Spy Shadow

Chapter 677 Food War

"How many companies agreed to sell?"

Chu Lingyun was not surprised at all by this result. Who is willing to give up the money in his pocket to others?

Even if Shiyuan Trading Company is very strong, it cannot go too far. Chu Lingyun estimates that these grain merchants will unite to fight against Shiyuan Trading Company.

A single grain merchant, no matter how big he is, is just an egg when faced with him.

And he is stone.

"There are three in total."

Osawa lowered his head. Two of the three businesses were owned by members of the literary society, and one was owned by smart people. As long as they were not allowed to lose money, they were willing to be friends with Ishihara Trading Company.

That company even took out all of its purchase price.

The early ones were not even 10% off the market price, and the later ones were 40% or 50% off. All in all, he would still make money if he bought them at 30% off.

But he said that he didn't have to make money as long as the capital was given to him. If Shiyuan Trading Company was in urgent need of food, he didn't have to give up the capital.

Da Ze explained the situation and Chu Lingyun smiled.

There are smart people, but not many.

"It's okay. Let's continue asking tomorrow. Question all the grain merchants. At least get a feel for their background and understand their attitude."

Chu Lingyun didn't care. This result was within his expectation and what he wanted.

If grain merchants don't object, how can they reasonably suppress grain prices?

A Japanese businessman who suddenly shows great kindness and sells grain cheaply will immediately arouse suspicion from others.

Although he is not afraid now, it is still a trouble.

He can ignore other people, but if Abe or Nishio comes to ask, how should he answer?


Osawa responded, the boss said he wanted to find out.

Since it was a trial, it didn't matter if he worked hard, but he felt very humiliated every time he was rejected.

At noon the next day, Chu Lingyun hosted a banquet for Shanghai smugglers at the hotel.

These people made a lot of money through smuggling, and with Toru Ishihara standing in front of them, they could safely leave the goods as long as they paid 10% of the payment.

They have made a lot of money recently and are very satisfied.

Ishihara Hiroshi was very tight. Yumizu Cheng Shun and Takemoto were watching together. With everyone working together, no one without Ishihara Hiroshi's permission could get involved in this business.

"Ishihara-kun, everyone is here."

Nitta sits next to Chu Lingyun. He is now the liaison officer of this group and reports to Ishihara Hiroshi once a month.

Everyone is very honest and no one dares to play tricks.

Who wants to be busy when you can make money quietly?

The greedy one has long been sunk into the Huangpu River, and now only the bones are left.

"I invite you all today because I want to ask you something."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and everyone was startled. Ishihara Heng actually asked them for help?

"Ishihara-kun, just say it, as long as we can help, we will do our best."

A general responded first, and everyone responded one after another, and all agreed.

Chu Lingyun glanced at Xintian, he knew what was going on.

"The food price has increased dramatically recently. Ishihara-kun wanted to collect food from all the grain merchants, but they didn't agree." Nitta said slowly.

"What? Someone dares not to give Mr. Ishihara face?"

"Grain prices are indeed too high, and these grain merchants are too evil-minded."

"Ishihara-kun, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Everyone responded that they were in the smuggling business, and the smuggled goods included grain, but not bulk.

"I might as well lead people to smash up their store and confiscate all the food."

The head of the Liaison Department suddenly said that this area fell within his jurisdiction and he really had this ability.

"It's not necessary. We businessmen are doing serious business. I never use power to pressure others."

Chu Lingyun waved his hands, and the others had different expressions.

If you don't use force to suppress others, how did the previous ones die? Can't you think of committing suicide?

But they didn't dare to say these words.

"They are hoarding food and want to make money. The price they charge for food has been very high recently. I can understand. Don't they want to make money? Let's provide them with more food. You have many ships. I hope everyone will get it next Send out half of the boats to transport food.”

China is short of food. In fact, the whole world is in short supply at this time.

But no matter how lacking it is, there is still plenty of places to be wealthy.

There is a lot of food in Southeast Asia, and some in Japan, Australia, the United States, etc., all of which have food.

The most indispensable thing for smugglers is ships, and their goods are transported by ships.

"No problem, I will take out 80% of the ship. China is celebrating the Chinese New Year recently, so not much cargo is moving, so it is all used to transport grain."

Years ago, all the money that should be earned has been earned, and all the goods have been sold out.

Chinese people like to rest during the Chinese New Year, and there are indeed free ships during this time.

"Thank you very much."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. After a while, these people gathered more than fifty freighters. Chu Lingyun only wanted half, and almost everyone took out 70 to 80%.

If you move less goods, you can earn less money. Ishihara Hiroshi must support his work.

"Very good. No matter what the price of the grain is, just accept it and release the goods according to my orders. The profit will be yours, and I will pay for the loss."

Chu Lingyun finally said, and everyone understood what he meant.

This is to drive out all those grain merchants.

The reason why grain merchants hoard grain is not that there is not much grain on the market and rare goods are available, so they sell grain. The less grain, the higher the price, and in the end, the more they make.

Is there really not that much food?

Not necessarily, the warehouses of these grain merchants are almost full, and they have stored a large amount of grain. If all this grain is taken out, there will definitely be no food shortage now.

"No, I'll be happy to help Ishihara-kun even if you lose money."

One person said, and others responded.

The price of grain abroad is already lower. Even if it is a loss, how much can it be lost? Ishihara Hiroshi wants to suppress the price of grain, make these grain merchants bankrupt, and then take back their grain.

Food prices will definitely increase in the future, and maybe we won’t lose money but can still make a lot of money.

Besides, this time they were doing it with Ishihara Trading Company, so they didn't have any worries.

These people also have a lot of energy and are not afraid of those grain merchants.

"Thank you all, let's start collecting food now. I still have some food there, let's put it out first, and your food can catch up as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. If you want food to be cheap, you don't necessarily have to sell it yourself.

He has this ability, but he has ready-made helpers, so he can't use them in vain.

With their help, this is a business war, an honest war.

Smugglers versus evil grain merchants.

They are all dogs anyway, and if a dog bites a dog, it is the common people who will benefit in the end.

Back at the trading house, Chu Lingyun immediately called Daze.

"Take out our grain and sell it at a 20% discount from the market price. Limit one person to purchase ten kilograms at a time. We will issue a grain license. You cannot buy without a license. I will ask the police to help maintain order. If a grain merchant comes to snatch our grain , let Takemoto handle it."

Chu Lingyun ordered, he had a lot of food in his hands, but he did not underestimate people's greed.

Not to mention there are so many grain merchants, just come to any big grain merchant and you can eat all his grain.

Other grains cannot arrive for the time being, and his batch of grains needs to support the market for a period of time.

Ishihara Trading Company also sent a large number of ships to buy grain. When all the ships came back, all these grain merchants would go bankrupt.

The major stores of Shiyuan Trading Company temporarily increased food sales points.

Before opening the warehouse to release grain, Daze went to publicize it, but the people didn't believe him at all about the grain price.

But there are still many ordinary people, carrying food bags, waiting at the entrance of Shiyuan Trading Company stores everywhere.

What if it's true?

The recent increase in food prices has made it difficult for many people to afford it. Even those who usually live a good life are now living in a tight situation.

Not to mention eating well, we can't even guarantee that we are full.

Just eat less to stay alive.

"Line up to receive food stamps. Anyone who dares to receive more will be thrown directly into jail."

The police were standing by to maintain order, and the guards of Ishihara Trading Company were responsible for supervision.

If Chu Lingyun hadn't agreed, many garrison troops and military police would have come to help.

It doesn't matter if you use the police, but if you use the garrison and military police, it's a bit fussy and unnecessary.

However, Takemoto sent people to secretly keep an eye on the grain merchants. If they dared to make any changes, Takemoto would not let them go.

"It's really a 20% discount. I bought it. I bought it. I can have a full meal today."

Soon, people who bought the food happily left with their food bags.

There is a purchase limit of ten kilograms per person, and you are only allowed to buy once a day.

This is to prevent grain merchants from coming to grab grain. If Chu Lingyun has enough grain in his hands, he can leave them alone. If they dare to eat, Chu Lingyun will let it go until they can't eat anymore.

Unfortunately, food is temporarily insufficient and must be restricted.

More and more people are flocking to places selling grain. They buy cheap grain and cry with joy.

After such a long time, someone is finally selling food at a cheap price. If we don’t sell it, people will really starve to death.

In a restaurant, more than a dozen big grain merchants gathered together.

Everyone has a sad look on their face.

Ishihara Trading Company previously approached them to buy grain and gave them 30% of the market price, but they did not agree.

These people are indeed united and ready to fight against Ishihara Trading Company.

But I didn't expect that after they refused, Ishihara Trading Company would do such a great job and provide food at 20% discount.

It was almost killing them. After Ishihara Trading Company released grain, the business of their grain store plummeted. Some shops were even empty, only their own clerks.

"President Wang, you are the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Do you want to make the decision for us?"

One person said that the Lao Wang he was talking about was an old grain merchant in his sixties. His grain store was the largest and stored the most grain.

Old Wang has more food than Chu Lingyun.

After all, Ishihara Trading Company's main business is not the grain business, the grain is just incidental.

"That's Hiroshi Ishihara, how do you want me to make the decision?"

Lao Wang shook his head. He was not stupid. Even though he was the chairman, his son-in-law was Japanese, and he was a Japanese officer, there was no way he could compare with Hiroshi Ishihara.

"Ishihara Hiroshi has gone too far. He is not giving us a way to survive. Today Liu Ji secretly sent someone to buy food, but he was caught by the military police and his house was confiscated."

Another person said angrily.

Shiyuan Trading Company opened a warehouse to store grain. If there were no restrictions, they would definitely be able to eat it.

They didn't know how much grain the Shiyuan Trading Company had, but it must not be too much. After all, warehouses were needed to store grain. The warehouses of the Shiyuan Trading Company were mainly in Shanghai, so they knew how much they had.

Two hundred thousand stones is enough.

Not to mention two hundred thousand stones, even three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand, people like them can still afford it.

However, Shiyuan Trading Company restricted the distribution of grain, and each person was limited to purchasing ten kilograms per day.

He even said that grain merchants like them were not allowed to buy it.

Some people were not afraid of death and were greedy for profit. They secretly sent people to buy food, but when they turned around, their homes were ransacked by the military police.

After seeing the lesson, how could other people dare to do this? They were impatient.

"Let's wait until he sells out. Ishihara Trading Company is too strong, but the food in his hands is far inferior to ours. In the end, he will not be able to compare with us."

President Wang gritted his teeth and said, but his heart was bleeding.

The food released by Shiyuan Trading Company is equivalent to their money. Food is in short supply, but the population is only so large.

As long as they raise the price of food, people will have to buy their food.

This way they can make more money.

Ishihara Trading Company sells cheap grain, and only fools will buy their expensive grain. These people have grain in their hands and will not buy it again in a short period of time.

During this period of time, they only had losses and no gains.

All the expected income was destroyed by Ishihara Trading Company.

"That's all."

Others sighed that Ishihara Trading Company was too big and they could not afford to offend.

The cause of this incident was that Ishihara Trading Company came to collect their food, but they did not agree, which led to retaliation.

The damage has already been done. My arms can't twist my thighs, so I can only recognize it by pinching my nose.

"Boss, you are still the best."

Fang Shiyi gave Chu Lingyun a thumbs up. He knew best that Chu Lingyun's purpose was not to make money at all, but to bring down the price of food.

But Ishihara Trading Company couldn't do it directly, so it just casually spared a circle, and the behavior of suppressing food prices became reasonable.

No one can find fault.

Let people collect grain first, seemingly to get a share of the grain business.

Waiting for those grain dealers to refuse, then releasing grain at low prices and suppressing grain prices. On the surface, the grain dealers are targeted, but in fact it is the common people who benefit.

Moreover, Ishihara Hiroshi has mobilized a large number of cargo ships and is transporting grain back from abroad.

After this batch of grain arrives, a large number of grain merchants will go bankrupt.

Once they go bankrupt, these grains will fall into Ishihara Hiroshi's hands, and they will have the final say on how to arrange them.

And the common people can save enough food to survive this winter.

"This is just a temporary solution and will not last long."

Chu Lingyun sighed. This method is effective in the short term, but it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The most fundamental reason is the insufficient food production caused by the war. China has too many people and needs massive amounts of food.

Not to mention that he mobilized these smugglers, even if he mobilized all the people in the literary society, it would not be possible to change this situation.

With a population of hundreds of millions, he can't help that many people.

The only people he can help right now are the people in Shanghai, and there is nothing he can do in other places.

"It's good for a while, at least the people won't starve to death."

Fang Shiyi is a college student, so he doesn't know anything. He understands that the current situation cannot be changed by Ishihara Hiroshi alone.

The production cannot keep up, and there are so many people, all relying on imports, which is simply unrealistic under current conditions.

"Go and send a batch of food to Ezaki He, the people over there need it more."

Chu Lingyun ordered, Jiang Qihe was good, he knew not to purchase too much food, so as not to increase the price of food again.

This is not the future, the state has very strict control over food raw materials.

Once it goes up, it's hard to come down.

Businessmen pursue profits, and who doesn’t want to make more if they can make money?

For many commodities, prices will not be reduced after price increases, especially at the terminal. The prices of raw materials are reduced, but the prices of finished products are not.

"Okay, others don't understand, but I understand you."

Fang Shiyi nodded heavily. Ishihara Hiroshi used this method to do what the Red Party should do.

Ishihara Hiroshi is rich, but he cannot directly use the money to distribute it to the people. There are many places where his money is needed. For example, this time, if he had not opened a warehouse to sell grain in a roundabout way, many people would have starved to death. .

The food distribution continued, and more people came the next day, forming a long queue.

They had to receive food stamps first and then buy food, with a maximum of ten kilograms per person at a time.

With such a long queue, it would be difficult for one person to buy twice.

Ishihara Trading Company said that they are raising grain from various places and will not stop selling grain at low prices. Everyone will be able to buy grain in the future.

This is a kind man and he definitely saved everyone’s lives.

"Little Ishihara, what a loss."

In the Liaison Department, Abe smiled and shook his head after hearing about Ishihara Trading Company.

So do these grain merchants. Since Ishihara Toru is keeping an eye on them, it would be great to hand over the money honestly. If Ishihara Toru eats meat, they can at least drink some soup.

Ishihara Hiroshi was furious. Now it's better. Let alone drinking soup, there is no northwest wind.

After this food crisis has passed, I don’t know how many people are going to hang themselves.

He has no objection to Ishihara Hiroshi grabbing money from grain merchants. The more money Ishihara Hiroshi has, the better. Recently, he is very satisfied. Every month, Ishihara Hiroshi will ask him to run a group of people.

Even if Ishihara Hiroshi can do it, it is still left to him.

Ishihara Hiroshi is sensible, so he will naturally support him.

What's more, Ishihara Hiroshi has made a lot of money, and he will run more people in the future, and part of this money will fall into his hands.

It has been less than a year since he came to the Liaison Department, and now he has made back all his capital, and gained a lot more. All the money he will get in the future will be his profits.

Iwai Mansion, the press release for Ishihara Trading Company has been written.

"This Ishihara Hiroshi has done a good thing."

Yuan Yida said with a smile, while Teacher Weng snorted: "How can he do good deeds? His real purpose is not to be like those dog food merchants, who want to dominate the food market and make more money."

"You can't say that. Although his purpose is to make money, at least the people's thirst is quenched now. At this time, food is released at a low price, but it saves a lot of people."

Yuan Yida shook his head. Ordinary people don't know the secrets inside, but they know it very well.

Ishihara Trading Company had its eyes on the huge profits from grain, and the grain merchants refused to let go. Ishihara Heng wanted to squeeze them all out and monopolize the market.

Although food prices will continue to rise in the future, at least the people are saved for now.

As for the future, people are almost starving to death, so how can they care so much.

"You are right. It depends on how long this food war lasts."

"Don't worry, we won't stop in the short term. Ishihara Trading Company is rich and not afraid of losses. Those grain merchants are also strong. The harder they fight, the more the people will profit."

Yuan Yida laughed and said, the common people can be saved. Who would have thought that it was a Japanese who saved them.

And this Japanese has no good intentions at all.

Grain distribution continues, and the people have been able to buy low-priced grain every day for several days in a row. Now they feel much better, but there are still many people queuing up.

Everyone is eligible to buy every day. Everyone is scared of hunger and wants to buy more and save it in case they are not needed.

The grain warehouse of Ishihara Trading Company is visibly decreasing.

After Chu Lingyun took action, he did not just rely on these grains. Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan and other places were also urgently raising grains. The prices of grains there were also very high, but not as outrageous as in Shanghai.

The grain bought at a high price was sold by him at a low price to balance the grain price.

However, Chu Lingyun didn't dare to buy more. Food prices in Shanghai had stayed flat. Don't let them rise in other places. That would violate his original intention.

While this food war is in full swing, the Spring Festival is coming.

The Spring Festival that Chu Lingyun took Ni Loach and others to celebrate was another year of not being able to go home.

The sound of firecrackers kept ringing outside. Today, at least many people can laugh and have a good New Year's Eve dinner without having to worry about food.

This is enough.

After the Spring Festival, domestic grain from North Korea and Japan was first shipped to Shanghai.

The grain storehouse of Shiyuan Trading Company has reached its bottom. This batch of grain came at the right time. Shiyuan Trading Company continues to sell grain at low prices, while the grain merchants are miserable.

This year, they have had the most joyful time.

Many people stored a large amount of grain, which not only cost them all their capital, but also borrowed a lot of usury.

I wanted to make a good profit from this food shortage, but who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would suddenly appear.

"President Wang, I can't hold on anymore. If you can't do anything anymore, I will sell the grain at a low price."

Many grain merchants gathered at the Chamber of Commerce. One grain merchant said sadly and angrily that the money he borrowed was due and he would be even worse off if he couldn't pay it back.

"Don't worry, I've heard that Ishihara Trading Company has no food. If we hold on for a while, we will definitely win."

President Wang comforted him, and a person next to him said quietly: "President Wang, are you so closed-minded about the news? I heard that Shiyuan Trading Company returned with thirty large ships, all of which were loaded with grain. This grain was enough to take Shiyuan away. The merchant's granary is fully filled and there is still a surplus."

"Really or not, where did they get so much food?"

Many grain merchants are panicking. This alone makes them miserable. What will happen next? Will they survive?


President Wang's expression changed, and what he was most worried about happened.

Ishihara Trading Company has money and is not afraid of losing money at all, but they cannot hold on.

If Ishihara Trading Company really has a steady supply of food, more than one person will go bankrupt in the end, and everyone here will be doomed.

"Of course it's true. I don't care about you. I'm going to Ishihara Trading Company to see if I still want it at 30% of the market price."

The grain merchant who spoke shook his head and stood up. Although he could still hold on, he couldn't hold on for long.

Right now, you need to get rid of the food in your hands as soon as possible to save your life.

Otherwise, if other grain merchants cannot hold on and release grain collectively, grain prices will drop. What they are afraid of is that Shiyuan Trading Company will not give them such an opportunity.

Ishihara Hiroshi was really ruthless this time, relying on his wealth, wealth and power to bully innocent people like them.

I wanted to use this opportunity to make a good profit, but Ishihara Hiroshi did this, and it was the best result not to lose my pants.

"I'm leaving too."

Understand that there is more than one person, so don’t hold on if you can’t hold on.

Now there is still a chance to pay back the grain, even if it is a small loss, it will not go bankrupt.

They were afraid that Toru Ishihara would make subsequent moves and block their way to release goods.

At that time, the market price will not be 30%, and you will be lucky if you can sell it at 10%.

They are familiar with this method. They have often done this in the past to suppress the people who provide food, and it has always worked. Now the retribution has finally come, and they have also tasted the feeling of being suppressed.

"There is no heavenly law, and there is no king's law. Let's go and sue him. Ishihara Hiroshi is very powerful, but he is just a businessman. Is it possible that he can cover the sky with one hand?"

The others looked at the person shouting like a fool.

King's law, heaven's law?

Is it useful for someone like Toru Ishihara?

The world is now dominated by the Japanese. Ishihara Hiroshi is extremely powerful among the Japanese. When he came to the door, I should have agreed earlier.

At least you won’t lose that much, and some people can even make money.

It's a pity that they were all carried away by the profits they were about to receive and did not recognize themselves.

"Stop talking about this, wait and see how much food Ishihara Trading Company will have in the future."

President Wang sighed, "It's useless to complain. People are not afraid of you complaining. Who do they want to complain to, Wang Chuhai?"

Wang Chuanhai is just a dog raised by the Japanese. There is no use in finding him.

Complain to the Japanese?

If they don't arrest them, it would be nice to hand them over to Ishihara Trading Company.

"Ishihara-kun, the second batch of goods has arrived."

Nitta came to Ishihara Trading Company and whispered that the second batch of goods was larger, a total of fifty ships.

This batch of goods was brought from Luzon and other places. As long as it is grain, they want it, not just rice, but also sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc.

They don't despise anything they can eat.

"Very well, you did a good job this time."

Chu Lingyun praised that Chu Lingyun didn't ask anything about the smugglers, it was all coordinated by Nitta, and he was very busy during this period.

Ishihara Heng said that he didn’t care about the price, as long as he had food, he would do it.

Once this batch of goods arrives, those grain merchants can be sentenced to death.

"You're flattered, this is what I should do."

Nitta hurriedly replied, Ishihara Hiroshi is cruel enough, and there is no way to survive if he offends him.

Those grain merchants are going to suffer a lot this time.

"Let them all release the goods at my price."

Chu Lingyun ordered that at this price, everyone would have to lose money.

However, their purpose was to attack those grain merchants who were hoarding goods. If they were defeated, they would have the final say on Shanghai's grain in the future.


Xintian took the order and left. Not long after, the number of companies distributing grain suddenly increased, and more than a dozen smugglers were distributing grain together.

These people sell at a loss and are so happy when they do it.

"Sir, it's not good. There are many merchants selling grain at low prices. I asked at the dock that a steady stream of grain ships have arrived in Shanghai, and they are unloading one after another."

At President Wang's house, the housekeeper ran all the way and came over to report.


The exquisite teacup in President Wang's hand fell to the ground and shattered, and his face turned pale.

"Who puts out the grain?"

President Wang asked anxiously, their food is still in the warehouse. No matter how good the food is, if it cannot be sold, it is not money.

"I have inquired about it, and it turns out that it is all Japanese business, and it is all done by those who sell goods."

Smuggling is smuggling, and Hiroshi Ishihara is the biggest smuggler.

These people usually come to them to buy grain. Grain is not their main business. They just make a profit from the price difference.

Ishihara Hiroshi actually mobilized these smugglers to fight against them.

They couldn't stop just one Ishihara Trading Company, let alone so many more.

"It's over, it's all over."

He has the most grain, much more than Shiyuan Trading Company. There is no longer a shortage of grain in the market, and there are so many people selling grain at low prices. These grains will definitely not be sold in the short term.

"Quickly, contact people from other places and sell the food to them at low prices."

President Wang immediately ordered that he would lose too much money by selling in Shanghai and he could not sell the food here. It was not only Shanghai that was short of food, but also other places.

"Master, even if they are willing to take it, can we leave?"

The butler smiled bitterly, and President Wang's face turned even paler.

That's right, without formalities, their food would be contraband. If anyone wanted to smuggle it, no one could do it without Ishihara Hiroshi's consent.

Otherwise it is death.

He is not even qualified to take out food now.

He didn't have just a little grain in his hands. There was no way he could hide such a large amount of food. If he was discovered, then he wouldn't be devastated, but his entire family would be plundered.

"Prepare a generous gift and go to Ishihara Trading Company."

President Wang said bitterly, they lost, this time they lost completely.

These smugglers have no shortage of money and can afford them.

"Master, if you come here, our losses will probably be even greater. Otherwise, we will sell grain at a low price. Although it is only 20% of the previous price, as long as it is finished, we will not lose too much."

The butler said in a low voice, if they really go to Ishihara Hiroshi, then they will be meat on the chopping board.

How to deal with them when the time comes is entirely up to Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Do you think we can still sell out if we open a warehouse to stock up on grain?"

President Wang said bitterly that they had too much food. In the early stage, Shiyuan Trading Company released food so that the people would not be short of food.

Now that so many people are releasing food, the market will soon be saturated with food.

It's too late for them to sell now unless the price is lowered.

But if they lower their prices, these smugglers won’t?

Their purpose is not to make money, so why sell at a loss? It’s not just for them.

If you resist forcefully, your family may be destroyed in the end.

President Wang can still understand this.

With the gift in hand, President Wang rushed to Ishihara Trading Company and was shocked to find that many people in the Chamber of Commerce were waiting at the door.

It seems that he is not the only one who has made the same decision.

News of the Shanghai Food War was known to all parts of the country.

Many places envy the cheap food in Shanghai. Some people even form teams to come to Shanghai to buy food. If they buy enough food and take it back, it is much cheaper than buying medicine locally.

However, those who can do this are mostly people from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

If it's too far away, transportation will be a problem.

If you buy too much, you will be checked on the road; if you buy too little, the toll will be a huge expense.

In Yanzhou, Duke Ke smiled slightly when he heard about it.

Chu Lingyun was really smart and actually used this method to help the people. The people of Shanghai were blessed because Chu Lingyun helped them solve the food crisis.

Selling grain at a loss to subsidize the people, but leaving no one saying anything, is indeed very high.

However, Chu Lingyun's biggest problem is about to appear. Shanghai's grain merchants are about to be unable to hold on, and these grains will definitely fall into his hands.

After he monopolizes food, he will definitely not be able to sell it at low prices.

Otherwise, even a fool can see that something is wrong.

How will Chu Lingyun respond in the future, so that the people can benefit without being discovered by others?

Mr. Ke was really curious. During his busy schedule, he thought several times about what he would do next if he were Hiroshi Ishihara.

It's a pity that he couldn't think of a solution.

Double monthly pass plus chapter 4.

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