Spy Shadow

Chapter 691 Help you get rid of adultery

"Don't worry, I will cooperate well." Lu Jianzhong replied carefully.

He joined the Military Intelligence Division when it was first established. At that time, Boss Dai was able to quickly establish himself, compete with the Party Affairs Investigation Division, and be taken seriously by the commission. This was achieved through hard work with his subordinates.

Among all the people, the most brave and powerful one is He Nian.

Therefore, Boss Dai gave him the nickname "Hello Tiger" during the New Year celebrations, but it was Xu Yi who really advised Boss Dai and did all the behind-the-scenes work.

If the New Year greeting is a tiger, then Xu Yi is a fox.

To put it nicely, it is called wisdom, but to put it worse, it is cunning and insidious.

Xu Yi is now the Director of Intelligence. His personal visit to Xi'an is enough to show that Boss Dai attaches great importance to this matter. Lu Jianzhong does not dare to be careless in any way.

He guessed right. Neither Boss Dai nor Xu Yi could tolerate the existence of enemy spies inside.

A traitor, even if his identity is not important, can still cause great harm.

Back then, Maki Kuwamoto, under the pseudonym Zhu Lihua, was lurking in the equipment department of their headquarters. It was just a small department, and her job was accounting, which had nothing to do with intelligence.

But just such a person made him and He Nian's missions suffer setbacks one after another.

He couldn't even find the reason. It wasn't until He Nian was forced to ask Boss Dai for help and forced Chu Lingyun from the hands of Wang Yuemin at Wuhan Station that he discovered her existence.

A small accountant, but the two biggest section chiefs at the time were helpless. This was the harm caused by the traitor.

Xu Yi ignored Lu Jianzhong. Lu Jianzhong had no problem and he would cooperate.

In Shanghai, Xu Jingshu was under great pressure.

After arriving in Shanghai, Mr. Xu sent a telegram urging him to act as soon as possible.

Angry, he locked himself in the room and cursed.

Is this something urgent?

Assassination on the enemy's territory is related to their wealth and life. If he is not careful, he and his men will be blamed here.

Old ghost Xu can stand and talk without pain in his back. Let him personally perform this task?

What Xu Jingshu didn't know was that Old Ghost Xu was scolded again.

This time it was Cousin Chen who scolded him, so he wasn't too worried about the appointment. If Cousin Chen was disappointed with him, he would step down immediately.

Forty-seven people from the army were killed in the battle, and this incident was promoted as a model by the commission.

Cousin Chen naturally saw it too, and remembered that the one who suffered the same damage in Nanjing was the Zhongtong. As a result, they died in the battle, and the Zhongtong all surrendered.

It seems that one of them died in the battle, but he didn't have time to surrender.

This comparison can't even be seen on his face. How can he not curse?

After being scolded, Old Ghost Xu naturally wanted to find someone to vent his anger on, and Xu Jingshu became that punching bag.

"How's the check going?"

Xu Jingshu called his men. He was scolded for being in a bad mood, and his men suffered disaster.

"Director, it's true that Chen Zhanli goes out to eat every day, but which restaurant he goes to is not fixed at all. It all depends on his mood. In addition to breakfast, he must go out once, sometimes twice, for lunch and dinner. But there is really no pattern."

His subordinates complained, and Chen Zhanli went out to eat. There was really no order at all.

Today is this, tomorrow will be that.

It is also possible to have two meals a day at the same restaurant.

In addition to the location being not fixed, the time is also not fixed.

Sometimes he comes early, sometimes he goes late. As for the morning, it never appears. Chen Zhanli can't get up.

They are an assassination, not a child's play. They only have one chance to take action, so they must be careful.

Once he fails, Chen Zhanli will definitely be alert, and it will be difficult for him to get another chance to assassinate him.

"I know, but it's not like you don't know. I'm under a lot of pressure from the bureau boss who sends me a telegram every day. I'll give you five more days. After five days, we must take action."

Xu Jingshu gritted his teeth and said, but his subordinates hesitated for a moment, and after a while asked carefully: "Director, how about we hand over the task to Shanghai District."


Xu Jingshu suddenly cursed, and his men immediately lowered their heads.

He was forcibly promoted to the director of operations, and he needed a contribution to silence others. Besides, Chen Zhanli was the easiest person to kill because he went out every day.

If he couldn't even kill Chen Zhanli, how could others convince him to become the director?

It is not impossible to leave it to the Shanghai District, but we must complete this task first and leave the rest to them, or do it together.

For example, assassinate Li Zhiqun.

Li Zhiqun is not Chen Zhanli. He is usually very careful. It is very difficult to assassinate him.

After he completes one first, it will be much easier to drag Shanghai into the water.

"Go on, be careful. I will help you withstand the pressure first. After five days, you must kill Chen Zhanli no matter what."

Xu Jingshu sighed, all he brought were his confidants.

These people understand that the pressure on the director is indeed considerable.

Nanyun was standing there in the Shanghai Extra High School, and someone was sitting opposite him.

Tu Yuan is back. He came to Shanghai secretly. Nan Yun did not know about it in advance.

After Tou Man released his confinement, he wanted to return to the Northeast, but first took a ship passing Shanghai and stopped here specifically.

"We did a good job this time. Although we didn't survive, at least we dealt a blow to the military commander's arrogance."

Tuyuan said slowly that he came to Shanghai for two things. The first was to warn Nanyun.

Don't let her keep thinking about the infighting. Mitsui was transferred by him because of the infighting. If Nagumo is still like this, what's the point of him transferring Mitsui?

"Thank you teacher."

Nan Yun hurriedly lowered his head, and Tu Principle looked directly at her.

Nan Yun felt very uncomfortable, and Tu Yuan suddenly said: "Do you want to keep Ishida in Nanjing?"

"I had this idea before, but Jiang Tengkong persuaded me. Ishida still worked very hard. This time I also found clues, so I changed my mind."

Nan Yun did not dare to deny it. She understood that there was an informant from the chief section chief in the extra-high school class who knew about this matter.

"Fortunately you didn't do this. If you want to leave him in Nanjing, I will take you back to the Northeast this time."

Tuyuan slowly said that what happened in Nanjing proved that Ishida and Jiang Tengkong were capable people. The two of them split into two directions and found all the military commanders.

Nanyun's success this time was all due to them.

There is no need for capable people, and he thinks about transferring them away every day. What does Nagyun want to do?


Nanyun was startled and lowered his head.

The teacher actually had the idea of ​​transferring her away. Fortunately, Jiang Tengkong did not agree and persuaded her in time, otherwise she would definitely be in trouble this time.

She was not promoted, but the teacher was disappointed and dismissed her. She would never have a chance to turn around again in the future.

She is not Mitsui. The teacher is afraid of the Mitsui family and will not kill Mitsui. She is the teacher's disciple. No matter how she is punished, no one will speak for her.

"You go out and let Jiang Tengkong come in."

Tuhara said calmly that the purpose of the warning had been achieved, and he hoped that Nayun would make good use of Ishida and Jiang Tengkong's abilities to focus on attacking Chinese agents.

He didn't want to see any more internal fighting.

"Chief Section Chief."

After Jiang Tengkong came in, he bowed his head and saluted.

"You did a good job this time. You found the military commander in time. Although you didn't get all the credit, that's not your responsibility."

Facing Jiang Tengkong, Tuyuan smiled.

Jiang Tengkong did really well. When he was in Wuhan, he was demoted because of continuous injuries. Later it turned out that it was not his fault, but that his opponent was too strong.

Compared with the previous Ming Kitagawa and the later Mitsui, Jiang Tengkong has done very well.

"Thank you very much for the praise, chief section chief. My subordinates will continue to work hard to eliminate these nasty Chinese bugs in the empire."

Jiang Tengkong lowered his head and said, his attitude made Tuyuan very satisfied.

Although Mitsui only knows how to fight among himself, he did one thing right.

That is to reuse Jiang Tengkong and promote him.

"I'm giving you a secret mission now. You are directly responsible for this matter to me. Don't tell anyone."

"Chief Section Chief, just ask." Jiang Tengkong lowered his head again.

"Secretly investigate Ishihara Trading Company and all their partners."

"Investigating Ishihara Trading Company?"

Jiang Tengkong suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise. For a moment, he even suspected that the chief section chief knew his identity and borrowed a knife to kill someone.

Who dares to investigate Ishihara Trading Company?

"Yes, investigate Ishihara Trading Company, but don't investigate Ishihara Hiroshi himself, and don't investigate the literary agency. You have to do this in a measured way and don't let anyone discover it."

Tuyuan nodded slowly and only investigated the trading company, not Hiroshi Ishihara himself. This was his decision after consideration.

Nothing can be done against Ishihara Hiroshi now, but the necessary investigations need to be carried out in order to prepare.

In particular, Saijo's reckless behavior made the relationship between him and Ishihara Hiroshi even worse.

This task cannot be accomplished by ordinary people. Tu Yuan is worried about Na Yun. Nan Yun still wants to be in power and will first consider his own interests in everything he does.

Jiang Tengkong is the most suitable candidate.

"Yes, I will investigate secretly."

Jiang Tengkong couldn't refuse Tuyuan's order, but he had to be careful when investigating Ishihara Trading Company. Ishihara Hiroshi was not that easy to mess with.

Nagumo was arrested by the Military Police Headquarters as soon as he took office. Jiang Tengkong understood that this was Ishihara Hiroshi's instruction, otherwise Takemoto would not dare to do this.

"If you have the results, report to me alone. No need to tell Nayun. You go out first and let Ishida come in."

Jiang Tengkong stood up, and Ishida, who was waiting outside, immediately entered the office.

Not long after the exchange with Ishida, Tsuchihara ended all conversations. He would not meet the remaining people alone, there was no need.

"Tsuchihara asked me to keep an eye on Nayun. He will support me and prevent Nayun from attacking me."

In the evening, Ishida and Jiang Teng met secretly, and Ishida immediately dropped a bomb.

"This is a good thing. Nayun will not be able to target you again in the future."

Jiang Tengkong smiled and said that Nayun's behavior made Tuyuan dissatisfied, and now it is equivalent to giving Ishida a talisman.

With Tuyuan's support, Nagumo no longer poses a threat to him.

"What about you? What did Tuyuan say to you today?"

Ishida asked, and Jiang Tengkong smiled bitterly: "He asked me to investigate Ishihara Trading Company."

"Investigating Hiroshi Ishihara?" Ishida was startled.

This is not a good task. Ishihara Hiroshi is stronger than Tuyuan in Shanghai. If he finds out, Jiang Tengkong will be left with nothing to lose.

They are not even qualified to be Ishihara Hiroshi's opponents.

"It's not Ishihara Hiroshi, it's Ishihara Trading Company. We're only investigating the trading firm. Ishihara Hiroshi and the literary club will not touch it."

"You have to be careful. Even if you only investigate the trading company, you must not let Ishihara Hiroshi know."

Ishida frowned. Jiang Tengkong betrayed the top-secret mission Tuyuan had given him without any psychological burden.

Not only did I tell Ishida, but I would also report to the Chinese later.

When the information came into Tian Pei's hands, Tian Pei was stunned for a moment when he saw this information.

He has been in Shanghai and is very aware of Ishihara Hiroshi's power.

Tuyuan gave Rose a very difficult task.

In the war situation team, Ni Loach came to report to Chu Lingyun with the latest telegram.

"Investigating Ishihara Trading Company?"

After reading the content, Chu Lingyun immediately understood that Tuyuan had not given up on him, and specifically asked Jiang Tengkong to investigate Ishihara Trading Company to see if there was any breakthrough.

This is an opportunity for Hayakawa Ping to contact them in advance.

"It's no problem for Rose to investigate. Catfish is safe now. We don't have to worry about anything in the extra-high school class."

Loach replied that Rose reported clearly that Tuhara made a promise to Ishida and would not let Nagumo deal with him again.

Now Nanyun has replaced Mitsui, but the essence of the super high school has not changed.

The two major groups, intelligence and operations, are still under their control.

It is indeed a pity that the Nanjing Action Group failed to escape, but their sacrifices were not without any effect, and Jiang Tengkong gained the trust of his superiors.

Without evidence, no one could identify him as a military commander.

Tuyuan gave this task to Jiang Teng based on his trust in him.

"Yes, call Rose back and ask him to investigate carefully according to Tuyuan's request. The results of the investigation will be reported to us at the same time."

Chu Lingyun ordered, he knew clearly as soon as Tuyuan launched an investigation into him.

The so-called special higher education courses are just a sieve in their eyes.

"Yes, I'll call you back."

Ni Loach took the order, and Jiang Tengkong received a reply from Chu Lingyun the next day, allowing him to investigate. If necessary, they would help Jiang Tengkong get what he wanted.

Regarding the information of Shiyuan Trading Company, he could know whatever Chu Lingyun wanted him to know.

"Boss, General Tuhara is here."

In the morning, Chu Lingyun was handling business affairs in the office. Fang Shiyi walked in and whispered.


Chu Lingyun raised his head, a little surprised. He knew that Tu Yuan was in Shanghai, but Ishihara Heng didn't know that he needed to perform correctly.

"Let's go out and greet him."

Tuhara is not Nagumo, he can disappear without thinking. He is not only the chief section chief of the special high school, but also Ishihara Hiroshi's senior brother.

No matter what the relationship between the two is, if he comes in person, Chu Lingyun cannot miss it.

"Ishihara, long time no see."

Seeing Ishihara Hiroshi come out, Tuhara smiled. He only brought Nayun with him here today.

"Senior brother, you didn't tell me when you arrived in Shanghai so I could pick you up."

Chu Lingyun smiled enthusiastically, pulled Tu Yuan and invited him into the tea room.

As for Nanyun, he was waiting outside the door with Fang Shiyi.

"Ishihara, I am here to apologize to you. I do not approve of what Saijo has done. I have told him. Don't worry, he will never come to you again."

Tuyuan came up and bowed to apologize, and Chu Lingyun hurriedly grabbed him.

"Senior brother, you are too outsider, I am not angry."

Chu Lingyun asked him to sit down and said with a smile that hypocrisy is the essence of Tuyuan. Yesterday, he asked Jiang Tengkong to investigate Shiyuan Trading Company and today he will apologize.

His apology was not sincere at all.

"That's good, Ishihara. In fact, we are the same kind of people. You and Abe are different. He has connections and background. He does things purely for money..."

Tuyuan had two things to do in Shanghai. The first was to warn Nagumo yesterday, and the second was to apologize to Ishihara Hiroshi.

Being able to bend and stretch is the basis of his life.

What's an apology? He can't lose a piece of flesh. If he can achieve his goal, don't apologize, just kneel down.

Face is only important when it is useful. When it comes to benefit, he can give up face.

"Brother, you are all my brothers. I am the youngest junior brother. I will not judge any of you."

Chu Lingyun interrupted him, and Tu Yuan was helpless, knowing that his persuasion was of no use.

He and Abe really don't belong to the same type of people.

After chatting some useless words, Tuyuan stood up and left.

He went directly to the dock and returned to the northeast.

He didn't expect that after just one chat, Ishihara Hiroshi would change his mind and actually agree to stand with him.

If this could succeed, Hiroshi Ishihara would not be worthy of the power he has now, and he would have been devoured by others long ago.

Hiroshi Ishihara is not that easy to fool.

But for him, the two purposes of staying in Shanghai have been achieved, and this trip to Shanghai is considered a success.

On the 76th, Chen Zhanli remained the same, eating and sleeping every day, and eating after sleeping.

The training continued, and everything was handed over to Chen Siting, who was asked to lead the people to continue training the queue, but it was inside No. 76, and there was no need to go out to train.

Shadow Zuo gave the order that these people will serve as an honor guard in the future, and Kubo will keep an eye on them personally.

"Director, based on our observations over the past few days, we have found an excellent ambush point."

In the hotel, the subordinates reported to Xu Jingshu that Chen Zhanli went to many restaurants, but there were not many suitable places. The place they found was a commanding height, less than fifty meters away from the hotel where Chen Zhanli ate.

A person with good marksmanship can kill Chen Zhanli with one shot while hiding in the dark.

The disadvantage is that the distance is too close and retreating would be risky.

"Has the place been taken down?"

Xu Jingshu asked immediately, and his men nodded: "It has been rented. I will arrange for Xiao Liu to perform the mission. His marksmanship is the best."

"Okay, you will direct the operation. After the operation is over, you will immediately lead the people to withdraw into the concession and give me a signal of the results of the operation."

Xu Jingshu nodded. He would not direct the operation directly. It was too dangerous near No. 76.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. He took a huge risk by leading his team to Shanghai to perform the mission. It would definitely not work if he went to the front line again.

After all, he is the director, not an operative.


His subordinates had no choice but to accept the order. He understood that the director was afraid of danger and that they would be arrested and confess themselves.

Before taking action, the Director will move and will continue to meet with him only after he is sure that he is safe.

How can such a commander ask them to sacrifice their lives?

Moreover, they found a suitable place, but they couldn't determine when they would take action. There was no pattern for Chen Zhanli to go to the hotel. They had to wait patiently until he went to this hotel again.

In the next few days, they will hide near No. 76, which is very dangerous.

His arms couldn't hold his thighs, so Xu Jingshu didn't have to take part in the action, but he couldn't. He had to direct on the front line.

On the 76th, Chen Zhanli left Kubo’s office.

No matter what time he got up, Kubo would always report to him every day and would often give him all kinds of delicious food.

He used this reason to eat out every day and pay the bills.

He was buying food for Lord Kubo, how dare the finance not reimburse him?

But before buying it, he tasted it first to determine the taste of the food. He wanted to ensure that everything Kubo-sama ate was truly delicious.

Chen Zhanli was arrogant and arrogant, but Kubo fell in love with this. He had no choice but to do it.

Anyway, the money was provided by the Mei Agency and Mr. Kubo, and it was their money that was spent. Mr. Kubo agreed that they would not cause trouble for themselves.

"Section Chief."

When it was lunch time, several of Chen Zhanli's lackeys immediately gathered around.

They understand that following the section chief and enjoying life is much better than other sections.


Chen Zhanli waved his hand. As for which restaurant to go to, he hadn't decided yet. After going out, he could go to whatever restaurant he wanted to eat.

"Team leader, he came out, but he didn't go to the place we prepared."

The Zhongtong people kept staring at Chen Zhanli. They did not dare to stare at the door of No. 76, but instead stared at the restaurant outside.

Staring at the door of No. 76 is asking for death.

Intelligence agencies will definitely pay attention to their own gates. Anyone who stays nearby for a long time will be subject to interrogation, let alone targeting.

"Keep waiting."

The leader of the team ordered that if the director didn't come, he would be in charge of everything here.

It wasn't until the third day that Chen Zhanli finally went to the hotel where they had set up an ambush.

"Let Xiao Liu be prepared and take action immediately when Chen Zhanli comes out after eating. Make sure to kill Chen Zhanli before retreating."

The team leader became more energetic. His headquarters was far away. Xu Jingshu was afraid of death, and he was equally afraid. Xiao Liu was the only one who really took action.

Everyone else was waiting at a distance.

It's strange that Xiao Liu had no objection to such an assassination.

In fact, Xiao Liu was really full of complaints. When he took action, he didn't even have anyone to talk to. He had to wait for several days.

Now he is left to carry out a dangerous mission alone and make sure to kill the target.

If the shot missed and No. 76 had reacted quickly, he would have had no chance of escaping.

This is completely regardless of his life or death. Xiao Liu will continue to curse and say that he cannot compare with the military commander. The people above are so afraid of death, how can he compare with other military commanders?

After eating and drinking, Chen Zhanli asked Xiao Lu to pay the bill.

Now he doesn't have to do anything by himself. After Xiao Lu settles the account, he goes to reimburse him every few days. The finance office doesn't dare not give him the money.

"Section Chief, please slow down."

Chen Siting was more active and took the initiative to walk in front of Chen Zhanli.

In the attic in the distance, Xiao Liu set up his gun and pointed it at the door.

Complete the mission early and retreat early. He doesn't want to stay in this place anymore.

Chen Zhanli came outside the restaurant, but he couldn't shoot yet. Chen Siting blocked him so that Xiao Liu had no chance to shoot.

"It's okay, go back."

Chen Zhanli waved his hand. He could not fall on this small step, but Chen Siting had a good eye and was usually very good at doing things.

Even though he joined late, he has quickly become one of the two henchmen around Chen Zhanli. The other one is naturally Xiao Lu.

In the distant attic, Xiao Liu kept his finger on the trigger.

Chen Siting finally got out of the way, and he had waited for the best opportunity.

Without hesitation, Xiao Liu immediately pulled the trigger.

"Section Chief, come here."

Before he pulled the trigger, Xiao Lu suddenly came to the door and shouted to Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli turned around and walked into the hotel.


At the same time, gunfire rang out, and Chen Zhanli fell to the ground instantly.

"There are assassins, protecting the section chief."

Chen Siting immediately shouted and took out his pistol, looking for the assassin. When Xiao Lu saw Chen Zhanli fell to the ground after being shot, he hurriedly ran out.

The other people also took out their pistols and quickly found the attic where Xiao Liu was.

"Bang bang bang."

They kept shooting, and Xiao Liu had already dropped his gun. Regardless of whether the target was dead or not, what he wanted to do now was to run.

This group of people from No. 76 reacted very quickly, much faster than he expected.

Chen Zhanli brings them good food every day. These people are all supporters of Chen Zhanli. They sincerely and spontaneously protect Chen Zhanli, unlike others who think of themselves first when encountering problems.

"Section Chief, are you okay?"

Xiao Lu had already pulled Chen Zhanli back to the hotel, and Chen Zhanli's arms were covered in blood.

"I can't die. Damn it, who wants to kill me, Ding Mo or Li Zhiqun?"

Chen Zhanli cursed. Fortunately, Xiao Lu called him, otherwise the shot would have hit his heart. After he turned around, the shot was in his arm.

At this time, the entire arm was numb and unable to move.

But he was conscious. Someone was assassinating him, and the target was clearly him. Who was it?

People from the military command would never do this. Those losers from the Zhongtong army couldn't even protect themselves, let alone assassinate them.

Chen Zhanli did not expect that the Zhongtong was scolded by the old man and forced them to retaliate. He became the weak persimmon who was retaliated against.

"I don't know. Chen Siting and the others are chasing after me. I'll take you to the hospital first."

Xiao Lu paid attention to the door and made sure that the assassin was alone. He hurriedly asked people to carry Chen Zhanli out. As soon as they came out, several cars drove over.

There was gunfire in such a close place, and Kubo immediately sent someone out to check the situation.

It didn't take him long to figure out why.

Someone unexpectedly assassinated Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli was shot and was sent to the hospital by his subordinates. The situation is unknown.


"grown ups."

Ding Mo and Li Zhiqun came to Kubo's office at the same time. They also received news that someone was assassinating Chen Zhanli outside the door.

Chen Zhanli was shot and his life or death is uncertain.

"Go and investigate immediately. You must catch the assassin for me. I want to know who did it."

Kubo shouted, he was assassinated not long ago, and now Chen Zhanli was assassinated again. These hateful Fruit Party agents are really too courageous.


The two of them took orders at the same time. It was not a trivial matter for someone to be assassinated on No. 76, not to mention that the person who was assassinated was Chen Zhanli.

Not many people on No. 76 can look up to Chen Zhanli, but everyone must admit that he is Kubo's most trusted person, and being assassinated is not a trivial matter.

"Stop fighting, I surrender."

Xiao Liu shouted desperately in the alley. After taking action, he immediately evacuated, but Chen Siting and others reacted too quickly. They were very close, and Xiao Liu had no one to respond.

He failed to escape and was shot in the leg before being blocked at the entrance of an alley.

He didn't want to die, and the only way to survive was to surrender.

"Throw the gun out."

Chen Siting shouted, and Xiao Liu threw his pistol out. Chen Siting ordered someone to go inside and catch him, and then walked over.


Chen Siting kicked Xiao Liu over, stepped on his face, and pointed the gun at his head.

"Who are you and who asked you to come?"

Chen Siting asked, there is only one assassin, but someone must have instigated it. Now we need to quickly find out his identity so that we can make subsequent arrangements.

"I'm from the Central Unified Operations Division. It was our team leader who asked me to carry out the assassination mission. They are in a safe house far away, right over there."

Xiao Liu betrayed his team leader without any psychological burden.

They were afraid of death and did not come to rescue him, causing him to be captured. At this time, he was filled with resentment.

"Quick, go over and arrest them."

Chen Siting immediately shouted that the people from No. 76 had already ran out, many of them were responsible for them. Chen Zhanli was attacked, which was a big deal to them.

At this time, Chen Siting had no shortage of manpower.

But it was still a step too late. As soon as the gunfire rang out, Zhongtong's people immediately retreated, leaving no one to care about Xiao Liu.

Xu Jingshu did not dare to come to the scene. The team leader only wanted to complete the task. The assassination site was too close to the hotel and it was too dangerous.

In fact, Xiao Liu has been regarded as an abandoned son by him.

The loss of Xiao Liu can kill Chen Zhanli, which is a victory for any of them.

"How about section chief?"

Chen Siting didn't catch anyone and immediately went to the hospital. As for Xiao Liu, he was also taken to the hospital.

Xiao Liu was shot in the leg and needed treatment.

"It's being treated. The doctor said it's a penetrating injury and it's not a major problem."

Xiao Lu replied, Chen Zhanli was covered in blood and looked scary, but his injuries were not serious.

The bullet penetrated his large arm without damaging any bone.

This is a blessing.

"That's good."

Chen Siting breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to Chen Zhanli, the good days of these people would come to an end.

Kubo only trusted Chen Zhanli, and they didn't care.

Without Chen Zhanli, they will be assigned to Ding Mo or Li Zhiqun, and no matter where they go, they will be unlucky in the future.

Who allowed the section chief to offend them so harshly?

Especially Xiao Lu, if he falls under Ding Mo's hands, his final end will be extremely miserable.

When he followed Chen Zhanli to deal with Wu Shengcai, he was actually opposing Ding Mo.


The two were chatting when they suddenly stood up straight together. Kubo brought Ding Mo and Li Zhiqun to the hospital.

"What do you do for food? With so many people following you, can your section chief be shot in an attack?"

When he came to the two of them, Kubo immediately yelled and the two lowered their heads. The assassin came prepared and was targeting their section chief.

They didn't know anything about it beforehand, so catching the assassin was the best result.

"How is your section chief?"

Kubo continued to ask, and Xiao Lu hurriedly replied: "Our section chief was shot in the arm. Fortunately, it was a penetrating injury. The doctor said it was nothing serious. He just needs to recover."

"Does the hospital have sulfa?" Kubo asked again.

Gunshot wounds can easily cause inflammation, so having sulfonamide is like an extra layer of protection.

"Yes, I have already used it."

Xiao Lu carefully replied, and Kubo nodded slightly. It's good that Chen Zhanli is fine. Unexpectedly, Chen Zhanli was being targeted by someone and came to assassinate him.

The assassin was caught. Kubo already knew who wanted to kill Chen Zhanli.

Zhongtong was arrested so many times in Nanjing that they did not dare to attack Li Zhiqun to retaliate against Chen Zhanli, who had caught them in the first place.

Zhongtong can only make so much progress.

However, Xu Jingshu, the Chief of Operations of the Central Unification Committee, unexpectedly arrived in Shanghai. This was a big fish. Wu Sanbao had already gone to the concession to investigate to see if he could be found.

If Xu Jingshu could be caught, Chen Zhanli's shot would be worth it.

"Ask more people to come here and protect your section chief. If anything happens to him again, I will shoot you."

Kubo shouted that Chen Zhanli was his most capable subordinate. This time Chen Zhanli was attacked, and Kubo was very angry.

Ding Mo regretted in his heart that Zhongtong was really a waste, and he couldn't even kill a waste. If they really killed Chen Zhanli, he would definitely drink and celebrate.

Li Zhiqun also felt pity.

Chen Zhanli is a pure villain. He has so many subordinates, which are equivalent to a department. Li Zhiqun and Ding Mo have long been dissatisfied, but there is nothing they can do.

"How's it going? Did Xiao Liu run out?"

The team leader who fled back to the concession and performed the task immediately asked, while his subordinates shook their heads.

With no one to respond, Xiao Liu had little hope of escaping. He was already in danger.

"Where is Chen Zhanli, is he dead?" the team leader asked again.

"I saw him being shot and then being pulled into the hotel by his men. I don't know if he died."

One team member replied that he was observing from a distance using a telescope.

After Chen Zhanli was pulled into the hotel, he did not dare to stay and immediately retreated. As for whether he was dead or not, he really didn't know.

"Team leader, Xiao Liu's marksmanship is very good. He can kill an enemy with a hundred steps. Chen Zhanli must be dead."

Another team member hurriedly said that Xiao Liu was sent to perform the mission because of his good marksmanship.

The distance is so close, as long as he takes aim, Chen Zhanli will definitely die.

"Send a signal to the director and tell him that the mission is completed and we will withdraw first."

The team leader told his men that he knew Xu Jingshu's plan best, and Li Zhiqun was not at all included in their plan.

Kill Chen Zhanli, retreat immediately, and then hand over the follow-up tasks to Shanghai District.

In this way, they can retire with success and still have something to explain to Old Ghost Xu.

Xu Jingshu had trouble sleeping and eating one day, so he took two of his confidants and hid in a private house he had just rented.

"Director, the signal was received and the mission went smoothly."

"Great, send a report to the bureau. We have successfully sanctioned Chen Zhanli. The secret service headquarters is now on guard. We have few people and cannot attack Li Zhiqun and others. Please hand over the next task to Shanghai District."

Xu Jingshu said happily, as long as the mission was successful.

He didn't ask at all whether there were any casualties among the people performing the mission. Even if there were many casualties, he just wanted to help him complete the mission.


His subordinates went to send the report, and not long after, Xu Jingshu's message was delivered to Mr. Xu at the Central Unification Headquarters in Chongqing.


Old ghost Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Although Chen Zhanli was the only one killed, Chen Zhanli had been promoted to a section chief.

And he is the person Kubo trusts the most, so killing him is just as meaningful.

Another point is that Chen Zhanli is a traitor to the military commander.

This time he helped the military commander clean up the house.

"Brother Dai, how are you doing lately?"

Old ghost Xu picked up the phone and dialed a number with a smile. There was a chance to stimulate Dai, and he was unwilling to wait for more than a minute.

"Old ghost Xu, let it go quickly. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Hearing Old Ghost Xu's voice, Boss Dai's face darkened. The relationship between the two was as bad as ever.

Old ghost Xu didn't pay attention to his unpleasant words. It was impossible for Dai to say nice things to him.

"It's nothing. You traitor in Shanghai, Chen Zhanli who joined No. 76, I have already solved it for you, no need to thank me."

After finishing speaking, Old Ghost Xu hung up the phone with a smile.


Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Boss Dai's eyes widened. Does it hurt that Old Ghost Xu was so idle that he actually went to assassinate Chen Zhanli and let him do it?

Chen Zhanli is not a traitor, he is the internal agent who Chu Lingyun managed to break into No. 76, and has made many meritorious deeds before.

Boss Dai is the boss of the military command and must know this.

"Old Ghost Xu, you idiot, waste."

Boss Dai threw the phone down angrily, and Secretary Qi hurried in.

"Boss, what happened?"

"Old ghost Xu is a bastard. He attacked Chen Zhanli. He just called me and told me that his assassination was successful and Chen Zhanli was taken care of by him."

"Chen Zhanli?"

Secretary Qi opened his mouth, equally shocked.

He is one of the few people in the military who knows Chen Zhanli's true identity. He is their senior internal agent, and he is deeply trusted by Kubo. With him on No. 76, No. 76 has almost no secrets from them.

He was actually assassinated by someone from Zhongtong?

No wonder Boss Dai was so angry.

"Go and send a report to Chu Lingyun quickly and ask him to confirm this matter."

Boss Dai ordered, and Secretary Qi immediately left, came to the radio station, and sent the report in person.

If Chen Zhanli is really killed by Zhongtong's people, Boss Dai will definitely go to the old man to complain. Such an insider is not easy. It would be really unfair if he was eliminated by one of his own people.

In the war situation team, Ni Loach was stunned immediately after receiving the message.

Chu Lingyun was not here, so he didn't think much and immediately sent someone to inquire about Chen Zhanli's situation.

If Chen Zhanli dies, he will make the people of Zhongtong look good.

If he didn't kill a few Zhongtong people to avenge Chen Zhanli, his surname would not be Zhao.

Chen Zhanli is his most proud disciple and the person most similar to him.

In the hospital, Chen Zhanli has entered the ward.

Xiao Lu and Chen Siting brought more than fifty people to guard the hospital, fearing that the assassin would come again.

"Section Chief, Mr. Kubo was here just now. I feel relieved to know that you are okay. Let us protect you. I will buy you whatever you want to eat."

Chen Siting said carefully that Chen Zhanli was in poor spirits at the moment. He was shot in the arm and lost a lot of blood. He needs to recuperate now.

"If you don't eat, have you caught the assassin?"

"I caught them. They are from the Central Unification Bureau, and from the Operations Department of their headquarters. You first arrested their people in Nanjing, and then took down the Nanjing Station of the Central Unification Bureau. Their director, Mr. Xu Laogui, was very angry and sent the Operations Department. Chief Xu Jingshu personally came to Shanghai to assassinate you."

Chen Siting replied quickly, while Chen Zhanli showed a look of surprise.

He originally thought that Li Zhiqun or Ding Mo was looking for someone to do something wrong, but he didn't expect that it was actually someone from Zhongtong.

What do these useless Zhongtong people want to do?

Chen Zhanli immediately became furious: "It was Li Zhiqun who captured them, not me. Even without me, their people wouldn't be able to escape. What are they doing? Are they just picking on weaklings? Why don't they assassinate Li Zhiqun?"

Chen Siting and Xiao Lu did not dare to speak.

Isn't this obvious? It's much easier to deal with you than to deal with Li Zhiqun.

Especially if you like to go out to eat, you can create opportunities for them, but they don't dare to say these things casually.

"Go and check immediately and find out where Xu Jingshu is. I'm going to take his head off."

Chen Zhanli yelled, he was really angry. One of his own people attacked him. Fortunately, he didn't die. If he died, wouldn't he be more unjust than Dou E?

"Master Kubo has ordered people to investigate, and I have also sent people. Don't worry, they can't escape this time."

Xiao Lu replied, except for the people in the hospital, Xiao Lu sent everyone out.

Their section chief was assassinated and they must take revenge. Whether it was the Central Unification Headquarters who came to carry out the operation or the Shanghai District of Central Unification, their people must be found this time.

10,000 words guaranteed. Happy Mother’s Day to all my friends. There will be an extra update tonight.

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