Spy Shadow

Chapter 69 Find the mailbox

Chapter 69 Find the mailbox

You must go to the toilet when drinking tea. If you place the dead letter box in the toilet, it will not only be safe, but also highly concealed.

This was Chu Lingyun's idea after putting himself in someone else's shoes. If he were Du Juan, it would be most suitable to place a dead mailbox in a teahouse, and it would only be in the toilet, so that no one would suspect it.

"Yes, team leader."

Ni Loach immediately walked out. The toilet was a smelly and dirty place, but Ni Loach didn't complain at all. If he could really find the dead mailbox of Du Juan's intelligence officer, it would be a great achievement.

If the spy is caught through this dead mailbox, it will be a great achievement.

"Boss Zhang, do you know Teacher Xia?"

After Loach went out, Chu Lingyun continued to question Zhang Hua. Du Juan often came to this teahouse. Apart from school teachers and neighbors, the people in the teahouse who had the most contact with Du Juan were the people in the teahouse.

"I don't know. I only know that he is a teacher and a very good person."

Zhang Hua immediately shook his head. There were so many customers in his teahouse. It was true that he knew a lot of people, but when it came to getting to know them, how many customers could he know?

"About Teacher Xia, have you heard anything about him?" Chu Lingyun did not give up and continued to ask.

This time, Zhang Hua hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."

Chu Lingyun had been paying attention to his expression. His hesitation and twinkling eyes all showed that he was lying.

Picking up the Browning pistol on the table, Chu Lingyun loaded the gun with a click. The muzzle of the gun slowly turned around, pointing directly at Zhang Hua's head.

"Think carefully before you speak. If you lie to me, the bullet inside will penetrate your head."

When dealing with these ordinary people, Chu Lingyun usually talks nicely and is not willing to threaten. After all, he is the soul leader of future generations, and there is still the most basic respect between people.

But Zhang Hua's lies were different. When he lied, he was helping the Japanese, which exceeded Chu Lingyun's bottom line.

"Uncle, please be careful, don't get angry."

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, Zhang Hua immediately panicked and waved his hands repeatedly. He had no idea that the gun in Chu Lingyun's hand did not have the safety on.

"I said, I did hear something about Teacher Xia. It was said by the clerk in my store. A year ago, I heard the clerk say that he came home very late one night and saw Teacher Xia coming home from Widow Niu's house. When he came out, he sighed and said, how could Teacher Xia, such a good person, fall in love with Widow Niu?"

Chu Lingyun felt happy. Anyone who had contact with Du Juan was suspected, let alone someone who went to someone else's house late at night.

“Who is the Cow Widow?”

"There used to be a widow who lived nearby. She was very average-looking, but she moved away a year ago." Zhang Hua did not dare to hide it this time and said honestly.

"Is that guy here?"

"Yes, yes, I'll call him right now."

With Chu Lingyun pointing a gun at him, Zhang Hua no longer dared to hide anything and took the initiative to help call people.

After a while, Chu Lingyun asked clearly what happened.

Niu Widow moved here five years ago. She is about forty years old, tall and strong, and has a thick and unattractive appearance. Although she is a widow, no one cares about her.

This time point is the same as the time when Du Juan came here. There is most likely a deep connection between the two people, and the cow widow may even be a spy.

Mr. Xia is not ugly, has a decent job, and good conditions. Many people wanted to introduce him to someone, but he refused. It wasn't until this guy saw Mr. Xia coming out of Widow Niu's house that he knew that Mr. Xia was already in love.

He said that Widow Niu was not worthy of Teacher Xia.

The reason why Zhang Hua didn't say anything just now was because he didn't know Chu Lingyun's identity or that Teacher Xia was a Japanese agent. He didn't want to talk behind others' backs.

What surprised them was that since the clerk in the store bumped into Teacher Xia at Widow Niu's place, Widow Niu had moved away. No one knew where she had moved, and she had never been seen again.

After asking about the situation, Chu Lingyun concluded that there must be something wrong with Widow Niu, otherwise why would she move away as soon as she was bumped into? This was Du Juan's way of protecting her.

"Team leader, we found it. There is really a dead mailbox in the toilet. This was found in the dead mailbox."

Just as he was thinking about it, Loach hurried back, his face full of joy.

He also held a piece of paper in his hand, with words written on it, but it was all numbers. These spies were very careful, even the information in the dead mailbox was password-protected.

"Great, Loach, you have made a great contribution again. Take me to see you."

Chu Lingyun stood up suddenly and said happily that when the case was at a loss, it was equivalent to getting two good news in a row, a dead mailbox and a cow widow.

With these two new clues, if we continue to pursue the case, the possibility of catching a spy will greatly increase.

The toilet in the tea house is not dirty, but the smell is definitely not good. The location of this dead mailbox is very secret. It is in the beam above. There is a hole dug in it and there is a cover to cover it.

If Nilu hadn't been careful, it would have been difficult to discover the existence of this dead mailbox.

"Loach, put the note back as it is. You can open a secret hole next to it and monitor it. Now you have someone to keep an eye on this dead mailbox 24 hours a day. I will definitely keep an eye on it."

"Don't worry, team leader, I'll keep an eye on it personally. No matter who comes into contact with this dead mailbox, they can't escape my eyes."

Loach stood up straight and saluted. He was the one who found the dead mailbox. If he catches another person, including Hanako Abe, he will make the greatest contribution.

Promotion and fortune are just around the corner.

Leaving Ni Loach and his people behind, Chu Lingyun took the remaining people and went straight to the southwest branch of the police station.

When he arrived at the branch, Chu Lingyun immediately called Wang Sheng over. Wang Sheng was the patrol officer of the Southwest Branch. Qian Cang Ono's hiding place was the loach he reported to.

Aihara Mao, who was an undercover Japanese spy at the police station, was also caught by Chu Lingyun with his help in tricking him back into the police station.

Wang Sheng is very smart and a nice person. When looking for Niu Widow this time, Chu Lingyun thought of him first.

Chu Lingyun has a lot of people, but when it comes to finding people, they are definitely not as professional as those police officers who hang out on the streets all day long. Widow Niu is single and a strong woman. Finding someone like her is far better than finding a single man. many.

"Wang Sheng, I have a task for you. Help me find someone. If I find him, I will be rewarded heavily."

Chu Lingyun looked at Wang Sheng and said with a smile.

"Looking at what you said, it is my blessing, Wang Sheng, to be able to help the chief. Tell me, who should I look for? As long as he is here, I will definitely find him for you."

Wang Sheng promised happily that Chu Lingyun didn't waste any words and told him all the characteristics of Widow Niu.

"She may change her name now, so don't just look for people with the surname Niu. Find all the people who match the characteristics. I will ask someone to come over and verify the identity."

Chu Lingyun gave another instruction, if Widow Niu was really a spy, she would definitely not use her original name after moving.

But her age and appearance cannot be changed. Many neighbors have seen her in the place where she lived before. After screening all the people who meet the requirements, just find someone to come and identify them.

Thanks to book friend 20170315232230056 for four consecutive 100-coin rewards. Ronaldinho thanks you for your support.

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