Spy Shadow

Chapter 696 Find out the truth

Chapter 696 Find out the truth

"Okay, I get it."

Chu Lingyun did not ask again. The reason why he thought of Esaki He was because of the Japanese Red Party that had just appeared.

Fang Shiyi has always wanted to develop Jiang Qihe into the organization, but what Jiang Qihe did was too high-profile, and it was not suitable to absorb him at this time.

However, people like him should be easily attracted by Japanese comrades.

"Boss, I'm going to do something first."

The secretary who came in carefully exited. He was usually honest and had no desire to compete for power and gain. He always did his job with peace of mind.

In order to provide Alchemy Yi with a stable working environment, Chu Lingyun previously prevented dishonest people from entering the secretariat.

"Ezakiga isn't there?"

Chu Lingyun led people to the slums and found that Jiang Qihe was not distributing food, but the people he invited were doing it.

After asking, I learned that Esakiga hadn't come for two days.

Many people are asking whether Mr. Jiang is sick.

He has never been like this before.

Chu Lingyun was even more surprised. What could be more important than his job?

In Japan, Yamasaki is in a new safe spot, full of doubts.

He sent someone to investigate and found out that Nishihara was not captured in Japan, but a captain from the Anti-Red Section took two subordinates to China.

If they didn't capture Nishihara, why would they go looking for the missing person notice?

Soon, the Chinese sent them information again.

People from the Shanghai Special High School had been to the pier, but to no avail. Judging by the time, it was the boat that Nishihara was on.

Nishihara was not arrested in Japan, otherwise people from the Shanghai Special High School would not have to go to the dock.

The purpose of their arrival at the pier was Xiyuan.

But they failed to catch anyone.

Nishihara is fine, but since he is fine, why did the anti-red group focus on Nohara?

Yamasaki was puzzled.

He has asked the Chinese Red Party for help to rescue Nohara and Nishihara.

When we find them, we will know what happened.

In the Shanghai Special High School, Ishida found ‘Kurashina Ken’.

Yasuyoshi Nohara, whose current profession is a teacher, came to Shanghai two years ago, is single, and is usually taciturn.

"Didn't you go to work today? No one is at home?"

Ishida frowned, his men found the person, but got bad results.

Nohara disappeared, and he disappeared after his investigation yesterday.

Not after he reported, but before.

It means that Chu Lingyun didn't inform them. Nohara got the news earlier and escaped in advance.

Apart from the country, not many people knew that he was investigating Nohara, the Shanghai Special Higher Education School, and newspapers.

Who leaked the news to Nohara?

Domestically, it is possible. They have always been arrogant and it is normal for them to leak information.

But Shanghai is not impossible.

The Iwai Mansion is an intelligence agency. Ishida knows this very well. Was it they who informed Nohara and allowed him to escape?

The person in charge of Iwai Mansion is Yuan Yida. He is Chinese, but there are many Japanese inside. Could it be that there are red party members among these Japanese?

This is not right. If they had known about it in advance, they would have warned him long ago. There is no need to keep Nohara in the newspaper. If he sends signals by posting in the newspaper so frequently, sooner or later he will be exposed.

Ishida also didn't understand what was going on, but he was more inclined to believe that among the Japanese in the newspaper office, there was a Japanese Red Party, and he was the one who told Nohara.

The Chinese haven't responded yet, so Ishida continues to ask people to investigate, but has not reported it yet.

After disguising himself, Nishihara has arrived at the Iwai News Agency.

"Lao Yuan, someone came to ask about the missing person notice again."

Teacher Weng came to Yuan Yida's office. Xi Yuan found the newspaper in the name of advertising. When placing the advertisement, he deliberately asked about the strange missing person notice in the newspaper.

He also laughed and asked how someone could have such a weird name.

Yuan Yida was surprised. The people from the extra-high school class had just come before, and now someone else came. What happened?

"The person who came here is called Sato. He said that there are many people with that surname, but not many people with this name."


Yuan Yida knocked on the table, unable to believe the name, and immediately noticed a detail.

"Is he alone?"

"That's right, just one person."

"He may be a Japanese comrade. Find him and keep an eye on him first."

Yuan Yida ordered decisively. Ke Gong had replied before. Nohara was a lost comrade in Japan. Japan accidentally discovered a newspaper from the past and knew that he had been calling the organization.

Japan has sent people over. Calculating the time, it's almost time.

However, the Japanese side does not know how it was known to the people in the Extra High School Course. It is investigating as fast as possible and is grateful to the Chinese brothers for their help.

"Okay, I'll go in person."

Teacher Weng nodded. Xitian hasn't left yet, so it's not difficult to keep an eye on him.

After Teacher Weng left, Yuan Yida personally sent a report, telling some of Xitian's characteristics, and asked the Japanese side to verify whether he was one of his own.

If so, he is in danger at this time. If he comes to the newspaper office to make inquiries, he will be easily noticed by the people in the special high school.

Nishida asked about the reporter's situation and left quickly.

He did not stay in a hotel. After discovering an abnormality at the dock, Xitian was very smart and chose to live in the concession. The Special High School had the weakest control over the concession. He could find a place in the concession where he could stay temporarily.

"He temporarily rented a private house in the concession and has just settled in."

Teacher Weng came back. Xitian was careful enough and made several anti-following actions along the way. However, Teacher Weng was more experienced and did not lose track.

"Okay, let's wait for notification from our hometown."

Yuan Yida nodded, now the Special High School is investigating Nohara, they cannot act rashly, the risk notification is the limit.

"All missing?"

In the special high school class, Ishida was reported again. Not only had Nohara disappeared, but all the people who usually were with Nohara were also inexplicably missing at this time.

"Except for one, Tomoe Koike, he is a sailor on the freighter of Ishihara Trading Company. He followed the fleet to Wuhan and has not returned yet."

The subordinate hurriedly replied, and Ishida's eyebrows jumped.

Ishihara Trading Company was the last place he wanted to deal with.

Ishihara Hiroshi's strength was too strong, and he had no power to parry. Not to mention him, even Nagyun did not dare to be an enemy of Ishihara Hiroshi.

Nagumo's current situation is partly due to Hiroshi Ishihara.

"Send someone to keep an eye on it first, don't make any rash moves."

Ishida ordered that he would not be reckless when it came to Ishihara Trading Company. When it was time to report, he would report it to Nanyun and let Nanyun take the blame.

His small body cannot carry such a big pot.

"Boss, you're looking for me."

At night, Feng Yong came to the safe house.

Chu Lingyun took out a photo and put it on the table: "His name is Jiang Qihe. Go and investigate his whereabouts and what he has done in the past two days. Remember, you must be careful. He is from the Shanghai Special Higher Education School. Agent, don't let him discover your investigation."

"Yes, boss."

Feng Yong didn't ask anything. He was not Chu Lingyun's subordinate, but a retainer.

The retainers will obey orders absolutely, even if they are asked to die, they will not hesitate.

"Bring two people with you, don't go alone. Although he is a member of the Extra-High School, he is no longer involved in the Extra-High School. When you investigate him, you must also be careful of other people in the Extra-High School."


Feng Yong firmly remembered every word of Chu Lingyun. There were eight of them, and Feng Yong had three other people besides him. There was no problem in recruiting two people.

"Go ahead."

Chu Lingyun didn't say much. Jiang Qihe hadn't been here for the past two days, and he felt something was wrong.

Jiang Qihe is good and a good prospect, but Chu Lingyun has no intention of letting him come into contact with the Red Party now. In Chu Lingyun's plan, he will wait for a while and then let him 'accidentally' come into contact with the Red Party's theory, and then let him Feel it yourself slowly.

After one or two years, someone will be sent to contact him again and lead him into the door.

After all, he is a member of the extra-high school class and will be useful in the future.

The plan could not keep up with the changes. The emergence of the Japanese Red Party shocked the special high school class. Now Esaki He may also be implicated. For such a complicated situation, Chu Lingyun had to make some arrangements in advance.

To investigate Jiang Qihe, we cannot let Loach go, we can only use Feng Yong.

They are people who truly belong to Chu Lingyun.

Near Nohara's former residence, Esakiga carefully left in disguise.

In fact, he doesn't need to disguise himself, and not many people can recognize him now, especially since he wears coolie clothes, and he looks like a real coolie.

Former colleagues in the Special Higher Education Course would never have guessed that he was the former superior secretary Esaki.

Nohara's home was investigated.

The Special High School Division has found them. Now Nohara is even more dangerous and cannot stay in that safe house.

Their safe house is very ordinary, and there is not enough food prepared inside. Once they go out, it won't take long for them to be discovered.

"Dong dong."

Esaki came to Nohara's safe house and knocked on the door gently.


Nohara's voice came from inside, speaking Chinese.

"Teacher Nohara, please open the door. I don't mean any harm."

Esaki lowered his voice and whispered that Nohara inside was holding a kitchen knife and they had no guns.

People outside called out his name.

Nohara Kazuo was stunned, who knew he was here?

"Who are you?"

The other person spoke Japanese, and he also asked in Japanese.

"I'm Ezakiga."


It's okay not to say the name. As soon as the name was mentioned, Nohara became even more nervous. How could it be Ezaki Ga? How did he find this place?

Ezaki Ga is a member of the Extra-High School, and he has known this for a long time.

"Be careful, people from the extra-high-level courses."

Nohara tightened his grip on the kitchen knife, and several others also took their weapons and prepared to fight with the people from the extra-high school class outside.

"Mr. Nohara, I'm alone. I know you are here. Your identity has been exposed. People from the Special High School have found your original place. It is not safe here. It won't take long for them to find you."

Esaki explained in a low voice while looking around.

"I don't believe it. You can't even try to trick me out. There are no good people in the extra-high school class."

Nohara said inside that he was completely desperate. The people from the Special High School had found this place, and they would all be finished next.

"Someone gave you a note a few days ago. It was a message cut out of a newspaper, reminding you of exposure and asking you to leave. I already know where you live and what you do. There is something under your bed. There is a secret compartment, and there is a box in the secret compartment. Inside the box is your manuscript, and what is written inside is..."

Esakiga said slowly, and Nohara looked more and more surprised.

What Esaki He said was absolutely correct. There was indeed a box under his bed, and he had already taken it out. Even if someone from the extra-high school class looked for it, there was no way they would know what was in the secret compartment.

Especially his manuscripts, it is impossible for anyone who has not read them to speak in such detail.

"Did he remind us?"

The person inside asked Nohara. Nohara was shocked and immediately opened the door.

As expected, there was only Ezaki Ga outside the door.

"Go in and talk."

Ezaki He glanced at him and immediately walked inside.

"Teacher Nohara, I have no choice but to inform you in this way. I can't do it here. I have a more suitable place. You go there first, but it is not absolutely safe. I will find a way to help you move to a safe place in the future." The place."

Esakiga said quickly that he had a safe house on hand.

There was not just one, but two. These two safe houses were prepared when Mitsui was there. He was afraid that something would happen and he would not have time to react.

These two safe houses are both located in the concession and contain regularly stored food.

After Mitsui left, Ezakiga no longer paid attention to these two safe houses.

Although the food inside has been there for a long time, it can at least be eaten for a while, and Ezakiga also has a way to help us prepare new food.

"Did you send that note?"

Nohara didn't answer, but asked a question.


Esaki shook his head and slowly told all about how he discovered Koike investigating him, how he followed Koike to secretly listen to Nohara's lectures, and even secretly lurked in Nohara's home to peek at his manuscripts.

"Teacher Nohara, I'm sorry, I really wanted to see your things, so I sneaked in to look at them without your permission."

Esaki He took the initiative to apologize, and Nohara was stunned.

He didn't expect that he would have an unknown 'student'.

I come here every day to eavesdrop and help them check their surroundings.

When they escaped, they followed and protected them all the way. Now seeing that they were in even more danger, they had no choice but to reveal their identity as a reminder.

"Koike is right."

Nohara sighed, Koike had said at the beginning that Esakiga didn't look like he was just pretending, so he could try to develop him.

The result was rejected by him.

Unexpectedly, when they didn't develop, Ezaki He came to the door himself and eavesdropped on him for so long.

"Teacher Nohara, please trust me, I will take you to a safer place."

Esaki said sincerely. Nohara no longer had any doubts and nodded immediately: "Okay, but that note is not from you, so who is it?"

"It's not clear at the moment, but there's definitely no malicious intent."

That's right, there would be no ill intentions, and neither would Ezaki Ga. There were only a few of them, and they were out of contact. There was no point in sending someone from the Special High School Class to deceive them.

What's more, Esaki He has long known of their existence.

"let's go."

Nohara called his friends, and with the help of Ezaki He, he first disguised himself, then went out naturally in batches, called a rickshaw, and headed for the public concession.

The journey went smoothly and they successfully arrived at the new safe house.

The concession was indeed safer, and several people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw plenty of dry food.

Here, they can hide longer.

"Teacher Nohara, you stay here first while I go out to investigate the situation. If I don't come over for two consecutive days, you can take the people to evacuate immediately."

Esaki's party comes once every two days. If he can't come, it means something happened to him.

Even if he died, he would not tell Nohara and others, but as long as he did not come, their place would be in danger and they must evacuate.


Nohara nodded, and Esakiga left the key to the house and prepared to leave.

"Ezaki." Nohara suddenly called him.

Esaki turned around and Nohara said softly: "Be careful."

"Don't worry, I will."

Esaki He nodded heavily and left quickly. Nohara really didn't expect that Esaki He had been studying with them.

And that was without his knowledge.

Fortunately, Esakiga didn't have any ill intentions, otherwise they would have been caught long ago and there would be no possibility of escaping.

Slums, Feng Yong left from there.

Although Feng Yong is not an agent, he has been trained in this area.

Moreover, he has been on patrol for such a long time, so a simple investigation is no problem at all. However, the subjects to be investigated this time are not ordinary people, but professional agents.

He must be more careful.

"Brother, Ezaki He hasn't been here for three days. No one knows where he went. I went to his house and he didn't go back at night for the past two days."

Feng Yong brought out two of his men, who were his closest companions.

The eight people were originally selected by Chu Lingyun, who gave them strict training, gave them extremely high treatment, and helped them send all their families to Chongqing to avoid being poisoned by the Japanese.

The lives of the eight of them no longer belong to them.

No one complains about doing things for the boss.

"Find a way to find out where he went."

Feng Yong ordered, Jiang Qihe is not here, it is not easy to find him.

Fortunately, he is not the powerless coolie on the dock before. He has been a patrolman for such a long time. He has his own connections and connections.

However, he cannot use some connections. He must use those who are truly reliable and can help him keep secrets.


The two men left. Although they were not in the patrol room, the lurking place still provided them with great training.

If nothing else, there is nothing wrong with self-protection.

For two consecutive days, Feng Yong was looking for Ezakiga, while Ishida was looking for Nohara.

"Hello, Leader Ishida."

Three people came to the Super High School Course. They were from China. Shengcun brought them to Shanghai and immediately came to the Shanghai Super High School Course.

"Captain Katsumura, you are here."

Ishida nodded slightly. Katsumura was not as high as him. If he hadn't come from China, Ishida would not have received him in person.

"Thank you very much for your help. I would like to ask you to borrow someone to conduct a detailed investigation on Nohara and the others."

Katsumura is very polite, but Ishida is not that easy to fool.

What is this for?

You just arrived in Shanghai and you want to take credit?

He had been investigating for so long in the early stage and wanted to take away the entire case in just one sentence. How could it be possible?

"Captain Katsumura, you have just arrived in Shanghai. Take a good rest first. I will give him to you after I catch him."

Ishida said calmly that Katsumura's little thoughts couldn't be hidden from him, and it was impossible to agree to such a thing.

"Thank you very much, Team Leader Ishida. I don't need to rest. If it's inconvenient for you, I will go with you to check. I know more about them and I will definitely be able to find them."

Katsumura's idea of ​​grabbing credit was discovered, and Ishida didn't cooperate with him, so he couldn't take the initiative in the case.

But he won't give up on the case and must follow him every step of the way.

"As you wish."

Ishida couldn't refuse Katsumura's request. This was their case in itself. If Ishida didn't let go and refused them to participate, then he would have gone too far.

"Thank you, Team Leader Ishida."

Katsumura bowed and thanked the French Concession, and Nishida was thinking about it.

Just today, he received news from the Chinese Red Party.

He did not expect that the efficiency of the Chinese Red Party would be so high now. Not only did they find him as soon as he arrived, they even found out the identity of the missing comrade of the Calling Organization.

Teacher Weng sent him the message only one day later, mainly because he was waiting for a reply from his hometown.

After receiving the telegram, Mr. Ke contacted Japan again.

Yamasaki was relieved to learn that Nishida was fine and arrived in Shanghai safely, but Nishida was not in trouble. How did the Special High School know about this?

He was still very confused, but he was far away in Japan and couldn't investigate.

He entrusted Ke Gong to help them find out the truth.

At the same time, I asked Mr. Ke to protect their comrades in Shanghai. The Japanese Red Party was severely attacked by the Japanese government. Now their numbers have decreased a lot. They are unable to provide much help to the Chinese Red Party.

In fact, they had no way to repay this request for help.

Mr. Ke didn't care. The Red Party was a family with a common philosophy. Japan was the enemy, but the Japanese Red Party was not. They were friends.

After receiving the reply, Teacher Weng quietly sent a notice to Xitian the next day.

The Chinese found out the identity of the missing comrade. Although he was surprised, he could still accept it. Like Yamasaki, he was very puzzled that the special high school knew about it at the same time.

Did the Chinese leak the news?

This is not right. If the Chinese really leaked the news, then they are too busy taking care of themselves right now. How could they have time to inform themselves?

I'm afraid even he will be in danger.

Nishida decided to live here temporarily as suggested by the Chinese, and let them search for Nohara, and ask about the situation later.

Now that the Special High School knows his existence, it would be really dangerous for him to run around.

On the other side, Feng Yong found Jiang Qihe.

It can't be said that he found it. Jiang Qihe himself came back. He told others that he had been outside the city in the past two days and wanted to see if there were more shipping channels.

The cigarette factory has always existed, allowing many people here to have something to do instead of eating.

His reasons are very good, and no one here doubts him.

Not only did Esaki come back, but he also went to the extra-high school class, which was rare. However, his appearance shocked everyone. No one expected that in just a few months, Esaki seemed to have changed.

Esaki He knew that it was dangerous for him to come back now, but in order to find out the situation and find a way to rescue Koike, he had to come back.

Yesterday, he first went to Ishihara Trading Company and asked when Secretary Fang would be back.

Through Ishihara Trading Company, he learned that Fang Shiyi would return to Shanghai in five days. If he came back, Xiaochi would also come back that day.

There are only five days left for rescue.

But Xiaochi has been on the water for these five days, and the freighter of Ishihara Trading Company does not need to dock at the dock. They carry sufficient supplies on board, and the procedures for the dock are always handled on the boat.

They are the only ones with this kind of treatment.

Since the Special High School had found Koike, they would not wait for him to return home before arresting him, but they did not dare to directly intercept the Ishihara Trading Company's fleet.

She wouldn't dare to do this even if she gave Nanyun three more courages.

There was only one thing that the Special High School could do, which was to wait at the dock. After the ship docked, they waited for Xiaochi to come out and then arrested him.

Within these five days, he would find a way to notify Xiaochi and ask him to evacuate immediately.

Esaki is an outlier in the special high school class. No one takes the initiative to talk to him. Everyone knows that Nagumo wants to attack him.

In addition, he used to be Mitsui's secretary and was aloof, so many people wanted to see his jokes.

Esaki He didn't find anyone, but he was in the logistics team. The logistics team was the same as the general affairs of the military commander or the central commander. There was some trouble, and the people here knew first.

"Three anti-red class people came to the country?"

Soon, Esaki He heard the information he wanted most. Someone from the country had just arrived, and he was a member of the anti-red class.

They must be coming for Nohara and others.

Esaki understands that the main responsibility of the Shanghai Special High School is to track down Chinese agents. The Japanese Red Party and others also investigate, but it is not their main task.

They usually cooperate with this kind of thing.

Currently, these three people are with the people from the intelligence team.

Intelligence team leader Ishida, strictly speaking, was with him before, but that was before, not now.

This is a sensitive period, and Ezaki He cannot go to him. If he goes there casually, it is likely to arouse Ishida's suspicion.

Ezakiga has been in the special high school for a long time and understands Ishida's ability.

Both Ishida and Jiang Tengkong are actually very powerful. If Ishida was not capable, Mitsui would not have made great efforts to train him and regard him as a confidant.

He cannot do anything that is not in line with his status.

When he came back this time, he came to collect his salary. He had not received his salary for the previous two months. This time he collected it by the way. This was a legitimate and appropriate reason.

Even if he didn't come to work, he would still be paid, and Nayun didn't deduct his salary.

"Mr. Nohara."

Esaki He carried a tattered bag and pretended to be a coolie and came to Nohara's residence.

There is cooked food in the bag to improve the food for Nohara and the others.

"Ezaki is here."

Nohara was very happy to see Esaki He. They were now safe in the concession. This safety was given to them by Esaki He.

In the past two days, Nohara gave lectures to his colleagues every day, holding manuscripts and talking to them. They lived a very fulfilling life.

"Eat it while it's hot."

Esaki He took out the food, and the aroma of the meat made several people move their index fingers, and they couldn't help but tear it into pieces and eat it.

"I have a very good relationship with the boss and secretary of Ishihara Trading Company. I am going to find a reason to go to Jiangyin, stop their boat on the river, and take the opportunity to notify Xiaochi."

Esaki told his plan. He went to wait on the river, and then boarded the Ishihara Trading Company's fleet, so that he would have the opportunity to notify Koike and let him escape before he reached the shore.

But in this case, he will definitely be suspected by the special high school.

Even if he caused an accident and was "taken on board" by Fang Shiyi, Ishida would still suspect him.

After all, it was such a coincidence that he suddenly appeared in the Ishihara Trading Company's fleet, and then Koike disappeared. It was absolutely impossible not to doubt it.

But other than that, he really had no good way to notify Xiaochi to escape.

Once he falls into the hands of the Super High School, he will definitely die.

Ezaki He also felt amazing about his own thoughts.

He was not familiar with Xiaochi, it could even be said that he did not know them.

But in his heart, he didn't want anything to happen to Xiaochi. In order to save him, he was willing to take risks, even if he was suspected.

He understood that this was the comradeship between the Red Party members.

It's a magical feeling. No wonder many red gangsters were caught before. They would rather die than be recruited. No punishment will have any effect on them.

"Excellent, sorry to trouble you, Ezaki. Fortunately, we have you, and there's nothing we can do about it."

Nohara said excitedly that Koike was saved, but unfortunately he was not a professional agent and only had a little lurking experience.

He didn't know how much danger Esaki He would bring to himself by doing this.

Seeing their appearance, Esakiga also smiled.

A genuine smile.

Outside, Feng Yong was frowning.

After Jiang Qihe came back, he led people to keep an eye on Jiang Qihe. Today Jiang Qihe arrived at the concession, but they lost him.

It's normal to lose track of him. Ezaki He is so careful that ordinary agents can't follow him, let alone them.

But if he loses track, he won't be able to report to his boss.

Fortunately, this is a concession.

Although it is not his territory, it is under Ran Wu's jurisdiction.

It's no different than it being his territory.


Ran Wu came over quickly and was very happy to see Feng Yong. During the investigation, Chu Lingyun did not give Feng Yong a current position. If necessary, he could transfer one of the eight people, including Ran Wu.

"Xiao Wu, there is a person here who I just lost. Please help me find out where he went and who he met."

Don't be polite to Ran Wu and Feng Yong. They are brothers who have died.

Back then, he was able to sell himself to Chu Lingyun for Ran Wu, but he wouldn't do that in a normal relationship.

"Okay, is this the boss's task?"

Ran Wu took the photo and asked casually that he was not stupid. Feng Yong would never make such a decision without permission. Even if he did it, he would definitely have to get the approval of his boss.

"That's right, be careful not to let him know that someone is checking him and that he is an agent of the Special High School."

Feng Yong nodded. When he heard that it was an agent, Ran Wu's expression became serious: "Don't worry, brother, I will never let him know."

"Okay, as soon as possible, I'll be waiting here."

Feng Yong felt relieved when Ran Wu was doing things. Besides, Ran Wu was now a higher level than him and was the deputy chief inspector.

He can mobilize more people.

Ran Wu took people to inquire about the situation. He had many men and started searching the area. Under his investigation, it didn't take long for Nohara and the others to be found out.

The house that had been empty for a long time suddenly had people moving in, and more than one.

Someone else saw a person suspected of Esakiga appearing nearby.

"four people?"

Feng Yong came to the area where Nohara and the others lived. Ran Wu said from the side: "They moved in secretly. It was Ezaki He who rented the house at the beginning. It is not clear who lives in it now."

The house was rented by Jiang Qihe, and Feng Yong had an old photo of him in his hand. It was not difficult for Ran Wu to find this out.

"You keep an eye on them first, try to find out their identities, and keep them confidential. I'll report to the boss."

After finding four additional people, Feng Yong didn't waste any time and immediately left a secret message asking to see Chu Lingyun.

"Esaki He went to the public concession and rented a house there a long time ago. There are currently four people living there. I have asked Ran Wu to find out who they are, but I have not let Ran Wu have contact with them."

When Feng Yong saw Chu Lingyun in the evening, he immediately reported it.

"Four people, rented a house very early?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised. Why did Jiang Qihe arrange for four people to live in the concession, and the house was rented during the Mitsui period?

Could it be that Ezakiga really joined Rihong?

Ishida reported that the suspects he investigated had escaped, and they were exactly four of them. However, the organization knew their situation in advance. It was the organization that should have informed them to evacuate, not Esakiga.

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry. After the identities of the four people were found out, he would know the truth.

"Yes, boss."

Feng Yong bowed his head and resigned, and Jiang Qihe returned to the slum, still thinking about how to inform Xiaochi.

He will go to Jiangyin in the name of purchasing.

What we purchased this time was a batch of coarse grains and cheap dried fish to improve the food supply for the people in the slums.

In this way, he can wait for the fleet to return in Jiangyin.

Fang Shiyi knew that he was there and would definitely let him on the boat. Then he would have the opportunity to see Xiaochi and warn him.

He had already asked Nohara which ship Koike was on.

As long as Xiaochi disembarks in advance or pays attention when disembarking, the people from the Extra High School class will not be able to catch him.

The plan was good and the likelihood of success was high, but he couldn't escape suspicion.

It's a pity that he can no longer serve the people in the slums.

However, it would be good to be with Mr. Nohara and listen to his classes more often in the future. He is so lacking in this theoretical knowledge now that he wants to join the Red Party and fight with like-minded partners.

But this time, he won't harm Fang Shiyi, right?

If Fang Shiyi was investigated, Jiang Qihe would also feel uneasy. Fang Shiyi was very kind to him and was his first teacher after he awakened.

Ishihara Hiroshi's background was very deep, and they did not dare to do anything to Fang Shiyi, not to mention that Fang Shiyi was only being used by him.

Esaki He thought carefully about all his plans, made sure that there was no problem, and finally felt relieved.

The next day, Esaki He arranged work, left enough money, and headed to Jiangyin.

As soon as he left, Feng Yong immediately sent someone to follow him and reported to Chu Lingyun at the same time.

On Chu Lingyun's side, she received a message from Rose again. The person Ishida was investigating before was a Japanese Red Party member. When a Japanese Red Party member went to Shanghai, the newspaper he carried with him was noticed by the customs personnel.

He didn't know it was a secret code at the time, but when he talked about it later, he was noticed by a captain of the anti-red class.

The captain had handled a similar case, so he asked the Shanghai Special Higher Education Department to assist in the investigation and concluded that there was a Japanese Red Party lurking in Shanghai.

This captain has arrived in Shanghai and is investigating Nohara and others.

Four people are missing. One of them went to Wuhan with the Ishihara Trading Company's fleet and will be back in a few days. The Special High School is preparing to arrest him immediately after he gets off the ship.

Ishida's report was very detailed.

Coupled with the previous reply from his hometown and Feng Yong's investigation, Chu Lingyun was the first to know the full truth of the matter.

But Ezakiga, when did he get together with Rihong?

He really found the organization.

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head: "Follow him and see what he does. If anything happens, ask Ran Wu to report to me."

Feng Yong wants to go out to follow Jiang Qihe. He cannot contact him by phone, but he can contact Ran Wu.

He can also know Esakiga's movements at any time.

After Feng Yong left, Chu Lingyun moved to a safe house and sent a report to his hometown.

Not long after, Mr. Ke translated the message.

"The four Nohara people were rescued by Esakiga? And Koike was exposed. Did Japan target them through newspapers?"

Ke Gong suddenly realized that it was Miss Qiu who did not let him intervene. Unexpectedly, he was the first to find out the truth.

The Japanese side was still in the dark and thought something had happened to Nishihara.

At present, the results are very favorable to them. Nishihara is fine, Yuan Yida has already contacted him, and Miss Qiu has found the four Noharas again.

However, the identity has not been determined yet. It is only speculation at the moment. Ke Gong is not in a hurry.

With Miss Qiu here, it is very easy to determine their identity.

Ezakiga didn't know that he had been discovered by Ishihara Hiroshi.

According to the plan, he arrived in Jiangyin, began to receive the goods, rented a boat, and personally took people to fish.

After receiving Feng Yong's reply, Chu Lingyun immediately understood what he was going to do.

Ezaki wants to save Xiaochi.

He is now very conscious and wants to rescue his comrades at the risk of being exposed.

It's not necessary at all.

After understanding what he wanted to do, the next step was very simple for Chu Lingyun.

Not everyone in Ishihara Trading Company can move if they want.

"Secretary Fang, a telegram from the boss."

In Nanjing, on the ship, his men came to send a new telegram to Fang Shiyi.

There is a radio on his ship and he can contact the trading company at any time.

The telegram was encrypted and only he could translate it.

"Esakiga has joined Rihong and wants to board the boat on the river and notify Xiaochi to escape?"

After reading the telegram, Fang Shiyi's eyes widened. Jiang Qihe was still useful. Chu Lingyun would not let him be exposed. The way to prevent him from being exposed was very simple, just prevent him from getting on the ship.

Chu Lingyun ordered Fang Shiyi to cause an accident on the ship. When he came back, he had people clear the river surface, and also asked Xiaochi's ship to unload at the riverside dock.

Under normal circumstances, the Shiyuan Trading Company's fleet will return to Huangpu Pier.

But this is not absolute. Stop wherever you want. That is the freedom of Ishihara Trading Company and no one else can interfere. An accident occurred in his fleet and he was unloading goods at the riverside dock. Isn't that normal?

As for the accident, it was easier. Someone tried to board the boat at night and steal something, but the guards found him and beat him away.

So they cleared the waterways and made sure it never happened again with the fleet.

Fang Shiyi followed Chu Lingyun's instructions and performed the scene at night. When he arrived in Jiangyin, there was no other boat on the river.

The boat rented by Esaki He was also stopped and was not allowed to leave the port.

Jiang Qihe was anxious by the river, but there was nothing he could do.

He watched the fleet sail directly past, and could only chase them on the shore to see if there was any chance to board the ship on the way. If not, he would go to the dock to rescue people by force.

The people of Ishihara Trading Company would not easily agree to the extra-high school taking away their people.

This is Ezakiga's only chance.

"Boss, it's confirmed, it's Nohara and the others."

Ran Wu came to report that he found someone to take photos of the Nohara people. They didn't have to go out, but when the patrol came, they had to open the door.

Chu Lingyun looked at Nohara's appearance and characteristics, so it was not difficult to determine his identity.

"Very good, I understand. Give up all investigations and help them cover up."

Chu Lingyun nodded, the investigation can be suspended. Yuan Yida did not contact Nohara directly, and neither would he.

When the Japanese comrades arrive in Shanghai, just leave it to him to handle it.

Esakiga's identity has not been exposed. As long as the Japanese are smart, they will not let him withdraw to Japan. His identity in the Super High School is very important.

Especially for Japanese organizations, infiltrating their own people into the super-high class is something they have always wanted to do, but have not been able to do.

10,000 words guarantee, thank you to ye_azui for the 500 starting coin reward, and thank you for the 100 starting coin reward for not forgetting your original intention and keeping your mission in mind.

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