Spy Shadow

Chapter 788 Send someone to investigate

Back in the office, Chen Zhanli finally laughed out loud.

His own people are fine. Three Japanese and three traitors were killed in the bombing, which is very satisfying. Unfortunately, he is not in the war situation team and cannot celebrate with the team leader Zhao and the team leader.

When Zhongtong and the others are in his hands, he will deal with them.

With such a big mistake, he doesn't need to look good on these people.

On September 4th, after Japan withdrew from Shangrao, it retained part of its territory in Zhejiang, and the war between Zhejiang and Jiangxi officially ended.

The Japanese occupied many new territories.

However, this result did not satisfy Tian Junliu. His biggest strategic goal, to eliminate China's third theater, was not realized. After such a long investigation, he did not find the real traitor.

In a rage, Tian Junliu ordered the secret execution of twelve suspects.

There were four others who were relatively high-level and he did not have the right to deal with them, so he simply sent them back to the country and let people in the country handle them.

Using thunderous tactics, he also wanted to prevent the secret from being leaked again.

These sixteen people are basically people who have access to these intelligences.

As long as there is a chance to come into contact with them, they will all be considered suspects.

Regardless of whether they are unjustly accused or not, we will wait until they are executed.

The twelve dead souls who died unjustly were all of high level. Chu Lingyun didn’t know about it yet, but he would definitely laugh if he knew about it.

Li Zhiqun also knew that things had been messed up at the Special High School.

He sneered alone in his office.

The intelligence was provided by him to the military commander. It would be surprising if he could succeed in the special high-level course. This time he has made a contribution, and the military commander must remember his good deeds. As for the reward of five gold bars, he doesn't care that much.

The director and deputy director of No. 76 all thought that the accident in the extra-high school class was their fault, but they didn't know that it was all Chu Lingyun's arrangement.

Without them, the Special Higher Education Course would not be able to accomplish anything.

Shuijin imprisoned all the people in Zhongtong alone.

Especially those on a mission.

He has always believed that the problem lies with the Chinese people. These Chinese people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are not very capable, but they are the first to do bad things.

Shuijin ordered severe torture.

It didn’t take long for four people to be recruited.

Li Hongru took a total of ten people to carry out the mission, and there were another twenty people who were Shui Jin's subordinates.

Three of Li Hongru's men were killed, leaving only seven.

Four confessed, more than half.

Shuijin didn't care whether they surrendered or not. Since they confessed, it was their responsibility. If he solved the case, it was indeed the fault of the Chinese people.

Report it to Jiang Tengkong, but Jiang Tengkong doesn't bother to ask. Since he admitted it, he will deal with it seriously.

The four people became unjust ghosts.

Their experience made the remaining Zhongtong agents regret even more. Their heads were dizzy. Why should they follow their superiors and join the Japanese?

Now not only have their family members been killed, but they themselves are also unable to protect themselves.

If they hadn't been unable to escape, or if they had escaped and didn't know where they were going, they would have probably found a way to leave the Special High School Course.

One mistake can lead to eternal regret, and there are many people who regret it.

After such a torment, not only would they not have any fighting power, they would definitely be held back.

With the people useless, Jiang Tengkong finally sent them to No. 76.

The remaining forty-odd people at the Central Unification Shanghai Station were all incorporated into Xiao Lu's Operations Division 2, and four separate sections were established. The section chief was Xia Zhihao, and the three team leaders were the former operations team leader, telecommunications team leader, and general affairs team leader. Team leader.

As for Li Hongru, because of his big mistake this time, he didn't even get a team leader, so he was assigned to be the team leader below.

There were only three people left.

The former webmaster, not to mention a high position, at least held great power, but he was encouraged by his subordinates to defect to the Japanese. Now that his family is gone, he is suppressed again. What is even more annoying is that he gave away most of his money in order to grab the task. the property of.

I originally wanted to get the director to get the money back, but now I am fetching water from a bamboo basket and there is nothing left.

He snatched this mission from Xia Zhihao. You can imagine what Xia Zhihao will do to him next.

Li Hongru's heart was filled with regret. If he was given another chance, he would rather resist than join Xia Zhihao and others to join the Japanese.

There is no winner among Zhongtong people. If there is one, it is Xia Zhihao.

Fortunately, the task was taken away by Li Hongru. Li Hongru saved him this time. Otherwise, he might not even be able to do it, let alone the section chief.

On the 76th, Shuijin brought people from Zhongtong to the gate.

Jiang Qihe came to greet him with Chen Zhanli, but Li Zhiqun didn't come. The person was for Chen Zhanli. It was just embarrassing for him, the director, to come out.

Ezakiga did not force him to appear.

"Esaki, I've left the people in your hands, keep an eye on them."

Mizujin was not very polite to Ezaki He, but Ezaki He didn't care and smiled and nodded: "Please ask Team Leader Mizujin to make a trip in person."

"Very well, I'm leaving first."

Shui Jin responded, turned and left.

During the Mitsui period, he always nodded and bowed when he saw Esakiga. Esakiga was Mitsui's secretary, an absolute confidant, and basically the second person in the special high school class.

Even Ishida and Jiang Tengkong did not dare to offend Jiang Qihe.

There is an old saying in China, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, Mitsui was transferred, but Esakiga could not leave with him. Without Mitsui, he is nothing.

If it weren't for his good luck and the help from Ishihara Hiroshi, Esaki Ga would have been tortured to death by Nagumo long ago.

Mizujin knew that Ezaki Ga did not hug Ishihara Hiroshi. If he did, he would not stay in the special high school and would have been transferred long ago.

"Lord Ezaki, this is a humble position..."

"There is no need to call me a subordinate here. You are the section chief. I am higher than you. Just call yourself a subordinate."

Jiang Qihe interrupted Xia Zhihao. Xia Zhihao was slightly startled and nodded sharply: "Yes, I know my mistake. I will bring someone to report to you and Director Chen."

His section chief was appointed by Jiang Tengkong and no one could change him.

In fact, Li Zhiqun had the power to refuse such an appointment, but he didn't dare. The Special High School Class had no ownership over No. 76, but it had supervisory power, so it could find ways to deal with him.

"This is Director Chen."

Jiang Qihe pointed at Chen Zhanli, and Xia Zhihao immediately came to Chen Zhanli and bowed his head: "Director Chen, my subordinate Xia Zhihao will be your soldier from now on. I will fight wherever you point me."

Li Hongru, who was standing in the crowd, did not feel angry at this time.

He was full of anxiety, worried that Xia Zhihao would give him little shoes to wear in the future, or torture him to death.

He still had some money on hand, but not much. He originally wanted to give it to Xia Zhihao to ease the relationship, but after thinking about it for a night, he decided to give the money to Chen Zhanli.

They had investigated Chen Zhanli and knew his preferences.

Chen Zhanli has no ability, he is just delicious, but he is really good to his subordinates. If he can get Chen Zhanli's blessing, Xia Zhihao will not be able to do anything to him in the future.

If he can be appreciated by Chen Zhanli, he, the captain, can quickly become the team leader, and he can even get rid of Xia Zhihao and become the section chief again.

"Xiao Lu, they are your people, you are responsible for accepting them."

Chen Zhanli said lightly, and Xiao Lu immediately came over. Xia Zhihao knew that this was his division chief, and his immediate superior flattered him for a while.

Xiao Lu knew what his director was thinking.

These people did not directly seek refuge with them, but thought of taking a shortcut and joining the Special Higher Education Course, and then made a big mistake in the Special Higher Education Course. It would be surprising if the director could give them a good look.

Go back and give them a good beating, let them know that in No. 76, you have to lie down if it is a tiger, and you have to coil up if it is a dragon. They must obey the director's orders in everything, and there must be no small moves.

Jiang Qihe ignored Xia Zhihao and the others and handed them over to Chen Zhanli and went back by himself.

He is a liaison officer and he does not have any management power over No. 76, nor can he interfere in No. 76's affairs to avoid arousing Jiang Tengkong's suspicion.

He should make good use of this opportunity and strive to be transferred back to China in the future.

In the special high school class, Jiang Tengkong received a message from Tuyuan.

Tuhara was very angry about this defeat. Since the person was in Ishida's hands, he should not have been transferred to Mizujin. He could go back anytime to report on his duties. The change of coach at the critical moment was the root cause of this mistake.

If the case is still in Ishida's hands, this may not be the outcome.

Ishida has arrived at the headquarters, and Tuhara specially meets him.

Tuhara had a very good impression of Ishida. Ishida was lurking in the beginning. Wuhan was beaten so badly at that time. Ishida was the only intact group that survived.

This shows his ability.

Although something happened in Wuhan later, it had nothing to do with Ishida. He was not involved in those things. I don’t know who and where the people sent by the headquarters were.

Mitsui liked infighting, but he did promote a few talents.

That's Ishida.

Ishida did very well in the Shanghai Special High School, and he did not participate in any infighting. No matter who was in office, he always worked diligently and worked hard. His alliance with Jiang Tengkong was just for self-protection.

It's true that he was promoted by Mitsui, but he never spoke for Mitsui.

This time he was taken away from the important task and went to the headquarters. He also had no complaints. From the beginning to the end, he never said a bad word about Jiang Tengkong. Instead, he constantly affirmed Jiang Tengkong's previous achievements.

Tu Yuan especially appreciated this.

Tuyuan himself is good at infighting, but what he hates most is infighting, especially when it affects his work.

Jiang Tengkong was promoted because he didn't like internal fighting.

This time, Ishida was suddenly sent back to the headquarters and his confidants were asked to take over Ishida's work. Tuhara was extremely dissatisfied.

Jiang Tengkong sent a telegram to admit his mistake and fined Shuijin heavily.

Shui Jin found out the result, but not even a fool would know what happened to such a result.

Jiang Tengkong removed Shuijin's operations team leader and made him the acting team leader. If the military commander cannot be caught within three months, he will be removed from his post immediately and demoted to an ordinary team member.

Jiang Tengkong not only gave Shuijin a chance, but also gave Tuyuan an explanation.

After receiving the message, Tuyuan's expression softened a lot.

Jiang Tengkong did indeed do something wrong this time. People have selfish motives and want to take care of their direct descendants. He can understand that, but after receiving criticism, Tu Yuan was still satisfied with punishing his confidants so severely.

This is an open order. If Shuijin fails to do so, he will definitely be removed from his post.

If it can be done, wouldn't it be better? The biggest task of Shanghai Special High School is to deal with Chinese agents. If the Chinese agent can be caught to prove his ability, he can continue to be retained.

"Ishida, Jiang Teng took the initiative to admit his mistake and severely punished Shuijin. You cooperated very well before. Don't worry about it this time. When you return, you will continue to cooperate well and serve the empire."

Tuhara comforted Ishida, and Ishida bowed his head respectfully: "Chief Section Chief, don't worry, I will do my best to assist the Section Chief."

He will indeed give his full assistance, but not for the empire, but for the Chinese.

The two of them are Chinese internal agents and have been unable to get off the ship for a long time.

He didn't even complain about Jiang Tengkong at all. They were working together to set up a trap, but Shui Jin got in on his own and mentioned that Jiang Tengkong was wronged for him.

He owed Jiang Tengkong.

"Very good, you can go back tomorrow. The military agents in Shanghai are well hidden. Chu Lingyun is a serious problem and we must get rid of him as soon as possible."

Tuyuan nodded happily, while Ishida lowered his head with sarcasm in his eyes.

Counting on them to catch Chu Lingyun was absolutely impossible.

Time passed slowly, and it was mid-September in a blink of an eye.

The weather has become cooler, and the south is better this year. The food shortage continues in the north. The old man finally knows the truth about the famine in the Central Plains.

No one knows whether he really just found out now or whether he is deliberately pretending not to know.

The old man ordered disaster relief, and batches of relief food were shipped to various places in the disaster area.

It's a pity that a group of officials have been enriched by their own efforts. Very little grain has actually reached the hands of the people. If you are lucky, you can get a little, but most of them have not seen a grain of grain.

After Chu Lingyun learned the result, she couldn't help but shake her head.

How can such a party survive?

Lin Shi from Ganzhou also received this news. He was even more disappointed with the Fruit Party. Only the Red Party can save China. This is his unwavering belief.

During this food disaster, Lin Shi bought a batch of food and sent it over. Unfortunately, it was a drop in the bucket and he couldn't save many people at all.

He also heard about what the military commander had done, and he was even more disappointed with the military commander.

Fortunately, he didn't know that this was Chu Lingyun's doing. If he knew, he would probably be sad.

Things are going well in Ganzhou now. Lin Shi has been in Ganzhou for a long time and found that most of what the eldest son did was learned from the Red Party and added his ideas to govern.

However, the eldest son is a bit wishful thinking. If the corruption of the Guo Party is not fundamentally changed, his wish is destined to be a castle in the air with no possibility of realization.

The eldest son was happy about this, believing that his method would definitely succeed and bring good lives to the people.

"Boss, there is a secret report from an employee in Tianjin, saying that the manager there takes kickbacks and does not provide enough goods to customers. The customers there dare not say anything because of your reputation."

Ishihara Trading Company, Gu Sen, who is responsible for inspecting various departments, came to report.

Gu Sen is the old man who came in together with Fang Shiyi. As long as the employees who come in now are still alive, they are basically in high positions.

Gu Sen is very smart and honest. He always does what Ishihara Hiroshi told him and is very loyal. Chu Lingyun gave him the task of supervision.

Except for a few people at the headquarters, most people are under his supervision.

But he didn't know that Takemoto was also monitoring him to prevent him from helping others to deceive him after he gained power.

So far, he has done a good job and has identified many bugs within the company in recent years.

"Is the problem serious?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"It's quite serious. According to the whistleblower, the amount involved is at least 300,000 yen."

Three hundred thousand yen is indeed a lot. Even if the yen is devalued now, the purchasing power of three hundred thousand yen is still not small. It can allow him to buy a very good house in Tokyo, buy a lot of land, and live comfortably for the rest of his life. .

"Since someone has reported it, you should go to Tianjin immediately and investigate the matter personally."

Chu Lingyun ordered that Shiyuan Trading Company is very large. Now, including Shanghai, there are thousands of employees in various places, including dock loading and unloading workers, sailors on ships, convoy guards, and Shiyuan Trading Company's own guards.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Chu Lingyun has always used thunderous methods. Regardless of whether they are Chinese or Japanese, anyone who violates his bottom line will basically be executed.

In the past few years, Chu Lingyun has killed more than 100 people and dealt with hundreds of people. Last time in Suzhou, he killed more than 20 people at one time and dealt with more than 70 people in total.

Regarding the matter in Suzhou, Chu Lingyun sent people to all branches as a warning.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who dare to stand up and take risks.

As branch managers, their income is not low. The average general only earns a few hundred yen per month. They can earn more than a thousand yen, which is a high-income group.

Unfortunately, human desires are never satisfied.

More than 1,000, only 10,000 to 20,000 a year, they can make several years or even ten years of income with just a hand, and they want to make quick money.


Gu Sen lowered his head. He understood that the boss was very angry and this matter needed to be investigated strictly.

To investigate a case like this at a foreign branch, they would not go out alone, they would definitely bring military police or soldiers with them.

It was inconvenient for the Shanghai military police to go to Tianjin to help them handle the case, so Gu Sen led the soldiers.

But they are not ordinary soldiers, but guards directly under the dispatched army headquarters.

There were only fifty people in number. They represented the headquarters, and the local authorities did not dare to block their actions.

This was Tian Shunliu's purpose of leaving him with only one squadron of guards, less than two hundred people, for the convenience of Toru Ishihara. This time he gave himself fifty people. Gu Sen understood how seriously his boss took this matter.

Although there are only fifty people, they can mobilize more soldiers when they arrive in Tianjin.

The Tianjin branch is not small, with more than a hundred employees and a dozen or so escorts. In terms of strength alone, Gu Sen can crush it.

"Boss, something happened in Tianjin?"

Fang Shiyi came to Chu Lingyun's office and asked carefully. Chu Lingyun looked unhappy and nodded slightly: "Someone reported it with his real name. Branch manager Guishan took credit cards, cheated, tampered with the goods delivered to customers, and did not give real figures. , and spent hundreds of thousands of yen in ink.”

"so serious?"

Alchemist Yi was shocked. He was mainly responsible for smuggling, and supervision was not under his control.

Fang Shiyi is not suitable for supervision. It has nothing to do with his identity and trust. Supervision can easily offend people. Last time Fang Shiyi dealt with so many people in Suzhou, Chu Lingyun deliberately killed him in order to ensure his safety.

All the family members of those who were executed were arrested and will never come out in this life.

"I asked Gu Sen to go over and he can find out the truth."

Chu Lingyun replied softly. Fang Shiyi didn't say anything anymore. It was appropriate for Gu Sen to investigate. If Tianjin really had such a big problem, another batch of people would die in Tianjin this time.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want in a trading company. This is Ishihara Trading Company. If you commit a crime here, you will be executed directly without any trial.

No one dares to speak for them.

In Tianjin, Gu Sen took people off the train.

He came in secret, and no one in Tianjin knew about it.

The train is faster than the ship. This time he came to investigate the situation of the Tianjin branch. Gusen was very experienced in such investigations. He first led people to requisition a place in the military headquarters as their temporary office.

It was very convenient to do this with fifty of the military guards following.

Tianjin, British Concession.

Today, the concession in Tianjin, like Shanghai, exists in name only and is actually controlled by the Japanese. After the Japanese took back the concession, they conducted a large-scale search here, and Tianjin Station lost several people at that time.

If Han Xianghui hadn't made timely adjustments, their losses would have been even greater.

The same goes for the Red Party. Without the concession, their life in Tianjin will be even more difficult, and they will completely disappear underground.

Furumura Qiu now lives in the Japanese Concession. He has been in Tianjin for some time and has established contact with two anti-war soldiers.

At this time, Furumura Aki was using a pseudonym, and his original name could not be used. He was wanted by the Tongwen Academy, and would be arrested soon if exposed.

The Japanese know him. After the anti-war alliance was established, he is now not wanted by Tongwenyuan, but directly by the Japanese.

His appearance has changed a bit, and Mr. Ke personally taught him the art of disguise. Although he is not as perverted as Chu Lingyun, at least he is not recognizable to people who are not particularly familiar with him.

"Nakagawa-kun, are you going to work?"

On the way, someone greeted Furumura Aki. His pseudonym was Nakagawa Yukichi. This was an incarnation specially found for him by Ke Gong after careful search.

There is a man named Yukichi Nakagawa in Japan who looks a bit like him. Nakagawa is not a soldier, so it is easier to disguise him.

The real Nakagawa is dead. Ke Gong knew about his situation and asked Furucun Qiu to remember his death. As long as no one who knew Nakagawa came over, Furucun Qiu would be fine.

"Yes, Shida-kun, are you opening the door so late today?"

The person who said hello was Furumura Akira's neighbor, who was running a small business and was not considered wealthy. Many Japanese in China did not live a very good life, and many were in poverty.

"The child is feeling a little unwell today. I sent him to the hospital. I'll get him started right away."

Shida shook his head helplessly. In this era, medical treatment is not cheap. Going to the hospital costs a lot of money. Many people would rather find a doctor than go to the hospital.

Mainly because I have no money.

I don't have much money to work in the fields, but at least I can open a small shop and be able to make a living.

"The child's health is important. I'll go to work first."

Akira Furumura works in a Japanese restaurant. He is very flexible and knows how to get things done, and his boss thinks highly of him.

This store is not a famous store and the price is not expensive. Many Japanese people like to eat there, especially Japanese soldiers.

He is here just to get in touch with the target and carry out his next work.

"Minister, it has been found out that Guishan is indeed cheating on customers. If he is given enough rebates, he will give him enough goods. If he is not given, it is either defective or the quantity is too small."

Gusen's subordinates came back and reported that Guishan had been the manager of the Tianjin branch for three years. He was sent here as soon as the Tianjin branch was established.

There are many Chinese people in Ishihara Trading Company, but the branch managers are all Japanese, but the deputy managers must be Chinese.

This is the balance Ishihara Hiroshi made. It was fine at the beginning, but now as time goes by, there are basically some problems everywhere.

"Did you get the evidence?" Gusen asked.

"I got it, with their testimonies and recordings."

The subordinate reported that the person to be investigated this time was the branch manager, and the evidence must be conclusive.

Kameyama's qualifications are earlier than Komori's. He joined Ishihara Trading Company when it was first established in Shanghai. He is the veteran of the company. Ishihara Hiroshi treats him very well. Unfortunately, people are greedy. This time, Kameyama is found out and is doomed. .

Komori knew very well that the more senior he became, the more intolerant Ishihara Toru would be and would never show any mercy.

"Continue the investigation and get all his evidence."

Gu Sen is very stable in his work. Now this piece of evidence can at most make Kameyama dismissal, but it is not enough to kill him. Now that he has come to investigate, he will get to the bottom of it so that he can explain to his boss when he returns.

His men were investigating, and Gu Sen was not idle either.

The Tianjin branch of Shiyuan Trading Company had several shops. He dressed up and brought a few guards with him to visit each shop.

This time he wants to take a clear look at the situation in Tianjin, find all hidden dangers, and organize the branch for the boss so that the boss will not worry about Tianjin in the future.

Several Ishihara Trading Company stores have more or less problems.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the people in the business are not enthusiastic about customers, have a bad attitude, and there are very few customers.

Ishihara Trading Company has a retail business, but it does not make money from retail sales.

Ishihara Trading Company is the largest importer in China, with goods from all over the world. Due to the war, the number of goods has decreased, and it is not so safe to board ships on the sea. Five merchant ships belonging to Ishihara Trading Company were once sunk.

The quantity of goods is small and the price is high.

They have things that others don't have, and they have rare goods to live in. The goods of Shiyuan Trading Company have always been easy to sell, and this gave the Tianjin branch the opportunity to get their hands on them.

"Just have something to eat here."

Gu Sen wandered until noon and stopped at a Japanese restaurant in the Japanese Concession. The guard went in with him.

Today we came for a secret investigation, but the casual clothes of the guards could not hide their military features. There was a Japanese garrison nearby, and Japanese soldiers often came over to eat.

Akira Furumura, who was at the front desk, saw them and immediately greeted them with a smile.

"What do you guys want to eat?"

He spoke in Japanese. At this time, the soldiers in Tianjin could only be Japanese. If they were Chinese, they would have been arrested long ago and would not be able to come to him.

He wasn't the only one with a sharp eye.

“What’s your specialty?”

Gu Sen asked casually. He entered a Japanese restaurant, so it was not surprising that someone asked him in Japanese.

"Our ramen is very delicious, and everyone who has eaten it praises it."

Furumura Qiu introduced with a smile. The guard next to Gusen glanced at his hand habitually, and then turned his eyes to the side.

These guards are experienced and can tell whether a person has been handling guns for a long time from their hands. The hands of people who have been shooting guns for a long time are different from ordinary people.

Furumura Qiu had shot a gun when he was in Yan'an, but not much. He was a student at Tongwen Academy and then a civilian, and he didn't receive much training as an agent.

The Red Party didn't have that many bullets to train with, not to mention Furumura Akira wasn't an operative. He didn't need to have good marksmanship, he just needed to be able to use it.

"Then give us five bowls."

Gu Sen nodded. He brought four guards with him, each of whom had exactly one bowl.

"Everyone, wait a moment."

Furumura Akira went to place an order, and soon five bowls of ramen were delivered to their table.

"Mr. Minister, where shall we go this afternoon?"

The guard captain asked while eating. The ramen here tasted really good, with a domestic taste. They ate a lot. They were not full after one bowl, so they asked for four more bowls.

As for Gusen, one bowl is enough.

"Go to the warehouse and have a look."

Gu Sen responded casually that important goods in Tianjin were distributed uniformly by commercial banks and the quantities were fixed. Guishan did not dare to falsify the quantity. He made money by passing off inferior goods, giving less goods to customers, and asking for kickbacks.

For some of the goods he raised himself, Kameyama relied on the power of Ishihara Trading Company to force some Chinese businessmen to sell the goods to him at a low price, and then he would sell them to others for the price difference.

These are common methods that he has experienced and knows.

Whether it is defective goods or goods that he raised himself, they all need a place to store them, usually directly in the warehouse of Ishihara Trading Company. Because they have self-raised goods, they are not afraid to check them.


The guard captain did not ask, but Furumura Qiu glanced at Gusen.

The four people around him were obviously soldiers, but Gu Sen was not. The four soldiers were headed by Gu Sen. Who were they?

Furumura Qiu suppressed his curiosity. He knew that curiosity must not be allowed behind enemy lines.

After paying the money, Gusen took the people away.

They were investigating secretly, and the warehouse could not be entered. Gu Sen mainly made judgments based on the merchants entering and leaving the warehouse.

If you find out clearly which firms these merchants belong to, and then ask your subordinates to come to check on them and find out what goods they purchased and their prices, then you will know the tricks of the Tianjin branch.

In Shanghai, time has entered October.

Xia Zhihao really wanted to punish Li Hongru, but this bitch actually gave Chen Zhanli and Director Lu a lot of benefits. When Chen Zhanli spoke, Director Lu covered him, and there was nothing he could do for the time being.

Just because Li Hongru can't move now doesn't mean he can't move in the future.

He is now a squad leader, with three subordinates who cannot afford to make trouble. Xia Zhihao, on the other hand, always thinks about making meritorious deeds. He wants to gain a foothold in No. 76 without merit.

He takes people to the streets every day and continues to search for Chinese agents.

I hope I can have the same luck as last time and find a military agent again. This time I will never let Li Hongru snatch him away. He will definitely be able to make meritorious deeds.

Xiao Lu didn't care about him. If he could find the best one, he would definitely have merit as the director.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find them, they are extra people anyway, and it’s the same with or without them.

The last time Lin Guanqiang was assassinated by the military in Shanghai, he had a lot of responsibility. If the director hadn't plead guilty and took all the responsibility for him, he would definitely have been severely punished.

He couldn't let the director suffer this grievance in vain, and must find the military commander's agents to take revenge.

Xia Zhihao's purposeless investigation only resulted in bad luck once. It would be difficult to do it a second time. Xiao Lu would not use such a stupid method, but he did come up with a good idea.

Xiao Lu did have some ability. He continued to use the old method to investigate.

But it is not a comprehensive investigation, but a focus on those who lived in the concession before and suddenly left after the Japanese occupied the concession.

Whether it was the military commander or the central commander, they used to like to hide in the concession. Their power in the concession was weak. At that time, the concession was still under the control of Britain, the United States, France and other countries.

After Japan took control of the concession, they conducted strict inspections of the concession. They were no different in the concession than outside, but it was more dangerous inside the concession.

It's very possible that some of them evacuated the concession.

Xiao Lu thought of this. There were also a lot of floating people in the concession. He locked the area. Xiao Lu believed that traces of the military reunification agents would be found within the area he locked. Even if they left, as long as they did not leave Shanghai, Then they can be found again.

It will break out at the beginning of next month, and it’s the end of the month. Friends with monthly tickets still hope to continue to support Xiaoyu.

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