Spy Shadow

Chapter 705 No Winner

Chapter 705 No Winner

Wang Jialiang was a prisoner and had no right to refuse, so he endured severe pain and went to the newspaper office.

He and Wang Yuemin had agreed on a contact method a long time ago. If they lost contact in an emergency, they could place an advertisement in the newspaper. When Wang Yuemin saw it, he would know that Wang Jialiang was looking for him.

It was originally a strategy developed to deal with accidents while lurking, but now it was used by Wang Jialiang to handle his own personal affairs.

Plum mechanism.

Ding Mo stood in front of Ying Zuo and complained about the special high school class.

His heart was bleeding. What a great opportunity for great achievements. If we get rid of the military commander Shanghai District and the war situation team, who can compare with him for such extraordinary achievements?

And he would take a lot of prisoners.

There will definitely be many of these prisoners who will be used by him. His strength has greatly increased, and his prestige in No. 76 is unmatched.

It's a pity that all this was ruined by Jiang Tengkong, who was killed by Qian Dao.

How did Jiang Tengkong know that he was going to Wangjialiang?

Ding Mo instinctively suspected that someone had leaked the news about this incident, and among his people there was an informant from the Special High School.

Jiang Tengkong's arrival was so coincidental that he had to doubt it.

But there is another possibility that the person who called him sold this information twice.

After Jiang Tengkong discovered that he had arrived first, he didn't say anything.

Come and rob people later.

However, Ding Mo understood that the possibility of the latter was very small.

Jiang Tengkong was too well prepared. He brought so many people, as well as machine guns and mortars. He was obviously ready to suppress him.

If he was like him and only captured Wang Jialiang, there was no need for Jiang Tengkong to bring so many people.

No matter what the truth is, things have happened. Wang Jialiang was snatched away by the Extra-High School, and this credit has nothing to do with him anymore.

"The person you caught was snatched away by the Special High School?"

After listening to what Ding Mo said, Ying Zuo asked unceremoniously, and Ding Mo lowered his head.


Ying Zuo scolded that he didn't care about the process, only the result.

Ding Mo got the information first and got carried away. He didn't pay attention to his competitors and was robbed by the special high school.

If he had paid more attention and discovered the people in the extra-high class earlier, this would not have happened.

"Go back and let Kubo take you to find Mr. Nagumo."

Ying Zuo continued to scold, but Ding Mo did not dare to raise his head and quickly followed the order and left.

Yingzuo's words were too hurtful. It wasn't that he didn't work hard, he had tried his best. It was because the special high school class was too despicable and robbed the people he caught.

The extra-high class is a bandit, Yingzuo doesn't let him make the decision and even scolds him. Ding Mo has resentment in his heart.

But no matter how deep his resentment was, he didn't dare to contradict Ying Zuo.

This is the Supreme Emperor, and he can be completely destroyed with just one sentence.

Returning to No. 76, he came to report to Kubo.

As expected, Ding Mo was scolded by Kubo again for not reporting his actions to Kubo. Ding Mo was mentally prepared for this scolding.

Kubo was angry that he made the decision without permission and didn't take him seriously.

But he must carry out Lord Shadow's orders.

Jiubo reluctantly took Ding Mo with him, and called Chen Zhanli by the way, and they went to the special high school class to investigate the crime.

Chen Zhanli is good at talking, so he can help him grab some words, at least gain some advantage in words.

Kubo knew that nothing would come of going to the super high school.

Nanyun would not admit that they were robbing people. Instead, he would criticize them, saying that they first arrested the people targeted by the special high school. This kind of stupid lawsuit could never be won. This was the reason why Yingzuo did not help Ding Mo.

Once Shadow Zuo came forward, Nayun immediately came back and moved to Tuyuan.

If the lawsuit goes to the military department, they will not return the favor in the end, but it will be embarrassing. If Ying Zuo takes the initiative to come forward, they will be at a disadvantage.

Nagumo's level is not equal to his.

Kubo came to the special high school class. He was not Mizicheng Shun, let alone Takemoto, so he didn't dare to break through.

After the announcement, Nanyun led people out.

"Kubo, it's a rare visitor."

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met. Nayun and Kubo had been fighting at No. 76 for so long, but finally, with an order from the teacher, she left the secret service headquarters that she had worked so hard to create.

"Section Chief Nagyun, you are so dishonest in what you do. We caught someone, why did you rob him? If you want credit, go check it out yourself. The behavior of bandits is not honorable."

Kubo was not polite and slapped him with a thumbs down.

"It's a joke. He's obviously someone we've been targeting for a long time. You came to rob him, but you didn't rob him. How dare you blame us?"

Nayun laughed, and Kubo knew that the other party would not admit it.

After eating the meat in the stomach, there is no reason to spit it out again.

"You cry to catch the thief."

Kubo said angrily, Nan Yun smiled coldly: "Where is the evidence? I have evidence. Jiang Tengkong has already done an investigation. When Wang Jialiang comes to Shanghai, he is waiting for him here with his pockets open. How are your people?" Do you know the news?"

Kubo looked at Ding Mo.

"Someone called me to deliver information?"

"Who is it?" Nan Yun asked immediately. She was also curious about how Ding Mo found out about Wang Jialiang.

"I don't know. He called me from a public phone in Nanjing and wanted to exchange this information for fifty gold bars."

"Since you want money, haven't you seen anyone?" Nanyun asked again.

"I haven't given him the money yet, he asked me to hand it over to the designated place."

Ding Mo replied bravely, and sure enough, as soon as he said this, not to mention Nayun, even Kubo glared at him.

Before you got the money, they gave you complete information?

Lying to children.

"Director Ding, you have met a noble person. So you haven't even met him, let alone know who he is?"

Nan Yun smiled, he heard the flaw in Ding Mo's words.

Ding Mo was speechless. This was indeed the case, but he couldn't answer like this at this time.

Once answered, they ignored it.

Kubo knew that Ding Mo was telling the truth, but others would not believe such words. He looked at Chen Zhanli.

Chen Zhanli understood and immediately shouted: "Nanyun, people are doing it, God is watching, do you dare to swear? I swear by your appearance and figure, if you hadn't robbed people, you would have pus on your head, broken arms and legs, face Bitten to pieces by bugs.”

Chen Zhanli is indeed a fool, and he always says unpleasant things when he comes up.

He wasn't even afraid of Nayun when he was on No. 76, let alone now.

"Chen Zhanli, who do you think you are?"

Nanyun was furious. Naturally, she would not make such a vow. She was just scolding herself. If it came true, she would not commit suicide.

What she cares about most is her appearance. Chen Zhanli is really vicious.

"I am the section chief of the Second Intelligence Division of the Secret Service Headquarters."

Chen Zhanli held his chest high and did not take Nan Yun seriously at all.

Kubo was very satisfied. It was indeed the right thing to bring Chen Zhanli here. Even if he couldn't get him back, he could still make Nayun sick.

"Come here, arrest him."

Nan Yun had long disliked Chen Zhanli and was cursed by Chen Zhanli. He could no longer bear it and immediately gave the order.

"Nagumo Noriko, what do you want to do?"

Kubo yelled angrily, and the people from No. 76 hurriedly protected them, but did not dare to draw their guns. This was the gate of the Extra-High School.

Chen Zhanli was startled and immediately hid behind Kubo.

"What are you doing? Kubo, I am an officer of the Japanese Empire. He, a despicable Chinese, dares to insult me. I want to kill him."

Nanyun stretched out his finger and pointed at Chen Zhanli.

Chen Zhanli didn't dare to show off his words, after all, he was on Nanyun's territory.

Only when one can bend and stretch can one become a man.

"He just asked you to swear an oath. Could it be that he made sure what you were going to do if you were so excited?"

Kubo didn't accept Nayun's trick, and said with a smile, he brought a lot of people, and he came to the special high school to start a teacher to investigate, but he couldn't bring less people.

Nan Yun would not fight with him, but she did dare to attack Chen Zhanli.

"Kubo, with your current level of success, who can't tell that he is deliberately humiliating me?"

"Leave Wang Jialiang to me and I'll leave now."

Kubo said calmly, Nayun snorted: "Dream."


Kubo didn't waste any time and left with the people. He had no hope of getting the people back, just to carry out the mission of Lord Kagezu.

He came to the extra-high school class, but Nayun didn't give it, so he tried his best.

"Sir, if it weren't for you, that bitch Nayun would definitely kill me."

On the way back, Chen Zhanli said fearfully, and Kubo burst into laughter. Today Chen Zhanli made Nan Yun so angry that he lost his composure, and he was very happy.

"It's okay. As long as I'm here, no one can kill you."

Back at No. 76, Jiubo scolded Ding Mo and asked him to find a way to get Wang Jialiang to come over. If he couldn't come over, he wouldn't be able to make meritorious deeds in the special high school class.

Ding Mo understood the meaning of Kubo's words, which was to cause trouble for the Special High School.

It's simple.

He couldn't contact the military commander, but he could get the news out.

Soon, the matter of the special high school snatching the 76th person became an uproar, and Wang Jialiang's identity was also leaked.

In Shanghai District, Wang Yuemin is angry.

After Chen Shu escaped, Chu Lingyun sent him a message asking him to be careful not to meet Wang Jialiang.

Wang Yuemin finally understood the truth of the matter.

A few days ago, Chu Lingyun asked him about his hometown. It was because Wang Jialiang took a long leave in Chongqing because of something going on in his hometown.

Afraid of worrying him, I didn't tell him.

Boss Dai already knew that this incident was caused by Chen Shu, who deliberately lured Wang Jialiang to Shanghai and got rid of him with the help of the Japanese.

In this way, Chen Shu can be sent to Shanghai to take his place.

Despicable and shameless.

Wang Yuemin scolded both Chen Shu and Wang Jialiang for being stupid.

Knowing their relationship with Chen Shu, they actually believed him. Is Wang Jialiang filled with shit?

I scolded you all day yesterday and I will continue to scold you today.

Liang Yu stood nearby. He was worried about the district mayor's voice. Why did he have so much perseverance to scold him for so long?

Besides, cursing is useless except to make yourself angry.

"Chief Liang, the war situation team is calling."

Someone knocked on the door and sent a message. Wang Yuemin walked over and snatched the message away.

The people in the telegram and telecommunications room of the war situation group could not translate by themselves. Except for Wang Yuemin, Liang Yu had a code book. Wang Yuemin did not let Liang Yu translate. He took out the code book and translated it word for word himself.

"Asshole, idiot, idiot, why did my Wang family have such a pig?"

After translating the message, Wang Yuemin cursed again.

Chu Lingyun called and told him that Wang Jialiang had been captured by the Special High School, and told him not to worry. The war team would find a way to rescue him. He also specifically warned him not to do stupid things because he was worried about Wang Jialiang.

Wang Yuemin knew that the Special High School had their internal support. Although Wang Jialiang had to endure hardships when he arrived at the Special High School, he would be fine.

But he was still angry, so stupid.

"District Chief, calm down, it's not worth getting so angry."

Liang Yu advised carefully, and Wang Yuemin's eyes widened: "How can I calm down? My family is in trouble. Go buy me a newspaper tomorrow. If there is a message from Wang Jialiang, I will break his legs later."

Wang Yuemin was not sure whether Wang Jialiang would confess and surrender.

In fact, he was deceiving himself. He knew better than anyone what his cousin was, so he surrendered 100% and sold him out completely.


Liang Yu lowered his head, but felt strange in his heart.

Is the district chief so angry that he actually wants to break Wang Jialiang's leg?

How does he fight? In the hands of the Special High School, people have no chance at all.

In other words, does the district chief have a way to rescue Wang Jialiang?

This is impossible. Liang Yu knows best how capable Shanghai District is. He is actually doing many things.

There is absolutely no way in Shanghai District to rescue people from the Special High School.

If it weren't for them, how could the combat team do it?

This is possible, the team leader definitely has this ability.

In anger, Wang Yuemin spilled the beans.

Fortunately, there is only Liang Yu here. If there is anyone else, I am afraid they will guess some clues. Even if it is just a little bit, it will also be a big hidden danger for Rose and Catfish.

The next day, Wang Yuemin did not finish reading the newspaper and tore it into pieces in anger.

"I want to expel this scum from the Wang family. He is not worthy of being a member of the Wang family."

A call from Wang Jialiang appeared in the newspaper, asking him to meet.

In order to survive, Wang Jialiang sold his cousin completely.

Fortunately, Loach had prepared several districts for him, and he had already changed them, as well as the lurking locations of many people. Otherwise, his betrayal would have caused great losses to the Shanghai District.

Wang Yuemin's voice was very hoarse today, and Liang Yu could barely understand what he meant.

After scolding him for so long, it’s strange that he is dumb.

"Send a report to the headquarters that Wang Jialiang was arrested by the Special High School Division and has rebelled."

"Send a report to the war situation team and let Ling Yun take care of it."

After saying that, Wang Yuemin sat down on the chair unable to do anything. He no longer had the energy to curse.

Being angry is secondary, being sad is the main thing.

There are not many men in the Wang family, so he has always taken great care of Wang Jialiang. If it hadn't been for him in Wuhan, Wang Jialiang would not have been promoted to major and became the leader of the intelligence team.

When he arrived in Shanghai, Wang Yuemin still took him with him and made money with him.

But he failed to live up to expectations. He dared to violate disciplines and find a dancer during his lurking time. He spent a lot of money and sent him to the headquarters where he continued to live and drink. This cut off his financial path and made him reflect honestly. Fortunately for him, he and Chen Shu actually became close friends.

That's their enemy.

He is so naive, thinking that Chen Shu is only targeting Chu Lingyun?

Just think about it, what is their relationship with Chu Lingyun?

Let Chu Lingyun take care of it, because Chu Lingyun has the overall situation as the most important thing, and Wang Jialiang can be saved if he can, and if he can't, forget it.

Don't cause other losses by saving him.

After all, Wang Jialiang is his cousin and a grandparent. It is not easy for him to make such a decision.

Liang Yu went to send the report, and Chu Lingyun quickly received Wang Yuemin's words.

Wang Yuemin must be very sad now. Wang Jialiang is stupid and surrendered and rebelled. It is impossible for him to return to the army.

If he goes back, he will die, and Boss Dai will not let him go.

But after all, he has a deep blood relationship with Wang Yuemin, and Chu Lingyun can save his life, just this once.

After that, he will be sent away. As for where to go, it depends on Wang Yuemin's arrangements.

Anyway, he must never return to Shanghai, otherwise he will die.

In Chongqing, Boss Dai first received a telegram from Chu Lingyun and then from Wang Yuemin.

He is no better than Wang Yuemin.

At this time, he was alone in the office. No one was allowed in. Secretary Qi waited carefully outside.

Secretary Qi understands Boss Dai’s thoughts best.

Boss Dai was heartbroken. Wang Jialiang was arrested, which proved that Chu Lingyun's theory became a fact. In order to get the upper hand, Chen Shu would do anything to betray his colleagues and seek skin from the tiger.

Chen Shu's betrayal is a fact.

Secretary Qi knew that Boss Dai admired Chen Shu very much and had high expectations for him.

When Shanghai Station was vacated, Chen Shu was immediately asked to fill the vacancy. Shanghai was the most important, and the person who could serve as the head of Shanghai Station must be the most important person in Boss Dai's heart.

Chen Shu did not do badly at the Shanghai Station. Not long after he took office, he captured Nao Iijima, the then leader of the Special High School Intelligence Team, and made great achievements.

After that, Shanghai has been doing very well. After the fall of Shanghai, Chen Shu's Shanghai station was not as good as the war team, but it also punished many traitors.

He should never, never should, provoke Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun didn't do anything to him at all. Out of jealousy, he attacked Chu Lingyun's best classmate. It was later proven that all his guesses were his own arbitrariness, and Lin Shi had no problem.

After Chu Lingyun clashed with him, Boss Dai punished him and demoted him to a special training class as a teacher.

But as soon as the situation arises, he is immediately activated.

Even if he did a lot of bad things, Boss Dai still kept him, waiting to give him a chance.

But what about him?

Deliberately encouraging Wang Jialiang to go to Shanghai, and then asking Ding Mo from No. 76 to capture Wang Jialiang and drag Wang Yuemin into the water is not touching the bottom line, but having no bottom line.

The person he had high hopes for and had always protected did something like this, which completely chilled Boss Dai's heart.

Boss Dai actually didn't care at all about Wang Jialiang's rebellion.

They had known the situation for a long time. Rebellion would not bring any harm. Chen Shu's defection was a huge blow to Boss Dai.

Shanghai, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Jialiang was sitting in a teahouse in the public concession.

This is the place where he and his cousin agreed to meet.

The time is now.

If Wang Yuemin sees the information in the newspaper, he will definitely come. After all, Wang Jialiang has an unusual relationship with him.

Nan Yun personally took Jiang Tengkong and waited at the surveillance point. Unfortunately, until 3:10, Wang Yuemin still did not appear.

Being ten minutes late means basically canceling the meeting.

"Section Chief, Wang Yuemin will not come again. The people on No. 76 have gone too far."

Jiang Tengkong sighed, he knew yesterday that the news released on the 76th even revealed Wang Jialiang's identity, and Wang Yuemin would definitely not show up.

He originally thought that No. 76 would secretly leak the secret, but he didn't expect that he would go so far and openly undermine them.


Nan Yun's face was ashen, what a great opportunity to make a great contribution, that was Wang Yuemin.

Catching Wang Yuemin will be her highlight moment. Not only will her military rank be promoted to colonel, but her position in the Special High School will also be completely stable.

Damn Kubo, damn Ding Mo.

She wanted to complain, to the teacher.

Jiang Tengkong knew the details best. Even if No. 76 had not leaked the secret, Wang Yuemin would not have been able to come. However, by doing so, No. 76 was equivalent to covering him up.

On the 76th, Han Yaoquan stood in front of Ding Mo.

"Director, I checked, no one went out before the operation, and no one made any calls."

Ding Mo suspected that there was an insider from Jiang Tengkong among his people. It was not like Jiang Tengkong had not done this. Before he came, Jiang Tengkong had placed insiders around Li Zhiqun and Hu Donggui.

It is much easier for Jiang Tengkong to get inside information than it is for the Chinese.

He has a Japanese identity, and he is in a special high school. He threatens and induces, and few people can withstand it.

"Where are the people who went to investigate Wang Ji's Pawn Shop and the telephone office?"

Ding Mo asked. Han Yaoquan hesitated and asked in a low voice: "Director, they didn't know anything at the time and couldn't leak the secret."

"You can't leak the secret if you don't know?"

Ding Mo glared at him: "Although I don't know the details, I suddenly investigated Wang Ji's Pawn Shop. The insider only needs to tell Jiang Tengkong, and Jiang Tengkong will definitely investigate me. The insider does not need to know the mission, he only needs to know that I have actions. "

Han Yaoquan lowered his head and did not reply.

What Ding Mo said makes sense. This is the role of insiders. Insiders don't need to know everything about No. 76's actions. If they report it, Jiang Tengkong will naturally take it seriously.

Then keep an eye on them. Jiang Tengkong would definitely be able to detect their big move yesterday morning.

Then follow them, wait for them to catch someone, and then come out to rob them. It's completely logical.

"I'll check again."

Han Yaoquan whispered, and Ding Mo gritted his teeth viciously: "Check, you must find out for me, this bitch who eats everything inside and outside, I want his life to be worse than death."

Ding Mo's face was ferocious, he really hated him.

This is the opportunity for him to make the greatest contribution after coming to No. 76, and it will also become his brilliant record.

How could he swallow this breath when he was screwed up by an insider?

At this time, Ding Mo firmly believed that there was someone around him who could instigate Jiang Tengkong to rebel, otherwise Jiang Tengkong would never have appeared so coincidentally.

As for the caller, he will still check, but unfortunately those idiots in Nanjing can't find anyone. There is no trace of the caller yet.

Ding Mo was full of anger, but Nan Yun was not much better.

After failing to catch Wang Yuemin, Wang Jialiang's role was greatly reduced. Now he is just an ordinary military agent, at best the former intelligence team leader of Shanghai Station.

Just this identity can add a little more light.

Nanyun sent a report to Tuyuan and severely complained about No. 76. They ignored the interests of the empire and failed to catch Wang Yuemin this time. I don't know when there will be such an opportunity next time.

Tuyuan received the telegram and was equally furious.

However, No. 76 now belongs to Ying Zuo. He sent a report to Ying Zuo to question, but Ying Zuo replied to him: After investigation, it was not the fault of the Secret Service Headquarters.

This is a shameless repudiation, and you will refuse to admit it even if you want to.

Tuyuan couldn't do anything about Yingzuo for the time being, so he could only accept the loss of being dumb.

"Team Leader Jiang Teng, I am telling the truth. I don't know why my cousin didn't come, but if we don't meet for the first time, we will continue to meet at another place in two days. I just need to continue posting this advertisement."

Wang Jialiang said anxiously when he was sent to prison.

"No, your cousin won't come again."

Jiang Tengkong looked at him with pity. In order to survive, he would cheat his brother like this?

Although they are not real brothers, they are not too different.

This is the person closest to him besides his biological brothers.

"No, he will definitely come to see me. My cousin still cares about me."

Wang Jialiang was afraid that he would be useless and the people in the extra-high school class would kill him, and his face turned pale with fear.

"Take him back."

Jiang Tengkong didn't talk nonsense to him, ordered Wang Jialiang to be sent to prison, and went to Nanyun's office.

"Jiang Teng, you did a good job this time. Keep an eye on them in the future. If they make any move, grab it from them."

Seeing Jiang Tengkong, Nan Yun forced an ugly smile on his face.

No one was happy about what happened this time, and Chen Shu made a bad move.

He was forced to escape and Wang Jialiang was arrested. Wang Yuemin and Boss Dai were very sad. Chu Lingyun was already busy investigating the movements of the Japanese army. This was a large-scale battle and the intelligence was very important.

As a result, I was distracted by their affairs.

Ding Mo caught someone, but was snatched away by the special high school class, and he was so depressed that he vomited blood.

Nagyun grabbed someone, but had no follow-up harvest, and was in a bad mood. The conflict between Tuhara and Kagezu deepened, and they were almost at odds with each other.

Perhaps Jiang Tengkong gained the most this time. In any case, he made a great contribution by catching the military commander again.

But this time, there is no winner.

Wang Jialiang was thrown into prison. Chu Lingyun didn't care about him. He couldn't die because of Jiang Tengkong, so he should be locked up first and let him know the consequences of trusting people easily.

A person who had been the leader of an intelligence team was tricked by Chen Shu. He was so unqualified.

People from the literary club have been meeting frequently recently, but Chu Lingyun didn't go there. He was listening to the recording.

In the recording, Shimakura, Shun Mizuki, Takemoto and others were all present. The war was inevitable. They used raids as a cover to make the Chinese people mistakenly think that such mobilization was to eliminate guerrillas in the countryside.

The mobilization of the front line is very powerful, especially all kinds of military supplies and food.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Logistics support is very important. If the frontline supply line is suddenly cut off, it will cause fatal damage, not only affecting morale, but also possibly causing chaos.

Who can fight when he is hungry?

Shimakura's big mouth once again leaked a lot of information, but it was not enough. Although Chen Mutu said that General Li was too greedy, he understood that every piece of information General Li wanted was very important.

If he could get it, it would be of great help to him.

"The Third Division has already moved. They are in Xinyang, very close to each other. The Third Division's combat effectiveness is very strong. There will be no problem in taking Xiangyang this time."

The one who spoke was Ikegami, whose air wing was about to head to the front line.

He is now a combat staff officer and has access to some secrets.

The forward aviation group is clearing the sky to prevent Chinese aircraft from detecting the mobilization of their troops.

"The Third Division is not here to fight Xiangyang."

Shimakura smiled and shook his head. Ikegami was only a staff officer of the air wing, but he was from the headquarters.

He knows better.


Ikegami asked hurriedly, Shimakura took a sip of water and said slowly: "This battle actually has two purposes. One is to occupy Xiangyang and Yichang, but more importantly, to eliminate as many Chinese as possible in the fifth theater and fight Take away their power."

Chu Lingyun guessed correctly. The Japanese army indeed aimed to eliminate the forces in the fifth theater as its main combat goal.

"There are a lot of Chinese people, can we do it?" Shuicheng Jun was the one who spoke. He is now also the chief of staff and understands the importance of this strategic purpose.

"As long as we surround them, we will definitely succeed."

Shimakura said firmly, and Chu Lingyun listened very carefully, taking notes on key points.

Besieging the fifth theater and preventing General Lee's main force from escaping is their current military deployment. The siege is just to attract General Lee.

The Japanese are indeed vicious. Now that they know part of their battle plan in advance, General Li can completely avoid it.

After listening to this paragraph, Chu Lingyun immediately listened to something else.

This time it was Yamashita Masari who spoke.

Although Yamashita Masari is the garrison commander, he is a soldier after all. He has also served as a regimental captain before and served on the front line.

His military vision is very good.

Yamashita Masari was not involved, but his analysis to the people at the literary club was spot on.

In this war, the coordination of the various armies will never satisfy a few cities. The fifth theater will be the main goal of the empire, so the mobilization of several divisions will focus on people, not cities.

He didn't know many clues, but what he said was very reasonable.

Regarding the time, Yamashita Masari gave more accurate information.

A lot of weapons and equipment shipped from China are transported through Shanghai. Masari Yamashita is responsible for protecting these things, so he naturally knows more.

Based on the time when the weapons were delivered, Masari Yamashita deduced that the time was from the 26th to the 5th of the month, which lasted ten days.

The time was about the same as Chu Lingyun estimated, but ten days was still too long, and Chu Lingyun needed accurate time.

At the worst, it must be done within three days.

In this way, General Lee can make better arrangements.

After listening to the recording, Chu Lingyun closed his eyes and thought.

The Third Division is the main offensive force, and their goal is Xiangyang. By attacking Xiangyang, they will mobilize the Chinese army in the fifth theater.

It's definitely not possible to rely on him alone as a division.

Chu Lingyun estimated that at least two divisions were attacking Xiangyang. He would continue to investigate who the other division was.

The commander of the third division was Shan Xie Longxing. He did not agree with war, but he did not know how to fight.

Is the Shanxi Association booming?

He still owes Ishihara Trading Company a batch of grain.

There is a war now, and the military headquarters has not given them enough food. Now that he has no food left, he will definitely not be able to pay back the food.

But you can take advantage of this.

Early the next morning, major grain stores opened their doors.

"Why has the price of rice increased again?"

One person jumped up when he saw the new price of rice. The rice that originally cost two yuan per catty was now written as two yuan and five per catty.

Another twenty percent increase.

"This is the latest price. Buy it quickly if you can. It will go up in the future."

The shopkeeper of the grain store said nonchalantly that the price of rice was increased at the request of the boss. Not only him, but all the grain dealers had increased their rice prices.

The price of such rice, calculated in terms of stone, has reached more than 280 per stone.

Absolutely sky-high price.

Many people saw the price of rice and scolded the bosses of these grain merchants. The shopkeepers didn't care at all. The price of grain was so high. Didn't they hear enough scolding?

No matter how much you scold, it cannot change the fact that rice prices have increased.

The person who controls the price increase of rice is naturally Chu Lingyun.

Grain production has continued to decline recently, and it was already rising. Now he only has control over rice. If it doesn't rise, why will rice rise?

It's not over yet, it will continue to rise.

Some people who wanted to buy rice shook their heads slightly when they saw the high price. Some people gritted their teeth and bought it, fearing that it would rise again in the future.

Some people bought a little less.

More people are buying other grains and not eating rice for the time being.

I really can’t afford it.

When the price of rice rises, grain merchants never care how many people come to buy it. Shanghai's population base is too large. No matter how high the price rises, there will still be people buying it.

It just so happens that they can't receive that much rice now. If you buy less, we can grow even higher and make more money in the future.

Xinyang, the headquarters of the Third Division.

Shan Xie Longxing is handling military affairs. He is the division commander and knows the detailed plan of this battle.

The goal of this war is to eliminate the Chinese soldiers. There are 350,000 people in the fifth theater. Their plan is to eliminate 200,000, including at least 70% of the elites.

The remaining defeated troops are nothing to worry about.

Killing 200,000 people does not mean killing 200,000 people. Being able to capture or make them surrender is also a military achievement. If you can kill or capture General Li alive, this time it will be a complete victory.

The third division's goal is Xiangyang. At first, they need to attack with all their strength to make the Chinese mistakenly think that they are vowing to break the city, so that more troops will be mobilized to support them. They will wait for work and eliminate all these Chinese soldiers. .

"Division Commander, your telegram."

The correspondent came in from outside. Shan Xie didn't raise his head and stretched out his hand.

After receiving the telegram, he went to read it after a while.

This is not an urgent military situation. If it is, the correspondent will remind him that he will see it as soon as possible.


Yamashita Xielong's eyebrows twitched. The telegram was sent to him by Hiroshi Ishihara of Ishihara Trading Company, asking him if he wanted more rice.

The price of rice has increased recently and will increase in the future. He can provide some if needed.

The price is very low, much cheaper than the market price, and you don’t have to pay now, you can pay later.

"This Ishihara Hiroshi really knows how to do business."

Shan Xie Xielong smiled. Who wouldn’t want rice? Not only is it more nutritious, but it also tastes good.

Especially glutinous rice, made into glutinous rice balls, not to mention how fragrant it is.

"Call Boss Ishihara back and thank him very much. If you have any, you can send some."

A war was about to begin, and he did not have enough rice on hand. During the war, if the soldiers could eat rice every day, it would greatly boost morale.


The correspondent ran to send the report, but Shan Xie Longxing didn't take it seriously and continued to go about his own business.

"Division commander, boss Ishihara calls back."

Not long after, the correspondent came back again. Ishihara Toru told him in the telegram that it was not just his division that wanted rice, but several others. When he loaded the rice, it would be sent to Wuhan in one go and then distributed to them.

The delivery time will be probably the fifth of next month.

Shan Xie Longxing frowned. It was a little late on the 5th of next month. The battle on the 5th had already begun, and he could not distract himself from responding to rice.

Although it can be shipped, it is best before the war, so that he can make full preparations and arrangements.

Things that haven't arrived will not be arranged at will before the war. If something goes wrong on the road, something will happen.

"Send this to Boss Ishihara."

Shan Xie Longxing wrote the telegram himself and asked the correspondent to send it. Not long after, Fang Shiyi delivered his telegram to Chu Lingyun.

At this time, seven or eight telegrams were already placed on Chu Lingyun's desk.

"Thank you Mr. Ishihara for your generosity. Can you send it as soon as possible? It is best to deliver it to Xinyang before the 26th."

Shan Xie's call back was very polite. After all, he still owed him a large amount of grain, and now he was going to give him a shipment of low-priced rice. This was a big favor.

What Chu Lingyun looked at was the date.

The reply from the 3rd Division was on the 26th, the 39th Division was on the 25th at the latest, and the 30th Division was on the 24th.

The Thirty Division is the farthest away, and the Third Division is the closest to Xiangyang.

Chu Lingyun narrowed his eyes.

The war will not start until the 5th of next month, but at the latest on the 1st or 2nd of the lunar month. If it is earlier, it should be on the 30th.

The time for a battle like this has been set long ago, but only the real senior officials know about it, not the general staff.

The division commander must be an insider.

Between the 30th and the 2nd was the exact time for the Japanese army to launch its attack.

It is not difficult to infer this time. According to the time they requested, and then extend it a few days later, after they receive the rice, they need to distribute it to each regiment. This takes time, about three days.

The respective regiments are not stationed together.

Their attack also takes time, and they must also set aside time for their march, which lasts from one to three days.

This is calculated based on their distance.

Chu Lingyun used a few ships of low-priced rice to get the time accurate to three days, but he was not satisfied. The day that could be accurate was the best.

Chu Lingyun did not send a report to the headquarters immediately and asked Fang Shiyi to call back to the Third Division first.

He will try to deliver it before the 26th. After all, the goods are in Shanghai, need to be loaded on a ship, then transported to Wuhan, and then transferred to them by train.

Five days later, Chu Lingyun sent a report to the headquarters, deliberately delaying the time to avoid leaking the information and making the Japanese suspect him.

Although this possibility is very low, there is nothing wrong with taking precautions. This time he asked in person. Several division commanders had just replied, and the Chinese had guessed the approximate time. It was inevitable that others would think too much.

On the 76th, Ding Mo’s eyes were a little red.

Han Yaoquan even looked tired.

They were in the torture chamber.

Last time Ding Mo asked Han Yaoquan to investigate the people who were working in the field. They were the most likely to leak the secrets. There were not many people working in the field, only seven people. After all, they were just investigating phone calls and pawn shops.

Han Yaoquan investigated these seven people for five days and found that everyone was suspicious.

Some of them stayed out for too long, some didn't tell the truth, and some of them went through extra-high school courses.

Han Yaoquan asked separately. Everyone swore that they had never leaked any secrets. Several people were still complaining. They didn't even know what the mission was. How could they leak the secrets?

Ding Mo lost patience and began to torture.

The first person to be executed was a person who had passed the extra-high-level course. He and his companions went to investigate Wang Ji’s Pawn Shop, but when they came back, they separated from the others and took another path.

The explanation he gave was that he went to buy a pastry shop that happened to need to go through the extra-high school course.

He is a regular customer there, and the store owner helped confirm that he is indeed a regular customer. He has been shopping there frequently for more than a year, almost two or three times a month.

But Ding Mo didn't believe what he said, but became more suspicious.

More than a year ago?

Could it be that he was instigated by Jiang Tengkong at that time and became Jiang Tengkong's insider, and then took advantage of the opportunity to go shopping and passed by the Special High School to send messages?

He didn't need to enter the special high school, he had a dead mailbox, and he could report the situation to Jiang Tengkong.

It is more convenient to make a phone call, but it is easy to leave traces on the phone, which will be immediately exposed once it is investigated.

The dead mail method is much safer. There is no need to meet or call. You can put the information secretly without anyone knowing.

This possibility is not impossible. They are agents, so it is naturally easy for them to do this kind of thing.

10,000 words guarantee, thanks to book friend 20230508121224947 for the 1,500 starting coin reward, and thanks to book friend 20230312150756102 for the 100 starting coin reward. There will be an update tomorrow.

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