Spy Shadow

Chapter 768 Smoking addiction and rebellion

"Navy Red Deer, really useless."

Takemoto spat and threw it into the trash can. He didn't dare to spit it directly on the ground here.

"How did the people at the literary club react?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Takemoto was slightly startled: "I haven't gone to the literary club yet."

"Let's go together."

Chu Lingyun stood up. The Japanese mainland was bombed, and it was in Tokyo, which shocked the Japanese the most. The literary society represented the thoughts of the Japanese army people, and it was necessary to understand their thoughts.

"Yamamoto should be damned. He took so many resources from the empire and allowed American planes to appear over the empire..."

As soon as he entered, Chu Lingyun heard Shanxia's excited voice. Since he reminded him last time, Shanxia had gone to the literary club whenever he had time, and was here almost every day.

The Shanghai division mainly protects Shanghai. There is no war and they are not very busy at ordinary times.

For Yamashita, the literary club is the most important.

He was once the deputy minister of Lengshui Yamen, became the garrison commander, and now the division commander, relying on the literary society.

Without the literary club, there would be no him. He understands the importance.


Noticing Ishihara Hiroshi and Takemoto coming in, Yamashita immediately stood up and ended his passionate speech.

"I heard it. The navy is indeed inactive. The future of the empire depends on your army."

Chu Lingyun waved his hand, the literary club was all composed of people from the army, not the navy.

People from the navy couldn't come in, and the discord between Japan's navy and army meant that there couldn't be any navy here.

He could not recruit members of the Navy, otherwise internal fighting would make him physically and mentally exhausted.

Saijo was originally from the Army. After taking office, he strongly supported the Navy. Some veterans of the Army were dissatisfied. However, because the Navy's recent performance was acceptable, it was hard to get angry.

This time they were given a chance.

As you can imagine, there must be a lot of noise in the country.

"Everyone, go ahead and say whatever you want."

After sitting down, Chu Lingyun said to everyone that many people came today, most of the members in Shanghai were here, and what happened in the country had a great impact.

In Chongqing, Xi'an, Kunming and other cities in the Guotong District, newspapers sold as many extra pages as they printed.

The Japanese mainland was bombed by the Americans, which was great news for them.

However, senior officials understand that this is an accidental phenomenon. Although the United States is currently fighting anxiously with Japan in the Pacific, it has not completely defeated the Japanese navy.

Japan's naval power remained.

Chu Lingyun knew that the navy at the base camp had a plan, that is, Japan would first capture New Guinea and then attack Australia. This plan was very stable. If they were allowed to realize it, the war might really drag on for several years.

It is a pity that Yamamoto is a gambler. He hopes to use Midway Island to attract the U.S. Pacific Fleet. As long as the U.S. fleet is annihilated, Japan can negotiate with the United States and prompt them to release their blockade against Japan and aid to China.

By then the entire Pacific Ocean will become their back garden.

Although the U.S. air raid on Japan was short-lived, it greatly stimulated the Japanese. Those in the Japanese base camp who originally opposed the Midway Island plan suddenly changed their attitudes.

The Americans cannot be allowed to remain in the Pacific, they must be eliminated.

This was a matter for the navy, and the army didn't know about it. Chu Lingyun said little, but because he was there, people in the literary club were very enthusiastic and expressed their opinions, hoping to attract Ishihara Hiroshi's attention.

If Ishihara Hiroshi pays attention and focuses on training, he can save several years of travel.

This is the consensus of everyone.

"Everyone said very well. We will continue this discussion in the future and maintain a good and positive atmosphere."

Two hours later, Chu Lingyun encouraged them and left immediately.

He didn't have time to stay here forever.

He knows better than anyone that Japan's glory will not last long. After their combined fleet is destroyed, what is left is a dying struggle.

In the extra-high school class, Jiang Tengkong and the others also received the news.

As Japanese, they are naturally angry, but it may not be a bad thing for Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Koyama.

If the empire really fully occupied China, once their identities were revealed, death would surely be waiting for them.

There was no way the Empire would let them live.

If they cannot defeat China, they can continue to survive and live well.

"Ishida, how are your preparations going?" Jiang Tengkong asked.

Only the two of them knew the plan, and the early stage was to find out Chu Yuan’s whereabouts.

Chu Yuan was a high-ranking member of the war situation team with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was also Chu Lingyun’s best confidant and had personally killed Nan Yun’s people.

There is no need to catch him, killing him is a super feat, enough to secure Jiang Tengkong's position as section chief.

"Ready and ready for action."

Ishida's intelligence team is the main force this time, Jiang Tengkong must participate, and this credit will fall on his head.

The intelligence team will first obtain the situation outside the war situation team.

Then this person will confess to them that they have met Chu Yuan.

These peripheral areas belong to Chu Yuan's management.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the intelligence team locked in the scope of the investigation, conducted a detailed investigation, and finally found the people from the war situation team.

This is just the first step of the plan.

Chu Yuan cannot be discovered so easily. Someone from the real war team must be caught, otherwise Tu Yuan will definitely become suspicious.

The person they found did indeed belong to the war situation group.

Human beings have desires, not to mention lurkers like them who are always in danger. People need to restrain their desires, or in other words, work hard to do what they can, and never touch what they cannot do.

He is one of those people who cannot control his desires.

During the period of lurking, he actually learned to smoke cigarettes, and was discovered by Loach.

He asked his superiors to advance his salary, which made Loach feel something was wrong.

The personnel of the war situation team have very generous salaries and various subsidies. They are not short of money at all. Everyone has saved a lot of money and is waiting to be sent home. How could he be short of money?

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that he was addicted to cigarettes and had been smoking for some time.

If it weren't for the recent infighting between the Special High School and No. 76, he might have been exposed and caught long ago, and even endangered other people.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the military, especially military commanders.

He is also a latent agent. This crime is not a small one. According to the discipline of the military command and the combat situation team, he will be shot.

The old man hated cigarettes and once publicly shot cigarette dealers.

Chu Lingyun decided to give him a chance. If he could hold on and not confess when he was caught, Chu Lingyun would ask Jiang Tengkong to create a chance for him to escape, and at the same time, he could quit his smoking habit in the special high school prison.

If he confesses, it will be treated as his execution.

It just so happens that he is Chu Yuan's subordinate, Chu Lingyun will let him know where Chu Yuan is, and then it depends on his performance.

If he doesn't confess, Jiang Tengkong will use this clue to continue the investigation, and he can also find Chu Yuan's whereabouts. The next step is to discover Chu Yuan and conduct secret surveillance.

In the end, Chu Yuan discovered their existence, and a gunfight broke out. "Chu Yuan" was killed, and Jiang Tengkong got the biggest credit.

"You should send the people out first and conduct an investigation." Jiang Tengkong ordered.

The Chinese make very detailed plans and they just have to follow the plan.

"Okay." Ishida nodded.

Chu Lingyun was very scary. This was a common understanding between him and Jiang Teng. The fact that so many intelligence officers from the empire fell into his hands further confirmed this.

Countless imperial elites died at the hands of Chu Lingyun.

He and Jiang Tengkong were lucky enough to be useful to Chu Lingyun and save their lives, but they were also completely controlled and had no ability to resist.

This time the plan was very detailed, and the probability of success was very high. Even Tu Yuan couldn't even think of seeing anything unusual.

In the public concession, Qiu Tianyue and his younger brother were walking on the street.

The Japanese occupied the concession, and people from Britain, France, the United States and other countries were unlucky. However, it had little impact on them, the Green Gang gangsters. A few of them understood the righteousness and were unwilling to surrender. The Japanese ran away or were caught, and most of the rest surrendered. Arrived at the Japanese side.

You can work with anyone, as long as you give them benefits.

Typically, a woman with breasts is a mother.

It is very simple for the military to recruit such people. They dare not disobey with threats and inducements.

"Did he really say that he was a member of the military commander?"

Ishida Xiaoshan was staring at Qiu Tianyue in the dark.

This Qiu Tianyue was a big mouth, and Loach specially selected him for Chu Yuan to instigate rebellion.

He likes to brag, especially after drinking a few drops of horse urine, he dares to say anything. He often brags about someone he knows, and even says he knows Takemoto from the Military Police Headquarters.

"I said there was more than one witness."

His subordinates hurriedly replied that Ishida had sent people out three days ago to investigate Juntong's people everywhere. This time Nayun was killed and it must have been Juntong's fault. Jiang Tengkong needed to capture Juntong's people and give them to Tuyuan.

"The little gangsters are on the periphery of the military command. They are ready to arrest people and make secret arrests."

Ishida snorted coldly. They had caught many people like this before. They had experience and their value was not high. At first, Mitsui was treated as a treasure.


The subordinates take orders, this kind of little gangster is of little use, but it is better than nothing.

They are indeed people who have been bribed by the military commander to work for the military commander. Unfortunately, they are on the periphery and are not considered meat. At most, they are just soup.

It's very easy to catch such a person. When he comes home, the people from the extra-high school class will be waiting to catch him and sneak him away through the back door.

In the Special High School Prison, Qiu Tianyue was hung up by his hands. He could not help but tremble as he looked at the room full of terrifying instruments of torture.

Jiang Tengkong sat at the interrogation table, with Ishida next to him.

This time Jiang Tengkong personally interrogated.

It's true that he is a small character, but he can use him to bring out the big shots in the military unit's battle intelligence team. From now on, Jiang Tengkong has to participate in the whole process and take this credit into his own hands.

By killing Chu Yuan, he would not only be able to take the position of section chief, but also be promoted to the rank of colonel.

"Qiu Tianyue, do you know why I arrested you?"

Jiang Tengkong asked, and Qiu Tianyue shivered violently. When he was arrested, he knew that the person who arrested him was from the special high class.

Japanese intelligence service.

He knew very well why he was arrested.

"I know, I know, I am willing to confess and do things for you. The military commander did come to me and asked me to do things for them. I originally wanted to report them, but I didn't know where to report it."

Qiu Tianyue said tremblingly, and Jiang Tengkong slammed the table: "Stop talking nonsense. Who contacted you, how, how much information you provided them, and how much money you took. Tell them all clearly."

"Yes, I'll tell you everything."

How dare Qiu Tianyue hide anything? He told the situation clearly and honestly.

As expected, after the military commander saw him, he contacted him through a dead mailbox. He didn't know where the military commander was.

But this time it was Chu Yuan who came forward, not Zhao San.

The special high school class has information about the war situation group. Chu Lingyun has three confidants who are also his most capable assistants.

Zhao San, nicknamed Loach, was born as a gangster. He got lucky and fell into Chu Lingyun's lap. He was promoted from an ordinary team member to a colonel in a few years.

He is also the number one confidant around Chu Lingyun.

After Zhu Qing became the chief of the Changsha Station, Zhao San became the deputy leader of the war situation group. He was the second person in the war situation group and had a deep relationship with the Shanghai District.

Wang Yuemin tried to use the deputy district chief to win over him but failed, so he was determined to follow Chu Lingyun.

This information is not difficult to obtain. The last time Nanyun caught people from the Shanghai area, he had already asked them clearly.

The second confidant is Shen Hanwen, who was born as a scout. Like Zhao San, he rose to prominence after joining Chu Lingyun and is now a lieutenant colonel.

The last one is Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan is not very impressive, but someone has said that he is the person Chu Lingyun truly trusts the most. Chu Yuan was Chu Lingyun’s subordinate in the army from the beginning. He was taken to the Military Intelligence Department and followed Chu Lingyun to arrest many of their people. .

Chu Yuan also holds the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Even if Zhao San could not be caught, it would be a great achievement to catch Chu Yuan, and Chu Yuan must know where Chu Lingyun is.

"Fuck your mailbox staring."

Jiang Tengkong ordered that there was no use in staring at the mailbox, but it was something that had to be done.

"Call me."

Ishida said suddenly, Qiu Tianyue screamed and kept begging for mercy.

"Stop fighting, grandpa, it hurts me so much. I met the people around Chu Yuan by chance last time. I can lead you to find him."


Jiang Tengkong shouted hurriedly, waiting for his words.

"Why didn't you say it just now?"

"Grandpa, I only met that man by chance. I don't know where he lives. I'm afraid you will think I'm lying to you if I tell you."

Qiu Tianyue burst into tears. This whip can really kill people. His body is now in burning pain.

"Where did you see him?"

"It's near the racecourse in the concession."

Qiu Tianyue immediately replied, Jiang Tengkong glanced at Shitian, ordered someone to treat his injury, and took him to a place where he could see people as soon as he was bandaged.

"I saw him on this street. When Chu Yuan gave me the letter of appointment, he was right next to me. He should be Chu Yuan's subordinate."

Qiu Tianyue said carefully, for fear of being beaten again.

"Are you sure about the person you saw here?" Jiang Tengkong asked.

"I'm sure, I'm sure. How dare I lie to you? I'll risk my life."

"Ishida, take him and stay here to see if that person will appear again."

Jiang Tengkong acted according to the plan. This was what he had to do. He couldn't give up even if there were any clues. What intelligence work requires is seriousness.

"Yes, principal."

Ishida took the order and personally led Qiu Tianyue around here. Chu Yuan's men would not appear in these two days, and they would be discovered by them 'accidentally' on the third day.

Everything is proceeding steadily according to plan.

In Suzhou, Fang Shiyi was looking at branch manager Masahiro Iino angrily.

This bastard actually dared to replace the grain with old grain, and a lot of it was moldy grain.

Fortunately, Hiroshi Ishihara was cautious and asked him to inspect all the granaries. Otherwise, if he really needed the food, he would definitely be blinded.

Iino changed a lot. He actually replaced thirty of the fifty granaries in Suzhou. If Fang Shiyi hadn't suddenly come over, I'm afraid he could have replaced all the grain in the fifty granaries.

Grain prices are high, especially fine grains, which have huge profits. Iino Masahiro is not honest at all. When he was at the headquarters, he had opinions about Fang Shiyi and believed that Ishihara Hiroshi should not attach so much importance to the Chinese.

Ishihara Hunter deliberately sent him to Suzhou, or it was Fang Shiyi who sent him to take office. When he arrived in Suzhou, no one was in charge, and he became even more arrogant.

"Fang, Secretary Fang, please help me hide it. I will give you money, a lot of money."

When the incident at the granary was caught, Iino was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. Chu Lingyun was worried that something might happen during Fang Shiyi's inspection, so he specially asked Takemoto to send military police to follow him.

At this time, Iino was controlled by the military police and knelt on the ground.

"Helping you hide it?"

Fang Shiyi was angry and laughed. At this moment, Iino actually wanted to bribe him with money. The results of the inspection in public showed that if he helped, he would end up like Iino.

What's more, he and Ishihara Hiroshi are one and it is impossible to help him.

"Take him first and report the situation in Suzhou to the boss immediately."

Fang Shiyi was really angry. He could just get some from other places. These grains were used to save lives. Now that grain production was reduced in various places, Ishihara Heng took precautions and made preparations in advance.

Ishihara Toru strictly ordered that everyone should keep these grains safe. Iino was hit with a gun this time.

No one can protect him, let alone protect him.

The previous manager of Suzhou was executed by Toru Ishihara for corruption. Now Iino, like his predecessor, will definitely be executed by Toru Ishihara.

Toru Ishihara has never been soft on this kind of borer.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received Fang Shiyi's telegram and was equally angry.

If anyone dares to steal food, Iino will die and everything he eats will be vomited out. Even if he sends the money to his family back home, he will have to get it back.

Chu Lingyun wanted to eliminate his family this time, completely shocking other people.

The deficit of thirty grain cabins needs to be made up as soon as possible. Fortunately, Shiyuan Trading Company has been transporting grain, and other smugglers also have a lot of grain in their hands.

Don’t use refined grains, just coarse grains.

Iino clamored to see his boss, but Chu Lingyun did not give him the chance and ordered Fang Shiyi to be interrogated on the spot in Suzhou.

If Iino did something so ruthless, it is impossible for the employees in Suzhou not to know about it. There must be people who are colluding with him.

Catch one and deal with it, whether they are Chinese or Japanese, all will be sentenced to death.

Fang Shiyi let the fleet leave first, and he stopped in Suzhou for two days. He arrested more than 20 people from the Suzhou branch, including hundreds of people, and almost all the management.

These people kept crying on the execution ground, but Alchemy Yi did not relent and ordered them all to be shot.

Ishihara Hiroshi dealt with the matter in Suzhou, and he quickly went to Nanjing to check the granaries in Nanjing.

Fortunately, Nanjing didn't dare to cheat, everything was normal.

Many people had heard about the Suzhou branch of Ishihara Trading Company. No one could say anything about Ishihara Hiroshi's treatment of his own people. However, Ishihara Hiroshi's methods were indeed ruthless, and more than 20 people were shot to death.

The rest, as long as they are insiders, will be fired because they did not report it.

In the branch office with hundreds of people, there were only about thirty unimportant people left. Chu Lingyun recruited a group of people in Shanghai and sent a group of people from the headquarters to stabilize the operations of the Suzhou company.

"Koishihara's hand is still so cruel."

After hearing this, Mr. Abe, the head of the Liaison Department, smiled and shook his head. Those people in Ishihara Trading Company are not blessed in their blessings. It is great to do good work and get a high salary, but they must be greedy for more.

Is Hiroshi Ishihara such an easy person to fool?

It's the teacher who has great vision. Ishihara Hiroshi and the teacher are the same kind of people at heart. When the teacher rectified the Black Dragon Club, he also killed many people.

The two of them seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

Abe called the teacher, first greeted him, and then mentioned the matter as a trivial matter.

He knew that the teacher cared about Ishihara Hiroshi, and such things would make the teacher happy.

In Japan, Touman actually smiled when he received Abe's message.

Ishihara Hiroshi did not disappoint him. He must be ruthless when he should be ruthless and never show mercy. In Touman's eyes, Ishihara Hiroshi did not do enough. The punishment for those who were expelled was too light. Their homes must be ransacked and then sent to reform.

If you know something that is detrimental to your boss but do not report it, you may be spared the death penalty, but you will never escape the crime of living.

It was a trivial matter and Toumatoshi didn't care, but he was very happy that Abe could tell him in time.

Ishihara Hiroshi would definitely not report such a trivial matter by himself. At most, he would mention it when sending a routine report.

Wuhan, Fang Shiyi arrived with the fleet.

No one with an open eye dares to check the things of Ishihara Trading Company. Even if it is not in Shanghai, no one dares to do so anywhere else.

Who doesn’t know that the commander-in-chief of the dispatched army, Tian Junliu, and Ishihara Hiroshi, wearing the same pair of trousers, dared to attack Ishihara Trading Company. Without Ishihara Hiroshi to come forward, Tian Junliu would not be able to spare him, let alone there are so many people in the literary club.

The Literary Society recruited new people again and established another division leader, bringing the number of division leaders to five.

The new ones are all generals. The old members were under great pressure before, but now they are all trying their best to perform. They are eager for someone to cause trouble for the Ishihara Trading Company fleet so that they can earn more contribution points.

"Secretary Fang."

Okada is at the dock. As long as Ishihara Trading Company's fleet comes, he will come over no matter how busy he is.

Come here and you will have a contribution.

"General Okada."

Fang Shiyi responded with a smile. Okada is the brigade commander and will be promoted recently. He will next be the chief of staff of the division and then wait to be promoted to division commander.

He was lucky enough to join early and become one of the ten division leaders of the Literary Society.

Only Chu Lingyun and Tian Junliu knew that there were only ten division leaders in the literary society, and no one else knew about it, including Takemoto.

Don't let them know the number, otherwise once it is full, the remaining people will have no hope and will lose their motivation.

"Secretary Fang, please."

Okada has helped more than once and is very familiar with it. There are dedicated people for unloading. Fang Shiyi will arrange how they unload the goods and will not stay here.

There was a lot of grain in this shipment. Grain production was reduced, and my hometown was also short of food. They sent a lot of grain to my hometown.

For a period of time, they will have to provide food to their hometown.


Fang Shiyi said politely, while others looked at him with envy. This was a brigade commander, and there were not many Chinese people in China who could make a brigade commander be so polite.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Chuanhai does not have such face. At most, he is polite to Wang Chuanhai on the surface, but respects Fang Shiyi from the bottom of his heart.

There is no problem with the Wuhan granary. Ishihara Hiroshi personally inspected it and no one dared to tamper with it.

In Shanghai, Jiang Tengkong and others were staring at a person.

Two days ago, they took Qiu Tianyue to find the person he said. Qiu Tianyue was very excited. If he found the person, he would have made a meritorious service and would not have to die.

He didn't want to have the experience of being in the Special High School Prison again.

"Why would he smoke a cigarette?"

Jiang Tengkong frowned and asked deliberately. He finally understood why Chu Lingyun was entrusted to such a person as them.

The discipline of the military commander is very strict. Smoking is never allowed, let alone lurking. It is estimated that Chu Lingyun discovered his problem and deliberately used his own hands to get rid of him.

By the way, do yourself a favor.

Chu Lingyun was always able to make the most of everything, and so was the traitor in the Navy Department. They didn't make any announcement when they found out, leaving it to him to get the credit.

"Section Chief, something is wrong. Do you want to arrest the person first?"

Jiang Tengkong's men asked why the lurking military personnel smoked cigarettes, but they didn't feel reliable. This clue was provided by a gangster, and the credibility of his words was not that high.

"Ishida, what do you think?"

Jiang Tengkong asked Ishida Xiaoshan beside him. Ishida knew the details as well as Jiang Tengkong. This man must be a member of the real war team.

"Search, I think you can catch him."

Ishida replied that their plan is to arrest people, but they cannot arrest them directly. After finding the person, they must keep an eye on them first and then arrest them after discovering the problem.

Smoking is a problem, a big problem.

"Preparing to arrest people, secret arrest."

Jiang Tengkong ordered, he is not Nagyun. The operation team and intelligence team completely obey his command. The telecommunications, logistics and other teams had already taken refuge with him when Nagyun was there. His control over the special high school is far from Nagyun. Can be compared.

In fact, Nagyun has never really taken power since he arrived at the Special High School.

The only people she could really control were the people around her.


The men were ordered to find this man smoking a big cigarette in the opium shop. When he came out, he would be arrested immediately in a deserted place.

Lu Baoyun finished smoking his cigarette beautifully and wandered away.

He got into this bad habit more than half a year ago, and it was very stressful for him to lurk alone. At that time, he was in a very upset mood, and he happened to be passing by an opium den, and by some strange coincidence he wanted to come in and try it.

He thought it would be fine if he tried it once, and he wouldn't become addicted.

After trying it, I couldn't throw it away again.

All the savings he saved were given to the opium den. Later, when he didn't have enough money, he had to advance his salary.

Loach found out about his problem and agreed to his request for a salary advance in order to stabilize him.

However, he will soon spend all the money. Next, he has to find a way to make money, otherwise he will be tortured to death by his addiction to cigarettes.

It's not like he never wanted to quit, but he couldn't quit at all. The pain was too unbearable.

He would rather die than live without smoke.

Just as he reached a small intersection, several people suddenly appeared around him. Lu Baoyun's mobility was not weak, but unfortunately his body was damaged by the smoke. By the time he reacted, he was held down by several people and his whole body was under control.

He was brought into the car with his head covered. The other party's technique was so professional, Lu Baoyun's heart sank suddenly.

Is it No. 76, or a special high school class?

How was he exposed?

Lu Baoyun knew that the person who arrested him must be an agent. The police would not do this. No matter who he was, once he was arrested, he would be tortured inhumanely unless he surrendered.

The car drove all the way to the Extra High School Course. After getting off the car, the black mask on Lu Baoyun's head was taken off.

He saw the person in front of him clearly.

There are casual clothes and military uniforms, Japanese military uniforms, this is a special high school class.

At the same time, he saw Qiu Tianyue who had gotten off the car with him. When he saw him, Lu Baoyun immediately understood how he was exposed and that he was found in this peripheral area.

It's a pity that he was too careless and was caught by the special high school class.

"This is a special high-level class. You are from the war situation team. Don't take any chances when you get here. If you are willing to cooperate, you will be a high-ranking official and a generous salary in the future. I can arrange a section chief position for you at the special agent headquarters. How about it? ?”

Jiang Tengkong interrogated him personally. Lu Baoyun closed his eyes and said nothing.

"If you are stubborn, fight."

Jiang Tengkong snorted coldly, and the punishment began. Lu Baoyun screamed, but he still did not speak.

After beating him for more than half an hour, Lu Baoyun did not confess until he fell into coma.

"Section Chief, since he is a heavy smoker, why don't we wait until his addiction breaks out before interrogating him."

His subordinates made suggestions. Lu Baoyun had been smoking for such a long time and his health was not as good as before. He could not bear the harsh punishment. Since he did not want to be punished, he could wait until he got addicted to smoking.


Jiang Tengkong agreed. He was not in a hurry. Lu Baoyun was addicted to smoking and went to the opium shop every day. Otherwise, they would definitely continue to monitor him.

On the second day, Lu Baoyun's addiction to cigarettes really broke out and he kept screaming.

"Say what I want and let you get it."

Jiang Tengkong placed the prepared cigarette on the table. Lu Baoyun stretched out his hand to grab it, but he was tied up and couldn't reach it at all.

A low roar came from his throat, and his eyes were red, like a wild beast.

This wasn't enough stimulation, so Jiang Tengkong found another smoker and smoked in front of him.

The smoky smell made Lu Baoyun unable to bear it any longer: "I said, I am willing to recruit, give it to me, give it to me quickly."

Lu Baoyun, who had not spoken during the punishment, finally couldn't bear it anymore due to the torture of his cigarette addiction, so he surrendered and confessed.

"First tell me your name and position."

"Lu Baoyun, lieutenant agent of the third team of the Military Intelligence Group, my captain is Chu Yuan."

Lu Baoyun spoke quickly and kept grabbing with both hands. Jiang Tengkong nodded, and the person next to him immediately handed the pipe to him.

Lu Baoyun pumped quickly, while Jiang Tengkong and several Japanese sneered at him.

It's good to have a weakness, and you can break through his defenses if you have a weakness. Lu Baoyun's weakness is the smoke.

Lu Baoyun didn't know that the smoke would not only destroy his body, but also kill him.

Even if he surrenders to the Super High School, he will definitely die.

"Where is Chu Yuan?"

After Lu Baoyun finished smoking, Jiang Tengkong asked immediately. Lu Baoyun shook his head: "I don't know. We are in single-line contact. I am in a dormant state. If there is a mission, our team leader will send me instructions."

Lu Baoyun did it very thoroughly.

He didn't know where the top line was. This was not surprising to the Japanese. The combat team was so difficult to deal with and the management was so strict. It was impossible for an ordinary team member to know where his captain was.

The captain of the war situation team was compared to the leader of the sub-station.

Each team is divided into five teams. Lu Baoyun is an ordinary player. There is a team leader between him and Chu Yuan. He doesn't see Chu Yuan often.

"But I know Chu Yuan has a hobby."

Lu Baoyun suddenly said that he had rebelled, and the rebellion was complete. He didn't want to be tortured anymore, especially if he couldn't live without smoke.

He could endure the physical torture, but he really couldn't resist the addiction to cigarettes.

The chapter name will not be changed, otherwise it will be awkward. Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting points reward.

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