Spy Shadow

Chapter 796 Let him check

Suspended from office, he has no power to handle cases, and the people he framed cannot be arrested. If they are arrested, Chen Xiaoer will only benefit Chen Xiaoer in vain.

Li Zhiqun understood that Chen Xiaoer must have filed a complaint against him, otherwise Jiang Tengkong would not know the progress of his investigation.

Damn Chen Xiaoer.

He knew very well that someone under his command had tipped off Chen Xiaoer. In the past, he would have strictly investigated, but now he felt powerless.

The people under his command were not of the same mind as him, so it no longer mattered whether he checked or not.

Even if he is found out, what can he do? Will the execution continue?

Not to mention that doing this will make others more afraid to follow him. If the person is really found out, will Chen Xiaoer be indifferent? Now that Jiang Qi He and Chen Xiao Er are wearing the same pair of pants, if Jiang Qi He intervenes and asks him to hand over his person to Chen Xiao Er, he will become a big joke.

Li Zhiqun remembered what Zhan Haiyun had said: Chen Xiaoer would drink the ecstasy soup and coax Kubo, Jiang Tengkong, Esaki He and others into spinning around.

Ecstasy soup naturally does not exist, everything is just the result of Chen Xiaoer's flattery.

Although he knew it, he couldn't do anything about it.

He thought about imitating Chen Xiaoer, but it backfired. He couldn't do some things that others could do, and Chen Xiaoer couldn't do the same things that he could do.

"Go back and reflect on it for me."

Jiang Tengkong waved his hand. With his order, Li Zhiqun could not continue the investigation and the case could be completely controlled in his hands.

Li Zhiqun left the special high school class, returned home, and looked in the mirror silently.

My face was very red and painful.

But the coldest thing was his heart. Jiang Tengkong refused to let him investigate the gold case. He wanted to monopolize this great work, and even wanted to swallow the gold. He would not let Jiang Tengkong do so.

This batch of gold belongs to him and he must get it.

He is good at investigating cases. If he can't investigate openly, he will investigate secretly.

For three consecutive days, Abe called Chu Lingyun more than a dozen times.

Every time I was full of hope, I ended up being disappointed.

The city had been under martial law for three days and could no longer be closed. Chu Lingyun ordered the blockade to be lifted and the investigation continued.

Abe is even more desperate.

There is no way to find out if it is blocked, and there is no hope if it is released.

He wanted to arrest everyone in Shanghai, torture them, and interrogate them one by one. He believed that he could get his gold back in this way.

It's a pity that no one, let alone him, can do it. The superiors will not allow them to do such a ridiculous thing.

"Master, let's have something to eat."

Okawa entered the room with delicious food. It was not the bedroom before. Abe couldn't stay in that bedroom for a minute.

When you live in it, you will think of his little cutie.

Chu Lingyun guessed right. For the miser, taking away his wealth was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"I can't eat it, take it away."

Abe sighed. These days seemed like years to him, as if a century had passed. He hated those thieves, Koizumi and Kamino.

He has ordered that the family members of Koizumi and Kamino be captured and executed.

Jiang Tengkong from the Special High School had reported to him that Kamino and Koizumi might have been internal agents and were killed to silence them, and it was indeed Koizumi who lured everyone away that day and deliberately created a gap in the family.

If it weren't for him, his gold would not be lost.

One shot can attract patrolling soldiers. Xiaoquan not only deceived the housekeeper and wet nurse, but also knew the patrol route. There was no one around at noon, so he deliberately created an opportunity for the thieves.

Xiaoquan deserved to die. If he hadn't died, he would have killed Xiaoquan. Such people would never be left again.

Because of Koizumi, Abe executed six of his bodyguards and specially transferred retainers from home to serve as new bodyguards. He no longer trusted these people in the army.

These six people died unjustly. They either followed Koizumi or were very close to him.

"Master, please eat a little. You have lost a lot of weight in the past few days. If you don't eat, your body won't be able to hold on."

Okawa persuaded with red eyes. She did not dare to say that she would make money again after the money was gone. The housekeeper Terada was beaten severely by Abe for saying this.

Later, Terada was driven back to the country and expelled from the Abe family.

Abe took his anger to Terada and did not help him take care of his home.

Terada has been serving the Abe family for several generations, and now he is older. If he leaves, his life in his later years will be very miserable.

Even Terada ended up like this, and Okawa didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"If you don't want to eat it, take it away."

Abe was upset and shouted sternly that he had not been to the Liaison Department in the past few days and was just lying at home.

The contact person already knew about Abe, and such a big matter could not be kept secret.

Some people gloated about his misfortune, some sympathized with him, and some people just ignored him and ignored him.

Some people even speculated whether Abe would resign and not stay in this sad place of China.

It's good and bad that Abe is gone, but at least he won't have so many wimps coming in.

The disadvantage is that it will be more troublesome for rich people to buy an official position, not as easy as before.

Okawa did not dare to persuade him any more and carefully left the room. Abe picked up the phone again, but quickly hung up the phone in disappointment.

Ishihara Hiroshi was not there. People from the trading company said that he had gone out and did not know where he went.

Chu Lingyun was in the battle group, listening to Ni Loach's report.

This is the first time he has come back since Abe's accident.

"Team leader, Jiang Tengkong is very good. He found Xiaoquan and Domoto. Currently, the Special High School Section is secretly investigating the cause of Domoto's death and the people he came to Shanghai to contact. In addition, they also found the flower stall owner and are looking for this person. "

Jiang Tengkong is really good, he found so many useful clues so quickly.

Domoto has appeared, this cannot be concealed.

However, no one knew that Domoto and Koizumi met him, and Abe would not suspect him.

It’s okay to have doubts.

If it doesn't work, let Abe go away. Killing him won't work for the time being, which will make Touman's impression of him worse. Before Touman died, it had a great effect on him.

"It doesn't matter, let him continue to investigate. This matter is strictly confidential."

Chu Lingyun replied, and Loach immediately accepted the order.

He understood that the team leader planned to swallow the gold privately, otherwise if Boss Dai found out, he would definitely order him to escort the gold back to Chongqing.

This is not a bit of gold, but tons of gold.

Ni Yao hopes that the team leader can keep this batch of gold, at least the team leader will use it to do practical things, and Boss Dai is purely doing it for himself.

"This is for you. Keep it for future use. Take another 50,000 yuan and distribute it to the brothers this time, so that they can keep their mouths shut."

Chu Lingyun gave Niyi a check for $50,000 from Citibank.

There is an American bank in Shanghai, but it has been taken over by the Japanese. The money cannot be exchanged until later.

The U.S. dollar is much stronger than legal tender. It is not appropriate to give him too much now. As long as you keep this check, it can be converted into money in the future, a lot of money.

Even if the legal currency continues to depreciate, it will not affect Loach's wealth.

"Thank you, team leader."

Loach accepted the check. As the deputy leader of the war situation team, he is no longer the little gangster he used to be.

The United States and Japan are at war, and the United States has not encountered a domestic war. The purchasing power of the U.S. dollar is still very good, at least much stronger than the British pound, the franc, and the German mark.

Especially the franc. The previous franc has basically become useless paper.

The pound sterling is not much better. It has continued to depreciate after the war. The best thing now is the US dollar and gold. Many rich people are also collecting US dollars and gold to protect their property from large-scale depreciation.

The team leader was generous. Not many people were needed to investigate Abe's case this time. They came together to share 50,000 yuan, and each person could get more than 2,000 yuan.

Loach used a total of more than 20 people to investigate the case. Those who investigated the case were investigated, and those who were not investigated will be filled in later.

For them, this is a huge fortune.

At the same time, it's hush money. If anyone dares to speak nonsense, even Boss Dai can't save his life.

Loach gives money to everyone, including Chengliu, and Chengliu is the most popular.

He didn't deduct a penny of the money.

There's no need. The check for fifty thousand dollars is in his arms, which is much more valuable than fifty thousand oceans. These people together don't have as much money as he does.

Everyone was warned and they knew what to do.

They are members of the war situation team and have been in Shanghai. No matter how big the headquarters staff are, they have little relationship with them.

They only recognized Chu Lingyun and Ni Loach in their eyes.

In Chongqing, Secretary Qi came to the office.

"Boss, Shark called and said that Abe in Shanghai lost a large amount of gold. Li Zhiqun suspected that the war situation team was responsible for this."

There is no one in the war situation team to report, but there is someone to report.

Li Zhiqun personally investigated secretly, but found nothing. This incident was very similar to the style of military commanders. He sent a telegram to ask to confirm whether the money had been taken away.

If it was shipped to Chongqing, it would be useless for him to check it, let alone get the money.

"Give me."

Boss Dai reached out and asked for the message.

The message did not include a detailed number, but it was stated that Abe had lost a batch of gold bricks, amounting to at least several hundred gold bricks.

A gold brick weighs twenty-five kilograms, four hundred taels, and one hundred gold bricks equals forty thousand taels of gold.

If it's a few hundred yuan, it may be hundreds of thousands of taels of gold. Boss Dai also knows Abe's money-making methods, and he has the ability to make that much money.

"Ask Chu Lingyun immediately if he has got the gold."

With so much gold, Boss Dai couldn't sit still. Secretary Qi didn't move, lowered his head and whispered: "Boss, there is no report from the war team."

Secretary Qi was reminding Boss Dai that since the war team had not reported it, no matter whether the gold was in their hands or not, they definitely had no intention of handing it over.

If I ask directly, will it affect the relationship between Boss Dai and Chu Lingyun?

If it were anyone else, including Wang Yuemin, they would just ask, but Chu Lingyun is not an ordinary person. If he is unwilling to hand over, it will be useless even if he breaks his face.

Boss Dai fell into deep thought and looked at the message again.

The war team did not report such a big matter, so it is very likely that the gold fell into Chu Lingyun's hands.

He didn't want to turn it in.

Boss Dai can understand that Chu Lingyun is also greedy for money, which can be seen by lending so many loan sharks. Who would be willing to hand over such a large sum of money for free?

But this is not just a point. It may exceed one hundred thousand taels of gold, or even hundreds of thousands of taels. No one can remain indifferent.

"Telegram and ask, be polite."

Finally, Boss Dai made up his mind and decided to ask. Chu Lingyun was not a solitary person. Let’s see what he said.

Boss Dai couldn't give up such a huge fortune.

Xie Zhenyuan saved his life when he gave him 200,000 yuan. This time it was gold. It would be surprising if Boss Dai could sit still.


Secretary Qi took the order and went out to deliver the report. He knew that Boss Dai couldn't let it go, but such money was not that easy to get.

Now is not the past. Chu Lingyun has grown up. If Chu Lingyun is pushed into a hurry, Boss Dai will find himself an enemy.

Still a very powerful enemy.

Secretary Qi made the message as tactful as possible. It was just a question and had no other meaning.

Loach got the message and frowned.

How did Boss Dai know about this? He had just given the warning. Is there a spy from Boss Dai inside?

If there was, he wouldn't be able to survive.

Loach did not dare to delay and immediately reported to the team leader with the telegram.

After Chu Lingyun read the message, he lowered his head and thought.

The message was sent by Secretary Qi, and it was indeed euphemistic, but he understood what Boss Dai meant. Seeing how fat the meat was, he wanted to take a bite.

Chu Lingyun was weighing the pros and cons.

Boss Dai can't live for a few more years. He will definitely die. After his death, his huge wealth will become fat in the mouths of others. Chu Lingyun has no intention of letting go of this money.

When the time comes, he will go up and take a bite, and he will bite off the biggest piece.

You can give him some benefits now, and you can get them all back later, and you can get more back.

But this gold cannot be given to him.

Chu Lingyun will use other things to satisfy his appetite.

After a while, Chu Lingyun personally wrote a message and admitted that the gold was in his hands, but it would be used in Shanghai. He gave Boss Dai an additional five thousand boxes of sulfa as compensation.

The price of sulfonamide is not low, and this batch of sulfonamide can be sold for a high price.

And there is no need for Boss Dai to pay. If this mouthful of meat still cannot satisfy him, there is nothing Chu Lingyun can do.

Even if they fall out, the gold cannot be given to him.

Ni Loach expressed his suspicion. It was possible that an insider leaked the secret. However, Chu Lingyun knew that this matter could not be hidden. It was normal for Boss Dai to know that it was such a big fuss.

Loach can investigate secretly, but he must choose to trust his own people.

"Boss, Chu Lingyun admits that the gold is in his hands. This is my reply to you."

Secretary Qi came to Boss Dai's office with the message. Chu Lingyun also knew Boss Dai and knew that he wanted this batch of gold.

Chu Lingyun didn't want to give up the gold and made compensation elsewhere.

For Boss Dai, as long as it is beneficial.

After reading the message, Boss Dai nodded with satisfaction.

The value of sulfonamide is not low. Now the price has dropped slightly, and it is now about ten dollars a box, and the retail price is higher.

One box of sulfonamide is one thousand dollars, five thousand boxes is half a million dollars.

Although it can't compare with the price of that batch of gold, Boss Dai still got a bite of fat, and it was for nothing.

"Very good, Ling Yun did a beautiful job."

Boss Dai burned the message. He wouldn't keep such a message. Would he keep it as evidence of his corruption and bribery?

"Boss, what's the reply from Shark?" Secretary Qi asked.

"Li Zhiqun is greedy for money and deliberately wants to take advantage of this batch of gold. Tell him that the gold has arrived in Chongqing and tell him not to think about it."

Boss Dai waved his hand and spoke softly. He had received such great benefits, so naturally he wanted to help Chu Lingyun cover up and prevent Li Zhiqun from continuing to covet the gold.

Secretary Qi nodded slightly and went out to call Shark back.

Shanghai, safe house, Li Zhiqun’s eyebrows jumped when he received the reply.

Sure enough, it was the military commander who did it. Did he transport the gold back to Chongqing so quickly?

Li Zhiqun estimated that if the gold had not arrived in Chongqing, it must be on the way. He didn't know where it was, and he couldn't intercept it on the way.

It's a pity that such a large sum of money was wasted in vain.

In Abe's hands, he couldn't think of anything wrong, and he didn't dare to, but when it came into the hands of military commanders, he dared to snatch it.

Unfortunately, fate played tricks on people, and this fortune was destined to miss him.

Li Zhiqun sighed, turned off the radio, and carefully left the safe house.

Since he was suspended from work, he would be honest this time and go back to Jiang Tengkong to admit his mistake and resume work as soon as possible. The money that should be made must still be made. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Outside the city, Alchemist Yi led people to a mountain pass.

Feng Yong came to pick it up in person. They had a radio. The boss ordered them to hand over the goods to the person with the boss's token and then return to Chongqing immediately.

They will receive huge rewards in Chongqing, 10,000 yuan each.

This much money is enough for their family to become small landowners and they will not have to worry about life in the future.

"Boss Wang?"

"Boss Li?"

Feng Yong and Fang Shiyi shook hands, both wearing masks and identifying themselves with tokens.

The token is a simple card that has been cut out.

After the two met, they were in perfect harmony.

Feng Yong said nothing and ordered people to move the things over. The gold was all in the box. He had not been able to eat well and sleep well these days, and now he finally wanted to give away the gold.

It's not practical to have so much money around.

Fang Shiyi picked up all the boxes, carried them into the car, took them back to the city and stored them in the vault. Abe's gold was robbed. Who would have thought that their boss would do it?

But if you do this well, Abe should be taught a lesson for such a greedy person.

Abe lay on the bed and lost a lot of weight.

People who met him a few days ago probably didn't dare to recognize him when they saw him again. Chu Lingyun was persuading him to eat. Under Chu Lingyun's persuasion, Abe finally ate some.

If you don't eat people anymore, you will be useless.

Chu Lingyun had no sympathy for Abe.

When he was serving in the army in the Northeast, he had a lot of Chinese blood on his hands. If this incident had knocked Abe down or even killed him, Chu Lingyun would have applauded him.

"Junior brother, is there still no news?"

Abe drank some porridge and looked at Chu Lingyun pitifully. Of course there was news. The gold had arrived in his treasury. He would not tell Abe this.


Chu Lingyun sighed and shook his head, while Abe's eyes dimmed and he lowered his head.

Ishihara Hiroshi couldn't help him find the gold, and there was almost no hope of getting the gold back.

So many days have passed, who knows where the gold is now.

China is so big, he can't search them all, which means those golden little cuties will leave him forever.

Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his heart again.

No one can understand the miser's thoughts, but even if he was not a miser, he would probably want to die after losing such a large amount of money, let alone Abe.

"Senior brother, you don't only have this money, you have a lot of money in the country, not to mention you are the head of the Liaison Department. You will come back after losing all your money. If you cheer up, you can still make so much money."

Chu Lingyun advised that he really hoped that Abe would continue to make money, and he would rob him again later.

The premise is that Abe does not take the money back home.

So what if we rob him? If we save for a few years, Japan will surrender. If we try to rob him then, who dares to say anything, and who can say anything?

"You do not understand."

Abe shook his head weakly, and Chu Lingyun continued to persuade: "I don't understand, but I know that leaving the green mountains without worrying about having no firewood to burn, you have worn down your body like this. I put it harshly, you will not be able to go back, home Who will benefit from the money?"

Abe has money, not just from China.

There are also some in China, but it’s a pity that he can’t get them in China, otherwise they would all be snatched up by him.

If Abe knew what Chu Lingyun was thinking, he would probably strangle him to death even if he didn't have the strength anymore.

"I know, I will pay attention. Junior brother, do you have anyone to operate? The more, the better?"

I don't know if Chu Lingyun's words woke him up, but Abe actually asked for business. It seemed that he wanted to make more money and really wanted to make up for what he had lost.

"Not yet, I don't have that much money."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, and Abe said hurriedly: "Don't you still have two division commanders to operate? Let me say, you can operate a few more, twenty is not too much. Besides, you make so much money from smuggling and grain. Why keep it? Why not use it to improve them? The higher their level, the greater your power and the more money you can make."

Abe went crazy and asked Chu Lingyun to become the leader of the division for money.

A division commander can bring him the highest benefits. He wants to get all the money he lost from Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Senior brother, it's not what you said. The literary club has a literary club system."

Chu Lingyun didn't say much. It was impossible for Abe to do anything without telling him through the literary club members.

He patched it. If members dared to do this, they would get bullets instead of contribution points.

If anyone dares to fail to report and act privately for the sake of contribution, he will be severely punished.

I haven't said it before, there is no punishment for Chu Lingyun, but now there are new rules added, no one dares to do this.

Otherwise, death is certain.

"I understand, it works as much as it needs to. Nurse, help me up."

When Okawa heard what he said, surprise appeared on his face, and he looked at Chu Lingyun very gratefully. Fortunately, Ishihara Hiroshi was there and finally persuaded the master.

As long as the master can get back on his feet, she is willing to do whatever he asks her to do.

Abe really wanted to start working again, but since he couldn't get the money back, he had to make up for it elsewhere. After eating for two days in a row and recovering a little, Abe immediately returned to the Liaison Department.

After arriving there, Abe immediately called the director of the Supervision Department over.

In the following time, the Liaison Department was in bad luck.

The Ministry of Supervision conducted a strict investigation and eliminated a group of people. Abe showed no mercy to all those who committed crimes, even those who had previously bought official positions from him.

If you find a problem, deal with it immediately.

He is not selfless, but thinks that the money is gone, and the previous help was too much. If these people are removed, other people will have to give him more money if they want to take over.

Not only the Liaison Department, but also the puppet government was involved.

By December, more than 300 people had been disposed of by Abe. For the positions they vacated, Abe offered a higher price to the one who paid the most.

He was really crazy and wanted to use this method to make up for the lost money.

Chu Lingyun didn't care about him, as long as he didn't transport the money back to the country.

Abe didn't trust the people around him this time, and actually entrusted Hiroshi Ishihara to keep it for him. He had his own little Jiujiu in his heart, so he asked Hiroshi Ishihara to save it for him first, and he would transport it back to his country immediately after a while.

Even if Ishihara Hiroshi is robbed, it will be Ishihara Hiroshi's responsibility, and he will have to compensate him when the time comes. Once he loses his, there will be nothing.

Besides, he sends a batch of gold back home every few months and will not give those nasty thieves another chance.

Chu Lingyun was amazed, finally knowing how powerful Abe was at making money.

The gold bars were cast into gold bricks by Abe himself, and he seemed to have a special liking for gold bricks.

The gold bricks had the emblem of the Abe family on them, and then Abe personally watched them delivered to Ishihara Trading Company, and left a signed note with Toru Ishihara, so that if something went wrong, Ishihara Toru would not be able to pay the debt.

His idea is indeed very good, but it's a pity that he entrusted it to someone else.

After the gold bricks were sent, Chu Lingyun asked Ni Loach to investigate where Abe's gold bricks were cast.

If it's banknotes, he doesn't have a template and can't fake them, but if it's gold bricks, there are plenty of ways to do it.

Abe is so interesting, Chu Lingyun cannot let him down.

"Team leader, I found out that he is a Japanese craftsman, but Abe is very strict with him. He is locked up in the liaison department and is not allowed to have contact with outsiders."

The goldsmith found it. In fact, Chu Lingyun could also forge such a logo.

He was worried that Abe would set up a secret mark so that no one could see it except a true goldsmith.

"Abe is guarding me."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Is it useful to guard against him? Being locked up in the Liaison Department, is there nothing he can do?

Now he is not in a hurry. Abe will not ship a batch of gold bricks back to China until March. Not only does he have to fake them, but he also has to make the shape and weight match.

The outermost layer must be made of real gold.

As for whether Abe would discover it, Chu Lingyun was not worried.

So what if he discovered it? How could he prove that this batch of gold was not sent by him?

The procedures are complete, but Chu Lingyun will not admit it.

What's more, he is about to become a Chinese. With Chinese status, if he gets engaged to the princess, Abe will have to bear the disadvantage of being dumb.

"Team leader, the Liaison Department is not a dragon's den. We can control his family and ask the goldsmith to take out the template, or make a new one."

Loach smiled and said, Abe is really interesting. Being robbed once was not enough, but now he took the initiative to deliver the gold to the thief.

Now, the better, the harder Abe works, the more the team leader will earn, without even having to grab it.

I'll make the arrangements, you don't have to worry about this. "

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. The goldsmith is Japanese and his family is in Japan. It is difficult for them to make loach.

Chu Lingyun has a way to do what they can't do.

Touman gave him over a thousand Japanese ronin, who were now completely loyal to him.

However, for the sake of safety, Chu Lingyun did not plan to let them do this to avoid being discovered by Tou Man.

Takemoto is the most suitable candidate.

Let Takemoto return to the country, control the goldsmith's family, and then threaten him.

The goldsmith was not Abe's confidant, nor had he ever followed Abe.

He would not let his whole family be buried with him for Abe's sake.


Loach understood that the team leader wanted to use people from Hiroshi Ishihara's side.

It is true that the people over there are more suitable for this matter. Team leader Ishihara Hiroshi also has many close friends. They are all Japanese, so it is more convenient to do it.


Takemoto came to Ishihara Trading Company and stood in front of Chu Lingyun.

"Abe sent his money to me."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, Takemoto was slightly startled, and then laughed.

He knows everything best. Abe sent money to Hiroshi Ishihara on purpose. It's not too clever.

"His newly minted gold bricks have the family emblem on them. I'm worried that there is a secret mark on them. You go back to the country, find the gold minter's family, take photos and bring them back, and use them to threaten him."

"Yes, don't worry, I will return to China soon. It is the end of the year, so I will go back to report on my work."

Takemoto immediately agreed, and he was very happy to steal Abe's money. This time Ishihara Toru gave him a lot of contribution points. Although he couldn't give it explicitly, he could make up for it in other places.

With these, he can later be promoted to lieutenant general.

There is absolutely no problem in becoming a division commander in the future.

"Very good, go ahead and get ready. How about Hangzhou?"

Chu Lingyun asked suddenly. Jiang Tengkong had found out about Hangzhou and was secretly investigating the cause of Tang Ben's death. Maybe Jiang Tengkong could really find out about him.

"Don't worry, I understand the Commander of the Hangzhou Gendarmerie. He is not very courageous and would never dare to betray you. There are no other insiders, but you can include him in the literary society. He expressed his intention to join the literary society last time."

Takemoto understood what Ishihara Hiroshi was asking and immediately assured him.

"Yes, but not now. It's too conspicuous now. Let's talk about it later. You tell him that I can accumulate contribution points for him according to the current level, and I will do it this time."

Chu Lingyun agreed. The commander of the military police already had real power, and it would not hurt him to be recruited into the literary society.

The commander of the Hangzhou Military Police followed him, and it was difficult for Jiang Tengkong to find out the real reason.

Unless he dares to attack the Major General Commander.

"Okay, I'll send someone to inform him."

Takemoto smiled and said, you can't make a phone call about this matter. It's not safe to send a telegram. It's best to send someone to talk about it.

All he needs to do is send his absolute confidant and bring his secret message.

"Go ahead."

Takemoto can do things well, but he is not as smooth as Shun Cheng, nor as steady as Shimakura.

A bit law-abiding, but Ishihara Hiroshi's orders have always been implemented most thoroughly.

Takemoto left happily. This time he controlled the goldsmith's family and he could get a lot of contribution points.

There is also the possibility of recruiting the Commander of the Hangzhou Gendarmerie to join the literary society, and he will also make a contribution.

Abe was amassing money crazily. He didn't know that he was like an old cow, working hard and not willing to eat or wear. He cast all the gold into gold bricks and gave them to others.

Chu Lingyun had already made preparations. When the template was obtained, he would cast gold bricks exactly like Abe's. Then the civet cat would be replaced by the prince, and Abe would be asked to bring a bunch of fake gold bricks back home.

Time passed slowly, and it was New Year's Day in a blink of an eye.

42 years have passed and it’s another new year.

The cruel year of 1943 has begun. Japan will suffer more setbacks this year. Likewise, the people in the country will also suffer more hardships.

There are many places where Chu Lingyun can't help. Now he can only take care of a few places around him.

"Ishihara-kun, we have taken down the food markets in several nearby cities."

Shuicheng Jun specially returned to Shanghai to report to Chu Lingyun.

With Abe working so hard, how could Chu Lingyun not bear to take care of his senior brother's business? Taking advantage of the New Year to make some money, Shuicheng Jun arranged for some members of the literary club to rob the local food business.

With the grain business in his hands, the poor people can survive.

Shiyuan Trading Company has always maintained stability. Coarse grains are cheap and fine grains are expensive. As a result, Shiyuan Trading Company makes more money, and poor people benefit from it and can buy enough coarse grains to survive.

"Very good, tell them that if they have contributed enough, they can make their demands."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Abe would do anything for money now. He was so red-eyed.

There are already people in China who are dissatisfied with him, but he is in Shanghai and has his own help to take care of him, so no one dares to target him yet.

As time goes by, someone will definitely attack him.

Before that, he must make good use of this free labor so that he can continue to make money. The more he makes, the more inventory he will have.


Shuicheng Jun said happily, he is now a colonel and has accumulated a lot of contribution points this time.

Immediately he would be promoted to major general and then to brigade commander.

His starting point was low. Shimakura and Takemoto were both lieutenants at the beginning. He was just a major and a teacher in the school, so he could not hold the same position as the two of them.

However, his promotion is not slow and he will definitely be promoted to major general this year.

Then he will also sprint towards the position of division leader.

Chu Lingyun sent Abe a lot of gold bars, and Abe was very happy. He now runs to Shiyuan Trading Company very frequently.

You must go there every three days at the latest.

He didn't need to see Ishihara Hiroshi, but he also wanted to see his little cutie. The other thing was the security of the treasury. He noticed that there were 60 guards in the treasury, and there were garrison guards outside. There were four guard posts alone. He put it down. A lot of heart.

Here, whoever wants to take away his gold silently is not a human being at all.

This is not something humans can do.

What's more, there is Ishihara Hiroshi's inventory in the vault, and his gold is placed in a separate small vault.

Abe finally regained some fighting spirit, and his number of gold bricks was also growing rapidly.

He became more and more courageous. If he wanted to keep his position, he had to give him money. If he didn't give it, he would find a way to deal with it. He killed so many people and sold his position at a high price. In just over a month, he brought him two hundred Gold brick.

I have to say that when the miser goes crazy, it is extremely scary.

In the past few years, Abe had only saved more than 500 yuan, and now he had earned nearly half of it in such a short period of time. Abe's ability to make money was indeed great.

Chu Lingyun admired him for making money faster than Shiyuan Trading Company.

Even better than pharmaceutical companies.

The more money you make, the more hidden dangers you have.

Who doesn't have friends and relatives? This time Abe was cruel, so many people in the liaison department complained.

None of these Japanese officials are related to each other. In the past, Abe only operated in the vacant position and offended not many people. This time, in order to make money, he took the initiative and made enemies all over the world.

Just two days ago, he was assassinated. Fortunately, the new guard was very capable and saved his life.

All Abe's bodyguards were replaced, this time by retainers.

He could no longer believe his subordinates in the army.

In the special high school class, Ishida came to report to Jiang Tengkong. During this period, he had been investigating Domoto. Domoto's death was very strange, and his previous whereabouts were even more mysterious.

No one knew why he suddenly came to Shanghai from Hangzhou. Ishida went to the Hangzhou Military Police Headquarters, but the commander there said that he didn't know why Domoto went to Shanghai.

In Hangzhou, Ishida investigated the people who visited Domoto again. He originally thought that the thieves had instigated Domoto's rebellion in Hangzhou first, but found that Domoto's whereabouts in Hangzhou were normal.

There were no strangers around him.

Ishida's investigation reached a deadlock. He did not expect that the military police commander would lie to him. It was his appointment that Domoto went to Shanghai.

He helped Ishihara Hiroshi make great achievements this time and has been secretly absorbed into the literary society. He will have better development in the future. Not to mention Ishida, even if Tuhara comes in person, he will keep it a secret.

He was the commander of the military police, with a higher rank and status than Jiang Tengkong. Ishida could only ask but could not say anything more.

The investigation in Hangzhou yielded no results, so Ishida returned to Shanghai to expand the scope of the investigation.

"Section Chief, I found out that Domoto and Koizumi once met at the Hongsheng Hotel. The Hongsheng Hotel has changed its owner. No one knows where the previous owner has gone. Even the original waiters have disappeared."

This was his latest investigation result. He asked many people and finally determined that Koizumi and Domoto had been to Hongsheng Hotel.

But everyone before Hongsheng Hotel disappeared without a trace. No matter how he checked, he could not find the whereabouts of those people.

The new person who took over said that the original boss had made a fortune and returned to his hometown, but his hometown was in Guotong District, and Ishida would come back to report immediately.

"Section Chief, I want to send someone to Guotong District to check. I think the owner of Hongsheng Hotel must know something."

"It's possible, but not necessary."

Jiang Tengkong shook his head. They have agents who are proficient in Chinese and have Chinese identity. If they are sent there, they will definitely find out the truth.

The whole thing is very similar to the style of the war situation team. It is very likely that the person Domoto and Xiaoquan met at the Hongsheng Hotel was Chu Lingyun or Zhao San.

If that's the case, there's no need for them to continue investigating.

"Do you want to tell the Chinese people and see how they react?"

Ishida asked in a low voice. Jiang Tengkong glanced at him and understood what he was thinking.

This incident must have been done by the military commander. The more detailed they investigate, the more clues they will have, and they will be able to prove their capabilities to the Chinese.

He was the same at the beginning, he always wanted to win against Chu Lingyun, but unfortunately he failed.

"Okay, let's see what they say and then make a decision."

Jiang Tengkong agreed. In fact, telling Chu Lingyun was equivalent to secretly telling the Chinese that we can find out your details.

In the war situation team, Loach brought Rose's latest message.

"Yes, we actually found Hongsheng Hotel."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Jiang Tengkong was indeed powerful, and Ishida was not weak in ability. They found the right direction of investigation and determined that the military commander had done this.

Unfortunately, they still guessed wrong.

The owner of Hongsheng Hotel didn't go back to his hometown at all, and they couldn't find anything if they went to check.

"Let them continue to investigate. If you don't let them investigate, they will think they are doing the right thing and it will be easy for them to raise their tails."

Chu Lingyun replied, and Loach also smiled. The military commander was involved in this incident, but the person who actually implemented it was not the military commander.

Jiang Tengkong wanted to check, so he asked him to check.

Ni Yao hopes that Jiang Tengkong will find out the truth. The team leader can't help Tuyuan, but Jiang Tengkong is in Shanghai. It depends on whether Jiang Tengkong has the courage to offend Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Do you agree that we can continue the investigation?"

After receiving the reply from Ishida, Jiang Tengkong frowned. Chu Lingyun was too confident. Do you really think he couldn't find out?

You know, once he finds out, he will definitely report it.

"Section Chief, since the Chinese have agreed, I will immediately send someone to investigate."

Ishida said softly, Jiang Tengkong hesitated for a few seconds, and then agreed: "Okay, just find the owner of Hongsheng Hotel and ask for the details."


Ishida took the order and left. He believed that he would be able to find out the truth this time. At least he would know who met Domoto and Koizumi at the Hongsheng Hotel and find out their identities.


Takemoto is back, and the goldsmith's family has been controlled by him. Abe acted as a back-up, letting people monitor the goldsmith's family.

Abe only sent one person, and Takemoto found him easily. It was impossible for one person to monitor him 24 hours a day. Takemoto took advantage of him to attack the goldsmith's family while he was sleeping.

Takemoto didn't do anything to them. He just asked them to write words that were detrimental to the emperor and important people, and then recorded the video and took photos.

Takemoto had no idea of ​​Bushido in his heart. There was only one person he believed in, Ishihara Toru.

With these handles, the goldsmith had no choice but to follow.

If they dare not obey, Takemoto can kill them at any time even if there is no handle.

"It's done."

Takemoto told the truth about what he did in Japan. He did many things himself without involving others.

He understood the importance of confidentiality.

"Things are going well. I have figured out Saito's situation. He is in the liaison department and is not allowed to go out. However, I have people in the liaison department who will cooperate with you when the time comes. Go in and get his template and figure out all the secret notes."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Takemoto was a commander, so it was a bit fussy to do such a thing.

However, Takemoto himself is willing to do things for Toru Ishihara, especially such confidential and important matters, which further proves his position in Ishihara Toru's heart.

Now he is the real number one person around Ishihara Hiroshi.

Many confidential matters were left to Ishihara Hiroshi to him.

Likewise, he knows Ishihara Hiroshi’s most secrets.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Takemoto immediately responded that he was not surprised by Ishihara Hiroshi's actions, let alone resented him.

No one knows better than him how Ishihara Hiroshi developed. Some people don’t understand. Let’s speak for Ishihara Hiroshi, especially those poor people.

They had no idea that Hiroshi Ishihara's hands were covered in blood.

Because Ishihara Hiroshi killed countless people, many of whom he personally executed. From the outside, Ishihara Hiroshi and Abe had such a good relationship that they wore a pair of pants. Who would have known that Ishihara Hiroshi took half of Abe's life?

Now they have to trade Abe's gold again. Abe has accomplished nothing in recent years and has only helped Ishihara Hiroshi make money.

Fundamentally speaking, Ishihara Hiroshi and Tou Mitsuru are indeed the same type of people. They will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. In their eyes, everyone only has role and benefit.

This is the best. As long as he can show his worth, he will definitely be able to prosper with Ishihara Hiroshi, and maybe he can take over Tian Junroku's position in the future.

The reason is very simple. Ishihara Hiroshi himself is not in the military and political circles. He needs his own spokesperson to control greater power.

Takemoto is very active now.

Chu Lingyun was relieved to leave the matter to Takemoto.

After all, Takemoto had been the intelligence director for a period of time, and this time he was not targeting agents. It was more than enough to deal with a goldsmith.

On January 9th, Chu Lingyun was reading the newspaper in the office.

There are a lot of extra issues published today.

Japan officially handed over the concession to Wang Chuhai's puppet government. It seems that Wang Chuhai's dog is still satisfactory to the Japanese.

Handover or not, it will not have much impact on the Japanese.

After the handover, control was still in the hands of the Japanese. Wang Chuanhai could only get a name. Even so, it made him extremely happy and said many things that made Chu Lingyun feel numb.

But this is a good thing. Although control is in the hands of the Japanese, it at least belongs to China in name.

Two days later, Britain and the United States made a decision to give up their special powers in China and abolish consular jurisdiction.

The damn consular jurisdiction was finally gone, and Chu Lingyun hated this the most.

It is really annoying that foreigners commit crimes in their own country but do not have the power to judge them.

However, Chu Lingyun knew very well that to make iron, you still need to be strong. So what if it was abolished? The master has spoken, does the servant dare to say anything?

The Red Party is now rotten to the core and there is no cure. The only thing that can make China stand upright is the Red Party.

As for those slaves who worship foreign countries and are even bribed by foreigners, who say all day long that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than in China and that foreign countries are better everywhere is not included in this list.

There are now and there will be again in the future.

It is a good thing to abolish consular jurisdiction. Chu Lingyun specially drank a few drinks.

"Ishihara-kun, you guessed it right. There is indeed a secret message. There is only one template. Saito couldn't give it to me, but he told me where the secret message is. Who can make such a template."

Takemoto came back to resume his duties. Saito was not from Abe and was under house arrest by Abe. He had long complained.

Takemoto guaranteed his family's safety and would give his family a sum of money, and he confessed everything.

"Very well, let's make one right away."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He was not surprised that there were secret messages. Abe was very careful and didn't trust anyone, including him. He made three secret messages.

If he did not know and rashly forged it, these secret signs would allow Abe to see that he had changed the package.

Now that we know the situation of his secret memory and can make exactly the same template, unless Abe recasts the gold immediately after returning, the problem will not be discovered.

The possibility of recasting is unlikely. He just cast it and placed a secret mark, so he won't recast it so easily.

Chu Lingyun smiled and accepted Abe's gold brick.


Takemoto takes the lead, but Abe is very pitiful. He worked hard to make money and offended so many people, but in the end, all the money was made for Toru Ishihara.

But this is better. The richer Ishihara Hiroshi is, the better his future development will be.

Ishihara Hiroshi has always been willing to spend money for them.

The new template was quickly prepared, and it was a little troublesome to create fakes with exactly the same weight, but this was not a problem for the Chinese with their exquisite craftsmanship.

They can make gold bricks that are the same weight, have a layer of real gold on the outside, and have the same logo and secret message.

No one can see anything unusual with the naked eye.

The manufacturing cost of such fake gold is not low, but compared to the price of real gold, they are much cheaper.

With the grinding tools, Chu Lingyun immediately started to cast more gold bricks than Abe.

Anyway, Abe is still making money, so he will exchange one piece for another, just to test whether he can tell whether it is true or false.

On the 16th, Chu Lingyun came to Youzhai Literary Society.

Today is the day for the regular gathering of Youzhai Literary Club. Almost all the members who can come in Shanghai have come. Everyone sits together, talks, and increases feelings while communicating.

"The waste of the Navy actually quit Guadalcanal, damn it."

Yamashita said angrily, mentioning the navy here is just a scolding, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, regardless of whether the navy is good or bad.

If you do good things, you will be scolded, and if you are bad, you will be scolded even more harshly.

Japan has been fighting with the United States on Guadalcanal for several months, and recently it finally couldn't hold on any longer. Both the navy and the army suffered considerable losses on Guadalcanal.

The navy suffered the most severe losses.

Without enough warships, they could not control the American navy, and Guadalcanal was too far away from their homeland. After discussion, the base camp decided to give up.

The empire cannot be allowed to suffer too much loss there.

After all, it is more beneficial for the Americans to stay away from the mainland. They want to concentrate their efforts to block the US Navy from the South China Sea.

Then use Nanyang's resources to quickly build more warships and train more soldiers to defeat the U.S. Navy.

After hearing these remarks, Chu Lingyun only gave one evaluation.

Naive idea.

If you have resources and can build warships, the United States will stop moving forward?

Don't Japan's top leaders understand that in terms of industrial capabilities, they are no match for the United States, and the United States can beat them by a wide margin?

A small island country, living in fantasy every day.

Thinking about their history, it seems like this has always been the case.

If China were not at its weakest at this time, they would have been beaten to pieces. Before, China did not pay attention to overseas countries, and its navigation technology was underdeveloped, otherwise Japan would not be able to thrive.

It's not like they haven't been beaten in the Ming Dynasty.

"Ishihara-kun is right, the navy mistaken me."

Miyamoto sighed. Saijo gambled on the fate of the country and went to war with the United States in advance, but the navy failed to live up to their expectations and failed to achieve their strategic goals.

Now that the United States is getting stronger and stronger in the Pacific, they are a bit unable to keep up.

In the long run, it will be really dangerous.

The bad news doesn't stop there. Germany, its ally, is also having trouble in Russia. They failed to defeat Russia. Now that Russia has launched a counterattack, Germany's own situation is not good.

And Italy, what is that called in North Africa?

Even their allies can't stand it.

"We should not have started a war with the United States in the first place. If we had concentrated our forces, defeated the Guo army, completely occupied China, and eliminated China's resistance, and then used all our strength to deal with the United States, victory would definitely belong to the empire."

Yamashita sighed. He had a good strategic vision and this was indeed the best way.

Some people have had this understanding a long time ago.

It's a pity that they were not the ones to call the shots, so they started the war rashly, and now Japan has suffered the bitter consequences.

Chu Lingyun said nothing and let them complain.

Everyone is criticizing the navy. The navy is fighting hard, and the army is yelling at them. If they do well, they will be scolded, and if they don't, they will be scolded even more fiercely. This is also unique.

Anyway, anything the Navy does is not a good thing in the eyes of the Army.

With him around, these people were very active and dared to say anything. Chu Lingyun recorded all their words.

They are all army officers and can represent the ideas of Japanese officers in China and prepare for the future.

In the Liaison Department, Abe has finished his day's work.

He took all his guards and drove to Shiyuan Trading Company.

He got ten more gold bricks in the past few days.

When Abe enters the treasury, he must check it the same way. He likes this the most, treating everyone equally and not giving anyone an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Or is Ishihara Hiroshi’s vault safe enough? Why didn’t he put those gold bricks here before?

His heart ached at the thought.

Entering his exclusive small vault, Abe immediately counted the gold bricks on the shelf, then looked at the logo carefully, and looked at a few places where he had deliberately placed them crookedly.

Fortunately, no one touched it.

Ishihara Hiroshi is very loyal, and this small treasury is completely allowed to him.

If Ishihara Hiroshi was not rich, had status and status, and had an unusual relationship with him, he would not dare to put his gold bricks here.

But it must be shipped back to the country next month, and it’s not okay to put too much.

He takes these things too seriously and doesn't trust anyone. Money moves people's hearts. The reason Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't move is because he has money. If the benefits are enough, Ishihara Hiroshi will also be moved.

So he won't put too much.

The inspection was correct, and Abe admired his little cuties with peace of mind, and finally left reluctantly.

If it weren't for the unsafety at home, he wouldn't be willing to put his baby here.

While in the vault, he kept thinking to himself about these gold bricks, and he would soon send them back to Japan and put them in a safer place.

"Boss, Abe left and nothing unusual was found."

Fang Shiyi came to the office and reported with a smile.

Every time Abe came to them, they knew exactly how many gold bricks he had placed and how long he stayed there. Everything was recorded clearly.

Every time he did something inside, Chu Lingyun knew it.

As soon as he comes, Fang Shiyi will secretly observe through the secret compartment. Abe has no idea that everything he does inside can be seen clearly.

"It seems he didn't notice."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Half of the gold bricks had been replaced by him, and the real and fake ones were mixed together.

Abe didn't notice it. He turned around and switched all the bags, but he couldn't find it either.

As for the pieces he deliberately placed crookedly, Chu Lingyun knew it clearly.

He thinks he is smart, but he is actually a clown.

"Definitely not."

Alchemist Yi smiled, while Chu Lingyun said softly: "Go and send a report to your hometown. Give them two thousand gold bars first, and let them think of ways to increase transportation capacity and buy more goods. I will think of ways to deal with arms."

Once the gold bricks are obtained, Chu Lingyun will not let them go and will definitely use them.

The original gold bricks could not be taken out. These gold bricks had been recast into gold bars by Chu Lingyun. Two thousand gold bars were only fifty gold bricks.

The reason why I didn't give away so much is because my hometown is not so short of money now. The main reason is that it is difficult for them to spend money when they have it. In addition, I have provided them with a lot of supplies in the past few years, which has made them earn a lot.

But just having money is useless, what my hometown lacks is supplies.

Weapons and ammunition, food and cloth, everything is in short supply.

Chu Lingyun had no way to provide them with these things directly. Even if the smuggled goods were smuggled, comrades from the Red Party paid for them.

Now that they have more money, they can open more transportation routes, buy horse-drawn carriages, and transport more goods to their hometown.

It is estimated that these gold bars will be back in his hands soon.


Alchemist Yi accepted the order. Sure enough, the boss would think of his hometown when he had money. He sent a lot of gold bars last time, but it couldn't be compared with this time.

If Secretary Wang comes to collect gold bars, he will definitely be shocked by so many gold bars.

After following Hiroshi Ishihara, Fang Shiyi saved a lot of money.

It's a pity that he has no place to spend money, and Secretary Wang doesn't want it, otherwise he can give it to the organization this time.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong received the secret telegram No. 11.

After reading the telegram, Mr. Ke was very happy. Chu Lingyun had always cared about his hometown and continued to provide them with various supplies. Thanks to Chu Lingyun's help over the years.

This time another two thousand gold bars will be sent.

For them, this is a huge amount of money. They buy more medicines and weapons to make the soldiers in the base live a better life.

The goods given to them by Ishihara Trading Company have not yet arrived, but it is conceivable that they will definitely have a good year this time.

Ke Gongze was a little worried about how to withdraw the money.

Secretary Wang was asked to pick it up last time, mainly because the quantity was not large, and there was a reason to tell the past. If he was asked to pick it up again this time, I'm afraid he would suspect Ishihara Hiroshi's identity.

Who in the world can get so many gold bars at one time?

Besides, Abe just lost a batch of gold bricks. If this batch of gold is known to others, it may bring trouble to Chu Lingyun.

After hesitating for a while, Mr. Ke decided to send someone to get it.

This time, Secretary Wang is not allowed to participate. If they don't know about it, there won't be any hidden dangers.

Who is sent to receive the money?

Ke Gong was in trouble again.

This is not a little money, but two thousand gold bars, a huge fortune.

It’s not like there have been some people in the Red Party who took advantage of the money and ran away. This kind of thing must never happen again.

No matter who this task is given to, it will be a test for him.

After thinking for a while, Ke Gong decided to go to Shanghai in person.

It would be no problem for him to go, and he would have a meeting with the organization in Shanghai, and then meet Chu Lingyun.

They haven't seen each other since their last meeting.

Working behind enemy lines, they were not allowed to meet frequently.

In the special high school class, Ishida looked at the two subordinates in front of him and frowned.

They were sent to the hometown of the original owner of Hongsheng Hotel to investigate their situation, but they came back and said that no one was found when they arrived.

The elites sent by Ishida will not come back just after asking. Since they said they didn't find it, the owner of Hongsheng Hotel must not have gone back.

You didn’t go back to your hometown, where did you go?

Was he silenced by the military commanders?

This may be possible, but he always feels that Chu Lingyun is not such a cruel person and would not do this.

The investigation once again stalled.

If he couldn't find anyone, he couldn't determine who met Domoto and Koizumi there, but he could be sure that Domoto and Koizumi must have met someone else.

Otherwise, there was no need for the owner of Hongsheng Hotel to leave, and it was such a coincidence that he left.

This case is really not that easy to investigate. It seems that every step they can find has been arranged by the other party to make it impossible for them to investigate further.

The strangest thing is the cause of Domoto's death.

Hangzhou should not deceive him. No matter how powerful the Chinese are, can they still bribe the Hangzhou military police commander?

Thinking of this, Ishida's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

If, he is assuming.

If Hangzhou was really cheating, then Tang Ben could have died anywhere. Unfortunately, Tang Ben’s body was cremated by the Hangzhou Military Police Headquarters, and there were no photos.

The commander of the military police cannot be bribed by the Chinese. If he is related to the Chinese, he will not kill so many people in Hangzhou.

Not long ago, they also arrested a group of people, suspecting that they were related to the Fruit Party and the Red Party, and went on a killing spree.

But what if it wasn’t the Chinese who did it this time?

At the beginning, he entered into a misunderstanding and concluded that this incident was done by the military commander. The style was indeed very similar, but it was difficult for the military commander to be so seamless.

Especially the commander of the Hangzhou Military Police. No matter how much money he spends, he cannot help the Chinese.

Not to mention such a large batch of gold.

If it’s not Chinese, then it was done by the Japanese?

The commander of the military police in Hangzhou, he was the one who set his sights on Abe's gold, and then asked Domoto to cooperate, instigated a rebellion against Koizumi, and got the handle of Kamino. Then he sent people to loot Abe's treasury, blow up Koizumi and kill Domoto to silence him.

At present, he is a serious suspect.

If it was really him and they found out the truth, they could make great achievements this time. Ishida asked his men to leave and quickly came to Jiang Tengkong's office.

"Section Chief, I think we were wrong from the beginning. This was not done by the Chinese, but by the Japanese."

Ishida reported, and Jiang Tengkong raised his head.

"My guess is this..."

Ishida expressed his guess. It is now certain that there is a problem between Koizumi and Kamino, and Koizumi met Domoto beforehand. The person who can really control Domoto is Yuji Komiya, commander of the Hangzhou Military Police.

If Komiya Yuji moved his hand, everything can be explained.

Tang Ben came to Shanghai under his secret order, and he might even be there himself, as he led someone to steal Abe's gold.

Could the dignified military police commander be so crazy?

The answer is yes. Think about Matsumoto. He even dared to assassinate the then commander-in-chief of the dispatch army. What else could they not dare to do?

"Section Chief, I suggest that a detailed investigation be conducted on Yuji Komiya. Maybe we can find this batch of gold on him."

After finishing speaking, Ishida made his own suggestion.

If the Chinese were not responsible, they would investigate this case carefully and in detail, and then they would be able to give Tuyuan an explanation and stabilize Jiang Tengkong's position as section chief.

"What you said makes sense, but you can't go to this case, let Shui Jin go."

Jiang Tengkong nodded slowly. If it was really Xiaogong's fault, he must be very vigilant now. Ishida also went to Hangzhou on purpose. If he goes again, he is likely to be watched by Xiaogong.

After doing such a big thing, he knew that if he was discovered, he would be dead, and he would probably attack Ishida.

He cannot let Ishita take risks.

"That's okay. After Shui Jin was dismissed, he always wanted to reinstate the official. He will investigate carefully."

Ishida responded that he didn't value credit, the main thing was that this matter could bring great benefits to Jiang Tengkong.

Going to Shuijin can prevent him from being in danger.

Ishida understood that Jiang Tengkong was not trying to grab credit, but was really thinking about him.

"Don't tell anyone about this. I'll say I figured it out and let him go."

Jiang Tengkong warned that if Ishida had thought of it first and it was inappropriate not to let Ishida go, Tuyuan would not have agreed.

"I see."

Ishida responded. After he left, Jiang Tengkong quickly called Shuijin to the office.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

Shui Jin asked carefully. He was also investigating cases recently, but the things he investigated were limited.

"I sent Ishida to check for a clue. He didn't find it, but his investigation results gave me a new idea. I want you to check it."

Shui Jin was startled, and then he was ecstatic: "Chief, just ask."

Sure enough, the section chief still trusted him more, thought of a new idea, and immediately asked him to check it out.

The section chief's idea is definitely right.

Jiang Tengkong relayed Ishida's report to Shuijin, who kept nodding.

"Section Chief, you are right. Komiya is under serious suspicion. He may have done this. I didn't expect him to be so bold as to touch Abe's things."

Jiang Tengkong's analysis is very reasonable. It is impossible for the Chinese to make Xiaogong so cooperative.

If Xiaogong did everything, it can be explained.

"There are still some doubts here. You should go to Hangzhou first and investigate the doubts clearly."

Jiang Tengkong pointed out the direction of investigation to Shuijin.

First of all, with so much gold shipped to Hangzhou, Xiao Gong must have a place to store it. However, after so much time, it may have been cast into something else by him, or it may have been sent back to the country.

Shuijin mainly investigated whether two trucks arrived in Hangzhou after the incident. This was not the focus. Xiaogong might have changed the means of transportation and would not have allowed these two trucks to drive into Hangzhou in a big way.

Ishida had previously investigated the truck, but unfortunately could not find it.

It would be surprising if they could find it. The truck had been buried by Feng Yong. No one knew where it was unless he said it.

The focus of the investigation is whether there is anything unusual about Xiao Gong during this period, and whether his subordinates have been promoted. In addition, the investigation is to investigate the wealth of the people around Xiao Gong.

A very large chapter of 16,000 words, including a supplementary chapter. Thanks to Shu Hai Ya Ya Hui Hui Wu Shore for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to book friend 110518133522726 for the reward of 200 starting coins.

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