Spy Shadow

Chapter 713 Closing the net and arresting people

Chapter 713: Closing the net and arresting people

"You're talking about him, I didn't think of it just now."

Guo Peining looked astonished, and Chu Lingyun smiled even brighter: "Who am I talking about?"

"Han Da."

Guo Peining thought over it quickly in his mind. He wanted to join the military. Although his resume was fake, he had to deal with the review, so he read the information about his colleagues in his previous resume.

According to his resume in Shanghai, he worked in a small trading firm with only five people.

This is also to facilitate his cover-up. If there are too many people, he will have to remember more people.

Including the five of him, only four were left.

He was not the boss. Among the remaining three people, he remembered that Han Da was the tallest one and immediately named Han Da.

As an agent, especially a latent agent, you must do enough of these tasks.


Chu Lingyun shook his head, and Guo Peining was startled. Wasn't it him?

But he really didn't expect that the Chinese would investigate in such detail and even know their nicknames.

"No one is called Black Tornado."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, and Guo Peining was stunned for a moment.

This was a lie to him. He didn't expect that Chu Lingyun would deliberately use lies to deceive him. He had a good reputation. This time he fell into trouble. When he said that he knew this nickname, it was tantamount to admitting that he was someone with a different identity. .

"Aren't you still going to explain?"

Chu Lingyun looked straight at him, and Guo Peining closed his eyes.

He is a proud officer of the Japanese Empire and an elite agent. Even if he dies, he will not surrender to the humble Chinese.


Chu Lingyun didn't talk nonsense, and various punishments were quickly used in turn on Guo Peining.

"I said."

In less than half an hour, Guo Peining did it. He overestimated himself and underestimated the pain of the punishment. It was too unbearable and he couldn't bear it.

All the pride was shattered under the instrument of torture.

According to Guo Peining's explanation, he is a lieutenant agent of the Army Intelligence Department. The Army Intelligence Department has developed rapidly in recent years, and they have begun to deploy in important cities.

Before the Wuhan war, they knew that there would be a war in Changsha in the future, so they came over in advance and made arrangements.

The expansion of the military's Changsha Station allowed them to see an opportunity. Guo Peining was sent in and successfully entered the military.

But he didn't provide much intelligence when he was in military command.

The main reason was that Changsha Station was too useless and posed no threat to them. However, he provided a lot of information about the internal matters of the military command.

After lurking for two years, he didn't expect that he would be exposed this time.

If it wasn't Chu Lingyun who came, he might have been able to continue to lurk successfully.

Chu Lingyun was not surprised that the Japanese had indeed placed people in the military command, but Guo Peining confessed that he was the only one in their intelligence department at the Changsha station. As for whether anyone from other intelligence departments was there, he didn't know.

In fact, it is not difficult at all to obtain information about Changsha Station. He also wanted to prepare for the future when he entered the military command.

"Who is your upline and where is he?" After asking about the basic situation, Chu Lingyun asked the key question.

"My upline is the team leader Yukio Kato, but I don't know where he lives. We communicate through dead mailboxes."

Guo Peining lowered his head and gave out the address of the dead mailbox and his contact information.

"Team leader, there is a signal in the dead mailbox, and new information has appeared."

Loach went out to investigate and soon came back with the information.

Guo Peining is online and is contacting him.

Kato was indeed contacting Guo Peining and wanted to ask him if he had found out who was coming from the military command headquarters. Not knowing this situation made him a little uneasy.

"Very good, let Guo Peining reply immediately."

As long as they were contacted, everyone at the Changsha station was arrested. Chu Lingyun hid the news from the outside world, using the name of special training at the headquarters. The quality of the Changsha station members was too poor, and they were not allowed to go out for the next few days to receive special training.

Ordinary people would not think that the entire station was arrested.

After all, this is a big station with hundreds of people.

Guo Peining obeyed the instructions honestly, and Loach followed Guo Peining's instructions, sent a coded reply, and put Guo Peining's information into the dead mailbox.

Secretly, Loach personally led people to keep an eye on this place. Everyone who passed by would secretly take photos and then conduct an investigation.

Guo Peining didn't find out. He was the first spy they caught in Changsha, but he would never be the last.

As for Changsha Station, Chu Lingyun did not give up the screening.

This time we found someone from the Army Intelligence Department. Where is the Special Higher Education Course?

This is their favorite thing to do.

Kato was riding his bicycle home from get off work. He noticed the symbol on the corner, and Guo Peining wrote him a reply.

However, he did not immediately go to the mailbox to get the information. He rode his bike directly back home.

He didn't know, he just glanced at it casually and was immediately noticed by the people watching.

Loach brought people from the war situation team to monitor, but they were not as useless as the Changsha station.

Pay close attention to everyone passing by, especially those who turn their heads.

"Did you take the photo?"

Loach asked, and the team members nodded immediately: "It was photographed, maybe it's not very clear."

"It's okay, just take the photo. People who are familiar with him will definitely recognize him."

Loach didn't pay attention. When taking secret photos, don't even think about taking too clear photos.

The purpose of these photos is to help them find people, as long as they can achieve their goal.

At night, Kato changed his clothes and went out quietly.

"Captain, there's something going on."

Loach quickly received the report and immediately picked up the telescope.

Kato held a wine bottle in his hand, staggered to the wall, and pretended to urinate while holding on to the wall.

The dead mailbox is next to him.

Loach didn't blink and continued to watch.

After urinating, Kato deliberately raised his feet and tied his shoelaces. While he was tying his shoelaces, he had already taken away the information from the dead mailbox.

The target appears.

The corners of Loach's mouth raised. He did not order anyone to be arrested. He had already recognized that the person who came to get information was the person who passed by here in the afternoon and glanced at the code.

With his photo, it is not difficult to find out his identity.

"Target him to death, and I'll go back and report to the team leader."

Loach ordered, and he quickly returned to Changsha Station and told Chu Lingyun the latest situation.

Guo Peining compared the photos and determined that the person who took the information was his superior Kato.

"Find out his current identity, and all the people he comes into contact with must be investigated."

Chu Lingyun also didn't ask for arrest. Now that he found him, he didn't want to run away. He kept an eye on him first to see if he could gain anything else.

The Japanese Army Intelligence Department has indeed made rapid progress, but the level is about the same as the special high school courses three or four years ago.

It's not difficult to deal with them.

After returning home, Kato immediately took out the information and translated it.

The information is in a password. Even if someone accidentally takes the information, they will not know what is written on it.

"Is it Xie Ziqi who came from the Military Command Headquarters? Did he find Xiao Zhou?"

After reading the information, Kato breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Ziqi is the deputy director of the Intelligence Department of the Military Command, with a very high level. If something like this happened in Changsha, it is indeed very possible that the Military Command will send him to rectify it.

It's not just the deputy director of the operations department, it's just the people at the military command headquarters. There's no need to worry so much this time.

In the prison of Changsha Station, Hong Wenbin was listening to the chatter of the people next to him.

When Wu Jiarui was executed, more than 20 people watched the execution.

In the past two days, all they had discussed was this matter. They had been detained all the time. Everyone was panicking and didn't know what their fate would be.

Some people didn't care, thinking that no matter how ruthless Boss Dai was, he couldn't possibly execute all of them.

The law does not punish everyone, there are hundreds of them.

Wu Jiarui was only executed because he was unlucky to have hit the muzzle of the gun.

Hong Wenbin understood that it was indeed impossible to execute everyone, but he was worried about himself.

He noticed that Guo Peining was taken out and never came back.

Guo Peining is a member of the action team. Why did he just be taken out and not sent back?

Hong Wenbin has a lot on his mind.

Hong Wenbin is not his real name. He is a Japanese, a captain agent of the Special High School Division. He also came from Changsha before the Wuhan War, and later joined the Changsha Station of the Military Command at about the same time as Guo Peining.

He is not in the action team, but in general affairs.

If there is an opportunity to break into the military command, the Special High School will definitely not miss it, but they are not the Army Intelligence Department. They have investigated the situation in Changsha Station very clearly, and there is not much threat to the Special High School.

It is not necessary to enter the intelligence team or the action team.

In the general affairs team, they can also get the information they want.

Chu Lingyun guessed right. Changsha Station is a sieve. The Army Intelligence Department and the Special Higher Education Department have sent people. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Navy all send people, they can set up a table to play mahjong here.

The screening did not stop. Chu Lingyun first checked the action team, and then expanded it to the entire site.

A traitor was found and a new spy was found. The current progress is good, at least in a good direction.

The person with the problem was quickly found by Chu Lingyun.

Let’s conduct a rough investigation first. This question may not necessarily mean that there is something really wrong. For example, if your hometown is in the Japanese-occupied area, or if you were not a local in Changsha before, select it first.

As for the locals, they cannot be Japanese disguised and can be ignored for the time being.

The focus of the investigation on them is whether they have been incited to rebel.

However, according to the nature of the Japanese, if they have the opportunity to break into the military, they will rarely instigate rebels. The Japanese never trust the traitors who instigate rebellion, and they are far less convenient than their own people.

But nothing is absolute. Chu Lingyun himself planted two traitors in the extra-high school class.

Loach found the Japanese spy and was following him, while these people asked Zhu Qing to verify.

Zhu Qing's investigation of Chief of Staff Liu is over.

Chief of Staff Liu owed a lot of gambling debts. When he ran away, some of his creditors kept yelling, but there was nothing they could do.

The most egregious thing is that he deceived the chief of staff of the military department out of fifty gold bars.

He said that someone was in urgent need of money. If he lent the money for half a month, he would get a hundred gold bars back, a net profit of 100%.

In half a month, he could earn twice as much money. The chief of staff was very moved and lent him the gold bars.

Unexpectedly, Chief of Staff Liu was deliberately deceiving. He owed too much gambling debt and the Japanese would no longer give him money. It would be very troublesome for him to pay back.

Simply find a big boss, cheat and run away.

Zhu Qing found out this, and he couldn't decide what to do with the deceived chief of staff.

But since he is a victim, even if he reports it, there won't be much punishment from the superiors.

As for money, who is not greedy these days?

Zhu Qing got the list and immediately went to investigate.

Hong Wenbin's name is in it.

He is not as meticulous in his work as Loach, but after all, he is a veteran intelligence agent. He was the team leader before, and he has been with Chu Lingyun for many years.

It's just a verification job, it's not difficult for him.

Zhu Qing verified quickly and removed those without problems. If there were problems, he had to find out the problems. The number of people on the list quickly decreased.

"Team leader, Hong Wenbin has serious suspicions."

Two days later, Zhu Qing came to report to Chu Lingyun with the results of the investigation.

What is fake is fake. Hong Wenbin deceived Yuan Shouwang, but he could not deceive Chu Lingyun.

"What's his problem?"

Chu Lingyun asked immediately. Since Zhu Qing said he was a major suspect, he probably had a big problem.

"His resume was in Wuhan before. I asked people from Wuhan Station to investigate his past. As a result, people from Wuhan Station were discovered by people from the Special Higher Education Course, and the losses were considerable."

Chu Lingyun frowned, Wuhan suffered losses?

How could someone from the extra-high school class be staring at the place where a military commander had stayed before?

Although nothing was investigated, the losses at Wuhan Station proved that there was indeed something wrong with Hong Wenbin.

"How is Wuhan Station now?"

"Three were arrested and the others were transferred urgently. Now there is no way to help us verify."

Zhu Qing smiled bitterly. Wuhan Station helped them. If Hong Wenbin was really an agent of the Special High School, the Special High School had discovered what he had exposed.

After all, we are investigating his past.

"Hong Wenbin is being interrogated."

Chu Lingyun stood up. He would not let go of any doubts, let alone such a big problem.

Since there is a problem, let’s review it.

Especially since he might be exposed, I'm afraid there won't be much gain from him.


Zhu Qing responded and followed Chu Lingyun to the torture room.

"Hong Wenbin."

When the people from the combat team went to the prison to pick up someone, Hong Wenbin stiffened slightly when he heard his name being called.

He looked at the person coming.

Only him and no one else was called.

He was tied up and sent directly to the torture chamber.

When he was hung up, he knew that he had been exposed. It was Chu Lingyun who found him so quickly.

He didn't leave anything to chance.


Without investigating his resume in Wuhan, Chu Lingyun couldn't make any excuses and simply had him tortured.

"I'll recruit."

He persisted for more than 40 minutes. Finally, he could no longer hold on and was willing to confess.

Like Guo Peining, he doesn't know where his upline is, and he hasn't even seen his upline.

There are not many useful things at Changsha Station. Hong Wenbin currently has no tasks and is dormant.

The way that enabled him was the radio.

He would listen to the radio every night, and if he heard the activation signal at nine o'clock, he would connect again.

Another spy, but unfortunately this one has little effect.

But no matter how small, they are still Japanese.

There are two spies hiding in a Changsha station. Chu Lingyun doesn't know if there are more, but two is a lot.

The telegram was sent to Chongqing, and Boss Dai slammed the table angrily.

Japanese spies were pervasive, but Yuan Shouwang was too disappointed when two Japanese spies were brought in at a time.

"Boss, Yuan Shouwang has been escorted back. Do you want to see him?"

Secretary Qi came over to report that he was being escorted. In fact, he did not have any control over Yuan Shouwang and just brought him to Chongqing.

"If you don't see me, you will be thrown directly into prison."

Boss Dai waved his hand. He was angry and didn't want to see Yuan Shouwang, for fear that he would kill him if he got excited.


Secretary Qi retreated to the door and closed it gently.

Yuan Shouwang was still waiting in the yard to be received by Boss Dai.

"Lao Yuan, the boss doesn't see you."

Looking at Yuan Shouwang, Secretary Qi sighed slightly. Yuan Shouwang was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Why?"

He thought he would see Boss Dai when he came back, but Chu Lingyun went too far this time.

"Send him to jail and watch him live."

Secretary Qi ordered the people around him, and Yuan Shouwang's eyes widened. Boss Dai didn't see him, but he still wanted to lock him up?

Yuan Shouwang was taken away in despair.

Secretary Qi understood that Boss Dai did not want to kill him. Yuan Shouwang made a big mistake, but as long as he did not die, there was no need to add insult to injury.

In Changsha, Fang Jingtang and Chen Youxian came to Chu Lingyun's office.

Fang Jingtang is the chief of the third section of the Operations Department. During the Military Intelligence Department, he was the captain of the third group. Zhu Qing was lucky and led them to make many great achievements. When he was promoted, Fang Jingtang was promoted to section chief.

It would be easier to assist by sending him here during the New Year.

Chen Youxian is the chief of the Fourth Intelligence Section. There are fifty people from the Intelligence Division and the largest number from the Operations Division, one hundred and twenty.

There were many of them and they were careful along the way. Although they set off earlier than Yuan Shouwang, they were delayed a bit on the way and only arrived today.

"Director Chu."

The two stood in front of Chu Lingyun. This time they were sent to Changsha to assist Chu Lingyun in catching Japanese spies.

They all know that this is a good job.

There must be spies in Changsha. Chu Lingyun is here. It is not difficult to find them. As long as they obey orders and do things, they will definitely share the final credit.

It depends on how many spies we can catch this time.

"You are here."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. The two of them were not as good as him, so he didn't need to get up.

After they arrived, Chu Lingyun finally had enough manpower.

It turns out that the person from Changsha station doesn't plan to use it again this time. He will keep it closed for now and let the new station manager handle it when the task is completed.

Neither Loach nor Zhu Qing wanted them.

But if they don't want it, they will die, and Boss Dai has no intention of transferring them to other places.

After the new webmaster is selected, Chu Lingyun will persuade him.

They have been led astray, and they are not really incompetent. If they put some effort into training, they will still be able to do things in the future.

"From now on, I will completely obey your orders, Director Chu."

Chen Youxian stood up straight and said loudly, as for Fang Jingtang, he did not need to express his position.

He was Chu Lingyun's subordinate.

"Very good, Fang Jingtang, you will report to Team Leader Zhu immediately and ask him to arrange tasks for you. Chen Youxian, you go find Zhao San and follow his instructions."

After having someone, Chu Lingyun was not polite and immediately made arrangements.


The two of them took the order and exited the office.

"Team leader."

Fang Jingtang was very happy to see Zhu Qing, who was his old leader.

"I didn't expect you to come."

Zhu Qing said with a smile, he was also very happy to see his old subordinates, who could use it more easily.

"Half of my people are here, and the rest are almost there. Please arrange tasks for me."

Fang Jingtang replied, Zhu Qing nodded slightly: "I still have many people who need to be verified here. This is the list. You can take someone to investigate the situation of these twenty people to see if they have any sudden extra money. What's going on at home?"

What Zhu Qing is checking now is people who were not checked before.

They are locals, not Japanese. We are currently investigating whether they have been incited to rebel.

Since Chu Lingyun wants to investigate, he must investigate in detail and not miss anything.

Zhu Qing took this task very seriously.

Loach suddenly found him before and told him something.

Boss Dai asked the two of them to follow the team leader. In addition to catching Japanese spies, he also had to choose one of them to take over the post of Changsha station chief.

Loach didn't want to leave Chu Lingyun, so he took the initiative to give up his position.

Changsha station chief, Zhu Qing was indeed moved.

Being in the combat situation team is good, but he has always been a deputy. Who doesn't want to be a military commander?

Loach voluntarily gave up. This was his chance.

He is not a loach. He has followed Chu Lingyun since his debut. He has a deep relationship with Chu Lingyun. If there is a chance for better development, he is willing to leave the war team.

Changsha Station Manager is a good choice.

Today's Changsha Station is not a small station, but a large station. This time Chu Lingyun comes in person, and he will definitely be able to eliminate a lot of spies.

After he takes over, his job will be much easier.

Since he is determined to stay in Changsha, the situation of the members of the Changsha Station must be understood. Those who should be kept will be kept, and those who cannot be kept will be executed.

Now was a good opportunity for him to establish his authority and get rid of unwanted people, and he wouldn't miss it.

The investigation was very tedious, but it was for his own sake, and Zhu Qing was very motivated.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that Loach had met Zhu Qing privately, and the two of them had discussed who would stay and who would go.

In Shanghai, Shimakura came to Ishihara Trading Company.

He was appointed, successfully promoted to general, and immediately transferred to brigade commander.

After becoming the brigade commander, his promotion path will be very smooth.

"General Shimakura, the boss said that you just need to take up your post well, there is no need to come here to say thank you."

Chu Lingyun, the person whom Fang Shiyi was receiving, was not here, so he needed to take care of everything.

"Ishihara-kun, are you busy?" Shimakura was a little disappointed not to see Ishihara Hiroshi.

"That's right, you don't have to wait for him. It's important to take office. From now on, if you do things with peace of mind, the boss will see it."

Fang Shiyi responded with a smile. Shimakura did not insist. He bowed deeply to Ishihara Hiroshi's office and left immediately.

The one who was promoted together with him was Okada.

Okada was the military rank he was promoted to. There was a vacancy for the brigade commander, so Chu Lingyun arranged for him. Since joining the literary club, Okada has been promoted rapidly.

At first he was just the chief of staff of the wing, and soon became the wing captain with the help of Hiroshi Ishihara.

Later he was the chief of staff of the brigade, and now he has crossed the threshold of being an assistant officer and was promoted to commander of the brigade.

For him, the future looks bright.

This time, there were more than two people, and three captains of the literary society were promoted.

Takemoto was unable to bring him along this time due to seniority issues.

However, he will have the opportunity to be promoted to general next year at the latest. If Miyamoto has enough qualifications, he will definitely leave. By then, the Military Police Headquarters will be under his control.

Their promotion once again stimulated other people in the literary club, and now everyone is extremely active in doing things.

Although the Literary Club no longer recruits new members, it still has a large number of people, a full two hundred people.

Every time those who get benefits are those who perform well. For their own future, everyone works hard to do things for Ishihara Hiroshi and Ishihara Trading Company.

Nowadays, Youzhai Literary Society has become a giant in Shanghai.

No one dares to provoke them easily. If they offend them, they will be torn to pieces.

Jiang Tengkong came to Yagyu Trading Company. Today he received an order from Tuyuan and could have simple contact with Taro Yagyu.

"May I ask your surname, and I will report it to you."

A Japanese employee of Yagyu Trading Company said politely when he heard that Jiang Tengkong was going to visit his boss.

"Jiang Teng."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The employee went to report it. Hayakawa Hei's eyebrows jumped when he heard the name.

There were not many people named Jiang Teng, and he happened to know one.

"Let him in."

After thinking about it, Hayakawa Ping agreed to meet. If the person who came was really Jiang Tengkong, he had to meet him.

The mission he got was to lurk next to Saijo and the others. Jiang Tengkong came over, probably under Tuhara's instructions. How could he break in if he wasn't there?

"Hello, Mr. Jiang Teng."

Hayakawa Ping stood up with a smile. Sure enough, it was him. That young man Chu Lingyun was really scary. Everything was under his control.

Hayakawa Hei didn't know that he and Jiang Tengkong were still the same people, working for the same master.

"Boss Yagyu, please forgive me for taking the liberty of coming here."

The hypocrisy of the Japanese was well demonstrated by Jiang Tengkong. After saying some kind words, he made his intentions clear.

He wanted to purchase a batch of goods. During this contact, he did not reveal his true identity.

Jiang Tengkong thought he was disguised well, but it was a pity that the person opposite him was someone who knew him.

The purpose of the contact is to better understand Taro Yagyu.

The exchange didn't last long, but Jiang Tengkong could feel that he was a shrewd businessman.

He did not recognize Hayakawa Hei's identity, Hayakawa Hei disguised himself well.

After being disfigured, Hayakawa Hei would usually cover his face to prevent others from seeing him. He also deliberately disguised himself so that even familiar people might not recognize him, not to mention that Jiang Tengkong had not seen him for several years.

In Changsha, Kato came to the edge of the Xiangjiang River.

He came to join today. At this time, he didn't know that he was being watched.

Not long after he stood there, a person came to his side.

The two communicated for about ten minutes, and the man left immediately. After he walked away, Kato returned.

"Find out his identity immediately."

Loach immediately gave the order, and without any hesitation, another one finally appeared.


The subordinates took the order. Loach now has sufficient manpower. The people in the intelligence department of the headquarters are all elites. They came to support, which greatly relieved the pressure here.

"Team leader, the contact person has been found. His name is Zhang Keqing. He works in a restaurant and is an apprentice. This restaurant is outside the city and often delivers food to the garrison."

Another apprentice. It seems that the person we met this time is similar to the Xiao Zhou who ran away last time.

Zhang Keqing delivered meals to the garrison. It was very likely that the garrison had someone they were inciting to rebel against, or someone they were targeting.

"Which army is it?"

"351st Regiment."

"Find out their situation and keep a close eye on them."

The Japanese spy showed his tail. Since Kato is the team leader, he will not only have one subordinate. Now three have been found. Except for Xiao Zhou, one has been caught and the other has been targeted.

Since Kato didn't know that Guo Peining had been arrested, he would definitely continue to contact these downlines according to his usual working methods.

After arresting people, it is possible to find all the spies through interrogation.

However, if you encounter someone who would rather die than recruit, all your previous efforts may be wasted.

There are such people among Japanese spies.

Through your own investigation, it is most appropriate to find them all. Besides, there may be accidents during the arrest, causing the spy to commit suicide.

This kind of thing has never happened.

Loach continued to keep an eye on people, he had enough manpower, and Chu Lingyun went to the military headquarters.

The 351st Regiment might be incited to rebel. He needed to send people inside to keep an eye on them and find out who the rebels were.

Without the help of the military, it would be difficult to find out who it was.

"You can just go ahead and come to me anytime if you need anything."

When General Xue heard that his people might be incited to rebel, he became furious. These people were good people and wanted to be traitors.

Do you have the dignity to go see your ancestors after you die?

With the cooperation of General Xue, it is very easy to arrange people to join the 351st Regiment.

Loach selected a smarter member of the combat team who had been in the army before and arranged to join the 351st Regiment and work as an ordinary civilian at the regiment headquarters.

The position is not high and it will not attract other people's attention.

All he had to do was observe who Zhang Keqing would come into contact with if he went to the regiment headquarters.

General Xue also made arrangements so that a situation like Captain Zhao would not happen again.

Time passed slowly, and on the third day, Kato once again contacted one of his downlines, and his identity was quickly discovered by Ni Loach.

This time he is not an apprentice, but a businessman.

He was in the food business and regularly delivered food to the two garrisons.

"Team leader, Kato met Zhang Keqing again. It is possible that these are the only team members he has."

After discovering that Kato was in contact with the restaurant apprentice again, Loach immediately came back to report.

The four offline were in line with the habits of the Japanese intelligence team.

Since no new ones have appeared, it’s time to close the net.

"Arrest people, at the same time."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Zhang Keqing, and another offline person are all being watched now.

The person Zhang Keqing contacted was also discovered by members of the 351st Regiment.

It was their leader.

It seems that the Japanese like to instigate these regiment leaders to rebel. The regiment structure is not big, but it is not small, and it has a lot of autonomy. If there are many such regiments who suddenly rebel during wartime, it will bring great consequences to the war. Great adverse effects.


Ni Loach took the order and left to catch the spies first. As for the group leaders, there was no rush for the time being.

Ask for confessions, get evidence, and then arrest people.

With the cooperation of General Xue, it is very easy to catch them.

Now that they have been discovered, no one can escape this time.

Kato works as a barber in a high-end barber shop. He has the best skills and a good salary.

Loach sent someone into the barber shop where he worked, pretending to be a customer.


The team member who entered was arrogant and stared at the female clerk inside maliciously: "Young lady is pretty good, come on, you can cut it for me."

The female clerk lowered her head, turned around and wanted to go inside.

Another team member walked over and stopped him.

"Why, you hide when you see the uncle coming in. What do you mean?"

The three of them pretended to be hooligans to paralyze Kato, who was having his hair cut. The female clerk's face turned pale with fright, and she wanted to hide but couldn't.

"Guests, please forgive me for not being sensible."

When the boss saw someone looking for trouble, he immediately grabbed a handful of change and stuffed it into their hands with a smile.

"Go away, did I call you?"

The team member suddenly slapped him, and the three of them took the opportunity to block the female clerk. .

Thanks to book friend 20220813173214425 for four 100 starting coin rewards, double monthly ticket and an update to Chapter 14.

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