo’s number one confidant.”


The visitor asked in confusion whether he really didn't know about Kubo and Chen Siting didn't tell them about No. 76.

"Kubo-sama doesn't even know? He is the real head of the secret service headquarters. Does the Mei Agency know? Kubo-sama is the confidant of the agency chief, Kagezuo-sama. You should know it, Kagezu-sama. He is the general adviser of the new government. Even if Wang Qianhai wants to do something, but he can’t do it without Master Yingzuo’s consent.”

Xiao Lu shouted, the visitor was really frightened.

Although he didn't know Kubo, he knew Wang Chuhai and Ying Zuo. Ying Zuo had a great influence on the new government. Their eldest son was literate and had read newspapers.

Tao Gao and Tao Gao had already revealed that Wang Qianhai was just a puppet of the Japanese and had to obey Ying Zuo's orders in everything.

"I understand, please wait a moment, I will go back to report immediately."

The visitor didn't ask for a gun and left in a hurry, while Chen Zhanli was thoughtful.

Their performance didn't look like they were lying. Could it be that the Zhongtong people really wanted to surrender and took the bandits from Dianhu with them?

"Captain, we are about to make a great contribution."

Xiao Lu said excitedly, while Chen Zhanli glared at him: "Believe whatever others say. Pack your things and wait for them outside the town. They really do something strange, so we can retreat."


Everyone responded together, who said that their captain would flatter him because he was incompetent?

Isn't this arrangement very good? I didn't get carried away by the huge achievements that were about to come. The first thing I thought about was safety.

From this point alone, it is better than them.

Chen Zhanli was a little depressed. He planned to take people for a casual walk, but why did someone still come to his door?

Isn't it better to be a good Chinese, even a bandit, than to be a traitor who brings shame to our ancestors?

Two large cars drove outside. Chen Zhanli didn't care about anything and continued to eat.

He came out without a radio, so he could neither contact No. 76 nor tell the situation to the combat team.

Moreover, even if he brought a radio, he could not contact the combat situation team directly, and he would not send a report himself.

"Where are the people?"

Boss Zhu brought people to the restaurant and found that the car and people were gone. He immediately stared and asked.

"They were really here just now. I'll go and ask."

The person who came before hurriedly replied, he ran back excitedly all the way.

They were lucky. They didn't expect that such a big figure would be able to contact Master Ying Zuo this time.

Although he is not Lord Shadow's confidant, he is Lord Shadow's confidant.

Although it is separated by one layer, it is not much.

They didn't expect to let Master Yingzuo directly arrange for them. They could gain the relationship with the captain in front of them, which would also be a promising future for them.

What commander, weapons, everything is not a problem.

After Boss Zhu heard that the person coming was an important person, he asked again in detail.

Although not many people came, only nine, they acted quickly and paid great attention to safety. There was always someone guarding the door.

The car even has a machine gun.

If it were ordinary people, how could there be such a formation? Those who came must be important people.

Boss Zhu was moved, he was not stupid.

He didn't believe in the cake that Chen Siting drew for him. If he could become the boss, he would be able to draw cakes. Otherwise, it would be his turn to be the master of Dianhu.

Chen Siting wanted to use him as a foundation, and he also wanted to use Chen Siting to benefit himself.

As soon as Chen Zhanli and the others arrived in Dianhu Town, Boss Zhu's men knew about it and went back to report to him.

Afterwards, Chen Siting came to him hurriedly and said that the Japanese had agreed to all their requests and asked him to go with him to meet the Japanese. Boss Zhu knew that Chen Siting was lying to him.

He immediately detained Chen Siting and others and sent people to find Chen Zhanli to ask about their identities first.

As a result, his subordinates reported that the person who came this time was a very powerful person. He was indeed from the Secret Service Headquarters. Moreover, in the Secret Service Headquarters, he was ranked below one person and above ten thousand people.

This is a bit exaggerated. How many people are there in total on No. 76?

But Xiao Lu said he had noses and eyes, and also mentioned Ying Zuo. Boss Zhu believed that as people from the secret service headquarters, they could arrange for others, but they would never dare to use Ying Zuo to deceive him.

If Ying Zuo finds out, they will all be destroyed.

There really is a big shot in Dianhu, Yingzuo's confidant, Yingzuo is the one who can directly control Wang Qianhai.

Not to mention the confidants of his confidants, he also has to look up to the confidants of his confidants.

After figuring it out, Mr. Zhu immediately brought someone to see him. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, the person was gone.

"Boss, I asked clearly. Not long after they left, they left a message saying that we were here to find them at the big stone mill outside the town."

"Dashi Mo, let's go, go quickly."

Boss Zhu was stunned for a moment and immediately led people outside the town.

"Captain, this place is really nice. When did you notice it?"

Xiao Lu was in the car, looking on both sides. The terrain here was high and the view was wide. If he went to the tree, no matter how many people came next to him, they would be able to see it.

If there are too many Dianhu bandits, they can drive away in advance and let these bandits have a taste of machine guns and grenade launchers.

The fact that there are fewer people coming shows that they have a certain degree of sincerity. As long as their weapons are collected, they will have the final say in everything.

If we really recruit these people, everyone will make meritorious deeds when they return.

Boss Zhu quickly led people to the place. Not many people came, only eight in total. No one else appeared behind or around them.

Knowing that they have strong firepower, only a few people came. It seemed that the other party really wanted to join the Japanese.

Xiao Lu and others showed excitement on their faces, and they could achieve great success at their fingertips.

Chen Zhanli was a little depressed. Why did he really want to take refuge with the Japanese? It was not easy to handle now. He had no way to report now, so he could only take one step at a time.

"May I ask if that's Captain Chen in front of you?"

After approaching, Mr. Zhu did not dare to step forward immediately. The two machine guns on the roof of the car were quite scary. The most egregious thing was that they actually took out the grenade launchers. This posture really frightened him.

"You two go over and ask them to hand over their weapons before you come back."

Chen Zhanli ordered, and the two team members ran over. Boss Zhu cooperated honestly and handed over all the guns he carried.

It's done.

"My Excellency Zhu Laoba, I have met Captain Chen."

Arriving in front of Chen Zhanli, Mr. Zhu immediately clasped his fists and saluted. Chen Zhanli glanced at him and asked lightly: "Where is the meeting ceremony you mentioned?"

"Send it right away, but before that, I want to talk to Captain Chen."


The more rude Chen Zhanli is, the more careful Zhu Laoba becomes.

"I don't want to go against the Japanese. The main reason is that I have no choice. I am willing to serve the Japanese as long as the Japanese give me the title of commander. I am willing to guard Dianhu for the Japanese and ensure that there are no people from the Fruit Party or the Red Party. Activities here.”

"It doesn't matter what you say. The Japanese don't care about your personality. They didn't suppress you because you didn't cause trouble. I'll send you your meeting gift. I'll help you with your request when I get back."

Chen Zhanli shook his head, he would not agree to Boss Zhu's request.

Don't say that he doesn't have the power, and he won't agree now.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Chen Zhanli refused, but Zhu Laoba was very happy. This is the attitude that a big man should have. He did not deal with him, nor did he lie to him.

Zhu Laoba ordered his men to go back and take the people. An hour later, the four Chen Sitings who were tied up tightly were sent here.


Chen Siting's mouth was gagged. When he saw Chen Zhanli and others, he immediately screamed. Chen Zhanli had someone remove his restraints.

"I am Chen Siting, the leader of the Rebellion Section of Shanghai District of Zhongtong. I have always been loyal to the empire and have wanted to join you for a long time. This time Xu Lin sent me to instigate Zhu Laoba. I originally wanted to take them to join him. Zhu Laoba He has failed my good intentions, so don't believe him. The master behind him is Zhuang Jiumei, a wanted anti-Japanese element."

As soon as he could speak, Chen Siting kept shouting. Chen Zhanli waved his hand and had his mouth blocked again.

"take away."

Chen Zhanli escorted Chen Siting and the others out of Dianhu. As for Zhu Laoba, we will talk about it after we go back and report.

They captured the Zhongtong people and handed them over to the hands of No. 76. In fact, they were traitors. There are still these Zhongtong people, so they cannot be released.

The Central Commander-in-Chief did not know that they had rebelled, and the harm would be even greater when they returned. Chen Zhanli figured it out. Anyway, they wanted to surrender, so they should take them back first.

"Caught four Zhongtong agents?"

In the office, Kubo stood up suddenly after hearing what Chen Zhanli said.

Chen Zhanli had been out for only two days on this mission, but he came back with such a big harvest?

He left yesterday and came back today and captured four Central Unification agents?

The agents of Zhongtong are not as important as those of the Military Command and the Red Party, but they are also professional agents, and catching them is just as rewarding.

And this action has a lot to do with Kubo.

The mission assigned by Wu Shengcai was correct, but Wu Shengcai, a bastard, only sent one person. One person would definitely not be able to do this. It was he who changed the plan and asked Chen Zhanli to bring the entire team there.

The credit this time belongs to him.

"Sir, we didn't catch him, he was sent here by the Dianhu bandits. They wanted to defect to the empire."

"What, the bandits from Dian Lake were also recruited by you?"

Kubo's eyes widened even more. Chen Zhanli was stunned and said helplessly: "I didn't recruit them. They took the initiative to join the empire and put forward some harsh conditions."

"What conditions?" Kubo asked immediately.

It's okay to recruit bandits, although this group of bandits is small in number and has little fighting power, so others won't notice it.

But for Kubo, this is a feat.

Nan Yun has been away for so long, and he has yet to be able to open up the situation. He expected Ding Mo or Li Zhiqun to help him make some achievements, but he didn't expect that the first one to do it was Chen Zhanli.

"He is a big talker. He has only about two hundred soldiers and generals, and dozens of guns. He wants to command at the top of his mouth. He also wants to occupy Dianhu Town and station himself there."

Chen Zhanli said disdainfully that he really had no interest in speaking for this group of traitors.

"that's it?"

"Of course it's more than that. He also wants weapons and ammunition, saying that he only obeys the orders of the empire and will not obey the new government..."

"Promise him."

Before Chen Zhanli could finish speaking, Kubo immediately replied.

"He can be stationed in Dianhu Town, but he must obey the orders of the Secret Service Headquarters in the future."

Kubo, like Boss Dai, also hopes to have his own army. No matter how bad this group of bandits is, there will always be about 200 people.

Moreover, this time it was Chen Zhanli who recruited people, and these people would become his direct subordinates.

"You all agree?" Chen Zhanli asked.

"Yes, everyone agrees. You will go over immediately and bring back their boss."

Kubo nodded. These conditions are nothing, they are just commanders. If you want to give them to him, there are many commanders in the motley army, and there is no shortage of him.

As for weapons, the empire has many dilapidated weapons seized from the Fruit Army. They cannot be sold and are worthless. They are kept to occupy space and are given to them as beggars.

Good weapons will definitely not be given, and these bandits must not dare to be picky.

There is no problem if they are stationed in Dianhu Town. They are not agents. Kubo has no intention of bringing them to No. 76 to raise them. It would be good to stay there. The empire’s power in these small towns is very weak. In many places, there are If not, keeping them to help manage can also increase the control over small places.


Chen Zhanli had no choice but to leave again, taking Xiao Lu and the others to Dianhu Town.

I just came back and had to go there again.

This time, Chen Zhanli did not drive a big car, but took a small car. The small car was more comfortable. Since the bandits surrendered, they would naturally not be a threat.

But before leaving, Chen Zhanli took the opportunity to buy something and handed the information back.

"Team leader, Feiniao sent a message. Four people from the Central Command have rebelled. They are members of the Shanghai District's rebellion section. One of the team leaders is named Chen Siting. He was originally ordered to instigate bandits in Dianhu, but he wanted to lead this group of bandits. We defected to the Japanese together, but were captured by the bandits and given to Asuka, who also became traitors."

After getting the information, Loach immediately came to report.

"The person who instigated rebellion against the Kuomintang went to instigate the bandits, but ended up dragging the bandits into rebellion, and then he was captured by the bandits and given to Feiniao?"

Chu Lingyun asked in surprise. The words were convoluted and felt even more awkward.

Zhongtong is a bunch of people who take the initiative to surrender to the enemy and pull the forces they want to incite rebellion to surrender together. It's good now that they are more active than them.

Loach reluctantly replied: "Yes, Asuka said that Kubo agreed to the bandits' request and is preparing to recruit them in the name of the secret service headquarters."

"Any more?"

"No more, Feiniao asked us what to do. Once the bandits surrender, they will definitely harm the people."

Loach shook his head. He couldn't write much in the information passed by Feiyao. His dead mailbox had very little space, so he could only write a few words each time he passed on the information.

"You find a way to get in touch with Feiniao and ask him to report the details, including the number of bandits, the location where they will be stationed, their combat effectiveness, etc."

After thinking for a moment, Chu Lingyun ordered.

Under normal circumstances, they would not meet Asuka directly to ensure his safety.

But it's not impossible to meet. In special circumstances, such as this time, when the information cannot be written in such detail, you can meet Asuka once.

"No problem, team leader, should we assign a radio station to Asuka? He is becoming more and more important now."

Loach responded that the importance of flying birds in the secret service headquarters was indeed becoming more and more important. In order to facilitate communication, it was necessary to equip them with radio stations.

“No need for now, we’ll talk about it later.”

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Feiniao himself didn't know how to use the radio. Once the radio was assigned, he would have to be assigned a liaison officer.

Feiniao is not suitable for frequent meetings with liaison officers. The dead mailbox mode does not affect it. Feiniao's information can still be sent back in time and is safer.


Loach just mentioned it and did not insist.

Before Ni Loach reported, Wu Shengcai came to the torture room

Chen Zhanli had captured four people. He couldn't hide the matter from him. After getting the news, Wu Shengcai ran over immediately.

How is it possible that Chen Xiaoer caught a Zhongtong agent?

Does he have the ability to catch four alive at once?


When he arrived at the torture room, Wu Shengcai immediately saw Kubo sitting at the interrogation table and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard that Chen Zhanli and the others are back. I want to ask about the mission I gave them..."

"How did you give the task, to whom, and what support did you give him?"

Kubo interrupted him, and Wu Shengcai opened his mouth but failed to answer.

The task was given by him, but he gave it to Xiao Lu and asked him to walk alone. As a result, Chen Zhanli helped Xiao Lu stand out and even went to Kubo to file a complaint.

Kubo asked this, obviously wanting to take away his credit.

He can oppress Xiao Lu, but if Kubo wants to take away his credit, he also has no guts to object.

"go out."

Jiubo scolded, Wu Shengcai left in despair, Xiao Lu did not go to Dianhu Town, and helped Jiubo in the interrogation. There was no need for so many people this time.

Seeing Wu Shengcai being scolded, Xiao Lu felt very relieved and relieved. Wu Shengcai shot himself in the foot. Unexpectedly, they completed the task and came back with great achievements.

Chen Siting confessed everything without any torture.

He originally wanted to surrender, but this would be even more impossible, so Kubo asked everything he needed to ask.

"Take them into custody first and hand them over to your captain later."

Kubo ordered that the person was brought back by Chen Zhanli. According to the custom of the secret service headquarters, whoever captures the person will be handed over to him after surrendering.

These four people just added to Chen Zhanli's team.


Xiao Lu responded loudly, and quickly put the four people into the cell. As soon as they came out, they saw Wu Shengcai's lackey, and their section chief Lin Zongqi was waiting for him.

"Xiao Lu, the director is looking for you and wants you to go to his office."

Xiao Lu was Lin Zongqi's subordinate before. Lin Zongqi and Chen Zhanli had a quarrel when they were monitoring Huang Boyi. He couldn't help but pointed a gun at Chen Zhanli.

As a result, Chen Zhanli sued him, Jiubao supported him, and Ding Mo removed him from his position as section chief.

Ding Mo didn't arrange a new section chief, he just kept his position for him and promoted him when he found an opportunity in the future. Now Lin Zongqi is with Wu Shengcai.

"No time."

Xiao Lu didn't even raise his head and replied directly. Lin Zongqi was stunned. Is this still the Xiao Lu he knew?

How dare you do this to him?

"Lu Muzhong, do you want to die?"

Lin Zongqi shouted angrily, and Xiao Lu suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

When he was at Zhongtong Hangzhou Station, Lin Zongqi was his team leader. When he came to the secret service headquarters, he was his section chief. He was indeed afraid of Lin Zongqi before, but it was different now.

Not to mention Lin Zongqi, even if Wu Shengcai was here, he would still do this.

Wu Shengcai wanted to harm him. From that moment on, he was no longer his director. He now had two superiors, one was the captain and the other was Lord Kubo.

He ignored other people including Ding Mo.

"Lin Zongqi, do you think this is the past? Wu Shengcai wants to harm me, and he also wants me to obey him. Go ahead and dream. Go back and tell Wu that God is watching what you do. Don't be too ruthless in doing things. The rabbit is in a hurry. It bites."

After saying that, Xiao Lu left. He had never felt so comfortable before and did something he had never dared to think of before.

This was the confidence given to him by the captain, and he secretly swore in his heart that he would sell his life to the captain in the future.

A soldier dies for his confidant. The captain is so kind to him, and he will not let him down.

Lin Zongqi's body was trembling with anger. Xiao Lu had never treated him like this before. It was so unreasonable. He quickly came to Wu Shengcai's office and conveyed what Xiao Lu said exactly.

"If he wants to die, let him die."

Wu Shengcai banged the table angrily. Xiao Lu thought that by following Chen Xiaoer, he would be able to ignore himself like he did?

They just captured a few people who wanted to surrender, but they became so wanton.

At this moment, Wu Shengcai's heart was bleeding.

If he had known that everyone in Dianhu wanted to surrender, how could he have handed over the task to Xiao Lu? He had already run over. Unexpectedly, the clues he got gave Chen Xiaoer and the others an advantage.

The next day, Chen Zhanli took Zhu Laoba back to No. 76. He was the only one, and all his subordinates were not allowed to take him with him.

Zhu Laoba understood that it would be useless to bring all 200 of his men when they arrived at the Japanese territory. Wealth was gained through danger, so he followed readily.

"Kubo-sama, I brought him back."

Back on No. 76, Chen Zhanli brought Zhu Laoba to see Kubo.

"You are Zhu Laoba."

Kubo raised his head, and Zhu Laoba immediately bent down deeply: "Hello, Mr. Kubo, I am Zhu Laoba."

"I can agree to all your requests, but one thing is that you must serve the empire loyally."

Kubo said softly, Zhu Laoba was startled, and then he was overjoyed: "Don't worry, I will be your dog from now on. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west."

Chen Zhanli couldn't bear to listen to such disgusting words.

"Very good, I will ask Chen Zhanli to take you back tomorrow. You will accept his recruitment. From now on, your designation will be the Special Operations Team of the Secret Service Headquarters, and you will be the commander of the operation team."

Kubo nodded with satisfaction, Zhu Laoba's attitude made him very satisfied.

"Yes, thank you Lord Kubo for giving us the number."

Zhu Laoba was overjoyed that he finally got the title of commander. He didn't care what commander he was, as long as he was the commander.

"You take him to rest first, and I'll go do the dental ritual."

After coming out of Kubo's office, Chen Zhanli immediately ordered to his subordinates that there were no surprises among his subordinates. The sky is huge and the food is the biggest. The captain likes to eat the most. This is not a secret.

Arriving at the nearby Zhaoji Restaurant, Chen Zhanli immediately asked for a private room, ordered a few delicious dishes, and ate slowly.

When he comes out now, he doesn't really want to eat.

On the way back, he saw a signal at Zhao Ji's door, an emergency signal to contact him.

Before entering No. 76, Loach had given him many instructions, including several emergency contact methods, and this was one of them.

The signal is not complicated. There is a fortune teller at the door of the hotel, holding a gray cloth flag with four baskets written on it.

Among them, the spoken word will protrude upward at two points.

This different approach can distinguish him from a real fortune teller.

While I was eating, the door suddenly opened and an old man came in.

Chen Zhanli had never seen him before. He frowned and was about to speak when Ni Loach spoke.

The old man was a disguise made by Chu Lingyun for Loach. After all, he was near No. 76 and he couldn't come in his own appearance.

"Sir, I see that you have been blessed with good fortune recently. It's very gratifying to congratulate you."

Hearing the voice, Chen Zhanli immediately understood that it was Captain Zhao.

"Captain, why are you here in person?"

Chen Zhanli stood up in a hurry. Ni Loach's men were guarding outside. Although the store did not belong to them, Ni Loach had already diverted the attention of the people in the store before he came in.

This is not a meal time, there are not many people.

"Let me ask you something..."

Loach didn't waste any time and asked in detail what happened. Chen Zhanli told everything in detail from the time Xiao Lu received the task.

Double monthly ticket plus chapter 3. Thanks to book friend 20220801021903118 and book friend 20230313194247377 for their reward of 200 starting coins each.

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