Spy Shadow

Chapter 721 Keep people under the gun

Chapter 721: Keep people under the gun

In Japan, Ohgahara finally received the telegram.

Ishihara Hiroshi promised to help save people, but made it clear that this rescue would not be easy. After all, his son was a spy and was caught on the spot by the Chinese.

He has been contacting people, trying to find a way to talk to Boss Dai of the military command, and see if he can spend money to buy people.

Fortunately, he succeeded and Boss Dai agreed to let him go.

As for how much money was spent, Ishihara Hiroshi did not say. Dahe originally planned to give the money to Ishihara Hiroshi through Hebian, but was persuaded by Hebian.

Ishihara Hiroshi was willing to help him, not for money. His little money was a drop in the bucket compared to Ishihara Hiroshi's wealth.

Just remember this favor and his promise to stand by Ishihara Hiroshi in the future.

Changsha, beside the Xiangjiang River.

The soldiers separated an open space, and the surrounding area was crowded with onlookers. They held rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs in their hands, trying to hit the people inside.

Today is a public shooting, and there are many people to be shot.

The captured Japanese spies, the officers and moles who instigated the rebellion, and the family members involved totaled hundreds of people.

Zhu Qing hosted, but Chu Lingyun did not show up.

These people were tied up and brought to the execution ground. Many traitors' legs would become weak and their feces and urine would flow out.

The Japanese spies were slightly better, but their faces were very pale. The most exaggerated one was Takeru Oga. He couldn't stand at all and his body was shaking constantly. If his mouth hadn't been blocked, he could have said anything begging for mercy.

Zhu Qing glanced at him. He was the only person who didn't have to die today.

Zhu Qing was a little worried when he looked like this.

Don't shoot him, he was scared to death.


When the time came, Zhu Qing immediately shouted that their crimes had been announced, and many people around them cheered loudly. Even if they were far away and couldn't throw the things in their hands, they still threw them inside.

If they were paraded through the streets, these people would be covered in all kinds of things and there would be no clean place.

No one outside dared to throw stones, the soldiers forbade them.

If it doesn't hit the person who is to be shot inside, it will be bad if it hits the person who is executing it.


With neat gunfire, the first ten people who were escorted over were shot and fell to the ground. They were shot in the back of the head at close range. There was almost no chance of survival.

Seeing the first group of people being shot, many people were scared to death again.

They screamed and wanted to beg for mercy, but unfortunately they had no chance.


Zhu Qing's words were a reminder. The second group was brought over and almost all were carried and put on the ground. They were so frightened that they could not walk.


The gunfire rang out again, and the cheers from the surrounding area became even louder. The Japanese were too abominable. They invaded China and did not treat people as human beings. All these Japanese and traitors should be killed.

Changsha has not shot people on such a large scale for a long time, and all those shot this time were spies and traitors.

Oga Ken was in the fifth batch. After the fourth batch of people were shot, his pants were all wet and he smelled bad.

Fortunately, I was not frightened and fainted, but several of the traitors were frightened.

Oga Ken was taken over and forced to kneel on the ground, with the back of his head exposed. He could feel the executioner behind him pointing a gun at him.

A strong sense of suffocation made his whole body dizzy.

It’s almost time, why hasn’t the loach moved yet?

Zhu Qing murmured in his heart that if Loach didn't show up again, he would forcefully stop it.

The loach behind is also anxious now.

Zhu Qing still doesn’t call for preparation?

After dragging it for a while, it couldn't go on any longer. Zhu Qing could only shout: "Get ready."


The sound of pulling the gun's bolt sounded, and Da Hejian shook even more violently, unable to breathe because of fear.

"Stationmaster Zhu, wait a moment, keep someone under the gun."

Zhu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Loach finally appeared. He was the only one who knew that there was someone who could not be shot today, and he had to cooperate in putting on a good show of saving people in the execution ground.

It's a pity that the two didn't have a tacit understanding and almost failed in the performance.


Zhu Qing shouted hurriedly and stood up to greet Loach.

Ni Loach led someone in, holding a document in his hand: "Stationmaster Zhu, on the order of Boss Dai, one of the people executed today needs to be retried. Is he still there?"

Ohga Ken must not be dead, he can hear them talking.

Loach's words made many people look at him eagerly, hoping that he would be the one to be retried, so that he would not have to die today.

"Oga Ken?"

Zhu Qing deliberately called out his name. Dahe Jian, who was originally dizzy, trembled violently when he heard his name.

He was a little confused just now and didn't hear what Loach said clearly.

"Let me see, it's not there yet. If you were one step later, he would have been shot."

Zhu Qing said, Dahe Jian heard it clearly this time.

"Give me the man right away."

Ni Loach asked several people to escort Da Hejian back. He smelled so bad that Ni Loach couldn't help but cover his nose.

"Rinse it in water, it stinks too much."

This was by the Xiangjiang River. A few people were not polite. They took Da Hejian and threw him directly into the water. They went back and forth several times and washed away a lot of smelly things.

It's impossible to rinse it all away, but at least it's not as smelly as before.

Oga Ken was forcibly taken away. He only realized when he heard the gunshots from behind. He was not dead, at least not today.

The feeling of being left behind made him cry bitterly.

If there is a chance to speak, he will definitely beg for mercy. No matter what he is asked to do, it will be enough to allow him to survive.

It's so scary to walk through hell.

Loach took Da Hejian to the Changsha Hotel and threw him directly into a room.

"Your things are here, you can go. Remember, never come to Changsha again, otherwise you won't be so lucky next time."

Loach left without saying anything. Except for the weapons, all Dahejian's belongings were returned to him.

Including money.

Since we want to save people, there is no need to keep this thing. Giving it to him can prove that Ishihara Hiroshi has great energy and really saved him.

The rope was untied and Takeru Oga was free.

He didn't know what happened. Wasn't it said that he would be retried? Why did he just let him go?

He is not stupid. Although he does not understand, he understands that he is not dead and has been let go.

Being wet all over and feeling too uncomfortable, he hurriedly changed his clothes and left in a hurry without even bothering to wipe off the dirty smell on his body.

He didn't dare to bring all the things, so he brought the money.

After leaving the city, he felt like he was in a dream. The Chinese just let him go?


He did not dare to be careless outside the city. He went all the way north and relaxed completely after entering the Japanese-occupied area. He hurriedly found the local garrison, identified himself, and asked them to send him back to Wuhan.

As soon as he arrived in Wuhan, he was called over by the minister and asked about the details of Changsha.

Oga Takeru was arrested and abandoned. He was then held in solitary confinement without knowing anything.

His explanation had no effect.

The minister was a little disappointed, but it would be good if Oga Ken came back. He could finally explain it to his friends. As for the process of Oga Ken's arrest, he would not go into details. Don't think about taking credit. Leaving on an equal footing is the best result.

For the past two days, Ohgahara has been waiting anxiously.

He finally received the message from Wuhan.

Ken Oga returned to Wuhan safely, with not a single part missing from his body, but he had been tortured and the scars were still there.

Punishment is nothing, just keep your life.

This message let him know how dangerous the matter was. His son had been taken to the execution ground and when he was about to be shot, someone from the military commander finally came and rescued him in time.

He was taken away in the name of a retrial, but he was released without interrogation at all.

Hiroshi Ishihara did a good job this time. Anyway, he saved his son at the critical moment. If it had been anyone else, his son would have turned into a ghost long ago.

Ohga Ken took a plane directly from Wuhan, went to Shanghai first, and then returned to China.

The Chinese warned him not to let him go to Changsha again. He didn't want to come to the whole of China, let alone Changsha.


He almost didn't die this time, but the threat of death caused Lian He to have nightmares. Every time he woke up, he worried that it was just a dream and that in fact he was already dead.

It's better to go to Japan. At least you don't have to worry about anything when you go back.

In Changsha, Chu Lingyun packed up his things and Zhu Qing personally sent them ten miles outside the city.

If Chu Lingyun hadn't ordered him to go back, he could have sent him thirty miles away.

It's not good to be too high-profile.

Instead of returning to Shanghai, Chu Lingyun took people to Chongqing first. This time, he needed to go back to report the incident in Changsha. The most important thing was to reward according to merit.

Zhu Qing is now the webmaster, and his efforts are rewarded.

Loach also made great achievements. This time his colonel, Boss Dai, couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

They took the overland route and returned to Chongqing a few days later.

"Ling Yun, you did a good job."

Boss Dai personally came to greet him at the door. This was a very high treatment, but Chu Lingyun did a great job and caught so many spies in Changsha.

Especially for those officers who were instigated to rebel, Chu Lingyun was equivalent to disarming many time bombs.

General Xue specifically reported to the old man and affirmed the achievements of Juntong and Chu Lingyun.

"Thank you, boss."

Chu Lingyun stood up straight and saluted. Boss Dai personally took his arm and returned to the office.

"Boss, this is the case closing report. Everyone worked very hard in this operation, and were not afraid of hard work or heat. In the end, we successfully captured 25 spies, 16 officers of all levels who were instigated by the Japanese, and moles from various departments who were instigated to rebel. Thirty-five rats were found, and eleven officers were found to be ambiguous and wavering towards the Japanese army."

In just over a month, Chu Lingyun had captured so many spies and more traitors in Changsha. This achievement was very impressive.

I sent Chu Lingyun there and it was indeed a party.

Even if it were someone else who could catch Japanese spies, they wouldn't be able to catch so many spies so quickly.

"good very good."

Boss Dai nodded with satisfaction. Because of Changsha's achievements, the old man specially called him over to praise him. Boss Dai was very happy.

It was still Chu Lingyun who kept up the good work.

Now Zhu Qing stays in Changsha and continues to search for Japanese spies. Chu Lingyun gave him methods. According to these methods, it will not be difficult to find Japanese spies. It depends on how many Japanese spies can be found.

If it doesn't work, conduct a large-scale investigation like Chongqing did.

It is true that it is time-consuming, laborious and expensive, but as long as the spy can be found and hidden dangers eliminated, it is worth the effort.

"Submit their promotion reports and they will all pass this time."

It is rare for Boss Dai to be generous. With such great achievements, he has the confidence to argue with the military.

Especially the colonel of Loach, the military department would never dare to get stuck.

This is a great achievement that the old man personally praised. If they were stuck, how could the old man be embarrassed?

"Thank you, boss."

Chu Lingyun handed in the promotion report, which was a thick stack.

There are many people to be promoted this time. In addition to the people from the combat situation team, there are also members from the headquarters intelligence department and operations department.

Fang Jingtang was left at Changsha Station by Zhu Qing as deputy station chief and intelligence team leader.

The leader of the operations team is also Zhu Qing's old subordinate, from the war situation team.

The remaining people were basically promoted to one level each. After all, they stayed at Changsha Station and made great achievements. It would be inappropriate not to be promoted.

He Nian is most satisfied with this result.

Zhu Qing is his old subordinate, so he is naturally happy to be the station chief.

Wouldn't the wealth flow to outsiders? Now that Zhu Qing has become the webmaster, he will naturally give his full support.

Although many people in the Intelligence Department were left behind, they were all promoted at least one level, and many of those who came back were promoted. The gains of the Intelligence Department this time were also considerable.

But it’s really hard work.

July and August are the hottest times in Changsha. It is like a furnace. You have to be extremely careful when investigating crimes. Exposure to the sun during the day and mosquito bites at night are common.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off.

Everyone shared a lot of the money Ni Loach copied. Zhu Qing was very generous and gave him 200 gold bars. He took out 100 gold bars to reward everyone who participated in the operation this time.

After learning that Zhu Qing had taken out the money alone, Chu Lingyun even rewarded him with two hundred gold bars, and everyone got at least one gold bar in the end.

For many people, this is a small fortune.

"You have been working hard during this period. You should take a good rest for a few days and return to Shanghai in a few days."

Boss Dai ordered, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: "Boss, I will go back tomorrow. There are too many delays over there and it takes too long."

"So anxious?" Boss Dai was a little surprised.

"There is something at Shiyuan Trading Company that I need to go back to handle." Chu Lingyun explained.

"You can't delay the business of Ishihara Trading Company. Since you can't rest, go back early. But there is one thing you need to do as soon as possible when you return."

As soon as this reason came out, Boss Dai immediately stopped objecting.

Nothing can happen to Ishihara Trading Company, it's his pocketbook.

"I understand. After I return, I will immediately look for opportunities to punish Chen Shu."

Chu Lingyun knew what Boss Dai meant. Chen Shu had now become a thorn in Boss Dai's side. If he hadn't suddenly come to Changsha, Chen Shu would have been doomed.

Now that the time gap has been long enough, I will go back and find a proper way to get rid of Chen Shu without letting Feiniao get involved in anything.

"Very well, let's do it."

Boss Dai smiled and nodded. Chu Lingyun was really smart and immediately guessed what he wanted.

Who wouldn’t feel comfortable with such a subordinate?

No wonder Wang Yuemin was unwilling to let him go. Even after arriving in Shanghai, he still wanted to be with Chu Lingyun.

He Nian, a reckless tiger, is not very good at things, but bringing Chu Lingyun here is the most correct thing he has done in his life.

He was leaving tomorrow, and Chu Lingyun couldn't see more people, not Lin Shi, not his sister, even He Nian and Xu Yi. He only met them in a hurry to express his gratitude, but couldn't have dinner together.

The last time he investigated Chen Shu, Xu Yi almost had an accident.

Fortunately, Chen Shu did something stupid himself, otherwise Boss Dai would find out that he was secretly investigating his colleagues and wanted to trick him. Even if he was the director of the intelligence department, he would not be able to get away with it.

This is a great favor and I must thank you in person.

This trip to Chongqing was indeed in a hurry, and Chu Lingyun had no choice.

A telegram was sent to him by the river. Ohgahara received his son and planned to go to Shanghai to express his gratitude in person. He must go back as soon as possible.

In Shanghai, the weather is also very hot.

Chu Lingyun took Loach off the boat, and the other team members came back in batches in disguise. In the extra-high school class, Nanyun was having a meeting, a small meeting.

Just Ishida Xiaoshan, Jiang Tengkong and her three people, the special high school suffered a lot in Changsha this time. Mole, who had worked hard for a long time to instigate rebellion, was uprooted by Chu Lingyun as soon as it was effective.

Tuyuan was very angry and demanded that Shanghai Special High School must eliminate Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun will definitely return to Shanghai and use all his strength to kill him even if he cannot capture him alive.

One Chu Lingyun has already brought them great losses.

"The chief gave a fatal order. This time the intelligence team and the action team jointly operate, I will give you the greatest support. In a word, if you need people and money, no matter what method you use, Chu Lingyun must be eliminated. find out."

Nan Yun looked serious, and both Ishida and Jiang Teng lowered their heads.

Is she the only one who still wants to arrest Chu Lingyun?

Chu Lingyun will know the details of today's meeting without waiting until tomorrow.

"Hai Yi, I will mobilize the Youth Gang disciples in Shanghai to search in the public concession. If there is news, we will act immediately."

It is no secret that Chu Lingyun has a good relationship with Thomas, the police commissioner of the public settlement.

With such a protective umbrella, Chu Lingyun is likely to hide in the public concession.

It's impossible to expect patrols. It's a good thing they don't cause trouble.

"Very well, Ishida, what about you?"

"Section Chief, I will ask all intelligence agents to activate their outside lines and do their best to find Chu Lingyun's whereabouts."

Ishida also bowed his head. The intelligence team had the most outside lines and was a powerful force.

If you use it well, you can hopefully find someone.

But this hope is very slim. There is not even a photo, only a general introduction. How can we find the person?

What's more, if the two of them went to find it, Nayun might as well do it himself.

"Okay, after all your hard work during this period, I'm waiting for your good news."

Nan Yun nodded. The mission this time was very important. Master said that as long as Chu Lingyun is caught or killed, he will be promoted to colonel immediately.

Not only will she be promoted, but the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course will be expanded to prepare for her future promotion to major general.

Nanyun was very motivated this time, putting aside his prejudice against Ishida and wanting to cooperate sincerely to complete this mission.

After the meeting, Ishida and Jiang Teng came outside.

"Nagyun, this bitch, started dreaming again."

Ishida snorted coldly, Nayun expected to arrest people and achieve meritorious service, but she couldn't even catch a hair.

"Let her do it. We should do things, but I really hope to find Chu Lingyun's whereabouts."

Jiang Tengkong smiled, and Ishida looked at him in confusion.

"This young man is too scary. I have never had any good luck with him. Finding his whereabouts and notifying him will at least prove our ability."

"Yes, this time we will work together to find him."

Ishida smiled. Chu Lingyun put a lot of pressure on them, and they also wanted to win once.

Although he acted internally, his strong will never disappeared.

In the evening, Chu Lingyun got Rose's message.

The Special High School got angry, and he was not surprised when Shanghai received an order to eliminate him.

Ever since he debuted, Shanghai Special High School has been trying to get rid of him. What have they done so far?

What Mitsui couldn't do, Nagumo couldn't do either.

"Send a message to Feiniao to have him fall out with Chen Shu, and create an opportunity for Li Zhiqun to win over Chen Shu."

Chu Lingyun ordered that to punish Chen Shu, the flying bird must be picked out.

It would be the next best thing to just let Feiniao take him out and execute him.

Chu Lingyun would not do this.

But the birds can cooperate very well to make this happen.


Loach went to arrange for someone to deliver the message. The news would not reach Feiniao today and would have to wait until tomorrow.

Just after returning to the war situation team, Chu Lingyun had a lot of official business to deal with.

"Falling out with Chen Shu?"

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Zhanli received the instructions and stayed for a while.

It's not that this task is difficult, it's very easy. Last time he deliberately forgot about Chen Shu and didn't give Chen Shu the position of director. Chen Shu had a lot of resentment.

A little fire can turn them against each other.

What does it mean to give Li Zhiqun a chance to win over Chen Shu?

Let Chen Shu join Li Zhiqun?

If that were the case, it would be difficult to start.

However, he always obeyed the team leader's orders without any questioning.

"Where's Chen Shu?"

Chen Zhanli came to the large office of the Second Intelligence Division and asked, shaking his head.

"The section chief should be in the office, I'll call him."

"Go ahead."

Chen Zhanli waved his hand, and after a while Chen Shu followed the team members to the office.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

Chen Shu is indeed dissatisfied with Chen Zhanli, but he is now Chen Zhanli's subordinate, and any dissatisfaction will be swallowed up.

His strength in No. 76 is very different from Chen Zhanli.

"Don't stay in the office all the time. Spend more time with your subordinates and care about them, so that they will have the passion to do things in the future."

Chen Zhanli put on airs and sounded a lesson. Chen Shu was stunned for a moment, suppressed his anger and lowered his head: "Yes."

"Don't just say yes, take them to eat something delicious if you have nothing to do. Eat a few more meals together, and the feelings will come out. That's what I did at the beginning, and now the brothers are very convinced of me."

Chen Zhanli continued to teach him, but Chen Shu had no choice but to listen to him.

On the other hand, the team members in the office agreed very much with Chen Zhanli's words.

The director did this before, and until now, there are still many people eating and drinking with the director every day. Unfortunately, they came late, and there are so many people now. Without this blessing, they can only eat in the canteen.

Rice is so expensive, and all the food used in the kitchen is coarse grains.

Looking at the people who follow the director, they all have white rice every meal. Who wouldn’t envy him?

If Chen Shu could lead them to eat white rice every day, they would naturally support him.


Chen Shu responded again, Chen Zhanli nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and asked him to go back like a clockwork dog.

Back in the office, Chen Shu's face was ashen.

Chen Xiaoer deceived others too much. He sincerely came to seek refuge and brought Chen Xiaoer so much credit. He was also the main contributor to bringing Ding Mo down. What was the result?

It was a great shame to forget him for two days.

Now in front of so many people, he was being scolded like a child, and Chen Shu's patience had almost reached its limit.

If he hadn't had no escape route, he would have left No. 76 long ago.

After teaching Chen Shu a lesson, Chen Zhanli went to Kubo's office to drink tea. Kubo was so flattered that he couldn't stop laughing.

Li Zhiqun quickly learned what happened today.

In the big office, there were so many people teaching Chen Shu a lesson in public. How could this matter be concealed? Without asking, the people from the Second Intelligence Division dispersed on their own.

"Director, Chen Xiaoer is really nothing. Chen Shu took the initiative to seek refuge, but he treated him like this."

Wu Sanbao said with a smile, and Li Zhiqun also had a smile on his face.

It was his strategizing that brought Ding Mo down this time. Kubo, an eccentric person, gave all the benefits to Chen Xiaoer, so he got a false position as director.

If Chen Xiaoer really reuses Chen Shu, with Chen Shu's ability, he will really have to be careful in the future.

Chen Xiaoer is not scary. Even if he gains Kubo's trust, there is no way Kubo will hand over the secret service headquarters to him.

But it was different with Chen Shu. Why Ding Mo attacked Chen Shu was because he was afraid that he would get up and help Chen Xiaoer threaten his position.

The same is true for Li Zhiqun, Chen Shu is a big threat.

"Director, why don't we bring Chen Shu over? He will definitely not be satisfied under Chen Xiaoshu."

"Don't be anxious, take your time, now is not the time."

Li Zhiqun shook his head with a smile, and Wu Sanbao smiled even brighter. It seemed that the director also had the same plan, to drain the firepower and steal people from Chen Xiaoshuo.

It is indeed not the time yet. After all, for Chen Shu, betraying Chen Xiaoer is equivalent to betraying Kubo, and he cannot afford the price.

Two days later, the dock.

Chu Lingyun came to pick him up in person. The last time he came to pick him up was Tian Junliu.

However, Tian Junliu did not stay in Shanghai for long. He went to other places after a few days, and finally returned directly to China.

He doesn't have much time to relax. Even if he is not the Prime Minister, he is a former Prime Minister after all, and there are many things that need to be dealt with by him.

"General Dahe, welcome to Shanghai."

Yamaguchi followed Chu Lingyun. After the people on the boat got off, he immediately pointed at a person. Yamaguchi had worked under Ohgahara before, so he took him with him to make it easier to recognize him.

"Ishihara-kun is really young and promising."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Ogahara's eyes suddenly lit up and he walked over with a smile.

He had never seen Ishihara Hiroshi, but the riverside told him about Ishihara Hiroshi's appearance and characteristics. There was such a young man here, and he was standing in the middle. He would not admit his mistake.

"General Dahe, thank you. Please."

Chu Lingyun asked Ogahara to get in the car. In the car, Ogahara and Chu Lingyun chatted briefly.

"Ishihara-kun, the dog is saved this time, thank you for your generous help."

When he came to Ishihara Trading Company and no one was around, Ohgahara immediately bowed deeply and saved his son, which was equivalent to saving his life. This was definitely a great favor.

"General Dahe, you don't have to be so polite. It's just what you can do."

Chu Lingyun pulled Ogahara, who shook his head in principle: "For you, it is within your power, for me it is to keep the sky from falling. From now on, Ishihara-kun, if you have errands to do, just give me orders."

Ohgahara's attitude was very low, not all because his son was rescued.

Hiroshi Ishihara is a very energetic person and rich.

The division commander by the river came from him.

Ohgahara is now a sinecure, and he also wants to make a comeback. The division commander is his best choice, but it is not easy to become the division commander. If Ishihara Hiroshi can support him, then there will be no problem.

"General Da He is serious. You and I are not familiar with each other. General Hebian knows that I like to make friends. As long as they are friends, I will definitely help you."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Ogahara took the initiative to join him, which was a good thing.

Ohga Ken's waste was used quite well.

After chatting for a while, Chu Lingyun suddenly asked: "General Dahe, do you want to come out of the mountain again?"

"That's natural, but there are no suitable positions right now."

Ohgahara's heart moved. He was worried about how to bring up this matter, but Ishihara Hiroshi took the initiative to speak out.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be one. With your qualifications, you will definitely want to be the division leader, but there is no suitable vacancy now. If there is, I will say hello to you right away."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, and pulled another division commander into his camp.

Ohgahara is not as reliable as the people in the literary club, but since he has defected to him, he will not rebel easily.

Hiroshi Ishihara is not someone to be trifled with, let alone Toyama Mitsuru Literary Society.

Why didn't the people who took refuge in Toushan Man dare to rebel easily?

Once they rebel, they will face continuous assassinations by a hundred thousand ronin warriors. Who can withstand it?

The same goes for Chu Lingyun, and the price for betraying him is equally high.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun."

Ohgahara stood up and saluted again, but this time Chu Lingyun did not stop him.

The first time it was polite, but now it is clear that they have become our own people, and mainly our own people, Chu Lingyun, so this gift can be accepted.

Accepting it is equivalent to setting priorities.

"Ishihara-kun, I know your literary club has stopped accepting people, but can you make an exception and let me join?"

Ohgahara suddenly said that this was the idea given to him by the river.

He was different from Hebian. When Hebian and Ishihara Hiroshi met, the literary society hadn't started yet, and Ishihara Hiroshi didn't have as much energy as he does now.

Today's Ishihara Hiroshi's influence and status are obviously higher than Oga's.

He wanted Ishihara Hiroshi to give all his help, and the best way was to tie them together. There were many people in Youzhai Literary Society, but there was no lieutenant general.

Once he joins, he will be the highest-ranking person in the literary society.

Major General Miyamoto, who was the first to join the literary society, has already received huge benefits. A school minister is now the commander of the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters.

Although the two levels are the same, their powers are vastly different.

"Of course, you are very welcome."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Ohga is a smart man. If he joins the literary society, it will not only enhance the strength and influence of the literary society, but also become a role model.

Miyamoto is the role model for major generals, and Ohgahara is the role model for lieutenant generals.

"Thank you for making an exception."

Ohgahara also smiled. Joining the Literary Society did not have much impact on him. Youzhai Literary Society was not the small organization it used to be, but now it has great influence.

Many officers there now hold important positions and have great potential for development.

There was no shame in him joining in.

The most important point is that it will be easier to get promoted in the future. Everyone knows that the members of the literary club are all loyal to Toru Ishihara and true to their own company.

"Tomorrow I will take you to the literary club. General Dahe, you can join directly without review, but the rules cannot be broken. You need to go there in military uniform tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, and Ogahara readily agreed.

Wearing a military uniform is nothing, it's not like he doesn't have it, as long as it can bring him enough benefits, not to mention obeying the rules, he can be completely obedient.

In the public concession, Jiang Tengkong was staring at several Qing Gang gangsters.

These people are Zhang Wanlin's subordinates. After Zhang Wanlin's death, his subordinates were divided into pieces. Now they no longer have the glory they had before, and they are much more cautious in doing things.

Zhang Wanlin is a very ambitious Green Gang boss. He, Mr. Du and Mr. Huang are sworn brothers and are known as the Three Tycoons.

Before Japan came, the Shanghai Youth Gang could be said to be their world.

Thanks to Pipitu for another 2,000 starting coin reward, and a monthly ticket of 1,000 for additional updates.

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