Spy Shadow

Chapter 745 Escort

The Japanese army retreated to Nanchang City in despair.

The observation group returned to Nanchang City in shock. They thought it was a relaxing learning trip, but unexpectedly they almost missed it.

At the most dangerous time, everyone in the observation group is equipped with a gun to prepare for a battle that may occur at any time.

Fortunately, the 33rd Division did not ignore it and retreat on its own like the 27th Division in Wanjialing before, otherwise they might really be doomed this time.

How did Ohgahara fight this battle?

Thanks to everyone's admiration for him, he used to be the principal of the cavalry school, but why did the battle end like this?

Ohgahara was even more embarrassed.

He took the initiative to initiate this battle and acted as the commander.

The 33rd Division was about to leave, but he insisted on staying to help fight the battle. As a result, he lost his troops. If he hadn't saved him at the last moment, he would have really been doomed this time.

There was also the observation group. He wanted these members to have a good look at their abilities, but the result was not good. What they saw was not their ability, but their ugliness, and the observation group was put in danger with him.

This time, Ishihara Hiroshi will probably be very disappointed with him.

This was the first battle he actually commanded after joining the literary club and becoming the leader of the division. The result was like this. No one would be happy if it were the situation.

The day after returning to Nanchang City, the observation group took a plane to leave. Nanchang and the others did not dare to stay here anymore.

In Chongqing, after the battle report came, the old man ordered the newspaper to report it immediately to cheer up people.

Another victory, a great victory.

Japan is not that scary. They are not invincible. The disparity in military strength this time is not that big. If the puppet troops are included, the difference in numbers is not big.

If the army can win the battle, it shows that their strength has been getting stronger.

There will be no opportunities to regain lost ground and counterattack Japan in the future.

All the newspapers in various newspapers were sold out. The common people liked to read news about this kind of victory. The storytellers even used their sharp tongue to talk about this battle with great eloquence.

It was as if they had taken part in a battle.

Winning the war is a good thing, at least it can make the people more confident. After several years of this war, the party has basically been passively defensive and lost a large area of ​​territory. If we don't give the people some confidence, I'm afraid there will be more traitors in the future.

Military Commander, Boss Dai is also very happy.

They have a share of credit for this battle, and it is a great credit. However, due to the special nature of their work, such credit will not be commended now.

But their contributions will always be remembered, and there will be a day when they will be made public.

Chu Lingyun was good, and he made great achievements again this time. It was his intelligence that allowed General Luo to deploy in advance, formulate the most appropriate battle plan, lure the enemy in, and achieve this great victory.

Shanghai, Literary Society.

Ishihara Hiroshi sat at the head with an ugly look on his face. Most of the club members in Shanghai gathered in the literary club, and no one sitting next to him dared to say a word.

This battle in Ogahara was also the first battle that Bunsha actually directed.

No one expected it to be like this.

"The Battle of Nanchang is a lesson. I hope all members will learn this lesson and not make the same mistake in the future."

Chu Lingyun spoke slowly. In fact, he was very happy, but he couldn't show it.

Although the final result did not satisfy him, at least he won.

As for the results of the battle, Chu Lingyun did not comment.

Everyone said yes. This battle was really frustrating. It seemed to go well in the early stage, but later it was discovered that it was obviously done deliberately by the Chinese to make them underestimate the enemy and advance rashly.

Ohgahara is also a man who has experienced many battles, and he didn't expect to fall into such a simple trap.

It's useless to say anything now. Ohgahara did let everyone down this time. The key is that he let Ishihara Hiroshi down.

With this defeat, his future achievements will be limited to division commander, and he will have no chance to rise up.

However, Ishihara Hiroshi will still protect him. The reason is very simple. He is the first division leader of the literary society and must first protect this sign.

If a suitable candidate is found in the future, he will definitely be replaced.

Appreciative but useless, I'm talking about people like Ohgahara.

Yamashita had no responsibility for what happened this time. They were an observation group. They went there with only their eyes and ears, leaving their mouths in the literary club.

They were at the scene and had the deepest feelings about the war. They must never underestimate their opponents again in the future.

The discussion in the literary club didn't last long before Chu Lingyun left.

Back in the car, Chu Lingyun finally couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, Guo Jun finally won another battle."

Fang Shiyi was also smiling. There were only two of them in the car, otherwise Chu Lingyun wouldn't be like this.

"Yes, this victory is a great morale booster. Coupled with the damage we have done to the enemy before, the little devil's life will become increasingly difficult in the future."

Chu Lingyun nodded, but his words always felt a bit strange to Fang Shiyi's ears.

In the eyes of outsiders, Hiroshi Ishihara is an out-and-out Japs, and he is also a Japs leader.

Tian Junliu was still in Nanjing, and the battle at Ogahara really made him angry.

A good opportunity to make a meritorious service ended up being defeated abruptly, and at the same time he was implicated.

This is also his first battle after taking office.

As a last resort, he could only speed up preparations for war in the southeast.

Returning to the war situation team, Ni Loach, Shen Hanwen, and Chu Yuan came to his office together.

"Team leader, what a victory."

Loach said with a smile, he knew best that this victory was due to them, and it was a great contribution.

It was the detailed information provided by the team leader that helped Guo Jun win the battle.

"Loach, you stay here to look after me. Hanwen is ready and will accompany me back to Chongqing in a few days."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, Shen Hanwen immediately grinned, Ni Loach was stunned, and Chu Yuan's expression did not change at all.

The three of them are the most trusted people under Chu Lingyun.

The three of them have been following Chu Lingyun since his debut.

There were also overt and covert fights between the three of them, but they had already distinguished themselves.

Ni Loach is undoubtedly the biggest winner. He has been with Chu Lingyun the longest and now has the highest rank and position. The last time Boss Dai considered Changsha Station Chief, Ni Loach was the first choice.

It was Niyi who took the initiative to give in and finally handed over Changsha Station to Zhu Qing.

Shen Hanwen understood that there was indeed a gap between him and Loach. He had never thought about truly surpassing him, but he could not be much worse than Loach. He had to work hard to catch up with Loach.

Now he finally had the opportunity. Ni Loach was promoted and became deputy team leader, but he was restricted.

As for Chu Yuan, he was different from the two of them.

He is not that concerned about job rank, or in other words, he is not keen on power.

Chu Lingyun was kind to him, so he wanted to stay with Chu Lingyun, do good things, and repay this kindness seriously. Chu Yuan was Chu Lingyun's old subordinate in the army and his direct descendant.

The three of them are doing well at the moment, at least there is no infighting like other places, their competition is only on the surface and they take the initiative.

"Team leader, I can give up my position as deputy team leader to Hanwen."

Ni Loach said quietly, he didn't expect that Zhu Qing left and restrained him, and now the team leader doesn't take him with him every time he goes out.

His ambitions are not that big, and he has never thought about climbing too high, but being able to follow the team leader will definitely bring him various achievements, and it will be thrilling.

"I don't want it. Team Leader Zhao is better than me. He is more suitable."

Shen Hanwen shook his head hastily. He became the deputy team leader. His position was promoted. From now on, he would have to stay at home to look after the house. Just like last time and this time, just because Ni Loach wanted to look after the house, the team leader took him out specially.

"Stop fighting."

Chu Lingyun suddenly glared. The deputy team leader was already embarrassed even if he didn't want it.

"Even if you are not the deputy team leader, you still have to stay and look after the house for me. No. 76 is still investigating, so we must be careful."


Loach nodded helplessly. He understood that he had no chance to go out with the team leader this time.

Shen Hanwen was simply picking up the slack.

Chu Lingyun ignored them and asked them all to leave.

This time he returned to Chongqing not to claim credit. He didn't care about the rewards. The main reason was that Lin Shi's child was about to be born.

Kong Sanling suffered a loss at his hands last time, but this kid is not that big-minded.

He had approached Lin Shi before, and Chu Lingyun was afraid that he would cause trouble when Lin Shi's child was born.

Chu Lingyun didn't go back before the year, but two months later, it was really time to go back.

Time came to early April, and the southeast was shrouded in dark clouds. Japan mobilized its troops and prepared to attack the southeast at any time.

This time was not a surprise attack, but an honest attack, which was a great test for the Guo army.

The families, relatives and friends of many high-ranking officials in Ningcheng have evacuated in advance. Chu Lingyun does not have many relatives, so there is no need to worry. The military commander will help him take away those who are close to him.

Chongqing, Military Command Headquarters.

Chu Lingyun did not go home after getting off the ship, but went directly back to the headquarters. This time he did not go to see Boss Dai first, but came here to celebrate the New Year.

He is easily jealous during the New Year. Last time, he used his watch to calculate where he went and how long he stayed. If he didn't come to see him first, I'm afraid he would be even more dissatisfied.

"Ling Yun, when did you come back?"

Seeing Chu Lingyun, He Nian was startled, and then shouted in surprise that he was busy, and no Japanese spies had been caught in a while. The Japanese would definitely not give up on Chongqing, and there must be their newcomers coming here.

The Intelligence Division and their Operations Division have been conducting secret investigations recently to see who can find the Japanese spy first.

The Operations Division has many people, but in terms of investigation, it is still not as good as the Intelligence Division.

The reason is very simple. The Intelligence Department has more informants, and these informants can play an important role at critical moments.

"I just arrived. I haven't gone to Boss Dai yet. I came to see you first."

Chu Lingyun was not polite and sat down directly on the sofa. Sure enough, He Nian laughed loudly after hearing his words.

"That's right. You are from our operations department. Of course you have to go home first when you come back."

He went to get tea in the New Year, brewed the tea and brought it to Chu Lingyun.

"How many days will you be back this time?"

He Nian did not ask why Chu Lingyun came back, even though Chu Lingyun is the deputy director of the Operations Department, which is equivalent to the War Information Team also being under the name of the Operations Department.

However, the war situation team does not have any jurisdiction over the affairs of He Nian and falls directly under Boss Dai.

The War Situation Team is very important. It has made many great contributions over the years. Boss Dai’s emphasis on the War Situation Team has already surpassed that of all branches, including Shanghai District.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to inquire about the war situation group, including New Year greetings.

"About a week or so."

Time Chu Lingyun can say that one week is an estimate. There are many things to do when I come back this time. Chen Mutu and the others helped last time, and Chu Lingyun wanted to come to thank him.

There was also the matter with the Kong family. He needed to meet with Dean Kong.

No matter what the future holds, we can't let them cause trouble now, otherwise we want them to look good.

Besides, I haven’t been back home for so long, so I have to go home to see my parents.

"Since I have time, I must have a few drinks."

He nodded in greetings, as long as he had time. In fact, he was also very busy, but it was not easy for Chu Lingyun to come back once. There must be the necessary relationship to keep in touch.

Even though Chu Lingyun was younger than him, not as qualified as him, and his level was also below him.

But He Nian understood that this was not because Chu Lingyun was not qualified. If he hadn't taken the position, Chu Lingyun would have been the director of operations.

Including the Director of Intelligence, as long as Chu Lingyun is willing, Xu Yi can't even think about it.

Chu Lingyun already had the capital to compete with them.

"no problem."

Chu Lingyun agreed. He had made such a request during the New Year greetings several times before. Unfortunately, he had been busy and had no chance.

I can't refuse this time.


After leaving New Year's Eve, Chu Lingyun immediately went to Boss Dai's office.

"I'm back, let's sit down and rest for a while."

Boss Dai happily waved and asked Chu Lingyun to wait for him. He had important things to do at hand.

After a while, Boss Dai left his desk and came to the sofa.

"You did a great job this time and it was another great victory. Now who dares to say that our military commander can only deal with internal affairs?"

Boss Dai said happily. This time he was praised by the old man again, and he specifically compared them with Zhongtong.

The Central Command continued to make mistakes, causing huge losses. On the other hand, not only were they not in trouble, they were also able to find out important military information and help the front line make meritorious deeds.

Their contribution to this victory at Shanggao is indeed not small.

"You've done a great job in your humble position."

Chu Lingyun said modestly, and Boss Dai laughed.

Chu Lingyun never strives for credit, always does his own thing well, and never goes beyond what is not allowed to him.

And he was able to do everything well, even better than he imagined. Chu Lingyun was indispensable for the military commander's stability in Shanghai over the years.

Just like Boss Dai deliberately separated the war team from Shanghai, Chu Lingyun never met Wang Yuemin, and his subordinates could communicate with each other, but the two of them firmly abided by this.

The only meeting was because of Wang Jialiang.

The person he was supposed to save turned out to be dead, and he had a deep relationship with Wang Yuemin. Chu Lingyun was forced to come forward to explain. It was not appropriate for anyone else to come forward in that matter.

After meeting, the two never saw each other again.

Compared to others, Chu Lingyun was simply perfect.

"I'll remember all your merits. It's not easy to get promoted now, but don't worry, I will definitely promote you if I have the chance in the future."

Boss Dai comforted him, saying that it was indeed difficult for Chu Lingyun to be promoted.

It's not a matter of merit and qualifications, it's just that there is no way to promote him.

It's not purely because of the military commander. The military commander's level is not high, but occasionally one or two people can't do it.

The main reason is that Chu Lingyun will serve the eldest son in the future, and he is the eldest son's direct descendant.

Now that the old man has promoted him, how will the eldest son reward him in the future?

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, I'm only that old now."

Chu Lingyun smiled. There was no point in promoting him any higher. He was doing well now, neither too high nor too low. At least he could do things.

"The rubber from Yagyu has been shipped over. The Japanese will not think that Yagyu is also one of your people. Even I admire your layout."

Boss Dai lamented that Chu Lingyun's arrangement for Hayakawa Hei started very early, but it has never been of much use.

Until today, it finally showed its power.

Everything Chu Lingyun does seems useless, but it can play a big role at critical moments.

Hayakawa Hei is very important to them now. He not only transports weapons, but also provides them with various strategic materials, which is equivalent to giving them an additional resource route.

No amount of money can buy such a lifeline.

"Boss, this line must be protected and no one else should know."

"Don't worry, no one knows."

Boss Dai nodded. In fact, Yagyu's line was very safe. Saijo and the others were worried that Ishihara Hiroshi would know about it, so they always paid attention to keeping it confidential.

Chu Lingyun will naturally cooperate. In addition, Hayakawa Ping himself is very capable. He has a way to keep it secret and will not cause trouble. Everyone knows that this transportation line will provide great assistance to the Fruit Party for quite some time in the future.

"I can rest assured that you will do your best. Don't worry about the Kong family. Since Dean Kong has admitted their mistakes, he will no longer have any thoughts about your pharmaceutical factory."

"Thank you, boss, for causing you trouble."

Chu Lingyun thanked him again. Boss Dai really helped him withstand the pressure last time and left Kong Sanling alone without giving him any face.

Later, Kong Sanling took revenge and suspended their bulk trading license.

Boss Dai was also very decisive in his revenge and arrested people immediately.

This can be said to be an act of betrayal. Regardless of whether Dean Kong knows it or not, he will definitely not be happy about it. After all, this incident has caused them to lose a lot of face.

"Your business is my business, you're welcome."

Boss Dai waved his hand. Kong Sanling was young and energetic, so he really didn't care that much.

As for Dean Kong, he will look for opportunities to repair the cracks in the future.

It is impossible to completely repair it, but he is a soldier, there is no need to get too close to the Kong family, just keep a familiar face.

Night, hospital.

Lin Shi was waiting anxiously outside the delivery room. Xu Meijun entered the delivery room. There were constant screams of pain inside, but Lin Shi was helpless and felt secretly aching.

Chu Lingyun got the news only a little late.

I wanted to ask Lin Shi tomorrow, but I didn't expect that the due date was brought forward. Chu Lingyun hurried to the hospital.

Fortunately, he came early, at least in time for the birth of his godson.

Maybe the goddaughter.

"Ling Yun, when did you come back?"

Lin Shi was surprised to see Chu Lingyun. Lin Shi's bodyguard knew Chu Lingyun and did not stop him when he came.

"I just arrived today, what's going on now?"

Chu Lingyun asked anxiously. Lin Shi glanced at the delivery room with worry in his eyes: "I've been in there for a while, but I still don't know yet."

"Have you found a good doctor?"

Chu Lingyun asked again, and Lin Shi nodded: "I found it, it's inside now."

Lin Shi was rich, Judge Xu was well-connected, and they didn't dare to neglect such an important event as Xu Meijun's childbirth.

Judge Xu and his wife were nearby, equally anxious.

"Hello Judge Xu."

Chu Lingyun stepped forward to say hello. He and Judge Xu had met before, but they had no communication before. It was when Lin Shi got married.

"Hello, Director Chu."

Judge Xu hurriedly replied that although Chu Lingyun is a junior, his level is not low and he has greater energy.

Not many people know about Kong Sanling. Judge Xu has his own connections and has heard a little about it.

Kong Sanling wanted to seize Chu Lingyun's property, but was given a scolding by Dean Kong, who kept him at home until the Chinese New Year, without letting him go out once.

Even the Kong family was helpless with Chu Lingyun, and even surrendered, which is enough to show Chu Lingyun's influence.

"Judge Xu, you are too polite. I am a junior. Just like Lin Shi, just call me Ling Yun."

As soon as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, Zhang Mingzhen and his wife hurried over.

"How's it going? Did you give birth?"

Mrs. Zhang shouted before Mrs. Xu arrived, and Mrs. Xu came to greet her.


Chu Lingyun took the initiative to salute, but Zhang Mingzhen was surprised: "Lingyun, are you here?"

"I just came back, just in time."

Zhang Ming was really not stupid. He immediately understood that Chu Lingyun came back specially for Lin Shi to prevent the Kong family from doing anything.

Last time the Kong family lost face, they couldn't take revenge on Chu Lingyun, they would probably take revenge on the people around Chu Lingyun.

Boss Dai is not afraid of them, but Lin Shi is not.

What's more, children are very fragile. If they use some dirty tricks, they may not be able to save the child.

Chu Lingyun came back, firstly, to shock, and secondly, to prevent it.

In fact, before returning, Chu Lingyun had people investigate the hospitals. There were only a few hospitals that Lin Shi could choose, and they would definitely not go to small hospitals.

So far everything is fine, no surprises.

There were many people outside the delivery room now. Zhang Mingzhen was completely relieved to see Chu Lingyun. He was also a little worried and rushed over immediately after receiving the news.

Chu Lingyun really had nothing to say about Lin Shi. Lin Shi had made a real good friend.

When they were in school, Lin Shi took good care of Chu Lingyun. Now the two of them were reversed, with Chu Lingyun taking care of Lin Shi.

Without the relationship during school, there would not have been such a result.

Two hours later, the baby's bright cry made everyone turn around instantly, with many people showing excited smiles on their faces.

Lin Shi ran over immediately and waited at the door.

"I've given birth. Congratulations. You're a daughter of a daughter."

The doctor came out to announce the good news, and Lin Shi immediately handed over the red envelope he had prepared: "Doctor, how is the child's mother?"

"Mother and daughter are safe."

Lin Shi's heart dropped completely as his mother and daughter were safe, but Mrs. Xu's face looked a little ugly.

They hope that the first child will be a son, who will be passed down to the Lin family first.

In this era, many people still value boys over girls, and women are more important.

"Lin Shi, congratulations, we agreed that this is my goddaughter. You must treat her well from now on, otherwise I will snatch her away from you."

Chu Lingyun came over and joked with a smile.

"Don't even think about it, my daughter will definitely treat her like a princess."

Lin Shi responded immediately, and everyone laughed out loud, especially Mrs. Xu, who had been secretly observing Lin Shi and felt relieved when she saw that Lin Shi was not disappointed.

Lin Shi's parents are not here, but they will come over soon and will help them take care of their children.

In fact, it was not very convenient for Lin Shi and the others to be treated by their parents. Fortunately, Xu Meijun had grown up a lot now, so his parents would not notice any abnormalities.

They don't have a radio station and are in hibernation. As long as they don't cause problems, they will be fine.

As for the funds provided to the organization, no one knows except Lao Jin. Lao Jin has a very high status and is a public figure, so it is impossible for the Fruit Party to arrest him.

At least not now.

After a while, the child was taken out, and Lin Shi immediately took it carefully. Looking at his newborn daughter, he was filled with joy.

Seeing that Lin Shi really didn't dislike him, Mrs. Xu was finally relieved.

This is the first child. The couple is still young and they can continue to have children in the future. The next child will definitely give birth to a big fat boy.

It's a pity that her daughter didn't live up to expectations. If this baby was a son, Mrs. Xu would have the capital to show off.

"Meijun, are you okay?"

After handing his daughter to his mother-in-law, Lin Shi hurriedly entered the delivery room and held his wife's hand. Xu Meijun's face was covered with sweat and she looked tired.

"I'm fine, but it's a pity that I'm not my son."

Xu Meijun was a little sad. She also wanted to have a son.

"What's wrong with my daughter? My daughter is better. She will look like you when she grows up."

Lin Shi immediately shook his head, and Xu Meijun looked up at him: "Do you really think so?"

"Of course, I prefer my daughter."

Lin Shi nodded. His wife was still very weak, and she couldn't have any emotional impact at this time.

Besides, Lin Shi really didn't care that much whether he was a daughter or a son.

Their work is very dangerous. Whether it is a daughter or a son, they must find a safe place to settle down in the future.

Mother and daughter are safe, and people outside are even happier.

Chu Lingyun and Zhang Mingzhen chatted for a while and sent the couple away.

We don’t need that many people here.

After Lin Shi came out, he persuaded Chu Lingyun to leave.

However, the people arranged by Chu Lingyun were always there, Lin Shi didn't know about it.

"Lin Shi, this classmate of yours really didn't say anything to you. He came back because he was afraid of the villain causing trouble."

With only their family left, Judge Xu immediately sighed, Chu Lingyun was lurking, his work was very busy, and it was very dangerous.

You can’t come back during the New Year, so why come back suddenly at this time?

Anyone who is not stupid can guess it.

"I owe him a lot."

Lin Shi sighed softly, he indeed owed Chu Lingyun a lot and could not repay it.

"It's okay, just be yourself. Good brothers like this are rare. Just don't let him down in the future."

Judge Xu advised that Lin Shi could not compare with Chu Lingyun now, but their working environment was different after all.

Lin Shi follows the steps and will have good development in the future.

Chu Lingyun is strong now, but he is also very constrained. It will be difficult for him to truly get out of the military system.

Military Commander Dai Yunong is even more powerful, and people like Chu Lingyun will never let him leave.

Lin Shi nodded slightly and said no more.

What I am afraid of is that I will be let down in the future, and it is extremely possible.

There is nothing that can be done about it, as the two of them are in different camps.

The next day, Yanzhou.

Mr. Ke received a secret message from Chu Lingyun. Lin Shi had a child and mother and daughter were safe.

After reading the telegram, Mr. Ke smiled.

Lin Shi had a child, and time passed so quickly. Chu Lingyun really had nothing to say for Lin Shi, so she went back to escort her this time.

Ke Gong also knew that Chu Lingyun was responsible for this victory.

Chu Lingyun has been working hard and truly serving the country and the people. There are not many people like him.

Fortunately, he is one of his own.

Mr. Ke quickly got busy with other things. According to Chu Lingyun's report, the military commander placed six people in their team, three of whom died in battle and three who have been dormant.

Black Tiger's activation was exposed, and it was Chu Lingyun's credit.

Boss Dai gave this case to Chu Lingyun to investigate. It would be surprising if the results could be found.

But the other two hidden agents are hidden dangers, and they need to be found as soon as possible.

Eight people sent by Zhongtong have been found by Ke Gong. There are many of them. Ke Gong has not moved for the time being to protect the little boy Bao Shengqun.

Very few people knew this information, so he needed to create an unusual accident so that outsiders could see that they discovered and caught these people by accident.

Old Ghost Xu would never tell more people about something like this.

Once someone is arrested directly, the little boy is basically exposed.

If they are found, the harm will be minimized. If they are not found, the most dangerous thing is hiding in the dark, and these two people are very difficult to trace.

The information was limited. Even Chu Lingyun only knew the number of people but not their situation.

There is no way to ask this kind of thing.

They didn't join the Red Party at any time or place. However, according to the temperament of the military commander, Boss Dai, he would not place them all in Northern Jiangsu. They would definitely be involved in all aspects.

It just so happened that when the war just started, the Red Party recruited a lot of people. To check them like this was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And you can’t judge based on your cultural level.

Jiang Chengkai, the black tiger lurking in northern Jiangsu, pretended to be illiterate and deliberately refused to be promoted. Those two may be the same as him, but there are more people like this and it is harder to find out.

It doesn’t work to find a liaison first.

They are dormant. According to Jiang Chengkai's explanation, when they are not activated, the liaison officer does not even know his identity and will not send the secret code until he is activated.

In this way, finding the contact person will not find the real lurking person. The contact person will not know what the activation signal is until he receives the notification.

The ability of Juntong is indeed stronger than that of Zhongtong, and these two people give Mr. Ke a headache.

He had to check even if he had a headache, and this time he had to do it himself.

Chongqing, the third day after Chu Lingyun returned.

The new campus has been built and put into use. It has stronger air defense capabilities, but unfortunately the number of students it can accommodate is limited.

But now the schools are not full. There are not even a hundred people in the boys' school, and there are dozens of people in the girls' school.

If they are squeezed together, the new campus can accommodate them.

Japan's bombings are very frequent. If it weren't for the remoteness of this place and the small number of people in the school, I'm afraid it would have been bombed several times.

It's just that men and women cannot be separated now. Fortunately, Chu Yuanchen is in strict control and there will be no trouble.

"Brother, you are back."

Chu Lingyun walked into the new student, and Chu Ya, who happened to be walking in the school, saw him at a glance and immediately ran back happily.

Chuya's school was closed recently and she couldn't go to school, so she came back to help teach students.

The urban area was bombed even more severely, and their school was a key area of ​​bombing, and classes were no longer possible a year ago.

"Where are your parents?"

Chu Lingyun asked, Chu Ya pointed to the two teachers: "They are in class, let's wait for a while."

The classroom is built in the mountain, which can effectively prevent bombing, and the office is underground. Safety is safe, but being underground for a long time is not good for your health.

Usually the couple doesn't live underground, but in a room dug into a cave.

"Okay, let's wait for a while."

"Brother, how many days will you stay here this time?"

Chu Ya led Chu Lingyun into the office and asked proactively. The office was not big and a bit crowded, and the teachers who had no classes were chatting.

It's much safer now, and they feel more relieved.

If we are still on the old campus, not only will there be fewer and fewer students, but the teachers may also disappear.

Everyone is afraid of death. If he is killed by a bombing, there will be no regrets at that time.

"Just one day." Chu Lingyun replied with a smile.

"It's so short, can't we stay a few more days?"

Chu Ya raised her eyebrows. Their whole family couldn't see her brother more than a few times a year. She was fine before and his brother would visit her every time he came back.

Parents sometimes don't really see their son once a year.

The apology for the delay in guaranteeing was updated separately a few days ago, but there is no update today.

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