Spy Shadow

Chapter 680 Saijo’s visit

Chapter 680 Saijo’s visit

The cigarettes sold by Esaki Kaju are very cheap. If people in the slums want them, each person can buy a pack at half price per day.

Better cigarettes outside cost at least 10 cents a pack, but here they only cost 4 cents.

At half price, you can buy a pack for two cents.

Even though the people here are poor, there are also many people who smoke, but they can't usually afford it.

Two cents a pack allows them to satisfy their cravings.

"Ishihara, you have a really dark heart. Tell me honestly, how much do you plan to increase the price of rice?"

Ishihara Trading Company, Abe comes to visit.

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Abe joked.

"No matter how much the rice costs, your share will not be missing."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Abe was a rich man. Even if the price increased tenfold, let alone the current price, he could still afford rice without any pressure.

"Haha, this is what you said."

Abe laughed, but quickly sighed: "My brother is going to step down, Nemi will take over."

Prime Minister Abe's resignation has been foreshadowed for a long time.

He couldn't control the situation, but this time he let Nemi take over, which was a bit contrary to many people's expectations.

Nemi is from the Navy and is the Minister of the Navy. If he becomes Prime Minister, we can imagine the dissatisfaction of the Army.

In fact, Chu Lingyun had already received the news, and Tian Junliu sent him a telegram.

As Prime Minister, Tian Junliu is really dissatisfied with this.

"Nemi is not suitable, he won't last long."

Chu Lingyun said lightly that the Prime Minister is not something ordinary people can do, especially now that Japan is at war. It is a big trouble for the Prime Minister to coordinate the relationship between the navy and the army.

From before the war to the present, Japan has continuously changed its prime ministers, and no one has been able to serve a full term.

Nemi can get the support of the Navy, but the Army will also oppose him.

"Nemi once said that if the empire could not win in China, it would turn to defense and reduce its army to four hundred thousand, and might even abandon Wuhan."

Abe threw a bomb, but Chu Lingyun really didn't know about it.

This statement has been made before, but the Army simply disagreed and left it alone.

Now that Nemi is in power, if he prefers the navy, he may indeed do so.

It is a pity that Chu Lingyun knows the history and this incident did not happen.

But now that he had obtained such information, he needed to report it, which would at least make Boss Dai and the old man happy.

"It's difficult. If this is really the case, the Army may dare to remonstrate."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. The army was reduced, and the military expenditure saved could be used to build more warships.

The Navy has always hoped to have more battleships and aircraft carriers to expand in Southeast Asia and even occupy the entire Southeast Asia.

It's a pity that the place there is the territory of European and American countries. No matter how many ideas the navy has, the base camp will not agree to it.

"It is indeed difficult, but it has nothing to do with us. You can do business with peace of mind, and I will make money honestly."

Abe really didn't care. Although his cousin stepped down, it didn't have a big impact on him. He didn't rely on his cousin in the first place.

But at this time, he had to keep a low profile. The alliance with Ishihara Hiroshi was very important, and he came here specifically to deepen the relationship this time.

After Abe left, Chishang entered the tea room.

He arrived just now, and Fang Shiyi received him. Knowing that Ishihara Hiroshi was chatting with Abe, he did not disturb him.

"Ishihara-kun, my promotion order has been issued."

Ikegami was very excited. This time Ishihara Hiroshi helped him operate, and the military rank was successfully promoted to lieutenant colonel. Moreover, Goto Takeshi will help him and find a way to promote him to the position of chief of staff of the wing in the future.

His official career became bright.


Chu Lingyun smiled. Chishang was the first person he knew, but his starting point was too low and he was not promoted to lieutenant colonel until today.

If it had a high starting point, it would have already occupied an important position by now.

"Ishihara-kun, I understand that without your help, I would not be where I am today."

Chishang stood up and bowed deeply. When the Shanghai War ended, he was just a captain, and a disabled captain.

At that time, he thought that his life was completely over and there was no possibility of promotion.

Meeting Toru Ishihara changed his destiny.

Now he has become the lieutenant colonel, and next is the chief of staff. In the future, he has a great chance of becoming the wing captain.

And his father told him good news.

After this promotion, the family officially accepted him as a retainer, a formal retainer, the kind that is registered.

No matter where he is in the future, he can openly say that he is a member of the Hosokawa family, unlike before when he lacked confidence.

It can be said that he is where he is today because of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"We are friends and a family, so there is no need to say any kind words. How are you doing there lately?"

"There are not many wars at the moment, and there are not many things going on. It's basically training. But in a few days, the director will come to inspect."

Chishang answered honestly, but Chu Lingyun's eyebrows jumped.

The one who likes to pick up trash is coming?

This was the number one war criminal, but thanks to him, Japan was so arrogant that it launched a sneak attack on the United States, which brought the United States to its own death, ultimately accelerating Japan's defeat.

Although the garbage picker is not very good, he must be kept.

At least wait until he's done that big thing.

"This time he will bring some pilots who performed well in the Nomonkan War to let them promote the greatness of aviation."

Ikegami explained that although Japan lost the Battle of Nomonkan with Russia last year, it did not admit it.

Their propaganda to the outside world is to make peace, not to admit defeat.

In the past, a newspaper praised the intact 4th Division, and later there were trash pickers jumping up and down, proving how important his aviation played in the war.

It is a pity that all Japanese high-level officials know the truth of the matter.

In order to show off his merits, the garbage picker will do whatever it takes, and he will tell any lies without feeling embarrassed.

"Since he is coming, don't go out these days, otherwise you will be caught and your promotion will be affected."

Chu Lingyun replied, while Chi Shang nodded silently: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Chi Shang came to say thank you, and after thanking him, he left.

As a former veteran, his role is now becoming less and less effective than Takemoto and others, and even Jun Shui Cheng has surpassed him by a long way.

The aviation department where he worked was too far from the city, so he couldn't come to see Ishihara Hiroshi many times like others. ,

But after he tactfully mentioned that he wanted to be promoted to military rank last time, Ishihara Hiroshi immediately agreed without saying a word.

He didn't accumulate enough contribution points and was temporarily overdrawn. Ishihara Hiroshi even found a way to give him more contribution points.

For example, give him some unimportant tasks to do, and then increase his contribution.

In this way, he can be promoted to chief of staff faster.

Night, Chongqing.

When Secretary Qi received the telegram, he immediately ran over in person, regardless of whether Boss Dai might be resting.

"Great, let's go to the envoy to announce the good news."

Boss Dai would never doubt the information Chu Lingyun came from, and Chu Lingyun would not dare to lie about such a big matter. They could verify from other channels whether Japan had such a plan.

Now that we have the latest information, it is most important to tell the old man first.

After reading the telegram, the old man was also very happy. He knew that Japan had changed its prime minister, but he did not expect that there would be such an unexpected gain.

If Japan really gives up on Wuhan, it will definitely be great news for him.

With only 400,000 Japanese troops, he might be able to launch a counterattack and drive the Japanese out completely.

"Boss, I'm leaving."

On the morning of the third day, Fang Shiyi came to the office to say goodbye. This time he was going to deliver a large amount of goods to Wuhan.

This time there was a lot of rice in the cargo.

In my hometown, I can still exchange money even if I don’t eat. The price of rice has increased not only in Shanghai, but also across the country.

Profiteers and profiteers, no business without profiteers. If there is an opportunity to increase prices, they will not miss it at all.

Seeing the price increase of rice in Shanghai, various places flocked to follow suit.

These grain merchants naturally attracted a lot of abuse.

"Go ahead and be safe."

Chu Lingyun nodded. The goods must be transported. Only Alchemist Yi can go. This time he can give blood transfusions to his hometown very well. The first batch of goods after the new year is not too large. Chu Lingyun asked him to take 20% of the goods. hometown.

With such a ratio, Fang Shiyi wouldn't dare to do it if he didn't recognize each other.

"Ring ring ring."

Not long after leaving, the phone on the table rang. Chu Lingyun picked up the phone, and his expression quickly became weird.

The garbage picker came and asked Goto Takeshi if he had time and wanted to meet him.

Chu Lingyun did not refuse, but was very confused.

Why do the trash pickers want to see me?

Chu Lingyun had no interaction with him and had never been in contact before.

Judging by the time, he just arrived today. Instead of visiting others, he came to see himself?

What kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?

Chu Lingyun didn't know, but he would understand as long as he came.

He went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. He came to see him on the first day he came to Shanghai. He must have an important purpose.

"Ishihara-kun, you are indeed a young and talented person."

In the afternoon, Saijo arrived on time. When he saw Toru Ishihara who greeted him, he stepped forward and shook hands enthusiastically.

"Saijiao-kun, you are here to greet us, but you are welcome from afar."

Chu Lingyun politely replied, after all, the other party is the Director of the Aviation Department, and was previously the Deputy Secretary of the Army, so he is a very powerful person.

"It's my fault for disturbing you, please forgive me."

Saijo continued to smile, and Chu Lingyun saw something very familiar on his face, hypocrisy.


Chu Lingyun made a gesture of invitation and welcomed him into the tea room. Takeshi Goto and Ikegami came with him, but they were all waiting at the door.

There were only two of them inside.

"Ishihara-kun, I have heard Brother Tuhara talk about you many times. You are the youngest disciple of Touman-sama, and the most valued student by Touman-sama. You are also the most similar to Touman-sama."

Saijo spoke with a smile, while Chu Lingyun was making tea.

"General Saijo, I'm so grateful. It's because of my teacher's love and my senior brother's love for me."

Chu Lingyun handed him the tea. If Saijo didn't take the initiative to tell him his intention, he would never ask.

"Good tea. Is this the finest Longjing tea?"

Saijo took a sip and immediately praised it. Chu Lingyun looked surprised: "I didn't expect you, Master Saijo, to know so much about tea ceremony. You can tell what kind of tea it is after just one sip."

"Of course, tea is a good thing, I like it very much."

Saijo replied with a smile, saying something here and there, as if talking about family matters, but Chu Lingyun was wary in his heart. He knew himself very well and talked about a lot of things he had done before.

"Ishihara-kun, although you are a businessman, you have enough influence in the military. I wonder if you are interested in joining the army?"

After chatting for a while, Saijo suddenly asked. Chu Lingyun was a little surprised and persuaded him to join the army.

Not to mention that he doesn't know how to do it, even his teacher would not allow it.

It would be more convenient for him not to be in the army, but if he joins, it will be inconvenient. Besides, his starting point is too low, so what is the use of joining the army?

He did not graduate from a military academy. Even if he could become an officer, he would not be promoted without merit in battle.

Finally became a general without real power?

That makes no sense, but will put an extra layer of restraint on him.

"Thank you for your support. I am too old to command a war. I have never thought of joining the army."

Chu Lingyun shook his head and refused, while Saijo laughed: "If I believe others, you are too modest to say you don't know how to fight. This time you attacked those grain merchants, and your fighting skills are very good. Fighting is the same as business war, the main thing is materials The enemy has the upper hand and does not give the enemy a way to retreat. As long as the strategic goal can be achieved, it will be victory."

"Business war is business war, there is no smoke, and it is very different from real war. I know myself and am not suitable for the army."

Chu Lingyun said softly, this was a clear statement that he would not join the army.

Saijo's suggestion was really incomprehensible. With his wisdom, he must have understood that it was impossible for him to join the army, so why was he wasting his efforts?

"That's such a shame."

Saijo looked regretful. Before Chu Lingyun could speak, he changed the subject and said again: "Okamura admires you very much and has praised you many times. Knowing that I would come this time, he entrusted me to invite you to join the Sanwu Club. .Although you are not an officer, your role is no less than that of any other officer, and you will also be the only official member of our Sanwu Society who is not an officer."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Lingyun finally understood his purpose.

The so-called Sanwuhui is an organization formed voluntarily by some young men in the army more than ten years ago.

Most of them are military officers, Nagate, Oda, and Okamura are considered the founders.

In the beginning, their ranks were not high. They were basically junior officers and they gathered together to keep warm. This was a bit like a literary society. Unfortunately, there was no one like Hiroshi Ishihara behind them who had enough financial resources and connections to help them advance.

Nagatetsu's life was not good. He was assassinated five years ago, and Oda was squeezed out early. The current leader is Okamura, and Saijo and Tuhara are both members of this organization.

He is not here to win over him. They are interested in the wealth and resources in their hands and want to annex the literary society.

Although today's literary society is very large, it has not fully grown up. Unlike them, after more than ten years of development, many people are already in high positions, including several division leaders.

Their number is not as large as that of the literary club, but their overall strength is much stronger than that of the literary club.

Tu Yuanbian tried it last time but was rejected by him.

Unexpectedly, Saijo came again.

However, Chu Lingyun understood how attractive the literary society in his hands was to these ambitious people.

"Thank you General Okamura for your kindness. I am just a businessman and don't like to join any organization."

Chu Lingyun refused again, and a cold light flashed in Xijo's eyes.

"Don't worry, entering the organization will not have any impact on you. On the contrary, you will get our help and you will be safer in the future."

Saijo did not give up and continued to persuade.

"General Saijo, you know that Mr. Tomitsu has high expectations for me. Anything I do needs the teacher's approval. If you can convince him, I have no problem."

Chu Lingyun once again pushed the problem to Touman.

Will Touman agree? Absolutely not.

Hiroshi Ishihara is the successor he trained. It doesn't matter if he joins someone else's organization. Tsuchihara was very dissatisfied when he joined in the first place. Tou Mitsuru is a person with a strong desire for control.

"Don't refuse in a hurry. As long as you say it properly, I believe Master Touman will agree. I have something to do today and will come to visit another day. You should think about it carefully first."

Saijo stood up, a little disappointed that he could not convince Ishihara Hiroshi.

Before coming this time, he, Okamura and Tuhara had chatted together for a long time. Apart from some internal matters, the most important thing was Youzhai Literary Society.

This literary club has grown, and as long as they can get it, it will be a big help to them.

The president of the literary club is Hosokawa Tomotaka, but this aristocratic son has disappeared. It is said that he went to eat fast and pray to Buddha, but no one knows where exactly.

The three agreed to annex the literary society.

The actual controller of the literary society is Ishihara Hiroshi. As long as he is brought into Sanwuhui, the literary society will become their power. Tuyuan has tried it before, but was rejected by Ishihara Hiroshi.

His visit this time was nominally for inspection, but his actual purpose was Ishihara Hiroshi.

Unfortunately, Toru Ishihara did not believe his lies and refused again.

After sending Saijo away, Chu Lingyun returned to the office and spit into the trash can.

This guy who likes to dig through trash actually stared at me.

In other words, they, Sanwuhui, have their eyes on the literary society.

When he saw the peaches growing up, he wanted to pick them. It was not that easy. Chu Lingyun had a strong control over the literary club. He was not worried about anyone wooing the people inside. Besides, wooing one or two people would have no effect.

If the other party wants a literary club, they will definitely start with him.

"Send this telegram to China."

Chu Lingyun came to the telecommunications room of the commercial bank. There were many radio stations here, and most of them were high-power radio stations.

In order to support this telecommunications room, Chu Lingyun specially arranged a generator to prevent power outages and ensure that messages can be received here 24 hours a day.


The person guarding the telecommunications room received the message and sent it quickly.

Chu Lingyun has never sent a report by himself. He is a businessman and a boss. What does it mean to have skillful reporting skills?

But he knew if his men were sending what he wrote.

Telecommunications rooms exist, not just for domestic connections.

There are also many members of the literary society, as well as merchant ships running around the world.

This is Chu Lingyun's command room, commanding everyone to sail the two big ships of Ishihara Trading Company and Literary Society.

"Sir, Shi Yuan has received the top secret message."

In Japan, Tou Man was basking in the sun. The butler ran over, holding a message in his hand. The encrypted message had been translated by him.

"Give me."

Generally speaking, the telegrams sent by Hiroshi Ishihara to greet him were in ordinary codes.

The person watching the radio can translate.

Only he and the housekeeper can translate the top-secret message.

If it wasn't an important matter, Ishihara Hiroshi would not send him a top-secret message.

Touman finished reading it quickly and couldn't help snorting.

"Call him back. He handled it very well. Don't ignore it. Send a message to Tuyuan and ask him to come back."


The butler bowed and left, making Lord Touman angry.

Tuyuan violated a taboo and poached his teacher.

Who doesn’t know that Touman attaches great importance to Ishihara Hiroshi, and Touman didn’t like Tuhara’s own joining of the Sanwu Society, but Tuyuan had his own reasons, and he needed development, so Touman agreed.

This time Tu Yuan and outsiders tried to drag Ishihara Hiroshi into it, which angered Tou Mitsuru.

The others, Tou Manchu, have no choice for the time being. Okamura and Saijo are important generals in the army. Without enough reasons, Tou Manchu cannot attack them.

But Tuyuan was different, that was Touman's disciple.

The sentence "Go back" explained his attitude.

Tohoku, Tuhara was shocked when he received the telegram. He immediately understood that Saijo failed to win over, and Ishihara Hiroshi sued him.

In fact, he did not agree to win over Ishihara Hiroshi in this way.

No matter who you are, if you don't have enough benefits, why should they help you? If they want a literary society, the best way is to reach cooperation with Ishihara Hiroshi and help each other.

Only in this way can the literary society be used by them.

Unfortunately, Okamura and Saijo disagreed, thinking that there was no need to do this to Ishihara Hiroshi. As long as they had Ishihara Hiroshi in their hands, they would not only have huge financial support, but also get the literary society for free.

How could a person as smart as Hiroshi Ishihara fail to see through this?

Even though he is young, he is more cunning than those thousand-year-old foxes.

It's okay now, Saijo went over rashly, Ishihara Hiroshi filed a lawsuit against him, and he will probably be scolded by the teacher this time when he returns home.

But it was just scolding, and he was not worried about what the teacher would do to him.

After all, his level is not low and he has already matured. Even the teacher cannot deal with him casually.

At night, Saijo got the telegram from Tuhara.

"Teacher, when you recruit me back, you have to be careful when trying to win over Hiroshi Ishihara and not be impatient. He is not an ordinary person. He is very smart. He will not let go without enough benefits."

The message was very simple, but it revealed a lot of information.

First of all, Lord Touman already knew about his win over Ishihara Hiroshi, and was very dissatisfied, so he called Tuhara back to lecture him.

It seemed like he was admonishing Tuyuan, but he was actually warning them.

Don't attack Ishihara Hiroshi, otherwise you won't be able to spare them.

Their strength is strong, but Touman is not weak either. They cannot confront Touman now, otherwise both sides will suffer losses.

"Why isn't this old guy dead?"

Saijo said bitterly, he understood that the attempt to win over Ishihara Hiroshi was a complete failure, and even if he went again, Ishihara Hiroshi would not be able to agree.

Tuhara's method is good, but he and Okamura don't have the patience.

Besides, they couldn't give Ishihara Hiroshi enough benefits?

How to give? They are in the military, and Toru Ishihara has his own channels to help people in the literary society get promoted, so they are not needed.

As for money, that's even more of a joke.

They also thought about Ishihara Toru's financial support. All of them together were not as rich as Ishihara Toru.

The mission failed, and Saijo had no intention of staying in Shanghai.

I stayed in the aviation department for two days and left in a hurry.

When he learned that Saijo had left, Chu Lingyun was relieved. He was really afraid that this guy would stalk him, which would make him extremely annoyed.

This guy is a bigot.

However, this rejection made the relationship between him and Sanwuhui very bad. Not to say they were enemies, they were definitely not friends.

The power of the literary society is still too weak and cannot be compared with the Sanwu Society.

It can't be compared now, and it will be even worse when Saijo comes to power.

Next, we need to improve the strength of the literary club as soon as possible, and have enough power to make Saijo and the others avoid taking drastic actions.

"Ishihara, it should have been like this a long time ago, haha, don't worry, leave it to me, I will definitely handle it for you."

The next day Chu Lingyun came to the Liaison Department and brought several boxes full of Japanese yen.

This time, he promoted eighty people in the literary society to military ranks or positions and placed them all in important positions.

Saijo will not take office for several years, so he has time to make plans.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the literary society, it will not be able to withstand Saijo's pressure by then.

"I can rest assured that senior brother is doing things."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Eighty people were promoted together, and the money spent was not a small amount.

But no matter how much money you spend, as long as you can get things done.

After Chu Lingyun left, Abe looked at the box full of money in front of him and almost smiled.

He made a lot of money, made a lot of money, made a lot of money, and this time he made more money than he had made in the previous year.

At night, in a house in the French Concession.

The disfigured Hayakawa Ping entered the room under the leadership of Loach.

After Hayakawahei changed his name to Taro Yagyu, except for testing airplanes and spying on intelligence during the war, Chu Lingyun did not assign him any other tasks.

He is currently dormant, accumulating his connections and waiting to be used later.

Chu Lingyun has kept this chess piece for so long, and now it needs to be used.

"Business has been doing well recently and I have made a lot of money."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that Hayakawa Hei did have a business mind. At first, he only invested a few tens of thousands of yen in him, but now the business scale of Yagyu Trading Company has expanded to hundreds of thousands of yen.

But this is not enough. Next, he needs to develop as quickly as possible. He has too little money to be effective.

"Thanks to you, business is still going well. What do you want me to do?"

Hayakawa Ping smiled and said, he understood that Chu Lingyun would not come to him for no reason, and he was afraid that his peaceful life was about to be broken.

"In the next two months, expand the scale of the business as soon as possible and make more money. You go to Abe and give him money, 100,000 yen, and ask him to introduce you to join Ishihara Hiroshi's smuggling team."


Hayakawa Ping's heart moved slightly. Smuggling was very profitable, and he knew this very well.

But he has no connections and cannot do such business.

"Yes, Abe's reputation is pretty good. If you send him enough money, he will be your protector in the future. It won't take long for you to make back the little money you invested."

Chu Lingyun nodded slowly, the smuggling team was not only smuggling goods, but now also had a food business.

Hei Hayakawa comes in and with his ability, he can definitely make more money quickly.

"that's it?"

Hei Hayakawa asked. It was absolutely impossible that Chu Lingyun came to him just to help him make money.

"After you make money, get Saijo's attention as soon as possible. I want you to get into Saijo's side and gain his trust."

This is Hayakawa Taira's real mission.

Saijo is too dangerous. He needs to make arrangements in advance. There is no suitable person around him who can do the job but Hayakawa Hei.

"Saijiao, I understand, do you have his detailed information?"

Hayakawa Ping did not refuse. The business was just a cover. His true identity was still an intelligence agent, an intelligence agent for the Chinese.

"Yes, give it to him."

Chu Lingyun had made preparations in advance. He had obtained all of Saijo's detailed information in the past few days. Saijo wanted to win over him. If he investigated Saijo, there would be no problem even if he was discovered.

After taking the file bag, Hei Hayakawa did not look at it immediately: "I need time. It is not difficult to get into his side, but it may take a long time to gain his trust."

"Okay, I'll give you one year. After one year, he will definitely trust you."

"no problem."

When Hayakawa Ping stood up, he understood that he only had one year left in his peaceful days. After one year, he would lurk again and continue the exciting life before.

This is what he must do. He exchanged his freedom for life. If he doesn't do a good job for the Chinese people, he may die at any time.

Moreover, his wife, children, and family members will all be killed together.

He didn't understand why Chu Lingyun was so interested in Saijo and sent himself to infiltrate, but he would never ask questions that shouldn't be asked. He would just do things well and do them seriously.

Loach sent Hayakawa Ping away, while Chu Lingyun left.

Saijo and the others were too strong, so Chu Lingyun had to make arrangements in advance to prepare for the future.

He, Saijo and Tuhara are enemies rather than friends.

He had a clear understanding of this a long time ago, so he did not hesitate to join forces with Ying Zuo to drive Tu Yuan out of Shanghai last time.

This time they are targeting themselves, and they will not give up unless they agree to their demands.

Tou Mitsuru can protect him, but Saijo will be too strong in the future, and he himself needs to be strong enough to prevent Saijo from touching him at will.

Improving the strength of the literary society is the first step, and Hayakawa Hei is the second step. He has other arrangements to make.

"Get ready to go to Wuhan tomorrow."

The next day, Chu Lingyun called the guard captain Shi Ban and asked him to buy a boat ticket and set up a guard.


Ishizaka responded, he was a little confused, the boss was going to Wuhan, how about going there with the caravan before?

Secretary Fang had just left a few days ago, why did the boss suddenly want to go there?

Chu Lingyun didn't explain to him that the goal of going to Wuhan this time was Xiwei.

Nishio must be taken down, not by cooperating like before, but by truly being with him like Tian Shunliu did.

Nishio is very critical. In addition to Nishio, he needs to increase contact and maintain good relations with other important Japanese generals.

When the time is right, he needs to recruit a group of generals to join the literary society.


Fang Shiyi was at the dock to greet Chu Lingyun as he disembarked.

Okada stood next to Fang Shiyi. Ishihara Hiroshi was here, and he would definitely come to pick up the ship in person.


Chu Lingyun didn't waste any time and took them away.

"General Nishio, I'm sorry to bother you."

In the evening, Chu Lingyun invited Xiwei to dinner at the best restaurant in Wuhan. During this period, Xiwei had been traveling between Wuhan and Nanjing, but the time in Wuhan was longer.

Nanjing, as agreed, will be handed over to Wang Reclamation as the capital of the new government.

Returning the capital to Nanjing was a propaganda method used by Wang Chuanhai.

There have been overwhelming reports recently that Nishio will attend when the capital is officially returned.

However, the Nanjing garrison headquarters will not be abolished.

Nanjing is very important, and it is impossible for the Japanese to abandon their garrison.

"Ishihara, you came suddenly, is there something wrong?"

Nishio smiled and said, Ishihara Hiroshi suddenly came to visit, and he came in person, there must be something important.

"It's a little something."

Chu Lingyun poured him wine and the two of them took a sip.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

Nishio was not polite to show mercy to others. After all, he received a lot of money from Ishihara Hiroshi. As long as it was not too embarrassing for him, he would not refuse.

"What do you think of Saijo Kiei?"

Chu Lingyun asked. Nishio was a little confused and came to him for help. Why did he talk about Saijo?

"Why do you ask him suddenly?"

Nishio didn't answer, but asked instead. He would not comment on others casually.

Although he is very cold towards Saijo and looks down on this guy who likes to pick up garbage.

In fact, few people in the military who came from noble families could look up to him.

"He came to me two days ago and wanted me to join the Sanwu Society."

Chu Lingyun said softly, while Xiwei's eyes tightened.

With his status, he naturally knew what was going on in the Sanwu Club. Okamura and Saijo were eyeing Ishihara Hiroshi's financial resources and the literary agency in his hands.

By taking Ishihara Hiroshi, these will be available to them.

"The Sanwu Association is very large. It will be really beneficial to you if you join."

Xiwei said calmly, while Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head: "I refuse."

Guaranteed 8,000 words.

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