Spy Shadow

Chapter 735 Send someone to investigate

Chapter 735 Send someone to investigate

"Ling Yun, there is a master in the Red Party. This person is very dangerous. After much thought, you are the only one who can find him out, so I want you to investigate this person secretly."

Boss Dai said slowly that Black Tiger was well hidden and had a substitute.

How was he exposed?

Except for Heihu, Boss Dai has no one else in Northern Jiangsu. He doesn't know what's going on now and can only guess by himself.

Boss Dai had guessed before, whether the radio station was exposed and Black Tiger was implicated?

But this possibility is extremely low.

The liaison officer is also experienced, and he has a secret room where he will not make any noise. They usually do not send out reports. The Red Party does not have a radio detection vehicle, so it is impossible to detect him.

The liaison officer never collects any intelligence. He just does what ordinary people do. It is impossible to suspect Black Tiger before he suspects him.

The territory of the Red Party covers more than one town.

They have many villages and towns, and the Red Party will not conduct large-scale searches until they are sure. Moreover, even if there is a large-scale search, they will not be able to find the radio station until they confirm that there is something wrong with the liaison officer.

The liaison officer hid the station well.

In the end, Boss Dai decided that the problem still lay with Heihu, who was exposed first.

The black tiger is hidden so deep that if it can be found, this person must be a master, a very powerful master. Boss Dai does not dare to use the insider planted by the Red Party now. He must find this person and get rid of him before he can rest assured. use.

Chu Lingyun's guess was correct. The people he asked the Germans to help with special training were not six, but a full twenty.

Given an opportunity like this, he wouldn't just train six people out.

These six people were infiltrated into the Red Party, and the other six were assigned to various warlords by him to monitor their situation.

The remaining eight people are all on the Japanese side, and there are two in Japan.

This is the most secret power in his hand. It is basically dormant and will be activated at critical moments to help him achieve great achievements.

Especially as for the Japanese, none of them have moved now.

The main reason is that Chu Lingyun's performance is too dazzling and there is no need to use these people, and they do not have such convenient conditions as Chu Lingyun to directly disguise themselves as Japanese.

He just activated one on the Red Party's side and fell in. He didn't dare to activate the other two until he got rid of the mysterious master of the Red Party.

"Boss, I know nothing about the Red Party. I can check, but it will take time."

Chu Lingyun did not refuse. This was actually an order, Boss Dai said it tactfully.

"No problem, I'll give you enough time. I won't give you a deadline on this matter, but you must find out who he is."

Boss Dai agreed immediately. He knew that Chu Lingyun had not made any arrangements with the Red Party.

In fact, he was asking Chu Lingyun to deploy manpower to the Red Party in disguise.

Chu Lingyun is not only strong in personal ability, but also has a good eye for people. Especially when it comes to the layout of his opponents, no one in the military can compare with him.

Whether it's a rose or a bird, they are both very well done.

Now there is another Taro Yagyu, who is not only close to his biggest enemy Tuhara, but can also help them solve the big problem of transporting weapons.

It will be good for Chu Lingyun to arrange more people in the future.

War with the Japanese is always external. Boss Dai understands who the old man's real culprit is. Sooner or later they will have a battle.

He will not wait until wartime to make plans. By then it will be too late. He will make plans in advance now.

Not only did he have to do it, but Chu Lingyun also had to do it.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely find him."

Chu Lingyun nodded and said, it is too easy to check yourself.

There is no time limit, he can drag it out.

Not to mention delaying it for three to five years, but delaying it for one or two years is absolutely fine.

However, if Comrade Rabbit needs to appear again, he doesn't need to go in person, just let Mr. Ke help cooperate.

Is it a enchantment array? It’s not difficult to set up.

"Very good. You just came back. Let's go rest first and take advantage of this time to come home and take a look."

Boss Dai nodded with satisfaction. Chu Lingyun still needed to step forward at the critical moment.

It was the case in Changsha, and it was the same with the Red Party this time.

Boss Dai did not suspect that Chu Lingyun had anything to do with the Red Party. Chu Lingyun had a clear experience and had no connection with the Red Party.

Besides, he holds a high position in the Fruit Party, what can the Red Party give him?

The most important point is that Chu Lingyun is rich, very rich.

The rich are naturally opposed to the Red Party. Although some capitalists sympathize with the Red Party and support it, not many of them join the Red Party themselves and contribute all their wealth.

He didn't know exactly how much money Chu Lingyun had, but he could probably calculate it.

The last time the sulfonamide was sold, it cost almost 20 million U.S. dollars. Even after all costs were deducted, the profit was over 10 million U.S. dollars.

This is US dollars, not fiat currency.

Even if some is given to the United States, Chu Lingyun will definitely have no problem getting several million.

Chu Lingyun has more money than him.

Besides, this was his guess, and he didn't ask how many.

Chu Lingyun actually wasn't too sure how much money he had.

Most of the money made in the sulfonamide business is in the United States. There is not much money in the country, only more than two million US dollars, which is used for laboratory research and development.

Just over two million is already top-notch.

Including the money he earned before, Chu Lingyun's total assets were almost 20 million. Smith received more than 1 million, and he was already living a very comfortable life. After successfully running for parliament, he set his sights on the position of mayor.

He has been very active recently and wants to improve his status as soon as possible.

This money does not include the goods to be sold this time.

Chu Lingyun now has more than 15,000 boxes of inventory in hand, and after selling it, it was worth nearly 20 million US dollars.

After deducting costs and the portion allocated to Smith, he still received a net profit of more than ten million US dollars.

Altogether, that's more than $30 million.

Even in the United States, Chu Lingyun is still a top rich man.

However, he will not keep the money forever, and the necessary expenses will not be less.

The largest expenditure at present is still the research and development of penicillin.

The two laboratories in the United States and Chongqing consume thousands of dollars every day, which amounts to almost two million dollars a year.

With such a large investment, Chu Lingyun believed that as long as they were not too unlucky, they would be able to develop penicillin, and it would depend on whether they could do it earlier than the United States.

But before that, Smith had to climb up.

The mayor is the lowest and can be the best as the governor, otherwise it will be difficult for them to retain the benefits they receive.

Chu Lingyun has already told Smith to get closer to some emerging forces.

To put it simply, it is to let him develop his strength more so that he can keep this big piece of fat in the future and avoid being targeted and snatched away.

In the hotel, representatives from various countries have gathered together. The early ones arrived in Chongqing more than a month ago, and the late ones arrived in Chongqing more than ten days ago, waiting for the owner of the cargo to show up.

Today they were finally notified that the cargo owner agreed to meet them.

Representatives from various countries have already met in private and discussed ways to lower prices. Last time, Chu Lingyun made a move. They were forced to get the goods at a high price, and many people have not yet gotten them.

This time we not only want to lower the price, but also share the benefits equally so that everyone has a share.

We can no longer be led by the cunning Chinese like last time.

The representatives had already sat down, and Chu Lingyun led Shen Hanwen and Yu Hanlin into the conference room.

Yu Hanlin has been living a good life recently. The representatives knew that he couldn't make the decision, so they didn't bother him this time.

When he was in Nanjing, Yu Hanlin was a small translator, working in a foreign company in the United States. Although the salary was okay, it was far less than it is now.

Liu Chengzhu found him and asked him to follow him to the United States to work as a translator.

He did not expect that this trip to the United States would completely change his destiny.

Now he is in charge of a domestic pharmaceutical factory. The factory is very large and has thousands of employees, not counting the guards.

His salary has increased dozens of times from the initial level. Now he earns tens of thousands of dollars every year, which can be converted into more legal currency. He is very satisfied with his current life.

"Mr. Chu, do you still bid according to the last plan this time?"

After Chu Lingyun sat down, Brooke asked first. He got a lot of goods last time, and that batch of goods made them a lot of money.

However, they only lasted less than half a year and they sold out. Chu Lingyun never released the goods, so they could only find a way to transfer goods from other pharmaceutical factories.

"Not this time."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, and everyone was stunned by his words.

Not the way last time?

Then wouldn't the result of their discussion be invalidated? They had already discussed the base price and how to allocate it.

"No, we have to do it the way we did last time."

Someone shouted, and Chu Lingyun looked at him and recognized who he was.

French Bell.

France had fallen, and the Bell family escaped with the French government and did not stay in the country, otherwise they would be eaten up by the Germans.

How dare people who don’t even have a home still protest?

"Mr. Bell, you have been disqualified from purchasing."

Chu Lingyun said calmly, and Bell was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "You don't have this power, I protest."

"Let him out."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and the people brought by Shen Hanwen immediately stepped forward and forcibly took Bell out of the conference room.

If he wants to protest, he can go as he pleases, Chu Lingyun will not pay attention to him.

These people had arrived a long time ago. Chu Lingyun knew what they wanted to do. How could he give them such an opportunity and let them work together to lower the price?

Chu Lingyun was not a fool and had already taken precautions.

"Mr. Brooke, you are our old customer. I will give you the right of first refusal. This year, there are a total of 15,000 boxes of goods. Each box is ten dollars. Do you want it?"

Brooke was startled for a moment. The price of ten dollars was about the same as last year, and the highest price last year was even higher than this.

The current shipping price of American pharmaceutical companies has risen to 11 US dollars per box. The price of sulfonamides produced in Europe is much higher, even if you look closer, with the most expensive ex-factory price reaching 15 US dollars per box.

The cheaper one is also thirteen or fourteen dollars.

Ten dollars is definitely a reasonable price.

"Yes, I want it."

Brooke nodded hurriedly. He could make money by taking down the business and selling it, so why wouldn't he.

"No, you sold all the medicine to Brooke, what should we do?"

The rest of the people said anxiously. Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, everyone. I just said that Mr. Brooke only has the right of first refusal. If you bid higher than him, I can sell it to you, but at the same price. , I can only sell it to Mr. Brooke.”

As soon as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, everyone understood and let them bid.

But this time a minimum price was given, which was ten dollars.

"Mr. Chu, I want them all."

Brooke is not stupid. This time it is beneficial to him. With the right of first refusal, he will not buy more expensive than others. The same price must be sold to him.

"Brooke, you forgot our agreement."

Someone said angrily that this time it was 15,000 boxes. With so much goods, Brooke actually wanted to take it all by himself.

So abominable.

"Mr. Chu has changed his method. If you can persuade Mr. Chu to use the method last year, I can give up. If not, why shouldn't I?"

Brooke immediately counterattacked. This idiot came up and talked about their agreement. Do you really think that Chu Lingyun is as stupid as him?

If you don't do it yourself, it's even less likely that people will adopt last year's method.

Last year it was Lawrence, today it is Bell. Chu Lingyun is still so strong. Anyone who dares to object will be cleared out directly.

The person who questioned Brooke said nothing. Someone had already done it before him and was now protesting outside.

Protesting is useless.

By the time he finished his protest, the goods had already been distributed here, and no one would pay heed to his protest.

"Mr. Chu, you mean that as long as our bid is higher than Brooke's, you can sell it to us, right?"

"That's right."

Chu Lingyun nodded, trying to lower his price, but that was not possible.

Everyone looked at Brooke, but the smart Brooke did not speak.

He knows what these people mean, let him get the goods, and then distribute them to them. How is this possible? If he has the opportunity to get so many goods, he will definitely sell them at a higher price.

But they'd better think this way and do this.

This way he can make the money.

"If there is no competition, I will give all this goods to Mr. Brooke."

No one bid for more than a minute, Chu Lingyun said slowly. Brooke was very excited, but there was no change in the expression on his face.

He kept praying in his heart and quickly decided to make a fortune this time.

"Ten points and a dollar, I want them all."

Brooke was startled, and then looked at the bidder angrily. There was really someone competing with him. As long as this idiot made this start, there would definitely be more people bidding next.

Don't they know that this will only benefit the Chinese people in vain?

"Ten dollars and two, all of it."

Sure enough, with the first one came the second one. They did think about letting Brooke take it down and then distribute it, but they had never had such a discussion before.

They negotiated a low price together, rather than letting one person take it all.

Brooke is not a good person. If he really gets the goods, I'm afraid the price they want will be higher.

Last year, Brooke sold it at a high price, so people who couldn't grab the supply reluctantly bought a lot of high-priced goods from him. Brooke's mouth was full of oil, but they could only drink some soup.

They are businessmen and instinctively do not trust other businessmen.

There is no agreement, no contract, Brooke is not divided equally, there is nothing they can do.

"Ten point three dollars, all of it."

There was a faint smile on Chu Lingyun's lips. Their little thoughts were useless in front of him.

As long as they keep thinking about their own profits, it is impossible to truly unite, and this time they don't want to get goods at a low price.

"Ten point four dollars, all of it."


"Eleven dollars, all."

The price quickly rose to eleven dollars, and Brooke immediately followed up with a bid: "Eleven dollars, I want all of it."

This is the benefit of the right of first refusal. As long as he offers the same price, it will be sold to him.

"Eleven o'clock."


The price soon reached 11.5 US dollars. Yes, it is 11 US dollars in the United States, but you have to wait in line for half a year. The price is very tight right now. Who knows what it will be like in half a year.

Futures are not nearly as good as spot.

"Twelve dollars, I want five thousand boxes."

It was the first time someone didn’t want all the goods. As soon as he finished speaking, several people bid twelve US dollars. Fifteen thousand boxes were simply not enough.

"The previous bid is valid, but the later bid is invalid."

Chu Lingyun has the final right to explain. If the next bidder wants the goods, they can only continue to increase the price.

"Twelve and a half dollars, five thousand cases."

The price reached twelve point five dollars, and everyone ignored the previous agreement and raised the price again.

Soon, someone paid thirteen dollars.

Thirteen US dollars, which is almost the same as the price in Europe.

And they have to transport it themselves.

But one thing is that this is spot stock. Most of the supplies from European pharmaceutical companies have been directly taken away by the government and used on the battlefield. They can't get much.

"Thirteen and a half dollars, all of it."

Brooke said suddenly, directly raising the price to thirteen point five this time.

If others want it, they must raise the price.

Everyone looked at him angrily again. Brooke was not giving others a way to survive. Didn't he understand that with so many products appearing on the market, the price of sulfonamide would definitely be affected.

What is he trying to do?

"Mr. Chu, I have a small request. After you release this batch of goods, you can still release the goods one year later. Is that okay?"

Brooke looked at Chu Lingyun.

There are not enough sulfonamides on the market, but it is not impossible. After all, everyone is producing them.

There are just too many people needed.

There is a war going on all over the world, but those fighting are not the only ones who need medicine.

In countries with war, almost every household will have this life-saving medicine on hand.

Even in countries where there is no war, they are afraid that the war will spread to them, and they will buy medicine and keep it. This is actually human nature.

"no problem."

Chu Lingyun agreed. He had no intention of releasing the goods in pieces.


Brooke stood up, put one hand on his chest, bowed his head slightly and thanked her.

Everyone suddenly realized that the Chinese would release the goods in another year. These fifteen thousand boxes were equivalent to this year's volume. The Chinese would not sell new goods within a year.

This amount of goods can definitely be digested in one year.

And this is in stock. Sulfonamide is equal to money now, so you don’t have to worry about selling it if it’s available.

"Thirteen and six dollars, five thousand boxes."

Someone raised the price, but he didn't dare to ask for that much. He was not Brooke, who was rich and had so much money.

He couldn't take out that much cash at one time.

As for deceiving the Chinese, it is almost impossible without giving money first.

Last year, they learned a lesson from this Chinese man. If he didn't pay, he would never get a box of medicine again, and all the pre-ordered goods would be snatched away by others.

"Thirteen and six dollars, all of it."

Brooke has raised the price again, he is bound to win.

In such a big market around the world, these medicines will definitely be sold out, not to mention that not only injured people need to use them, but also people with various inflammations, this is also a life-saving medicine.

The medicine is in short supply in all major hospitals.

The final price was raised to 14.5 US dollars, and Brooke took it forcibly.

Fourteen and a half dollars, which was much higher than Chu Lingyun's estimated price. He had only estimated twelve to thirteen dollars before.

To be able to sell it at such a high price, Chu Lingyun would like to thank these people for their cooperation.

Everyone threw up their sleeves angrily and left. Brooke didn't care at all and happily signed a contract with Chu Lingyun.

Although he spent a lot of money, he now has the most goods. They will sell them all over the world, and each box can be sold for more than twenty dollars.

The European war caused the price of sulfonamides to rise again.

Fifteen thousand boxes, they can also make a lot.

After selling this batch of sulfonamides, Chu Lingyun's wealth doubled instantly. Even if there was no income, he could still support the laboratory's research and development for more than ten years.

It won't take that long, and penicillin will surely be mass-produced.

It's a pity that he didn't study chemistry and pharmacology in his previous life. If he had studied this, he would have been able to make penicillin himself.

Now we can only proceed step by step and let scientists study it slowly.

"Ling Yun, that's interesting."

The next day, Chen Mutu called first. He knew about Chu Lingyun's selling of sulfonamide yesterday.

At fourteen and a half dollars a box, the price is indeed not low.

The supply price Chu Lingyun gave them was still ten dollars per box, which was much lower than that of foreigners.

The price in China is not high, and given the quantity, sulfa has never risen too much. People who are too poor cannot afford it, but ordinary people can still use it when they really need life-saving help.

If it weren't for Chu Lingyun, the price of sulfa in China would have skyrocketed, and there wouldn't be so many supplies.

"General Chen, you're welcome. Just keep your medicine and don't sell it to foreigners."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Chen Mutu laughed: "The price they gave is low, why sell it to them? We keep it for ourselves."

The price Chen Mutu and the others sold was higher than 14.5 US dollars, so there was no need to sell it to foreigners.

However, some foreigners who come to China for business trips find that the sulfonamides here are cheaper than theirs, so they take some with them when they leave.

But they are all scattered and have little impact.

After the sulfonamide matter was resolved, Chu Lingyun did not stay in Chongqing for long. He stayed at home for two days and then returned to Shanghai.

He needs to personally arrange the tasks assigned by Boss Dai.

Hayakawa Ping had no problem with helping the Fruit Party transport weapons. He had already discovered Jiang Tengkong's people, but he just didn't make any announcement.

Hidden from them, no problem.

The key is money, and his help will not be in vain.

Osaka businessmen will not miss any opportunity to make money, no matter who they are doing business with.

The money was provided by the Guo Party government, and Chu Lingyun had no objection.

Chu Lingyun didn't need to ask about the method of transportation. Hayakawa Hei would disguise himself, put the weapons in the boat, and send them to the mainland along with the smuggling fleet.

Tuhara would not doubt that Hei Hayakawa had made a lot of money for them by secretly selling goods from the Northeast. With money, it was normal for Yagyu Trading Company to expand its business scale.

As for investigating the red party, Chu Lingyun not only knows how to do it, but also does it seriously.

Before coming back, Chu Lingyun reported his plan to Boss Dai, and Boss Dai approved of it.

He will send a capable general to go to northern Jiangsu to inquire about the situation in person.

Based on the information obtained, make the next plan.

"Team leader, you are looking for me."

Zuo Xuan came to Chu Lingyun's office. He had been in the war situation team for three years and performed well. After Ni Loach was promoted to deputy team leader, he filled Ni Loach's vacancy and became the captain.

The captain of the war situation team has a very high level, which is equivalent to the deputy section chief of the headquarters. This is because the war situation team is one level lower.

If the combat team is promoted, Zuo Xuan will be equivalent to the level of section chief.

"sit down."

Chu Lingyun came to the sofa and asked Zuo Xuan to sit down.

Facing Chu Lingyun, Zuo Xuan did not dare to be careless.

Over the years in the War Situation Team, he has provided a lot of intelligence to the organization, allowing the organization to understand the situation of the War Situation Team at any time.

His upper line is Secretary Wang, and his identity is also top secret.

"Something happened to our people in northern Jiangsu. I need someone to go to northern Jiangsu personally to investigate the detailed reasons."

Chu Lingyun said slowly, Zuo Xuan's heart moved slightly.

He didn't know anything about North Jiangsu. North Jiangsu and Shanghai were not on the same line, and they didn't have much contact. The investigation of traitors in North Jiangsu was carried out in secret. Secretary Wang didn't even know about it, let alone him.

"Have any of our people been to Northern Jiangsu?" Zuo Xuan asked cautiously.

"He is one of our people, but not a member of the war situation team. Boss Dai has arranged an internal agent in northern Jiangsu. It has been lurking for several years. He was arrested just after it was activated recently. Now Boss Dai does not know the reason for his arrest. Let I’ll find out.”

"If you want to know the real situation over there, someone needs to go over there. You have performed well and you have the ability. I want you to go over there to investigate secretly. Are you willing?"

Chu Lingyun told him the reason, and Zuo Xuan was a little surprised. Boss Dai also sent an undercover agent to Subei?

Fortunately, he was caught, otherwise he would have brought great harm to the comrades in northern Jiangsu.

"I do."

Zuo Xuan immediately responded that he had to take on this task. He took it. Everything was under their control. If they sent someone else, there would be no guarantee.

For example, Zhao San, he knew how powerful Zhao San was.

"Very well, prepare yourself and go there in the name of a businessman. This is your status arrangement. There are no people from us there, so you have to adapt to your own circumstances."

Chu Lingyun handed over a document bag, but Zuo Xuan did not open it immediately after taking it.

"Yes, team leader, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Zuo Xuan stood up straight and saluted, and Chu Lingyun asked him to leave.

When he was in Chongqing, Chu Lingyun said that he would send a capable subordinate to go to northern Jiangsu to investigate in person. This person must be capable.

Those who are capable now generally have levels.

Zuo Xuan is very suitable. He is the captain and has worked in the special training class in Hangzhou before. Both experience and theory are sufficient.

After Boss Dai learned about Zuo Xuan's situation, he was very satisfied with Chu Lingyun's arrangement.

Chu Lingyun was very attentive to this matter and indeed sent elite soldiers and generals to investigate.

Chu Lingyun himself would definitely not be able to go to Northern Jiangsu to investigate the reasons. Boss Dai would not agree if he wanted to go. The risks would be too great and the benefits too small, completely disproportionate.

Neither can Loach. If something goes wrong, Boss Dai will lose a backup webmaster.

Today's Loach is fully qualified and capable to be the webmaster of any website.

But we can't send ordinary people, otherwise we can't get any results from the inquiry, so it's better not to go.

Left-hand rotation is pretty good, and Boss Dai also believes that he can complete the task well.

Going to Northern Jiangsu, the more people the better, Zuo Xuan didn't bring anyone with him, he planned to go alone.

With fewer people to lead, they were discovered by the Red Party over there, and they couldn't escape at all.

Bringing a large force is for fighting, not for spying on intelligence.

It's convenient to be alone. If something really happens, I can handle it myself.

The most critical reason is that Zuo Xuan cannot bring anyone else with him. He is already the one there.

He goes by himself and doesn't have to worry about safety at all.

"Secretary Wang, I have received a new assignment, which is to go to Northern Jiangsu."

Before leaving the next day, Zuo Xuan sent a signal to Secretary Wang to meet and discuss.

"Su Bei?"

Secretary Wang frowned. Shanghai had nothing to do with Northern Jiangsu. Why would Zuo Xuan have a mission to go to Northern Jiangsu?

"Chu Lingyun told me that Dai Yunong set up an inside line there, but was caught by our people. Now he sent me to investigate the reason. I don't know the situation there. When I get there, do I want to talk to my comrades? Contact us?"

Zuo Xuan is here to report. He must report this task and follow the instructions from above.

"Inside information?"

Secretary Wang was even more surprised. He really didn't know about this.

"In this way, you go to Northern Jiangsu first. I know Director Yang of the Anti-Corruption Department in Northern Jiangsu. If you need him, you can contact him. I will contact them through my hometown and we will discuss the specific situation there."

Secretary Wang ordered Zuo Xuan to investigate. Even if the results were obtained, it would be impossible to tell the truth to the Guo Party members.

But you can't bring nothing back. The specific details of what to bring back and how much the Fruit Party knows depends on the instructions above.

"Why don't you report it first, and then I'll go when your hometown hears back?"

Zuo Xuan hesitated and offered suggestions, while Secretary Wang shook his head.

"No, your mission is important. I can't contact Su Bei directly. I have to contact my hometown first and ask Mr. Ke to help convey it. It will take a lot of time."

If it is not an emergency, Secretary Wang cannot contact Su Bei directly. This is a discipline.

They are latent personnel, and Northern Jiangsu is a guerrilla group. Not only are they not the same line, but they are different in nature.

It won't do any of them any good if they contact each other too frequently in private.

"Okay, I'll go there first."

Zuo Xuan responded that he really couldn't waste time. Once he was delayed, he would make up for it with lies when he came back to report.

Chu Lingyun is not an ordinary person, Zuo Xuan really doesn't have much confidence that he can hide it from him.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong received a message from Secretary Wang.

After reading the telegram, his eyes widened instantly, and then he smiled.

This Chu Lingyun, the military commander Boss Dai gave him the task, and he immediately handed it over to Zuo Xuan.

Chu Lingyun should have known Zuo Xuan's identity for a long time and deliberately gave him this task.

It is entirely up to them to decide what the results of Zuo Xuan's investigation will be.

Boss Dai asked Chu Lingyun to investigate Su Bei's affairs. If he knew that the traitor he sent was Chu Lingyun who found out, I don't know what he would think.

Anyway, the expression must be wonderful.

If Zuo Xuan goes to Northern Jiangsu, he can't bring nothing back. Let him check first and verify the vigilance of comrades in Northern Jiangsu.

Ke Gong told Secretary Wang not to worry and did not give any instructions.

Secretary Wang is really relieved about Zuo Xuan going to Northern Jiangsu.

They are all our comrades, and there will be no danger in revealing their identity. The key is what they report back.

Since Mr. Ke reassured him, Secretary Wang did not ask any more questions.

Zuo Xuan went to Northern Jiangsu by land. He was in good health. When he was in the special training class, he was in better shape than those students.

There was once a student who was unconvinced and compared with him, but was so shocked by him that he almost lost his confidence.

Zuo Xuan's personal combat effectiveness is very strong.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, and 4,000 monthly tickets for a separate update. Although it didn't arrive, it was almost the same. Xiaoyu stayed up all night and finally got this chapter out.

Although I am very tired, I am in a good mood. After updating, I wash up and go to bed. Good morning everyone.

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